gordonbrock weekly...gordonbrock weekly friday 26th march 2021 together we raised £960.50 friday...

GORDONBROCK WEEKLY FRIDAY 26 TH MARCH 2021 Together we raised £960.50 Friday 19th March was Red Nose Day and our school was full of superheroes. There were superheroes from films and comics but also superheroes the children had created themselves giving themselves amazing super powers! There were lots of fun activities going on in class including quizzes, making things which make us happy and superhero dance. We also focused on where the pound goes which is donated to Comic Relief on Red Nose Day: we learnt about a nine year old boy called Ethan, who loves to make people laugh and has cerebral palsy. Some of the money donated to Comic Relief goes to Steps a charity which as Ethan says: "… Helps me and my friends get stronger while having fun." We used this opportunity to think how the charities Comic Relief help support the UNICEF Rights of the Child. School Councilors had practised an activity in their Google Classroom and then helped their teachers out on the day to lead a session about which Rights of a Child were the most important. The School Councillors did a fantastic job and it lead to lots of really interesting discussions. Some of the Rights we discussed were: children have the right to share freely with others what they learn, think and feel, by talking, drawing, writing or in any other way unless it harms other people. Children have the right to food, clothing and a safe place to live so they can develop in the best possible way; every child has the right to rest, relax, play and to take part in cultural and creative activities and every child with a disability should enjoy the best possible life in society. We had a really fun day, whilst raising lots of money and raising awareness of the good causes Comic Relief supports. Roll on Red Nose Day 2022! Mrs Lyttle. Dear Parents/Carers… Please note that we endeavour to be a nut and sesame seed free school and no food or drink items containing any nuts or sesame seeds should be brought on to school premises. Please do not include sweets, fizzy drinks, glass bottles, nuts, sesame seeds or any products containing nuts/ sesame seeds in packed lunches bought in from home.

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Post on 31-Mar-2021




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Page 1: GORDONBROCK WEEKLY...GORDONBROCK WEEKLY FRIDAY 26TH MARCH 2021 Together we raised £960.50 Friday 19th March was Red Nose Day and our school was full of superheroes. There were superheroes


Together we raised £960.50

Friday 19th March was Red Nose Day and our school was full of superheroes. There were superheroes from films and comics but also superheroes the children had created themselves giving themselves amazing super powers! There were lots of fun activities going on in class including quizzes, making things which make us happy and superhero dance. We also focused on where the pound goes which is donated to Comic Relief on Red Nose Day: we learnt about a nine year old boy called Ethan, who loves to make people laugh and has cerebral palsy. Some of the money donated to Comic Relief goes to Steps a charity which as Ethan says: "… Helps me and my friends get stronger while having fun."

We used this opportunity to think how the charities Comic Relief help support the UNICEF Rights of the Child. School Councilors had practised an activity in their Google Classroom and then helped their teachers out on the day to lead a session about which Rights of a Child were the most important. The School Councillors did a fantastic job and it lead to lots of really interesting discussions.

Some of the Rights we discussed were: children have the right to share freely with others what they learn, think and feel, by talking, drawing, writing or in any other way unless it harms other people. Children have the right to food, clothing and a safe place to live so they can develop in the best possible way; every child has the right to rest, relax, play and to take part in cultural and creative activities and every child with a disability should enjoy the best possible life in society.

We had a really fun day, whilst raising lots of money and raising awareness of the good causes Comic Relief supports. Roll on Red Nose Day 2022!

Mrs Lyttle.

Dear Parents/Carers…

Please note that we endeavour to be a nut and sesame seed free school and no food or drink items containing any nuts or sesame seeds should be brought on to school premises.

Please do not include sweets, fizzy drinks, glass bottles, nuts, sesame seeds or any products containing nuts/ sesame seeds in packed lunches bought in from home.

Page 2: GORDONBROCK WEEKLY...GORDONBROCK WEEKLY FRIDAY 26TH MARCH 2021 Together we raised £960.50 Friday 19th March was Red Nose Day and our school was full of superheroes. There were superheroes
Page 3: GORDONBROCK WEEKLY...GORDONBROCK WEEKLY FRIDAY 26TH MARCH 2021 Together we raised £960.50 Friday 19th March was Red Nose Day and our school was full of superheroes. There were superheroes
Page 4: GORDONBROCK WEEKLY...GORDONBROCK WEEKLY FRIDAY 26TH MARCH 2021 Together we raised £960.50 Friday 19th March was Red Nose Day and our school was full of superheroes. There were superheroes
Page 5: GORDONBROCK WEEKLY...GORDONBROCK WEEKLY FRIDAY 26TH MARCH 2021 Together we raised £960.50 Friday 19th March was Red Nose Day and our school was full of superheroes. There were superheroes

Gordonbrock School Breakfast Club runs daily from 7:45am to the start of the school day for children in Reception to Year 6.

Children are offered a healthy breakfast which consists of:

• a selection of cereals (Rice Crispies, Cheerios, Porridge, Weetabix or Shreddies)

• toast with a variety of toppings (butter, honey, jam, or Marmite)

• fruit squash or milk to drink

The cost of the club is £5.00 per session.

We currently have the following spaces available:

For more information or to request a place please email:

[email protected]

If you would like to register your child for a place, please include a copy of the completed registration form in your email - click here for a copy of the form.

Breakfast Club

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

18 0 4 14 21

Page 6: GORDONBROCK WEEKLY...GORDONBROCK WEEKLY FRIDAY 26TH MARCH 2021 Together we raised £960.50 Friday 19th March was Red Nose Day and our school was full of superheroes. There were superheroes

If your child needs to take medicine during school hours, please remember to bring it to the office and fill in a medication request form on the first day. All short course medication prescribed by your GP must be given to and collected from the class teacher everyday until the course is completed.

Please ensure that the medicine is prescribed by a doctor and in its original box displaying the pharmacy label. Please also ensure that any medication your child keeps in school - asthma pumps, epi-pens, etc. - are in date and prescribed by your GP.


Musical Term of the Week…

Structure Structure is the order that different parts of the music are played in. Within each type of music, genre, it has its own structure. For example in pop music you will most likely find a verse, chorus and possibly a bridge. The verse tells you the story, the chorus is the catchy melo-dy you always remember and the bridge is a dif-ferent melody to add a contrast. Have a listen to songs from different genres, hip-hop, pop, R&B, soul, Motown and see if you can spot the verse chorus and maybe even a bridge!

Mr Prescott, Music Specialist

Brought to you by Lila.

Write a letter to your local MP You could decide to write a letter to your local MP, saying about an eco-friendly change that you think would be good in your area. They are there to listen to your suggestions and try and make them happen.

Home Learning… Author of the week is Venessa Taylor! You can read or listen to “Baller Boys” completely FREE below.


DID YOU DO YOUR SQUATS THIS WEEK… How many squats did you do in 30 seconds this week? Have you signed up and have you submitted this week’s challenge score. Don’t forget to click on the link below to see where Lewisham Borough’s position is compared to the other Boroughs. https://www.londonyouthgames.org/virtual-games/lyg-school-games-fitness-challenges/

Don’t forget the


On Saturday night, UK summertime officially begins, the clocks go forward and we revert to Daylight Saving Time again.

The evenings will get lighter.

To remember which way to set your watch, there's a useful American mnemonic:

“Spring forward, Fall back!”

Lexia Superstars Well done to all of the children who are completing Lexia at home and at school. Children benefit most from sessions of

15/20 minutes on a regular basis. These sessions can be completed both at

school and at home. A special congratulations to

Renae (S2), Daniel (S6), Fillipo (A3), DJ (A4) and Rose (E6)

for completing a level this week. Children that complete a level will have

their certificate delivered to their classroom for them to take home.

Page 7: GORDONBROCK WEEKLY...GORDONBROCK WEEKLY FRIDAY 26TH MARCH 2021 Together we raised £960.50 Friday 19th March was Red Nose Day and our school was full of superheroes. There were superheroes

Can you solve these problems using the Bar Model method?

Page 8: GORDONBROCK WEEKLY...GORDONBROCK WEEKLY FRIDAY 26TH MARCH 2021 Together we raised £960.50 Friday 19th March was Red Nose Day and our school was full of superheroes. There were superheroes

This week, in history… 1930 The city of Constantinople had it’s name changed to Istanbul. 1942 The Small Island Country of Malta was awarded the George Cross Medal for Bravery. 1956 The Islamic Republic of Pakistan became an independent republic. 1957 France, West Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg signed the treaty in Rome establishing the European Economic Community (EEC). 1963 The Beatles' first album, "Please Please Me," was released in England. 1964 The musical 'Funny Girl' starring Barbra Streisand opened on Broadway. 1973 Pink Floyd released the album "Dark Side of the Moon". 2000 Vladimir Putin was elected as President of Russia. 2010 The US House passed the healthcare reform bill and was signed into law by President Obama.


Wed 31.03 Last day of Spring Term

Thu 01.04 -

Fri 16.04

Easter Break

19.04 First day of Summer Term

03.05 Bank Holiday Monday


Please note we are currently not accepting any treats to share with the class in celebration of birthdays.

Please could we remind


to ensure that your child(ren) remembers to bring in their named water bottle everyday.

Thank you.

Follow Us On Twitter

We are expanding the ways in which we can communicate with parents/carers and children.

Please follow us on Twitter: @GordonbrockS

Parents/Carers are more than welcome to use Twitter as another way to show us what the children have been doing at home.


What did the Tree see? by Charlotte Guillain


What can you do?

Set up an agreement with your child. For example:

I will check with my parents before downloading or installing software or doing anything that could possi-bly hurt our computer or mobile device or jeopardize

my family’s privacy.


On a quatre saisons de l’année dans les zone

tempérées; printemps, été, automne et

hiver. Du point de vue météorologique, le

printemps commence le premier mars dans l’hémisphère nord.

Meaning: There are four seasons of the

year in temperate areas; spring,

summer, autumn and winter. From a

meteorological point of view, spring

begins on 1st March in the Northern


Throughout its

history, France

has produced

some of the

world’s most

influential writers

and thinkers –

Descartes and

Pascal in the 17th

century, Voltaire in

the 18th,

Baudelaire and

Flaubert in the

19th and Sartre

and Camus in the

20th. To date,

France has won

more Noble Prizes

for Literature (15)

than any other


A wonderful introduction to how a modern place somewhere in the UK will have been created over the centuries, this beautiful picture book cleverly records the history of a place as it would look from the perspective of an oak tree. Oaks are famous for the exceptional number of years that they live and their permanence makes an interesting contrast to how frequently humans change the landscape. “I first was an acorn, so tiny and round/I fell from a branch and sank into the ground./ Then as I grew up, I turned into a tree…/ over hundreds of years! So, what did I see?”