government country project


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Post on 17-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Government country project



Page 2: Government country project

China is a communist country by far! The government runs everything. They control the people what they can and can’t do. If you think we got it bad go to China for two weeks then tell me that’s horrible here. They control what website you can go on. Facebook, Youtube, Myspace, and Twitter are just some commonly known websites people us in the United States. In China you can’t even get onto those sites at all. There is a Chinese Facebook, it’s allowed only because the government can see and control what goes on it. The same with driving in a way. You have to go to the doctors on a certain day. Well that day you may not be allowed to drive. There are certain days that you can drive. Example: I’m allowed to drive Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. My friend can only drive Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday. There are specific days given that you can drive. The government rules over that.

Page 3: Government country project

There are still countries that are ran on communism. Some of them are China, Vietnam, and South Korea. I know those for a fact because I know people that live in all three of those places. I have two uncles that live in Vietnam, my one uncle is married and she lives in Vietnam currently while my uncle is up here. My other uncle is not married but does missionary work there. My sister has a friend from South Korea. We had an exchange student from China for two years for her junior and senior year. She is know a freshmen at Pennsylvania State.

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Yes, China does have free elections just like we do here in the United States. We can vote people in and so can they. The last leader was elected in 2003, his name is Hu Jin Tao.

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China is based on a market economy. Which means they use supply and demand for there goods. We in the United States also sort of use the market economy. It would depend on what area you looking at to decide really what kind of economy it represents most.

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There are so many interesting things I could tell you that I learned from China when I went. Here are some facts listed below for you:

There toilets were holes in the ground. The water is not safe to drink, must drink only bottled water. The use to have a king, he would have a concubine that would stay with him all of

her life and her family would be paid, she would not be allowed to date or marry if the king chose her and she would have to live in his “palace” (which is not a pretty place, I was in it)

In 2008 they held the summer Olympics, I was able to see the bird nest and the cube.

They have a lot of cars and people walking and riding bikes on the street, worse than you have ever seen and there was never a car accident at all while I was there for two weeks.

They don’t live in houses but in apartments or condos. Everything is built up tall, which is why they don’t have houses there.

When you go swimming in the pool you have to wear a cap and shower first to make sure you are clean and wear the cap so that you hair doesn’t come off in the pool.

There stuff is expensive like McDonalds cheeseburger was 6 euro which is $1 of our money in the US.

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They can only have one kid, if they have more than one, they can keep the kid but it’s not allowed to go to school it must stay home and learn from the mother.

All there drinks are served hot including the milk because they have to sterilize it and the only way for that to happen is if it’s kept at a hot temperature. The water was so hot that it would burn your tongue if you were to drink it normally. The alcohol was cold though, also very strong.

The Great Wall of China is not flat at some may think it is, it actually has tall and skinny steps. One step would be as tall as from the bottom of my foot to me knee!

There are many wild dogs running around outside all the time. There soccer is actually called soccer and not football. There 5 star hotels are phenomenal, the floors, walls and stair cases were all granite! Very

gorgeous. If your American and you go walk on the beach people will try to take pictures with you or

just take pictures of you because they think we are so beautiful, at one point my sister and I just started posing with people or for people so we could get our pictures taken.

Chinese people are very nice and generous. You never saw any churches at all.

I will say this being a Christian as I am it was very more as scary in China. You could just tell something was missing. Like it was dark and empty, it was a weird feeling I had but it was so true though.

I have no sources, because all this information is what I learned when I went there the beginning of June! We has a private tour guide with us for two weeks his name is Tian Yie. Also I wish there was more room I would fill up so many slides with pictures and so much information I learned about China.