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  • Soil degradation monitoring by active and passive remote-sensing means: examples with two

    degradation processes

    Naftaly Goldshleger, *Eyal Ben-Dor,* *Ido Livne,* U. Basson***, and

    Vladimir Miralis**R.Ben-Binyamin

    *Soil Erosion Research Station

    ** Tel Aviv University


  • Background

    Soil Degradation is defined as a loss of soil production by either chemical or physical processes.

    Recent developments in the monitoring of soil degradation processes (Crust SalinizationIncreased Runoff) have used passive remote sensing and active remote-sensing tools such as ground-penetrating radar (GPR) and frequency domain electromagnetic induction (FDEM)

  • objective

    To show how remote sensing (ACTIVE and PASSIVE ) methods can be used for soil degradation observation and monitoring.

    If available in advance precaution can be taken

  • Passive remote sensing methods

    Passive and active remote sensing methods

    Active remote sensing methods

  • Passive remote sensing-ASD Soil Spectroscopy refers to reflected electromagnetic

    radiation that interacts with the soil (surface) matter across the spectral range VIS-NIR-SWIR of the sun illumination radiation.

    Spectral Methods Using ASD Field spectrometer for soil surface

    Each sample is tested by spectral and chemical measurement, for comparison.

  • The calibration and spatialrepair of the data, provide avisual cross section of thesoil layers at differentdepths.

    Active remote sensing -GPR

    GPR (Ground Penetration

    Radar) Transmits radar pulses

    into the ground; and receives

    wave signals reflected off of the

    interfaces below.

    Resolution m Depth m

    Frequencies MHz

    0.6 7-15 100

    0.4 3-9 250

    0.3 2-5 500

    0.2 1-2 1000

  • Active remote sensing- FDEM Scanning

    FDEM 96 Hz - 100 kHz

    Conductivity, resistivity, magnetic susceptibility and frequency sounding measurements were acquired with a GEM-2 FDEM (frequency domain electro-magnetic) instrument at several effective frequencies.

  • Electromagnetic Spectrum

    0.6 7-15 100 0.4 3-9 250

    0.3 2-5 500

    0.2 1-2 1000

    Resolution m Depth m Frequencies MHz

  • Examples: two degradation processes

    Physical Crust


  • Physical Crust (Structural Crust)

    Definition: A thin layer formed on the soil surface during rainstorm events. The crust is the result of a physical segregation and rearrangement of soil particles.

    Origin: The outcome of the impact of the raindrops kinetic energy and the stability of the soil aggregates




    Microscopic Cross Section

  • Problems and Solution

    Soil Degradation effects : The crust significantly affects many dynamic soil properties such as : decreasing infiltration rate, surface roughness, soil water storage and capacity, increasing runoff and soil erosion

    Lack of information: As a dynamic property , no information on its spatial distribution nor magnitude is available prior to the next rain event

    Solution: To use reflectance spectroscopy



    Run off


  • infiltration tube

    runoff tube

    soil tray nozzle


    Rain Simulator

    A facility to study the soil physical crust

  • Laboratory Experiment

    0 joule1842 joule650 joule

    Loess Soil

    The crust was created by rain fall simulator

    Using various energy value

  • Spectral Results

    1.7m 2.2 m

  • Reflectance at 1.7m vs. Infiltration Rate

    Spectral Index

  • AISA Airborne Image Spectrometer

    182Spectral Bands 423-2400nm (FWHM 6.21-6.84nm)

    Altitude of 3000m, Pixel size 2m

  • CrustBraking Crust

  • crusted

    Non crusted

    20 m

  • AB




    high low

    NBen-Dor et al., 2004

    Soil Infiltration and Erosion : Physical Crust

  • Conclusion for the Physical Crust

    For the crust analysis, passive methods - mainly soil reflectance - can be used as tools to monitor, assess and map the soil-crusting phenomenon and related properties (runoff, infiltration, etc.)

    More specific conclusions are published in the following papers

    Goldshlager N. Ben-Dor E, Y. Benyamini, M. Agassi and D. Blumberg 2002, Spectral properties and hydraulic conductance of crusts formed by raindrop impact. International Journal of Remote Sensing 19:3909-3920

    Ben-Dor E. Goldahlager N, Benyamini M. and D.G. Blumberg 2003 The Spectral Reflectance properties of Soils structural crust in the SWIR spectral region (1.2-2.5 m), Soil Science Society of American Journal 67:289-299

    Ben-Dor E. , N. Goldshalager, O. Braun , B. Kindel , A.F.H.Goetz , D. Bonfil , M. Agassi, N. Margalit , Y. Binayminy and A. Karnieli 2004 Monitoring of Infiltration Rate in Semiarid Soils using Airborne Hyperspectral Technology International Journal of Remote Sensing 25:1-18

    Goldshlager N, Ben-Dor E., Chudnovsky A., and M. Agassi 2009 Soil reflectance as a generic tool for assessing infiltration rate induced by structural crust for heterogeneous soils. European Journal of Soil Science (in press)

  • Soil salinity

    Soil degradation by salinity: Decreases soil productivity, low water infiltration to the soil profile, runoff and high soil erosion rate, infertility.

    Lack of Information: As a dynamic property no information on its spatial distribution nor magnitude is available . If such information were available in advance, precautions could be taken.

    Solution: To use active and passive remote sensing means (HSR, GPR, FDEM) Estimates extent of salt affected areas are in general close to one billion hectares

    which represents about 7 percent of the earth's continent extent (Ghassemi et al, 1995)

    This phenomenon is related to a high water table and low water quality

  • The Working Scheme

    Soil Spectral measurement in the field : 0cm, 30cm, 60cm

    Soil measurement (EC) in the Laboratory

    Sampling Points


  • Comparison of our spectrum data to the laboratory spectrum data for Gypsum







    absorption in

    relation to air-bone





  • Surface Gypsum Correlated with 60 cm depth EC

    y = 0.3568x - 1.98

    R2 = 0.9566











    0 50 100 150 200 250

    Surface CaSO4 (meq/l)

    60 c

    m d


    th E

    C (



    :A model between Spectral and Lab information-


  • Spectral changes along the scanning line In Genigar field


    Genigar field

    Sampling point

    15 m


  • FDEM

  • The use of an air-photo from 1962, and of GPR, for characterization of the buried layer.

    Eastern scan


    Lateral changes in the soil

    layer, point to the

    existence of a buried layer .


  • ASD based Model for AISA spectral configuration (Test Results)

    R = 0.9012








    0 10 20 30 40 50 60




    Predicted EC

    Predicted and measured Electrical conductivity (test samples)


    Factor (for continuum removed spectrum)Wavelength (nm)










  • ds/m

    A comparison between measured EC results and predicted EC results

    from the AISA-ES image.

  • The results indicate that chemical methods which are correlated with remote sensing

    methods give a correct picture of soil salinity.

    A spectroscopy based EC prediction model can be built using relatively low spectral

    resolution and excluding water vapor absorption bands.

    A model of this kind can be applied to air-borne hyperspectral imagery in order to map soil salinity in a fast, accurate and cost effective way.

    FDEM data will be added to the model in the future and will contribute to increase its accuracy.

  • Non-salineSlightly salineModerately salineSeverely saline

    Salinity Map (UN) Syr-Darya


  • 110

    Percentage of area affected by salinity (by severity levels)

  • Conclusion for the Soil Salinity

    1. Spectroscopy is a sensitive field method that can be used to locate saline-affected areas.It can be clearly seen (Uzbekistan results) thatthe soil salinity property can be effectively predicted from the reflectance information across specific wavelengths (1750nm, 1940nm, and 1980nm).

    2. Using soil surface information, Halite and Gypsum correlations can help in the assessment of salinity, to a depth of 60 cm

    3. All domainsfield, airborne and space-borneare feasible for this application.

  • 4. The GPR system can be used to map the subsurface regional structure, and to point out anomalies which could indicate saline problems.

    5. The FDEM results were dove-tailed with the multi- sensor approach, for precise detection and a geo-referenced database of soil salinity changes, enables mapping and prediction of the salinization process.

    6. Comparing the airborne and satellite images with field-collected spectral data by using hyper- spectral imagery canindicate the severity of soil salinity.

    7. Novel method: mm wave instrument, and


  • Novel method

    Fiber optic

    Mirror at 45 angle


    Halogen Lamp

    Stabilizer bar

    Handle bar

    Fiber Holder

    (0.8cmf )

    Lamp holder

    (1.2 cm f)

    Handle bar


    Catherization: optic fibrous-Dor et al., 2008).

  • Spectra & Video

  • Measurement setup Millimetre-wave backscattering

  • General Conclusions

    The two soil degradation factors can potentially be

    monitored by passive and active remote sensing.

    The main advantages of the passive spectral remote-sensing

    method are its availability and ability to cover large areas; on

    the other hand, it only senses the soil surface.

    For salinity, an electromagnetically based approach (an active

    remote-sensing technique) could provide additional information

    on the salinization process. In the case of soil salinization,

    monitoring the underground layers is crucial, and the active

    remote-sensing methods (e.g., GPR and FDEM) and mm

    waves in the future can be used for this purpose but are limited

    by the size of the area covered.

  • Thank You

    [email protected]