goodwin's conventions


Upload: leo1998

Post on 20-Jan-2017




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Page 1: Goodwin's conventions


Page 2: Goodwin's conventions

Goodwin bel ieves that music videos create a bond between the lyrics, music and the video as they can ei ther connect well or completely contradict each other,

depending on what path the art is t and director has chosen.

This can add a whole new element to a piece of music, and some videos may leave the song open to interpretation.

Il lustrat ion: This is a way of i l lustrat ing the meaning of the song in a visual manor, anchoring the message of the music by showing a l i teral representat ion of the song.

Amplification : This is a way of the art is t adding and showing the audience new layers to the music, amplifying the already obvious meaning of the song.

Disjuncture : This is a way of making a form of media that completely contradicts al l of the previous views of the song, sometimes i t doesn’t make much sense but i t is a way of an art is t to showcase their individual i ty and make their music more unpredictable.


Page 3: Goodwin's conventions

Goodwin also believes that music videos can be used as a way for the star to create their image and share it with their fans, from the party girl image, or a more serious

nature. It’s a way of them creating an identity within the music industry.


Page 4: Goodwin's conventions

A very popular theme for current music videos is to sexualize the artist, this appeals to a wide audience and will help boost awareness of the song and also amplify



The majority of the time it is women who are

sexualized, especially in music videos. There is

quite a big gender divide.

Page 5: Goodwin's conventions

In some cases artists use intertextual references to help audiences relate to their song. By using visuals that the

audience recognise with a larger following can be obtained as the fans interests have been catered to.


For example; Christina Aguilera's song ‘Candyman’ incorporated the

1940’s style, and not only that, it was in fact a tribute to a group called ‘The

Andrew Sisters’ who were very popular in the 40’s. By doing this she

was able to gain attention from viewers who also knew of The

Andrew Sisters and people who enjoy the 40’s style clothing and song style.

Not only does this video include

intertextuality but it also includes
