government of goa -...

Panaji, 28th December, 1995 (pausa 7, 1917) GOVERNMENT OF GOA Department of Law & Judiciary law (Establishment) Division Office of the District Registrar, Goa-cum-Head of Registers and Notary Services Notice Whereas Shri Arjun Gopal Kalangutkar, Advocate, a practising advocate residin5 at Siolim, Cuc1dem, Bardez-Goa has made an applica- tion for appointment as a Notary to practise at 1.fapusa, notice is hereby given under Rule 6(2)(a) of the Notaries Rules; 1956, inviting objections, if [my, to the appointment of the said applicant as a Notary, which ,objections should be submitted to tt,e undersigned within fourteen days of the publication to this notice, Panaji, 30Ul Novembe.r, 1995.- The District Registrar, Goa-cum- -Head of Registers and Notary Services, P. V. S. Sardessai. ---<>-<>-<>--- . Department of Public Health Directorate of Health Services Notices In pursuance of S'ub-Rtllc (i) of Rule 5 of Central Civil Service (Temporary Service) Rules, 1965, I, Dr. Arvind Salelkar, Director of Health Services hereby give notice to Smt. Maria Vera Mascarcnhas, sister Tutor that her services shall sumd terminated with effect from the date of expiry of a period of one month from the date of publication of ulis notice. Panaji, 23rd November, 1995.- The Director, Dr. Arvind V. Salslkar. In pursuance of Sub-Rule (1) of Rule 5 of the Central Civil Service (Temporary Services) Rules, 1965, r, Dr. Arvind V. Salclkar, Director of Health Services hereby give notice to Smt. Santana Fernandes, Peon/Attendant that her services shall' stand terminated with effect F [rom the date of expiry o[ u period of one month ('rom the the notice is published in Ule Official Gazette. Panaji, 24th November, 1995,,-,TlteDiYectoJ Dr, Department Revenue Shree Samarth Datlarnandir, Constitution (Bye-Laws) of "Samarin mandai , Samarthwadi, Cunnem, Raia, Salcete-GoD, Shree Saunslhan Sumarth Dattmnandir at Cunllcm, R:lia, S<llccle GOII as approved by Mahajans Sablw, the cl,mSlilntioll mandaI" in its meeting held at S;unanhwacli, Cunncm, Raia, on 22-8-1993. . Article 1 In the Village ofRaia at CunDem of S:ilcete Taluka, ,')ou,h Dislrict of Goa, there exists the De\' ;daya of "Sam<1rlh Dal! :ml :mdir". The following Temples arc affiliated to the above 1) Shrce GanapatiJi, 2) Shree Vilhoba Ruekmini, 3) ShreeSidhana'th, 4) Shree MarutJli, 5) Shree GarucJh and 6) Shree Kamari l\1ath. All the temples are close to the main Dattmn,mdir" . Beside the above Temples] there "Sam3this" Ii:;: 1) Of Saclguru Baba, the Sage, 2) Of NarrJlari Baba, 3) Of PunclaliG Nilu Pecinekar and 4) OfSw;mIi of HSatnart1i These Samathis are located to the hand of the :'-ilair; Temple. 5) There is also one more Samadhi of one late Jrwcio QllacJro> of Raia, Sa1ce1.e itself, the donnor of Lile'- land 10 the Temple. which stands to the !cft side of the l\Lin i.e. CUlsidc of the "Prakar". Article 2 (a) The General Body of the Devalaya slnl1 of the Mahajans mentioned in the annexed lislllnd Ihos(o proccssinf Hindu Religion who may in future. be JS Mahajans b)

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Page 1: GOVERNMENT OF GOA - · given under Rule 6(2)(a) of the Notaries Rules; 1956, inviting objections,

Panaji, 28th December, 1995 (pausa 7, 1917)


Department of Law & Judiciary

law (Establishment) Division

Office of the District Registrar, Goa-cum-Head of Registers and Notary Services


Whereas Shri Arjun Gopal Kalangutkar, Advocate, a practising

advocate residin5 at Siolim, Cuc1dem, Bardez-Goa has made an applica­

tion for appointment as a Notary to practise at 1.fapusa, notice is hereby

given under Rule 6(2)(a) of the Notaries Rules; 1956, inviting objections,

if [my, to the appointment of the said applicant as a Notary, which

,objections should be submitted to tt,e undersigned within fourteen days of

the publication to this notice,

Panaji, 30Ul Novembe.r, 1995.- The District Registrar, Goa-cum­

-Head of Registers and Notary Services, P. V. S. Sardessai.


. Department of Public Health

Directorate of Health Services


In pursuance of S'ub-Rtllc (i) of Rule 5 of th~ Central Civil

Service (Temporary Service) Rules, 1965, I, Dr. Arvind Salelkar,

Director of Health Services hereby give notice to Smt. Maria Vera

Mascarcnhas, sister Tutor that her services shall sumd terminated with effect from the date of expiry of a period of one month from the date of

publication of ulis notice.

Panaji, 23rd November, 1995.- The Director, Dr. Arvind V. Salslkar.

In pursuance of Sub-Rule (1) of Rule 5 of the Central Civil Service (Temporary Services) Rules, 1965, r, Dr. Arvind V. Salclkar, Director of Health Services hereby give notice to Smt. Santana Fernandes, Peon/Attendant that her services shall' stand terminated with effect


[rom the date of expiry o[ u period of one month ('rom the

the notice is published in Ule Official Gazette.

Panaji, 24th November, 1995,,-,TlteDiYectoJ Dr,

Department Revenue

Shree Samarth Datlarnandir,

Constitution (Bye-Laws) of "Samarin mandai , Samarthwadi, Cunnem, Raia, Salcete-GoD,

Shree Saunslhan Sumarth Dattmnandir at Cunllcm, R:lia, S<llccle GOII

as approved by Mahajans Sablw, the cl,mSlilntioll mandaI" in its meeting held at S;unanhwacli, Cunncm, Raia, on 22-8-1993. .

Article 1

In the Village ofRaia at CunDem of S:ilcete Taluka, ,')ou,h Dislrict of Goa, there exists the De\' ;daya of "Sam<1rlh Dal! :ml :mdir".

The following Temples arc affiliated to the above

1) Shrce GanapatiJi, 2) Shree Vilhoba Ruekmini, 3) ShreeSidhana'th, 4) Shree MarutJli, 5) Shree GarucJh and 6) Shree Kamari l\1ath.

All the temples are close to the main Dattmn,mdir" .

Beside the above Temples] there "Sam3this" Ii:;:

1) Of Saclguru Baba, the Sage, 2) Of NarrJlari Baba, 3) Of PunclaliG Nilu Pecinekar and 4) OfSw;mIi

of HSatnart1i

These Samathis are located to the hand of the :'-ilair; Temple.

5) There is also one more Samadhi of one late Jrwcio QllacJro> of Raia, Sa1ce1.e itself, the donnor of Lile'- land 10 the Temple. which stands to the !cft side of the l\Lin i.e. CUlsidc of the "Prakar".

Article 2

(a) The General Body of the Devalaya slnl1 lJl~ of the Mahajans mentioned in the annexed lislllnd Ihos(o proccssinf Hindu Religion who may in future. be JS Mahajans b)

Page 2: GOVERNMENT OF GOA - · given under Rule 6(2)(a) of the Notaries Rules; 1956, inviting objections,


the Managing Committee of the Devalaya irrespective of caste, class,sect or family group to which such person may belong on payment of such enrollment fee as may be pre-

... scribedfor the purpose by the General Body of the Devasthan . , whic11 fee in nO case shalltotafly exceed to Rs. 1000/- (Rupees one thousand only).

(b) The General Body of the DCyaslhan reserves right to reject such applications of persons whose faith in Hindu Religion is destmctive to the interests of .the SAMARTHMANDAL brought up by now late Sage Sadguru Raba along with present Mahajans and Devotees. Mahajans should be or Male Ge;1der only aboye the age of 18 years.

(c) Any person once cnrolled as Mahajan shall cnjoy equal rights, privelages, honours and obligations alongwith all other . .tl'!all;ljans unless he is prevented to enjoy the same in terms of these Bye-Lavvs or the Lavis in force.

(d) The Mahajans Sabha qllalifie~ themselves as founder Ma­hajans and those joining hereinafter as restricted Mahajans under one and equal legislations governing the SAMARTH . MANDAL.

Article 3


(a) The right of all Mahajans including of those who may be admitted as 1\1ahajans in terms of proceeding article, is hereditary and perpetual in the masculine lineage and is transmitted from generation to generation by consaguinity or by legal adoption. This right becomes effective once a person becomes major of age and is duly enrolled as Mahajan including those who may be admitted as Mahajans in terms of preceding article.

(b) The list of all the Mahajans shall be properly maintained by the _ Managing Committee and a upto date copy of the same shall be displayed on the Notice Board of the Devalaya in the month of January every year.

Article 4

(a) All those professing Hindu Religion irrespective of class, caste, sect or,fan1ily group shal1 beal10wed according to usage and customs to render worship in the premises Mllie Devalaya and also to performreligious acts and to institute festivities and make donations to the Devalaya. Advance permissidn of the Managing Committee is applicable to regularise the perform­ance of such acts in the pr~mises of the Devalaya along with usual ones.

(b) Such acts shall, however, in no way entitle them to claim Mahajanship en Ule Devalaya.


Every Mahajan shall pay to the treasurer or the Devalaya a fixed mnual budget subscription or such fee as may be prescribed· for the 'urpose by the General Body Meeting of the Mallajans of the Devalaya.

Mticle 6

The Members of the Managillg Committee :;hall be responsible to ,'arry out the. duties and work relating to the Temple without any renumeration; they are bound to devote their precious timC'. [or the cause in the lineage of the Mahajans in turn.

28TH DECl;jfBEI<, i


Article 7

The Assets of thS Devalaya comprise of following:

1) Immovable properties 2) Movable properties

-- NiL Nil.

And it is the dUly of the Managing Committee to of the above both classes dllly entered in the; in ventary that will be . shortly hereinafter and deliver the ,;arne with Sub-lnvenlry and the concerned employee Of in charge of I1IGm. And no article bcl'J!i!. ,";' to the Devalaya should be taken out for an)' usage oj' any


Receipts and

Article 8

The receipts consist 0[:

1) Rents of immovable prop,;rtic3. 2) Interests of funds. 3) Offerings. 4) Subsidies. 5) Charges/fees coliccted on the celebrations of 6) Annual contribution of tvlah:uans, 7) Donations made by any person or institution. S) Entrance fees of new l'vlahajans. 9) Proceeds of auctions of articles on various festivities ~md

occasions. 10) Amount collected by way of fines. 11) Amount of revenue frol11 properties which may be 12) Memorial fund~ or donations that may appear Oil clwrilabk

grounds more specially travelling fot Sadhus or Sages that visit U1e Temple from various Religious Centres of Indilt.

The expenditure consist of:

1) Maintenance and cleanliness of the temple and its 2) Festivities and Religious rerformHnces or the temple. 3) Goyernmenl H'1d olher t:lxes. 4) Salanesiwages/remllnerlltioTl of lhe 13mployee3. 5) Eventual expenses. 6) Stationery: 7) Expenses done on memorial or d,maliol1s (:n charitable

grounds. 8) Other expenses:


Worship and festivities

Article 9

The daily worship consists oC:

The daily worship of the Sauns1.han shall be as under>

(a) At dawn i.e. at 6.00 a. m. "NIRMALAY A", "VISARJAN" (Letting away of the steel offerings, flowers, etc.), Thereafter in the morning "ABHISEKHA" and other "DEY ASHf\STHRA".

(b) Between I J .OOa. m. to } 2nooll"NEIVEDYAS"ancl without fail.

(c) At S.OO p. m, "NEiVEDYAS" ,mel "ARTHI" \\itholl! raiL

Page 3: GOVERNMENT OF GOA - · given under Rule 6(2)(a) of the Notaries Rules; 1956, inviting objections,


These worships shall be invested with all the formalities and religious mandatcs. Tile Pujas/religious ceremonies shall be perfonned exclu­

. sivcly by pure Brahmin Pujari called "BHAT".


Principal festivities

Article 10

The annual festivities arc shown as below:

1) Datta Jayanti Margashirsha Shuda Purnima. 2) Vardhapana Day Margashirsha Shukla Paneham. 3) Gumpratip~da Magh Vadya Pratipada. 4) Mahashivratri Month of M;rgh (Vadya). 5) GudiPadwa Chaitra Sndh Pratipada. 6) Ramanavami Chaitra Sudh Navami. 7) Hanuman Jayanthi Chaitra Pumima. 8) Akshaya Tritiya Vaishak Sudh (Ekadashi) Triti. 9) Ashadi Ekadashi AshadSudh Ekadashi.

10) Guru Purnima Ashadi Pumima. l1) All Sravanna Thursdays Month of Shravana. 12) Gum Dwadashi Ashwin Vadya DwaJashi. 13) Kartiklli Ekadashi Karlik Shudh Ekadashi. 14) Palki Utchawa Every Thursday. 15) ShrecSanlarth Baba Agman

(Thithi Sage) Bhadrapadh Tritiya. 16) Shree Smnarth Baba

Samadhi Din (Punyatithi) Pousha Shudh Panchami.

It is hereby mentioned that some of the devotees who arc present rvlahaj:ms and others arc the celebrants of some of the above festivities at their own expenses m1d (he General Body of this Saunsthan shaH recog­nise their rights to perform such celebrations provided that they will perfoTlllthemregularly without prejudice to the interests of the Devasthan which cntcr hereinafter under the control of Govemlncnt·Authorities.

Artide 11

The following arc the religious ceremonies whieh arc to be performed by the l\1ahajans/devotees and. the fees to be charged for the same as follows: Subject to such modifications as may be made by the General Body of the Devasthan from time to time.

I) Abhishek -Rs. 2.00 2) Panchamrut Abhishek Nived -Rs. 5.00 3) Puja - Rs. 51.00 4) Altemative Puja -Rs.51.00 5) Ekadashini c--- Rs. 5.00


Sel"Vants and their duties

firtide 12

The renumerated staff of the temple is:

l) Brahmin Plljm·i. 2) Assistant Pujari. 3) Sweeper.

All the staff members should be dressed properly to uplift the dignity of the Devalaya under Hindu Methology.

1) It is the duty of the Pujari to perform all the religious services/ ceremonies pertaining to pl~ia, Neivadya and Nandadeep as well as other .ritual obligations during the annual festivals/ festivities including :111 other performances scheduled in Article 11 above.


2) Besides the Pujari, lhere nay be more r,'1IUl11l'l:Ill !;I:d!

necessary according to lWeei'; of service. it Managing Committec !o engage suci: staff Ii renumeration to be paid t<) thelm provided there ai ,i funds to meet the expenditure which acts of thi },

. Committee should be laler on confirmed by the of .Mahajans in the jmmcdiall~ next meetillg.

3) Any service if rendered by allY devotee <.if

Temple for a long period of lime voluntarily, the be recorded in the service Book maintained ing Committee for Records of services.


Penal and other Despositions

Artide 13

(a) The following arc the contravene the duties Ot

Body or of the Muna,;ing COJllmittee in rc·l:l! ion Ie· Adm inistra tion:

1) Not applicabk at jJ1>"C111.

2) 3)

(b) The Man:lging Committee or Ik Cen,.:ra1 inflict any penalty on the lllalwjans or the' dcyalaya unless l11'2y arc. UPPOlililliti,o, defend their case.

(c) Against the penally imposed there shall be an :lppeal lo ll!,~.

fir/ide 14

The Administration of the Deval:Jya shall he regulated bye-laws and by the RegulamcnLO (bs l\f rll.:lllias ill ['cree as well as General Laws and Regulations applieabk or which lIlay be to such institutions in future.

The Saunsthan reserves to Amend the' pL'scnt B) c~ Laws or make some modifications aCter oblainin,; prior or th;~· con-cerned Authorili:;;s al. Government LeVi;] Ie))" the l"nncnt '.ll the runc-tioning of the Devasthan without prejUdice to th,: \1:rh:ljrms or other dev(itees as such application Cor prior jJnrnissioll .\ ill havei tu cite. the purpose Clc:lIly.

Jirlicle 15

The above Bye-Laws s11:111 come into ['otn; 5 i.n the Goveil111lent Gazelte.

CUlll1em, 10th November, 1995.-The

The Treasll1'clJ', VasClnl Prnbhu.

The President, CajwwlL Fii,1 Naik.

The Altorney, Shai.){l MOllO Bork,,/'


Founder }lcmbcrs

1. Shri Shambha Mono Borkar, 2." Raghu Surya R,libr, 3." Shridhar l\bnu Kmdikar. 4." Vassanl Prabhu,

, [Iohl,rls G. Naik.

Page 4: GOVERNMENT OF GOA - · given under Rule 6(2)(a) of the Notaries Rules; 1956, inviting objections,


5. "

6. " 7. " 8. " 9. "

Rohiclas G. Naik,

Govind Datta Naik,

Chanclrakanl Bhikaro Naik,

Gajanan Tilu Naik,

Shnmbhu Manappa Salhe,

10." Prabhakar Gajanan Sawant,

11." Raghhvir Raghoba Naik,

12." Panclurang Kola Satarkar,

, 13." Maina alias Ray:i Krishna Borkar,

14." HariB.BOTkar, 15. " 16 " 17. "

18. " 19. " 20. " 21. ,.

22. " 23. "

24. " 25. " 26. ,.

27. " 28. " 29 .. " 30. "

31. " . 32. "

33. "

34. "

35. " 36. "

37. " 38. 'J

39. " 40. "

41. " 42. "

43. "

44. " 45. ,.

46. "

47. " tlB. " 49. "

50. " 51. " 52. " 53. "

54. " 55. "

57. " 58. " 59. " 60. "

GUTudas Su!ya Raikar,

Bhaskar Kantn Satarkar,

Dayanand Krishna Velip,

Narshbv Silaram Sawant,

Ramdas V. Borkar,

Rohiclas Harischandra Borkar,

Shriktmt Shamba Borbr,

Shrikant hganalh Sht:t,

Krishna Babusso Salarkar,

Shashikant Pandurang Naik,

Cliandrakant Bahal Naik,

Gopi Sonu Naik,

. Yeshwant ThOLl! Vast,

. Mhablu Bablo Naik,

Laximan Govind Vast,

Vikas Bhiku Bhukkam,

Ram Bhuto Naik,

Gokulclas Na11ll BOTkar,

Dcvu SOl1ll Naik,

Prcma11and Shivral11 Vast,

Pandur~lJlg Babl Naik,

Cha.ndrakant Tanu Naik,

Surcsh Babusso Saturkar,

Amrut Ana11l Chari,

Dattalraya Gao11k;lT,

Raghuvir Kolo Satarkar,

Sadu Datta Naik,

Chandra kant Nani Naik,

L.aV\l Kush ali N nik,

Anand Guno N,l;1.:-,

Narayan Panclurang Naik;

Ganasham Shin Naik,

Dcvidns Ycshwant Naik,

Sll1'csh Raghoba Naik,

Shripad DCVll Valvaikar,

Madhav Babll Chari,

Shambhu A.n:mt Shirodkar,

Shrikant Shivram Nai.k,

Rarna Mac1hu Naik,

Govind Tata Satarkar,

Tulshidas Kola Siilarkar,

Jivm1 Harischandra Satarkar,

Gajanan Vassll Naik,

Nagu S:U.ll Naik,

Fundalik Laxim;m Naik,

Prcmana11d R:lghoba Naik;

61." MODO Do[ttt Nail<,

63. " . 64. "

65. "

66. "

PrahhakarRaghu Naik,

l'fangllcsh Lndu Shelbr,

Niikanl Janu Naik,

Gansu VaikulltNaik,

Ganasham Hari TC11dulkar,



Table· ";\"

Principal Festivals


2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

10. II. 12. 13. 14. ]5.

16 .

Dalla Jayanli (with lvlahncivcdya) Varclhapa11a Day Gllrupralipada Mahashivratri Gucli Padwa RamaNavami Ha11uman Jayanti Akshay Tritiya Ashadi Ekaclashi Guru Poumima All Sravana Thursclays Guru D"vadashi Kartiki Ekadashi Palkhi Utchawa Shri Sm11arlh Baba Agnull Tilhi Shri SanlarU1 Baba Samadhi Din

Shuda POll.

Slukla Pil,i' kill

Clwilra Shudh Chnitra Shuc1h N'l\':lrni. Chnilra POllrnjnl~l, Vaishak S]IlIc1l1 Tlilia,

A.shad Slmdh Ebdashi, Ashadi Fllrni III II , ]\ionth of SrllVnnil.\vin Vaclya I>. 'ld",,1 ! Kllllik Sllliclli Ebdllslli,


Pn!F,h.t Sltudh P;:11,,'h:li11 11Ii\11i).

(Trims Jali Oil)

~y (~fIlT) 1 ~~~!lFfi:la fllii ~ ~ro ~"'., rift ~1 ~~1Ili'i'

~rll ~t'r men. ~ *~m6T' f?:'itifl '.:( ~ io;r;'R1 \R:'l1 ( if~ ) <t'i~~)'

~-t ,I :a'if~.r ~tff~~ ~ ~f~1'.f~iffur

~1 ~~<l?, U<f lfF{F-f'llf~ ~lJiiT ~~f

~rw!~ ~<Tmif (~r.T) ~')~ ~<i~~~n ~~ii' '1$1.

~} .iJft if'OT~ ,) P.>ft f<iotifi 't~-q1Jrr

,) !!if ftf~!1q'

v) $T fnW't

"') 1/t If'iif'

,) l!il'l lj;.;;a ~

t'r . ~ ~q;Z l:f.~ ?f<m?~ .ari~a. ertlw a-~ B'j:H~ifr~Q.

t) ~'i~ 'frerf'<lT ~m&r ( ml!) X} ;:n:~ 'tt ~ ;srr;t) ~P1Tb,"'"

~) 1~~'f>' f~ q:sUJ'f>'<:: <tT'9T ~'fnf\' ¥~) f<iT.t'r '<fT ~ ;rm·fl

Page 5: GOVERNMENT OF GOA - · given under Rule 6(2)(a) of the Notaries Rules; 1956, inviting objections,


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Page 6: GOVERNMENT OF GOA - · given under Rule 6(2)(a) of the Notaries Rules; 1956, inviting objections,


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Page 7: GOVERNMENT OF GOA - · given under Rule 6(2)(a) of the Notaries Rules; 1956, inviting objections,

OFFICIAL GAZETrE -.ciOVT. OF GOr\ SERIES [ff No, 39 7.8I11 i

<riff.f'i) ~ ~) <rn"~~ci'r ';rrlfmtt qlf!J1'IT

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Page 8: GOVERNMENT OF GOA - · given under Rule 6(2)(a) of the Notaries Rules; 1956, inviting objections,


Department of Transport

Office of the District Magistrate, North Goa District


No. 23/5!fiswadi/Mag/89/Vol. VI/1159/1160

In exercise of the'powers <':"f1f'crred on me under the provisions of

Motor Vehicles Act, lC):-;S (C,'1';: ,,: \ct 59 of 1988) read with

Govcfl1rnent Notifica.tion No. 2/2Sjo'O[l i : "art) dated 26-9-19g9 and

after consulting the Traffic Police and in th.., ',terest of the students of

Dhem])e College', Miramar, P:maji, I, hereby Ih ': ify the place shown at

Sr. No.1 in Column No. 20fthe schedule belo\\,." "\fOPARKING" and

the places shown atSr.No. 2(a) and (b) [or installatioll of "Speed Breaker

in form of Ramblers" alongwilh cautionary sign boards within the

jurisdiction of Panjim Municipal Council, Panaji.


Sr. No. phce


1. On either sides of the slreteh orthe road

[rom llolcl International junction at

Tonca to 1\1 iramal' Circle.

2. a) Ncar the entrance or Dhel11pe Col­

lege, .Miramar, Pallaji.

b) llil"ront of H olel International,


Traffic Sien Goard , -3


"1- SPEED BREAKER" "Drive slow specd

breaker ahead"

"2- SPEED BREAKER" "Drive slow speed

breaker ahead"

Further, I also authorise erection or lralTie sign boards as shown in

Co'iumn No, 3 of the above schem,le, to regulate motor vehicwartraffie,

under the powcrs vested in me ulldn the provisiono[ the said Act.

Panaji, 12th December, 1995.-- The Districl t-.Iagistrate,.!oscPhiii{J.

No. 23/5/Tiswadi/f\b",/X(}jVI/12i 7

Tn exerci,:c of the powcrs conl'l:rrccl on me llnder lh,~ pnwisions of

Mcitor V chick~ Act, 191)8 (Central Act 59 or ! ':.iSS) rc~!d with Govern­

ment l\olil'icaliol1 No .. 2!2S!88/ri'T(part) dated 2(i-()-19SC) and arter

consuiting tlieTrafric Police and Local Authority and in the inter<~sl orthc

_stude,Ills of Sh~;rda l\Iandir School, lVliramar, [);l11~lji, J. Jose Philip,

District l\Iagiql~itc, Nnrth Goa Distri'ct, Pa.l1Jji hereby 110tify thi: place

shown in Column No.2 oj' the schcduk below I-or installalion of "Speed

Breaker", alongwith camionary signhoards wilhin the jurisdiction of

P.mjim1Iunicipal CoullcLl, Pm1'lji.

23TfI DECE1!!!CR, j


SeNo. Place


1. In[ront of Sharda Manclir School, "SPEED BRE/\Kl I:

Miramar on both sides of the main gale.

2. On bot.h sides o[ the road 20 mls. 3\V;JY "DRiVE SL/)W

from the said Speed Breakers

towards oncoming traffic.


3. 10 mts. away from the Speed Brc.lkl'I:;.'TWO SIGi< ll()'\r~1 "DRlVE SUM S


Furlher, in exerci,c, or llw powers vested 1m llie

provision oj'thesaid Act, !, also aUlhjri:,c It:llIie

in Column 3 oC the abovc sched\lle,

Prmaji, 15lh December, 1995.--Tl1e Di"inel


In exercise of the powers conferred 011 n'e lilhkr the ill'

MOlor Vehicles Act,l C)S8 (Central Act 59 or ll):,,'\) r,·'lcl \\ itll C, ,"Ci:i

'mCIll NOlification No. 5/28/TPT(p<lrl) dlll"ti 2119 I C)W) a:iel:ll

consultation wilh Local AuthorilY uncI Tranic I',.)ii(',,, L Jose I'hi ,i ' ,

LJistrictMagislralc, North Goa Disli iCI, l'lIlliiji 11(11: :':-' llie j\lic,' ,btl)\

. Column No.2 of lhe schedule be]{l\\ as "land lor Rick,iJ" withlllthejurisdiclion of Pond a lvjuilicipill C()uKii.


Sr. f\o. Place Tr:iljic

1. The stretch of road from Vrundav<ill "1'tCl';' \. )'.';, 1;lei< Hotel LO the ofTicc of G Pali! SIL\ \\' ST iY Transport, Ul'p'~r BaJaI', Pond,!,

Funber, in view orlhc, powers \'l~'kd l)11 me' unckr D!'! 1 I'.:' abov<: A:ct, I also authorise erccli"ll oi'lr:li'Cic i;o;ml,:1' mcnlillned ill

Cnlunm No, 3 of the above scheduk.




Offico of the Civil Hegistr(lr-cum-Sub-R8gistr~F, l'c;rnGln

\Vhcrcas C;ll1csh I\ r-..:i;;l\'i. {csick,nl or \' ,liCC neh Village in Pcrnc!l1 T;l1u\.:a, desi'l:,:C to clung.: his suman;;' i'nJlll 1,(,,,11

Pandurang Nhavi to Glllle:;h Pallc1ur~mg l'ecil1cl;::lr.

Page 9: GOVERNMENT OF GOA - · given under Rule 6(2)(a) of the Notaries Rules; 1956, inviting objections,


Therefore, any person having objection may lodge the same in this

Office within thiny days as per Rule 3(2) of the GOa Change ofNan1cand

SumameRule, 1991 in force.

Pemem, - The Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar, NirmalaR. II unclzimani.

v. No. 14002/1995


Office of the Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar and Notary Ex-Officio in this Judicial Division of Bardez

Asha S. Kit,mat, Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar and Notary

Ex-Officio, in.the said Judicial Division .

. 2. In accordance with para 1st of Article 179 of Law No. 2049 dated

6-8-1951 and for the purpose of para 2nd of the same Article, it is hereby

made public that by a "Deed of Succession" drawnby and beCore me on

13-12-1995 at page 75 onw,trds of Book No. 781 of this Office the

following is recorded:

(1) Mr. Vicente Francisco Mascarenhas, bachelor and (2) l)alll

lvbscarenhas, malTied, have been qualified as sole and universal heirs

and successors of their parents: Mrs. Maria Augusta Masearenhas, and

her husbandMr. Jose Antonio 1\1 ascarenhas respectively died at Bombay

and Candollm, Ximer on 9-2-1988 and 12-7-1992, bbth without any

disposi1ionof the last \vish.

Since the other heirs (1) Maria Santalina Fernandes and her husband

Cactan Fernandes, (2) Pasquina Agatha Mascarcnhas, spinster; (3)

Pcrpetua Mascarenlws ali:is Perpetua Fernandes and her husband Gabriel

Fernandes, have renonnced Hnd relinquished in tefl1.1S of Article 2029 o[

Portuguese Civil Code all their right, title, interest or shitrcfhat they have

to the inheritanc(~ left by their aforesaid late parents!p:lrenls-in-!aw by a

Deed of nelinqui"shmcill (hted 13-12-1995 drawn at page 73v omvanls of

Boold'-.Io. 781 of Deeds of this O[Qt:e

And besides the said qualified heirs ther.e is/are no other person/

/pcrsons who according to Law may concur alongwitJ1thcnl· to the estate

!cft by the said deceased persons,

Mapusa, 15th December, 1?95.- The Notary Ex-Officio,A,sha S. Kamal.

V. No. 13970/1995

Asha S. Kamat, Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar and Notary

Ex-Officio, in the said Judicial Division.

3. Illllcconhmce with para Istof Arricle 179 of Law No. 2049 dated

6-8-1 ~)51 and for the purpose of para 2ndof thcs3mc Article, it is hereby

made public lhatby a "Deed of Succession" drawn by and before me on

15-12-1995 at page 77v onwards of Book No. 781 of Deeds o[this.offiee following is recorded:


That on 29-11-1991 died at lVI:ijlllsa-Goa, Crislma

Calangmcar in the status of marriGd, without an;' \Vill

disposition of Wish, lcaviJlg behind Col1owing heirs aliiJ

tives (a) Smt. Anjanim Crisna Xet,~ Cilangutcar all<1); Savill

Calangutcaras half sharer and [o110'Ning children w: sole 11:1i\

and legal representatives, (h) Smt. Quixori ali:]s Ki<i1u!;

Calangutcar, married to Xalllassunc!ora Zoirama (I"

Crisna Calangutc:lr, married to R,lnlcrisna Xete NaLccar

And besides them there is/arc In other prevailing Law in force in this Stale of Goa or w];o llWy \)"

the aforesaid heirs and who may llav0 better claim to the c·sl 011" k Ii

aforesaid deceased person.


Mapusa, 20th December, ]995. -,·The Notary [,Ofll.';.! ),

Kamal. .No 't!

Office of the Civil Regjstrarcum-Sub-F~t:gistra( ill

4. Whereas, AntJlOny Sub!ISI ian LOllrcn<;o, Bardez-Gua, desire;; to change the:. name of his mir;or son i'Wi;, .­

Lourenco" 10 "Austin Amos LOllrcns'()"

Therefore, any person having is lic'J'cby invi;cd cO rik lk' same in this Office under the pwvi,;iofls or Sect!<)n of th" G(;;\ of Name :mel Surname Act, I ()CjO «(io:; Act No. S uf 1 <)90) J'''ilC: with Rll Ie-3(2) of thc Coa Change of Namc (lml S llFJ:1Jll<: R uk" 1.99 J. Wilhlll lill days [rom the date ofplIblic;llion or this n()lic,~.

MuplIsa, 14th Dcccmber. 1995.-,- Tlw Civil Registrar, ;Isha S, Kamal.

<: Whm'ilS, Tomasinha de SOUl.~" n;:sidilJg M Siol\m, 'ian::ie.z--C',li:, desiJes to ch,mge her namc fj·oJl1 "T(lmasin h:1 de Souza" lo 'Luc )':c


Therefore, <iny pcrson having objecti(ln is invikd in rile same in this Office under the prov is ions of Section of 11:e Gua ofNamo and Sumallic l\Ct, 1990 (Goa /\CI No.:~ or 1 ~)()O) rCild with R\,L~ 3(2) of tIle GOa Ch(\1lge ofN<ll11c anc15;um:lI11G I(uk .. J (jei J, wi'hill days from the d.lIe of public:llion "I' tit is l1<'1icc.

Mapu,a,18lli Dcccmb,)f, 1(9),-- The Civil Registrar, Ilsha S, Kamal.


\I, N".J,1024/l9<))

Office of the Civil Rogistrar-cum-Sub-f-legislrar, lihas


6. Whereas ShriFilipe l·kronio Ervino Fern ami<> , Tcsi,icm or PiknL" Mm-ra, Earclez desires to change hi, flame from lklOllio Er·:illll Fernandes to Philip Joaqllim Fernandes uJl(kr the (j·.)a or N,:lilC and Surname Act, 1990 (Act S of [090).

Page 10: GOVERNMENT OF GOA - · given under Rule 6(2)(a) of the Notaries Rules; 1956, inviting objections,


Any person having any ohjections to the change may lodge the same in this Office within thirty days from the date of publishing this notice under the provisions of the Goa Change of Name and S~1l'nml1e Act, 1990 in force.

Panaji, 1st Dece~ber,1995.- The Civil RegistraT~cum-Sub-Regis­trar, W. S. Rebello.

V. No. 13959/1995

7. Whereas Shfi Chandracanta Nadurcar Gaunco, resident of Chirnbcl desires to change 11is name and surname from Ch3ndracanta Nadurcar Gaunco to Chandrakant Gopal Gawas under 111e Goa Change of Name and Surname Act, 1990 (Act 8 of 1990).

Any person having any objections to the change may lodge the smne m this Office within thirty days from the date of publishing this notice under the provisions of the Goa Change ofN arne and Surnmne Act, 1990 in force.

P:U1aji, 13th December, 1995.- The Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-Reg­istrar, W. S. Rebello.

V. No. 13998/1995

8. Whereas Shri Suria Pereira, resident of Curca, Cartu1im desires to' change his nrune/surname from Suria Pereira to Surya Josc KaHkonkar uJider the Goa Change of Name and Surname Act, 1990 (Act 8 of 19(0).

·Any person havmg any objections to the chmlge may lodge the same in this Office within thirty days from the date of publishing this notice under the provisions of the Goa Change of Name and Surnmne Act, 1990 in force.

Panaji,14thDecember, 1995.-The Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar, W. S. Rebello.

V. No. 14001/1995

9. Whcreas Smt. Domina Braganca, resident of TeJccom Quarters, Porvorim-Goa desires to change her name/snrname from Domina Bra­gmlCa to M('(:na Mahesh 0iukar under the Goa Change of Name and Sumame Act, 1990 (Act 8 of 19(0).

Any person having any objections to the chmlgc m"y lodgc'the S,UIle ill this Office within thirty days from the date of publishing this notice under the provisions oEthe Goa Change of Name and SurnanlC Act, 1990 in force.

Panaji, 21 5t December, 1995.-· The Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-Regis­trar, IV, S. Rebello.

Y. No. 14045/1995


Office of the Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar and Notary Ex-Officio, Ponda '

Pondorinata S. S. Borco, Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar and Notary Ex ,Officio, Ponda. -

10. In accordance withim'a first of Article 179 of Law No. 2049 dated 6-8·195! and for 11le purpose of paragraph second of the said Article, it is hereby made public that by "Deed of Succession and Qualification of

28TH DECLivlBl

Heirs (Habilitac£!o)" dated 30-11-1995, y,ocorded by at overleaf of Notarial Book for Deeds No, 383 the following is rc That on 7th February, 1995 atG. M. C., Bambolim, MuJ Ahmad alias MyhU1l Imtiaz Amad, in the status of unmarried, il1k" thatis withoutmaking Win or any otherciispl)silion in resrcGtofl'is,' leaving behind his mother SmL Ami)]a Bi widow of l\Jul:iill \ i Muzavon alias Mulla Hamn Mnzawar alias Mullam Hanm as his only universal heir, there no one else tJ._isjdes according to Law may prefer or concur to the estate left person the said Mulla Jmtiaz Ahmad.

Pond a, 30th November, 1995.-­Pondorinala S. S, BO/·co.

The Notary

V.lio. ]


Office of the Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar,


11. 'vVhereas Sandip Navanala S;lllll!O QILiTcar Ie;ll\ellll'! Dl I,\;

Bhat, Dongari, Tiswadi desires to clnngc 11 is nanHi from S Navanala Saunto Quercar to Sanc!ccp NavallHlh Kcrkar.

Therefore, arly person having objection if hereby ilwlted tc file same in this Office under the provisions of Section J (2) of [ile (;'1' 'Ch~U1ge of Name and Sumamc Act, 1990 (Goa Act No. S of 191)())

with RuJe 3 (2) of the Goa Change of N'lille alld Surname Rllles,1 ()91 lilhin thirty days from date of publication of this notice.

Ponda, 13th December, 1995.- The Civil Rc.gistrllf-cumSub -Registrar, Pondorinata S. S. Bon·o.

V. No, IJC) 10/1995


Office of the Civil F~egjstrar-cum-Sub·Fienistrar, Saicete


12. Whereas Shri Pedro Xavier ci,lCOSi:l, 'I/o l\LIT1\ll'l d:l Cosla, .1gc'J 33 ye.ars, rio V,m,xcill, Loutolim, SakelG desires to clnngG his IUllk'/

/surname from "Pedro Xavier eI:1 Cpsla" to '']'elcr Xl1\'icr l)'CosLa",

Therefore ,my person having lilly objcctiuTl is illvited to fik the same in this Office as per SUD-Scctirll1 (2) of the Section (3) of tite. Goa Change of Name and Surllame Act, 1990 (Goa Act No, 8 of 1990) within thirty days [rom the daleof publicaJion of this notice.

Margao, 15thNovclllber, 1995.--·The Civil Rcgistr:n "IlI1l-Sub,Reg­istrar, Chan.drakmu Pi.l'surlenkar.

Office of the Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-R8qislrar. Canacona


13. Shri Keshar Goenkar, major in agc, son of Uucnkiir, resident ofTalpolllI, Poinguinim, Canacona Taluka, Go,: has ilPI,licd f"r c!Jange ol'hi$ name from "Keshar Goenkar" 10 "KisllOt (; !<lIP:I! (j()\Tkar".

Page 11: GOVERNMENT OF GOA - · given under Rule 6(2)(a) of the Notaries Rules; 1956, inviting objections,


Any person having any objection to the above referred change of nmne may submit the same in this Office, within thirty days [rom the date of publication of this notice, vide Section 3(2) of the Goa Change of Name and Surname Act, 1990 and Rule 3(2) of the Goa Change of .Name andSumame.Rllles, 1991 in force ..

Canacona, 14th December, 1995.- The Civil Registrar-cum-Sub­-Registrar,lose A.C. Luis.

V. No. 14014/1995

. 14. Shri Bhikro Velip, major in age, son of Sucdow V clip, resident of Karvem; Gaondongrem, Canacona Taluka, Goahas applied for change ·ofms name from "Bhikro Velip" to "Ulh3s Sukdo Velip".

Any person having any objection to the above referred change of nllme may submit the same in this Office, within thirty d,iys from the date ofpublic~tion of this notice, vidc Section 3(2) of the Goa Change of Name mldSurname Act, 1990 and Rule 3(2) of the Goa Change of Name and Surname· Rules, 1991 in force.

Canacona, 13th. December, 1995.- The Civil Regish'ar-cum-Sub­-Registrar, Jose A. C. Luis.

V. No. 14015/1995

15. Shri Naraina Rama Naique Dessai, major in age, son of Rama Naraina Naiql.1e Dessai, resident o[ Voilea-Agonda, Canacona Tllluka, Goa has applied for change of his name from "Naraina Rama Naique Dessai" to "Narayan Rml1a Dessai".

Any person having any objection to the above referred change of nmne may submi~ the same in this Office, within thirty days from the

. date of pUblication of this notice, vide Section 3(2) of the Goa Change of Name andSurnan1eAct, 1990 and Rule 3(2) of tile Goa Change of Name and Surname Rules, 1991 in force.

Canacona, 13th December, 1995.- The Civil Registrar-cum-Sub- . . -Registrar, Jose ,\. C. Luis.

V. No. 14016/1995


Administration Office of the Comunidades of Bardez


16. In accordm1ce with the terms and for the purpose established in Article 330 of IheCode of Comunidac\e.s in force, it is hereby announced that the uncultivated and unused plot of land details of ,,;'hich arc given belovi, has been applied on lease (Aforamento) basis, for construction of ,a residential house. ..

1. Name of the applicant:- Smt. Pushpa Estrocio, rIo G. P. B-4, Room No.8, Govt. Quarters, Alto Porvorim-Goa.

2. Land named --, Lote No. -, Survey No. 87/1, plot No.3, situated at Alto de Torda, S. do Mundo Village of Bardez Taluka and belonging to the Comunidade of Serula, admeas­uring 3 l'Ssquare metres.

3. Boundaries:-

East : By existing house; West : By existing 6 metres road; North: By existing house; and South: By existing house.

File No. 1-186-95-ACNZ!1995.

If any person has ,my objection against the should submit his/her object.ion in writing to the Ad!1l1Jli.'lil Comunidades of Bardez, within 30 days from the second this notice in the Official Gazctte.

Mapusa; 8th December, 1995.-- Tlw Secretary,

17. In accordance with the terms and for the Article 330 of the Code of Comunidadcs in force, that the uncultivated and unused plot or Ianel details of below, has been applied on lease (Afman1ento) basis. for co a residential house.

1. Name of the appliemlt: Shri Crisanlo Vnlcs llhas-Goa.

2. Land named "Conpoxi", , plot No. 78, situated at Alljuna Village of bdongirig to the Comunidadc of Anjull:\. square metres.

3. Boundaries:-

East ; By proposed road of 8 mts. wide;

West : By hmd Survey No. 206/1;

North: By plot No. 77 of the same Sllb·clivisicl!l;

South: By plot No. 79 of the smne S ub·division.

File No. 1-183·9S-ACNZ/1995,

If ffi1y person has any objection the leas,.! should submit his/her objection in writing to the AclminislraioY ill'

Comunidades of Bardez, within 30 clays [rom tile second this notice in the Official Gazelte.

Mapusa, 11th Dccember, 1995.-The

V. No U870/19'i5 (Repeated)

18. In accordance with the terms arId for the purpose established in I.rticle 330 of the Code of Comunidades in force, it is hereby announced hat the uncultivated and unused plot of land details of which are given

below, has been applied on lease (A[ormllento) brtsi" [or construetion of a residential house.

1. Nameoftbeapphcant:- Shri Arnaldo Ya:c.s, 1:(0 FLHim, Maina, l1has-Goa.

2. Land named "Conpoxi", LOle No. _ .. , Survey No, 206/l(pari\ plot No. 77, silLlaled at AnjullCl VillngG or BardGz Talnka and belonging to thG COJ1]unidacic of Anjuua, 360 squarG metres.

3. Boundaries:-

East : By proposed road or S mets. West : By Comunidade l,md Survey North: By proposecllOad of 8 mts. \\'ide; ami South: By plot No. 7S of the same Sub· division.


If m1y person has any objection against the kase he/she should SUbmit his/her objection in wrili;lg to thc Acln,illislratOl of Comunidades of Bardez, within 30 days from the :wcond publication of this notice in the Official Ch<zelte.

Mapusa, 11th December, 1995.- The Secretary, D. Morajkar.

V. No. 13871/1995 (Repeated)

Page 12: GOVERNMENT OF GOA - · given under Rule 6(2)(a) of the Notaries Rules; 1956, inviting objections,


J 9. In accordance with the terms and for the purpose established in Article 330 of the Code of Comunidades in force, it is hereby announced that the uncultivated and unused plot of land details of which are given below, has been applied on lease (Aforamento) basis, for construction of a residential house.

1. Name of the applicant:- Shri Nazareno D. Vales, rio Batim, Hhas-Goa.

2. Land named "Conpoxi", Lote No. -, Survey No. 206/1 (part), plot No. 72, situated at Anjuna Village of Bardez Taluka and belonging to the C01nllni,hde of Anjuna, admeasuring 360 square metres.

3. Boundaries:-

East : By plot No. 42 of the same Sub-division; West : By proposed 8 mts. wide road; North: By proposed road of 8 metres wide; and South: By plot No. 73 of the same Sub-division.

File No. 1-181-95-ACNZI1995.

If any person has any objection against the proposed lease he/she should submit his/her 'objection in writing to the Administrator of Comunidades of Bardez, within30 days from the second publication of this notice in the Official Gazette.

Mapusa, 11th December, 1995.-The Secretary, Dilip D.lvlorajkar.

V. No. 13872/1995 (Repeated)

20. In accordance with the terms and for the plll1Jose established in Article 330 of the Code of Comunidades in force, it is hereby announced that the uncultivated and unused plot ofland details of which are given below, has been applied on lease (Aforamento) basis, for appendage.

1. Name or" the applicant:- Slrri P. R. Borkar, rio Mapusa, Bardez-Goa.

2. Land named-, LoteNo. 372, Survey N~). 390/1, plot No. "A", situated at Socorro Village ofB ardez Taluka and belonging to the C~inunidade of Serula, admeasuring 100 square metres.

3. Boundaries:-

East : By plot No. 31 of the same Sub-division; West : By open space of the same Sub-division; North: By open space of the same Sub-division; and South: By proposed road of the same Sub-division.


File No. 3-5-95-ACN7:/1995.

If any person has any objection the proposed lea;:;

should submit his/her objection in wriiing to the !\dmini

Comunidades of Bardez, within 30 [rom the second

this notice in the Official Gazetle.

Mapusa, 11th December, 1995.---'1'l1e Secretary,


21. In accordance with the terms ,mel for the purpose csubii"jl",1

Article 330 of the Code of Comunidades in force, it is

that the uncultivated and unused plot or: land details of ·vhich

below, has been applied on lease (Aforamcntll) basis, for cons!;"):!',

a residential house.

1. Name of the applic3nt:- Shri Diga,mber L. N:;,[cknr, I \ Iii

Porvorim, Bardez-Goa.

2. Land named -, Lote No. --, Survey No. 22,1,

situated at Socorro Village of Barckz Taluka anJ

the Co nlllnidade of Serub, admeasuring::' 25,00 :: qu are

3. Boundaries:-

East : By plot No. 33 of the same Sub ·ciivi.;io!l;

West: By proposed 611115. road;

North: By proposed 10 mls. road; aEd

South: By plot No. 23 of the same Subdivision.

File No. 1-187-95-ACNZ/1995o

If any person has any objection against the proposed lease he/she

should submit his/her 0bjection in writing to the Administrator of

Comunidades oLBardez, within 30 dayS fronl tile secmd

this notice in the Official Gazelte.

Mapusa, 8th December, 1995.- The S(;cyelary, D.

/ No. 139()4i1995 (Repeated)


PRICE - Rs. 6.00 Ps.