grain and feed trade association 72 -insurance clauses

/u***.1 st December 1 990 GAFTA No.72 Sellers shallprovide insuradce on terms not lessfavourable than thosesetout in the standard form ofthe EnglishMarine Policy in forte as at 3 I st December I 98 I , including the clausesspecified in the contract set out in the following sections. SECTION I - CARGO CLAUSES (ALL RISKS) l. This insurance allaches from thetime the soodsleave the warehouseor Dlace ofslorase at the Dlace named in lhe Dolicv for lhe commencement o[ lhe transit.continues durins the ordin;rv courseof transit and lerminates either 5n delivirv {a) to the Cbnsisnees' or othErfinal warehouse or Dlace of storase at lhe deslination named in the oolicv. {b) to any otherivarehouseorplace ofslorage, whetherpriortooiat lhe destination named in the policy, rihich the Assured elect to use either (i) for storage other than in the ordinary courseoftransit or (ii) for allocation or distribution, or (c; . dri the expiry of 60 days after completion of discharge overside of the goods hereby insured from the oversea vessel at the final port of dlscnarge. wrucnever sna! nrsl occul. lf. after discharqe overside from the oversea vessel at the finalDort of discharqe, but prior lo terminationofthis insurance, the goods are to be forwarded to a?estination other than that to which they are'insuredhereuider, tfris insurance whilst remaininssubiecl toiermination as orovided for above. shallnot exlendbevond the commencement of transit to suchother destination. T'his insurance shallremain in force(subject lotermination asprovidedforaboveand ro the provisionsofClause 2 below)duringdelay beyond the control oftheAssured,any deviation.forced discharge. reshipmentor transhipment and duringanyvarialion oflhe adventure arisingfrom the exercise of a libeny grantid to shipowners or chane-rers under the contractof affreightmen t. ' Transit Cliuse (incorporating Warehouse to Warchouse Chuse) 2, If owins to circumstances bevondthe control ofthe Assuredeither thecontractofaffreiqhtment is terminated at a pon or place other than the destinaiion named therein oithe adventure is otherwise terminated before deliverv ofthe-eoods as Drovided for in Clause I 'above. then. subiect to prompt noticebeingEven to Underwriters and to an addirional premium if required,'this insuiance shall remain in force until either " (i)-thegoodsaresoldtrddeliveredatsucbponorplace,or.unlesiotherwisespeciallyagreed.untiltheexpiryot60daysaftercompletionof discharg;overside of the goodshereby iosuried frorir the oversea vessel ar such pon oi place, whichever shaffirst occrir, or (iit iftlle soodsareforwa-rded within ihe said period of 60 davs (or anv agreed extensio'n thereoolo the desdnalion named in the Dolicy or to iny other destination. until termiiated in accoidance with thi provisi6niof CtauseI above. Terlnination of Adveiture Clause 3. Including transit by craft raft orlighterto orfrom the vessel. Eachcraft raftorlighter to bedeemed a separate Insurance.The Assured arenot lo be pre.fudiced by dny agreement-exempting lightermen from liability. Craf and C. Clause 4. Held coiered at a premium to be arranged in case of change of voyage or of any omission or error in the descriptionof the interestvessel or voyage. Changeof Voyage Clause 5. This insuEnceis asainst all risksofloss ofor damape to the subiect-matter insured but shall in no case be de€med to extend to coverloss damage orexpense proxirn-ately caused bydelay or inheren-i viceornatirreofthe subjecFmatterinsured. Claimsrccoverableherdundershall be payab_le irresiectiv6 ofperceniage. A Ri-tf< Clause 6, No claim for Constructive Total Loss shall be recoverable hereunder unless the qoods are reasonablv abandoned either on account of their act ual total lossaDoearine lobe unavoidable or because the cost ofrecoverine. reionditionins and fon,ardinethe soodsto the destination lo which they are iniired w-ould exceed their vaiue on arrival. 'ConItructive Total L,oss Clause 7, CenelalAverageand SalvageChargespayable accordingto Foreign Statement orto York-Antwerp Rulesifin accordancewiththecontractof THE GRAIN AND FEEDTRADE ASSOCIATION INSURANCE CLAUSES affreightment. 10. This insurance shall not inure to the benefit of the carder or other bailee. Copyright G.A. Clause Not to Inure Clause 8, The seaworthiness of the vesselas between the Assured and Underwriters is hereby admitted. In the eventofloss the Assured's nqhl of recovery hereunder shallnot be oreiudicedbv the fact lhat the lossmav have been attributable to the wrongful act or misconduct of the ihipowners oi their servants, conmittad without de privity of the Assured. S ea wo nhiness Admitted Clouse 9. It is lhe dutvoflhe Assured and their Apents. in all cases. to takesuch measuresas mavbereasonablefor the purpose ofaveninqor minimisinga fossand to ensure that all righls againit carriers.bailees or other lhird paniesare froperly presened and ex'ercised. - Bailee Claise I l. This insurance is extended to indemnify the Assured agai-nst such proportion of liability under the contract of affreightnent "Both to Blame Collision" Clause asis in respect of a lossrecoverable [ereunder.' lntheeventofanvclaimbv shipowners underthe saidClausetheAssured aqree to notify the Underwriters whoshallhavethe right,at theirown cost and exoensi-to defehd rhe Assured asainst such claim. -Bothto Blafte C:ollision" Clause I 2. Warranted free of capture,seizure, arrest, restraint o, detainment, and lhe consequences thereof or of any attempt thereat; also trom the consequences of hosLilities or warlike operations, wherherthere be a declaration ofwar or not; but this warianty sh;all not exclude collision, conraci wirh anv ftxed or floatine obiict (other than a mine or torDedo). strandins.heaw wealher or frre lnless causeddireclly (and indeDenden!ly olthe natureofthe ioyale oriervice which the vessel coircenied or, in thEcaseola collision, anyothervessel involved theiein,is perf6rminglSy a hostjleacrby or agdinit a belligerent powen and for the purpose ofthis warranty"power'i iniludes any aulhorily maintaining naval- m rtarv or arrlorces rn assocntton wttn a Dower. Further warranted free from the consequencesol civil war, revolution, rebellion, insurrection, or civil strife arist"t ,n"r"t.f,f., ;;fg."Arrff Should ClauseNo. 12 be deleted, ahe relevrnt War Clauses as set oul in Section4 hereofshdl be d€emed to form part ofthis insurance. 13. Warrantedfree ofloss or damaee (a) caused by strikers, locked--out workmen,or persons taking part in labour disturbances, riots or civil commolions; ibl resufting-from strikes, lock-ouls labour distdrbances, riotidr civil commotions. F.S.R. andC.C. Clause sfiould Clauie No. l3 be deleled,the relevant Strikcs, Ri6ts and Civil Commotions Clauses as set out in Section5 hereofshrll be deem€d to form part ofthis insurance. l4 ln lhe eventofanyaddilional insurance beingplaced by the Assured forthe time beingonlhe cargo hereininsured, the valuestated in thispolicy shall- in the eveniofloss or claim. be deemC-d to be intreasedto the total amountin-sured at th6lime of lossor accidenl. Where the insurance is on'increased value'the followins Clause shallapplv. ................ beheincreasedvalueofcarqotobedeemddtobepanof'tfretotalamountinsuredonthecarqovaluedatsuchtotal.amount. Where the original -policies effected on theiargo cover also Advdnced Freightthen lhe word "cargo" in thiipolicy shall be deemed also to include'Advailced Freisht". Inlhe eventofanvaddilionalinsurance beingDlaced by the Assured for the time beinqonthecargoherein insured.thevalueofthecargoshall,in the evenlof loss br claim. be deemed to be-iicreased to lhe toul amountinsuredai lhe time o'f lossor accident. Incrcosed ValueClause 15. It is a condition of this insurance that the Assured shall act with reasonable despatch in all circumstances within;lf{o;3fi;o;esDatch Clause NOTE: lt is necessary for the Assured whentheybecomeawareofanevent which is "heldcovered"under thisinsurance to Bive prompl noticeto Underwritersand the right to suchcover is dependent upon compliance with rhis obligation.

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Page 1: Grain and Feed Trade Association 72 -Insurance Clauses

/u***.1 st December 1 990 GAFTA No.72

Sellers shallprovide insuradce on terms not less favourable than those set out in the standard form ofthe English Marine Policyin forte as at 3 I st December I 98 I , including the clauses specified in the contract set out in the following sections.

SECTION I - CARGO CLAUSES (ALL RISKS)l. This insurance allaches from thetime the soods leave the warehouseor Dlace ofslorase at the Dlace named in lhe Dolicv for lhe commencement

o[ lhe transit. continues durins the ordin;rv course of transit and lerminates either 5n delivirv{a) to the Cbnsisnees' or othEr final warehouse or Dlace of storase at lhe deslination named in the oolicv.{b) to any otherivarehouseorplace ofslorage, whetherpriortooiat lhe destination named in the policy, rihich the Assured elect to use either

(i) for storage other than in the ordinary course oftransitor

(ii) for allocation or distribution,or (c; . dri the expiry of 60 days after completion of discharge overside of the goods hereby insured from the oversea vessel at the final port of

dlscnarge. wrucnever sna! nrsl occul.lf. after discharqe overside from the oversea vessel at the finalDort of discharqe, but prior lo termination ofthis insurance, the goods are to beforwarded to a?estination other than that to which they are'insured hereuider, tfris insurance whilst remainins subiecl toiermination asorovided for above. shall not exlend bevond the commencement of transit to such other destination.T'his insurance shall remain in force (subject lotermination as provided forabove and ro the provisionsofClause 2 below)duringdelay beyondthe control oftheAssured,any deviation.forced discharge. reshipmentor transhipment and duringany varialion oflhe adventure arisingfromthe exercise of a libeny grantid to shipowners or chane-rers under the contract of affreightmen t.' Transit Cliuse (incorporating Warehouse to Warchouse Chuse)

2, If owins to circumstances bevond the control ofthe Assured either the contract ofaffreiqhtment is terminated at a pon or place other than thedestinaiion named therein oithe adventure is otherwise terminated before deliverv ofthe-eoods as Drovided for in Clause I 'above. then. subiectto prompt notice beingEven to Underwriters and to an addirional premium if required,'this insuiance shall remain in force until either "( i)- thegoodsaresoldtrddel iveredatsucbponorplace,or.unlesiotherwisespecial lyagreed.unti l theexpiryot60daysaftercompletionofdischarg; overside of the goods hereby iosuried frorir the oversea vessel ar such pon oi place, whichever shaffirst occrir,

or (iit iftlle soods are forwa-rded within ihe said period of 60 davs (or anv agreed extensio'n thereoolo the desdnalion named in the Dolicy or toiny other destination. until termiiated in accoidance with thi provisi6niof Ctause I above. Terlnination of Adveiture Clause

3. Including transit by craft raft orlighterto orfrom the vessel. Each craft raftorlighter to be deemed a separate Insurance.The Assured are not lobe pre.fudiced by dny agreement-exempting lightermen from liability. Craf and C. Clause

4. Held coiered at a premium to be arranged in case of change of voyage or of any omission or error in the description of the interest vessel orvoyage. Change of Voyage Clause

5. This insuEnce is asainst all risks ofloss ofor damape to the subiect-matter insured but shall in no case be de€med to extend to coverloss damageorexpense proxirn-ately caused bydelay or inheren-i vice ornatirreofthe subjecFmatterinsured. Claims rccoverableherdundershall be payab_leirresiectiv6 ofperceniage. A Ri-tf< Clause

6, No claim for Constructive Total Loss shall be recoverable hereunder unless the qoods are reasonablv abandoned either on account of theiract ual total loss aDoearine lobe unavoidable or because the cost ofrecoverine. reionditionins and fon,ardinethe soods to the destination lowhich they are iniired w-ould exceed their vaiue on arrival. 'ConItructive Total L,oss Clause

7, CenelalAverageand SalvageChargespayable accordingto Foreign Statement orto York-Antwerp Rulesifin accordancewiththecontractof




10. This insurance shall not inure to the benefit of the carder or other bailee.


G.A. Clause

Not to Inure Clause

8, The seaworthiness of the vessel as between the Assured and Underwriters is hereby admitted.In the event ofloss the Assured's nqhl of recovery hereunder shall not be oreiudicedbv the fact lhat the loss mav have been attributable to thewrongful act or misconduct of the ihipowners oi their servants, conmittad without de privity of the Assured.

S ea wo nhiness Admitted C louse

9. It is lhe dutvoflhe Assured and their Apents. in all cases. to takesuch measuresas mavbe reasonablefor the purpose ofaveninqor minimisingafoss and to ensure that all righls againit carriers. bailees or other lhird panies are froperly presened and ex'ercised. - Bailee Claise

I l. This insurance is extended to indemnify the Assured agai-nst such proportion of liability under the contract of affreightnent "Both to BlameCollision" Clause as is in respect of a loss recoverable [ereunder.'lntheeventofanvclaimbv shipowners underthe said ClausetheAssured aqree to notify the Underwriters whoshall havethe right,at theirowncost and exoensi- to defehd rhe Assured asainst such claim. -Bothto Blafte C:ollision" Clause

I 2. Warranted free of capture, seizure, arrest, restraint o, detainment, and lhe consequences thereof or of any attempt thereat; also trom theconsequences of hosLilities or warlike operations, wherher there be a declaration ofwar or not; but this warianty sh;all not exclude collision,conraci wirh anv ftxed or floatine obiict (other than a mine or torDedo). strandins. heaw wealher or frre lnless caused direclly (andindeDenden!ly olthe natureofthe ioyale oriervice which the vessel coircenied or, in thEcaseola collision, any othervessel involved theiein,isperf6rmingl Sy a hostjle acr by or agdinit a belligerent powen and for the purpose ofthis warranty "power'i iniludes any aulhorily maintainingnaval- m rtarv or arrlorces rn assocntton wttn a Dower.Further warranted free from the consequences ol civil war, revolution, rebellion, insurrection, or civil strife arist"t ,n"r"t.f,f.,

;;fg."ArrffShould Clause No. 12 be deleted, ahe relevrnt War Clauses as set oul in Section 4 hereofshdl be d€emed to form part ofthis insurance.

13. Warranted free ofloss or damaee(a) caused by strikers, locked--out workmen, or persons taking part in labour disturbances, riots or civil commolions;ibl resufting-from strikes, lock-ouls labour distdrbances, riotidr civil commotions. F.S.R. andC.C. Clausesfiould Clauie No. l3 be deleled, the relevant Strikcs, Ri6ts and Civil Commotions Clauses as set out in Section 5 hereofshrll be deem€d toform part ofthis insurance.

l4 ln lhe eventofanyaddilional insurance beingplaced by the Assured forthe time beingon lhe cargo hereininsured, the valuestated in this policyshall- in the eveni ofloss or claim. be deemC-d to be intreased to the total amount in-sured at th6lime of loss or accidenl.Where the insurance is on'increased value'the followins Clause shall applv.€... . . . . . . . . . . . . .beheincreasedvalueofcarqotobedeemddtobepanof' t fretotalamountinsuredonthecarqovaluedatsuchtotal.amount.Where the original -policies effected on theiargo cover also Advdnced Freight then lhe word "cargo" in thiipolicy shall be deemed also toinclude'Advailced Freisht".Inlhe eventofanv addilionalinsurance beingDlaced by the Assured for the time beinqon thecargoherein insured.thevalueofthecargoshall,inthe evenl of loss br claim. be deemed to be-iicreased to lhe toul amount insured ai lhe time o'f loss or accident. Incrcosed Value Clause

15. It is a condition of this insurance that the Assured shall act with reasonable despatch in all circumstances within;lf{o;3fi;o;esDatch Clause

NOTE: lt is necessary for the Assured when theybecomeawareofanevent which is "held covered"under this insurance to Bive prompl notice toUnderwriters and the right to such cover is dependent upon compliance with rhis obligation.

Page 2: Grain and Feed Trade Association 72 -Insurance Clauses


sEcTloN 2 - CARGO CT AUSES (W.A.) \l. This insurance attaches from the time lhe goods leavethe warehouse orplaceofstorage atthe place named in the policy forrhe commencemenl \

of the lransrt, continues during the ordinary courseoftransit and termlnates erner on oeuvervfa) to the ConsiSnees' or otherrrna.l warehouse or place of storage at the destination named in the Dolicy.ab) toanv otnerwarenouseorDlaceotslora€e,whetherpriortooratthedestinationnamed inthe poficy. \ihich fte Assured elecl louse eilher' ' (i) for storage other than in the ordintry

"ourse oi transit

ti;) 8Jr auocation or cislribution,

- [i]"n?1"T."*"fr1"'#r3t :fl$"f;1*?t":?:d"uon of discharge overide of rhe goods hereby insured from the oversea vessel ar rhe trnat pon of

If. after-discharqe overside from lhe oversea vessel at the frnal port ofdischarge, bur.prior to terminalion of this insurance,lhe goods are to beforwarded to aaestination olher than thar to *hich rh;t;;'i;;;ed 'n-iiJuiait

tfus insuran"" iltil.t ;;ili"g ;;bj"cr to terrnmatro? asprovided for above., shall.not extend beyond rhe commeicemeni ofiiansiito suctr ottrer oesdn;io;.-" '-" --""" "-""

I hrs rnsurance snallremam ln rorce (subJect to termination as Drovided for above and-to th€provisions ofClause 2 below)_during delay beyondthe conlrol oflheAssured. anv devidtiori.forced di.gharge, reihipmini oi tiansrup-rne"t a"o ounnganyvanalron oftheaoventureanslng rromrhe exercise of a libeny grantid to shipowners or chantiiers under the conlracr or amergntmenl, but shall ln no case be deemed to exrend locover ross damase or expense proximatelv caused bv derav or idherer'' "". "ifHzi[*:ixy:f;ii;:i; w{y!f"^"" ," walehouse crause)

2. lfowinq to circumstances bevond the controlofthe Assured either the contracl ofaffreightment is terrninated at a ponor place other lhan thedesl inaiion named therein oithe adventure is ottt"r*iii1i].ii"ti,J tii-" a'ei-very of rtre goods as provided for in Ctaus-e I above, rhen, su bjecrlo Drompt notice beine civen to underwriters and to an adaitional piimium ii requtreo, trus -surance

shall remain in force unlrl elthertit'the'eoodsaresoldtnddeliveredatsuchpo;;;-ptq;;.;;G;i;rlfii",;i,!.p.h"n!ig'i"d.";tl;li""xp,,6i?d;;;saftercomplerionordischareE overside of the soods hereby insured frodr the oversea vessel at such'pon oi place, *rucheue, sfiaif fi rsi o"-"-,i,,or(ii) itrhesoodsarerorwirdedwithinihesaiapiri.idoiioa:iii?;;;;il;;ii;;$.;,it'"';.;di;iili:ifi#l'n"riliea-reporicvorroanv other destination' until teminate d i, accoidance wirh thd piovisi6ns'oi Ctause r itovi.

- - ' - -- *-r17iiiii6i';l


De pre;uclrcecl by any agreement exempting lighterme[ from liability. - '- - - "-'"--" " a;i;da.-Ci;;

4' Held covered at a premium to be arranged in case of change of voyage or of any omission or error in the description of the interest vessel orvoyase. cha;s";ln;r;s;ei;;;5. Warranted freefrom averaee underthe percentage spe4ifi€d in the policy, ur ess geDqral, or the vessel or craft be stranded, sunkorbumt, butnotwithstandin e this warraitv the u ndeiwriters aie t6 pay the insurdd valire ofanypaciagi whi.rr

-uybiro-uly ioriinioi;rng, rranshipment-ordischarge, also for any loss ofor damage to- the interest'in3ured whichmay reasoriabty be-attriuuteo i6 nie, J6(oslinl iJil,on or"on,u", o, *"+"f:%1ifi"':fii':Hlil;nil:',m;:*?"'*:T*::1"ffi,$#G"d.);t'i";iil;;d;'i;;i;if,;&?;:6'#ru'i*i::

6' No claim for constructive Total Loss -shall be recoverable hereunder unless the goods are reasonably abando[ed either on account of theiractual total loss appearing to be unavoidable or because the cos oiiiioverine, re;on irioning -a

?"i'*iiaiie lh;,-e;,|ii to rhe desrinarion towhich rhey are iniirred w-outd exceed their vatue on ar;vai. CJzirruiiiue-lifit uss ctaus"t

:rtff;fl,*Hi:titrd salvage charges payable according to Foreign statement or to York-Antwerp Rules ifin accordance with the conrract of

8. The seaworthiness of the vessel as between the Assured and urderwriters is herebv admitted.ln lhe evenl ofloss the Assu red s right oJ recovery.hereunder shall nor q. p-f;j,iai;/qy l.h; li.;i rhar lhe toss may have been arrriburable ro rhewronstul acr or misconducr of rheihipowners oi their servants. commirria niriioi,i irie'fiii;i;ij;;A;..iil:it'-",,i)"n oo^rno r.,o^"

9' Il is the dutv oftheAssured and lheir Agents, in allcas-es. to lake such measures as may be reasonable for lhe purpose ofavenrnpormrnlmrsinqaf oss and ro ensure rhar arr righrs agairir carhers. b;ir;;;;;;h;; tl{;;}?Gs-ar. f .operty prese*;; ;d;;E;"ir;;: - Bairee crai*

ll' This insurance is extended to indemnify-t:t:Uig "pgl"ych

proportion of liability under the contract of affreightment "Both to BlameColl ision" clause as is in respect ofa loss recoverable hereunder. - -"evr qrviv.qq\rv'4"rrLEx

ln lne evenlolanvclarm bv shiDowners under the iiaid Clause rheAssured agreelonotifythe underwriters whoshall have the right, at theirowncosl and expensd, ro defehd rfie Assured againsri"it italrn.-------- '--"'' ,,Both to Blame L:ollision- Clause

l2 warranled free of caPlure. seizure' arrest. restraint or.delainmenl. and lhe consequences rhereof or of any attempt thereat; also from theconsequences of hostilities or warlike operations, whether rhere be a aectaiaiion "i

*"i-Ji;;i;fii i* r";.#i;; lilPuil not exclude colision,contacr wilh anv ftxed or floatino objrict (olher $an a mine or rorpedo), srinai"g, trii"v *e jiri;; ;;'fir.*'i;i;; ";d;-ai.;;rl;-i;;indeoendentlv oithenature ofthe ioyale or'se.wice *trictr thiuitritio[JJtitta o.. i" tt'"

"useofa co[ision.any orh", u".J iiiirulo't'r.,?"li,iip:f^q.i:IF2!l-"_!9_.ll:l9j py 9t"ci:jj:-b9.{le.."nipi,*ii:-Ji,;iili;;,p;;;-rtil;;iliiri".",iiirilirij!."-"iauthoriry mainraininsnaval, murtary or arr torces In assoctatjon with a Dower.

Furlher wartanted free from the consequences olcivil war. revolution. rebellion, insurreclion. or civil strife arising therefrom, or piracy.

should clause No. l2 be deleted, the relevant war clsuses as set out in section 4 hereofshrll be deemed to forln o"".rfit flHrl;r""'f.^"13. Warranted freeofloss or damaee

(a) caused bv strikers. locked-iul workmen. or persons taking pan in labour disturbances. riols or civil commotions;(b) re-sufring from srrites, lock-outs. Iabour d15d.fban1|;, ;;i! 'q; iquit'!6illoou"nr. F.S.R. and C.C. CtauseShould Claus-e-No. l3 be deleted, thi relevant strires iioiJ ana iivii c-otimitioos cla.,""s as set oua in Section 5 hereofshall be deemed toform part ofthis insurance.

l4 ln theevent ofanv additional insurancebeingPlacedby theAssured for rhe dme beingonthecargohereininsured, the value stated rn rhispolicy:|,"J:T.ll9:l-"19f lgss or.claim. be.deemC-d ro u. i"1ciJil1a m i[ei.rit-aino'Lrnr nsurea ar trre trme of toss or accidenr.

10, This insurance shall not iirure to the benefit of the carrier or other bailee. Not to Inure Clause

Where the insu,rance is on "increased Value" thelottowing Ctause strati-pfiy:

il;;:;r;;":r"::H^{ifid+ A,f .J!:fi.i9-i!1"":Hgi,5t:'p"l,Tilp,f:tft amounr insured onthecarso varued a, suchtorar amountwhere the orieinal Dolicies effected on the-cargo cover aso Aovaircla i;;isilrfi til;;il;;;i t ; ifi!";ojifi"rtii Lt aeemea abo toinclude "Advaicedtsreisht"-include "Advanced tsreight"



ln theevenlofanyaddiri6nalinsurance beingplaced by the.Assured forthe dmebeingonthe cargo hereininsured, thevalueofthecarqosha.ll,inthe event of lossbr claim. be deemed to be'iicreasedto the rorai amouni i"i'irJ"l rtt. ti-e o'r to.. o. a"ciainil-- Tiiiliit nfi" ctiiiiIt is a condition of this insurance that theAssured shall act with reasonable despatch in all circumstances within thesir control .espatch

ClauseNOTE: Il is necessarv forrhe Assured when they becomeawareofan eventwhichis..held covered,, under this insurancetogiveprompl not|ce roUnderwrilers and tha right to such cover is delendent upon comptiancJ*,ttr iiri, o6fGiiio-".--

sEcTroN 3 - CARGO CLAUSES (F.P.A.)| rus msurance altaches from lhe !ime the goods leave lhe warehouse al the place named in the policy for the cornmencemenr of lhe lransit andconhnues until the goods are delivered tdthe consignee's or otheifin"iuriiltr"use ar tne oesrmatron named in the policy. TnrLrit clauseSubject to rhe provisions of Clause 3 hereunder this insurgnce shall rernain in force dunngtr), oevralion, delay, beyond the control of the assured, forced disch"iii, a""a rranshiomenr(ul any olher varialion of the advenrure arising from Ge exercise of; tibintli-ani;d ; i'ti1iii5.ii'ir

"rr"n"rers under rhe conrracr otanretghtmenl,

Page 3: Grain and Feed Trade Association 72 -Insurance Clauses

|'nt shall ir no case be deemed to extend to cover loss damage orexpense proximately caused by delay grinherentvice or nature ofthe subject

#*f iffi;?*' -- -:- - E tended Cover Ctiuse

I rf owinc (o circumstances beyond the control ofthe Assured eitherthe contract of affreightm€nt is terminaled at a port or place other tha[ the";Xirlii;;fi;drhereino/theadventureisolherwiselerminatedbeforedeliveryofthegoodsintoConsignees'orotherfinalwarehouseatthe

iliifiiii"-,j n"-"a i" ttre policy. then provided notice is given immediately afier receipt of advices and subjecl to an additional premium ifreauired, tlus insurance shall remaln rn lorceii-i-

""iii trre soods are sold and delivered at such pon or Place

",liif ifGiiito?ii." forwardedto thedestinatiot na;ned in ahe policyor lo anyotherdestina!ion, until thegoods havearrived atConsignees'or

irtherfinal warehouse at such destmatlon. lermtnauon oJ Aavenlure Llatue

Includinglransil by craft,raft and/orlighterloand from lhe vessel. Each crafl, raflorlighlertobedeemedaseparateinsuranc^e.TheAssured arenoiio oe"prquaicla Uy dny agreemenl exempting lightermen trom liability. Craft and C Cla*se

Held covered at a premium to be arranged in case of change of voyage or of any omission or error in the description of the interest vessel orvoyage. Change of VoYage Clause

6. Warranted free from parricular ave_rage unless the vessel and/orcrafl be stranded,sunk, burnt. or in collision wilh anolher ship or vessel butn^rwirh<ian.linr thls warrantv tne underwnters are lo oav lor loss oI or oamase to lne ullerest neteDv tnsuleo wtucn may reasonaory Denoiwithstanding this warranty the Uniderwriters are lo pay for loss of or damage to the inlerest hereby insufed which may ieasonably beattributed to fire, explosion orcontact (o!her than collision with anolher ship orvessel) of lhe vessel andlor crafi and/or conveyance \vlth anysubstance, iceincluded,other lhan watdr. o( owing to dischar€e ofcargo ata port ofdisiress. Topay panial lossoccurringduringtranshipment. or owinq to discharse ofcareo at a oort ofdisiress. To oav oanial loss occurrineduringtranshipment

which m-ay be total! lost in loadinL or discharge, and fi? insured value of an! porti6n of the cargoand to pay the insured value of any bag which may be totally lost in loading or discharge, and fie insured veconderiuri:d at a pon ofdisrress owing to perils.insured against. AIso to pay spe-cial charges forlandhgwarehor.r an tntermedrate Don ol cau or reruee. lor wrucn unoerwnters woulo De lmDle unoer Ine Slanoaro lofin or

ial charees for landine warehousing and forwarding if lncurredle undeithe StandardForm of Enflish Marine Poficy with lhe

rf ani oortion of the carqoand foiwardine if incurrEdcondenned at a portofdistress owinq to

at an intermediate pon ofcall or refuge,at an mtermedmle pon ol call or reruqe, lor wrucn unoerwnters vCargo Clauses (W,A.), {as set out in CAFTA Form ?2), attached.ThiiClause shall ooeraie durins the whole oeriod covered bv theThis-Ctause shall opdraie during the whole period covared by the policy. F.P.A. Clause




I l .




ln the eventofdamaee to the !.oods no claim for Con sl ruclr ve Total Loss shall be recoverable hereunder unless they are reasonably abarndonedeither on accounl ofiheiractial total Ioss apDearingto be unavoidable, neithershall a claim for ConstrucliveTotal Loss based upon lhe costoIrecoveimg recondilioningand forwarding(6rany df them.;be recovembleunless such costwould exceed lhevalueofthe goodson arrivalat thedestinatio"n to which they-are insured. "' Conslruciive Tolal Loss Clause

C-eneralAverage and SalvageCharges payableaccordingto Foreign Statementorto York-Antwerp Rules ifin accordancewiththecontractofaffreiphtment. G.A. Clause

The seaworthiness of the vessel as between the Assured and the Underwnters is hereby admitted.ln the event of loss lhe Assured's rishl of recovery hereunder shall not be preiudiced by ihe fact that the loss may have been attributable to thewrongtuf act or misconduct oflhe;hipowners oitheir servants. committed ivithout the privity of the Assurld

arvo rthiness Admiued (Jause

In caseof loss ordamaee whjch may resull in aclaimbeingmadehereunder,the Assured undertake tocauseappropriate measuresto be takentoorevent anv remedv aq-arnsr anv ca;rier or other bailee be-coming barred by reason ofnon-compliance wilh termsand conditionsgoveming theliabillty ofiuch car'riej or orher bailee. Should expenses be incirred lheraby Underwriters will re-imburse the Assured for such exPendilure-ii"i,id"j

itr" 1.* "i

a"mage falls within rhe provjsions of this insurance. Bailee Clause

This policy is e-xlended ro indemnifv the Assu red against such proponionofliabilityunder thebilloflading"Both toBlameCollision"Clauseasls rn resDect oI a loss recovemole ! .(ler Ine po| rhe eientofany claim by shipowners undei rhe said Clause lhe Assured agree lo notify lhe Underwriters who_shqllhave lhe lh_eirowncost and expens6, to defend the Assured aBainsl such claim. "lloth lo 6lam? ( olllston Llause

Warranted free ofthe risks excluded from the Standard Form ofEnglish Marine Policy by the standard Free ofCapture and SeizureWarranty inforce at the time when the risk under this insurance attaches. - War Risks Exclusion ClauseShouta CUusc No. t U be deleted, the rclevant War Clauses as set out in Section 4 hereof shall be deemed to fo.m part ofthis insurance.

Warranted free of the risks excluded from the Standard Form of English Marine Poticy by the standard Free of Strik€s, Riots and CivilCommotions Warranlv in force ar lhe lime when the risk under this iniurance attaches. Sftikes, &C, E clusion Clausesfr""fa f:U"se No. f 3'be dcleted. thc retevant Strikes Riots and Ciyil Commotions Clauses as set out in Section 5 hereof shall be deemed toform part ofthis insurance,

In lheevent ofanv addilional insurance being placed by the Assured for the rime beingon thecargo herein insured, th€ valuestaled in lhispolicyshall- in rhe eveni of loss or claim. be deemdd to be ir icreased lo lhe lotalamountl suredallhetimeo[lossoraccident.Wheie the insurance is on -incteased value" the following Clause shall apply:-t .- . . . . . . . . . . . . . .be;ne;ncreasedvalueolcargolobedeem-edrobepa of t} le tolal amount insured on the cargo valued al such total amount.*here the original iolicies effecled on the-cargo cover also Adviinced Freight then the word _cargo" in lhis policy shall be deemed also loinclude "Advanced Freip,ht".iniheevenr ofany additi;nal insurance beingplaced by theAssured forthetimebeingo_nthecargo-herein insured, thevalueofthec.argoshall.inthe evenl of foss or cfaim, be deemed lo be increased to the tolal amount rnsured at the llme ot loss or accroenl. Increas?a vatuc I Musc

It is a condition ofthis insurance that the Assured shall act with reasonable desPatch in all circumstances withiltheir fftl)oi"rpot"h Clour"

NOTE: l t is necessary [or the Assured whenlheybecome awareofar eventwhichis'heldcovered 'under this insur?rnce togive promPl nol iceloUnder*r i ters and the r ight to such cover is deiendenl upon compliance with this obl igation

SECTION 4 - WAR CLAUSES (CARGO)This insurance coversl.l the risks excluded from the Standard Form of English Marine Policy by the clause

.Warranted free of caDture. sei?ure. arrest. restrai-it or delainment, aird'the consequences Lhereofor ofany attempt thereat: also from !heconseouences ofhoslilitiesorwarlikeoperalions.whether there b€ a declarationofwaror not;butthis warranty shallnol excludecollision.contaci wirh anv fixed or floatinp obidct (other than a mine or torpedo), stranding, heavy weather or fire unless caused directly (andindeDendentlv 6f lhe nature of th-e voyageor service whjch the vesstl concemed or, in lhe case ola collision, any olher vessel lnvolvedther;in is pe riorm ing)by a hostile.act 6yiragainsl abelligerentpowerland forthe purposeofthis warranty'power'includes anyauthontymarntarnme naval. mrl'lary or alr lorces m assocrauon wltn a power.F" iii.t"ii"u?r-rlii i.i" irdm the consequences ofcivil war, re.iolution, rebellion, insurrection, or civil strife arisingtherefrom,orPiracy."

1.2 loss ofor damage lo the inlerest insured caused byl-2.1 hosl i l i l ies.-warl ike oper,r l ions, civi l war, revoiut ion, rebel l ion, insurrection or civi l str i fe arising therefrom.1.2,2 mines. lorpedoes, bombs or other engines o[ war'i:5';*";;i ;";t;;i;na ii)uag.

"harges incuried.for the purpose ofavoiding. or in connection wilh the avoidance of.loss bv a oeril insured

aqarnst by lnese crauses. uenerar average and salvagi charges payable a"ccorJing to Foreign Slatement or to Yoik_Antwe;? Rules if inaicordance with the conlracl ofaffreightmenl.

This insurance excludesi:i";;;;i;il b;;;Afion loss of, or frustration of, the insured voyage or adventure caused by arrests, restraints or detainments of Kiogs

Princes Peoples Lfsurpers or persons attempting to usurp power. .,.2 il;;,;;;;J;;;;enle !risirigt."m any trostile use of any weapon of waremployingalomic or nuclear fission and/orfusion orother like

reactron or raclro-acllve lorce or matter23 i;;;; a;;tt;.t;;eJ Uy itre Stanaara rorm of English Marine Policy with the Free of Capture etc, clause (as quoted in 1.1 above)

inserted thereinz.l iois oi oimise proximalely caused by delay inherenl vice or loss o[ market, or any claim for expenses arising from delay except such

expenses as iould be recoierable in principle in English law and praclice under York-Anlwerp Rules.


l .

Page 4: Grain and Feed Trade Association 72 -Insurance Clauses

3. Claims recovemble shall be Payable irrespective of percentage'

4. This insurance, €xcept for the risks o[ minesand.derelicr rorpedoe:J:,t",:11c"::.::1*'i:*:efjled lo.llclause s b€low'

l.T'ililJ#f:fi!!''ii""tii!*i[':H:.|i;d:1i'-;:1il:|1i.*ii3jf,"*r^':39:9::"l[:ff:',:X:::n'"?lgti lll3i'lil$J"ti$i,:';:i';?idit;T;;id;ii'oiJiiitioiida""toanypartasthatpartisdischarsedrromanoverseavesseratthe6nalternjnates, suDlect ro q.) a

port or place ofdischarge,

l,i"f"l*::*lrtlU;ountins from midnight of the dav of arrival of the vessel at the final port or place of discharse'

lftiliil?i;*o, ".,ice ro the underwriters and to an additional Premium'

;;;i;""i;.';h;:;ith*r having-discharg{ihe Ttl'9-'J ll9:g{ry1^:,'^191".?f ;t*:llll4.34.4

lubiect to prompt nouce ro rnc uusEr wrrr !#;;;;;tii""fiJP;;oililaci of discharge' the v€ssel.sails thereJrom'.anc

fffif]A:lfi#l*ilj],iil:6""'ff.';A;;;,T;i;i;;i;il;i.uny p'un u, tr'iiiiiiiiiiiii"rr"iaii"t'"'e"airom ihe vesserattheii'ilir.ii"ffitirt"al port or place of discharge,

The insurance againsr lhe risks-o[ mines and derelicl rorPedoes' floadng or submerged'

5 | attaches as tbe mterestano as to any part as $atPart isfirst load"d 9l"u.9t-'."1^ol^:.t1ili;il:,'#;;?f,;il iiiiiliii.i. "'v p"'t as $atPari isnrst5.tattachesasiheinterestandastoanypartastnatpanlsDDrroau

storase at the Dlace na-.o tn rne tns'!iinl" ioi the commen"ement of the transit and

5.2 terminates either

bi#.i"i-ot"iiu'r, "rr".

suc\inrerest leaves the warehouse or place ofI

::1.i"'''*"lf;:iil:::,'.pj,:::"^3ly.pjjii:ll?lll*[i:,."j$t;'.ff.till:3u,:ffi13''"ffft31fJ"ti"*uJ'ift3:]i]iJr"]ffi"":13$"fi$",*"":Tfi:'gi;:li.ffif"'"iJ:X1',[31ff*.ii.::1",1;Tt;".'lf.til,i:eu,:il1fi:iifi5;;;"ii"i;";fifi;iiu"vigiisi"id tbtvth"


3l e*piry of I s days .ounring from midnight of the day of re-arrival ofthe vessel at the final port or place ofdischarge or arrival of the vessel

at a sibaliluled port or place ol olscnarge'

aa ilff1i""",i".1i1*:tJ 93ill" *" ou"rr"u u"rsel affives at an intermediare ponor Dlace rodischargethe inrerest forontarriagebv anorher

overseavessel, such insu_r^',"" t"..-ii"i oiiiili.y oi l5 dayscountingfrommidnightoftheday of arrival of the vessel at lhe intermediate

porl or place. bu! reatta"n", * *. -,.-r"-.tirri

i'si.i any part i* ttrat-part-is loadei-on"the on-cat-ty i"q,ou9 otg :."9.'9!; -D"tlring the period of I 5

bavs s,rih insurance remalns in to'"e Jt'drfiiiiutg" 6'[ry "rt

st ui" i"tgt*t T,Xn:? $rlt$g

aslhat pan is at such intermediate pon or

;i,i"" .ft;;ii;tg;:ii Lh; insu-rance reattaches' it tFereafter terminates in acco

4.6 If rhe voyase in th" "on,ru.,o, "urn"g-"'iiJffi'itiir "ii r]i,n i, place othe r rhan the distinarion agreed rherein, suchponor Dlace shall be

"" g:'"H*':f#x'f,:i!J,lilTli3f#f ;til$**#:JJwlrn**i;i.x,t:'**.",*:$*:"*uni1""1i"il"fiPx'#'li*;o.u.,."ol',;th'""i"3"011'1f,3'rBHfHl}.n!'J'"T.'t$'ii'',?lill!'1fi!""res! and as ro any pan as rhar pa is loaded on the on-carryins oversea

4.6.2 u', *J:ll?:?l;:il"€133i;or having been discharsed. when lhe vesset sails from such deemed final port ofdischarge;

thereafter such insurangg t""'l9lit"ii#":::"#;i#;iiii,", ,t

" u..."1 is anchored. moored or orherwise a berth or place

lFor the purpose ofClause 4 *arnval- " sr


Undirwriters,or,5'22 H};fi"lii:t"#:i#",i:ili'"9;i".$'#S'',t,'Jijli&ti'"itib"h3:i:,1#iiillci:iii#i::rFiF"i:!:'j'fii"'"'l'X'{'Ti,i':$:iii'"e;"iii-.iii",r,"-",1,fr,:l#"ffj;iiXfilXleiLgd.J,Bffi+?:lXT"f:*ig::in:gt*,**.:ffi1iti."lfrtsubjelt to PromPt notice torcffrnnates eltnef

5.2.2.|astheinterestandastoanypartasthatPart isdischargedfromvesselorcraftpriortosaleanddeliveryatsuchportorPlaceor,s.2.2.2 :y;:io?':ii[;'fiu.H"l*fiff'i":[:1",:l9fiis:Twt.fiiJJJ,1ft:fl3":lf#l"d,:jTi-":,1,:li'"'-'"':pre'lionof


ir'rii i,'ieie.t is ror*a,aea- w;ilru de oo aavs r'l -l "eSE4-"11'{iil,1t'"iii?.t}f i53n;l'i"J,3l'iffi."$51g:Xlil:T.:t'"*:rti:ltff'l"llnlill:1';i"til:,'J,3ffi['rj['],ffi?fi,."#,!l;;a;';;;ilanouuvr,o,,i.uo,.ro,"'urif.iJil"aiu"".vrothewarehouse or ptace oJslonqe at ft€ desturauonnuln"orn

-"r.iiui"ui.".oiu"ti-."uitiitr"oaesdnationin thleeventofachange

{Fo. th. pu.po:::?tfl"'"1:T:t":3t",:i: yli,"#iJ""'{11911-14r.0" o""med ro mean a vesser carrving rhe interest rrom one port or place to

i'.;d;;;[;F;".h t"vage involves a sea passage bv tbat vessel )


7. Subject to prompt notice to the u nderwriters and to an additional premium, the interest is held covered within the pfovlsions of these clauses ul

ii"il?f!r"":t"il,l"'*t:ll"tl""U, *lrl?3Fit " ""","i.".rany liberty sranred to the srupownerorcharterer underthe contractoraffreishtment'


NoTE:ttisnecessaryfortheAssu.redwhenlheybecomeawareofa4.eventwJrichis..he|dcovered.'underlhisinsUrancetogivepromptnoucetotJnderwriters and rhe rrgnr to sucn covii'is d ifr."n-dJni upon .o-pii-ce with this obligation


' x; hr-g*nt-..fxt"gi,i""+xq'."r'l:$3td'llx$:"Jtli#$l;lJi?3J,i"".. .i"o o, "ivl commorions:fbj persons acting maliciouslY

2, Warranted free of-' [it- iois or damS"Proxirnat"JlfL""t"i"ll*

o-o.rlv he,reb] insured.; ^- .. ,

ibl the dbsence. short"g" -*iii"ftiidi',ie";fjibo,lioJini

i"tAption *hatsoever during anv strike' lock-our' labour disturbance' not or

,u, "* "il]1.,?:ru3:ilJ. r.o. o"tuy except such expenses as woutd be recoverable in principle in English law and practice under

i,,,, [!J:,Hy#"lllllJiiSiutu* **-likeoperarions,civilwar, orbv revolution,rebellion, insurrectionorcivil strire arisins therefrom'

3. This insurance attaches from the time rhe Boods leave the warehouse at the place named in rhe polig/ tor the commencement oftbe transit and

continues unlil the eoods are oerrttiei'io"iit-etonsignets ot ottttt frnal wirehouse at the destinalion named rn tne porrcy'

4. subject to the provisions of Ctause 5 hereunder this insurance shf! nTSl-:if,ffi:ililngd t.unrhip'n"nr- ii-ir-":"iit'iii'iiiiiu uivona *'e cont.ol ofthe A6sured'forced d$chlrcE:J:-!ru!-T'::1'i1'::lLi:lli#'!';', "harrerers under the contract of

li{) ;;i;ffi;;;ii;"J;i"rh;;;;;i;;;;;'f irom i}re exercise of 5 ribenv !'anred ro shipowners or chanerers 'affreightment.

5.I fowingtocircumstancesbeyondthecontro|oftheAssuredeithe,rthe.contractofaffreightmentisterminaiedatapoJtorDtaceotherthanthedestination nam.d rherein or rhe advenrure is otherwise t"rminated be,t9,,-9 9...l;il;iii;?;;9;

into ConslSn:gs'or.9{er friral warehouse at thc-

destination named in the policy, then. provided notice is given rmm"ar",.,v "'riliiiiiip'ior-"'aiiies

and"subject to an additional premium rr

reouired.this insurance sfrall r6inain iri force(i)' untii the goods are sold and delivered at such pon or placc

Page 5: Grain and Feed Trade Association 72 -Insurance Clauses





or (ii) iflhe goods are forwarded to the destination named in the policy or to aoy other destination, until the Soods have arrived at CoosiSnees'orirrher 6nal_warehouse at such destinatiun.

General Average and SalvageCharges payable(subject tothetermsoftheseclauses)accordinSto ForeiSnStatemenl otYork-Anlwerp RulcsifIn accordance wlln lhe contract ot anrergntmenl.

Claims for loss or damage within the terms of these clauses shall bc payable without reference to conditions of average.

Held covered at a premiuh to be armnged in case of change ofvoyageorofany omission orerror in lhe descriplion of the lnterest vessel orvoyage.

It is a condition of this insurance that the Assured shaU act with reasonable despatch in ali circumstances within their control.

NOTE: lt is necessarv for the Assured, when they become aware ofan event wluch is _held covered" under this insurance togjve prompt noliceto underwriters, andihe right to such cover is dipendent upon compliance wilh this obliSation


The assured is h;ld cover?d against rlossordamadearisingor res_u lti ng from act,neglecl ordefaultofthe master,mariner,P.ilotortheservantsofrhe carrie i the navieation 6( in lhe manapement of the ship" for which the "carrier'- or'ship - is relieved of responslbtllty under:

nni.l.4 of the Commonweallh of Au-stralia Sea Carriaee ofGoods Act, 1924, orAnicle tV Section 2 ofthe Rules aDDended to the WateiCarriage of Goods Act, !916. of Canada' orChaDter 8 Section 309 (2) of the l j r i ion ofSouth Afr ica Merchanl Shipping Act. No. 57. of t951 orSection 3 of the Act of C<ingress of the United Slates, approved 13lh February. l 893 orSecrion 4. sub.section 2 of -the Carriage of Goods by Sea Acl. 1936, of the United States of Amelica

but noihine in ihisclause contained shall lirn]t oraffecrany rights which Underwriters may have by subrogation orotherwtse.againsl theownersof the saidlessel.Claims arising under this clause are not sub.iect to the F.P A. waaranty

NOTE: lr i5 necessary for rhe Assured, when they become a\rare ofan eventwhich is "held covered" under (his insu' ance to Elve prompl noticero underwnters, and the righl to such cover is dapendenl upon compliance with this obligation.

SECTION 7 _ SPONTANEOUS COMBUSTIONttotrvithstanding anyttLing to the contrary this insurance covers loss of or damage to the subject malte. insured caused by heating, swealing orsPontaneous comDustron.

NOTE: It is necessary for the Assured, when they become aware of an event which is 'held covered under ths insurance to glve Promptnoticeto underwriters, andihe right to such cover is dapendenl upon comPliance wilh this obligation.


FORM 72 - RADIOACTTVE CONTAMINATIONAmendmcnt 0l/91"lrreslEctive of which conahtions and clauses have been agrced the InstituE Radioactive Contamination Erclusion Clauseshall apPly in any case'

Effectite Isr Jatuary lgg2.

Printed in England and issu€d by