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Google Ad Planner Vinod Gupta School of Management, IIT Kharagpur

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Google Ad Planner

Kumar Abhishek 10BM60040 Mukul Gokhale 10BM60050

Vinod Gupta School of Management, IIT Kharagpur

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Table of Contents

INTRODUCTION...................................................................................................................... 3

AD PLANNER GUI...................................................................................................................4

USING THE RESEARCH TAB.................................................................................................6

SEARCH BY SITE.....................................................................................................................6SEARCH FOR PLACEMENTS...................................................................................................10AUDIENCE PLANNING............................................................................................................16

USING LISTS TAB................................................................................................................. 23

USING DETAILS TAB..............................................................................................................23USING PROFILE TAB.............................................................................................................27

A CONCLUDING NOTE ON DATA VIZUALIZATION...........................................................30

TABLE OF FIGURES.............................................................................................................31

SUBJECT INDEX................................................................................................................... 33


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Strategic placement of ads on influencing websites is the word of the day. People put up online a lot of information about their likes and dislikes either directly on social media or indirectly in the form of clickstream. Clickstream basically means the data regarding the websites clicked by the users. Valuable insights are generated by analysis of both sources of data. Companies lay great stress on listening to such information in addition to asking them in form of market research surveys. We no more have to design those complex questionnaires, break our head to figure out what we basically want from user. Instead the user itself comes to you now and tells you what he likes, what he wants, what he does not want so on and so forth. Also, based on the web presence of target user, his/her social circle gives added data which otherwise would be very difficult to get.

In this paper we make an effort to create a tutorial of one of the tools that help us in analysing the online data. The tool chosen by us is Google Ad Planner. Most of the analytics tools present give answers to the questions Why and What. They will tell you the trend, why the trend is like that and all stuff. Google Ad Planner not only tells you what and why but also guides you to use this what and why for your benefit. The entire process can be shown as follows (Fig. 1).

Figure 1 Process map followed in demonstration of the product

Google Ad Planner works as an excellent STP (Segmenting, Targeting and Positioning) tool as well. It helps you to segment the entire social web sphere based on certain parameters specified by you. You can then choose which segment to target. The advertisements will be shown only to those target audience. This going one step ahead also helps to you design your advertisement strategy or in a way positioning your offering. Its feature of providing the estimate of exposure to your marketing strategy is like icing on cake.

Advantages Disadvantages

Simple and easy to use Free and open source Cost benefit analysis of

advertisement program possible Site suggestion based on

demographics Use of huge Google database for


No high level statistical analysis Only publicly available data is

used No provision to feed custom data Not much customization

available for reports

Choose a product & websites

Generate data for chosen


Segmenting &


Estimate the reach and plan campaign


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Ad Planner GUI

We start off by familiarizing ourselves with the interface of the ad planner. It is a web based tool so you can access it from any system connected to the internet. You can type in the address ( in the address bar of a web browser. But in the days of search engines it is never necessary to remember the website address so just search ad planner in any of the search engines (Google being the most common) and it should lead you to the website. At this point we would like to mention that a Google account is necessary to login. If you are logging in for the first time you would be asked to accept the terms and conditions. The website looks as presented in Fig. 2.

Figure 2 Login page of ad planner

There are three tabs: Research, Media Plan and Lists (Fig. 3). Usage of each would be discussed in subsequent sections.

Figure 3 Three tabs available in Ad planner

On the right hand side of the window you can find the list of media plans created by us. You can select the desired plan from the dropdown menu (Fig. 4).

Figure 4 Media plan drop down list

In the research tab there are three sub sections or tabs. The first one is Search by site. It has an entry field for entering the website.


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The second tab is Search for placements and the third one is Audience planning. Fig. 5 shows all the three tabs of research.

Figure 5 Three tabs of Research


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Using the Research tab

Suppose a mobile phone manufacturer wants to design its online marketing strategy. It could start its research by looking at the details of influencing technical blogs. As a starting point it can take a few websites like endgadget and phonearena.

Search by siteAs an example let us take In the website entry field enter ‘domain:’ and press enter or click on the arrow key. We have taken ‘All regions’ as geography at this stage. You can select any country from the dropdown list ‘View data for:’. Following figure show the steps explained.

Figure 6 Entries in the fields of Research tab

As you can see that ad planner has displayed the thumbnail and description of the website. It shows that the site accepts advertisements. This can immediately ring some bells in minds of a marketing executive. Let us have a look at the results that ad planner gave for the website.


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Figure 7 Traffic Statistics

Statistics shown in Fig. 7 are pretty much self-explanatory. Number of visitors to the website and average time spent can be very valuable inputs to any analysis considering reach and impact.

Figure 8 Daily unique visitors

This is a monthly plot of unique visitors of the website. Unique is the keyword as a single user can access a website multiple times daily. Hence considering total number of visit does not yield much insight about reach of a website.


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Figure 9 Demographics

This output shows the user demography. It classifies users on the basis of age, gender, education level and income. The histogram plot shows the percentage of user belonging to each interval. One important term that needs to be understood here is Affinity. Using this score ad planner tries to explain the extent of relationship of users to the website. Attention should be focused on the relative values rather than absolute values of the score. For example in the age demographics, age group of 25-34 years has highest affinity score, so it is more likely to be influenced by the website.

Figure 10 Audience interest data

Fig. 10 explains the taste of users. The sites also visited depict the clickstream of users. This data shows what other sites the users visited when they visited the website we are researching. This would give you an idea of other related sites that can be focussed upon. According to affinity scores the is most popular amongst visitors of We can see that the website addresses are hyperlinks and not plain text. On clicking the website address the same analysis is shown for it. It makes it easier for the user to analyse multiple related sites without the hassle of remembering all the addresses.


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The second table shows the products in which the site visitors are interested. Smart phones figure on the top of the chart. This should enhance the confidence of company on the website as it manufactures mobiles.

Figure 11 Keywords searched for

This figure shows the most commonly searched terms of the users of this website. It should be easy for Google to get the data as it is the most popular search engine. This should also make its results more reliable.

Figure 12 Advertisement details

In this figure ad planner gives details of the types and specifications of advertisements that the website accepts. This would be handy information for the company as it would not have to go through the difficulty of asking the people of website to give them the details. This allows them to gather data for various other similar websites and compare them to reach a decision.

Apart from all these there is a very useful ‘Add to media plan button’ which allows you to add the details to your own media plan and store it for further use at later stages.


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This research can be carried out for many other sites and all the results can be stored in the plan. In the media plan section we would show how storing all the data would help. The best part is that since ad planner uses your Google id, you need not download all this on your system. It would remember these details each time you login.

Figure 13 : Add to media plan button

Search for Placements

Sometimes you just need to know where you need to place ads. There are a lot of sites offering the same. However there is no need to search for each site one by one. Remembering all the site addresses is yet another challenge. In this age of Google all the applications are designed to make remembering of websites redundant, so does the ad planner.

This tab of research tool bar offers users a variety of options to search for locations or websites for placement of ads. The options based on which you can search are mentioned in the Fig. 14.

Figure 14 Options for searching ad placements

Here there is an important term to be known. We can see GDN used at several places in the tool. GDN is acronym for Google Display Network. It is a collection of more than 1 million websites that have partnered with Google, YouTube, and specific Google properties to serve ads delivered by Google. These ads can be in text, image, video, or rich media format and can be targeted to reach the audiences that matter most to you.

According to Google your searches would fall into one of the following three categories.


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All Domains: Search across the entire web, including GDN partner sites, YouTube, and other websites that are known to accept advertising.

GDN Searches: Searches that are limited to Google Display network collection.

o Placements: List out individual placements within GDN.

o Topics: See GDN placements grouped by the subject matter of the

webpages where they appear. Youtube Searches: Search for placements on YouTube.

o YouTube Categories: Search YouTube by categories of content, such

as 'Arts & Entertainment,' 'Movies,' 'Beauty & Fitness,' and so on.o YouTube Channels: Search for specific user-created channels, which

are groups of videos that are curated by a user. Channels that are created for popular televisions shows, celebrities, or musicians often attract large numbers of viewers.

Once you have made your search Ad Planner also offers you sorting criteria. These are parameters based on which results would be ranked. Let us have a look at Fig. 15 to know more.

Figure 15 Ranking criteria

Audience Match: Uses a mix of a site's composition index and audience reach to provide the most relevant results, most closely matching the audience you want to reach.

Composition Index: The composition index shows how likely visitors to a given placement are to match your audience criteria, compared to average users on the web. The higher the index, the more likely visitors to the placement are to match your criteria. An index of 100 is exactly average; it means that visitors to the placement are exactly as likely to match your audience criteria as Internet users in general.


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An index of 200 means visitors are twice as likely to match, while an index of 50 means they're half as likely to match. The composition index takes into account the geographic filters you've set. You might find that smaller niche sites have the highest composition index for your searches, even though their reach is limited. Such sites might provide a highly concentrated slice of your target audience, but still miss a significant part of it because the reach is small.

Audience Reach: Lists placements by those that are visited by the highest percentage of users that match your filters. The placements with the greatest reach for your audience are often on popular websites that reach large numbers of users in general. Many of the users who see your ads might not be your target demographic, unless you use targeting to ensure that you reach your specific audience.

Content Match: Choose this option to sort your results by the closest match to the content you want, based on Ad Planner's analysis of the content of the sites where placements are located. If you're trying to reach a particular interest group rather than a particular demographic, you can use this type of search.

Impressions: Matching placements will be listed from highest to lowest number of impressions. If your goal is to reach the widest audience possible, you might want to search for placements with the most impressions.

Let us now take an example to see how the search works. We would continue with the example of mobile company that was discussed earlier. The company is looking for locations for ad placements. As a start let us select the following criteria.

What are you looking for? – All Domains.

How should your results be ranked? – Audience Match.

Then on clicking the Start Search button Ad Planner shows a list of websites ranked on the basis audience relevance (Fig.16).

Figure 16 Search results for ad placements


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It can be seen from the above figure that the list is provided with a variety of filters in form of buttons. These filters are of three types viz. Audience, Content (of the websites) and Placement (details of type of ads). There is also a message that Audience is matched to the current media plan (Fig. 17).

Figure 17 Filters

Media plan creation would be discussed in later sections of the tutorial. Let us try out filters. For our case click the Interests button in the Audience cluster. A popup appears showing various categories of audience interest. There is even a search bar where you can search the categories you want. The popup is shown in Fig. 18. In our case we have searched for the term mobile as we are performing research for mobile phone users who are online.

Figure 18 Audience interest filter

We have selected all the filters that appeared in the search. On clicking OK button the results are further filtered. Hence we get a list of more relevant sites. This is shown in Fig. 18 where we have a shortened list of 250 sites.


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Figure 19 Filtered results

All the websites mentioned in the results might not be useful but you can easily have a glance at the list and select the relevant websites for your media plan. There is an Add Selected button above the result list using which the sites selected from the list can be directly added to your media plan. This again makes remembering website addresses unnecessary. There are some other options that this search allows like Export (to local machine), Graphs (for graphical representation of results) and Export to ad words (another marketing tool from Google). Fig. 20 shows all these options

Figure 20 Options for working with data

Graph is an interesting tool which gives a very intuitive representation of the search results. It is very interactive and can be used to run the search in its window and gives results in two forms – bubble and bar chart. To get the graph we selected some sites from the filtered list shown in Fig. 19 and ran the graph tool by clicking on the graph button shown in the Fig. 20. The output is shown in the following figures.


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Figure 21 Bubble chart

Figure 22 Bar chart

On the right hand side there is the search result. The tags show the position of selected websites and the Audience reach that each site has. Here we can see that the selected sites are slightly on the lower end of the spectrum. Results are colour coded and legend is mentioned.

For further filtering we have selected filters from all the filter types. These selctions are shown in Fig. 23. However these filters would be strictly based on your or client requirements. Some of the criteria that we put are that the site should be .com/.net, Forum, in English and related to mobiles which would allow picture ads of 120x160.

Figure 23 Search Filters


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The figure below shows the refined research. We can see that features in our list.

Figure 24 Refined list

Finally there is a summary table for the search results. This table would give us the overall picture of our targets websites. It would also show the size of segment and potential available. Fig. 25: shows the summary table.

Figure 25 Summary table of the placements

Audience Planning

This is the third and final sub section of the Research tab of Ad Planner. This tool specifically deals with the audience data. You can either search directly from this tool or can use your media plan to find the data. Fig. 26 shows the options available in the Audience Planning tab.

Figure 26 Search options in the Audience Planning tab

This is a tool to gather more information on the demography of the users. The results shown would be similar to the ones shown for the individual site search in the Search by site function. Here we have searched for users with interest categories ‘Computers & Electronics’ and ‘Internet & Telecom’. User Lists give two options to either use one or more than one of the user lists or find users that appear in the entire interest category.


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There are options to filter audiences based on Geography (location), Site Language and Media plans & lists (one can either limit the search to sites of media plan or exclude them).Choice of these is dependent on the user requirement. Following figures show the results obtained in the search based on our criteria.

Figure 27 Age and Gender demographics

Figure 28 Geographical distribution of audience


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Figure 29 Audience interests

These data can be exported directly to ad words. This is another tool provided by Google to monetize your website. However that is out of scope of this tutorial. These lists of audience can be saved for later use.


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Creating and working with Media Plan

Media Plan has been mentioned several times in this tutorial before. In this section we would discuss how to create and manage one. Media plan is basically a collection or list of websites that you would select and target for your ad placement. It is based on your requirement of content and audience. For example a mobile company would not put ads on a music site but would prefer a gadget review blog for its ads. It is second tab of Ad Planner as shown in Fig. 30.

Figure 30 Media Plan tab

In Fig. 31 various controls for this tool are shown. They are pretty much self-explanatory but let us see a little bit more about the Export button. Ad Planner gives us the option of downloading the whole media plan to local system in the form of Excel compatible files. Apart from that rest of the buttons are there to manage and create plans.

Figure 31 Media Plan controls

If you want to create a media plan of your own just click on the button ‘Create media plan’ and a popup window appears as given in Fig. 32. There you need to fill the relevant details. Name is mandatory.

Figure 32 Create plan

We have created a media plan ‘Test_mobile’ for the mobile company that we use as example. Once created the plan shows up in the list below the toolbars as shown in Fig. 33.


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Figure 33 Test Media plan

Media plan offers us an option to do further research in the selected websites. There are multiple ways to load a media plan. You can either click on a plan in the list and then click on the ‘Load it in Research’ option or select one from the dropdown list ‘Current media plan’ on the right hand side of the window. These would load data relevant to all the websites selected for the plan. We have selected some sites for our purpose as shown in the figure below. This list opens when the plan is loaded.

Figure 34 List of websites in a media plan

Again there are multiple filters in the toolbar to refine the results if you have a large list of websites in the plan (Fig. 35).

Figure 35 Filters and Controls in media plan

Let us explore the Graph utility here. For this, just click on the Graph button. The figure below shows us the details of websites that we have selected in the plan. They are ordered according to their audience reach. There is also bubble chart available. You can select whatever best represents your data. From here we can see that out of all the websites has the maximum reach. This helps in decision making better than mere tabulated facts. Moreover you could fiddle with the axes and change the criteria to get multiple views of the data made available by Google.


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Figure 36 Graph utility of Ad Planner for media plan

The best part is that Ad Planner allows users to download all the results. This is helpful because that data could be put into more advanced analytics tools. The graphs available in Ad Planner online are pretty basic. All you need to do is click the export button and select the format you want and the data is downloaded. We have done a download to show how it is done.

Click on Export buton and select ‘Export to CSV’

Figure 37 Export

A popup window appears where you can enter the file name and select the columns that need to be downloaded. Press continue button after selection is done

Figure 38 Popup for column selection


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Save the file in the desired location on your machine and click on save. This step might look different based on your operating system.

Figure 39 Select save location

Open the file to look at the contents. Usually it opens in Excel by default but you can open it in a text editor also. It would appear as a comma separated file.

Figure 40 Open the file

Much further analysis can be done on this file using advanced tools. Even excel provides great pivoting tool. Graph options in these tools are excellent and provide easy ways to slice and dice the data. However that depends on your requirement.

This should pretty much get you started on the media plan tool of ad planner.


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Using Lists TabInsights play an important role in any marketing and research agency. Knowing what the world is doing and what the hot thing on internet is matters most for placements of advertisements and to increase their reach. Lists is the feature of Ad Planner which helps advertisement agencies to get insights.

Using Details TabLogin to your Ad Planner account and click on Lists tab. After clicking on it you should see a screen similar to one below

Figure 41 Lists Tab

You can see various lists populated by Google and grouped by region. These lists contain top 100 websites for a particular region based on certain parameters such as reach, unique visitors, and page views. This list is updated every month automatically based on the data collected by Google crawl engine. It will also have list of 1000 largest websites worldwide, not confined to any particular region.

Click on any particular list and it will show a screen similar to one below


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Figure 42 Selected List

One more important data in these lists is types of advertisements supported. This is an important part of your media plan. When you plan your ad campaign you need to know what type of advertisements are supported by which websites. The lists in Google Ad Planner gives this information also.

Figure 43 Advertisements Supported

As you can see in above figure, the list is sorted based on % reach for Taiwan region in the month of January 2011. The list can be sorted by any one of the columns by clicking on it.


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Figure 44 Choose Columns

.Above figure shows that you can decide which columns to be displayed in this list. It should be noted that list excludes adult sites, ad networks, domains that don't have publicly visible content or don't load properly, and certain Google sites.

You can further filter these lists based on the inventory of advertisements they have or the category of website or the size of advertisements or domain suffix. GUI designed by Google can be used to filter as shown in below figure

Figure 45 Filter Lists


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It is also possible to use search code to filter the above list. A table giving list of advanced search operators is shown below

Operator Use it to: Examples

name:Search for media

plan or list names

Example: name:entertainment

Will return: Media plans or lists named



Search for




Will return: Placements for


Search for

keywords in the

media plan or list


Example: description:premium

Will return: Media plans or lists with the word

'premium' in the description




Search for media

plans or lists by


Example: country:HK

Will return: Media plans or lists you've

associated with Hong Kong


Combine search

criteria (functions

like OR)

Example: name:entertainment,country:HK

Will return: Media plans or lists meeting either of

the criteria


Combine search

criteria (functions

like AND)

Example: name:entertainment country:HK

Will return: Media plans or lists meeting both of

the criteri

Figure 46 Create List

As shown in above figure, once you select New list, a popup will come and you enter required details and click Save and a new list is created.


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Figure 47 Add Custom List

As seen from above figure you can add domains or placements to your lists and customize them.

The usual report customization options like no of rows. No of columns etc are present at the bottom of list and can be changed as per requirement.

Using Profile Tab

As the name suggests, profile basically gives a profile of list selected. If no list is selected then overall profile is generated. A first look at profile tab is shown in figure below

Figure 48 Profile Tab

A profile for selected list is created and an option is given at top to see profile for all lists. The profile basically gives a distribution on various parameters which are most important from creating a media plan perspective. These include Age, Gender,

Education, Income, Interests, Websites visited, Keywords they searched and videos watched. Hence an extensive summary of what currently is going on in web world for a particular region or overall is presented in a neat and organized format.


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For each of the parameter, along with parameter value, affinity value is also given.

Figure 49 Affinity

Affinity is nothing but a numeric score assigned to sites and keywords in DoubleClick Ad Planner1.

This score is a reflection of how strong relationship exists between audiences of two websites or between a keyword and a website. So for my media plan, it will tell me how likely I am going to reach the person who visited a certain website or searched for a certain keyword.

For example2, say you're reviewing the site profile page for

In the 'Sites also visited' box, you see, with an affinity score of 200.0x.

In the 'Keywords searched for' box, you see 'algae eater,' with an affinity score of 350.0x.

These affinity scores suggest that:

A visitor is 200 times more likely than the average internet user to be found on

A visitor is 200 times more likely than the average internet user to visit

A person searching for the keywords 'algae eater' is 350 times more likely than the average internet user to visit

With the affinity score, you can find sites and keywords that are the most related to the site you're reviewing and enhance your media plan accordingly.



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A Concluding Note on Data VizualizationWe have discussed a great tool for data collection and analysis in this tutorial. However we wish it to be just a means and not the end of it. Nothing is perfect and this rule applies to these tools also.

We have created this tutorial to introduce beginners to Ad Planner which we thought was a great tool for online market analysis. No amount of words can stress the importance of analysis of online data. Data vizualization actually happens in your mind. Any data vizualization or infographic answers following basic questions to reach its final form.

1. What is required? This is a very important question as it defines the objective of the research. For example if you do not want gender data then you do not want it. There is no point wasting time on it.

2. What are the available options? In this stage we look around for what sort of data is needed, what tools could be used etc.

3. What is relevant? Users of online data and tools should be aware that there is a lot of noise. Internet is overloaded with options. So be very careful in selecting the right tool and data source.

4. Is it the end? Once you have used a tool and generated some sort of information it is important to ask this question. What is needed is insight and not mere facts. It is possible that output of one tool needs to go through further analysis. This should be an iterative process till the output helps managers to make quick and effective decisions.

We hope that this tutorial would make the users more curious and they would go ahead and explore on their own. Happy analysing.


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Table of FiguresFIGURE 1 PROCESS MAP FOLLOWED IN DEMONSTRATION OF THE PRODUCT...................................3FIGURE 2 LOGIN PAGE OF AD PLANNER........................................................................................4FIGURE 3 THREE TABS AVAILABLE IN AD PLANNER........................................................................4FIGURE 4 MEDIA PLAN DROP DOWN LIST......................................................................................4FIGURE 5 THREE TABS OF RESEARCH.........................................................................................5FIGURE 6 ENTRIES IN THE FIELDS OF RESEARCH TAB...................................................................6FIGURE 7 TRAFFIC STATISTICS....................................................................................................7FIGURE 8 DAILY UNIQUE VISITORS...............................................................................................7FIGURE 9 DEMOGRAPHICS..........................................................................................................8FIGURE 10 AUDIENCE INTEREST DATA.........................................................................................8FIGURE 11 KEYWORDS SEARCHED FOR.......................................................................................9FIGURE 12 ADVERTISEMENT DETAILS...........................................................................................9FIGURE 13 : ADD TO MEDIA PLAN BUTTON..................................................................................10FIGURE 14 OPTIONS FOR SEARCHING AD PLACEMENTS...............................................................10FIGURE 15 RANKING CRITERIA...................................................................................................11FIGURE 16 SEARCH RESULTS FOR AD PLACEMENTS...................................................................12FIGURE 17 FILTERS..................................................................................................................13FIGURE 18 AUDIENCE INTEREST FILTER.....................................................................................13FIGURE 19 FILTERED RESULTS..................................................................................................14FIGURE 20 OPTIONS FOR WORKING WITH DATA..........................................................................14FIGURE 21 BUBBLE CHART........................................................................................................15FIGURE 22 BAR CHART.............................................................................................................15FIGURE 23 SEARCH FILTERS.....................................................................................................15FIGURE 24 REFINED LIST..........................................................................................................16FIGURE 25 SUMMARY TABLE OF THE PLACEMENTS.....................................................................16FIGURE 26 SEARCH OPTIONS IN THE AUDIENCE PLANNING TAB...................................................16FIGURE 27 AGE AND GENDER DEMOGRAPHICS...........................................................................17FIGURE 28 GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION OF AUDIENCE.............................................................17FIGURE 29 AUDIENCE INTERESTS..............................................................................................18FIGURE 30 MEDIA PLAN TAB.....................................................................................................19FIGURE 31 MEDIA PLAN CONTROLS...........................................................................................19FIGURE 32 CREATE PLAN..........................................................................................................19FIGURE 33 TEST MEDIA PLAN....................................................................................................20FIGURE 34 LIST OF WEBSITES IN A MEDIA PLAN..........................................................................20FIGURE 35 FILTERS AND CONTROLS IN MEDIA PLAN...................................................................20FIGURE 36 GRAPH UTILITY OF AD PLANNER FOR MEDIA PLAN.....................................................21FIGURE 37 EXPORT..................................................................................................................21FIGURE 38 POPUP FOR COLUMN SELECTION..............................................................................21FIGURE 39 SELECT SAVE LOCATION...........................................................................................22FIGURE 40 OPEN THE FILE........................................................................................................22FIGURE 41 LISTS TAB...............................................................................................................23FIGURE 42 SELECTED LIST.......................................................................................................24FIGURE 43 ADVERTISEMENTS SUPPORTED................................................................................24FIGURE 44 CHOOSE COLUMNS..................................................................................................25FIGURE 45 FILTER LISTS...........................................................................................................25FIGURE 46 CREATE LIST...........................................................................................................26FIGURE 47 ADD CUSTOM LIST...................................................................................................27


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FIGURE 48 PROFILE TAB...........................................................................................................27FIGURE 49 AFFINITY................................................................................................................. 28


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Subject Index


Affinity · 8, 28, 31Audience Match · 11Audience Planning · 16Audience Reach · 12


bar chart · 14bubble · 14


Clickstream · 3Composition Index · 11Content Match · 12


Export to CSV’ · 21


GDN · 10Graph · 14


Impressions · 12


Lists · 23


Media Plan · 19


profile · 27


Research tab · 6


Search for Placements · 10STP · 3