government aid when to give it

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  • 8/12/2019 Government Aid When to Give It


    Government Aid: When to Give it and When Not to Give It

    By Richard Snowden

    Under a godly government there should be no government handouts but there are certain timeswhen this is necessary.

    When I speak about government aid, I m talking about unemployment, wel!are and any other payments to cover the cost o! living.

    Under today s system it is necessarily that people are paid government aid o! one kind or another because this system is not a biblical one.

    "et s say a godly government comes into o!!ice where there are millions o! people who areunemployed, too old to work or are handicapped in some way. #hese people need assistance andthey need money to pay !or !ood, clothing, housing, transportation and other necessities o! li!e.#hough I $ust said that a biblical system would not have a government that hands out ta%&payersmoney, there is a time when it is needed. #hat time is when a good government inherits all the evilsthat the previous government le!t behind.


    In the ()*+s, in ongress, a bill was proposed to give money to a widow o! some general in order tolive on. #his was the very !irst time that a law was proposed to support someone on wel!are !romthe ta%&payers money. -any members o! ongress thought this was a good idea. A!ter all, thismany served his country and this is a way to pay him back. Well, avy rockett didn t think so.

    avy rockett said /I m paraphrasing0 that it is not right !or the government to give ta%&payersmoney to anyone, no matter how good the cause. I! you want to help this woman on your own, thanreach into your own pockets and do so.

    As a result o! orckett s short speech, the widow did not get her money !rom the ta%&payers.1erhaps she got i! !rom individual members o! ongress but not !rom the government co!!ers.


    "et s say that 2bama and his administration is out o! o!!ice. In comes a party that advocates

    hristian laws 3 as e%plained in the 4ible. #he citi5ens still need to be !ed, they still need to behoused and taken care !or. 6o, there is no alternative but to pay these people. A!ter all, $ust becausea good government came to o!!ice doesn t mean that there will be !ull employment. It doest meanthat the handicapped are made well and it doesn t mean that the old will be young and !ull o! energyand ready to work. 6o, these people still have to be taken care o!.

    #hese people were robbed all their lives under previous administrations, so, they are really gettingthe money back that the government had stolen !rom them.

    Under a hristian government, like we had in the (7 th, () th and (8 th century, we gave out no wel!are.It was not until 1resident 9oosevelt in (8*+s started what was called 6ocial 6ecurity. #he reason

    why it was needed at that time was that the U6 was in a epression /that Wall 6treet started0 andthey were thrown out o! work.

  • 8/12/2019 Government Aid When to Give It


    1revious to this, the government did not have unemployment bene!its, !ood stamps or wel!are o!any kind. ou might ask how the people took care o! themselves. ;asy. When people, as a whole,was prosperous, there were neighbors, churches and some charities that helped those who were trulyin need. When people are not ta%ed to death, they have more money to give. When society is

    prosperous, more people had businesses and made more money. When people lived by the teachingso! hrist, they paid their tithe and o!!erings to the church. 6o, the church had more money to help

    the needy.

    es, we had poor people #hat no one starves in ourcountry,? with in!erence that people were able to get wel!are o! some kind to buy !ood. #hey alsoin!er, that be!ore the time o! the wel!are state that people did go hungry. I agree, that in somecountries and some point in their history, they went hungry, such as in the U= in the mid (8 th entury. @owever, this is not true o! the U6.

    In the U6, be!ore 9oosevelt and his mar%ist&socialist programs, people did not go hungry here,either. And this was the case since olonial times.

    When 4en$amin ranklin was in 4ritain he was asked by some in!luential people i! there were any>poor houses? in America. @e asked, >What are theyB? #hey e%plained that this is where the poor

    people lived. ranklin responded and said, >We don t have any poor houses. And even i! we did,there would be no one to !ill them up.?

    In other words, even in the (7++s there was prosperity in the olonies. Wasn t that wonder!ulC Wecan have that today I we had the same laws, statutes and $udgements as ahweh, God, told us tohave.

    #hat is the key to prosperity, prosperity !or !amilies, businesses and government I we obey and2 what God tells us.