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Graduation 2011 The Natchitoches Times Thursday, May 12, 2011

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Graduation 2011

The Natchitoches Times Thursday, May 12, 2011

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2B THE NATCHITOCHES TIMES Thursday, May 12, 2011

NNaattcchhiittoocchheess CCeennttrraall HHiigghh SScchhooooll

GGrraadduuaattiioonn SScchheedduulleess

Echo Aaron Kendrick Aaron Caitlin Ainsworth Courtland Alexander Asian Anthony

Joy Arthur Zachary Bandaries Tiberlee Barnum Brandon Basco Jocelyn Beaudion

Jordan Bennett Nicholas Braden Alexandria Bradford Shontal Bradford Oshea Braxton

AAbboouutt oouutt ccoovveerr:: LLaakkeevviieeww sseenniioorr TTiimmootthhyy DDiicckkssoonn......PPhhoottoo bbyy CCaannddyy MMccCCuull lloouugghh wwiitthh SSwweeeett SShhoottss bbyy CCaannddyy

SStt.. MMaarryy’’ss LLaakkeevviieewwMMoonnddaayy,, MMaayy 1166

77 ggyymmnnaassiiuumm

FFrriiddaayy,, MMaayy 220066

AA..AA.. FFrreeddeerriicckkssAAuuddiittoorriiuumm

NNCCHHSSFFrriiddaayy,, MMaayy 2200

77::3300 SSttaaddiiuumm

LLSSMMSSAASSaattuurrddaayy,, MMaayy 2211

22 FFrreeddeerriicckkss


LLaa.. TTeecchhnniiccaallCCoolllleeggee

TThhuurrssddaayy,, MMaayy 11221100

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Thursday, May 12, 2011 THE NATCHITOCHES TIMES 3B

NNaattcchhiittoocchheess CCeennttrraall HHiigghh SScchhooooll

Clifton Brian Chamara Briggs Daniel Brown David Brown Perry Brown

Carvineka Burton Vernon Bush Laquana Calvin Clayton Carr Kevin Carter

Ida Charles Tyler Chester Brittany Coco Danielle Cogburn Skylah Cole

Daniel Collins William Collins Danielle Coutee Decarlos Coutee Demario Coutee

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Hannah Deloney Dominique Dennis Jasalan Dillon Robert Donaho Timothy Dubois

Brady Dupree Sierra Eames Kashka Eldridge

NNaattcchhiittoocchheess CCeennttrraall HHiigghh SScchhooooll

Dylan Couty Justin Cruse Hannah Cunningham Tiarah Davenport Eric Davis

4B THE NATCHITOCHES TIMES Thursday, May 12, 2011

Cruz Esparza Brandi Evans

Kayla Ford Franchesca Forest Micah Frank Trevor George Chelsie Gibson

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NNaattcchhiittoocchheess CCeennttrraall HHiigghh SScchhoooollThursday, May 12, 2011 THE NATCHITOCHES TIMES 5B

Congratulations to the 2011

Natchitoches Graduates!

Natchitoches Central HS

Lakeview HS

Louisiana School

St. Mary’s

Best wishes for continued success in the years to come!

George Rhymes

Natchitoches Parish School Board District One

Lauren Girtmon Brandon Grayson

Amanda Greer Dylan Hale

Erin Hall Braylon Hamilton

Katherine Hamm Kharliy Harper

““AAllll oouurr ddrreeaammss ccaann ccoommee ttrruuee......iiff wwee hhaavvee tthhee ccoouurraaggee ttoo ppuurrssuuee tthheemm..”” ~~WWaalltt DDiissnneeyy

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6B THE NATCHITOCHES TIMES Thursday, May 12, 2011

NNaattcchhiittoocchheess CCeennttrraall HHiigghh SScchhooooll

Kyle Heard Omar Hicks Christy Holden Takesha Holden Stephanie Horn

Danielle Houston Shelbi Howard Kaitlyn Isgitt Jerry Jackson Apryl Jenkins

Ajai Johnson Kendell Johnson Keyandrea Johnson Lacresia Johnson Lakeshia Johnson

Victoria Johnson Zachary Johnson Brandon Jordan Maggie Jordan Robert Jordan

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NNaattcchhiittoocchheess CCeennttrraall HHiigghh SScchhooooll

Jasmine Joseph Rocynda Kedley Colby Kilgore Kimberly Knight Patrick Korn

Jason Kuilan Louis D. Lacey Juliena Lacour Lacey Lacour Samantha Lacour

Beverly Laughlin Hailey Lavespere Ambrosia Lawson Chad Lawson Connie Lawson

Christopher Lewis Jessica Lewis Anthony Linnear Joleen Llorence Daisy Machado

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Angela McFerrin Iesha McGraw Damien McMillan Christina Meshell

Joshua Meziere Kayla Meziere

8B THE NATCHITOCHES TIMES Thursday, May 12, 2011

NNaattcchhiittoocchheess CCeennttrraall HHiigghh SScchhooooll

Amber Martin Krista Martin Deana May Kaitlyn McCain Austin McCauslin

Dalton McDermott

Alisha Miller Ambriota Mitchell Christopher Mitchell

Diedra Monette Steven Monette Raven Moore Eva Morgan Canesha Morris

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Chamara DeAnne Briggs NCHS Class of 2011  Young woman, my daughter,

my joy and my heart, You’ve reached the end only to find a new start.

The world sees the young woman with her charm and her smile,

but behind the woman, I will always see the child.

Congratulations! I am so proud of you and I love

you with all my heart! Mama and your guardian angel, Daddy!

Tyler Morris Christopher Myers

Alexander Nelson Kristyn Newell

Cody Olliff Rachel Page

““EEdduuccaattiioonn iiss tthhee mmoosstt ppoowweerrffuull wweeaappoonn wwhhiicchh yyoouu ccaann uussee ttoo cchhaannggee tthhee wwoorrlldd..”” ~~NNeellssoonn MMaannddeellaa

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10B THE NATCHITOCHES TIMES Thursday, May 12, 2011

NNaattcchhiittoocchheess CCeennttrraall HHiigghh SScchhooooll

Christopher Paige Shonterika Payton Dalila Pearce Jennifer Pearce Jalisa Perot

Lavonda Petite Darisha Porter Cheryl Powell Leah Prothro Lakedra Rachal

Quinton Rachal Tanner Rachal Joshua Randolph Ricky Reese Alexis Reliford

Micah Riggan Brittney Roberson Eboni Roberson Alexis Robinson Maresha Robinson

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NNaattcchhiittoocchheess CCeennttrraall HHiigghh SScchhooooll

Courtney Roquemore Vedarius Russell Shauna Salard Megan Session Brandon Silvie

Kierra Slate Kierra Slaughter Lauren Smith Rickey Smith Bradley Sparish

Tori Sparks Cara Stanfield Whitt Stoker Kaye Storrs Marketa Taylor

Yasmine Thomas Victoria Trichel Alexis Turner Michael Vallet Danny Vaughn

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NNaattcchhiittoocchheess CCeennttrraall HHiigghh SScchhooooll

Mark Vernon Adam Walker Hannah Walker Lisa Walker Brandi Washington

Donnicsa Washington Donterria Washington Lacy Waskom

12B THE NATCHITOCHES TIMES Thursday, May 12, 2011

William Welling Brittney Wells

Katlin White Semme Whitehead Amber Williams Coranika Williams Olivia Williams

Meaghan WillisAmanda Willis Lanae Wilson James Winn Whitney Wolfe

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John Wynn Alexis Young Ben Zeichner

Congratulations Tori Trichel

& Class of 2011

From Dad, Nana and The Trichel Family

Congratulations Congratulations Colby Kilgore, Colby Kilgore, 2011 Graduate! 2011 Graduate!

We are so proud of you!

Love, Mom, Dalton & Chase

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14B THE NATCHITOCHES TIMES Thursday, May 12, 2011

Courtney Adams Taylor Auttonberry Rachel Bradley David Brown Britta Clauson

Kayla Cole Spencer Coleman Crystal Conley Daisha Cox Vanessa Davis

Jeffrey Desadier Timothy Dickson Meagan Fontenot Sylvia Garner Jeremiah Gay

Chelsea Gill Ashley Gorum Algenone Hart India Harvey Stetson Hickman

LLaakkeevviieeww HHiigghh SScchhooooll

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Thursday, May 12, 2011 THE NATCHITOCHES TIMES 15B

LLaakkeevviieeww HHiigghh SScchhooooll

Christopher Horton Christopher Houston Jacob Ivey Gavin Jackson Ladavia Jackson

Devante Jefferson Jessica Johnson T.J. Lafield Corey Layfield Ebony Lee

Lanadia Lloyd Justin Martin Trey McCrory Chasity Mitchell Xavier Moore

Shacorrean Pikes Chystal Pottain Glendon Prudhomme Chelsi Ragan Keona Reliford

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LLaakkeevviieeww HHiigghh SScchhooooll16B THE NATCHITOCHES TIMES Thursday, May 12, 2011

2011 2011 Graduates Graduates

M ARINERS M ARINERS Casual Dining Overlooking Beautiful Sibley Lake


Hwy 1 Bypass in Natchitoches, LA • 318-357-1220 Hwy 1 Bypass in Natchitoches, LA • 318-357-1220 Hwy 1 Bypass in Natchitoches, LA • 318-357-1220


2011 2011 Graduates Graduates Congratulations Congratulations

Laquaitta Reliford Bobby Sanders Trevor Sartin Tierra Shoemaker Ashley Sidney

Love, Dad, Mom, Brent, Maggie,Erin and Family














We’re Proud of You!

We’re Proud of You!

Jonathan Smith Dylan Colby Smith

““GGrraadduuaattiioonn ddaayy iiss ttoouugghh ffoorr aadduullttss.. TThheeyy ggoottoo tthhee cceerreemmoonnyy aass ppaarreennttss.. TThheeyy ccoommee hhoommeeaass ccoonntteemmppoorraarriieess.. AAfftteerr ttwweennttyy--ttwwoo yyeeaarrss ooffcchhiilldd--rraaiissiinngg,, tthheeyy aarree uunneemmppllooyyeedd..””

~~EErrmmaa BBoommbbeecckk

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A college president dis-covers on his appointmentcalendar a graduate backto campus for his twenty-fifth reunion.

“I just wanted to take asecond,” said the graduate,“to thank you for theinspirational advice yougave me at

Commencement 25 yearsago!”

“Why, thank you,”replied the college presi-dent, who, of course, couldneither remember thegraduate nor what he hadsaid. “But perhaps youcould refresh my memory.What did I say that

inspired you so much?”At that, the graduate

leaned forward in hischair, looked earnestly atthe President, and said,“I’ve tried to live my lifeby these words: You shookmy hand and said, ‘Keepmoving. Keep moving!’ ”

Thursday, May 12, 2011 THE NATCHITOCHES TIMES 17B

LLaakkeevviieeww HHiigghh SScchhooooll

Rontrieka Smith Desiree Sowell Jessica Stampley Melanie Sullivan Weston Sullivan

Stephen Supalo Dorianna Telsee Jamie Trichel Chase Weaver Colton White

Steven Williams Abi Yount

Congrats Chelsea, 2011


We are proud of you!

Love, Mom & Kerry

Parting words to the wise

In US graduation ceremonies, the side onwhich the tassel hangs can be important.Sometimes it is consistent among all studentsthroughout the ceremony, in other cases it dif-fers based on level of study with undergradu-ate students wearing the tassel on the right,and graduate student wearing them on theleft. In some ceremonies, the student wearsthe tassel on one side until reception of thediploma, then it is switched to the other.

At the high school level, the tassel is usual-ly either the school's primary color or a mixof the school's colors with as many as threecolors in a tassel. Sometimes a tassel of a dis-tinctive color, such as gold, is worn by thosegraduating with Latin Honors (e.g. cumlaude) or on the "honor roll."

Universities in the United States might usetassels in black or the school's colors, usuallyfor higher degrees.

For Bachelor degrees the tassel may be col-ored differently from the traditional black orschool colors to represent the field (or one asclosely related as possible) in which the wear-er obtained his or her education. In 1896 mostcolleges and universities in the United Statesadopted a uniform code governing academicdress. The tassel may be adorned with acharm in the shape of the digits of the year.

However, strictly speaking, the AmericanCouncil on Education (ACE) code states that"The tassel should be black or the color appro-priate to the subject," and only makes anexception for the gold tassel.

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SStt.. MMaarryy’’ss HHiigghh SScchhooooll

Aaron Clark Averett Roger Jacob Bailes Victor Tramaine Bayonne William Earl Breland Raney Michelle Chambers

Christopher Charles Cryer Charles Henry Davis III Lauren Elizabeth Davis Hannah Marie Deen Kayla Michelle Ebert

Justin Ray Fredieu John Thomas Gallien Lane Joseph Gordon Mark Henry Grant Mary Catherine Harrington

Hailiey Alexis Huggins Chelsea Rae Humphries Leighton Lyle Kniffin Logan Patrick Kyzar Mallory Beth McCain

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SStt.. MMaarryy’’ss HHiigghh SScchhoooollThursday, May 12, 2011 THE NATCHITOCHES TIMES 19B

John William Methvin Logan Taylor Ohnoutka Marc Anthony Paz Kathryn Elizabeth Pickett William Seth Strahan

Marshall Cannon Sutton Anne Kendal Townsend William Clayton Townsend Clifford Walker III Taylor Lavon Whitehead

Justin David Wyatt

A history of the popular tradition of class ringsAsk a group of high

school seniors what theylook forward to the most intheir last year and you'llprobably receive a lot of dif-ferent answers. Some mightpoint to certain events likehomecoming, prom or grad-uation, while others mightpoint to certain items likeyearbooks, caps and gowns,and class rings. The tradi-tion of class rings stems

from the ancient Egyptiantradition of signet rings.

Ancient Egyptiansviewed their signet rings asa symbol of eternal life andwore them until the daythey died. They were thenburied with their signetrings placed over theirhearts. As this practicemade its way into Rome andthroughout the rest ofEurope, the signet ringevolved into a symbol ofwealth and success among aspecial group of people.

The modern version ofthe class ring did not appearin the United States until1835 when the graduatingclass of West Point receivedclass rings. Consisting ofshank and a symbol, therings were rather plain. Inspite of this, class rings hadbecome popular with stu-dents across the country bythe early 1900s.

Over time, the design ofclass rings evolved. Stones

were added, along withmore intricate details. Mostclass rings featured a centerstone with the school nameengraved around it, alongwith the student's gradua-tion year. The stone could bea school color or the stu-dent's birthstone.

Today, class rings remainpopular among high schooland college students.Although some students gettheir class rings as early astheir freshman year, manywait until their junior orsenior year. Often worn onthe third finger of the righthand, class rings reflectschool pride and identity.

Students may choosefrom any number of shapes,styles and stones for theirclass rings. They can per-sonalize their rings withvarious engravings denot-ing their school name, grad-uation year and organiza-tion memberships. Thechoice is theirs.

Class rings have come along way from the signetrings worn by the ancientEgyptians. Who knows whatthe future will entail forthem.

According to the Complete Book of Etiquette by AmyVanderbilt, the ring should always be worn so that theinsignia faces the wearer when his or her arm is out-stretched for as long as the wearer is in school; upon grad-uation, the ring should be turned around so that the ringfaces outward, signifying that the graduate has left schooland has entered the wider world.

West Point custom however follows different rules. Untilrecent decades, Academy graduates wore their rings on theleft hand. Prior to graduation, the USMA Class Ring isworn with the Class Crest closest to the heart signifyingthe bond to the class. After graduation, the ring is wornwith the Academy Crest closest to the heart signifying thebond with the Academy.

Class Ring Etiquette

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20B THE NATCHITOCHES TIMES Thursday, May 12, 2011

Belal Alammar Andrea Argueta-Lemus Aubrey Armbruster Madeline Baker Victor Bankston

Samantha Barrow Kyle Bauer Rustem Bilyalov Benjamin Birk Courtney Brandabur

Brittney Broussard Melissa Brown Naya Calhoun Brooke Capello Varun Chalasani

Derek Charles William Chen Sophia Crooks Jacob Daigle Jared DeSoto

LLaa.. SScchhooooll ffoorr MMaatthh,, SScciieennccee aanndd tthhee AArrttss

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Thursday, May 12, 2011 THE NATCHITOCHES TIMES 21B

LLaa.. SScchhooooll ffoorr MMaatthh,, SScciieennccee aanndd tthhee AArrttss

Neha Dhawan Katie Dickens Logan Faust Meghan Gallspy Emily Gaudet

Brandi Givens John Goedtel Mollie Goff Gregory Hall David Hanagriff

Hardy Hang Ariel Hargrove Drew Harlow Merritt Harrelson David Harris

Endya Hash Chad Hill Beau Horton Tucker Howard Dolly Hsu

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Chanel Ingram Markus Jackson-Howard Yun Jang Han Jo Chelsea Johnson

Alex Kennon Katie Kindy Kelsee Kirk Krista Knauer Brandon Lally

Shauna Lambert Alix Landriault Belle Lang Marie Laureys-Courtney Austin Lee

Ben Lopez Erin Mackey Moira MatherneSarah Lessard Elizabeth Long

22B THE NATCHITOCHES TIMES Thursday, May 12, 2011

LLaa.. SScchhooooll ffoorr MMaatthh,, SScciieennccee aanndd tthhee AArrttss

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LLaa.. SScchhooooll ffoorr MMaatthh,, SScciieennccee aanndd tthhee AArrttss

Daniel Mayer Elizabeth McCoy Danielle McDermott Jared McDuffy Lydia Mensah

John-Paul Milton Alex Morgan Jason Mueller Jerica Nelson

Nouriath Ningbinni Tobi Olatinawo Jamie Park Jeffrey Parrozzo

Hannah Pfannenstiel Quan PhamAnjali Patel Jared Perry

Thursday, May 12, 2011 THE NATCHITOCHES TIMES 23B

Congrats To All 2011


We Wish You All

The Best!

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24B THE NATCHITOCHES TIMES Thursday, May 12, 2011

Bank Of Bank Of Bank Of Montgomery Montgomery Montgomery

Congratulates Congratulates Congratulates all 2011 all 2011 all 2011

Graduates! Graduates! Graduates!

We wish you the best in your future endeavors!

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(318) 352-3060

NATCHITOCHES 952 Keyser Ave. (318) 352-2056

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CANE RIVER 14258 Hwy 1

(318) 379-1900

LLaa.. SScchhooooll ffoorr MMaatthh,, SScciieennccee aanndd tthhee AArrttss

Shea Pitre Taylor Prewitt Regina Price Hira Qarni Tabetha Rachal

Dominique Raymond Hannah Roberts Victoris Salsa Alexis Schlamp Katelyn Searvogel

William Sherwood Alexis Simmons

Jullian Smissen Himchan Song

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LLaa.. SScchhooooll ffoorr MMaatthh,, SScciieennccee aanndd tthhee AArrttss

Rebecca Stevens Bonnie Stuart Emily Sun Alexandra Swan Molli Thibodeaux

Cade Thomasson Shrishiv Timbalia Michelle Treasway Annie Walz Mary Weary

John Weinell Andrew West Marylee William Jamie Winfield David Wolff

Michelle Wright

Sarah Kim

Molly Metzger

Ryan Monk

Houren Zhu

Thursday, May 12, 2011 THE NATCHITOCHES TIMES 25B

No PhotoDuring my second year of nursing school our professor

gave us a quiz. I breezed through the questions until I readthe last one: "What is the first name of the woman whocleans the school?"Surely this was a joke. I had seen thecleaning woman several times, but how would I know hername I handed in my paper, leaving the last question blank.Before the class ended, one student asked if the last ques-tion would count toward our grade. "Absolutely," the pro-fessor said. "In your careers, you will meet many people. Allare significant. They deserve your attention and care, evenif all you do is smile and say hello. "I've never forgotten thatlesson. I also learned her name was Dorothy.

~Joann C. Jones

What’s her name?

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26B THE NATCHITOCHES TIMES Thursday, May 12, 2011

Northwestern State Top Grads

Sarah Jiminez of Houma was congratulated by NSUPresident Dr. Randall J. Webb as one of the graduates ofthe Center for Adult Learning in Louisiana (CALL) pro-gram at Northwestern State University. Jiminez receivedher diploma during morning commence exercisesThursday, May 5.

An honorary doctorate of humane letters was conferredupon Terrel Delphin during morning commencementexercises at Northwestern State University. He wasaccompanied by his wife, Lillie. A native of NatchitochesParish, Delphin spent a lifetime as a community leaderand was instrumental in advancing awareness of theCreole culture and the importance of its preservation.

Christina Broussard of Delcambre was recognized as agraduate of the Center for Adult Learning in Louisiana(CALL) program prior to morning commencement exer-cises at Northwestern State University Thursday, May 5.CALL helps former students return to college to finish adegree. From left are Broussard, NSU President Dr.Randall J. Webb and Provost and Vice President forAcademic and Student Affairs Dr. Lisa Abney.

Northwestern State University conferred graduate degrees in art, clinical psychology,English heritage resources and music and bachelor’s degrees is addiction studies, com-munication, criminal justice, English, fine and graphic arts, heritage resources, music,political science, psychology and theatre during morning commencement exercisesFriday, May 6. Top graduates from those disciplines were recognized by administra-tors prior to ceremonies. They were, from left, Ashley Kasperski of Erath, CherylLewis of Pineville, Melissa Welsh of Slidell, Sarah Greer of Pineville and commence-ment speaker Louisiana Secretary of State J. Thomas Schedler.

Northwestern State University conferred degrees on graduates from the College ofScience, Technology and Business during a ceremony Friday afternoon, May 6. Topgraduates were recognized by administrators. They were, from left, Andreia Barbieriof Sao Paulo, Brazil; Hannah Perot Wenninger of Natchitoches, Heather Daigle ofMamou, Cassie Collins of Natchitoches, Hattie Vaughn of Baton Rouge, LaramieLemon of Opelousas, Jessica Bass of Marthaville, Philip Adams of Marthaville andEric Pease of Haughton.

There is a good reason they call these ceremonies "commencement exercises."

Graduation is not the end; it's the beginning.~Orrin Hatch

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Thursday, May 12, 2011 THE NATCHITOCHES TIMES 27B

Northwestern State University graduates who earned their degrees through the Center forAdult Learning in Louisiana were recognized prior to morning commencement exercisesFriday, May 6. From left are commencement speaker Louisiana Secretary of State J. ThomasSchedler, Vice President for Technology, Research and Economic Development Dr. DarleneWilliams, Shannon Brunson Wright of Natchitoches, Jeff Franks of Natchitoches andDelamie Burgess of DeQuincy. The CALL program helps former students return to college tocomplete their degrees.

Northwestern State University recognized top graduates receiving degrees from the Collegeof Education and Human Development and the Louisiana Scholars’ College and those receiv-ing degrees in journalism and social work prior to morning commencement exercisesThursday, May 5. From left are Logan McConathy of Natchitoches, Megan Authement ofHouma, Lindsay Rome of Raceland, Tammy Courtney of Fisher, Katie Potts of New Orleansand Amanda Weaver of Falls Church, Va.

Graduates who received degrees through the Center for Adult Learning in Louisiana (CALL)program during afternoon commencement ceremonies at Northwestern State Universitywere congratulated by top administrators on their accomplishment. From left are ThomasMeyers of Simpson, Megan Brasher of Bossier City, Donna Touchet of Erath, Milton Ross ofBaton Rouge, John Frugé of Lafayette, Jennifer Helms of Many and Kimberly Lumzy ofShreveport.

Northwestern State Top Grads

Northwestern State University recognized topgraduates among students awarded associate andbachelor’s degrees in general studies during after-noon commencement ceremonies Thursday, May5. From left are Jade Mays of Ville Platte, DonnaTouchet of Erath andTiesha Martin Johnson ofZachary.

CongratulationsCongratulationsgraduates graduates

from the staff from the staff and crew atand crew at

The NatchitochesThe Natchitoches


Friends in high school are forever young.Unchanged, they're where you always will

belong.The crowd is never gone, the pleasure stays,

The music of the moment always plays,The time remains a field of wistful graceTo which you may return from anyplace.

Of course, you may still know them later onWhen you are someone else and years have

run;And you may love them dearly, and they you,But time must make their friendship some-

thing new.Meanwhile, flourishing within your heart

There is a whole, of which you were a part:A group of friends, one in love and pain,In whom your longing comes alive again.

Page 28: Graduation 2011 - › sites › 1127 › assets › CIEP_Grad_Tab_2011.pdf · 2011-05-12 · 2B THE NATCHITOCHES TIMES Thursday, May 12, 2011 Natchitoches

28B THE NATCHITOCHES TIMES Thursday, May 12, 2011

For Jeff Franks and JohnFruge, earning a collegedegree is one way to set agood example for their chil-dren. Franks and Frugewere among 920 studentswho received degrees dur-ing Northwestern StateUniversity’s spring com-mencement exercises.

Fruge and Franks earneddegrees through the Centerfor Adult Learners inLouisiana (CALL) Program.Fruge is from Scott andFranks lives inNatchitoches. Almost 200students have earneddegrees at Northwesternthrough CALL.

“Getting a degree issomething I wanted to dofor my family and myself,”said Fruge, who earned aBachelor of GeneralStudies. “I’m the father ofthree young children undersix, and I wanted to set anexample for them. I didn’twant them to have theexcuse that they didn’t haveto go to college or finishbecause I didn’t finish.

Fruge started last yearand finished 42 semesterhours. He had 13 As and oneB.

Fruge will start graduateschool at NSU next monthto work toward a master’sin adult education. His wifeAngela is also planning toearn her degree throughCALL at NSU.

Franks, a lieutenant inthe Natchitoches PoliceDepartment, has been work-ing on his associate degreein criminal justice since2006.

“As my children got older,it gave me incentive to want

to have a degree,” saidFranks. “The first semesterI took 9-12 hours, but thatwas too much. Taking sixhours a semester meant ittook longer, but finishingand getting my degree tooka big weight off my shoul-ders.”

Both Franks and Frugehad praise forNorthwestern’s faculty andstaff and their willingnessto work with students withspecial needs or job respon-sibilities.

Franks is a shift com-mander with theNatchitoches PoliceDepartment. Fruge is dis-abled.

“There have been timeswhen I was taking a testonline and would be calledinto work,” said Franks.“The instructors alwaysunderstood my situationand allowed me to restartthe test.”

“No matter the depart-ment or the class, theinstructor’s communica-tion skills were excellent,”said Fruge. “The people atNorthwestern worked toremove any obstacles andmake sure I was welladvised and took only whatI needed to graduate.”

The flexibility of takingonline classes was perfectfor Fruge.

“I was able to take classesat my convenience especial-ly when my children wereat school or after they wentto sleep,” he said.

According to Franks, hiscoursework at NSU hasmade him a better policeofficer.

“Taking classes in sociol-

ogy and psychology havehelped me on the job,” hesaid. “I have a better under-standing of people andtheir backgrounds. I amable to deal with peoplemore effectively.”

Northwestern offersbachelor’s degrees in gener-al studies, psychology,addiction studies and theBachelors of Science inNursing: RN To BSNthrough CALL.

The CALL program isdesigned for the adult stu-dent to adapt to specificinterests, backgrounds,time limitations and ulti-mate career goals. It is espe-cially appropriate formature adults with a clearfocus and desire to pursue adistinct course of studybased upon educational andwork experiences.

The CALL degree pro-grams which may be com-pleted online under the“fast track” method or in aregular semester format.CALL fast track courses areoffered in 4 and 8-week ses-sions which allow the stu-dent to focus on one or twocourses at a time.

Degree credit may beearned through regular andaccelerated online coursestaken with Northwestern;transfer credit; challengetests; CLEP tests; militarycredit; Prior LearningAssessment (life, work, orvolunteer experience deter-mined to be college levellearning); credit from othertraining or educational pur-suits; and other relatedactivities.

For more information goto

Setting a good example motivates2 men to finish degrees at NSU

87.8 percent - the highest graduation rate in La. in 200924 - units needed to graduate high school8 - graduation ceremonies in the parish4 - years of academics, athletics and memories1 - diploma

- the possibilities

Although the followinglist of 11 (for the class of ‘11)useful "rules" you did notlearn in school is typicallyattributed to Bill Gates, it isactually from the book"Dumbing Down our Kids"by educator Charles Sykes.

1: Life is not fair; get usedto it.

2: The world won't careabout your self-esteem. Theworld will expect you toaccomplish somethingbefore you feel good aboutyourself.

3: You will not make$40,000 a year right out ofhigh school. You won't be avice president with a carphone, until you earn both.

4: If you think yourteacher is tough, wait tillyou get a boss. He doesn'thave tenure.

5: Flipping burgers is notbeneath your dignity. Yourgrandparents had a differ-ent word for burger flipping;they called it opportunity.

6: If you mess up, it's notyour parents' fault, so don'twhine about your mistakes,learn from them.

7: Before you were born,

your parents weren't as bor-ing as they are now. Theygot that way from payingyour bills; cleaning yourclothes and listening to youtalk about how cool you are.So before you save the rainforest from the parasites ofyour parents' generation,try delousing the closet inyour own room.

8: Your school may havedone away with winnersand losers, but life has not.In some schools they haveabolished failing grades;they'll give you as manytimes as you want to get theright answer. This doesn'tbear the slightest resem-blance to anything in reallife.

9: Life is not divided intosemesters. You don't getsummers off and very fewemployers are interested inhelping you find yourself.Do that on your own time.

10: Television is not reallife. In real life people actu-ally have to leave the coffeeshop and go to jobs.

11: Be nice to nerds.Chances are you'll end upworking for one.