graduation: a villain in disguise?

Graduation: A Villain in Disguise? Reed T. Curtis University of North Carolina Wilmington [email protected] Session 304 Wednesday, October 6 th 2010 NACADA Annual Conference Orlando, FL

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Page 1: Graduation: A Villain in Disguise?

Graduation: A Villain in Disguise?

Reed T. Curtis

University of North Carolina [email protected]

Session 304Wednesday, October 6th 2010 NACADA Annual Conference

Orlando, FL

Page 2: Graduation: A Villain in Disguise?

Presentation Overview

I. Introduction

II. Post-graduation transition

III. Transitional variables and


IV. Advising Strategies

V. Questions and Discussion

Page 3: Graduation: A Villain in Disguise?

The Post-Graduation Transition

• Adult Transition Framework (Goodman, Schlossberg, & Anderson, 2006)

– Transition– “any event or non-event that results in changed relationships, routines, assumptions and roles” (Goodman, et. al, 2006)

Moving in

to college

Moving through meeting academic requirements and


Moving out smoothly and

quickly into the workplace

• Traditional anticipated college transitional experience:

• The current reality for many students:

Moving in

to college

Moving through meeting academic requirements and


Moving out unprepared for unemployment

and perpetual job search

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The Post-Graduation Transition• During the Great Recession, graduates can experience three

types of post-graduation transitions:


• Occurs as planned or expected

• Tends to be smoother than other transitions


• Surprising, unplanned, and not what expected

• Tend to have a more difficult time transitioning


• Surprising, unplanned, and not what expected

• Transition either never takes place or is significantly delayed

• Transitional difficulty may be significant and is often compounded by uncertainness, delay, increased duration of the transition.

• Transition is often in limbo.

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Presentation Overview

• The Situation

• The Graduates

• The Support

• The Strategies

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The Situation• The Great Recession

– Economists state the recession took place between September 2007 – October 2009

– Unemployment remains high well into 2010.

• 4.4 million American youth (16-24 years old) were unemployed in July 2010, a rate of 19.1%

• Highest American youth unemployment rate on record

Men Women



Asian Black Hispanic White





Youth Unemployment

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The Situation

• Great Depression (1929-1940s)– Small increase in college

attendance– Lack of safety net of programs

such as unemployment insurance, food stamps, and FDIC

– Graduates typically debt-free

• Great Recession (2007-2009)– Large increase (up 6% in 2010) in

college attendance– Safety net of programs exist, but

typically don’t apply to college graduates.

• Graduates leave with debt

“Blessed are the young for they shall inherit the national debt.” –President Herbert Hoover

“I refuse to leave our children with a debt they cannot repay”–President Barack Obama

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Situation (continued)

• NACE’s Job Outlook 2011 Fall Preview survey expect to hire 13.5 percent more new grads from the Class of 2011 than they hired from the Class of 2010.

“When you get to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.” – FDR

Page 9: Graduation: A Villain in Disguise?

The Graduates

• Today’s graduates are challenged on four fronts:

– Debt: Student loans and other forms of debt add up before and after graduation (Curtis, 2008c).

– Job Market: Climbing the ladder has never been more and the searches tend to be prolonged (Coy, 2009).

– Graduate/Professional Schools More Competitive: Although it is a common backup option, more graduates are applying then ever before and fewer are getting in due to institutional limits and budget cuts (Council of Graduate Schools, 2010).

– Lack of Safety Net: No job or income, health insurance (if they are over the age of 26), or housing. Further, most graduates are not eligible for unemployment insurance.

“the first generation to fare worse than the one that spawned it” (Queenan, J., 2010)

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The Graduates

• Graduates during the Great Recession:

– Risk-averse: are less likely to turn down or leave any jobs because they are aware of the economic conditions.

– Fall-behind: graduates during recessionary periods are more likely to take jobs below the minimum or standard pay grade and are prone to make less money throughout their lifespan because of it.

• Graduates in 1980s recession made a starting salary 30% less than graduates who landed a job during a strong economy.

• Fifteen years later, the graduates who entered the workforce during the early 1980s recession still made 8-10% less.

“The American dream is elusive for this new generation.” Louis Uchitielle

Page 11: Graduation: A Villain in Disguise?

The Graduates• Graduates during the Great Recession:

– Many have been financially sheltered by parents, loans, and credit cards

– Unknowledgeable of financial literacy and governmental support

– Unprepared for unemployment– Rely heavily on parents and family for support

• Some parents and family are unable to help due to their own financial situation

Page 12: Graduation: A Villain in Disguise?

The Support• Financial

– The majority of these graduates are not eligible for unemployment insurance

– Return to relying heavily on family financial resources (if they exist)

– Credit-card debt rises

• Health– Stress takes a large toll on these unemployed graduates

• An often demoralizing transition• Lose hope

– Health-care Reform now allows children to remain on parent’s insurance until they turn 26

– Prior to reform, many recent graduates lost coverage upon graduation

• Housing– Boomeranging—moving back in with parents or family

members (1 out of 8 will move back home)– Some move in with friends– Homeless

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• Graduates can use a variety of strategies to help cope with their transition:

– Use of social media and external support groups• Blogging, INAFJ, etc.

– Utilization state and federal resources– Become financial and civic literate

• Read: – Volunteering and unpaid internships– Starting own businesses– Some of the best literature, film, and musicians

were products of Great Depression Era unemployment

“When you get to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.” – FDR

Page 14: Graduation: A Villain in Disguise?

Advising Strategies• Pre-graduation:

– Promote financial and civic literacy– Encourage career center visits and counseling– Discuss post-graduation goals and plans– Obtain post-graduation contact information– Discuss transition from full-time student to

employee• Be honest and realistic about economic conditions

• Post-graduation:– Maintain online advisee

alumni groups– Facebook– LinkedIn

– Website for recent graduates

– Resources–

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ResourcesBolles, R. N. (2009). What color is your parachute? 2010: A practical manual for job-hunters and career-changers. New York, NY: Ten Speed Press.

Bureau of Labor Statistics. (2009). Labor force statistics from the current population survey: Unemployment rate-bachelor's degree and higher, 25 yrs. & over. Retrieved from

Cohen, E. (2009). What's a recent college graduate to do about health insurance? Retrieved from

Coy, P. (2009, October 8). The lost generation: The continuing job crisis is hitting young people especially hard-damaging both their future and the economy. Business Week. Retrieved from

Curtis, R. T. (2008a). Economic recession and student financial instability: How academic advisors can help. Paper presented at NACADA's 33rd Annual Conference on Academic Advising, Chicago, IL.

Curtis, R. T. (2008b). The financial transitions of master's degree students. Unpublished manuscript, University of South Carolina, Columbia.

Curtis, R. T. (2008c). Students in financial crisis: How academic advisers can help. The Mentor: An Academic Advising Journal, 10(1). Retrieved from

Curtis, R. T. (2009a). It was the best of times, it was the worst of times: Graduate student support and success in the age of budget cuts. American College Personnel Association, Graduate and Professional School Educators Commission Newsletter. Retrieved from

Curtis, R. T. (2009b). Unanticipated transitions: Investigating the financial experience of master's degree students (Master's thesis). Retrieved from ProQuest database. (AAT 1463984)

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Resources (continued)

Goodman, J., Schlossberg, N. K., & Anderson, M. L. (2006). Counseling adults in transition: Linking practice with theory (3rd ed.). New York, NY: Springer. Hagenbaugh, B. (2009). Many of the jobless get no unemployment benefits. USA Today. Retrieved from

Kahn, R. L., & Antonucci, T. E. (1980). Convoys over the life course: Attachment, roles, and social support. In P. B. Baltes & O. G. Brim (Eds.), Life-span development and behavior (Vol. 3, pp. 383–405). New York, NY: Academic Press.

National Association for Business Economics. (2009). NABE outlook: Recession is over, but a muted recovery to follow. Retrieved from

National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE). (2009). Hiring down 7 percent for college class of 2010. Retrieved from

Orman, S. (2007). The money book for the young, fabulous & broke. New York, NY: Penguin Group.

Pearlin, L. I., & Schooler, C. (1978). The structure of coping. Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 19, 2–21.

Rampell, C. (2009, March 11). Economix: 'Great recession': A brief etymology. The New York Times. Retrieved from

Schlossberg, N. K. (2008). Overwhelmed: Coping with life's ups and downs (2nd ed.). Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.