good evening, i am your host karen hudes in this series on ... · the snow monkeys of japan were...

1 INTRO Good evening, I am your host Karen Hudes in this series on the Network of Global Corporate Control. Today's segment is pre-recorded and is about consciousness. Thanks to DCTV, to Carmen Stanley, Studio Producer and Director, and Maurice Jackson, Audio and Teleprompter. This is a sequel to the segment on November 3, 2015 about the French philosopher, René Descartes, who said, "I think, therefore I am" . teleprompter: Let's start off with a short film about starlings flying. This is called murmuration: watch-this-eerie-but-beautiful-phenomenon?source=relatedvideo Please look at the clip on mumuration on your own, as DCTV was not able to include this in the segment; perhaps this was due to copyright issues. I have also tweeted another url before the segment airs today: murmuration-dylan-winter-video How are the starlings able to keep track of each other? Buddhism emphasizes the universal nature of the conscious mind. Philosophy, too, as espoused by Plato and Spinoza and Schopenhauer, considers that psyche consciousness is everywhere. What if humankind is all interconnected, and we actually share a collective unconscious, as Carl Jung has said?

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INTRO Good evening, I am your host Karen Hudes in this series on the Network of Global Corporate Control. Today's segment is pre-recorded and is about consciousness. Thanks to DCTV, to Carmen Stanley, Studio Producer and Director, and Maurice Jackson, Audio and Teleprompter. This is a sequel to the segment on November 3, 2015 about the French philosopher, René Descartes, who said, "I think, therefore I am" . teleprompter: Let's start off with a short film about starlings flying. This is called murmuration: Please look at the clip on mumuration on your own, as DCTV was not able to include this in the segment; perhaps this was due to copyright issues. I have also tweeted another url before the segment airs today:

How are the starlings able to keep track of each other? Buddhism emphasizes the universal nature of the conscious mind. Philosophy, too, as espoused by Plato and Spinoza and Schopenhauer, considers that psyche — consciousness — is everywhere. What if humankind is all interconnected, and we actually share a collective unconscious, as Carl Jung has said?


Some neuroscientists studying complex systems are looking into the scientific basis for consciousness. If all of humanity forms one complex thought processing system, and we all have a common consciousness, then we need to revisit what it means when a critical mass share a common vision of reality. That would explain the 100th monkey effect that we discussed. As soon as I learned in

February that the Italian

documentary had been

published on YouTube, I

posted the link (I had been in

touch with the producers

about becoming the American distributor for the film, but the producers did not follow up):

What is the 100th monkey effect? When you reach critical mass, this manifests in reality.

In the 1950′s Scientist began a study with Japanese Snow Monkeys that spanned more The Snow Monkeys of Japan were studied by scientists for a period of over 30 years on the island of Kosima. Beginning in 1952 scientist began to drop Sweet Potatoes in the


sand. The monkeys liked the Sweet Potatoes but didn’t care for the unpleasant taste of the sand. That was until a 19 month old female found that she could solve the problem by washing the sand off in the salty ocean water, improving the taste of the potato. She then taught this trick to her mother and soon after her playmates learned this, who in turn taught it to their mothers as well. This cultural innovation was gradually picked up by numerous monkeys on the island. Between 1952 and 1958 the younger Monkeys would figure out this technique and would teach it to their elders. The adults who did this with their children themselves learned this Cultural Improvement, however some older adults did not right away. Here’s where is starts to get interesting…

In the autumn of 1958 something startling took place, a massive increase of snow monkeys began washing their sweet potatoes. The exact number was not known, however the hypothetical number given was 99, as to when the 100th monkey learned how to wash their sweet potatoes a critical mass of innovation accrued. This added energy of the hundredth monkey somehow created a conscious break through, to where almost everyone in the troop were washing their sweet potatoes.

Here’s the REALLY interesting part…

Something even crazier that the scientist were not expecting to happen accrued.THE CULTURAL INNOVATIONS JUMPED ACROSS THE SEA!!!


The monkeys across the other islands started washing their potatoes in the ocean as well, and in great number almost as if it was understood on a higher level of consciousness.

This experiment brings to light the idea of a Collective Consciousness, where as if it is only a few number of individuals know a new idea or way of life, then it remains the conscious property of those individuals, but at the critical mass of the “100thIndividual” the awareness becomes the conscious property of all.

What happens when we apply this understanding of collective consciousness to the Global Debt Facility? It means that we are in the Global Currency Reset to exchange the world's paper currencies issued by the Banking Cartel for humanity's monetary gold reserves and for currencies issued by local villages and towns.

Now I am going to talk about widely shared posts in my social media recently.

The Banking Cartel keeps on trying to steal the world's gold. I am going to show you an attempt on June 19th in which I gave the history of how Ferdinand Marcos refused the offer of the Trilateral Commission. If there is time, I will describe the overthrow of Ferdinand Marcos by the CIA during the EDSA revolution at the end.


Betsy Malone's blog about Emperor Akihito's abdication was also very widely shared:

I am dividing our listeners into two groups: those who have watched us before, and the newbies.

Today's show is following up on the segment about the US military on February 21, 2017 where we

learned that the group of humanity which knows about the cover-up of corruption in our money has

reached critical mass. This is the Coalition for the Rule of Law.

The critical mass has caused unprecedented changes. For instance...

"Emperor Akihito of Japan is on the verge of abdicating.

ABC News tweet @ABC Japan's 82-year-old emperor suggests he'd like to abdicate as he's 'worried'

about health."

May 19, 2017 Emperor Akihito to abdicate the throne


The Coalition for the Rule of Law The Coalition for the Rule of Law is more powerful than the Banking Cartel and has been

commenting on my social media, and raising questions when I upload the archives on YouTube or

elsewhere on the internet when YouTube refuses to upload them.

That is why the early segments on gold, the military, and secret societies are on

I have contacted Emperor Akihito, on behalf of his people, and on behalf of the Joint US-Japan

Committee Under the Status of Forces.

Tweet to .@ABC maybe emperor Akihito was reacting to this email?


The World Bank Tokyo Office Telephone: (03) 3597 6650



Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100, Japan

---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Karen Hudes Date: Sat, Jun 18, 2016 at 4:46 AM Subject: Fwd: Letter to His Excellency Taro Aso and His Excellency Kenichiro Sasae To: Yukihasa Fujita Cc: David Tong

Dear Mr. Fujita, We met in Tokyo in 2014. I sent the attached letter to His Excellency Taro Aso and His Excellency Kenichiro Sasae inviting Japan to accompany me to see the accounts of the Global Debt Facility and to begin the Global Currency Reset. The Global Debt Facility is going to be printing US Treasury Dollars that will be exchanged for Federal Reserve Notes. The United States is in interregnum. Mr. David Tong, Chairperson of the International Trade Council in Singapore, sent me the letter at the end of this email. Sincerely, Karen Hudes Acting General Counsel International Bank for Reconstruction and Development Overseer Mandate Trustee Global Debt Facility TVM-LSM-666 ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Karen Hudes Date: Thu, Jun 16, 2016 at 12:12 PM Subject: Letter to His Excellency Taro Aso and His Excellency Kenichiro Sasae To: [email protected], [email protected] This is the letter which I mailed to the Embassy on June 6, 2016. As Overseer Mandate Trustee of the Global Debt Facility that is administered by the Board of Governors of the World Bank and IMF, I am going to review the accounts on Euroclear. You will note from the correspondence that David Tong, Chairperson of the International Trade Council in Singapore, is copied. I have invited the other 6 Executive Directors who are also authorized to access the black screens to accompany me. I would appreciate your acknowledging receipt of this email. Sincerely, Karen Hudes Acting General Counsel International Bank for Reconstruction and Development Overseer Mandate Trustee, Global Debt Facility, TVM-LSM-666


From: David Tong <[email protected]>

Sent: Friday, June 3, 2016 3:09 AM

To: [email protected]

Subject: Global Debt Facility

Hi Ms Hudes, I am captivated listening to you on YouTube concerning the global debt facility. You are completely selfless and are working in the interest of mankind. It appears to me that many people may not like what you are doing and these people are very powerful. I will continue to watch your work. With our best wishes and kindly take care. Best regards, David Tong Chairperson ITC Singapore


Monday, June 19, 2017


The Banking Cartel is working overtime to try and "shape" your perception

of reality. I have already called out YouTube for hiding the most important

of my responses behind "View all comments" buttons, and using sock

puppets and other agents of the Banking Cartel to ask loaded questions. I

went back to review the comments pages and YouTube (owned by Google,

part of the Banking Cartel) did not seem to mind that its shenanigans were

on view. They have kept at it. Also, they are recommending Banking Cartel

propaganda to the people who view the DCTV archives on my channel.

YouTube is hiding my replies behind View all 3 replies buttons. The replies that

YouTube is hiding are on the next page of this tweet.


Banking Cartel disinfo:


Richie Allen refused to allow me to talk about the Global Debt Facility, and I exposed him in this tweet:

[6:46:45 AM] kandbspergel: Hi Richie,

[6:52:00 AM] Richie Allen: morning Karen!

[6:52:04 AM] Richie Allen: you're up early!

[6:52:06 AM] kandbspergel: I'm expecting your call this afternoon at 4pm EST on my skype. As a fall-back in case there is any problem with skype, I wanted you to have my landline phone number, which is 1 (for the US), then 301 229 oo58 Meanwhile, here is a link to my tweet on the inauguration, which has gone viral: Looking forward to the show. Best, Karen

[6:52:20 AM] Richie Allen: brilliant Karen. Thanks for that

[6:52:35 AM] Richie Allen: And comments will be disabled on our youTube video tomorrow

[6:52:39 AM] Richie Allen: as promised

[6:52:54 AM] Richie Allen: great Tweet

[6:54:16 AM] kandbspergel: ok wanted you also to have a heads up on my tweet about Queen Victoria, and her illegitimate sons and daughters, now on the throne and fake monarchy:

[6:56:02 AM] Richie Allen: brilliant Karen

[8:07:47 AM] kandbspergel: I saw your tweet. I will replace my file on Queen Victoria with this, explaining how QEII is illegitimate, when I get my laptop back (I loaned it to my daughter). I can't use my PC to upload files on the internet, because the hackers prevent me from working with it. I also have good hackers in the PC, which is why I don't clean it. (The good hackers comb many files I have forgotten I have, and remind me of them) It was the good hackers who restored my files that Ana von Reitz deleted, when she was trying to steal the world's gold for General Dunford.

[8:10:46 AM] kandbspergel: this is the actual proof that I am sitting in the middle of the international financial system. I have told people this, but they have to take me at my word. The actual proof is that Bertrand Badre was fired as Acting President of the World Bank after he tried to invalidate the Global Debt Facility. That is here

[8:11:15 AM] Richie Allen: all good Karen.

[8:11:48 AM] Richie Allen: Lets talk about the support Trump has receieved from the Independent media. Let's talk about who supports him, who really controls him and how they've achieved that historically

[8:13:08 AM] kandbspergel: You may be interested also in this:

[8:14:47 AM] Richie Allen: good Kren, retiting the currency, cashless society and how they'll eventually adopt bail-ins...taking our money with n o permission


[8:14:51 AM] Richie Allen: let#s do all that!

[8:14:57 AM] Richie Allen: Karen

[8:15:09 AM] Richie Allen: i'm worlds worst typist

[8:15:40 AM] kandbspergel: no don't put me on talking about fear tactics. get anybody else for that. I will not talk about the fear only about the more probable solution. maybe you don't want me on.

[8:16:03 AM] kandbspergel: I will not talk about cashless society . that is not happening

[8:16:18 AM] Richie Allen: we're all about solutions. These are their plans, lets talk about what people can do

[8:16:44 AM] kandbspergel: I will not talk about bail ins. I will not talk about the fed note crashing. I have liens on the fed. I will talk only about solutions or I will bail off the program

[8:17:08 AM] Richie Allen: well we'd better not so it tonight then. These are questions my listeners have

[8:17:15 AM] kandbspergel: I will not talk about their plans. I will not talk about fake news. I am real news and will only talk about that

[8:17:17 AM] Richie Allen: *not do it

[8:17:34 AM] Richie Allen: ok, shame. Bail ins and cashless society is/are happening

[8:17:43 AM] Richie Allen: and people have to be aware of it

[8:18:55 AM] kandbspergel: OK glad we found this out now. They are NOT HAPPENING. that is why there is a Global Debt Facility and that is why there is the power transition model and that is who I am. Please don't contact me again until you understand that you are asking me to natter on about FAKE NEWS. Remove your tweet, please.

[8:19:31 AM] Richie Allen: goodbye Karen. You are way off the pace here. But I repect your right to have your opinion. Good luck

[8:21:38 AM] kandbspergel: I am on the side of reality. When and if they take me out those lousy things are happening. But I have gotten through and I am still here, and I still vote the US shares on the Board of Governors. That is why I say I am the canary in the coal mine. And there are other whistleblowers working with me. and there are the good gremlins in my PC that I was telling you about. OK now you know it. You are responsible for your scaring people. We both know, with this, which side you are actually on. You are giving FAKE NEWS when you had a chance to give real news.



Big Cahuna, I have been reviewing some of the previous questions that you raised on this channel. You

raise very central questions, but you do it in a way that follows other shills. Is this an accident? I am

watching you. Of course this is important. We will keep this problem in mind. We have no choice but

to embark on a currency reset, or we will be in WWIII for sure, with 95% likelihood.

The other dead give-away, is that your questions are kept up, while YouTube hides the other more

central answers behind "view all replies" buttons.

Paul and your 'BIG IF' Recently you are hurting more than you are helping. Is this an accident?

Humanity is going to be challenged during the Global Currency Reset. We have been learning as we go

along, and nobody said that things were going to be easy. We have no choice. It is the Global Currency

Reset or it is WWIII. That has been made clear to us by the power transition model. However, our

chancesf or meeting this challenge are above 90%. The fact that we are still in the game is a clear sign

that we are doing things right.



Some Body3 days ago (edited)

Karen will crypto currencies, like BitCoin, be a part of the new monetary system?

Karen Hudes

No. Sock puppets keep on posting about crypto currencies. This is a dead give-away that the

Banking Cartel is trying to take over the Global Currency Reset using crypto currencies. I have

been consistent in saying that the Banking Cartel is not derailing the Global Currency Reset by

using crypto currencies. The man who held the patent on the blockchain tried very hard to steal

humanity's wealth. Here is where the Banking Cartel is trying to confuse people about crypto


sini lasco

Filipinos were sitting on gold

art rigor3 days ago

Probably true..but sitting on it wont help us..we need to use it for the benefit of mankind..esp

Filipinos who have long suffered...

sini lasco

on process , visit the page of alpha omega world marshal dev't program

Read more

Karen Hudes

The very next time you comment on my channel, I am blocking you. I have already tweeted a

response showing that Alpha omega world marshal dev't program is an attempt to steal the

world's assets:


The Banking Cartel has lost its control, and humanity is now getting organized to liquidate

the Network of Global Corporate Control. I am in constant communication with the

Banking Cartel through its agents, who usually pose as people trying to help me. Most of the

people who are really trying to help me contact me indirectly. For example, the hacker in the

US military who made sure yesterday that my July 3, 2016 tweet was on my computer screen

when I booted up yesterday. So I tweeted yesterday:

This is from a tweet on July 3, 2016. It was on my computer screen

when I booted up this morning:

Reread the first paragraph: "You can assure your friend Karen that the defense forces of our

country remain loyal to the US constitution and the citizens of our country." That is reality,

and that is what is backing the Global Currency Reset, along with Japan and Germany, who

will not let their treaties of defense with the US fail. There is no easy target for the Banking

Cartel. Humanity is one.

The Banking Cartel broke the link and I reset it. This only confirms to skeptics that the

Banking Cartel really exists, and so does the Coalition for the Rule of Law. There is less than

10% likelihood that the Banking Cartel can hold onto its grip, and this likelihood is receding

with each day.

People understand this reality, and have confirmed it, by their retweets.


Some of the elites are getting nervous. They see the Banking Cartel is on the chopping

block, and they are trying now on their own to see what they can salvage. The point is,

all of humanity is involved, down to every last person. We are all in this together, and

we are all working on this Global Currency Reset together. Anybody who thinks they are

entitled to special treatment?

Here is what I said to a person claiming that they are entitled to the Kohinoor Diamond:


Here is a recent Q & A:

@Mike Avil @MiguelAngelAv11 47m47 minutes ago

How is all this issue, going to benefit to the common people? I mean the ones as me, who live one day at a

time, thanks for your great job.


Replying to @MiguelAngelAv11

you will live in a kinder world, where you are not

working for four months out of the year for the Banking

Cartel. That's for starters.

According to Facebook, this recent post was the most popular:



Network of Global Corporate Control


Re: Commercial Lien Against Officers in Government

Karen Hudes Wed. Jun. 21, 2017 1:15 PM To: Wayne Smith Dear Wayne,

Yes, there are many unscrupulous people working for the corrupt court system. There are different people who claim to have some experience with using common law in the administrative corrupt maritime courts that are masquerading as Federal Courts here in the US, but most so-called experts probably do not know any more than you do, and the corruption is so rampant that hardly anything ever works. Also, these people usually are quite expensive. I ended up losing alot of money trying to pay one of these scammers, who then turned around and tried to steal the world's gold. (see page 18 )

I understand that some of the Florida state courts are supposed to be courts of equity. My advice is to keep your records straight until the day that we start making more progress in the Global Currency Reset, and then put your papers in front of a jury.

I will be happy to put your information on my social media in the event that someone is ready to assist you.

Best, Karen

P.S. I want to remind you of my post two years ago, as well as my comment of September 12, 2016. Also, at the end of this tweet is an update on progress in the Global Currency Reset. P.P.S. I have edited out the part of your letter referring to the fact that you claim to be a "sovereign". This is because I am not about to give anyone an excuse to put me on a terrorist list. I do not claim to be a "sovereign citizen". This is an oxymoron = a contradiction.


From: Wayne Smith Sent: Wednesday, June 21, 2017 1:07 PM To: [email protected] Subject: Simple Question... Hope not to be a bother Good day, my name is Wayne Smith...I am not a professional attorney or a well financed individual. I have attempted to file a Commercial Lien against officers in the government that violated their oaths of office and their sacred trust. I am currently under house arrest with a bracelet on my ankle awaiting trial. I just wanted to reach out to you as an attorney for your opinion. I have filed documents to the court, (Federal District Court Middle District of Florida) but to no avail, they have ridiculed my filings and added violations to my case. They charge me with 18 USC 1521, which in and of itself inapplicable to me since it was meant for government workers. My question is what can I use in -law to get the court to acknowledge my filings and apply law instead of color of law. How can I force a change of venue to a court of equity?




YouTube censored my responses to comments about the likelihood of the global currency reset and asking why Major General Michael Carey and Vice Admiral Tim Giardina haven't held a press conference about detonating a live nuclear device off the coast of Charleston on 10/7/13 instead of on Charleston: Karen Hudes +babaloo42 This power transition model says

the global currency reset (described here ) is 90-95% likely. This "tweet" talks about the accuracy of the power transition model and the proof of the existence of the Global Debt Facility and the likelihood that the Board of Governors of the World Bank and IMF are going to implement the global currency reset. The people retweeting it said, "Karen Hudes' Latest Update's a Banger!" Is it smart to simply project the past onto the future, or to estimate new political forces? 2:50 PM - 21 Jun 2015 RETWEETS 16 FAVORITES 9


Today's segment is about the way that the coalition for the rule of law on the Board of Governors of the

World Bank and IMF, together with the people living in these nations, have been trying to overcome

each of the obstacles and agents that have tried to interfere with the Global Currency Reset. Rest

assured that I am getting alot of help or we would never have made it this far. I believe that we have

reached critical mass and the point of no return. If you think we shall overcome, you are very right



Let's see if I got this right


1. US is in interregnum

2. original US Constitution of 1789 replaced by a martial law 1871 Constitution

3. 95% of all US Congresional leaders are corrupt

4. 95% of all world leaders are corrupt

5. 95% of all the Highest ranking US Military are corrupt

6. 95% of all "Elites" are corrupt

7. 95% of all the "Minions" of the "Elites" are corrupt


1. Critical Mass/ "We" are now Awake & Aware

2. Critical Mass/ "We" outnumber "Them" 1 million to 1

Karen Hudes: No, you got it wrong. All members of Congress are corrupt, or they would have reported

that they voted a state of emergency to suspend the Constitution. Also there was a lawsuit on Article

V, [Walker v. Members of Congress, filed in 2004

and all the members of Congress were proven to be corrupt. All of this goes for the world's leaders too,

who have made us expose them, rather than confessing. Akihito and Wijffels are the exceptions. The

military is now exposed. We have now exposed all of them, and what is more, they know it



Sep 11

Show on military that YouTube refused to upload:

appointment as Overseer Mandate Trustee

Assets in Global Debt Facility


Twitter has now removed this tweet from my twitter feed, but I am showing how it appears on my Facebook pages and in Hootsuite. Here is the link to the article in RT :


OUTTRO Thank you for listening to another segment of "The Network of Global Corporate Control." In this segment about consciousness we have learned that all of humanity is interconnected in how we process our thinking, and that it makes a difference when a critical mass of people understand something about reality. We are demonstrating how it is that humanity can peacefully regain control of the military in the United States without a coup. The loyal military are defending the Constitution of the United States and fulfilling its treaty obligations to its allies. It may take some time as the duped catch onto the fact that the Banking Cartel has been lying to them. Stay tuned as the Global Currency Reset rolls out.