google summer of code - melange

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  • 8/10/2019 Google Summer of Code - Melange


    Lists How To

    Lists in Melange are ubiquitous and they have more features (and also annoyances!) than meets the eye.

    Here are some tips on how to use them.

    First of all it taes a while to load the lists and you will see them populating dynamically as soon as data

    is available from the server. "he cause of this behavior is out of the scope of this boo but is aconsequence of how the bacend #oogle $pp%ngine infrastructure wors and its limitations.

    Furthermore what you twea in each list is saved in a cooie in your local browser. "his is done both per

    page and per list (this means that options for each different list are saved independently from one

    another). &ince the options are saved in a cooie that also means that you won't see your settings

    preserved if you use a different browser or different computer than the one used to set your settings.

    "hat also means that all the settings will be lost if you clear your browser cooies.

    "he lists are generally structured in five main sections



    $ctions and ptions,.


    Filtering and /agination0.


    -licing a column header will order the list by the selected column. &ubsequent clics will toggle between

    ascending and descending order (indicated by an arrow that appears on the right of the column's header).


    1y writing something under a specific column header in the searching section (or selecting one option

    from a drop2down menu if the possible states for the column are limited to certain possible entries) the

    list will automatically and dynamically be filtered according to the substring requested. "his can be done

    on more than one column at once and that would result in searching the list for entries that match both

    requests (logical $34).

    Actions and Options

    n the upper side of each list there is some space reserved for optional buttons to appear in order to do

    some action over the listed entries. 5ou can usually find at least two optionsRegExp Searchand CSV


    RegExp Search

    1y clicing this checbo6 you will be able to search on the columns by using regular e6pressions rather

    than plain substring search. 7f you don't now what regular e6pressions are you can 8ust ignore it. 7f you

    have a grasp of what they are but don't now how to use them it's out of the scope of this boo to

    e6plain them but you can find plenty of information on the 7nternet about them.

    CSV Export

    Most of the lists have a button available which allows e6porting the content of the list in -&9 (-omma2

    &eparated 9alues) format. 1y clicing on that button a popup window will appear showing the content

    properly formatted as -&9. 5ou will have to copy and paste the content to a new file in your own

    computer in order to wor with it.

    &ince the data is loaded from the server incrementally you will want to wait until the whole list has been


    Welcome to Melange

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    Student Proposal Period


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    Before Your Organization Applies

    Organization Application Period

    Student Proposal Period

    After Student Acceptance


    Program Administrators

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    Setting Up a New Program

    Organization Application andAcceptance Pe riod

    Student Proposals andAcceptance Pe riod

    Student Work Period andEvaluations

    Program Wrap-up Questions andIssues


    Lists How To




    le Summer of Code - Melange


  • 8/10/2019 Google Summer of Code - Melange


    loaded before pressing the CSV Exportbutton. Hitting the CSV Exportbutton before the list completely

    loads will display only the data that has already been loaded which may be incomplete.

    "he -&9 %6port has another convenient feature it will e6port the data shown on the list in the

    currentstate. "hat means that it will reflect the order the filtered subset and the visible columns that

    are available in the moment the button is cliced.

    /lease note that the -&9 e6port button will only appear after all the data in your set has finished loading.

    Advanced Actions on multiple entries

    &ometimes (only for some roles) you will be able to apply some actions to one or more entries displayed

    on the list.

    :hen available the actions you can tae on the selected entries are available on the left side of the

    $ctions and ptions section of the list. 5ou can select the desired entries by clicing on the checbo6

    shown in the first column of the corresponding row. 5ou can also select;deselect all the currently visible

    rows by clicing on the checbo6 shown on the left of the column headers.


    "his is where the list data is displayed. &ometimes the rows can be clicable and you'll be able to reach

    a page with details about the cliced row. 7n those cases since the list data needs to be downloaded

    again from the server each time a page loads if you have to loo at more than one detail we suggest

    you open a new tab (this is usually done with -tr l

  • 8/10/2019 Google Summer of Code - Melange


  • 8/10/2019 Google Summer of Code - Melange


    5ou can create more than one filter that will be applied over the list dataset at once either by logical

    $34 or logical >. %ach filter consists of a column name a type of filter to apply and a substring that the

    type of filter should match (if applicable).

    5ou can reset the filter(s) applied by visiting the interface again clicing Resetand either clicing Findor

    closing the popup window.

    Refreshing the lists

    $nother button might be available on the lists the Refreshbutton which will allow you to reload the data

    in the list without reloading the whole page and;or other lists that might appear in the same page. "his is

    especially useful when the underlying data changes frequently or you're e6pecting it to change soon and

    you want to monitor it.

    Editable lists

    &ome lists have live editing enabled. For those lists you 8ust need to clic on the row that you want to

    change and the cells which are editable will turn into te6t fields;dropdowns;checbo6es;etc. 7n order to

    modify one row you can 8ust change whatever you want and then press >eturn to automatically save the

    modified row to the server.

    "here are currently some gotchasto remember

    %ven though these editable lists have a @&ave@ button that button is disabled and doesn't do

    anything. "he only way to save is to change something and then press >eturn so don't rely on

    that button. "his is a temporary issue that will hopefully change soon.

    /ressing >eturn to save the row is required even when you're 8ust modifying a dropdown. &o when

    you change a dropdown mae sure that you press >eturn afterwards to save the data.

    :hen you press >eturn after editing a row you're not able to change the same row immediately

    by clicing on the row again. 5ou have to select another row first and then select the original row

    you want to change again. 7f your list has 8ust one row then you can press the Refreshbutton on

    the list refreshing the list will deselect that row automatically.

    :hen you're editing a row if you select another row without pressing >eturn the row will revert

    bac to the previous state without saving anything to the server.


    Melange's lists are built on top of the 8Auery #rid /lugin $.B.$. 8q#rid. More information on that plugin

    can be found at http;;;blog;.

    le Summer of Code - Melange


  • 8/10/2019 Google Summer of Code - Melange


    le Summer of Code - Melange