google apps script introduction


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Post on 22-Jan-2018




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Page 1: Google apps script introduction


Page 2: Google apps script introduction

HELLO!I am Cage Chung

I am here because I like to share my experiences. You can find me at / QNAP 雲端應用部資深工程師

Page 3: Google apps script introduction

[您知道”GCPUG”要怎麼唸嗎?為什麼會有一隻狗在 Logo裡面呢? ]

Google Cloud Platform User Group的縮寫是GCPUGGCPUG直接唸成G.C.P.U.G?當然可以!

但它也可以分開來,唸成 G.C. PUG喔~

Pug,指的是巴哥犬,所以 GCPUG的Logo中間才會有一隻可愛的巴哥犬喲。

下次聽到別人說G.C. PUG 的時候,您就可以大聲說:「我也是G.C. PUG社團成員!」

Page 4: Google apps script introduction


◉ What’s Google Apps Script?◉ Study Cases

◉ CoffeMap◉ i18n Helper

◉ Trips & Tips ◉ Study information

Page 5: Google apps script introduction

What’s Google App ScriptsLet’s start with the first set of slides 1

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“Google Apps Script is a scripting

language based on JavaScript that lets you do new and cool things with

Google Apps

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One platform in the cloud







Gmail CalendarContacts




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Add-ons for Google Apps

Sheet Docs Forms

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Sheet Add-ons

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Slide Add-ons

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Docs Add-ons

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Add-ons for Google Apps - continue

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G Suite Service

◉ Calendar◉ Contacts◉ Document◉ Drive◉ Forms◉ Gmail

◉ Groups◉ Language◉ Maps◉ Site◉ Slides◉ Spreadsheet

Page 14: Google apps script introduction

Advanced Google Service

◉ Admin SDK◉ AdSence◉ Analytics◉ Apps Activity◉ BigQuery◉ Calendar◉ Classroom◉ Drive◉ DoubleClick Campaigns◉ Fusion Tables

◉ Gmail◉ Google+◉ Mirror◉ Prediction◉ Sheets◉ Shopping Content◉ Slides◉ Tasks◉ Tag Manager◉ URL Shortener◉ Youtube

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Script Services

◉ Base◉ Cache◉ Card◉ Charts◉ Content◉ HTML◉ JDBC◉ Lock

◉ Mail◉ Optimization◉ Properties◉ Script◉ URL Fetch◉ Utilities◉ XML

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Type of Scripts - Standalone

// Log the name of every file in the user's Drive that modified after February 28,

// 2013 whose name contains "untitled".

function doAction(){

var files = DriveApp.searchFiles(

'modifiedDate > "2015-01-01" and title contains "untitled"');

while (files.hasNext()) {

var file =;




Standaloneis any script that is not bound to a Google Sheets, Docs, Slides or Forms file or Google Sites.

[iOS Taipei - Apps Script - Type of Scripts - Standalone](

Page 17: Google apps script introduction

Type of Scripts - Bound to G Suite Documents

function doAction(range) {

// Get the active spreadsheet and the active sheet

var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();

var sheet = ss.getActiveSheet();

// Get the range of cells that store employee data.

var libraryDataRange = sheet.getRange(range);

var libraryObjects = getRowsData(sheet, libraryDataRange, 1);

libraryObjects.forEach(function (row, index) {

var latlng = getLatitudeLongitude(row.address)

if (latlng) {

sheet.getRange(index + 2, 5, 1, 1).setValue(;

sheet.getRange(index + 2, 6, 1, 1).setValue(latlng.lng);




Bound to Google AppsA script is bound to a Google Sheets, Docs, or Forms file.

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Type of Scripts - Bound to G Suite Documents. continueTrigger and EventsTriggers let Apps Script run a function automatically when a certain event, like opening a document, occurs.

[coffeemap-testing-form - Google Sheets]([coffeemap]( quick setup form

Page 19: Google apps script introduction

Type of Scripts - Web Apps and Site Gadgets

Web Apps and Site GadgetsIf you build a user interface for a script, you can publish the script as a web app◉ It contains a doGet(e) and

doPost(e) function.◉ The function returns an

HTML service HtmlOutput object or a Content service TextOutput object.

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Type of Scripts - Web Apps and Site Gadgets. continue

function doGet() {

var ss = SpreadsheetApp.openById('1QgsaX4Vn_lIwLFRC_iHs6gmJYIP4y-35nVqQOpz4B0s');

var sheet = ss.getSheets()[0];

// Get the range of cells that store employee data.

var employeeDataRange = ss.getRangeByName("employeeData");

// For every row of employee data, generate an employee object.

var employeeObjects = getRowsData(sheet, employeeDataRange);

return ContentService.createTextOutput(JSON.stringify(employeeObjects)).setMimeType(ContentService.MimeType.JSON);


$ curl -L


處","email":"[email protected]"},{"level":2,"id":"A10","parent":"A00","type":"D","title":"資訊研發

部","email":"[email protected]"},{"level":3,"id":"SunnyHu","parent":"A10","type":"U","title":"胡適 ...

Page 21: Google apps script introduction

Study CasesLet’s start with the second set of slides 2

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Coffee map

function getLatitudeLongitude(address) {

var geocode = Maps.newGeocoder().geocode(address);

if (geocode.results.length)

return geocode.results[0].geometry.location;


return null;


Page 23: Google apps script introduction

i18n helper

function exportJson(data) {



function handleDownload(data) {

var blob = new Blob([new Uint8Array(data.content)], { type: "octet/stream" });

var link = document.createElement('a'); = data.fileName;

link.href = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob);;



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i18n helper. continuefunction exportJobs(data) {

var blobs = [];


data.columns.forEach(function (column) {

blobs.push(getBlob(ss, data.sheet,, parseInt(column.index, 10) + 1));


var now = new Date();

var datetime = Utilities.formatDate(now, 'Asia/Taipei', 'yyyyMMddHHmm');

var fileName = ass.getName() + "_" + ss.getName() + "_i18n_" + datetime + ".zip";

var zip =, fileName);

return {

fileName: fileName,

content: zip.getBytes(),



function getBlob(ss, sheetName, columnName, columnIndex) {

content = getContent(ss, columnName, columnIndex)

return Utilities.newBlob(content, "text/javascript", columnName + ".js")


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i18n files

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Trips & TipsLet’s start with the third set of slides 3

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“gapps (Google Apps Script)

The easiest way to develop Google Apps Script projects

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$ gapps init 1k6eNig3veKXV_7_vQFcyQZDrDmB_qrJc5dlFRaQwDaM5ATaIMmclB-oP

$ gapps auth

$ gapps push


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STUDY INFORMATIONLet’s start with the fourth set of slides 4

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Study info

◉ [Google apps script - simon su](

◉ [entaq/GoogleAppsScript](◉ [Script It! with Android -


◉ [Apps Script Crash Course: ContentService YouTube](

◉ [Apps Script | Google Developers]([Google Apps Script 入門與應用 - 資訊學科中


Page 31: Google apps script introduction

Study information - examples

◉ [Generate EPUB file with Google Apps Scripts |](

◉ [RSSToEPUB]([google/google-apps-script-samples](

◉ [Tutorials | Apps Script | Google Developers](

◉ [Parsing HTML - Google Apps Script Examples](

Page 32: Google apps script introduction

Study information - Tools

◉ [danthareja/node-google-apps-script: The easiest way to develop Google Apps Script projects](

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THANKS!Any questions?

You can find me at / [email protected]