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Google Analytics presentation with Goal, Funnel, Filters.


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• DEFINITION: Digital Analytics is the analysis of qualitative and

quantitative data from your business and your competition to drive a continual improvement of the online experience that your customers and potential customers have which translates to your desired outcomes, both offline and online

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• TRADITIONAL LIFE CYCLE OF CUSTOMER1. Awareness – creating awareness2. Acquisition- Acquiring interest 3. Engagement – engaging potential customers4. Conversion – sales 5. Retention – retaining customers

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• INTERNET MARKETING With Digital Marketing, customers speed of

engagement and conversion has dramatically increased thus making the traditional customer cycle obsolete.

Thus we need to analyze the customer and not from which channel he is coming from ….

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To analyze this digital explosion of data we need our Analytics program to be

1. Reliable2. Easily Accessible 3. Holistic4. Give Real Time analysis

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• Quantitative Data1. Size of your market2. Geographic location of customer3. Performance of your online marketing4. What people do once they visit your website

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• Now Google Analytics can trap information from

1. Mobile applications2. Cloud connected point of sales systems3. CRM systems 4. Video Game Systems and consoles5. Home appliances

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• QUALITATIVE DATAFocuses on WHY ?1. Why customers came to your site ?2. Were they able to complete their intended

task ?3. Why they were or not able to complete their

task ?

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1. Macro Conversion – reaching final objective, like buying your product

2. Micro Conversion – does not buy your product but clicks on tab to receive gift coupons

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• IMPROVING PROCESS 1. Measurement – how many people are completing your

objectives.- Where along the way they are dropping off

before completion

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2. Reports – package all data collected into a readable format so that the decision makers can study it and draw conclusions.

3. Analysis – finding out why sales objectives were or were not achieved.

4. Test – try out different solutions to improve performance

5. Improve- learn from this whole process and use this knowledge in future.

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• CORE ANALYSIS TECHNIQUES1. SEGMENTATION- helps to isolate and analysis

sub sets of your data for deeper analysis. -which marketing channel is working best for

you- Which traffic is driving most conversions-Traffic

Source Report

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YOU CAN SEGMENT DATA BY - Date and Time ….- Device….- Marketing Channels…- Geography…..- Kind of customers, repeat or first time


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• CONTEXT - EXTERNAL CONTEXT – can compare your

performance to industry standards - INTERNAL CONTEXT – compare you

performance to historical performance of your company.

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• MICRO AND MACRO CONVERSIONS• Micro Conversions – Indicators that leads to

final sale/conversion• Macro Conversions – Final point of


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• ATTRIBUTIONS- Assigning credit to the conversion.- Helps us to understand the “monetary value or

importance of each marketing channel” 1. Last Click Attribution – full value of the transaction is

given to the final channel. 2. First Click Attribution – full value is given to the first

channel 3. Linear Attribution – all channels get equal


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• CREATING MEASUREMENT PLANS1. You first need - To understand goals and objectives of your

business- Understand and decode analytically info- Implement and use Google Analytics


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• BUILDING YOUR ANALYTICS INFRASTRUCTURE1. Define your measurement plan2. Document technical infrastructure3. Create implementation plan4. Implement5. Maintain and refine

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• 5 STEPS TO MEASUREMENT PLANNING1. Document business objectives2. Identify strategies and tactics3. Choose Key Performance Indicators(KPI)4. Choose Segments5. Choose targets

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• EXAMPLE 1. You have website plus stores where you sell

eco friendly cotton bags.2. You have also created a mobile app for selling

these bags3. You maintain a blog to give info and

advantages of using eco friendly products.

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BUSINESS OBJECTIVES :1. To sell the bags2. Help people understand the use of eco

friendly products and why they should not use plastic bags

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• FIRST STRATEGY – TO SELL BAGSTactics – Sell online , Drive people to our stores,

blog engagement.KPI – revenue, avg sale per customer(online

sales) , store locator software, printing of coupons ( offline sales) , frequent and recent visits to blogs, how many liked the blog on social sites or recommended our blog on social sites.

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• SEGEMENTS1. Marketing channels- search , display , email

and social 2. Customer type – new and returning

customers3. Geography – which stores are visited via

online .

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IMPLEMENTATION PLAN1. Insert general tracking code 2. Business outcome – goals and conversions

for ecommerce 3. Accurate data- filters and settings 4. Marketing channels- Campaign tracking and

Adwords linking5. Reporting – customized dashboards/reports

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HOW GOOGLE ANALYTICS WORKS1. Collection of Data2. Configuration3. Processing 4. Reporting

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COLLECTION OF DATAInsert java script code in all pages of the

website.- Collects urls visited, information from users

browser(desktop/tablet/mobile, language etc.), referring source that got user to the site.

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• One package of information collected by GA is called a hit or an interaction

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MOBILES- For mobiles, instead of java script coding, GA

uses a different coding system for tracking based on the operating system used

- Instead of collecting data on each “pageview” , GA collects data after each “activity” defined.

- Mobile “hits” from offline mobile devices are collected by GA and then despatched to servers when mobile is online.

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Once data is collected, Processing of data occurs based on the configuration settings defined by the user , and finally the processed data in stored in the database for the perusal of the user.

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KEY METRICS AND DIMENSIONS DEFINED1. DIMENSIONS-Characteristics of users-their sessions- Their actions2. METRICS-Quantative measurements of users, sessions and

actionsAll reports contain dimensions and metrics

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METRICS1. Audience Metrics – e.g. no. of users visiting

website/page , new users, returning visitors2. Behaviour Metrics – e.g. pages/visit3. Conversions – how many times visitor did

something valuable on the website

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Sessions or visits Sessions continue till the user stops interacting on

the websiteGA gives maximum of 30 minutes per session,

after that GA stops recording activity.Can extend sessions time out length in

configuration settingsFor recording video views then you need to set

events measurements.

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SETTING UP YOUR ACCOUNT1. Open a GA account2. Copy the tracking code in the header section of all the

pages of the website3. Your website becomes one “property”4. In your property set 3 views - Unfiltered view – no special settings or filters are added to

the data- Master View – contains all your settings and filters- Test View – contains settings and filters that you may want

to implement in the Master View

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IMPORTANT !!1. Once data is processed it cannot be

reprocessed2. Once a view is deleted it cannot be restored3. New views start reporting data from date of


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FILTERSFilters are applied to views to customize views

that are suitable to your business needs.Filters can 1. Exclude data2. Include data 3. Change data

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GOALS Are based on conversions 1. Micro Conversions – activities that might lead

up to eventual online sale. e.g. signing up for newsletter

2. Macro Conversions- activity that is the final goal ……e.g. making online purchase

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Goals are configured at the View level , that means that we can have different goals for different views.

4 types of Goals1. Destination – e.g. thanks.html2. Duration – 5 minutes or more 3. Pages per visit 4. Event – playing a video

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REPORTING1. OVERVIEW2. AUDIENCE REPORTS -understand user behavior using frequency and

recency reports -access geographic data- View mobile data to your site- Access custom dimension data

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ACQUISITION REPORTWhich digital marketing channels are helping - Understand the different traffic sources to

your site- Find and analyze your marketing campaigns

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ADWORDS REPORTSDifferent from acquisition reports in 2 ways-shows information specific to Adwords and the

campaign settings- Makes use of cost data imported from Adwords