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Governing and Administering Public Education Lecturer: Mr. Soeung Sopha Students: Batch: 08 Year IV Semester I Room W-101 1 1. Miss Tep Sonimul 2. Mr. Leang Channy 3. Mr. Chan Rannkiry

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Post on 07-May-2015




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  • 1.Governing and Administering Public Education Lecturer: Mr. Soeung Sopha Students: 1 1. Miss Tep Sonimul 2. Mr. Leang Channy 3. Mr. Chan Rannkiry

2. Local Responsibilities and Activities State Responsibilities and Activities Educational System in Cambodia Outline 2 3. How do local, state, and federal government influence education? How does the local school board work with the district superintendent in formulating school policy? What is the Governments policy in Cambodian Education? What is the different between Educational System in USA and Cambodia??? NOTE 4. Governing and Administering Public Education (The United States Of America) 5. Local Responsibilities and Activities The Local Boards of Education have been delegated powers and duties by the state for the purpose of assuring that their schools are operated properly There prerogatives are limited by the state 5 6. School boards have assumed significant decision making responsibility School boards have power for the most part to raise money through taxes 6 7. Policy Staffing Employee relation Fiscal matter Students Curriculum Community relations Intergovernmental relation 7 8. Methods of selecting board members are prescribed by the state law The two basic methods are election and appointment Election is to greater accountability public Appointment is to greater competences 8 9. Boards of education Superintendent Associate superintendent Assistant superintendent: curriculum, finances, personnel, fiscal Sub of assistant Principals Teacher 9 10. Management of professional and nonteaching personnel (custodians, security staff, cafeteria workers) Curriculum and instruction leadership Administrative Management 10 11. 11 12. Each state has legal responsibility for supporting and maintaining the public schools within its border. The state: Enacts legislation. Determines state school taxes & financial aid to local school districts. Sets minimum standards for training and recruiting personnel. 12 13. Provides curriculum guidelines. Establishes assessment requirements. Makes provisions for accrediting schools. Provides special services such as student transportation and free textbook. 13 14. 14 15. What do you know about the Educational System in Cambodia? Who is the controller of State School? What are the responsibilities of Local School Board and Superintendent? 15 16. Education in Cambodia is controlled by the State through the Ministry of Education in a national level and by the Department of Education at the provincial level. 16 17. The State adopts an educational program according to the principle of modern pedagogy including technology and foreign languages, as well as the State controls public and private schools and classrooms at all levels 17 18. 18 19. 19 20. Thanks for your attention! 20