good life presentation

Community Spaces A multimedia lecture by Peggy Carr

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Post on 08-Nov-2015




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A presentation about the good life


Community Spaces

Community SpacesA multimedia lecture by Peggy Carr Peggy Carr is a professor of the University of Floridas department of Landscape Architecture

1Key TermsCommunity Spaces spaces that support the life of the community Architecture the deliberate design of spaces for human use Landscape Architecture the designing of exterior spaces such as residential gardens, urban parks, state national parks, and byways. Sacred Spaces places that the community collectively identifies with and that exemplify the everyday life patterns and special rituals of community life

Community spaces enhance the quality of life while shaping and framing our daily lives.

Authors Central Claim Authors claim The college campus is a community within a community

The Plaza of the Americas is an example of a community space at UF. It is an all-people and all-purpose plaza. It is used for formal functions, free speech, student activities, down time, and circulation.

Buildings provide spatial limits to the plaza and enrich the quality and character of the open space.

Access to public open space is essential to human well-being

Lifestyle and landscape are intertwined

Public spaces serve the human need for socialization and rejuvenation

Vital to the good life


Pines are preserved from predevelopment conditions

Oaks were planted around the perimeter of the plaza to reinforce the quadrangle

Magnolias were used to reinforce the north-south axis from library west to the University auditorium. They provide fragrant flowers and shade.

Plant choices usually reinforce the use and to complement proposed uses of public spaces.


Leads to the house making an emphasis and path

Lake is in the middle of campus and people sit around it to read or relax 5The environment is influential to how people live their lives, therefore community spaces can represent and impact a communitys culture. My Central Claim My central claim

The design of community spaces is systematically oriented for a specific use When people of the community or founders of a community create community spaces it influences the entire community

Community spaces allow members to organize activities and practice free speech 6Connections to the Good LifeWarrior Angel: The Work of Lily Yeh by Bill Moskin

Place by Christian Norberg-Schulz

Lily Yeh creates and enhances communities through the process of creativity and art. She focuses how broken can become whole. She goes into communities and inspires the people there to contribute their ideas of culture to influence the constructing process.

Genius loci- spirit of a placePlace is an integral part of existence Places have character and purpose7Discussion QuestionsWhat areas on campus do you consider a sacred community space and why? Do you feel other students would respond the same way?

Do you think it is possible to pick out sacred spaces in other cultures or are they only identifiable by members of the community?