gramatica limbii engleze 1

1. MORFOLOGIA (THE MORPHOLOGY) (gr. morphe = formă, logos = studiu) Morfologia este partea gramaticii care cuprinde regulile de modificare a cuvintelor în procesul comunicării. Ea studiază părţile de vorbire sub aspect formal, semantic şi funcţional. Părţile de vorbire sunt: 1. Articolul (The Article) 2. Substantivul (The Noun) 3. Adjectivul (The Adjective) 4. Pronumele (The Pronoun) 5. Numeralul (The Numeral) 6. Verbul (The Verb) 7. Adverbul (The Adverb) 8. Prepoziţia (The Preposition) 9. Conjuncţia (The Conjunction) 10. Interjecţia (The Interjection) 1.1. ARTICOLUL (THE ARTICLE) Este un instrument gramatical care individualizează sau determină un substantiv. Prezenţa lui dovedeşte că substantivul pe care-l însoţeşte este deja cunoscut de interlocutor. 1.1.1. ARTICOLUL HOTĂRÂT (THE DEFINITE ARTICLE) este the - pronunţat [ \] - înaintea cuvintelor care încep cu o consoană sau semi- consoană the ball [ \ bO-l] the window [ \ `wind\u ] - pronunţat [ I/ i] - în faţa cuvintelor care încep cu o vocală the eye [ i ai] the apple [ i `Epl] singular: plural: the girl [ \ g|l] = fata the girls [ \ g|lz]= fetele the boy [ \ Boi] = băiatul the boys [ \ Boiz] = băieţii the tree [ \ trI] = copacul the trees [ \ trIz] = copacii the cat [ \ kEt] = pisica the cats [ \ kEts]= pisicile Articolul hotărât apare într-un mare număr de expresii: on the one side/hand = pe de o parte on the other side/hand = pe de altă parte at the same time = în acelaşi timp etc Articolul hotărât plasat în faţa unor adjective dă acestora sensul unor substantive la numărul plural: adj. rich = bogat-bogată, bogaţi-bogate the rich = cei bogaţi - cele bogate adj. poor = sărac-săracă, săraci-sărace the poor = cei săraci - cele sărace 1

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    (gr. morphe = form, logos = studiu)Morfologia este partea gramaticii care cuprinde regulile de modificare a

    cuvintelor n procesul comunicrii. Ea studiaz prile de vorbire sub aspect formal, semantic i funcional.

    Prile de vorbire sunt:

    1. Articolul (The Article)2. Substantivul (The Noun)3. Adjectivul (The Adjective)4. Pronumele (The

    Pronoun)5. Numeralul (The Numeral)6. Verbul (The Verb)7. Adverbul (The Adverb)8. Prepoziia (The

    Preposition)9. Conjuncia (The Conjunction) 10. Interjecia (The Interjection)

    1.1. ARTICOLUL (THE ARTICLE)Este un instrument gramatical care individualizeaz sau determin un

    substantiv. Prezena lui dovedete c substantivul pe care-l nsoete este deja cunoscut de interlocutor.


    este the - pronunat [\] - naintea cuvintelor care ncep cu o consoan sau semi-

    consoanthe ball [ \ bO-l] the window [\ `wind\u ]- pronunat [I/i] - n faa cuvintelor care ncep cu o vocalthe eye [i ai]the apple [i `Epl]

    singular: plural:the girl [\ g|l] = fata the girls [\ g|lz]= fetelethe boy [\ Boi] = biatul the boys [\ Boiz] = bieiithe tree [\ trI] = copacul the trees [\ trIz] = copaciithe cat [\ kEt] = pisica the cats [\ kEts]= pisicile

    Articolul hotrt apare ntr-un mare numr de expresii:on the one side/hand = pe de o parte on the other side/hand = pe de alt parte at the same time = n acelai timp etc

    Articolul hotrt plasat n faa unor adjective d acestora sensul unor substantive la numrul plural:adj. rich = bogat-bogat, bogai-bogate the rich = cei bogai - cele bogateadj. poor = srac-srac, sraci-srace the poor = cei sraci - cele srace


  • Articolul hotrt apare la gradul superlativ relativ al adjectivelor:the best = cel mai bun, cea mai bun, cei mai buni, cele mai bunethe least = cel mai puin, cea mai puin, cei mai puini, cele mai puinethe biggest = cel mai mare, cea mai mare, cei mai mari, cele mai marithe most interesting = cel mai interesant, cea mai interesant, cei mai interesani, cele mai interesante etc

    Articolul hotrt apare i n structura the..., the... = cu ct..., cu att... (dou comparative juxtapuse)The earlier you come, the better it is. = Cu ct vii/venii mai devreme cu att e mai bine.The more we are, the easier it is.= Cu ct suntem mai muli, cu att este mai uor.The more interesting the book is, the more I like it. = Cu ct cartea este mai interesant, cu att mi place mai mult.

    Articolul hotrt se intercaleaz de regul ntre un substantiv precedat de o prepoziie i prepoziia respectiv.a house in the forest = o cas n pdurea boat on the lake = o barc pe lacacross the road = peste drumat the end = la sfritat the door = la uin the end = n finalin the morning = dimineaain the village = n satin the shade = la umbr

    Articolul hotrt poate fi ntlnit n unele denumiri geografice:The Black Sea, The Danube, The Carpathians, The Alps, The Himalaya Mountains, The Thames, The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, The Commonwealth of Australia States and Territories, The United States of America, The Sahara Desert, The Atlantic Ocean, The Indian Ocean, The Pacific Ocean etc.

    Articolul hotrt nsoete, de obicei, substantivele cnd acestea sunt acompaniate/precedate de the first/second/third/etc. sentence = n prima/a doua/a treia/etc. propoziiein the course of time = n decursul timpului, de-a lungul timpuluiin the second half = n a doua jumtatein the days/months that followed = n zilele/lunile care au urmatMount Everest is the highest mountain in the world. = Muntele Everest este cel mai nalt munte din lume.

    Articolul hotrt the se mai traduce n limba romn prin articolele adjectivale cel, cea, cei, cele sau articolele posesive al, a, ai, ale.Alfred the Great = Alfred cel MareStephen the Great = tefan cel MareThe Second World War = Cel de al doilea rzboi mondial.



    este :- a [\] - naintea cuvintelor care ncep cu consoan sau semiconsoan:

    a dog [\ `dog]= un cine a wall [\ `wOl]= un zid/peretea flower [\ `flau\]= o floare a year [\ `ji\] = un an

    - an [\n] - naintea cuvintelor care ncep cu vocal:an apple [\n `Epl]= un mr an eye [\n `ai] = un ochian ear [\n `i\]= o ureche an idea [\n ai`di\]= o idee

    Articolul nehotrt introduce de obicei un element nou. El poate fi ntlnit :- n faa substantivelor nsoite/precedate de adjective :

    a good teacher = un profesor buna big house = o cas marea book of proverbs = o carte de proverbea house on fire = o cas n flcria little tea = puin/destul ceai

    - n unele structuri :a tobacconist's = o tutungeriea baker's = o brutriea greengrocer's = un aprozara blue - eyed girl = o fat cu ochi albatria confectioner's = o cofetriea jeweller's = un magazin de

    bijuteriia chemist 's = o farmaciea stationer's = o papetrieonce upon a time = a fost odata grocer' s = o bcnietwo/three at a time = cte doi/trei o dat

    Articolul nehotrt are n unele cazuri funcie numeric:a hundred = o suta thousand = o mietwo saucers and an ash-tray = dou farfurioare i o scrumier


    Articolul zero apare:a) n nume de continente, ri, persoane, zilele sptmnii etc.

    Exemple: Africa, Asia, America, Europe, England, France, Italy, Romania, Sunday, Alice, Bob, George, John, Mary, Peter, Richard, William etc.

    b) n faa subsantivelor folosite n sens general:Children like sweets. = Copiilor le plac dulciurile.Knowledge is power. = tiina nseamn putere.Oil is lighter than water. = Uleiul este mai uor dect apa.Boys like toys and lots of noise.= Bieilor le plac jucriile i mult zgomot.

    c) n faa subsantivelor nenumrabile (uncountables):Gold is yellow.= Aurul este galben.This house is made of wood.= Aceast cas este fcut din lemn.

    d) naintea substantivelor abstracte sau nume de materie: care, death, hatred, honesty, hunger, love, sand, salt, tea, water etc.Salt seasons all things. (prov.) = Sarea d gust tuturor lucrurilor.

    Multe substantive abstracte apar n proverbe.


  • Hunger is the best sauce. = Foamea este cel mai bun buctar.

    e) nume de: culori (white, black, yellow, red, green, brown, pink, violet, orange, blue, black), sporturi i jocuri sportive (football, volleyball, basketball, hockey, tennis etc.), limbi (English, Romanian, German, French etc.), mese (breakfast, snack, lunch, tea, dinner, supper).

    f) n unele expresii / structuri fixe, care trebuie memorate pentru evitarea greelilor.after dark = dup lsarea ntunericuluiafter three o'clock = dup ora treiafter dinner = dup cinday by day = zi de zidrop by drop = strop cu stropday after day = zi dup zi, zi de zifrom end to end = de la cap la capfrom first to last = de la primul la ultimulfrom place to place = din loc n locfrom time to time = din cnd n cndgood for food = comestibilgoods on sale = mrfuri/bunuri de vnzarein general = n generalto learn by heart = a nva pe de rostpiece by piece = bucat cu bucatJust in time = chiar la timp/moment

    to leave for school = a pleca la coalto keep in mind = a ine minteto be on duty = a fi de serviciuto go on foot = a merge pe jos to put in order = a pune n ordineto be in parliament = a fi n parlamentto go to bed = a merge la culcarefrom London = de la Londra to look for help/aid = a cuta ajutorto pay on demand = a plti la cererefrom morning to night = de dimineaa pn searafrom beginning to end = de la nceput la sfriton certain conditions = cu anumite condiii

    1.2. SUSBTANTIVUL (THE NOUN)Substantivul (lat.: substantivus; substans = substan; sub = sub/dedesubt,

    stans = aezat) este partea de vorbire care denumete fiine, obiecte, stri, noiuni, nsuiri etc.

    1.2.1. Clasificare - comune (Common Nouns)

    dog (cine), cat (pisic), bird (pasre), house (cas), apple (mr), girl (fat), boy (biat), water (ap).

    - proprii (Proper Nouns)John, Alice, Romania, London, Europe, Asia, July, Sunday, Great Britain etc.

    - abstracte (Abstract Nouns)friendship (prietenie), joy (bucurie), wisdom (nelepciune), safety ( siguran), theory (teorie), gratitude (recunotin) etc.

    - inidividuale (Individual Nouns)man (brbat), house (cas), stone (piatr), tree (copac) etc.

    - colective (Collective Nouns)team (echip), army (armat), family (familie), fleet (flot), crowd (mulime),


  • flock (stol), swarm (roi), group (grup) etc.- nume de materie (Names of Matter)

    water (ap), air (aer), fire (foc), beer (bere), milk (lapte), steel (oel), silver (argint), gold (aur), snow (zpad), wine (vin), tea (ceai), salt (sare) etc.

    1.2.2. Genul substantivelor (The Gender of the Nouns)

    masculin (masculine) feminin (feminine)(he = el) (she = ea)

    actor = actor actress = actribachelor = celibatar spinster = celibatarbarman = barman barmaid = barmani

    boy = biat girl = fatbridegroom =

    ginerebride = mireas

    brother = frate sister = sordad/daddy =

    tati/tticu mam/mammy = mami

    earl = conte countess = contesfather = tat mother = mam

    gentleman = domn gentlewoman = doamngod = zeu goddess = zei

    grandfather = grandpa = bunic

    grandmother = grandma = bunic

    hero = erou heroine = eroinhusband = so wife = soie

    king = rege queen = reginlad = flcu lass = fatlandlord = proprietar

    landlady = proprietreas

    man = brbat woman = femeiemaster = stpn mistress = stpnmonk = clugr nun = clugri

    nephew = nepot niece = nepoatpapa/daddy = tata mamma/mammy = mamapoliceman = poliist policewoman = poliist

    prince = prin princess = prinessalesman =

    vnztor saleswoman = vnztoare

    sir = domn madam = doamn son = fiu daughter = fiic

    tutor = tutore governess = guvernantuncle = unchi aunt = mtu

    neutru (neuter) comun (common)(it = el/ea) (he/she = el/ea)air = aer associate = asociat/asociat

    ball = minge architect = arhitect/arhitectbook = carte artist = artist/artistbox = cutie beginner =

    nceptor/nceptoarebread = pine author = autor/autoare


  • building = cldire child = copil/copilbus = autobuz buyer =

    cumprtor/cumprtoarecrocodile = crocodil client = client/client

    error = greeal companion = nsoitor/nsoitoare

    fish = pete cook = buctar/buctreasflag = drapel cousin = verior/verioarflute = flaut customer = client/client

    fork = furculi customs officer = vame/vame

    glory = glorie dancer = dansator/dansatoarehelicopter =

    elicopterdoctor = doctor/doctori

    honour = onoare dreamer = vistor/vistoarehouse = cas driver = ofer/oferiimpression =

    impresie dyer = vopsitor/vopsitoare

    indifference = indiferen

    economist = economist/economist

    kangaroo = cangur engineer = inginer/inginerland = pmnt examiner=examinator/examina

    toare legend = legend fighter = lupttor/lupttoare

    light = lumin friend = prieten/prietenmarch = mar guest = musafir/musafir

    medal = medalie interpreter = interpret/interpret

    microbe = microb journalist = jurnalist/jurnalist minaret = minaret owner = posesor/posesoaremonkey = maimu painter = pictor/pictorimouse = oarece parent = printe

    mushroom = ciuperc

    masculin (masculine)

    feminin (feminine)

    (he = el) (she = ea)boy friend = prieten girl friend = prietenbrother - in - law =

    cumnatsister - in - law = cumnat

    bull = taur cow = vaccock = coco hen = gindog = cine bitch = cea

    drake = roi duck = rafather - in - law =

    socrumother - in - law = soacr

    fisherman = pescar - fox = vulpoi vixen = vulpe

    gipsy/gypsy = igan gipsy/gypsy woman =


  • igancgrandson = nepot granddaughter = nepoat

    horse = cal mare = iaphost = gazd hostess = gazd

    lion = leu lioness = leoaiclord = domn lady = doamn

    man-servant = servitor

    maid - servant = servitoare

    Mr. = domnul Miss/Mrs. = domnioara/doamna

    negro = negru negress = negresox = bou cow = vac

    peasant = ran peasant woman = rancpirate = pirat -

    postman = pota -schoolboy = colar schoolgirl = colri

    soldier = soldat -son - in - law =

    ginere daughter - in - law = nor

    steward = stevard stewardess = stevardestom cat = pisoi pussy cat = pisicturkey cock =

    curcan turkey hen = curc

    usher = plasator usherette = plasatoarewaiter = chelner waitress = chelnerineutru (neuter) comun (common)

    (it = el/ea) (he/she = el/ea)net = plas photographer =

    fotograf/fotografnovel = roman physician = doctor/doctori

    number = numr physicist = fizician/fizicianoccupation =

    ocupaie passenger =

    pasager/pasagerocean = ocean manager =

    manager/manager, director/direc- toare

    oil = ulei philosopher = filozofpage = pagin physiologist = fiziologpanic = panic pilot = pilotpart = parte player = juctor/juctoarepear = par playwright = dramaturg

    petal = petal printer = tipograf/tipografpiano = pian prisoner = prizonier/prizonierpig = porc purchaser = cumprtor/

    cumprtoarepot = oal supporter =

    suporter/suporterroot = rdcin reader = cititor/cititoare

    scorpion = scorpion reporter = reporter/reportershark = rechin rival = rival/rival


  • sparrow = vrabie scholar = nvat/nvatsphere = sfer scientist = savant/savantstage = scen smoker = fumtor/fumtoare

    stick = b spectator = spectator/spectatoare

    sun = soare spouse = so/soietea = ceai successor =

    succesor/succesoaretelephone = telefon superintendent =

    supraveghetor/ supraveghetoare

    etc. theorist = teoretician/teoretician

    weaver = estor/estoarewelder = sudor/sudori

    worker = muncitor/muncitoarewriter = scriitor/scriitoare

    1.2.3. Pluralul substantivelor1.2.3.1. Pluralul regulat al substantivelor

    Se formeaz prin adugarea literei - books = carte - cri

    Litera s semn al pluralului substantivelor , al persoanei a III-a singular a verbelor i al genitivului saxon/sintetic al substantivelor, se citete:

    [ s ] - cnd este precedat de consoane nesonore/surdebook - books = carte - crito speak - he speaks = a vorbi - el vorbetethe economist's pen] = stiloul economistului

    [ z ] - cnd este precedat de o consoan sonorchair - chairs = scaun - scauneto receive - he receives = a primi - el primetethe girl's flowers =florile fetei ;

    [ iz ] - cnd este precedat de s, z, ch, sh sau consoane uiertoare/sibilante;bench - benches = banc - bncibus - buses = autobuz - autobuzefox - foxes = vulpoi - vulpoiGeorge' s books = crile lui George to teach - he teaches = a preda/explica - el pred/explic to wash - he washes = a (se) spla - el se spal

    Unele substantive terminate n y, precedat de consoan primesc s la plural, dar pe y l transform n ie. baby - babies = copila - copilaibeauty - beauties = frumusee - frumusei city - cities = ora - orae etc.

    Substantivele terminate n y formeaz pluralul prin simpla adugare la sfritul lor a literei s dac n faa lui y se afl o vocal :boy - boys = biat biei day - days = zi - zile


  • play - plays = pies - piese toy - toys = jucrie - jucrii etcSubstantivele care se termin n f sau ff formeaz pluralul prin adugarea

    lui s :chief - chiefs = ef - eficliff - cliffs = stnc - stncigrief - griefs = suprare/mhnire - suprri/mhniri

    Dar iat i excepii:calf - calves = viel - vieihalf - halves = jumtate - jumtiknife - knives = cuit - cuiteleaf - leaves = frunz - frunzelife - lives = via - viei

    loaf - loaves = franzel - franzeleshelf - shelves = raft - rafturithief - thieves = ho - hoiwife - wives = soie - soiiwolf - wolves = lup - lupi

    Substantivele terminate n o formeaz pluralul astfel:a) - unele adaug terminaia es :

    hero - heroes = erou - eroimosquito - mosquitoes = nar - narinegro - negroes = negru - negripotato - potatoes = cartof - cartofi

    tomato - tomatoes = tomat - tomatevolcano - volcanoes = vulcan - vulcani

    b) - altele adaug doar litera s :casino - casinos = cazino - cazinouricuckoo - cuckoos = cuc - cuciembryo - embryos = embrion- embrioni kangaroo - kangaroos = cangur -

    canguri piano - pianos = pian - pianeradio - radios = radio - radiouriphoto - photos = fotografie - fotografiistudio - studios = studio - studiouri Pluralul neregulat al substantivelor

    businessman - businessmen = om / oameni de afacerichild - children = copil - copiidie - dice = zar - zaruriEnglishman - Englishmen = englez - englezifireman - firemen = pompier - pompieri fisherman - fishermen = pescar - pescarifoot - feet = lab - labegentleman - gentlemen = domn - domni

    gentlewoman - gentlewomen = doamn - doamnegoose - geese = gsc - gte louse - lice = pduche - pduchiman - men = brbat - brbaimouse - mice = oarece - oarecipostman - postmen = posta - postaisportsman - sportsmen = sportiv - sportivitooth - teeth = dinte/msea - dini/msele woman - women = femeie - femei Plurale strineGreceti:

    analysis - analyses = analiz - analizeaxis - axes = ax - axebasis - bases = baz - baze

    crisis - crises = criz - crizediagnosis - diagnoses = diagnostic - diagnostice metropolis - metropolises =


  • metropol - metropolesphinx - sphinxes = sfinx - sfinci

    octopus - octopuses/octopi = caracati - caracatie

    Latineti:agendum - agenda = agend - agendealga - algae = alg - alge aquarium / aquariums = acvariu - acvarii bacillus - bacilli = bacil - bacilicandelabrum - candelabra = candelabru - candelabre

    erratum - errata = erat - erategymnasium - gymnasiums = gimnaziu- gimnaziimausoleum - mausoleums = mausoleu - mausoleestimulus - stimuli = stimul - stimuli stratum - strata = strat - straturi Plurale asimilate n limba englez

    arena - arenas = aren - arenecircus - circuses = circ - circuridilemma - dilemmas = dilem - dilemediploma - diplomas = diplom - diplomedrama - dramas = dram - drame genius - geniuses = geniu - geniiidea - ideas = idee - ideiminus - minuses = minus - minusuriopera - operas = oper - opere umbrella - umbrellas = umbrel - umbrele


  • Pluralul substantivelor compuse

    blackboard - blackboards = tabl - tablemotel - motels = motel - moteluri mother - in - law - mothers - in - law = soacr - soacrepasser - by - passers - by = pieton - pietonison - in - law - sons - in - law = ginere - gineri


  • Pluralul fraciilor zecimaleone quarter - three quarters = un sfert - trei sferturione third - two thirds = o treime - dou treimione fifth - two fifths = o cincime - dou cincimione seventh - two sevenths = o eptime - dou eptimi Pluralul unor abrevieriMember of Parliament (M.P.) - Members of Parliament (M.P.s) = membru al parlamentului, membri ai parlamentuluiMountain (Mt. ) - Mountains (Mts) = munte - muniPost - Office (P.O.) - Post - Offices (P.O.s) = oficiu potal - oficii potale. Substantive numai cu form de pluralspectacles = glasses = ochelari, trousers = pantaloni, clothes = haine, scissors = foarfeci Substantive numai cu form de singularadvice = sfat, equipment = echipament/utilaj, furniture = mobil, information = informaie/informaii, knowledge = cunotine, news = tiri, money = bani Substantive cu aceeai form pentru singular i pluralsheep = oaie - oi, fish = pete - peti, deer = cprioar - cprioare,Portughese = portughez - portughezi, Chinese = chinez - chinezi

    1.2.4. Cazurile substantivelor (The Cases of the Nouns)Cazul este categoria gramatical prin care se exprim raporturi sintactice

    ntre cuvinte prin modificarea formelor acestora. Cazul nominativ (The Nominative Case) Este cazul subiectului i rspunde la ntrebrile: who ? = cine ? , what ? = = ce?The boy is playing in the garden. = Biatul se joac n grdin.Who is playing in the garden? = Cine se joac n grdin ?I saw John. - Who saw John? - I did. = Eu l-am vzut pe John. - Cine l-a vzut pe John? - Eu.The book is on the table. - What is on the table? - The book is. = Cartea este pe mas. - Ce este pe mas ? - Cartea.Alice and Gabi are in the street. - Who is/are in the street ? - Alice and Gabi are. = Alice i Gabi sunt pe strad. - Cine este pe strad? - Alice i Gabi. Cazul vocativ (The Vocative Case)Este cazul adresrii sau al chemrii.

    George, will you help me ? = George, vrei s m ajui ?Come here, my boy ! = Vino aici, fiule ! Cazul genitiv (The Genitive Case) Este cazul atributului i rspunde la ntrebrile: whose ? = al cui ?, a

    cui ?, ai cui?, ale cui ?, which ?= care ?, which of ?= care dintre ?, what ?= ce/care ?


  • Cazul genitiv este de patru feluri: a) saxon/sinteticb) prepoziional/analiticc) dublud) implicit/aglutinant Genitivul saxon/sintetic (The Saxon Genitive or the Possesive Case)

    Se formeaz la singular cu ' (apostrof) plus litera s i se ntrebuineaz cu substantive masculine i feminine.all Shakespeare's plays = toate piesele lui ShakespeareJohn Major's diplomacy = diplomaia lui John Majorthe boy's friend = prietenul biatuluithis man's gift = talentul acestui om

    La plural sau dac posesorul se termin n s se adaug doar apostroful.the boys' friend = prietenul bieilorthe children's ball = mingea copiilorthe boys' ball = mingea bieilorDickens' novels = romanele lui Dickens

    Genitivul saxon se mai folosete i n unele structuri cum ar fi:A Midsummer Night's Dream = Visul unei nopi de varat a stone's throw = la o distan de o aruncare de piatrat Shakespeare's = la Shakespeare acasthe night's coolness = rcoarea nopiithe house of my sister's husband = casa soului sorei melethe sun's heat = cldura soareluithe sea's roar = vuietul mriito go to the barber's = a merge la frizerieto his heart's content = pe pofta inimii luitoday's news = tirile de azi without a moment's rest = fr o clip de odihna talk of ten minutes = a ten minutes' talk = o discuie de zece minutea two miles' walk = a walk of two miles = o plimbare de dou mileEngland's football team = echipa de fotbal a AnglieiI must go to Mr. Brown's house. = Trebuie s merg la domnul Brown acasto be at one's wit's/ wits' end = a fi n ncurctur, a fi la captul puterilor Genitivul prepoziional/analitic (The Prepositional/Analitical Genitive)

    Se formeaz cu prepoziia of i se folosete cu substantive de toate genurile.the smell of the flower/flowers = mirosul florii/florilorthe friend of the boy = the boy's friend = prietenul biatuluithe friends of the boys = the boys' friends = prietenii bieilorthe friend of the boys = the boys' friend = prietenul bieilorthe friends of the boy = the boy's friends = prietenii biatuluisome books of my friend = nite cri ale prietenului meua friend of mine/yours/his/hers = un prieten al meu/tu/lui/eia friend of ours/yours/theirs = un prieten al nostru/vostru/lora brother of my friend = un frate al prietenului meua book of my sister = o carte a sorei mele


  • one of my good friends = unul din bunii mei prietenione of my best friends = unul din cei mai buni prieteni ai meithis interesting book of Helen's = aceast carte interesant a Eleneia dancing couple = a couple that/which is dancing = un cuplu care danseaza burning house = a house that is burning = o cas care ardea sleeping dog = a dog that/which is sleeping = un cine care doarmethe boy between John and Nick = the boy who is between John and Nick = = biatul dintre John i Nick = biatul care este ntre John i Nick.the man in the street = omul de pe strad, omul de rnd, omul obinuita boy of eleven (years) = un biat de unsprezece ania man with grey hair = un om cu pr cruntthe girl with glasses = fata cu ochelarithe girl wearing glasses = fata care poart ochelarimy friend's friend = prietenul prietenului meumy friends' friend = prietenul prietenilor meimy friend's friends = prietenii prietenului meumy friends' friends = prietenii prietenilor mei a walk of ten minutes = a ten minute walk = o plimbare de zece minuteour walk of ten minutes = our ten minute walk = plimbarea noastr de zece minutea drive of ten miles = a ten mile drive = o plimbare de zece mile cu maina a journey of two days = a two day journey = o cltorie de dou zilemy holiday of two weeks = my two week holiday = vacana mea de dou sptmni Genitivul dublu (Group Possesive)my friend's birthday/ the birthday of my friend = ziua de natere a prietenului meuher sister, Alice's blue eyes = ochii albatri ai sorei sale, Alicehis son-in-law's birthday = ziua de natere a ginerelui su/luimy friend, Tom's birthday = ziua de natere a prietenului meu, Tomsomeone else's birthday = ziua de natere a altcuivathat boy's friend's book = cartea prietenului biatului aceluia = cartea prietenului acelui biat. Genitivul implicit/aglutinant (The Implicit Genitive)The United Nations Organisation = Organizaia Naiunilor UniteStudents Organisation = Organizaia studenilorignition timing = reglarea aprinderiia heart disease = o boal de inim Cazul dativ (The Dative Case)Cazul dativ este cazul complementului indirect i rspunde la ntrebrile:

    to whom ? = who(m)... to? = cui? for whom ? = who(m)... for ? = pentru cine ?, to what ...? = what ... to ? = la ce ? etc.I give Alice two books. = I give two books to Alice. = Eu i dau lui Alice dou cri. = Eu i dau dou cri lui Alice.To whom do I give two books ? = Who(m) do I give two books to ? = Cui dau eu dou cri ?Everybody is working for him. = Toi lucreaz pentru el.


  • For whom is everybody working ? = Pentru cine lucreaz toi ?Who(m) is everybody working for ? = Pentru cine lucreaz toi ?I am referring to John. = Eu m refer la John.Who(m) am I referring to ? = To whom am I referring ? = La cine m refer eu? dativ acuzativ acuzativ dativI have brought John a book. = I have brought a book to John.I-am adus lui John o carte. = I-am adus o carte lui John.

    Din exemplul de mai sus se observ c, atunci cnd n propoziie acuzativul (compl. direct) st naintea dativului (compl. indirect), se folosete obligatoriu particula to .

    Alte exemple:I offered my wife some flowers. = I offered some flowers to my wife = I-am oferit soiei mele nite flori. = I-am oferit nite flori soiei mele.The book belongs to me. = Cartea mi aparine mie.The book does not belong to me .= Cartea nu-mi aparine mie.Does the book belong to me ? = mi aparine mie cartea ?To whom does the book belong ? = Who(m) does the book belong to ? = Cui i aparine cartea ?He forgives us our mistake. = El ne iart nou greeala noastr.His coming is a mystery to me. = Venirea lui este un mister pentru mine. The advantage is obvious to them. = Avantajul le este evident.What relation are you to this boy ? = Ce rud eti tu cu acest biat ?This computer is superior to other computers. = Acest calculator este superior altor calculatoare.The matter is open to discussion.= Chestiunea este deschis discuiei.Give my friend that book, please ! = Give that book to my friend, please ! = D-i prietenului meu cartea aceea, te rog !I am going to write to my friend. = Am de gnd s-i scriu prietenului meu.Do not be cruel to animals ! = Nu fi crud fa de animale !You must not be blind to his mistakes. = Nu trebuie s fii orb fa de greelile lui.His uncle gave him a present. = Unchiul su / lui i-a dat un cadou. Cazul acuzativ (The Accusative Case)

    Este cazul complementului direct i rspunde la ntrebrile whom ? = pe cine ?, what ? = ce ?I see the boy every day. = l vd pe biat n fiecare zi.Whom do I see every day ? = Pe cine vd eu n fiecare zi ?You see the book on the table. = Tu vezi cartea pe mas.What do you see on the table ? = Ce vezi tu pe mas ?My sister is looking for a book. = Sora mea caut o carte.What is my sister looking for ? = Ce caut sora mea ?

    1.2.5. Declinarea substantivelor (The Declension of the Nouns) Trecerea unui substantiv (sau pronume) prin toate cazurile la numrul

    singular i la numrul plural poart numele de declinare. Declinarea cu articol nehotrt a unui substantiv masculin i a

    unui substantiv feminin


  • Declinarea substantivelor cu articol hotrt singular plural

    N. the boy = biatul the boys = bieiithe girl = fata the girls = fetele

    G. of the boy = the boy's = al, a, ai, ale biatului

    of the boys = the boys' = al, a, ai, ale bieilor

    of the girl = the girl's = al, a, ai, ale fetei

    of the girls = the girls' = al, a, ai, ale fetelor

    D. (to) the boy = biatului (to) the boys = bieilor(to) the girl = fetei (to) the girls = fetelor

    A. the boy = biatul the boys = bieiithe girl = fata the girls = fetele

    V. - - Declinarea substantivelor neutre

    singular pluralN.

    a boy = un biat boys = biei

    a girl = o fat girls = feteG.

    of a boy = a boy's = al, a , ai, ale unui biat

    of boys = boys' = al, a, ai, ale, unor biei, de biei

    of a girl = a girl's = al, a, ai, ale unei fete

    of girls = girls' = al, a , ai, ale, unor fete, de fete


    (to) a boy = unui biat (to) boys = unor biei

    (to) a girl = unei fete (to) girls = unor feteA.

    a boy = un biat boys = biei

    a girl = o fat girls = feteV.

    boy ! = biete !, biatule !girl ! = fat !

    boys ! = biei!girls ! = fetelor !


  • n limba englez adjectivele stau naintea substantivelor sau dup verbul to be i nu se acord n gen, numr i caz cu substantivele pe care le determin. The interesting book is on the table. = Cartea interesant este pe mas.

    1.3.1. Clasificarea adjectivelor

    1. calitative (of Quality / Descriptive)2. posesive (Possessive)3. interogativ - relative

    (Interrogative-Relative)4. demonstrative (Demonstrative)5. cantitativ/nehotrte (Quantitative-Indefinite) Adjective calitative (Adjectives of Quality)clever = detept, deteapt, detepi, deteptea clever boy = un biat detept a clever girl = o fat deteaptclever boys = biei detepi clever girls = fete detepteinteresting = interesant, interesant, interesani, interesantegood = bun, bun, buni, bune etc. Adjective posesive (Possessive Adjectives)my = meu, mea, mei, meleyour = tu, ta, ti, talehis = lui, su, sa, si, sale, dnsuluiher = ei, su, sa, si, sale, dnseiits = lui/ei, su/sa, si/saleour = nostru, noastr, notri,

    noastreyour = vostru, voastr, votri, voastre, dumneavoastrtheir = lor, dnilor, dnselor, dumnealor

    my friend = prietenul meu my friends = prietenii meiyour friend = prietenul tu your friends = prietenii tihis friend = prietenul lui/dnsului his friends = prietenii lui/dnsuluiher friend = prietenul ei/dnsei her friends = prietenii ei/dnseiits friend = prietenul lui/ei its friends = prietenii lui/eiour friend = prietenul nostru our friends = prietenii notriyour friend = prietenul vostru/dv. your friends = prietenii votri/dv.their friend = prietenul lor/dnilor their friends = prietenii lor/dnilor Adjective interogativ-relative (Interrogative-Relative Adjectives) Interogativewhich = care ?, pe care ?

    which boy ? = care (al ctelea) biat ? (which boys ? = care (ai ctelea) biei?)which girl ? = care (a cta) fat? (which girls ? = care (ale ctelea) fete ?)which house ? = care (a cta) cas ? (which houses ? = care (ale ctelea) case?)which tree ?= care (al ctelea) copac? (which trees? = care (ai ctelea) copaci ?)

    which of ? = care dintre ? (selectiv) which of the boys?= care dintre biei?which of the girls ? = care dintre fete ?


  • which of the houses ? = care dintre case ?which of the trees ? = care dintre copaci ?

    what ? = ce ?, care ?what boy ? = ce/care biat ? what boys ? = ce/care biei ?what girl ? = ce/care fat ? what girls ? = ce/care fete ?what house ? = ce/care cas ? what houses ? = ce/care case ?what tree ? = ce/care copac ? what trees ? = ce/care copaci ?

    what kind/sort of ? = ce fel de ? what kind of boy ? = ce fel de biat ? (what kind of boys ? = ce fel de biei?)what kind of girl ? = ce fel de fat ? (what kind of girls ? = ce fel de fete ?)what kind of house? = ce fel de cas? (what kind of houses? = ce fel de case ?)what kind of tree? = ce fel de copac? (what kind of trees ? = ce fel de copaci ?

    whose ? = al, a, ai, ale cui ? whose boy ? = al cui biat ? whose boys ? = ai cui biei ?whose girl ? = a cui fat ? whose girls ? = ale cui fete ?whose house ? = a cui cas ? whose houses ? = ale cui case ?whose tree ? = al cui copac ? whose trees ? = ai cui copaci ? Relativewho = care ; the boy who knows you = biatul care te cunoatewhose = al , a, ai, ale crui/crei/cror

    the boy whose father ... = biatul al crui tat ... the boy whose mother ... = biatul a crui mam ...the boy whose parents ... = biatul ai crui prini ... the girl whose parents ... = fata ai crei prini the boys whose father ... = bieii al cror tat ... the boys whose mother ... = bieii a cror mam ...the boys whose fathers ... = bieii ai cror tai the boys whose parents ... = bieii ai cror prini the girl whose mother ... = fata a crei mam ... the girl whose father ... = fata al crei tat ...the girls whose mother ... = fetele a cror mam the girls whose father ... = fetele al cror tat the girls whose parents ... = fetele ai cror prini the girls whose mothers ... = fetele ale cror mame the girls whose fathers ... = fetele ai cror tai the house whose colour ... = casa a crei culoare the house whose roof ... = casa al crei acoperi the houses whose colour ... = casele a cror culoare the houses whose roof ... = casele al cror acoperi the houses whose colours ... = casele ale cror culori the houses whose roofs ... = casele ale cror acoperiuri the tree whose leaf ... = copacul a crui frunz the tree whose leaves ... = copacul ale crui frunze the trees whose leaves ... = copacii ale cror frunze The boy, whose book is on the table, is my brother. = Biatul, a crui carte este pe mas, este fratele meu.


  • The playwright, whose play is Hamlet, is Shakespeare. = Dramaturgul, a crui pies este Hamlet, este Shakespeare.

    to whom = cruia, creia, crorathe boy to whom you recommend the book = biatul cruia i recomanzi carteathe girl to whom you recommend a book = fata creia i recomanzi o cartethe boys to whom you recommend a book = bieii crora le recomanzi o cartethe girls to whom you recommend a book = fetele crora le recomanzi o carte

    whom = pe carethe boy whom you see = biatul pe care l vezi the girl whom you see = fata pe care o vezithe boys whom you see = bieii pe care i vezithe girls whom you see = fetele pe care le vezi

    that/which = care, pe carethe colour that/which you like = culoarea care i place

    which of [wit~ ov] = care dintre , cui dintreHe knows which of us lives here. = El tie care dintre noi locuiete aici.

    what [wot] = ce/ct/care Tell him what answer to give. = Spune-i ce rspuns s dea.Tell me what time it is. = Spune-mi ct e ceasul .I know what book you like. = tiu ce/care carte i place.

    what kind/sort of = ce fel deI know what kind/sort of man he is. = tiu ce fel de om este el. Adjective demonstrative (Demonstrative Adjectives)

    this = acest, acesta ; aceast, aceasta this boy = acest biat, biatul acestathis girl = aceast fat, fata aceastathis tree = acest copac, copacul acestathis book = aceast carte, cartea aceasta

    these = aceti, acetia ; aceste, acestea these boys = aceti biei, bieii acetiathese girls = aceste fete, fetele acesteathese trees = aceti copaci, copacii acetiathese books = aceste cri, crile acestea

    that = acel, acela ; acea, aceea that boy = acel biat, biatul acela

    that girl = acea fat, fata aceea

    that tree = acel copac, copacul acelathat book = acea carte, cartea aceea


  • those = acei, aceia; acele, acelea those boys = acei biei, bieii aceiathose girls = acele fete, fetele

    aceleathose books = acele cri, crile aceleathose trees = acei copaci, copacii aceia

    the one = acel/acela care, cel ce/care; cea/aceea careThe one, who knows us, is here. = Cel/cea care ne cunoate este aici.

    it = acela, aceea Was it you ? = Tu ai fost acela/aceea ?

    the former = primul (din doi), cel dinti (din doi), prima (din dou), cea dinti (din dou)

    the latter = (cel de-) al doilea, ultimul (din doi), (cea de-) a doua, ultima (din dou)John and William are friends. The former is a farmer, the latter is an engineer. = John i William sunt prieteni. Primul este fermier, al doilea este inginer.

    the first = cel, cea, cei, cele dinti, primul, prima, primii, primeleHe is my first friend. = El este primul meu prieten. = El este cel dinti prieten al meu.the first boy = primul biat the first boys = primii biei the first girl = prima fat the first girls = primele fetethe first book = prima carte the first books = primele crithe first tree = primul copac the first trees = primii copaci

    the last = cel, cea, cei, cele din urm, ultimul, ultima, ultimii,ultimele Is this your last decision ? = Este aceasta ultima ta hotrre ?the last boy = ultimul biat the last boys = ultimii biei the last girl = ultima fat the last girls = ultimele fete the last book = ultima carte the last books = ultimele crithe last tree = ultimul copac the last trees = ultimii copaci

    the other = cellalt, cealalt, ceilali, celelaltethe other boy = cellalt biat the other girl = cealalt fatthe other house = cealalt cas the other boys = ceilali bieithe other girls = celelalte fete the other houses = celelalte case

    another = alt, alt, o alt, alte another boy = alt biat another girl = alt fatanother tree = alt copac another house = alt casanother news = alte tiri another good news = alte tiri buneHe will be staying in England for another year . = El va sta n Anglia nc un an.

    such = astfel de, asemenea, aa such a boy = un astfel de biat, un asemenea biatsuch a girl = o astfel de fat, o asemenea fatsuch boys = aa biei, astfel de biei, asemenea bieisuch girls = aa fete, astfel de fete, asemenea fete


  • such people = aa oameni, astfel de oamenipeople such as = oameni cum ar fi, oameni ca de exemplu We hope never to have another such experience. = Sperm s nu mai avem niciodat o astfel de experien.

    the same = acelai, aceeai, aceiai, aceleaithe same boy = acelai biat the same girl = aceeai fatthe same book = aceeai carte the same tree = acelai copac the same boys = aceiai biei the same girls = aceleai fetethe same books = aceleai cri the same trees = aceiai copaci

    one and the same = unul i acelai; una i and the same boy = unul i acelai biat; one and the same girl = una i aceeai fatone and the same book = una i aceeai carte; one and the same tree = unul i acelai copac

    the very = chiar, tocmai , nsui , nsithe very boy who/that = chiar/ nsui / tocmai biatul care; he very girl who/that = chiar/nsi/tocmai fata carethe very book which/that = chiar /tocmai cartea care; the very boys who/that = chiar/tocmai bieii carethe very girls who/that = chiar/tocmai fetele care the very books which/that = chiar/tocmai crile careThis is the very book I needed. = Aceasta este chiar cartea de care aveam nevoie. Adjective cantitative/NEHOTRTE (The Quantitative/INDEFINITE Adjectives)

    some = unii, unele, nite, vreun, vreoSe folosete n propoziiile afirmative. Cnd apare n propoziiile interogative se

    sper s se obin un rspuns afirmativ.I see some people in the street. = Vd nite oameni pe strad.Come to see us some Sunday ! = Vino/venii pe la noi ntr-o (zi de) duminic !Do you see some people in the street ? = Vezi nite oameni pe strad ?I should drink some water, not some wine. = A bea nite ap, nu nite vin.I know him to some degree. = l cunosc ntr-o oarecare msur.Some agree with me and some don't. = Unii sunt de acord cu mine, iar alii nu. They will find out the truth some day. = Ei vor afla adevrul ntr-o bun zi.This matter has some importance. = Chestiunea aceasta are oarecare importan.You will meet some person or other. = Vei ntlni o persoan sau alta.

    any- n propoziiile afirmative = orice, fieceHe can come at any hour of the day. = El poate veni la orice or din zi.You may like any book. = i poate plcea orice carte.You can/may come any time. = Poi veni oricnd.

    any ? - n propoziiile interogative = orice ?, fiece ?, vreun ?, vreo ?Do you like any book ? = i place orice carte ?


  • Have you got any friends ? = Ai vreun prieten ?, Ai ceva prieteni ?Can you lend me any of those books ? = mi poi mprumuta vreuna dintre crile acelea?

    any - n propoziiile negative = nici un, nici oI cannot find any excuse. = Nu pot gsi nici o scuz.We do not see any house. = Noi nu vedem nici o cas.He does not see any boy. = El nu vede nici un biat.

    no - numai n propoziiile negative = nici un, nici on limba englez se folosete o singur negaie n propoziie.

    I see no boy, no girl and no house. = Nu vd nici un biat, nici o fat i nici o cas.No man could do it. = Nici un om n-o putea face.He will spare no pains. = El nu va crua nici un admittance = intrarea interzisno smoking = fumatul interzisI can find no other solution. = Nu pot gsi nici o alt soluie.

    few = puini, puineI see few boys, few girls and few houses. = Eu vd puini biei, puine fete i puine case.few of us/you/them = puini/puine dintre noi/voi/ei/ele

    a few = puini/destui, puine/destuleI have a few books. = Am puine/suficiente cri. He has a few friends. = Are puini/destui/ceva prieteni.

    quite a few = a good few = some few = many, a large number = muli/multeHe has got quite a few friends. = Are destui/muli prieteni.

    little = puin, puin; mic, mic, miciI drink little tea and little coffee. = Eu beau puin ceai i puin cafea.He has little time for reading. = El are puin timp pentru citit.The little boy drinks little lemonade. = Bieelul bea puin limonad.the little ones = cei mici

    a little = puin/destul, puin/destul, (cte) cevaA little is better than none. (prov.) = Mai bine puin dect deloc. = Mai bine ceva dect nimic.We have a little beer and a little wine. = Avem ceva bere i ceva know a little of everything = a ti cte ceva din toateThe little girl is a little better now. = Fetia face ceva mai bine acum.

    much = mult, multThere is much tea in the teapot. = Este mult ceai n ceainic.

    many = muli, multeThere are many people in the park. = Sunt muli oameni n parc.many of us/you/them = muli/multe dintre noi/voi/ei/ele .


  • plenty of = mult, mult, muli, multe.We have plenty of time . = Avem timp din belug. = Avem timp berechet.

    a lot of = o mulime de.We have a lot of books. = Noi avem o mulime de cri.

    each = fiecare (luat n parte) Each man knows their story. = Fiecare om tie povestea lor.each of us/you/them = fiecare dintre noi/voi/ei/ele

    every = fiecare, toi/ toateEvery man knows their story. = Fiecare om tie povestea lor.We can go to the library every day. = Putem merge la bibliotec n fiecare zi.

    several = civa, cteva, mai muli/multeWe shall spend several days and nights in the mountains. = Vom petrece cteva zile i nopi la munte.He has several friends. = El are civa prieteni.several of us/you/them = civa dintre noi/voi/ei/eleSeveral of us went home on foot. = Mai muli dintre noi au mers acas pe jos.

    enough = destul, destul, suficient, suficientThere is enough bread on the table. = Este suficient pine pe mas.

    certain = anumii, anumite, unii, unelecertain boys = unii/anumii biei certain girls = unele/anumite fete certain books = unele/anumite cri

    a certain = un anumit, o anumit, un anume/oarecare, o anume/oare- care a certain boy = un anume/anumit/oarecare biat a certain girl = o anume/anumit/oarecare fat a certain Mr. Jones = un anumit/oarecare domn Jonesa certain Mrs. Jones = o anumit/oarecare doamn Jonesa certain Miss. Jones = o anumit/oarecare domnioar Jones

    1.3.2. Comparaia adjectivelor i adverbelor (The Comparison of Adjectives and Adverbs)

    Comparaia adjectivelor i adverbelor este: a) regulat/sintetic (cele scurte)b) analitic (cele lungi)c) mixt (sintetic i analitic)d) neregulat

    Comparaia adjectivelor se realizeaz la urmtoarele grade:1) pozitiv, cnd nsuirea unui obiect/substantiv nu se raporteaz la nici un alt

    termen. Pozitivul este asemuit cu nominativul substantivelor i cu infinitivul verbelor.


  • 2) comparativ, prin care se exprim superioritatea (comparativ de superioritate), egalitatea (comparativ de egalitate) sau inferioritatea (comparativ de inferioritate) unui obiect/substantiv fa de altul.

    3) superlativ (lat.: superlativus; super = deasupra, latus = dus/ridicat) prin care se arat c nsuirea obiectului / substantivului se afl fie n cea mai mare msur/ intensitate (superlativul relativ), fie n foarte mare msur/ intensitate (superlativul absolut). Adjectivele monosilabice dubleaz consoana final cnd aceasta este precedat de vocal scurt. Comparaia sintetic/regulat

    gradul pozitiv

    comparativ de


    superlativ relativ

    superlativ absolut

    big bigger the biggest very bigmare mai mare cel mai mare foarte maredry drier the driest very dry

    uscat mai uscat cel mai uscat foarte uscateasy easier the easiest very easyuor mai uor cel mai uor foarte uorfat fatter the fattest very fatgras mai gras cel mai gras foarte gras

    great greater the greatest very greatmare, mre

    mai mare cel mai mare foarte mare

    happy happier the happiest very happyfericit mai fericit cel mai fericit foarte fericithard harder the hardest very hard

    tare, dur mai tare cel mai tare foarte tarehot hotter the hottest very hot

    fierbinte mai fierbinte

    cel mai fierbinte

    foarte fierbinte

    kind kinder the kindest very kindamabil mai amabil cel mai amabil foarte amabillong longer the longest very longlung mai lung cel mai lung foarte lungnice nicer the nicest very nice


    mai plcut cel mai plcut foarte plcut

    short shorter the shortest very shortscurt/scund mai scurt cel mai scurt foarte scurt

    small smaller the smallest very smallmic/modest mai mic cel mai mic foarte mic

    strong stronger the strongest

    very strong

    tare mai tare cel mai tare foarte taretall taller the tallest very tallnalt mai nalt cel mai nalt foarte naltthick thicker the thickest very thick


  • gros mai gros cel mai gros foarte grosthin thinner the thinnest very thin

    subire/slab mai subire cel mai subire

    foarte subire, etc. Comparaia analitic a adjectivelor i adverbelorpozitiv comparativ

    de superioritat


    superlativ relativ

    superlativ absolut

    abject more abject

    the most abject

    very abject


    Mai josnic cel mai josnic foarte josnic

    abrupt more abrupt

    the most abrupt

    very abrupt

    abrupt Mai abrupt cel mai abrupt foarte abruptactive more

    active the most

    activevery active

    activ mai activ cel mai activ foarte activ amiable More

    amiable the most amiable

    very amiable

    prietenos mai prietenos

    cel mai prietenos

    foarte prietenos

    attractive more attractive

    the most attractive

    very attractive

    atrgtor mai atrgtor

    cel mai atrgtor

    foarte atrgtor

    beautiful more beautiful

    the most beautiful

    very beautiful

    frumoas mai frumoas

    cea mai frumoas

    foarte frumoas

    curious More curious

    the most curious

    very curious

    curios Mai curios cel mai curios foarte curiosfoolish more

    foolish the most foolish

    very foolish

    prost(esc) mai prost(esc)

    cel mai prost(esc)

    foarte prost(esc)

    huge more huge the most huge

    very huge

    uria/imens mai imens cel mai imens foarte imenssevere more

    severe the most severe

    very severe


    mai sever cel mai sever foarte sever

    sincere More the most very sincere


  • sincere sincere sincer Mai sincer cel mai sincer foarte sincerskilled More

    skilled the most skilled

    very skilled

    priceput mai priceput

    cel mai priceput

    foarte priceput

    sociable More sociable

    the most sociable

    very sociable

    sociabil mai sociabil cel mai sociabil

    foarte sociabil

    unfit more unfit the most unfit

    very unfit

    nepotrivit mai nepotrivit

    cel mai nepotrivit

    foarte nepotrivit

    unjust more unjust

    the most unjust

    very unjust


    mai injust cel mai injust foarte injust

    urbane More urbane

    the most urbane

    very urbane

    manierat mai manierat

    cel mai manierat

    foarte manierat

    untidy more untidy

    the most untidy

    very untidy

    dezordonat mai dezordonat

    cel mai dezordonat

    foarte dezordonat

    Din analiza exemplelor de mai sus rezult c la gradul comparativ de superioritate adjectivele cu comparaie analitic se ajut de adverbul more, la superlativul relativ de adverbul most, iar la superlativul absolut de adverbele very, extremely, awfully, quite etc. Adjective cu comparaie mixt (sintetic i analitic)

    pozitiv comparativ de


    superlativ relativ

    superlativ absolut

    able more able the most able

    very able

    abler the ablest capabil mai capabil cel mai

    capabil foarte capabil

    ample more ample

    the most ample

    very ample

    ampler the amplestamplu Mai amplu cel mai amplu foarte amplu

    empty more empty

    the most empty

    very empty

    emptier the emptiest


  • gol mai gol cel mai gol foarte golstrange More

    strange the most strange

    very strange

    stranger the strangest

    ciudat Mai ciudat cel mai ciudat foarte ciudatstupid more

    stupid the most

    stupidvery stupid

    stupider the stupidest

    stupid Mai stupid cel mai stupid foarte stupidetc. Comparaia neregulat a adjectivelor i adverbelorcomparativ

    de superioritat


    superlativ relativ

    superlativ absolut

    good/well better the best very good/wellbun/bine mai

    bun/binecel mai

    bun/binefoarte bun/bine

    bad/ill worse the worst very bad/illru mai ru cel mai ru foarte ru

    little less the least very littlepuin/mic mai

    puin/miccel mai

    puin/micfoarte puin/mic


    more the most very much/many

    mult/muli mai mult/muli

    cel mai mult/cei mai


    foarte mult/muli

    old older/elder the oldest/eldest

    very old


    mai btrn/ vechi

    cel mai btrn/ vechi

    foarte btrn/vechi

    near nearer the nearest very nearaproape mai aproape cel mai

    aproapefoarte aproape

    late later the latest very late trziu Mai trziu cel mai trziu foarte trziu

    latter = ultimul din


    the last = ultimul

    far farther/further

    the farthest/ furthest

    very far

    departe mai departe cel mai departe

    foarte departe

    in inner the inmostn interior mai n

    interiorcel mai n interior/


  • luntricthe

    innermost = luntric la maximum

    out outer/utter the outermost

    n exterior mai n exterior

    cel mai n exterior

    the utmost, uttermost = n exterior la

    maximumup upper the upmostsus mai sus cel mai (de)


    uppermost = sus la

    maximumbeneath nether the

    nethermostdedesubt mai

    dedesubtcel mai de dedesubt

    hind hinder the hindmostdin spate mai din

    spatecel mai din


    hindermost =

    ultimul din spate

    fore former the foremostn fa Mai n fa cel mai din

    fa/dinaintethe first =

    primul Comparativul de egalitateSe realizeaz cu ajutorul conjunciilor corelative: as... as... = tot aa de .... ca

    ..../la fel de... ca interesting as ... = la fel de interesant ca beautiful as ... = la fel de frumos ca as beautifully as ... = la fel de frumos ca

    as near as ... = la fel de aproape ca old as ... = la fel de btrn/vechi ca as strange as ... = la fel de ciudat/straniu ca ...

    Unele astfel de comparative de egalitate au devenit idiomuri:as quick as thought = iute ca gndul as sweet as honey = dulce ca


  • miereaas swift as an arrow = iute ca sgeata

    as white as snow = alb ca zpada etc. Comparativul de inferioritateSe realizeaz cu ajutorul conjunciilor corelative: not so ... as ... = nu aa

    de ... ca ... sauless ... than ... = mai puin ...

    dect/caThis film is not so interesting as that one. = Filmul acesta nu este aa de interesant ca acela.This man is not so old as that man. = Omul acesta nu este aa de vrstnic/btrn ca omul acela.That house is not so big as this house. = Casa aceea nu este aa (de) mare cum este casa aceasta.Mary is less beautiful than Alice. = Mary este mai puin frumoas ca Alice. Comparativul de intensitateConst din dou comparative de superioritate legate ntre ele prin conjuncia and

    i se traduc prin structura din ce n ce mai .better and better = din ce n ce mai bineworse and worse = din ce n ce mai rumore and more = din ce n ce mai mult

    less and less = din ce n ce mai puin()/mic()fewer and fewer = din ce n ce mai puini/puinebigger and bigger = din ce n ce mai mare/mari etc.

    more and more interesting = din ce n ce mai interesant/interesant/ interesani/ interesantemore and more important = din ce n ce mai important/ important/ importani/ importantemore and more beautifully = din ce n ce mai frumosmore and more carefully = din ce n ce mai atent/grijuliu etc. Pozitivul cu comparativul de superioritatemuch better (than) ...= mult mai bine/bun (ca/dect)...much worse (than)...= mult mai ru (ca/dect)...much more (than)...= mult mai mult (ca/dect) ...

    much less (than) ...= mult mai puin (ca/dect) ...much older (than)...= mult mai n vrst (ca/dect)...much easier (than) ...= mult mai uor (ca/dect) ...

    much more difficult (than) ...= mult mai dificil/greu (ca/dect) ...much more beautiful (than) ...= mult mai frumoas (ca/dect) ...much more interesting (than) ...= mult mai interesant (ca/dect) ...much more important (than) ...= mult mai important (ca/dect) ... much more beutifully (than) ...= mult mai frumos (ca/dect) ...much more carefully (than) ...= mult mai atent (ca/dect) ...a little better (than) ...= puin mai bine/bun (ca/dect) ...a little worse (than) ...= puin mai ru (ca/dect) ...

    a little more (than) ...= puin mai mult (ca/dect) ...a little less (than) ...= puin mai puin (ca/dect) ...


  • a little older (than) ...= puin mai btrn/vechi (ca/dect)...a little earlier (than) ... = puin mai devreme (ca/dect)...

    a little later (than) ...= puin mai trziu (ca/dect) ...a little easier (than) ...= puin mai uor (ca/dect) ...

    a little more difficult (than) ...= puin mai dificil/greu (ca/dect) ...a little more beautiful (than) ...= puin mai frumoas (ca/dect) ....a little more interesting (than) ...= puin mai interesant (ca/dect) ....a little more important (than) ...= puin mai important (ca/dect) ...a little more beautifully (than) ...= puin mai frumos (ca/dect) ...a little more carefully (than) ...= puin mai atent/grijuliu (ca/dect)... By far + comparativul de superioritate = cu mult mai ... by far better (than) ...= cu mult mai bun/bine (ca/dect) far worse (than) ...= cu mult mai ru (ca/dect) far more (than) ...= cu mult mai mult (ca/dect) far less (than) ...= cu mult mai

    puin (ca/dect) far older (than) ...= cu mult mai btrn/vechi (ca/dect) far earlier (than) ...= cu mult mai devreme (ca/dect) far later (than) ...= cu mult mai trziu (ca/dect)...

    by far easier (than) ...= cu mult mai uor (ca/dect) far more difficult (than) ...= cu mult mai dificil (ca/dect) far more beautiful (than) ...= cu mult mai frumos (ca/dect) far more interesting (than) ...= cu mult mai interesant (ca/dect) far more important (than) ...= cu mult mai important (ca/dect) far more beautifully (than) ...= cu mult mai frumos (ca/dect) far more carefully (than) ...= cu mult mai atent/prudent (ca/dect)...a good/great deal better (than) ...= cu mult mai bine (ca/dect)...a good/great deal worse (than) ...= cu mult mai ru (ca/dect)...a good/great deal more (than) ...= cu mult mai mult (ca/dect)...a good/great deal less (than) ...= cu mult mai puin (ca/dect)...a good/great deal older (than) ...= cu mult mai btrn/vechi (ca/dect) ...a good/great deal earlier (than) ...= cu mult mai devreme (ca/dect)...a good/great deal later (than) ...= cu mult mai trziu (ca/dect)...a good/great deal easier (than) ...= cu mult mai uor (ca/dect)...a good/great deal more difficult (than) ... = cu mult mai dificil (ca/dect)...a good/great deal more beautiful (than) ...= cu mult mai frumos (ca/dect)...a good/great deal more interesting (than) ...= cu mult mai interesant (ca/dect)...a good/great deal more important (than) ...= cu mult mai important (ca/dect)...a good/great deal more beautifully (than) ...= cu mult mai frumos (ca/dect)...a good/great deal more carefully (than) ...= cu mult mai atent/prudent (ca/dect)... Structuri constnd din dou comparative de superioritate (cu ct... cu att...)

    the earlier, the better = cu ct mai devreme, cu att mai bineThe earlier you come, the better it is. = Cu ct vii/venii mai devreme, cu att mai bine.The more you learn, the more you forget. = Cu ct nvei mai mult, cu att uii


  • mai mult.the later, the worse = cu ct mai trziu, cu att mai ruThe later you arrive, the worse it is. = Cu ct ajungi mai trziu, cu att este mai ru.The more beautifully Alice will sing, the more money she will get. = Cu ct Alice va cnta mai frumos, cu att mai muli bani va ctiga.His flat is a little cheaper than yours. = Apartamentul lui este puin mai ieftin dect al tu.Your flat is a lot cheaper than mine. = Apartamentul tu este mult mai ieftin dect al meu.Our flat is somewhat cheaper than theirs. = Apartamentul nostru este ntructva/puin mai ieftin dect al lor. Superlativul absolut

    Se formeaz cu adverbele: very (foarte), extremely (extrem de), quite (total, complet, cu totul), perfectly (perfect), extraordinary (extraordinar de), inconceivably (incredibil de), exceedingly (excesiv/nemaipomenit de), fantastically (fantastic de), enormously/ immensely (enorm/imens de), tremendously/ awfully (ngrozitor/teribil de), infinitely (infinit de), terribly (teribil de), terrifically (nfiortor de) etc.awfully hot = ngrozitor/cumplit de cald

    We are awfully sorry. = Ne pare nespus de ru

    They have changed enormously. = Ei s-au schimbat enorm.quite well = foarte binevery well = foarte bine

    extremely well = extrem de bineexceedingly good = excesiv de bun

    infinitely small = infinit/nemsurat de micexceedingly difficult = excesiv de greu, din cale afar de dificilperfectly well = perfect de bineterribly boring = teribil/nfiortor de plictisitor

    a matchless playwright = un dramaturg fr perechequite right = perfect adevrat/just

    enough - adjectiv enough food = food enough = hran suficient/destulto have money enough = to have enough money = a avea destui bani

    enough - adverb de comparaie I am warm enough. = mi este destul de cald.The exercise is difficult enough. = Exerciiul este destul de greu.What is good for you is good enough for me. = Ce este valabil pentru tine este perfect valabil i pentru mine.Enough este singurul adverb de comparaie care st dup adjectivul pe care l determin.This beer is good enough. = Berea aceasta este destul de bun. Comparaia adjectivelor compuse



    well-paid better-paid the best-paid very well-paid


  • bine pltit mai bine pltit cel mai bine pltit foarte bine pltit


    better-looking the best-looking

    very good-looking

    artos mai artos cel mai artos foarte artossweet-

    natured More sweet -

    natured the most sweet

    -naturedvery sweet-

    naturedbun la suflet

    mai bun la suflet cel mai bun la suflet

    foarte bun la suflet


    more short - sighted

    the most short -sighted

    very short-sighted

    miop mai miop cel mai miop foarte miop

    John is a good/great deal more careful than Bill. = John este mult mai atent/prudent dect Bill.Bill is a good/great deal less careful than John. = Bill este mult mai puin prudent dect John.He is a little less careful than his brother. = El este puin mai puin prudent dect fratele lui.He loves her more than I (do). = El o iubete pe ea mai mult dect o iubesc eu.He loves her more than me. = El o iubete pe ea mai mult dect pe mine.They know her better than I (do). = Ei o cunosc pe ea mai bine dect/ca mine.They know her better than me. = Ei o cunosc pe ea mai bine dect pe mine.

    1.4. PRONUMELE (THE PRONOUN) Pronumele este partea de vorbire care nlocuiete un substantiv (o

    fiin, un obiect etc.).

    1.4.1. Clasificare1. Personale (the Personal Pronouns)2. Interogative (the Interrogative Pronouns)3. Relative (the Relative Pronouns)4. Posesive (the Possessive Pronouns) 5. Demonstrative (the Demonstrative Pronouns)6. Impersonale/Generale (the Impersonal/General Pronouns)

    7. Reflexive (the Reflexive Pronouns)8. Emfatice (the Emphatic Pronouns)9. Nehotrte (the Indefinite Pronouns)10. Reciproce (the Reciprocal Pronouns) Pronumele personale (The Personal Pronouns)I = eu we = noiyou = tu you = voi, dumneavoastr (dv.)he = el, dnsul, dumnealui they = ei, ele, dnii, dnsele, dumnealorshe = ea, dnsa, dumneaei it = el, ea Pronumele interogative (The Interrogative Pronouns)N . who ? = cine ? ( N. = nominativ )

    Who knows him ? = Cine l cunoate pe el ?G . whose ? = al, a, ai, ale cui ? ( G. = genitiv )


  • Whose is this house, his or hers ? = A cui este aceast cas, a lui sau a ei ?Whose is this little boy ? = Al cui este acest bieel ?Whose is this little girl ? = A cui este acest feti ?Whose are these books ? = Ale cui sunt aceste cri ?Whose are these children ? = Ai cui sunt aceti copii ?

    D . to whom ? = who (m)... to ? = cui ?, la cine ? ( D. = dativ)To whom do you give this book ? = Who(m) do you give this book to? = Cui i dai aceast carte?To whom are you referring ? = Who(m) are you referring to ? = La cine te referi?To whom does the book belong ? = Who(m) does the book belong to ? = Cui i aparine cartea?(to) me = mie (to) us = nou(to) you = ie (to) you = vou(to) him = lui (to) them = lor, dnilor, dnilor/dnselor(to) her = ei (to) it = lui/ei(to) my friend = prietenului meu (to) our friend = prietenului nostru(to) your friend = prietenului tu (to) your friend = prietenului vostru(to) his friend = prietenului lui (to) their friend = prietenului lor(to) her friend = prietenului ei(to) my friends = prietenilor meiI write my friends a letter=I write a letter to my friends=Eu scriu prietenilor mei o scrisoare=Scriu o scrisoare prietenilor mei.

    for whom ? = who(m) ... for ? = pentru cine ?For whom must you buy the book? = Who(m) must you buy the book for? = Pentru cine trebuie s cumperi cartea ?

    about whom ? = who(m) ... about ? = despre cine ?They are talking about Jim. = Ei vorbesc/discut despre Jim.Who(m) are they talking about ? = About whom are they talking ? = Despre cine vorbesc ei?about me/you/him/her/it/us/you/them = despre mine/tine/el/ea/noi/voi/ei/ele)

    after whom ? = who(m) ... after ? = dup cine ?Jim is running after them. = Jim alearg dup ei.After whom is Jim running ? = Who(m) is Jim running after ? = Dup cine alearg Jim ?(after me/you/him/her/it/us/you/them = dup mine/tine/el/ea/noi/voi/ei/ele)

    before whom? = who(m) ... before ? = n faa cui ? = naintea cui ?He was sitting before us. = El edea n faa noastr.Before whom was he sitting ? = n faa cui edea el ?(before me/you/him/her/it/us/you/them = naintea mea/ta/lui/ei/noastr/voastr/ lor before my/your/his/her/our/your/their eyes = naintea ochilor mei/ ti/ lui/ ei/ notri/ votri/ lor)

    behind whom? = who(m) ... behind ? = n spatele cui ?He was sitting behind me. = El edea n spatele meu.Behind whom was he sitting ? =Who(m) was he sitting behind ? = n spatele cui sttea el ?

    beside whom? = who(m) ... beside ? = alturi de cine ?Beside whom was he sitting? = Alturi de cine edea el ?He was sitting beside me. = El edea alturi de mine.


  • (beside whose friend ? = alturi de prietenul cui ?beside my friend = alturi de prietenul meu)

    between whom? = who(m) ... between ? = ntre cine ?between his (two) friends = ntre cei (doi) prieteni ai lui between John and Nick = ntre John i Nick

    beyond whom? = who(m) ... beyond ? = dincolo de cine ?(beyond me = dincolo de mine beyond us = dincolo de noibeyond you = dincolo de tine beyond you = dincolo de voibeyond him/her/it = dincolo de el/ea beyond them = dincolo de ei/ele)

    by whom ? = who(m) ... by ? = de (ctre) cine ?(by me = de mine by us = de noiby you = de tine by you = de voi/ him/her/it = de el/ea by them = de ei/ele)by whose friend ? = de prietenul cui ? (by my friend =de prietenul meu by our friend = de prietenul nostruby your friend = de prietenul tu by your friend = de prietenul vostruby his friend = de prietenul lui/su by their friend = de prietenul lorby her friend = de prietenul ei/suby this boy's friend/by the friend of this boy = de prietenul acestui biatby this girl's friend/by the friend of this girl = de prietenul acestei feteby these boys' friend/by the friend of these boys = de prietenul acestor bieiby these girls' friend/by the friend of these girls = de prietenul acestor feteby this boy's friends/by the friends of this boy = de prietenii acestui biatby this girl's friends/by the friends of this girl = de prietenii acestei feteby this boys' friends/by the friends of these boys = de prietenii acestor bieiby this girls' friends/by the friends of these girls = de prietenii acestor fete)

    for whom? = who(m) for ? = pentru cine ?For whom are you buying the book ? = Who(m) are you buying the book for? = Pentru cine cumperi (tu) cartea ?(for me = pentru mine for us = pentru noifor you = pentru tine for you = pentru voifor him/her/it = pentru el/ea for them = pentru ei/elefor whose friend ? = pentru prietenul cui ? For whose friend is John working ? = Pentru prietenul cui lucreaz John?for my friend = pentru prietenul meu )

    from whom ? = who(m) from ? = de la cine ?from me = de la mine from us = de la noifrom you = de la tine from you = de la voifrom him/her/it = de la el/ea from them = de la ei/elefrom whose friend ? = de la prietenul cui ? = de la al cui prieten?(from my friend = de la prietenul meu)

    near whom? = who(m) ...near ? = lng cine?(near me = lng mine near us = lng noinear you = lng tine near you = lng voinear him/her/it = lng el/ea near them = lng ei/ele)John was sitting near this man's friend. = John edea lng prietenul acestui om.Near whom was John sitting? = Who(m) was John sitting near ? = Lng cine edea John?

    of whom ? = who(m) ...of ? = de cine ?; despre cine? to get rid of somebody = a se descotorosi/scpa de cineva


  • I must get rid of that drunk man. = Trebuie s m descotorosesc de omul acela but/beat.Who(m) must I get rid of ? = Of whom must I get rid ? = De cine trebuie s scap eu ?

    on/upon whom? = who(m) ... on/upon ? = de cine ?to depend on/upon = a depinde deOur going on the trip depends on John. = Plecarea noastr n excursie depinde de John.On/upon whom does our going on the trip depend ? = Who(m) does our going on the trip depend on/upon ? = De cine depinde plecarea noastr n excursie ?(on/upon me = de mine)On/upon whose friend does our going on the trip depend ? = Whose friend does our going on the trip depend on/upon ? = De prietenul cui depinde plecarea noastr n excursie ?

    with whom? = who(m) ...with ? = cu cine ?I am playing tennis with John. = Eu joc tenis cu John.Who(m) am I playing tennis with ? = With whom am I playing tennis? = Cu cine joc eu tenis?(with me = cu mine with us = cu noiwith you = cu tine with you = cu voiwith him/her/it = cu el/ea with them = cu ei/ele)with whose friend ? = cu prietenul cui ? They are going on the trip with my friend. = Ei merg n excursie cu prietenul meu.With whom are they going on the trip ? = Who(m) are they going on the trip with ? = Cu cine merg ei n excursie ?with my friend = cu prietenul meu

    without whom ? = fr cine ?(without me = fr mine without us = fr noi without you = fr tine without you = fr voiwithout him/her/it = fr el/ea without them = fr ei/ele)without whose friend ? = fr prietenul cui ? without my friend = fr prietenul meuWhose friend were you there without ? = Fr prietenul cui ai fost acolo ?)

    A . whom? = pe cine ? ( A. = acuzativ )This is the boy whom I saw. = Acesta este biatul pe care l-am vzut eu.I see John in the street. = l vd pe John pe strad.Whom do I see in the street? = Pe cine vd eu pe strad ?John sees me in the street. = John m vede pe mine pe strad.Whom does John see in the street ? = Pe cine vede John pe strad ?

    (me = pe mine her = pe ea/dnsa us = pe noi you = pe tine it = pe el/ea you = pe voi him = pe el/dnsul them = pe ei/ele/)John sees my friend in the street. = John l vede pe prietenul meu pe strad.John sees my friend's brother in the street. = John l vede pe fratele prietenului meu pe strad.

    what? = ce ?


  • What is this ? = Ce este acesta/aceasta ?What are these ? = Ce sunt acetia/acestea ?What is there on the table ? = Ce este pe mas ? = Ce se afl/gsete pe mas ?What is your name ? = Cum te cheam ?What time is it ? = Ct este ceasul ?

    what kind/sort of ? = ce fel de ?What kind/sort of man is he ? = Ce fel de om este el ?What kind/sort of films do you like? = Ce fel de filme i plac? Pronumele relative (The Relative Pronouns) who = cine, care.

    He does not know who must come to see us.= El nu tie cine trebuie s vin pe la noi.I know the boy who can play tennis well. = Eu l tiu/cunosc pe biatul care tie s joace tenis bine.

    whose = al cui, a cui, ai cui, ale cui.We are playing with John's ball but we don't know whose they are playing with. = Noi ne jucm cu mingea lui John dar nu tim cu a cui se joac ei.

    to whom = who(m) = cui I don't know who(m) I shall give this book to. = Nu tiu cui s-i dau cartea aceasta.Do you know who(m) he is referring to ? = tii la cine se refer el ?

    whom = pe cine, pe careI know whom you appreciate very much. = Eu tiu pe cine apreciezi tu foarte mult.He could not guess whom he might see there. = Nu putea bnui pe cine va putea vedea acolo.

    which = care, pe care She has many books, but she doesn't know which she must read for the examination. = Ea are multe cri, dar nu tie pe care trebuie s-o citeasc pentru examen.Her house, of which roof is of tiles, was built five years ago. = Casa, al crei acoperi este de igl, a fost construit acum cinci ani. Pronumele posesive (The Possessive Pronouns)mine = al meu, a mea, ai mei, ale mele.

    John's friend is in Bucharest and mine is in Berlin. = Prietenul lui John este n Bucureti, iar al meu este n Berlin.John's sister is in Bucharest and mine is in Berlin. = Sora lui John este n Bucureti, iar a mea este n Berlin. John's friends are in Bucharest and mine are in Berlin. = Prietenii lui John sunt n Bucureti, iar ai mei sunt n Berlin. John's sisters are in Bucharest and mine are in Berlin. = Surorile lui John sunt n Bucureti, iar ale mele sunt n Berlin.


  • yours = al tu, a ta, ai ti, ale tale.My car is white and yours is blue. = Automobilul meu este alb, iar al tu este albastru.My house is in the country and yours is in the town. = Casa mea este la ar, iar a ta este la ora.My children are in the mountains and yours are at the seaside. = Copiii mei sunt la munte, iar ai ti sunt la mare.Our daugthers are at school and yours are at the university. = Fiicele noastre sunt la coal, iar ale voastre sunt la universitate.

    his = al lui, a lui, ai lui, ale lui My friend is an engineer and his is an economist. = Prietenul meu este inginer, iar al lui este economist.Our daughter is a school-girl and his is a student. = Fiica noastr este elev, iar a lui este student.Her books are in English and his are in Romanian.= Crile ei sunt n englez, iar ale lui sunt n romn.

    hers = al ei, a ei, ai ei, ale ei My friend speaks French but hers doesn't. = Prietenul meu vorbete franuzete, dar al ei nu.My sister works on a farm but hers doesn't. = Sora mea lucreaz la o ferm, dar a ei nu.Our children are noisy but hers aren't. = Copiii notri sunt glgioi, iar ai ei nu (sunt).Our books are old but hers aren't. = Crile noastre sunt vechi, dar ale ei nu (sunt).

    ours = al nostru, a noastr, ai notri, ale noastre.Your sister is Mary and ours is Beverly. = Sora voastr este Mary iar a noastr este Beverly.Your boys play tennis but ours don't. = Bieii votri joac tenis, dar ai notri nu joac.Your daughters read many books but ours don't. = Fiicele voastre citesc multe cri, ns/ dar ale noastre nu (citesc).

    yours [yOz] = al tu, a ta , ai ti , ale taleMy friends live here , yours don't. = Prietenii mei locuiesc aici , ai ti nu.

    theirs = al lor, a lor, ai lor, ale lor. Our son is here but theirs isn't . = Fiul nostru este aici, dar al lor nu (este).Our daughter is not here but theirs is. = Fiica noastr nu este aici, dar a lor este. Our sons don't study German but theirs do. = Fiii notri nu studiaz germana, dar ai lor studiaz. Pronumele demonstrative (The Demonstrative Pronouns)this = acesta, aceasta

    That book is yours and this (one) is mine. = Cartea aceea este a ta, iar aceasta este a mea.

    that = acela, aceea


  • This book is mine and that (one) is yours. = Cartea aceasta este a mea, iar aceea este a ta.

    these = acetia, acestea Those books are mine and these (ones) are yours. = Crile acelea sunt ale mele, iar acestea sunt ale tale .Those players are good but these (ones) are better. = Juctorii aceia sunt buni, dar acetia sunt mai buni.

    those = aceia, aceleaThese players are very good but those (ones) aren't. = Juctorii acetia sunt foarte buni, dar aceia nu sunt. Pronumele impersonale (The Impersonal Pronouns)one, you

    One could work there. = S-ar putea lucra acolo. = Se putea lucra acolo.You should always be careful when crossing the road. = S fii totdeauna atent la traversarea drumului.One can learn a lot of things here. = Se pot nva o mulime de lucruri aici.You should always behave decently. = Trebuie s te pori totdeauna decent. Pronumele reflexive (The Reflexive Pronouns) myself = m ourselves = neyourself = te yourselves = v himself = se themselves = se herself =se oneself = seitself = se

    Cu ajutorul pronumelorreflexive se formeaz diateza reflexiv a verbelor.

    to enjoy oneself = a se distra I enjoy myself = eu m distrezDe reinut c verbelor reflexive din limba romn nu le corespund totdeauna

    verbe reflexive n limba m mir/ntreb = I wonder ; verbul to wonder n limba englez nu este reflexiv. Pronumele emfatice/ de ntrire (The Emphatic Pronouns) myself = eu nsumi, personal, chiar euyourself = tu nsui, personal, chiar tuhimself = el nsui, personal, chiar elherself = ea nsi, personal, chiar eaitself = el nsui, ea nsi, personal, chiar el/eaourselves = noi nine, nsene, chiar

    noiyourselves = voi niv, nsev, chiar voithemselves = ei nii, ele nsele, chiar ei/eleI must do it myself = trebuie s-o fac eu nsumi Pronumele nehotrte (The Indefinite Pronouns)another = alt, alt;

    One man says yes, another says no. = Un om zice da, altul zice nu.each = fiecare

    We received two books each. = Am primit cte dou cri fiecare.each of us/you/them = fiecare dintre noi/voi/ei/ele the other = cellalt, cealalt, ceilali, celelalte

    John likes this book but I like the other (one). = Lui John i place cartea


  • aceasta, ns mie mi place cealalt.John likes this book but I prefer the other (one). = Lui John i place cartea aceasta, dar eu o prefer pe cealalt.

    others = alii, alteleOthers know better than you. = Alii tiu mai bine ca/dect tine.

    the others = ceilali, celelalteThe others did not come by bus. = Ceilali n-au venit cu autobuzul.I do not see the others. = Eu nu-i vd pe ceilali. = Eu nu le vd pe celelalte.

    one = unul, una, un, o; seYou do not have any book but I have one. = Tu nu ai nici o carte, dar eu am una.Can you tell one from the other ? = l poi deosebi pe unul de cellalt ?My neighbours have two sons whom everybody admires ; I admire one's common sense and the other's diligence. = Vecinii mei au doi fii pe care i admir toat lumea; eu admir bunul sim al unuia i hrnicia celuilalt.He is considered as one of the family. = El este considerat drept unul de-al familiei/ of us/you/them = unul/una dintre noi/voi/ei/ele.all = tot, toat, toi, toate; totulHe must tell you all or nothing. = El trebuie s-i spun tot sau nimic. I cannot buy it all. = Nu pot s-l/s-o cumpr tot/toat.All he wants is money. = Tot ce vrea el sunt banii.all of us/you/them = we/you/they all = noi/voi/ei toi/ele toate .

    either = oricare din doi/douYou may buy either. = l /O poi cumpra pe oricare.either of us = oricare din /dintre noi doi/doueither of you = oricare din /dintre voi doi/doueither of them = oricare din /dintre ei/ele doi/dou).

    Neither = nici unul, nici una, nici un, nici o (din doi/dou)One can see neither. = Nu se poate vedea nici unul/una.neither of us/you/them = nici unul/una din(tre) noi/voi/ei/ele.

    both = ambii, ambele, amndoi, amndouYou may read either of them - both are interesting. = Le poi citi pe oricare din ele - ambele sunt interesante.both of us/you/them = noi/voi/ei doi/amndoi, noi/voi/ele dou/amndou.

    several = mai muli/multe, civa, cteva You can see many books on the table, but several are mine. = Poi vedea multe cri pe mas, dar cteva sunt ale mele.several of us/you/them = civa/cteva dintre noi/voi/ei/ele.

    few = puini, puineI only found few. = Am gsit doar puini/puine .few of us/you/them = puini/puine dintre noi/voi/ei/ele.

    a few = puini/destui, puine/destuleI have found a few. = Am gsit destui/destule.

    quite a few = a good few = foarte muli/multeI have found quite a few. = Am gsit un mare numr. = Am gsit foarte muli/multe.

    little = puin, puin, mic, mic.I have done little for them. = Am fcut puin pentru ei/ele.The little of what I've done, matters a lot. = Puinul din ct/ce am fcut eu, conteaz mult.


  • Your house is big, but mine is a little one. = Casa ta este mare, ns a mea este mic. How are your little ones? = Ce fac cei mici ai ti?

    a little [\ `litl] = puin /destul/ceva, puin/destul/cevaYou only have little tea but I have a little. = Tu ai doar/numai puin ceai, ns eu am ceva/ctva.

    much [m{t~] = mult, multYou have got little tea but I have got much. = Tu ai puin ceai, ns eu am mult.

    many [meni] = muli, multemany of us/you/them = muli dintre noi/voi/ei, multe dintre eleYou have only got few books but I've got many. = Tu ai doar puine cri, ns eu am multe.

    some = nite, unii, unele, ceva, puin, puin, civa, cteva.Some are good and some are bad. = Unele sunt bune, iar altele sunt rele. Unii sunt buni, iar alii sunt ri.

    any = orice, fiece, oricare, ; nici unul, nici una.He doesn't like any. = Lui nu-i place oricare. = Lui nu-i place nici unul/una.You've got much money, but I haven't got any. = Tu ai bani muli, dar eu n-am nici sfan. = Tu ai bani muli, dar eu nu am deloc.

    somebody = cineva ; cineva ?I can see somebody at the gate. = Pot s vd pe cineva la poart .Do you see somebody ? = Vezi pe cineva ?

    anybody A. = oricine - I can ask anybody. = Pot ntreba pe oricine. I. = cineva - Do you see anybody ? = Vezi pe cineva ?N. = nimeni - I cannot ask anybody. = Nu pot ntreba pe nimeni.

    nobody = nimeni I see nobody. = Nu vd pe nimeni.

    something = ceva ; ceva? I see something. = Vd ceva.Do you see something ? = Vezi ceva ? (Cnd rspunsul este afirmativ).

    anything = orice - I buy anything.= Cumpr orice.= orice?; ceva? - Are you going to buy anything? = Ai de gnd s cumperi ceva/orice?= orice ; nimic - I'm not going to buy anything. = N-am de gnd s cumpr nimic.

    nothing = nimic I bought nothing. = Nu am cumprat nimic.

    someone [`s{mw{n] = careva, cineva You must ask someone. = Trebuie s ntrebi pe careva.

    anyone = oricare - You may/can ask anyone. = Poi ntreba pe careva/ oricine.= oricare? - Can I ask anyone? = Pot ntreba pe oricare/careva?= oricare - I cannot ask anyone. = Nu pot ntreba pe oricare/ nimeni.

    no one = nobody = nimeni;none= not one/any = nici unul/una

    You can ask no one. = Nu poi ntreba pe nimeni. everybody = toi, toat lumea, fiecare

    I saw everybody laughing. = I-am vzut pe toi rznd.


  • everything = totul, tot He can understand everything. = Poate nelege tot.

    somebody else = altcineva I see somebody else. = Vd pe altcineva.

    anybody else = oricine altcineva - Give it to anybody else! = D-i-o oricui altcuiva != oricine altcineva ? - Could you play with anybody else? = Puteai juca cu oricine altcineva ?= nimeni altcineva - I was not seen by anybody else. = N-am fost vzut de nimeni altcineva.

    nobody else = nimeni altcineva Nobody else can do it. = Nimeni altcineva n-o poate face.

    something else = altceva We must buy something else. = Trebuie s cumprm altceva.

    anything else = orice altceva: They may do anything else. = Ei pot face orice altceva.

    nothing else = nimic altceva I saw nothing else. = N-am vzut nimic altceva. Pronumele reciproce (Reciprocal Pronoun)each other = unul pe cellalt (dou persoane)

    The two neighbours help each other. = Cei doi vecini se ajut unul pe another = unul pe cellalt (minimum trei persoane)

    The three brothers help one another. = Cei trei frai se ajut unul pe cellalt.

    1.4.2. Declinarea pronumelui personaln schema care urmeaz este inclus i cazul genitiv dei pronumele personal n cazul genitiv este pronume posesiv, nu personal.

    numrul singularN . I = eu you = tu he = el she = ea it = el/ea G . my = meu your = tu his = lui her = ei its = lui/ei

    mine = al meu yours = al tu his = al lui hers = al ei its = al lui/eiD. (to) me = mie (to) you = tie (to) him = lui (to) her = ei (to) it = lui/eiA. me = pe mine you = pe tine him = pe el her = pe ea it = pe el/ea

    numrul pluralN. we = noi you = voi/dv. they = ei/ele, dnii/dnsele G . our = nostru your = vostru/dv. their = lor, dnilor/dnselor

    ours = al nostru yours = al vostru/dv. theirs = al lor, al dnilor/dnselorD . (to) us = nou (to) you = vou/dv. (to) them = lor, dnilor/dnselor A . us = pe noi you = pe voi/dv. them = pe ei/ele, pe dnii/ dnsele



    Este partea de vorbire prin care se exprim un numr de obiecte/fiine etc. sau ordinea acestora.

    1.5.1. Clasificare1. cardinale (Cardinal Numerals) 2. colective (Collective Numerals)3. ordinale (Ordinal Numerals) 4. distributive (Distributive Numerals)

    5. fracionare (Fractional Numerals) 6. adverbiale (Adverbial Numerals)7. multiplicative (Multiplicative Numerals) 8. nehotrte (Indefinite Numerals) Numeralul cardinal (The Cardinal Numeral)Exprim un numr exact/ntreg de obiecte sau fiine ncepnd de la zero ctre

    plus sau minus infinit.La telefon zero/0 se pronun ca litera O [\u], la tenis se spune love (all), n tiine se folosete cuvntul zero. Cnd ne referim la ani exprimm: 1907 = nineteen oh seven.Exprimarea temperaturii se realizeaz astfel: 0 se pronun zero

    -10 = ten degrees below zero.Cnd se exprim scorul la jocurile de fotbal 0 se pronun nil [nil] sau nothing.La tenis: Nstase leads by two sets to love. (2 - 0) = Nstase conduce cu dou seturi la zero.Numerele de telefon (Telephone Numbers) se scriu cu spaii ntre grupele de cifre.e.g. 04 662 51420 n numerele telefonice se pronun [\u]. Numerele se rostesc separat, iar cifrele duble se rostesc folosindu-se cuvntul double 01 223 456 = oh one double two three four five six . = zero unu doi doi trei patru cinci ase.Cifre triple (Triple/Treble Figures) : 7 555 = seven five double five = apte cinci cinci cinci.Un numr ca 5555 se rostete : double five double five1 one [w{n] = unu, una 11 eleven [i`levn] = unsprezece2 two [tU] = doi, dou 12 twelve [twelv] = doisprezece 3 three [SrI] = trei 13 thirteen [`S|`tIn] = treisprezece4 four [fO] = patru 14 fourteen [`fO`tIn]= paisprezece5 five [faiv] = cinci 15 fifteen[`fif`tIn] = cincisprezece6 six [siks] = ase 16 sixteen [`siks`tIn] = aisprezece7 seven [`sevn] = apte 17seventeen [`sevn`tIn] = aptesprezece8 eight [eit] = opt 18 eighteen [`ei`tIn] = optsprezece9 nine [nain] = nou 19 nineteen [`nain`tIn] = nousprezece10 ten [ten] = zece 20 twenty [`twenti] = douzeci21 twenty-one = douzeci i unu/una 40 forty [`fOti] = patruzeci


  • 22 twenty-two = douzeci i doi/dou 50 fifty [`fifti] = cincizeci23 twenty-three=douzeci i trei 60 sixty [`siksti] = aizeci24 twenty-four = douzeci i patru 70 seventy [`sevnti] = aptezeci25 twenty-five = douzeci i cinci 80 eighty[`eiti] = optzeci 26 twenty-six = douzeci i ase 90 ninety [`nainti] = nouzeci27 twenty-seven = douzeci i apte 100 one hundred [h{ndr\d] = o sut28 twenty-eight = douzeci i opt 101 one hundred and one = o sut unu29 twenty-nine = douzeci i nou 102 one hundred and two = o sut doi30 thirty [`S|ti] = treizeci 125 one hundred and twenty five = o sut douzeci i cinci200 two hundred = dou sute257 two hundred and fifty seven = dou sute cincizeci i apte1,000 one thousand = o mie1,066 ten sixty six = one thousand and sixty six = o mie aizeci i ase2,567 two thousand five hundred and sixty seven =dou mii cinci sute aizeci i apte10,000 ten thousand = zece mii100,000 one hundred thousand = o sut de mii123,547 one hundred and twenty three thousand five hundred and forty seven = o sut douzeci i trei de mii cinci sute patruzeci i apte1,000,000 one million = un milion = 1.000.0002,000,000 two million = dou milioane = 2.000.0001,000,000,000 one milliard/billion = un miliard =,000,000,000 three milliard/billion = trei miliarde =,000,000,000,000 one trillion = un trilion =,000,000,000,000,000 one quadrillion = un catralion1,000,000,000,000,000,000 one quintillion = un chintilion Numeralul ordinal ( The Ordinal Numeral)1st the first [f|st] = primul, prima2nd the second [`sek\nd] = al doilea, a doua3rd the third [S|d] = al treilea, a treia4th the fourth [fOS] = al patrulea, a patra5th the fifth [fifS] = al cincilea, a cincea6th the sixth [siksS] = al aselea, a asea7th the seventh [`sevnS] = al aptelea, a aptea8th the eighth [eitS] = al optulea, a opta9th the ninth [nainS] = al noulea, a noua10th the tenth [tenS] = al zecelea, a zecea11th the eleventh [i`levnS] = al unsprezecelea, a unsprezecea12th the twelfth [`twelfS] = al doisprezecelea, a dousprezecea13th the thirteenth [`S|`tInS]= al treisprezecelea, a treisprezecea14th the fourteenth [`fO`tInS]= al paisprezecelea, a paisprezecea15th the fifteenth [`fif`tInS] = al cincisprezecelea, a cincisprezecea16th the sixteenth [`siks`tInS] = al aisprezecelea, a aisprezecea17th the seventeenth [`sevn`tInS] = al aptesprezecelea, a aptesprezecea18th the eighteenth [`ei`tInS] = al optsprezecelea, a optsprezecea19th the nineteenth [`nain`tInS] = al nousprezecelea, a nousprezecea20th the twentieth [`twenti\S]= al douzecilea, a douzecea21st the twenty first = al douzeci i unulea, a douzeci i una


  • 22nd the tw