gosforth oct2011

Powerpoint Templates Page 1 Powerpoint Templates Using Personal, Learning & Thinking Skills To prepare for the New GCSE Speaking & Writing Controlled Assessments Isabelle Jones, Head of Languages, The Radclyffe School, Oldham Twitter: @icpjones http://twitter.com/icpjones My Languages Blog http://isabellejones.blogspot.com PLTS in MFL Wiki http://pltsinmfl.wikispaces.com

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This is a copy of the powerpoint I used for my training session at Gosforth School on PLTS and writing & speaking assessment for the new GCSE (ALL NE French Day)


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Powerpoint Templates

Using Personal, Learning & Thinking Skills To prepare for the New GCSE Speaking &Writing Controlled Assessments

Isabelle Jones, Head of Languages, The Radclyffe School, Oldham

Twitter: @icpjones http://twitter.com/icpjones My Languages Blog http://isabellejones.blogspot.com

PLTS in MFL Wiki http://pltsinmfl.wikispaces.com

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You will...

• Look at the qualities, skills and attitudes we want to develop in our students.

• Consider strategies for embedding PLTS in our daily practice with a view to prepare students for their speaking and writing Controlled Assessments

• Find out what ICT tools can support the development of PLTS-based resources

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What sort of qualities, skills& attitudes does a New GCSE student need to have in order to be successful in the speaking and the writing Controlled Assessment?

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• Cope with a greater degree of unpredictabilityStudent independence: phonic rules, use of dictionary & verb tables, • Understand and use more accurately a widening range ofvocabulary and structures, including some unfamiliar language=>intercultural understanding, inferences from English and/orother known language, use of para-linguistic clues (visuals, tone ofvoice, bold, italics etc…), memorisation techniques • Understand and discuss issues and opinions=>Knowledge of a range of structures, connectives and synonyms,linking ideas and points of view in a well-organised way • Give full description and accounts=>proofreading ability, peer assessment & support, memorisationtechniques

AQA GCSE specification-context and purposes

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A Juggling Act

• Content length• Range of structures• Accuracy• Pronunciation• Memorisation/ Independence

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• Not a new concept:

Personal, Learning + Thinking Skills

• Independent learning skills

• Learners’ social interactions

• Making the link between ideas

• Transferring knowledge of patterns

• NOT a government initiative-focus for good practice

How can PLTS help?

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Bloom’s Taxonomy

Give opinions, assess/ criteria

Express rules, summarise, create

Identify patterns and rules

Predict, infer

Explain, describe, illustrate

Information recall: identify, list

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PLTS in the Secondary National Curriculum

independent enquirer

creative thinker

reflective learner

effective participator

team worker

self manager

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PRICE Taxonomy

5 types of Thinking Skills:

• Information-Processing skills

• Reasoning skills

• Inquiry skills

• Creative Thinking skills

• Evaluation skills

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PRICE Taxonomy

1. Which is which?2. Can you think of a language activity to illustrate each strand?

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– To locate and collect relevant information; to sort, classify, sequence, compare and contrast; to analyse part/whole relationships

– To give reasons for opinions and actions; to make deductions; to use precise language to explain what they think; to make judgments and decisions and explain why

– To ask relevant questions; to pose and define problems; to plan what to do and how to research; to predict outcomes and anticipate consequences

– To generate and extend ideas; to suggest hypothesis; to look for alternative/innovative outcomes.

– To judge the value of what they read, hear and do; to have confidence in their judgement

• Processing skills

• Reasoning skills

• Inquiry skills

• Creative thinking

• Evaluation skills

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• Processing skills– To locate and collect relevant information; to sort, classify, sequence, compare and contrast; to analyse part/whole relationships

• Reasoning skills– To give reasons for opinions and actions; to make deductions; to

use precise language to explain what they think; to make judgments and decisions and explain why

• Inquiry skills– To ask relevant questions; to pose and define problems; to plan

what to do and how to research; to predict outcomes and anticipate consequences

• Creative thinking skills– To generate and extend ideas; to suggest hypothesis; to look for

alternative/innovative outcomes.

• Evaluation skills– To judge the value of what they read, hear and do; to have

confidence in their judgement

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Concept mapping

Fact or


Fortune lines

Kim’s game

Opinion lines corners

Sorting and


What are they? Which PLTS areas can they cover?How do they assist in the preparation of the speaking and writingControlled Assessment?

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Concept mapping

Fact or


Fortune lines

Kim’s game

Opinion lines corners

Sorting and


Empathy-makes it easier to rememberReading for details/ between the lines

MemorisationHighlights logical links

Kinaesthetic activity to represent different opinions

Helps to remember different opinions and how to justify themPractical way to introduce higherlevel opinion vocabulary

MemoryDictionary skills

Exploring the links between Different items of vocabulary

Creative thinker Self Manager

Independent Enquirer

Reflective learner Self Manager Creative thinker

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Embedding PLTS the BLP Way

Building Learning Power, Guy Claxton

“The 6 clusters of qualities are more than Skills that can be trained... The point is to cultivate these qualities into becoming dispositions, or habits of mind... Cultivation of the PLTS should run through the curriculum, life and ethos of the school, like lettering through a stick of rock”

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Embedding PLTS the BLP Way

The 4 Rs

• Resilience: absorption, managing distractions, noticing, perseverance;

• Resourcefulness: questioning, making links, imagining, reasoning, capitalising;

• Reflectiveness: planning, revising, distilling, meta-learning;

• Reciprocity: interdependance, collaboration, empathy and listening.

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SOLO TaxonomyStands for Structures of Observed Learning Outcomes

Developed by Biggs and Collis in 1982

Describes levels of increasing complexity in a student’s understanding of a subject

With the highest level being the extended abstract level, when students can make connections not only within the given area but also beyond it.

Students will also be able to generalise and transfer the principles and ideas to another area.

Are we allowing our students to make these connections? http://hooked-on-thinking.com/

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Strategies for Embedding PLTS

• Aiming to deliver a wide variety of tasks in

a varied way: impact on resource design and nature of interactions in classroom;

• Opportunities highlighted in SoWs & examples of activities shared;

• Focus on developing students’ skills in an integrated way and student independence.

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Strategies for Embedding PLTS

• Introducing Meta-language to talk about learning: mats, display

• Overlaps with AFL and SEAL: understanding of assessment criteria, motivation…

• Training of support staff like FLAs• Focus on developing PLTS as a wholeschool

approach• http://isabellejones.blogspot.com/2009/10/flip-cramlington-model-for-d


• http://isabellejones.blogspot.com/2009/10/flip-approach-for-languages-at.html

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Promoting PLTS: Mats

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Promoting PLTS: Using cross-curricular Thinking Skills tools

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Promoting PLTS: Using cross-curricular Thinking Skills


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Promoting PLTS: Display

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Strategies for Embedding PLTS: Display/ Overlaps

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Strategies for Embedding PLTS: Lesson Objectives

• Look at the specific skills required to do well the Speaking Controlled Assessment

• Identify and use “interesting” phrases to improve the range of the language used


SEAL objectives: Motivation (red)

•I monitor and evaluate my own work•I set challenges and targets for myself and celebrate when I achieve them

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Strategies for Embedding PLTS: Lesson Objectives

Vers le succès (Steps to Success):•Developing strategies to start off answers in different ways •Say & understand how time phrases, connectives, comparatives, reasons & opinions can improve your linguistic range •Practise speaking ensuring you do not pronounce silent letters

Vers le progrès (Path to Progress):Be able to develop your speaking answers using a range of structures

• Recognise your strengths• Be aware of how you are doing• Learn from mistakes

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Strategies for Developing PLTS Through Languages Activities

•Use mystery pictures•Use links between pictures: and, but •Compare pictures : use comparative, because•Say what happened before•Say what might happen after•Read/Listen to clues to identify one specific picture

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Points forts et Points faibles

L’alcool: C’est relaxant mais c’est cher

Le jeu

Le tabac

La drogue

Plus … que (more … than)

Moins … que (less … than)

Aussi … que (as… as)

L’alcool: C’est plus relaxant que le jeu mais c’est aussi cher que le tabac.

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Le tabac

Le cannabis

Le travail La cocaïne

Les médicaments

Le jeu

L’ héroïne

Le shopping



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Pourquoi pas?

1. Parce que ça sent mauvais2. Parce que c’est dégoûtant3. Parce que ça donne le cancer4. Parce que ça cause des crises cardiaques5. Parce que c’est facile de devenir dépendant6. Parce que c’est trop cher7. Parce que c’est du gaspillage8. Parce que c’est difficile d’arrêter9. Parce que c’est illégal10.Parce que c’est dangereux11.Parce que c’est mauvais pour le foie12.Parce que ça fait grossir/ ça coupe l’appétit13.Parce ce que c’est mauvais pour la santé

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L’alcoolLe tabac

Les drogues

L’alcool, le tabac ou les drogues?

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How embedded are your Thinking Skills/ PLTS?

*Schemes of Work:

mapping out of Thinking Skills lesson opportunities sharing PLTS objectives

*Evidence of:• Collaborative team work [+Seating arrangement,

Display] • Students using “meta-language”• Students as Independent learners• Cross-curricular support/time dedicated to skills

building across the curriculum

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Qui va souffrir de problèmes de santé et pourquoi?

Je m’appelle Béatrice. J’ai quatorze ans. Je suis stressée parce que je suis toujours en train d’étudier et je ne peux jamais me relaxer.

Je me fais du souci à cause des examens et je ne dors pas bien pendant la semaine. Cependant, le weekend, je dors pratiquement tout le temps.

Je m’appelle Xavier et j’ai quinze ans. J’habite dans le nord de la France avec mon grand-père.

J’adore faire du sport mais pourtant je bois trop de café, ce qui n’est pas bon pour la santé.

Mes parents fument et cela me préoccupe beaucoup.

Je suis un peu gros et je ne suis pas du tout en forme.

Mes amis boivent trop et prennent des drogues. Ils essayent de m’entraîner à faire cela aussi.

Il y a deux ans, ma grand-mère est morte d’un cancer des poumons.

Je devrais faire plus d’exercice et manger moins. Il faut aussi que je mange plus de légumes.

Vendredi dernier, nous sommes allés au MacDo.

Avant, je faisais du footing tous les jours dans le parc avec mon cousin.

Je dois travailler beaucoup maintenant car j’ai beaucoup d’examens à la fin de l’année. Je n’ai pas assez travaillé pendant l’année et maintenant j’ai peur de rater mes examens.

Independent Enquirer ActivitiesMysteries: IWB, audio recording

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Independent Enquirer Activities

• Intercultural understanding-identify features• Flickr http://www.flickr.com • taggalaaxy http://taggalaxy.de/ • French Google http://www.google.fr • Spanish Google http://www.google.es

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Creative Thinkers Activities

• What is Creativity anyway?


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Independent Enquirer Activities

Intercultural understanding-reflecting on identity and finding out about France


Find songs with repetitive structuresAnd get students to also be moreCreative with the language...

Je viens de là où...

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Creative Thinkers Activities

• Poems: recipes, acrostics, calligrams, comparisons

• Song-Stromae “Alors on danse” [Lyrics world app]

• Transfer structure: Stromae_on_danse : Qui dit...

• Rebus http://www.rebus-o-matic.com/index.php

• Rebus Malin iphone

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Creative Thinkers Activities

Stromae-Alors on danse...


Structure suggested for students’ own poem/ song (complete)

examples of student’s responsesQui dit amour dit … haine/ familleQui dit parents dit… bagarres/problèmesQui dit enfants dit … futur/larmesQui dit vacances dit … rire/ désastreQui dit études dit … travail/ennuiOui dit travail dit … argent/ennuiQui dit copains dit ... amusement/bavarder

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Creative Thinkers Activities

Poems: calligrams (word mosaic)

Image Chef: http://www.imagechef.com

How would you use these symbols? What other symbols might you find useful?

Tagsxedo (creative word clouds) http://www.tagxedo.com/

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Creative Thinkers Activities

Making links: Learners are asked to make a concept map to remember the structure of their writing/ speaking preparation. They also need to consider the range of the language they have used.


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Reflective Learners Activities

Fact or opinion

“On mange mieux en France qu’en Angleterre”

Discute et range les phrases selon leurs catégories

2 stars and 1 wish


Post-it notes

Wallwisher http://www.wallwisher.com

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Reflective Learners Activities

http://linoit.com/users/stowmarketmfl/canvases/GCSE%20Controlled%20Assessment%20Tips Thanks to Jen Turner

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Reflective Learners Activities

2 stars and a wish (direct/ post-it notes/ wallwisher) http://www.wallwisher.com


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Effective Participator Activities-Reinforcing themes you are working on

• Get involved in outreach activities: resources for Primary (mini books, recording stories, using video-conferencing), open evening

• Organising a languages club/ café

• Involvement in activities to prepare for a trip, exchange, option evening

• Displays, videos, LAFTA competition...

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Team Worker Activities

• Running dictation/ collective memory

• Students work together to create or re-create a text or a visual image in the form of a map, picture or diagram. Each student look at stimulus for a short period of time (e.g. 10 seconds) before returning to reproduce the original

• Discussing personalised memorisation


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You will...

• Look at the qualities, skills and attitude we want to develop in our students.

• Consider strategies for embedding PLTS in our daily practice with a view to prepare students for their speaking and writing Controlled Assessments

• Find out what ICT tools can support the development of PLTS-based resources

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Action!Look at the qualities you want to develop in your students and identify 3 points for action




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• Cope with a greater degree of unpredictabilityStudent independence: phonic rules, use of dictionary & verb tables, • Understand and use more accurately a widening range ofvocabulary and structures, including some unfamiliar language=>intercultural understanding, inferences from English and/orother known language, use of para-linguistic clues (visuals, tone ofvoice, bold, italics etc…), memorisation techniques • Understand and discuss issues and opinions=>Knowledge of a range of structures, connectives and synonyms,linking ideas and points of view in a well-organised way • Give full description and accounts=>proofreading ability, peer assessment & support, memorisationtechniques

AQA GCSE specification-context and purposes

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Powerpoint Templates

Using Personal, Learning & Thinking Skills To prepare for the New GCSE Speaking &Writing Controlled Assessments

Isabelle Jones, Head of Languages, The Radclyffe School, Oldham

Twitter: @icpjones http://twitter.com/icpjones My Languages Blog http://isabellejones.blogspot.com

PLTS in MFL Wiki http://pltsinmfl.wikispaces.com