grade 12 winner: alice shang - glad-english · 2015. 2. 25. · voice lost in the splash of puddles...

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    Mere air, these words, but delicious to hear

    In his book, How to Read Poetry, Edward Hirsch provides the reader with many inspiring

    ways approach poetry, but for me, as I consider what to write for this year’s Gladstone

    Review Anthology, the section which begins with Sappho’s “Mere air, these words, but

    delicious to hear” resonates most. Words are essentially magic; they are created out of

    nothing, of air, and one must not only see the words on the page, but also hear them. The

    act of listening complements the act of reading. Hirsch goes on to explain further the

    importance of sound and words:

    The sound of the words is the first primitive pleasure in poetry. “In poetry,” Wallace

    Stevens asserted, “you must love the words, the ideas and images and rhythms with all

    your capacity to love anything at all”. Stevens lists the love of the words as the first

    condition of a capacity to love anything in poetry at all because it is the words that make

    things happen. There are times when I read a poem and can feel the syllables coming

    alive in my mouth, the letters enunciated in the syllables, the syllables coming together as

    words, the words forming into a phrase, the phrase finding a rhythm in the line, in the

    lines, in the shape of the words crossing the lines into a sentence, into sentences. I feel

    the words creating a rhythm, a music, a spell, a mood, a shape, a form. I hear the words

    coming off the page into my own mouth—in transit, in action. I generate—I re-create—

    the words incantatory, the words liberated and self-reflexive. Words rising from the body,

    out of the body. An act of language paying attention to itself. An act of the mind.

    Interesting notions, indeed. As you turn the pages of this year’s anthology and see the

    quality of the written word Gladstone’s young poets have presented, remember to hear

    the words, truly hear the subtle tones, the meanings, and various voices which represent

    the Gladstone community. These writers have taken a risk by putting themselves out

    there by having their poems printed on these pages, and part of this risk involves

    interaction with the reader. Printed symbols on the page, alone, are insufficient; they

    demand to be given a voice, a sound. Readers must be part of this process. Help make

    these words come alive by making them “delicious to hear”, and perhaps, you too will

    experience, according to Hirsch, “a rhythm, a music, a spell, a mood, a shape, a form”.

    Words are essentially a form of magic; they can create spells.

    This anthology could not be created without the generosity of the Gladstone PAC (thank

    you). Thanks also to Lisa, Annie, and Nathan who helped in the typing, to Aileen for her

    outstanding art work, and to all members of the English Department who continue to

    support and encourage our students to write creatively.

    R. Guraliuk

    English Department Head

    May 2011

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    Grade 12 Winner: Desiree Symons


    If I could walk almost half as fast as you could talk

    I’d be ¾ of a mile past insanity

    and only ½ a block away from that place that you first met me

    You used to whisper lies to the rosebuds

    Trying to win their affections

    But ended up with a mouth full of thorns

    each one a reflection of our imperfections

    I’m not sure which of us is to blame for this drive-by love affair

    You deal out kisses like a devilish deed

    hoping to God that for once you’d find what you need

    Last night I couldn’t sleep, so I painted you a picture

    We both know I’m no Monet

    but I pulled out those brushes anyway and painted us


    We’re holding hands, although I drew you a sixth finger

    and me, no thumb at all

    I got rid of that scar on your lip

    Your own personal reminder you just can’t remove

    Some nights I think I could wash my clothes

    In your sorrow…

    wring out the pain

    and iron out the little flaws

    Delicately folding away those stained thought of

    yesterday’s tomorrow

    You see lately I’ve become disenchanted with the thoughts of you and I

    Wondering whether or not it’s worth it to even try

    I feel like I’m holding my breath in a tunnel, eyes squeezed shut

    …waiting for the rain to hit metal

    I’m always picking at the loose seams, pulling relentlessly

    at that thread of a dream

    I tied a ribbon around my finger because I

    Remembered I’d forget

    the time that you first taught me to knot a cherry stem

    And s




    out the pit.

    And maybe in a year or two or three

    that seed will blossom fully into a tree of you and me

    Until then I’ll etch my thoughts into your heart

    feet rooted to the ground

    arms wound around, clutching tightly to that star-beam in your eye

    gently coaxing out that smile; we’ll laugh until we cry

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    Grade 12 Runner-up: Eliza Brown

    At Main Street Station

    waiting for the train to come

    staring at the tracks

    a hundred thousand water drops

    paint patterns here

    a sparrow flits across the line

    flies through the fencing

    into shrubbery

    bombarded by the wind

    the ankles of my jeans are damp

    as are the outsides of my boots

    my umbrella drips upon them

    hanging from my hand

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    Grade 12 Runnuer-up: Anh Nguyen

    Bus Stop

    She arrived at the bus stop just as it began to rain. Spring rain shouldn't have been

    a surprise, but she was still caught off guard, and she found herself hurriedly searching

    for her umbrella, buried somewhere deep in the recesses of her backpack. Within a

    minute she was soaked, her hair plastered against her forehead, water dripping into her

    eyes as she dug her hand around in her bag—why did she carry around so much stuff?

    Stupid classes, requiring books and more books that she hardly ever needed. Her fingers

    grappled around for the handle of her umbrella.

    Cars swept past her, and she stepped back from the curb just in time to avoid the

    splash of water from a truck running through a large puddle. There were no other

    pedestrians on the street; she stood alone at the bus stop, drenched and tired.

    At last she found the umbrella, nestled in between two thick textbooks, and it was

    another struggle to fish it out without spilling anything out of her bag. When she finally

    opened it, her fingers were so frozen she could barely hold it properly.

    It was at times like this she wished she could drive; she watched the traffic

    wistfully—all of the people sitting in the comfort of their warm, dry cars, able to reach

    their destination without the hassle of transferring buses or dealing with other wet,

    irritable commuters.

    “Hurry up,” she said aloud to the empty street filled with blurred colours, her

    voice lost in the splash of puddles as cars went by, the steady drumming of rain on the

    ground, the whistling wind. She wasn't sure what she was telling to hurry up. Maybe it

    was the bus. Maybe it was the fateful day where she could get her license and escape the

    troubles of public transit. Maybe it was the weather, to stop being so difficult. The sun, to

    appear already. Whatever it was, she wanted it to hurry. She hated waiting, and she hated

    the bus stop the most. Patience was not a virtue she possessed.

    To pass the time, she talked. To the street, to the cars, to her stupid umbrella that

    kept threatening to turn inside out and break. If anyone overheard her, they probably

    would have thought she was crazy. Whatever, let them. The street was empty anyway.

    Only the trees would know of her lunacy.

    “I hate you,” she told one of the cars as it flew by and screeched to a stop in front

    of the stoplight. “I want to be sitting in a car, warm, listening to the radio...”

    The skies gave her more rain in response.

    It was in the middle of her tirade against people hanging Christmas lights when it

    wasn't Christmas when a strong gust of wind nearly knocked her umbrella out of her

    hands. The spokes bent and turned inside out, leaving her unprotected.

    Dammit. She tried to flip her umbrella back, but two of the spokes were broken.

    She swore under her breath, trying to fix the spindles, but it was useless. She resisted the

    urge to throw it at a passing car. Just perfect.

    “Broken umbrella?” a voice behind her said, and she whirled around to see a guy,

    probably around her age, protected under the shield of his own umbrella. Where had he

    come from? She opened her mouth to reply, but no words came out.

    He grinned at her. “Don't you just love the rain?”

    Yeah, she couldn't have been any more thrilled. “Of course.”

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    “Here, let's share,” he said, gesturing at her to stand closer under his umbrella.

    She looked at him in surprise. “I—” she started, not sure what to say. Normally

    strangers wouldn't offer to share their personal space with another stranger, would they?

    The prospect of standing so close to some guy on the street was a bit awkward to think

    about, especially since she was drenched and probably looked like she just crawled out of

    an ocean.

    He noticed her hesitation. “Fine, stand there in the rain. I checked the schedule;

    the bus isn't going to come for another fifteen minutes.”

    Fifteen minutes of getting pounded by the rain would definitely lead to a cold, and

    getting sick was the last thing she wanted. She couldn't afford to miss class or fall behind

    on her studies, since exams were coming up. It would be best to take his offer. It was just

    sharing an umbrella, after all. Nothing scandalous. Nothing at all.

    “T—thank you,” she muttered, feeling embarrassed for no reason. She shuffled

    closer toward him, leaving what she thought was a reasonable distance between them.

    But he noticed how her shoulder still got wet, so he closed the gap with a step and then

    they were standing next to each other, shoulders touching, staring straight ahead in


    She stared at the ground—the puddles were suddenly very fascinating—and tried

    to ignore his presence. His hand, holding the umbrella. His arm. His face. A blush

    creeped up on her cheeks as she tried to think about anything but their close proximity

    under the umbrella.

    Had she turned to look at him in the face, she would have seen the smile that

    formed on his face.

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    Grade 12 Runner-up: Doug Ennenberg

    So infinity is this wacko thing, this incredible, remarkable,

    indescribable entity that is so unimaginable, so unattainable that

    people decide they can put a symbol to it, and they say that we can

    understand it in terms of its un-understandability, but if teachers took a

    moment to expand the minds of the minds they are given, and just sat

    back and let awe take over, let awe consume, the awe that comes from

    lying in the shade, looking at the way the light bends over the hedge

    and plays with a single blade of grass and wondering just “how,” let it

    melt into our visions like butter and give us comprehension of the

    macrocosms and microcosms of space, of heart, of mind, of truth, then

    maybe the carp would make his journey once again, and just maybe,

    he would see god this time.

    Infinity was in the air while leaves fell past and through it and the

    apple tree strung sorrow after them like mucus which pulled back and

    folded itself over again around branches of lichen and moss, in the

    thinnest custard filmings, and curled into sticks, then twigs until it

    weighed the cold dry leaves past holding and they dropped through

    snowflakes and infinity, cartwheeling and freefalling on the one

    joyride of their lifetime to settle into a second place, a stiller place, and

    never look up again to the sorrow in the apple tree, or the wind, or the

    clouds, or the moon, and fall back into arms of earth, trusting the

    promise of rebirth.

    This little mouse, trapped in his house, the cat at the door, a family of

    eight, is punished, will die for crimes he is accused of: the hole in the

    wall, being dirty, having teeth.

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    Grade 11 Winner: Anouska Kirby

    Une Ènigme

    A cramped and cozy corner

    containing a collection of

    chronicles, chimeras and comic compositions.

    A bed but not a bedroom.

    A birdcage with no bird.

    A mirror not for gazing.

    A curtain without a window.

    One wall,

    masked with encoded secrets

    meant for specific people.

    Hidden behind,

    another wall shown in the first

    in which Our Lady

    is discernable through the pane.

    Wooden planks

    hold portholes accessing

    old, new and alternative worlds.

    Portals that are

    dead quiet

    but speaking loudly.


    but incomparable.

    Light but heavy in content

    adjacent to

    heavy but light in essence.

    Tattered and timeworn


    shiny and scintillating.

    A tribe of Gauls fight off the Romans


    a small boy with a British accent asks for more


    a man in a tweed coat and hat holding a magnifying glass.

    A flash goes off.

    Two girls emerge from their adventures

    and depart from Shakespeare & Co.

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    Grade 11 Winner Runner-up: Aedan Bridwell


    When the night is long past fresh,

    and the only sound I can hear is the staccato of rain,

    diving from heaven like vindictive angels,

    I dream.

    And She is always near.

    The light fading fast from my lamp,

    through crumbling tunnels and antediluvian dungeons,

    carved by the Gods or forebearers of our civilization,

    She shows the unknown as it truly is.

    Her glow shatters the gibbous wall betwixt reality and fantasy;

    for moments it captures my heart,

    and I can dream.

    But the light fades out-

    and She is gone.


    I set fire to the memories.

    Before a throbbing,

    hungering tree I stand,

    the flame of a torch bleeding high in my hand.

    I burn the root,

    then the knots,

    separately to savour the heat,

    and the branches as they fall.

    The brooding and blackening ancient,

    felled by rival eternal,

    whispers and calls in desperation for remorse.

    She finds none today as she is wasting away.

    There clatters the crown,

    atop a memorium for the earth,

    spelled in ash and dirt.


    The desert chokes my sight;

    sand in my eyes and my mouth and my ears,

    preaching messianic lies.

    A fountain awaits if I can only struggle through.

    The desert spring of perfume and cinnamon,

    awaiting oasis,

    bazaar of the bizarre.

    Shade beckons my shadow,

    as if to know it better,

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    and this is the only thought which guides my steps,

    past the storm and out of the wilds.

    The water is what I crave,

    She is what I need,

    but every sip fills my mouth with jagged gravel,

    and though it is cold and Truthful,

    rakes long scars down my throat.

    Sometimes I forgive.


    I forget.

    Sometimes I dream,

    and sometimes,

    the world revolves because I do not.

    When I think of our love,

    She is never fair.

    But instead of drowning myself in sorrows,

    I quench the thirst with music and dreams,

    I pass through the flame and charred bones,

    I snuff my light and wander into the unknown,



    I move on.

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    Grade 11 Runner-up: Tommy Li

    Breaking Barriers

    My writing breaks barriers


    (look at the form/words)

    barriers broken.

    .yranoitulover is gnitrw yM

    noitulover si

    who else writes like this?

    This poem is confusing

    I probably read your mind.

    I’m asking you

    Some people write poems about



    Yet, I’ve written a poem about

    gnitirw ym

    challenging your preconceptions about

    poems/writing But that does not maen a tinhg

    to you

    if you

    think about the two words

    good/bad Who are you to judge?

    You will

    Probably go

    With the

    Generic poem

    If you read/listen all the




    Congratulations! TO ME.

    My writing really is breaking barriers.

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    Grade 10 Winner: Grace Lam


    With my black-tipped

    pen, I sit stiffly,

    astonished, eyeing the

    fiery dance of the pitches—

    hypnotic melodies capture my heart

    the passionate,

    inconsistent motifs


    vivid images

    soak into my skull

    I hungrily

    absorb them

    twirling my tongue around

    the taste.

    Pernicious tendrils pierce

    my mask


    I—the avaricious me—

    am blind

    towards the signs.

    I remember you—

    a deluge

    of life,

    you had too much.

    Yet now, I see the beauty of

    your essence.

    I taste the music, see the notes,

    feel the energy,

    but you

    remind me that

    I never hear

    a sound,

    that I am

    condemned to a silent

    motion picture

    for life.

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    Grade 10 Runner-up: Maria Gladkikh


    Small, dancing shadows take me places as I grip the handle bars of

    my bicycle

    Wind whooshes past my hair, the effervescent scent of my summer

    skin clouding the air.

    Pirouetting, frisky steps lead paths to places unknown

    Indulgent cocktails of summer occurrences place heat upon my brow

    A penchant for gibbering useless vocabulary, the moon shimmers

    lightly and the grass stalks groom my legs. The ending is somewhat

    vindictive – smiling in a sinister fashion as the darkness overcomes the


    my bicycle lost and my memory jars dispatched.

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    Grade 10 Runner-up: Andrew Ho

    Reverse Value

    Money is everything

    It is absurd to think

    Money can not purchase friends, life, and respect

    Dad tells me

    The more money you have, the more superior you will be

    I do not believe

    Death is inevitable

    I am almighty

    You are wrong when you say

    Wealth is not parallel to power and admiration

    True satisfaction comes from within

    Is a lie, and

    Money can buy happiness

    Money possesses value

    Don’t be deceived that

    Money is only an object

    Money is only an object

    Don’t be deceived that

    Money possesses value

    Money can buy happiness

    Is a lie, and

    True satisfaction comes from within

    Wealth is not parallel to power and admiration

    You are wrong when you say

    I am almighty

    Death is inevitable

    I do not believe

    The more money you have, the more superior you will be

    Dad tells me

    Money can not purchase friends, life, and respect

    It is absurd to think

    Money is everything

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    Grade 9 Winner: Hubi Chow

    Water and Wind

    waves slap against rocks, lulling the soft daylight to sleep.

    ripples emerge as the wind gently brushes against the water.

    a murmur is heard in the waves and a whisper is moved by the wind.

    then, the murmur becomes a shout as the wild whisper becomes a harsh, nasty rasp.

    the two suddenly clash, erupting a spray of white, silky water and bringing forth

    a mighty blow.

    the water reaches up and drowns out the furious sound of the wind,

    while the wind swoops down to make a full, mighty tackle.

    again and again the waves punch the sky,

    again and again the wind smashes the lake.

    the water’s flat fist penetrates the air

    as the wind’s swirling arms grapple the turbulent waves.

    suddenly, day awakes!

    the fighting pair slows down,

    as they turn to see the rising sun.

    the bright, warm, circle of sun drenches the land with light.

    as wind and water converge with a small bump,

    the sun’s flare scatters them.

    the sun burns as the wind and water continue to challenge each other.

    the blazing heat makes the tired elements yield,

    teaching them a harsh, scorching lesson.

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    Grade 9 Runner-up: Andy Ruran

    After School on Victoria Drive

    A bus comes every fifteen minutes,

    exchanging passengers for citizens

    like money for items

    at the markets towards the Fraser.

    The other way contrasts,

    leading peacefully to a lake.

    Red lights divide the impatient drivers,

    where green means go,

    and yellow means go faster.

    Sirens wail by all too often,

    only to get slowed by the traffic.

    A friend from a nearby school

    enters my frame. Carrying a

    messenger bag full of books.

    He walks alone from North to South.

    I walk in parallel across the street,

    sometimes trying to grab his attention.

    He doesn't notice so phones

    help a lot – texting and such.

    We wave to each other

    to give happiness with recognition.

    We take our separate paths quickly after.

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    Grade 9 Runner-up: Richard Yuen

    Light at Midnight

    The rush, the screeching, the rivers

    of the Skytrain breezing through the air.

    Trees swaying, gentle winds singing

    And garage doors closing as the final commuters

    End their long repetitive days.

    Last rounds of the Phibbs Exchange

    Pass by and encircle around the station.

    Where it spawned, I always wondered.

    The balcony view, endlessly evolving,

    While the dark glass panes

    Dwindle beneath the setting dawn.

    The chime and cheer of whistling street lights.

    Lights burning through my windows.

    Dawning halos, Orange streaks splashed across.

    Everywhere I turn I'm embraced,

    Not by arms, nor by absent love,

    But by gentle notes,

    But by the one ray of light left.

    You won't understand why I wept.

    It's the dark place I haven't confronted.

    Chimes and cheers of whistling streetlights.

    You're the only one left to kiss goodnight.

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    Grade 8 Winner: Alice Huang

    the silence S t r e t c h e S like a rubber band between us

    the sudden white noises seethes

    a snake hissing violently at its prey

    your mouth opens awkwardly

    it is a fish’s, gasping for air

    I look away, wanting to break this meaningless quiet

    in this moment, we become nothing

    but strangers

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    Grade 8 Runner-up: Sindy Lin

    My family is My Backpack

    I carry my backpack

    full or empty

    like my family

    putting pressure on me or not at all

    I carry my backpack

    heavy or light

    like my family

    always helping solve my problems

    I carry my backpack

    new or old

    like my family

    different ages caring for me

    I carry my backpack

    wherever I go

    like my family

    always staying with me

    In my backpack

    I will always find a

    special gift of love

    from my family

    Their love will always

    be like a backpack

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    Grade 8 Runner-up: Miley Leong

    I am utterly besotted with you.

    Is it even possible to feel this deeply about anything?

    You take me to another world,

    Relieve me of my stress and worries.

    When we are apart,

    I feel so empty and lost.

    It is as if someone has ripped out a part of me.

    I even gave up the one thing I treasure most

    for the great delight you so easily give me.

    There is no life without you.

    I cannot keep this a secret anymore

    the world must know

    I love BOOKS


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    Watching my neighbour’s house burn into flames

    Tonight's forecast,

    a cloud burst of flurries

    with a chance of scattered showers

    lies, lies, lies.

    A seemingly clear-all nightfall,

    not a smidge in the sky

    except for those

    lingering glimmers.

    Bright soulful stars

    shining oh so certainly

    in a particular

    playful way

    contrasting against

    clean crisp

    whisper winds

    flowing freely against

    an infinite current

    of man-made light

    illuminating from

    a buttered bulb.

    A sigh of reassuring relief

    overcomes me

    as a slight drizzle

    starts to trickle

    followed by a riot

    of quiet engine roars

    being swallowed by the night.

    Jenny Zheng

    Grade 10

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    I am in the fall of my fifth year.

    Filled with excitement,

    Kindergarten is here.

    First day of school,

    I look in the room.

    Small desks with crayons in baskets,

    all in neat rows.

    Giant alphabets hang on the walls,

    each letter turning to a word.

    The day goes on.

    We make paper leaves, decorate them

    and put them on the walls.

    The room is filled with different colour leaves:

    Red, brown, green, yellow.

    Snack time.

    Juice boxes, apples, oranges and cookies.

    The teacher tells us to line up in order.

    When we get our food,

    we go to our desks and enjoy our snacks.

    We sit on the carpet,

    excited about story time.

    The teacher reads us hardback books.

    We laugh and clap all the time.

    The teacher laughs and smiles,

    our enthusiasm is contagious.

    As the stories end,

    we fall asleep,

    each of us in our own dream world.

    The end of the day.

    Time to go home,

    To play,

    Jumping into leaf piles,

    Throwing them around.


    Time to dream.

    Stories coming to life.

    Dreaming about tomorrow.

    Jacky Leung

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    Grade 11

    Rainy Mornings on Victoria Drive

    The rain falls,

    Canceling the sound of the bird's desperate call,

    She struggles to be taken out of the bird bath shaped like a swan,

    The cloudy sky rains down harder and begins to dawn,

    As the stop light turns crimson,

    It stops the colorful noisy stallions,

    For a brief moment you can hear the water flow,

    Down the side of the road leading to a spot where it all grows,

    Careless cars cut corners creating confusion,

    Making death’s allusion,

    Pitter patter goes the rain,

    And the stallions begin to travel again.

    I step outside to save the bundle of feathers,

    She squirmed and hopped scared of the frightful weather,

    Drowning in the small bird bath with soaked feathers,

    I pick her up as she pleads to be dropped,

    Settling her down on the wet floor,

    She hops up and dives in again for more,

    I realize she likes the rain,

    It’s the best time for food to be attained,

    I go back inside as look through the door,

    And I see her feed as the rain pours,

    With the worms that crawl up when it’s wet,

    The oddest sight I’ve seen yet.

    Dinushi Arachchi-Wickrama

    Grade 9

  • - 24 -

    Now Think About Pools

    Inquisitive about this new form,

    lean over,

    discover yourself.

    Fresh, innocent,




    this painting is far from what you expect.



    seemingly one-dimensional,

    there is nothing

    but a glassy façade to reach for.

    Come now, concentrate.

    Penetrate this veil of deception, and sense

    the churning



    into millions of voracious, deceiving arms.

    Excruciating, ice cold

    needles pierce through your swelling bones.


    there is no longer thrashing motion.

    Eerie stillness, silence

    not serenity

    but glassy façade.

    Winnie Tam

    Grade 12

  • - 25 -


    the boy is jumping.

    He jumps

    onto the streets.

    He gets hungry

    from all of the jumping.

    He feels light

    from wearing his blue shirt.

    From wearing his blue shirt,

    he feels light.

    From all of the jumping,

    he gets hungry.

    Onto the streets,

    he jumps.

    The boy is jumping,


    Melvyn Alelis

    Grade 8

  • - 26 -

    Let the sun be your heat,

    let the moon be your light,

    let the rain be your music,

    and let me be your rainbow,

    to guide you into a world full of colours.

    Natalie Leung

    Grade 10




    Surrounded by trees, taller than the eye can see

    The deafening silence pierces your ears

    Suddenly, a faint noise is heard

    *crunch* *crunch*

    It slowly approaches.

    Panicked, and sprinting,

    Trying to get away,


    Tripped by a tree root

    Stumbling, and trying to continue running,


    The noise is gone.

    Calming down, resting

    Slowly, little by little

    Struggling to keep awake,

    Falling deep.

    Mike Lam

    Grade 10

  • - 27 -


    Afore the first breath and the initial thump,

    The tender babe knows the most subtle art

    In fashioning masks and professing false.

    Come time, and supposed maturity,

    We readily don this permanent mask

    And prepare for our masquerade.

    From birth, through life, into death,

    We prance and twirl with disguised eyes.

    All the world's a ballroom,

    A dancing hall host to life's eternal masquerade.

    Yet when do we throw away this ragged mask

    To rest our aching body

    And relieve our visage of its burden?

    Nay! This is an act of Nature, I hear you cry -

    Then, pray, tell me this:

    Does the cockerel, with masked intentions, crow,

    Despite the true hour, which it knows?

    Let's stop this frantic bourrée, then –

    No! No, we must not stop!

    Let us don our masks again! Let us polish our veneers once more!

    Come; let us dance in this masquerade,

    This feverish gavotte, this never-ending waltz.

    Lu Liu

    Grade 12

  • - 28 -

    Hope is

    A misconception.

    A delusion of happiness,

    That one day we will collect

    All of the fragments

    That will make life whole.

    A necessity in our lives

    That is meant to motivate,

    Yet, all I see is a fleeting flame;

    A sign of doom once kindled.

    Streaks of dauntless red, vibrant orange and swaying yellow,

    Mesmerize me with an image of fearlessness and vulnerability.

    It lures me in,

    The pellucid hands implant a fragile dream

    Within my deepest sorrows.

    Igniting me a dim flicker of persistence,

    Burning steadily against lies told of

    Promises, forgiveness and meaningless words.

    Faint fragile fingers trickle a caress upon my senses,

    Nurturing an embryo of anticipation.

    Oxygen gives breath to hope,

    The lack of it torments me.

    It suffocates my waning flame,

    Making it difficult to breathe,

    A pain in my chest, ringing in my ears,

    Walls pressing in around me,

    I extinguish into the empty abyss.

    Left hopelessly hopeful.

    Anita Kong

    Grade 11

  • - 29 -

    A shrill screech is heard overhead,

    They desperately scramble in search of shelter.

    Smoke and grit fills the air,

    Cries of pain heard everywhere,

    A crater scars the lifeless land.

    The chaos resumes as the dust clears up,

    Projectiles flash by like streaks of lightning.

    Countless bodies are bloodied and wounded,

    As once beautiful terrains are completely ruined.

    At what price does winning a war cost?

    There are no true victories

    Only one huge loss.

    Victor Keu

    Grade 10



    Her hair comes in the form of the leaves,

    Fluttering in the warm breeze.


    Her personality is reflected off the laughter of others,

    Free-flowing and playful.


    With her comes the completion of a grade, the end of the school year and

    start of the holidays.

    It is with you that I choose to enjoy her visit,

    For I wish so dearly for you happiness to exhibit.

    The purpose of her presence is to relieve stress

    To have fun and laugh, never to press

    And it is with June’s arrival that I wish to see

    If a long lost smile with appear on your face so very beautifully.

    Jennifer Thi

    Grade 8

  • - 30 -


    Thump, thump, thump.

    I’m so beat, broken, and battered.


    Into a million pieces,

    Like a torn up thesis.



    By the memories of the past.

    Trying to keep the rhythm fast,

    Struggling for life,

    Yet where does this strife,

    Lead us to?

    I can’t keep beating for you.

    Peace finally settles,

    I’m set free.

    Serena Chen

    Grade 9


    You don’t know where a circle starts

    Or where it ends

    Follow it

    The path can lead until eternity

    Or not

    You can’t draw a perfect circle

    Only with time and practice

    Throw a circular object around

    Once it hits you

    Leaving you blind and confused

    You old it

    Looking at it

    You realize it is something whole

    Irene Huynh

    Grade 10

  • - 31 -

    The Enemy

    I stand back and count and count again

    One, two, three, four, five...

    A grand formation, like a flock of unified geese and

    their engines roaring through the heavenly skies,

    loud and deafening , yet beautiful and swift like

    a plastic bag gliding through the wind

    The airmen in their confined cockpit,

    faced with deadly flight, face the enemy head on

    With fear and boldness, they fly through the clouds in the midst of battle

    over the desolate ocean

    The sounds of gun fire ring through the sky simultaneously

    Like dancers in the sky with zero gravity,

    they maneuver aerodynamically like an acrobatic show

    to out maneuver their foe

    The adrenaline that has consumed their fear take over them

    and all that is fixated on their mind is the enemy

    It goes quiet, the gun fire stops

    They roar through the clouds leaving a trail of smoke behind them

    Planes damaged with rounds ripped right through them like paper

    I begin to count

    One, two, three, four...

    A few pilots short

    Gavin Zeng

    Grade 10

  • - 32 -

    The Mirror Maze

    While looking for the way out, all we see is ourselves

    S t r u g g l i n g

    Fighting against the binds that hold us

    From being free

    We work and sweat under

    The watch of gilded eyes

    Yet, to no surprise

    Do we accomplish anything.

    The world is hollow

    With our inescapable thoughts

    And fears

    Our empty actions or inactions are left,

    Permanently stricken on this world.

    We try and we try and we try

    But to no avail

    Do we ever fulfill

    The expectations set out for us,

    The character we were born to be

    Because life is a constant, unyielding


    Where people like me

    Weren’t meant to be

    Harwinder Dhaliwal

    Grade 12

  • - 33 -


    Created by an artist

    Her life began.

    From small rough strokes,

    To gentle smooth strokes.

    Lines and circles

    Were the first to appear,

    But later on

    She began to appear,

    First her tremendous dress

    Second, her silky long hair

    Third, her gorgeous face

    Finally, her heart melting smile.

    Another artwork is


    And there she was:

    A goddess.

    Amanda Chow

    Grade 11

    Outside my Window

    Once in a while

    I look out the window

    green leaves turn yellow

    as blue skies turn grey

    flowers bloom, blossom, and grow

    just as fast as petals die away,

    as seasons change

    time remains constant

    never changing

    Brian Chen

    Grade 10

  • - 34 -


    Blue, the eyes that speak of bitter countenance,

    those that pierce my lips from uttering what I do feel,


    Blue, the sky that showers treacherous, ill-guided and dumbfounded hazards,

    that I do travel upon.

    Blue, the veins that pump the blood that reaches a consistent viscosity,

    that allows me to establish this state of being.

    Those moments,

    where you're caught in between the inevitable reality,

    and your subjective, self-taught sins.

    Both, judged and to be marveled at.

    Captured in this maze of blue.

    Farisha Buksh

    Grade 11


    Stuttering toes tipped across marbled floor

    where her heart drops.


    amidst the haunting shadows.

    Reaching high

    like the sun's first glimpse of morn.


    Fluttering away

    like a raven feathered wing.

    sweeping across the sky

    until flames prick fingertips.

    Mimi Nguyen

    Grade 10

  • - 35 -


    Rapid, shallow breaths,

    clammy palms, jittery hands,

    she stands out of sight.

    Isolated backstage,

    she hunches over, flailing around,

    slumping to the floor.

    Her cheek rests on the planks of aging wood.

    The vigorous heartbeats swarm her eardrums

    triggering her unstable mind.

    She wrings her arms until they bleed red.

    Frantic and nervous, she clutches on to herself.

    Eyes shut tight, she gently rocks back and forth,

    slowly regaining her composure.

    Taking deep breaths, she calms herself.

    Stepping onto the stage and into the spotlight,

    she begins the play.

    Vivian Jung

    Grade 10


    Sometimes I feel like I’m being sucked into your wrath of harsh words and vigorous

    symphony of depressing love songs. Prayers and blessings, crisis and downfall.

    Milliseconds can go by and you will change things. Travelling on your path of words and

    detours. A gift, but also a tragedy. You confuse me, but we would be without meaning if

    you didn’t exist. Unstoppable. You swallow me up piece by piece until just the ticking of

    the clock remains.

    Zoe Tees

    Grade 8

  • - 36 -


    Boxes and boxes

    Fill the room

    Unable to feel comfy

    In my own home

    Bare walls all around me

    Colourless, lifeless

    No memories

    Bright stars shine past

    My double glazed glass

    Leading me to a view,

    A place I had bid adieu

    Tears stream down my face

    I wish I never agreed

    In the first place

    Staring down on what used to be

    Across the street, miles away it seems

    Lies a sanctuary,

    Once holding private memories

    Images fly through my mind,

    Now all trapped in a place,

    No longer mine

    This new place,

    Everything I wanted to be

    Now a reality, not a dream

    Yet I still feel I’m living

    In a mind not of my own,

    In a distant place,

    I cannot call home

    Unfamiliar faces

    Walk in my life

    Feeling displaced

    And feeling distraught

    Finally pacing my thoughts

    I remember my childhood home

    No longer mine, it had been bought

    Pauline Yeung

    Grade 11

  • - 37 -

    The Rise and Fall


    Gold rays pierce the thick veil of darkness.

    The shadows fade, away.

    But, this once great golden figure has fallen deep within death's valley.

    Crimson blood patterns the tearful sky.

    The man appears, mocking the dead king.

    Four hours the world sleeps, a deep sleep.

    But, the golden son returns and strikes the moon back.

    The moon and shadows, fade away.

    The world awakes to golden glows.

    This, my son, is the struggle of the golden sun.

    Daina Baker

    Grade 9

    A simple smile can hide so much.

    The truth that lingers behind.

    Mistakes that haunt you day and night.

    Regrets that are unforgiving.

    Vicky Do

    Grade 8

  • - 38 -

    Tick Tock

    Time, a savage thief

    cheating our precious moments away

    time is ticking

    with one year to go

    grade eight was just yesterday

    walking through the halls

    I saw myself suffering

    terrified beyond belief

    foreseeing the future

    here I am today

    still suffering

    but appreciating these last few moments

    with one year to go

    time is ticking

    Benson Tang

    Grade 11

    Sitting on the Stairs with You

    Sitting on the stairs with

    bowls of rice in our hands along with little plastic


    We eat the soft rice.

    We talk about the silliest things.

    But now, we moved and you are different.

    No more eating together on the stairs.

    No more talking about random things.

    No more childhood innocence.

    Susan Zhou

    Grade 9

  • - 39 -

    Playing The Piano While Hundreds Of People Stare

    The sky is blue, filled with white fluffy clouds,

    creating shapes – yes, shapes of objects.

    One cloud looks like a tree,

    while the other looks like a fluffy circle – cotton ball.

    The grass, green – part of nature.

    Slowly moving from one side to another,

    flowing freely to which ever direction the wind takes it.

    The Sun, high up into the sky,

    shinning brightly, making it a beautiful breezy day.

    Crows, flying around in circles just enjoying the fresh air,

    enjoying the brightness of the sun shinning all around them.

    Flying around freely, without any doubts or concerns.

    The butterflies, flying around, landing on the flowers,

    making themselves stand out beautifully.

    Just relaxing on a bright sunny day.

    The sun, shinning happily with no doubts.

    Keanna Siu

    Grade 10

  • - 40 -

    Every Last Jelly Doughnut

    every last jelly doughnut sank,

    further and deeper into my pores

    adding calories to my love

    and weight to my smiles

    letting powdered pearls melt on my trust

    and jelly drown my anger

    into a suppressed red cherry glaze.

    as they dug deeper through my skin

    causing holes in my brand new life

    the sugar tainted my brain,

    from admiration to a feeling of taste.

    my eyes looked, my tongue tasted-

    tasted the ingredients of a soul mate,

    of my heart beating and my stomach turning

    I allowed every last jelly doughnut to sink.

    Azais Gagnon-Watson

    Grade 12

  • - 41 -

    The Musician

    Stranger, who are you?

    Your passion is distracting me,

    Your melodies possessive.

    I must blot out memories of your unfaithful lyrics

    Each so seductive.

    With your rapacious hands and devouring smile,

    Your calloused fingers strum the strings over the sound hole,

    The hole in my heart.

    Just one more heartbeat throbs,

    Its rippling ebbs away my grip on the strings of reality.

    You pause.

    Lifting your head to take in a smoke,

    Your wild eyeballs glance at me;

    A wisp of smoke flows from your mouth.

    As I inhale as much as I can of its ashy sweetness,

    I cannot resist anymore.

    I let go, plummeting from sanity

    Deeper and deeper into madness.

    I cannot escape the inky notes of your song.

    You bow,

    And it is over.

    You’ve left me to lament over the truth

    That you will perform again.

    For someone who is not me.

    Marinah Zhao

    Grade 10

  • - 42 -

    Silent frosty air

    Soft, white, solid water flakes

    Land gently with all

    At the right moment

    Fragile veins drift down, rustle

    Then shrivel like all

    A rain rhapsody

    Clinking coins dropped into glass

    Splatter and wet all

    Rays of soft sunlight

    Stretch and release their magic

    Harmonizing all

    Fresh long threads of green

    Sprouting strongly against wind

    They all stand firmly

    Anna Nguyen

    Grade 10

  • - 43 -

    Nostalgic Reflections

    The pitter-patter of tiny feet all around the schoolyard.

    The games of hopscotch, skip rope, four square, tag and Marco polo

    that seem to never end; always starting again once the bell rings.

    Boys and girls whip out their Gameboys,

    as the ones without act as spectators,

    with their eyes gleaming and brains eager to provide assistance.

    They constantly debate over what they believed to be the most pressing matter of all.

    Time flies by,

    and the eyes once filled with innocence

    are polluted, and dampened from the harsh truths of reality.

    For as you are young, you act as a sponge,

    absorbing every detail and noticing the trivial matters,

    filtering, yet clueless.

    You compare photos, memories, and the thoughts of your younger self.

    Wondering how on earth

    you concocted the idea of being a fireman once you “grow up”.

    Those shoes you once wore

    could probably fit a few toes now,

    but not a whole foot like it did back then.

    That younger part of you never truly dies,

    for we reminisce,

    eyes twinkling at objects and characters we once worshipped.

    The memories are kept snug within the heart

    like the pages of a diary.

    Winnie Li

    Grade 11

  • - 44 -

    Dropping a Fifteen- Pound Bowling Ball on My Friend’s Leg

    Thoughts of food fluttered

    Throughout my mind

    Freshly made French fries

    Dipped in delicious, hot gravy

    Made my mouth water with hunger.

    Impatience brewed violently

    In my starving stomach.

    “Give me food!”

    It yowled fiercely.

    “What’s taking so long?”

    I screamed to the cashier.

    “It’s coming, ma’am.”

    He replied lazily.

    Ten minutes passed,

    And no sign of food coming.

    Finally, in the distance

    A waiter comes towards

    My table with a plastic platter

    In his humungous hands.

    Nachos, cheese, salsa, fries, gravy

    All placed finely on the big plate,

    Its smell extinguished the polished alley

    And caused my senses to tingle.

    Anxiously, I grabbed the appetizers

    And stuffed them greedily

    In my mouth.

    Grease and oil

    Covered my stubby hands.

    Hastily, I wiped it on

    Vanna’s violet shirt.

    Cathy Tran

    Grade 10

  • - 45 -

    The Party

    Dressed to impress,

    He's wearing his best plaid attire.

    Underneath, a dashing argyle vest

    and a fresh long-sleeved shirt.

    "Rock & Republic" black jeans,

    and also a classy, red formal affair tie.

    Upon entering the club,

    He's ready to have fun,

    and a couple of drinks, oh joy!

    On the way, he's gettin weird glares,

    but he don't care, cause he's feelin pretty hot tonight.

    Until his boss points out, that his fly is down

    and everyone can see his "Hello Kitty" boxers.

    Bryan Lei

    Grade 9

    Moon Shine

    Good morning, moon.

    Since when did you shine so blindingly dull?

    Never ceasing to dim against the morning star.

    The discontentment of gloom and woe looms

    Upon your scarred guise.

    The sun never shines.

    Only your brother, your other half

    Who is no more beautiful than you are

    Gains the glory from the light of the giant star.

    When the day is done, his job has come.

    In an opening gambit, he ignites.

    Light the way to escort sorrow filled souls

    Glistening every once in a while, with a glimmer of amber

    A monotonous hue, with an aspiration full of joy.

    Still, you remain hidden with imminent despair.

    Dwelling in the shadow of another

    Oh how we are the same in numerous ways.

    Good night, moon.

    Ryan Wong

    Grade 11

  • - 46 -

    Erase me

    Her breath spits acid desires,

    feeding on earth's vague secrets.

    Worn out boots press against

    the cracked seams of an open heart.

    Shadows fade intensely into

    the polished morning star.

    Frivolously, she disappears

    into a neverending muse.

    Nadia Le

    Grade 9


    Dabs here and a splotch there,

    Ambition and creativity overpower me

    as I decorate with the bristles.

    Outbursts of fascination are seen

    as they settle on the empty field.

    Illuminating colours are shaded in

    and the lands I create are brought to life;

    as they blooms with elegance and purpose.

    Kevin Qiu

    Grade 9

  • - 47 -

    In My Hands

    I reach out for a thought

    The thought that led me to this train wreck of our subconscious




    I grow exceedingly impatient

    My hand,

    still outstretched,

    shivers beneath the force of fateful gravity

    By design, it does not release its grip from my hand –

    it simply sways the truth away from me

    My hand,


    silently crashes at my side

    I glance up warily

    Face undiscerning, calm –

    no longer dreading the grasp –

    sees you

    Our eyes greet one another with a sense of clarity

    A raging happiness

    Your gaze saunters from my eyes towards my rapidly beating chest, then

    my hand

    The colour drains from your cheeks

    Now white as marble

    Instinctively, I move my hands behind my back, ashamed

    And as I notice that you take one step closer, I see

    your hands

    They are smooth, strong and sturdy

    I glance at my own

    Coarse, meek, and feeble

    But as you quirk a smile,

    my hands become full,

    full with the thought,

    the thought that led me to you

    Janina Dziewulska-Soto

    Grade 11

  • - 48 -

    Finding the Light

    Dark days filled with storms in the summer;


    streaks across the pavement and

    fear shadowing every move.

    Fear of her, fear of them

    and those earsplitting words

    that got etched

    into my skin and flowed in

    my veins.

    Just need to hide,

    to get away from those glares

    when my feet pave the way

    down the halls.

    The prominent distrust and disloyalty

    forever in my mind.

    The attitudes, the misleading behaviours

    all made me forget happiness.

    Forget what it was like to




    be free.

    Made me forget

    who I was.





    was who I was now.

    Not believing in happy


    hating myself and



    I wanted to die

    but somehow I survived...

    and now it’s

    okay because I found the


    and I hope that one day




    Lakshmi Soundarapandian

    Grade 10

  • - 49 -

    Ebb and Flow

    A temptress by night, outshone by day,

    Always watching, But not always seen.

    Fuel of the spheres.

    Commander of the seas.

    Ceaselessly chasing your Other.

    Wind does not affect thee

    Nor water, nor air,

    But time?

    Time chisels away at your fair face

    Until there is no more,

    Then reconstructs, flawlessly

    Only brighter,

    Atonement for its absence

    Kendra Lennie

    Grade 12

    Odo Ital



    No feelings,

    No heart,

    No desires

    I, am nothing.


    You fill me up,

    Give me substance.

    Full of you.

    But you are full of another.

    So I must be,


    Nothing more,

    Nothing less,

    Than a


    Kendra Lennie

    Grade 12

  • - 50 -

    Perfect Stranger

    The raise of your brows,

    The pop in my chest.

    The epitome

    of a clear-cut, level-headed young woman

    frays with a single gaze.

    Oblivious to reality,

    Naivety leads me into believing—

    Believing in the tenderness

    that flowed through your eyes,

    that prompted me to pour my heart out with every


    Every flutter of your lashes,

    a message in Morse—

    and I want,

    more than I can bear,

    to let my voice intertwine with yours,

    rather than leave, entire conversations,


    by the door.

    A smile from those lips,

    and I am jubilant.

    Carelessly releasing my crossed arms

    to embrace the wind, the chance.

    Caution will not hold me back

    Making my approach,

    leaping across the gorge

    I am one with the v a s t n e s s of headless hope—

    swiftly deflated and


    Kathy Thai

    Grade 10

  • - 51 -

    Tea at Midnight

    Hot. Bitter. Pungent.

    Sweetly wafting

    an organic scent

    Just how deceitful is your fragrance?

    The sizzling heat that sears my tongue,

    warns me not to try again.


    strong herbal clouds sweep my resentful face—

    easing me to a calm.

    Delicate china,

    my lips graze the edge.

    Nerves: Pulse. Shake.

    Endless anxiety.

    Is the taste worth such pain?

    I inhale the comfort

    of chamomile and rose petals.


    I try again.

    Kathy Thai

    Grade 10

  • - 52 -


    Death-eating armies march

    And on earth-crusted backbones

    Trammel up blood-dust

    And dreadful tear-soaked jackboots

    Sing the beating drum of the river styx

    Destroyed earnestly by a blanket of bullets,

    A suitable pall

    A waltz of gunfire to harmonize with the din

    And whistling wings of shrieking, sailing,

    Explosive joy

    Falling derisively

    On mama's little boy

    Tragic players with blistered eyes

    Aiming high for promised skies

    Dying for the moment to live

    But marching on the enemy's crib

    Now at home again

    And soft-hearted pianos

    Tonk away with listless intent

    Played by soft-hearted ladies

    And fiancées of the departed

    Weep in solemn pride

    Fathers fight back against the eyes of women

    Accusing, opaque orbs

    As though drawn in with oil paints

    Reflecting a direful bottle with a malicious, tempting gloss that reflects

    Just drag my buddies out of the earth's razor blade scars

    And let me be done with it.

    Dylan Fraser

    Grade 11

  • - 53 -

    Image from the Heart

    As I lay my head on your chest,

    I hear the musical rhythm of your heart.

    My frozen hands slip into yours,

    letting the warmth defrosts them.

    Pink and fuchsia sky encircles us,

    we watch the floating golden sun set slowly.

    Tangled together sitting on the flourishing green grass.

    Magical sparks exploding between us in silence.

    Not a word spoken;

    we both know what’s on our minds.

    Only us—

    You and I.

    Amanda Suen

    Grade 12

    The Bear

    a day to never forget

    a grey sky

    a trained bear

    could break at any moment

    I’m risking my life holding this rope

    a very thin rope it is

    Hey check it, I’m wearing a top hat

    I feel so important

    Ryan Okeymow

    Grade 10

  • - 54 -

    The Love Bug

    I am ill;

    “I’ve caught the bug,” one might say

    night by night depriving me of sleep

    consequently, making me feel weak

    I’ve tried everything;

    I’ve listened to “so called” experts

    I’ve read thousands of books

    I’ve even researched it online

    yet I found no cure

    no cure to this cancerous feeling

    a feeling I get whenever you walk by

    with glimmering eyes

    and contagious smile

    Yet you are so carefree

    Oblivious that your very presence

    is like a dagger in my heart

    always leaving me bleeding in pools of my own blood

    for my biggest weakness is you

    Thyrza May Toledo

    Grade 12

  • - 55 -


    Beside the structure

    of eroded bricks framing

    the Yonge Street Book Store, there was

    a lady, drowned in gloomy

    clothing; a deluge of smoke-coloured

    hair spilled from her hood, resisting

    containment; her

    razor-sharp eyes subdued

    in whirls of thought.

    Every Monday, she waited on

    the solitary bench without fail, her feet


    by lavender rainboots, her mind

    armoured against forces of nature.

    Every Monday, I adorned my feet

    with indigo rubber boots—I

    squeaked past the gnarled oak

    around the corner to pass

    the lady and her silent feet without fail

    my footsteps pushed out by traffic.

    Her eyes trailed my path by

    the bench; speaking the universal language,

    we connected.

    She was my constant,

    familiar and dependable.

    I turned back to secure her image

    into my mind.

    Goodbye, friend.

    Grace Lam

    Grade 11

  • - 56 -

    My Grandma was...

    like a tree on the beach,

    looking out at the horizon.

    The bark old, wrinkled

    the roots anchored

    strong in the ground

    The surroundings brag with adorable little lights

    jumping up and down

    on the majestic waves

    the soft and smooth sand

    the bright blue sky

    the calm wind whistles through the leaves

    A fresh spring sun wraps the tree in a warm aura embracing everyone around it next to

    the tree

    a little garden with raspberries

    a little fountain

    exotic red flowers

    Little birds come to rest

    in the wide branches

    animals sleep in the cool shade

    The tree carries big black cherries

    and is pleased to see

    the happy faces of the two children who taste the sweetness of

    the fruit.

    Out of the empty spot, where the old tree used to be, a new, young tree takes root

    for the children and animals.

    Jan Lemke

    Grade 10

  • - 57 -

    Second-Guessing My Answers on a Science Test

    The colour of the concrete walls is a dull cream yellow.

    It is in a desperate need of a new coating.

    On the walls hang posters:

    A picture of a plant cell, a labeled microscope,

    The periodic table, works of students,

    and the water cycle.

    The green chalkboard is filled with the teacher’s messy writing

    homework, science equations, the notes and graphs

    all written with a yellow chalk.

    The tables are arranged into four rows

    all nailed into the floor,

    The tables have a black surface, with many drawings and carvings

    heavily vandalized.

    Some wrote “hi”, some drew a smiley face, and some are obscenities.

    The chairs are tall and rather uncomfortable.

    They are very unsightly, in my opinion.

    My classmates are all quiet, minding their own business.

    One is biting his nails

    The other has his brows knitted; concentrating hard.

    Two have their head down on their arms

    taking a quick nap, I suppose

    One is tapping her feet,

    and the one beside her is clicking her pen.

    Many are furiously writing.

    The teacher is sitting in front of his computer, typing away.

    Is he playing a computer game?

    Tick-tock, Tick-tock, I look at the clock.

    Quarter past one; twenty-five minutes until class ends.

    I look back at the sheet of paper in front of me.

    Now is it a, b, or c?

    Natalie Yiu

    Grade 10

  • - 58 -

    The Kids Who Keep Throwing Their Ball Into My Grandma's Garden

    Every time when the weather was decent,

    days with clear, blue skies or thick gray clouds,

    it didn't matter which,

    I would hear loud voices coming from outside.

    Laughter and cheers filled with too much enthusiasm

    Instantly, I knew the owners of these voices,

    THOSE kids who are a fence away.

    The games would change from time to time,

    but a ball was always involved.

    One time, they were playing a game of volleyball,

    another time, they were hitting each other with a red rubber ball.

    Don't these kids ever get tired of these games?

    Why can't they spend their time watching TV and doing homework like normal kids?

    When the animated voices suddenly change to low grumbles of complaint,

    that was a sign that the ball must have landed in my grandma's garden.

    Who would be the lucky one that will retrieve the ball this time?

    Not my grandma, that's for sure.

    Lara Sam

    Grade 10

  • - 59 -

    My Mind is Set

    My mind is set into motion

    with that ancient vase

    There is something about it

    that just captures my heart

    Takes in my soul

    I cannot convince my eyes to travel

    onto the forthcoming masterpieces

    The thousand others dotted

    down the hall of the exhibition

    Too attracted by the vase

    My eyes, my eyes linger

    at the dancing strokes of blue ink

    streaking across the white porcelain body

    like the bold blood veins

    running under my pale skin

    I reach out, extend my pinkie

    I trace the fine lines on the delicate artifact gently

    for fear it will break, shatter into a million pieces

    pieces of ancient china glass

    scattered all across the glossy tile floor

    I tiptoe, I peak in its blossom-shaped mouth

    The neck is not the usual round shape, rather

    hexagonal shaped expanding to the glazed body

    of imprinted blue trails

    embedded into the curves of the vase

    The design is hysterical and mysterious

    With expressions and senses

    Never underestimate

    the creations made from the hands of mankind

    Powerful, expressive, intimidating

    Paula Chang

    Grade 10

  • - 60 -

    Her Eyes

    I don’t know how,

    But I was with her yesterday.

    The sky was bright blue.

    My heart was electric.

    I could feel her ambience.

    Her aura was tangible.

    I don’t know how,

    But I loved her a bit more yesterday.

    The car was quiet.

    We had a conversation

    The only way a conversation should be


    Her voice was ice cream for the ears.

    Her voice was divine.

    I don’t know how,

    But I made her laugh yesterday.

    The moment wasn’t that funny,

    That much I know.

    I couldn’t park the car,

    Totally killed the flow.

    But her laughter made me happy.

    Her laughter made me so happy.

    I don’t know how,

    But I sat next to her yesterday.

    The darkness broke to her light.

    Okay not really, but

    She was the most radiant thing in the


    Then she smiled.

    Her smile stopped my heart.

    I don’t know how,

    But I touched her hand.

    The truth is I did know how.

    We shared a smoothie –

    Purple berry something.

    Her hand was smoother than any


    I don’t know how,

    But I gazed into her eyes yesterday.

    The world stopped,

    And I was brought to a safe haven.

    A place where you are only allowed

    To feel joy.

    Then the lights went out.

    Her eyes were gone.

    Her eyes were gone.

    I don’t know how,

    But I wrote this poem for her today.

    The memories have already diminished.

    The little things are gone,

    but her eyes are still here.

    Her eyes are still here.

    Jackson Lai

    Grade 12

  • - 61 -

    I See Him

    I saw him again.

    The autumn leaves dipping towards

    the ground were vibrant

    against the soundless sky.

    He held his hand against mine,

    our steps unsynchronized.

    He wore thick-rimmed glasses,

    and layers of flannel.

    I glittered pinks and reds.

    His gray hair tucked under a ball cap,

    my pigtails springing with

    every motion I took.

    I saw him again.

    He walked me home from preschool

    with a goofy grin,

    a cane in his hand,

    and mine in the other.

    My adolescent-self beamed bright

    with the sky.

    But then the colours

    began to collide

    and the leaves

    and the silent sky

    vanished in the blink of my eye.

    My slumberous vision cleared

    as my eyes opened

    there, fell a tear

    but at least,

    I saw him again.

    Grace Le

    Grade 11

  • - 62 -

    What Makes You Wonder

    I am a mirror

    Only the reflecting image of those

    Who dare to look into me

    They say I make them feel beautiful

    Or ugly

    What do they know,

    When they look into me

    I only show you the truth

    Not what you want it to be

    Your emotions through the reflecting glass

    Have a feeling of being lifeless

    As you gaze longer

    You start to see the glass

    Slowly shatter into a million pieces

    Right before your eyes

    As you wonder why

    I am a mirror to those who

    See they’re reflecting image

    As they want me to show them

    I can turn your smile

    Into a gash across your face

    Am I a mirror,

    Just there to convey

    A different story

    Then how you tell it

    You have never imagined


    Who are you really?

    what makes you wonder?

    Danielle Silos

    Grade 10

  • - 63 -

    An Endeavor

    O’ how not do I praise thee,

    for no man but derang’d would.

    What essence of a maiden

    if they canst not give a smile, even so;

    jowls may blush and bathe of any fair red-red rose,

    but none dare compare to temper’d rubies on thy cheeks.

    Twin’d hair, satin and laced with Raven crest;

    thou art painting lunar night for ornamental suns,

    by which they sling beside each cheek-

    no stars found, not even quintessence,

    but a glint near the hemisphere on thine eye doth shines.

    O’ how sweet is sound when thou serve lyrical dishes

    that drum into my subtle ears.

    Yet it twere more ideal if thy hand clasp’d upon mine

    as honest lips compliment th’other-

    and doth sooth with airy taste of bliss.

    An axis I am, placed sincerely adjoint

    while thou art a heavenly soul encompass’d.

    And even if thine orbit doth stray untenably;

    my affection compar’d no less than centripetal force

    shall perpetually align to encircle thee-

    o’ how infinite is mass, to keep thy presence nigh.

    Tis now my soul aches for the acceptance of thee;

    no parting may further refine, nor token can ever explain,

    for I bare all my love hath proved.

    Alas, I profess and pray for thine heart to fall.

    Eternity I’d pluck, to have thee all.

    Vinh Nguyen

    Grade 12

  • - 64 -


    a river melody

    in which,

    your worries

    drown in silence

    and you float

    amid familiar fantasies



    echoes like the harmony

    intertwined in flawed unison


    caresses your skin

    with fusion of colours

    potent and immortal

    music is your companion

    Anette Yanken

    Grade 10

    Blossom Petals

    The wind blows tiny pink boats off the trees, onto the top of the pond,

    where they are carried further

    They reach their destination, touching the edge of land

    There they wait for the wind to come again

    and take them on yet another adventure –

    an opportunity for them to venture.

    Dinushi Wickrama Arachchi

    Grade 9

  • - 65 -

    The Seasons

    A single soft, gentle sigh passes my lips

    as I’ve finally sought out in my simple, subtle life

    the seasons Spring and Summer suspended in time

    the air sweet and soothing

    But to my surprise

    the month of September has sprung like a sudden snap

    and yet again the sun is suppressed

    behind storms and clouds that do not shine

    I wake from my slumber on the seventh hour

    as I’m reminded how I’m not satisfied with my life

    for I remain skeptical and sullen

    until my days become starry and sparkling

    once the seasons shift once more

    from Winter, Spring, and Summer.

    Shawn Thai

    Grade 8

    This I Believe

    I believe in miracles

    and that dreams will come true

    I believe in happiness

    and friendship will never die

    I believe that when I cry

    My tears are not in vain

    I believe that 2012

    Is not the end of the world

    I believe love

    Is the greatest gift of all

    I believe in being strong

    When everything seems to be going wrong

    This I believe

    Selena Nguyen

    Grade 8

  • - 66 -

    The Other Side


    melancholy buildings,

    chipped brick walls,

    nonsense murals.

    Peeling paint flakes

    dangle, clinging frailly

    to boarded shutters,

    openings to a world

    beyond crippling walls.



    stealing up walls,

    Glance down,

    scorched buds congregate

    in dozens

    littering, complimenting

    crusted pigeon droppings.

    Limping, lugging,

    listlessly, aimlessly.

    Battered quilts,

    trodden boxes,

    swollen, pleading eyes.

    Angst, resentment,



    Winnie Tam

    Grade 12

  • - 67 -


    Like shards of ice, our pierced skin flails in the water as each pore is viciously attacked.

    We writhe, clasping our necks and praying to the angelic heavens for a haven,

    our mouths muttering altiloquent verses as we sink, ever so slowly.

    A twig snaps— bearing light upon our clandestine deaths;

    Feet thump upon the floor, a wild haze of thrush and bush,

    fingers, linked in serpentines, minds, in a state of amentia.

    We dose off, drifting deeper and deeper,

    no longer caring about the antiscii surrounding us.

    Maria Gladkikh

    Grade 10


    finger pointed at her

    whispers surrounded her

    rumours spread

    and that pain in her back

    what is it?

    oh nothing, just a hundred knives

    from her so-called friends.

    she realizes that it is not those painful words

    that hurt the most

    it’s the loss of friendship

    but she’ll be fine

    she knows that in life friends come and go

    and what matters most

    are the ones who stay and love her for who she is

    she keeps her head held high.

    Tiffany Wu

    Grade 8

  • - 68 -

    Running my fingers along the many books on the ebony shelf

    until I have reached my destination

    a large, tattered brown spine

    with golden letters inscribed, slowly fading away

    “A must read!”

    “A best seller!”

    but to me, it is simply

    my favourite.

    Kristine Shum

    Grade 9

    Years I Yearn For

    sun’s golden rays shining down on us

    flip flops flopping and hair flying around our faces

    chased by vicious monster

    running for our dear lives

    we vaguely heard our grandma’s voice

    over the fast beats of a ‘Sinhala Baila’

    warning us to slow down and catch our breath

    but we couldn’t stop; the brutal monster was closing in

    we snapped out of our fantasy world

    only at the sight of our darling aunt with a tray full of snacks

    the monster was soon forgotten and we were busily gobbling

    down delicious fries and sipping sweet Cream Soda

    the world looked utterly happy and perfect in our naïve eyes

    life was carefree and there was nothing that could steal our joy

    in a few mere minutes we were back in our imaginary kingdom

    being chased by yet another monster

    Supun Kotteduwa

    Grade 11

  • - 69 -

    Four-Word Heart Breaker

    I don’t understand. How can people who love you spit such hurtful words?

    Every syllable intensifies the sharp pain and tightens my chest.

    It hurts to inhale; it hurts to exhale.

    Without knowing it, my cheeks are damp.

    I didn’t mean to cry.

    Crying makes everything more real, more real than I want it to be.

    I know words or protest are leaving my mouth, but I have no control over what I’m

    saying, not that it matters, no one is listening.

    No one is listening because what I say doesn’t matter.

    All that matters is what they believe is right, but they’re wrong.

    They don’t have me figured out.

    I haven’t even figured myself out, but we’re both aware of my weakness.

    Through multiple episodes, I’ve learned that I’ll never escape the misery it brings, and I

    will always be at the mercy of this one four word sentence:

    “You are too skinny.”

    Amy Ma

    Grade 11

    True Intention

    They say that the eyes are the windows to the soul

    and for that reason, he keeps them blank, dull, and without feeling

    They say that the mouth is the door to the soul

    and for that reason, he keeps it in a constant smile, wide and frightening

    They say that one who declares he has nothing to hide, has everything to hide

    He declares he has nothing to hide and never will

    Lisa Liu

    Grade 8

  • - 70 -


    is just a number, a label, unnecessary

    so I was upset when you restricted me

    because I was too young

    but I listened and stayed home, with a dictionary-like book and read,

    through my blurry vision, or rather tried to, to block out the unpleasant

    My distress escaped onto the inked paper, soaking, drying and forming

    permanent crinkles.

    I complained and you said, “wait”

    So I waited

    hypnotized by the tick tock

    Days, weeks, months, years went by

    I was still waiting

    until the day of departure

    with the packed bags by the doorstep

    I knocked the door to your study

    “It’s time.” I said

    the lines on your face deepened with a frown

    tears threatening to escape


    “I will never be old enough in your eyes, daddy.”

    You forced a smile

    “I guess you never will be if I don’t let go.”

    Goodbye my child

    Angel Li

    Grade 12

  • - 71 -

    Your Little Angels

    You see them laugh

    you see them cry

    as you see them start to crawl

    you think you are so lucky to have them all

    when they start to walk

    and try to talk

    you know they’ll soon run

    and you and them

    will always have


    but when they

    grow up faster

    than you think

    as they drive away

    you know they’ll

    come back to visit you


    Jennifer Phi

    English 8

    Falling In The Canals Of The Strawberry Fields In Baguio

    The cold breeze of the fields blew at me and my family as we walk…

    The fields were in bloom,

    With scarlet fruits,

    And emerald leaves…

    We walked and we walked,

    But nothing transpired…

    All we could see were people picking berries…

    I felt bored…

    So I teased…

    Again and again and again…

    All too ignorant to see…

    The slippery slope ahead…

    Angelo Jerro C. Saplala

    Grade 10

  • - 72 -


    The sparkles of brightness shine in your eyes,

    stare at the candle and watch as it dies.

    The cold winds are blowing, but the fire is bright,

    keeping your world from the darkness of night.

    Hot wax is melting, dripping, quick to the ground,

    the matches are gone, nowhere to be found.

    Keep the flame burning, don't let it decrease,

    the warmth and the light maintain the peace.

    Gaze at the glow as it dwindles away,

    it vanishes quick in a distinct array.

    The blackness of night embraces your soul,

    alone, uncertain, and out of control.

    The thing that has kept you from falling apart,

    has blown off in the distance, leaving you in the dark.

    Sarah Lowery

    Grade 11

  • - 73 -


    It’s eating you inside out

    a little monster

    this time there’s no hiding

    escape is futile

    these are the lies that keep you up all night

    at day you cower in the crowds

    for you detest the silence

    because it screams the truth

    you bathe in the sunlight

    faking smiles and laughter

    trying to enjoy it while you can

    when it rains

    you glare at the window

    praying it isn’t true

    one day you go to a party

    and try to cope there

    somedays you hug yourself

    trying to keep it all in

    hoping that your world won’t break

    somedays you think like a realist

    those are the days you fear the most

    but also welcome

    the pin has dropped

    you have torn yourself into a million pieces

    you rush out into the pouring rain

    you cry

    you scream

    you speak

    Fanny Hu

    Grade 8

  • - 74 -

    Guardian Angel

    The drained room washed of all colour by the moon

    Held a boy with silver fine hair standing by the window

    With his wings tucked tightly to his back and shoulders slumped

    It was the look of a defeated warrior, a fallen angel

    But as dawn approached and spilt rays of sunlight

    Everything changed with a blink of an eye

    The room danced with colours of the rainbow

    It all would have been beautiful, if not for the boy

    Shining gold hair framed an angled hard face

    A thin white shirt barely concealed his lean hard muscles

    The plain of his smooth back interrupted only by wings

    Feathered wings that were as white and soft as snow

    Suddenly he cast his wings as far and high as they would go

    Sparkling like jewels where ever the sun touched

    He turned gracefully around with a smile that could melt ones heart

    Pieces of hair flew into his sapphire blue eyes by a gentle breeze

    His eyes smoldered with certainty, his body oozed of confidence

    And there, he did not look defeated, he did not look fallen

    He looked swift and strong like a guardian

    He looked beautiful and powerful like an angel

    Bneeta Parmar

    Grade 11

  • - 75 -

    Music From Nature

    Drip, drop, drip, faint splattering sounds.

    Droplets leaving a trail behind,

    as they roll down the dark glass.

    Harmony forms with taps on the pane.

    Amy Du

    Grade 9


    leaves start falling

    I watch birds escape

    The incoming cold

    My remembrance

    A jar of colourful shells

    Irene Lozada

    Grade 10


    flashes of lightening

    the sky is brightening

    gusts of air

    the clouds are fair

    cracks of thunder

    make me wonder

    why are we so afraid?

    Kate Moberg

    Grade 11


    out my window

    there it stood

    high in the sky

    dull and grey

    covering the world

    with a cold mist:


    David Liang

    Grade 8

  • - 76 -

    Glistening Greens

    the grass shimmers

    as gentle winds rush

    reflecting warmth of sunshine

    Joanna Tung

    Grade 12

    Spring is Here

    flowers blooming at night

    animals come out

    down comes rain

    Iris Liu



    teardrops in the sky

    wash away the memories

    of the dreary day

    John Le

    Grade 11

    No More

    I’m so very tired

    anymore crying will cause

    my eyes to fall out

    Meaghan Frison

    Grade 11

    stars hang in the sky

    paint the night we see so high

    in the darkened time

    Michelle Nguyen

    Grade 11


    forgive and forget

    live, laugh, love, experience

    risk with no regrets

    Nancy Pham

    Grade 12


    the soft pitter-patter

    light touches

    feed the nation

    Alex Neiman

    Grade 9

    jagged stone lying on the earth

    reveals marks endured

    and unseen blotches of forces met

    Nixon Kwok

    Grade 12

  • - 77 -

    grey clouds pollute the sky

    rains quench the ground

    all Vancouver sighs

    Tasia Schell

    Grade 12


    soft, tender sturdiness

    overlooked, innocent

    lifeless, yet made of life

    Sharon Wong

    Grade 12

    the crowning barrette to any tree

    a blossom upon sweet delight

    here it tickles my darling sight

    Vinh Nguyen

    Grade 12

    Cherry Blossoms

    the blossoms spread

    their wings in the warm breeze

    absorbing sunlight

    Jessica Lao

    Grade 9

    the cherry blossom

    down into the ground’s embrace

    next year comes again

    Tony Huang

    Grade 11


    from the sky they fall

    down into the valley deep

    forever gone

    Tony Huang

    Grade 11

  • - 78 -

    Him and Her


    It had been two years since they started going out, and he thought it was about time

    they broke up.

    They went shopping again. They always went shopping. She always decided where

    they went for their weekly date. She really was a rather pushy person, so he stopped

    trying to offer opinions a long time ago. Why bother?

    He followed her into the same store they went to last week. She must have really

    liked that store. However, going there every week was getting kind of tedious. He had

    always hated repetitive tasks. He followed as she ventured farther into the store, glancing

    around, and winced as his eyes were assaulted by racks of brightly colored clothing, the

    scene a duplication of last week.

    “What do you think?” she suddenly asked, holding up a bright yellow sweater.

    “Nice,” he replied reflexively, though the sweater reminded him of a moldy lemon.

    She really had bad taste. But she would probably not like her choice to be challenged.

    Women were like that.

    He held the bag containing her new purchase as they walked out the store. As

    usual, they walked in silence. Why won’t she say something? Aren’t women normally

    very chatty?

    They really should break up; they had absolutely nothing in common. But she liked

    him so much and he’d feel bad to just suddenly dump her. There was technically nothing

    going wrong with their relationship.

    There she went again, glancing at him out of the corner of her eye. She must have

    been anxious. Thinking back, he realized that she really was dedicated, never missing a

    single date. She must really like him.

    Maybe he should wait for her to break up with him instead. He smiled politely in her

    direction. She’ll want to break up with him eventually. His thoughts continued as she

    smiled back hesitantly.


    It had been two years since they started going out and she thought it was about time

    they broke up.

    They went shopping again today. Once again, it was her decision where they went

    for their weekly date. She really wished that he would offer some kind of opinion. She

    really wanted him to contradict her at least once. But even if she asked, he would

    probably just give an incoherent answer. So, why bother?

    She walked into the same store they went to last week. Originally she figured that if

    they went to the same store every week, he would offer some form of objection to their

    repeated visits, but so far. . .nothing. She hated repetitive tasks—it was getting tedious.

    Venturing further into the store with him wordlessly following her, she lazily surveyed

  • - 79 -

    the same selection as last week's. She grabbed a random sweater off the rack and turned

    to face him.

    “What do you think?” She asked, holding up the bright yellow sweate