goldsboro news (goldsboro, north carolina) 1927-07-22 [p ]:i bp ¦ p»: wfchiav v » u » i- ‘ idm...

: I BP ¦ * £*';<¦% » U ¦ » I - p»: WfcHIAV v idm -ammt mi l4A# i 2MJ.' T i I j| *®* wH^Hp h ¦ H VW A |B as H| > *SSBSS3fc2lir' l '" , '' ,,'^" : , ¦¦••»• IM [ 220 beniai Men's jhiclw 1 Overalls P '• Suspender and kifk **&*?*• back. -AH Sixes. flighted QP" 4. we are enable ; QriiT , traveling si night unhide it would 7 to In tog ns to rig- Men's Athletic Union V Usht she high Suits, all sixes. Per Mm ate *ffl «»- fillltr~ emd. Mo matter mm W to tnml the 25c rrr: mmmmmmmmAmmmmmmmmmmjprn— . the the <*l”**-^ White Sport SaUnfor ®bPjV, hlalrtih, etc. Per high-powered yard r— an hoar? £r m m mm or m r ** poo * ibt,,ty Ma«Mie4iMMH*MM. motor car in Men's weight U, the road at pfh check extra full tag uh dr cut pants ; r —— - Aispe. at 98c %™~<2 Quality No. 400 Long- fm** frwn Pull yard wide. ¦>* r«y«d-;^ il Ai '*"* Hfhl I UC " •on th. ro«i * W .t la oufl and MwVnew 50c NbVelty ronaideTatlon or » Pair SI.OO 4**_*fc. Men’* Dreae Shirt*. L yite and col a red in Indians Broadcloth. ¦->*-> going the way 79c f %?%*, ¦ + l lhcto. ¥¦" ' in'm' iii'iii¦ i ¦ i> aotimvV^smoke^ twelve* Monuaie Is- more win be com ported Jap Ponsree, natural color, best tack made gow Quality vices gas and alec- -49C s the Nat, while L1 * «* **¦» m«.*. fun cut eh.®. irr/rr kny Work drift*. 7se ?' * value.. Sale price te«*.«•¦.• 48c f__ Vir« taklii ly*4- r F.Jf*****' 22?- «*>"*• •"•rfmsmwwi arap pumps .. t Unlw ~~ l<h : ~ ~=§i«* •» mm., ’' ,l |F 1928 to Mu 1«T? ¦* - ¦¦¦ii'.Mr-te'* o th * Preceding A 0 ate4tet,dte chhfiy* S m s -te. Smaller income W l mmmm mk dm wE*fc and livestock pro- T - -H-- r -4 is nuute up of $•-- income from sates, 818 itfjHMi MM V>AUA O 1W ****** VRAtel# DV dfV/vm!r ... I _ 1 . - _ To give yea aa idea ai ter good *,ia. a frtond asked au ass Sag iteO apteng if it Nft good ttms. I replied by atednr ts no|icd| >t« W* rn. mm. said I, that’s 4a |M jute try, leg to get hate to schedule wiHi my vmtdi. . ' j ~ «V> •- An old loir in the crowd in i o ¦ ¦ ¦ front of tN News office last night hsssiag tN reports of tN Mg Oght wanted to know if Dampasy wasn't gtehg to make a poor (Uh out of SHARKEY. I--T o r m te Viteted the mte repairs of Smith's Chapel and DofaNre* viUe yesterday. That house Is stitt there in- both places !. i it*’* John Loftia invited me to day. but I didn’t have any magnifying glumes with me ao Wto refuse. ,f •. « , , . v , Thais a geaat counter down that section however. TN cosa grows so thick they usa hay mowers to eat it wMh. IN tobacco leavaa are so Mg tea use teem for bed quite. Bu Henry Balk jUst returned Iron WrightevUle with tN repor that tee mosquitoes were big and strong teat they h»r touee cat *»— to catch then in. re-.* Young John Langston claim* ed N mm *> lute N could hot kr Into tel My foot megw phone we used last night aaj run aroQna to tin irons in unw to hear what N aaM. It is sura a pain to run thorn first M 0 mdse in n now oar lma *t»y» twenty mite an hour. YOU fltwnat feel like »h*>»fch»g yourself. 7'-*-'; CA,,O * A TE " t . CAMP TUaCAJtORA. July 11—TS* •earn is swuwr nu tu the ska*» l! *M Um ffarut *Mk It Is as dcaa es sea Mu oapoetsd. The p«p sisof) fpwfai that or the «ret uud sserai I weak. Ths moats a*. 4tartta« off with thu («ul spirit sad u% showtas aoase real acopUu*. Mgyt es the mm* ass OM caaipom use thuy an Rhowtas that thoy kaov bow to eagir. The cusp this weak is •«- posted to ee*al or •too ewrpasstho rawed of tho drat sad Moagd woubS. They era ouly *7 Boaat« la enw# aai all asa havtws a raal tiara. «*w, Wlbaa_ tto *w^; —— _ HdMorala talbo t/Ml. tJwwVpC MlWw9w*< ®TWif sgoWp m m IM9MUM tHUi ninr—g This la a mt record to Mart aSK with, towns all ladljfctlsaa tt is ps| Me «S ha a pratty dec* caoa la dual eOkru|o ao tho trfhas ora potS wou etvMoe an. Tho Klwaala oluh frous Ooidohort was wtth as for supper last night* Th* MlOwihs program wit -ffanil by Scoots ft. rpUs hy tribe* ' *• Mas Grace 1. Rrapoaio—President of Klwaala slab. I. What Kiwanis has doae far mr ""T’-JTV " rs wm'XZ-T- --IPhaf Snsatiae araaa to the whsto hoy dad how rase eaa help Scout David Idles. * T. Qaem yoll for Wwwals. . •WTiw aWkwWMMWKT.' After sapper tour at UM scouts directed the Klwsalaa to the differ sat Seats sad ¦ round the aosap to chow then what the laoaM war* 40. . lac nt hew tiray 4tjk ... —Xn*s. ther mo roots 01 the trass tW stick shore tho g*oaa« hare lesraod to sot set of tho war of his hHt hare Mot sino# betas haoeb- -1 MP several Unsra Is the Uet tow weak*. - jV Clarence Pesoock «sya that tho “Tljwe Maskauers" will ha wftb VS W-I -f fmi -ri *-il Net after deducting f«pcn«at, u e* Umated at gT i it.Wt.fW Wit year agate* gS>- •MUM «te preceding year. a dsdaaaa «f sbaut SO par seat, taaama «f eradnstkm dr ereasad oaiy 'C psr eant white tN grasp inetaaa dacreasad about 5 psr cent. Hagnsti is IN haxeau from IMS Own ownma reporting te their own farms also show a NoneeNd avemige income ter IN, campaiwd wMi IMS According to tN laperta from these fanna, which are somewhat above tN average of tN United States in Sim and invastaisßt, «ve> raps Neemes decreased in all geographic dtvisiapt- ai IN country excepting tN South Cantsal Di vkhte ,*•. ,^") Cash liwwm ffbm antes hd year as ad fpr tN country aa whole techabi M. 764, Mftdte for dairy and poultry produces against !MM,OeO;OM tN preceding year ; Mjea.OOQ.OOO for meat animals against 12,848,000.000; OM.MQ tor tediu and vegetables against $1,686, OMiMO; M.MMOOJOQ ter grains against fl, 694,000,000 and tl J»1 JOOJOO ter cotton and cot ton aaad against |1, 740,000,000. Out of tN year's Income tanners paid $6. 071,000,000, white indited 01J88.000.060 for wages to hired labor; 02,987,606.0*0 operating «»te; tanas on in- vestment; $1,042,000,90 rent an property rented from nan-operator*. «u*d 1760,000,000 interest on Jteta to non operators. .. f' ' ¦>» FARMING MUST MB IKPUSTMAI JCTD Thomas D. Campbell, of Hardin, Montana, tear ast grain produasr in the world, says: o It is moraotedent each year that fanning must be industrialised. Costs an Ning reduc- ed steadily and is only a question of time utefl farming costs wiH N reduced sis has been dime in other industries. We do not need new laws or appropriations of large suma to solve tN agrteul' tusai problems. Seventy-five per cent of tN farm problems sen N solved wtth our prevent tews. You can't qspeet ngpte N a land where peo- ple think cooking tN pmftter veeation o# those who can’t make a living any other way. (The Pathfinder) A county board of *dttcm|fa|i to North Oarr, Um binds its touchers by eontguct not to tail tows, not to danoo, dress immedently nor to courage the least familiarity on the part of boy pupHs. There mm also a few more restrictions. I lOm fhadlnr mast sleep at least eight hours ev- ery night, never go to “cheap vaudeville shows” nor to moving pictures and mast spend most of her spare time & church or Saaday school work. Some bodsds of education ream to think their function is to educate teacher while the teacher edeoates the children. And their brat principle of education is discipline. Pech»p*» that la about all they know. They proceed to watch the teach era as a hawk might watch chickens wiot with a friendly eye but With a hope tt hatch them. This sort of thing is sutttfying. deepwljf, for teachers and teaching profaasion. This *pfit of conftdezce. this excess of auspicion sad the humlikrte the tender, decrease her self-respect, encourage hypocrisy and tend to undermine chur- acter, which it ammchej'a greuimt ueei pfll espionage, distrust and tyranny on the past of the school board will tend directly and continuously to make had teachers of good ones snd it will ** ,b. Cl-, watched and moat criticised of all people. The teacher is, perhaps, more suspected end mere mal- treated than the and hie wife. Teach«rn like people in other orofeauions should stood or faflby their efficiency and con- duct. If.they doaot miscurt up to the required standard let them he dimmed at the end of the term. If theyjuri bad dismiss them. By making good to both wwf «tid bahastor they pot as- sure themselves df a position but of advancement tSMrfc ss At**sris ‘ftwndtbflv PWi 98i4 iml 4kiß . e I- .k . . . { «]4 ¦'¦¦T*I*' 1 *' """ 1,1 THE VOGUE OP THEFT "\i. - fHickory Daily Record) r -• ! According to George Rose Itoor supeHui tendent of tbs State Prison, the raoet familiar hype of prisoner he has is the young white un- mesrieri man sent up for larceny. Ttort to an ar- resting revelation. What the easily vielntsd H Saw IT ZZZZ that generally mean prison terms if violated, it is puzzling to reason out why the majority of the prisons** are young unmarried men who have been convicted of steaUng. And the fad that the typical pmaower is * white youth rathe** than a negro youth is another condition that might well cause some reflection. ’•gate fa tew saw, Tfcw too , pnfai Mth fat hu tn facMt^ tela faf ••• «• royo—lhl. far A| •ffat dooi oftaa »Mfa «**»• W«| *«« gfao thtoOO fc*Utf WllMfal leky Bad Cratoo), Son Henderaoa. ead .rntmuutmTS J* 1 Kfteu ybbixrand fCoctlaued fro* Fu« OM) * pM rfail b*M4r the faor lodey nip wp *fa * epectel tun >r«l t rein ta loan «Mo aftraaooa ead bring fa* Mr to tatofaaoaa polpw Bacbaiwat. B itt Mo fa afade tomorrow «o M (• pamlt the potato to w loot tribute to too ant wtotet at iNPn !»• 4|ta*day MBTOtos to troto will bane too late fa teo wtotow tot coffato <• Arg*o wffaf* to wtt) fa tatd w row fa too royal- MnaofaaM. —— i ¦ ... . BASEBALL, I*’- m. Lotto f-I. Washington 44, tad iuto oaited Rli daottotaa. DotVoU 7. faMw «. i Ofarototod *, FMfadalphto «. Chicago 1. Now York 4. 1 RitTlOIAl Brooklyn 1. Ctoofanoti S-U faofata Boohoo f-l. PttUbtolg H. rblledelpbl. t, ra> if»| < > t. Now Yota *, Ml. Loath T-4t Into- fa«*. , , mo MY DtofaMh I. Batolgh k Hick Potot L Baltobnry I. Wlag(M'tafatoi «. fata Mount H rwrUtootofa to wifaJ? jf. < •ALLY teHapfalll 2. Sport burg 1 Aeheelito A Ktooxvilla I. AHWU !• MflU i. tafaatofa A Charlkaa 4. £*** indw oo*. * I COL OHS if l 1 TMI PteiNTS . W, IfapliiMta Dtotata ¦ m—p 4 -J . . -' jSHL Jyß I JB’ __ . m l>J^uJ*Tx Bci ——* Ifmm i ; V' ¦: 1 ,r ;t. ¦ * * * J fj ,J . v * •, r; ¦ - s 9- /’* *• fstel or mi fa pafai j teUi too Pita!, Bn4~ «f Tta ofa» fa fate* hswCfch two ootofa wfll taftwoo too ipou. MM fa ypr hHM Ml wtat po MMhNi irtß fHittf ; Vo too loafor ptate. r-totote fafapfaNto ttete sw«r fa- L- 1 ! L b•' p 4 # '"tmmi L j wntea «Mk JfOBFOLE - iOUimniT iOw BTfein iim ft*, aafi teterwaAtete infomadfaia tototata. Sfaptr* Naw lam to Nor Vfntllo OfwßtHi. Nor» . a:. T3mo DEATH iimsSrßMr Soveath SU»o Atlantic city, fair n-opy - Whether Mtog LUUm Jhogor, tagph- tor o( too late wealth pinto aitsofac- ia ror of Now York Cttr fail owMOto- Ullr ooooa atorte* to her death today or ooamuteod oolcMo toad aat faoa ilpuplaiil alfSough tea county phyocliaa W*a coartaco It wag, •at aoeMotot. > Tka girl, who waa a krogMot rlo|ior al the hotel-'had arHrod oa Jaly to Wp*a the woaaaioa oao of kor rtoltg, it w«a loaned tkat too had boos traatod far a aUggr alfawat. There waa nothing la her poaieoafato fa •todlaal* oatoMe. police raid. ? thor opgk faroattgatloa !3p1040d aa earl* lor aaoortfato of too police that aka ¦tar have keen poakod to her death Utowns in Presence Wife uid Children BUfaUNo-now. y.ty n-WFV-Md. •or Patfato. to of Alaaiaaao ooaatr, today toad white fa awfauafag with a ffaafa arataj toaar kart. R waa hat WANT AD& ? w 1 Alto HAM AM AH MW H MV AM OB M <XMi MU Aattoar Type (Itoa tofaMtea tar Ward l*rpTff% 00m tbia) 8c P«r Word yjßgftsys arargaat 180 WAIT iIUICB nmute AMMMtt fllHi UtoMT Okß «WUUN PALICB MH, | «a«la. awe yaar oM. aatohara to aafaa I as Blag, aaafa of mm te» A. Car Itoa aa aotfar. leader hrfag || u> New. office at tofaa top! «N goad yaward. MB BALB M nnUl' 'StSmSBZS* *"** mmo, ic«. •; mb nn-iMxt, m*b« ¦« »2»* Steam heat fa taafalMirijtotot IMfa W BOfatotoM I ttt Btat Ato atotok Pin J I inn tB 8 ww I fiafettog fair at MACH eau e .peelaily, hrfag toe faally. I bnaU I aLhtuu «ad fltolai. tan 1 rotoaaadhla rpfaa. B. ; ppM wt"te'dtadm~iagi fa* tafary whato yoa aaa atota Mato Moro haadttag aar prodaou Wa waat a ¦aaihai' «K good fated- mm.' Dtste lladfatol Coapasy, 14 V. Chareh .treat. Chartotto M- 0. T M IIP MNKMirXI WITH CBlTintß fggtta todtatototaat certificate daair oa to locate la doldfaoro. op*a for ItoM.Pht. aagaftafatot Addram, T. k B. P. 0. Aa*lll or Ptetoa •ifate. Nkfd mb BWTf-I vtwm bni mm 411 Jf. Vtrgtela atraot. fa te par week. Apply DotheM Baeteap MUte T te tepd >oi fAito- nui o*wk VE aay. Make Qae dairy atoto. tar load faot arrttad fMM Toaaooofa. See L. B. Horrtag. tafa dte-W.' Ooldokf. N. 0.. Boot# I. g| t If tirha pd ofart AJ|l*« 1*» Apf# naMlag Broa:. Plkarllte. H. C. te» . !• fa H jmbiu'ij.i.j.!.'itapM \m... !"*****’ -CAPITAL BAISBB TBBOTTRI TITB •ate of CararttUi. Aa efalta iatea w»*h wide spread dlt- inlwtita lo totow open, tor eeourtly HHidlte of Merit. Hast kata gaato fa aiH»fi.ite#l BMNiaA, *. Y. f «t to * MB AAL«—COW PBAA, BAJA kaaaa. Volrat bee.., eorm. core awal. chickea*. egg*, etc, wheleaate and retell write of phone fer prioaa Onratteto AM * Ufa., »*mm iimn - - HHUmfltllT Bfilli. Wtoirinp ¦* ¦»M.VA“I»n* ivAii* art. Wa aat a -tail# wham yah am got a good adaara fatal. Klee ai»y rooM. fa a Quiet locatfou Oarage. Apply Mra. Colo. 14i B. Pfao At Phoiw 14QS-J. ? 14 tofd Nmnmid -- . ¦ y- >/.l ' j ¦ i, i i WATCH FOB mB BNM fat patatetafato. I 5 4 | r * v - ,*T. ... .. .»5... A L B i2tr 1 ta* I BkhM* ’MBLb—' HLYtaP Irmj ® ¦ k tii -I "*!T"l 1 " fa SPZT*JST ***? k blodci of ( faD fa Eaoy hunmipt s•**" gjyjjt •!„„ jjjy m \y pteo. Sgnß jC JMMf Dl f|A 11(1. ». vfNi 7*lWf cm TKOLT—BILK » TBV MAI As Ufa tad whm Ik la paw y*aa aag Siaay&agg MM, * 110 S Carotlaa St. ojaatfa Oatea Afaßoa. OoMahata* C O. fhav w.- poB Uirr-d BABX HMpi ¦ Oak Mmlan* aatnjlteata tail 445-W ¦ ' a'ifftiN* "‘‘ASSTI " Apply ted W. Aak ottata •r pkoao UM, C. O. Oran. A 11 ts to tefifkaA far rota. poaAorooto fa pirtmnnl. VfMMMNHC" YCccMMML'' Cdg ¦ «4wbt Ml ' r w ‘' ~MB'IXtoJK Tiitir ilrmm ¦too Tjj* g.MM VM ¦MHBR/krußTKKirr n ¦otk 0. hoytolL AAA or H. _ linn v » ? eP . dotemfaod whether ho oncoudtod to hdart tronkfa or dtawrood, tea la farrlrod by hte widow fa 4 afao chi,An*, aonral of whoaa wan YuiwiffiN ii t nm— _ ifTB um «t MR lUOMMONte foir Alaoppfatad with a roaattatalte m. WtilteM Pfackaagr Ofatp. U of Bai •fah. n. 6., mm tamg oaaaht hy pa- Iteo hato today at too roftont of-hfa l dfajr ** m **.*"*] VtotafaiJUuMMdACSSHMI " ¦ ¦ ¦ ATI* A. Ot O^PValVw B mm ' M Ra - Op|i 2Sle 1 Vyaa »to4OiQfafa AHdi Ate Vtear Whyaa tetok Mg. j ' mo

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Page 1: Goldsboro News (Goldsboro, North Carolina) 1927-07-22 [p ]:I BP ¦ p»: WfcHIAV v » U » I- ‘ idm -ammt mi l4A#i 2MJ.' T i I j| *®* wH^Hp h ¦ H VW A |B as H| >*SSBSS3fc2lir'l,

: IBP ¦ * £*';<¦% » U ¦ » I - ‘p»: WfcHIAV v idm -ammt mi l4A# i

2MJ.' T i

I j|*®*


h ¦ H VWA |B as H| >*SSBSS3fc2lir' l'" ,



, ¦¦••»• IM

[ 220 beniai Men's jhiclw 1

OverallsP '• Suspender and kifk **&*?*•

back. -AH Sixes.flighted

QP" 4. we are enable

; QriiT,traveling si night

unhide it would7 to In tog ns to rig-

Men's Athletic Union V Usht she high

Suits, all sixes. Per Mm ate *ffl«»-

fillltr~ emd. Mo matter

mm W to tnml the

25c rrr:mmmmmmmmAmmmmmmmmmmjprn— . the the <*l”**-^White Sport SaUnfor®bPjV, hlalrtih, etc. Per high-poweredyard r— an hoar?

£r— m m mm orm r**poo *ibt,,ty

Ma«Mie4iMMH*MM. • motor car inMen's weight U, the road atpfh check extra full tag uh drcut pants ;r

—— - Aispe. at •

98c %™~<2Quality No. 400 Long- fm**frwn

Pull yard wide. ¦>*r«y«d-;^

ilAi '*"*• HfhlI UC " •on th. ro«i* W .t la oufl and

MwVnew 50c NbVelty


or » Pair SI.OO 4**_*fc.

Men’* Dreae Shirt*. Lyite and col a red in IndiansBroadcloth. ¦->*-> going the way

79cf %?%*, ¦ + l lhcto.¥¦" ' in'm' iii'iii¦ i ¦ i> aotimvV^smoke^twelve* Monuaie Is- more win be comported Jap Ponsree,natural color, best tack i» made gowQuality vices gas and alec-

-49C s the Nat, while

L1* «* **¦»

m«.*. fun cut eh.®. irr/rrkny Work drift*. 7se ?' *

value.. Sale price te«*.«•¦.•

48c f__Vir« taklii ly*4- -»r F.Jf*****'22?- «*>"*• •"•rfmsmwwiarap pumps .. t Unlw

~~ l<h:~ ~=§i«* •» mm.,

’',l |F 1928 to Mu 1«T?¦* - ¦¦¦ii'.Mr-te'* o th* Preceding

A 0 ate4tet,dte chhfiy*

S m s -te. Smaller income

W lmmmm mk dm wE*fc and livestock pro-

„ T - -H-- r-4

is nuute up of $•--

income from sates,

818 itfjHMiMM

V>AUA O 1W ******VRAtel#

DV dfV/vm!r


I_ 1 . - _

To give yea aa idea ai tergood *,ia. a frtond asked auass Sag iteO apteng if it Nftgood ttms. I replied by atednrts h® no|icd|

>t« W* rn. mm.said I, that’s 4a |M jute try,leg to get hate to schedule wiHi

my vmtdi. .



«V> •-„

An old loir in the crowd ini • o ¦ ¦ ¦

front of tN News office lastnight hsssiag tN reports of tN

Mg Oght wanted to know ifDampasy wasn't gtehg to make

a poor (Uh out of SHARKEY.I--T o • a»

r m • teViteted the mte repairs of

Smith's Chapel and DofaNre*viUe yesterday. That house Isstitt there in- both places

!. i it*’*John Loftia invited me to

day. but I didn’t have any

magnifying glumes with me aoWto refuse.

,f •. «, , . v ,

Thais a geaat counter downthat section however. TN

cosa grows so thick they usahay mowers to eat it wMh. INtobacco leavaa are so Mg teause teem for bed quite. BuHenry Balk jUst returned IronWrightevUle with tN repor

that tee mosquitoes were •

big and strong teat they h»rtouee cat *»— to catch thenin.

re-.* • • •

Young John Langston claim*

ed N mm *> lute N could hotkr Into tel My foot megwphone we used last night aajrun aroQna to tin irons in unwto hear what N aaM.

It is sura a pain to run thornfirst M 0 mdse in n now oar a£lma *t»y» twenty mite an hour.YOU fltwnat feel like »h*>»fch»g

yourself. 7'-*-';

™CA,,O*A TE"t. CAMP TUaCAJtORA. July 11—TS*

•earn is swuwr nu tu the ska*»l! *M Um ffarut *Mk It Is as dcaaes sea Mu oapoetsd. The p«p sisof)fpwfai that or the «ret uud sserai Iweak. Ths moats a*. 4tartta« off

with thu («ul spirit sad u% showtasaoase real acopUu*. Mgyt es themm* ass OM caaipom use thuy anRhowtas that thoy kaov bow toeagir. The cusp this weak is •«-

posted to ee*al or •too ewrpassthorawed of tho drat sad Moagd woubS.They era ouly *7 Boaat« la enw# aaiall asa havtws a raal tiara.

«*w, Wlbaa_ tto *w^;—— _ HdMorala talbot/Ml. tJwwVpC MlWw9w*< ®TWif sgoWp

m m IM9MUM tHUi ninr—gThis la a mt record to Mart aSKwith, towns all ladljfctlsaa tt is ps|Me «S ha a pratty dec* caoa ladual eOkru|o ao tho trfhas ora potSwou etvMoe an.

Tho Klwaala oluh frous Ooidohortwas wtth as for supper last night*Th* MlOwihs program wit -ffanilby Scoots

ft. rpUs hy tribe*'

*• Mas Grace1. Rrapoaio—President of Klwaalaslab.

I. What Kiwanis has doae far mr""T’-JTV " rs wm'XZ-T---IPhaf Snsatiae araaa to thewhsto hoy dad how rase eaa helpScout David Idles.*

T. Qaem yoll for Wwwals. .

•WTiw aWkwWMMWKT.'After sapper tour at UM scouts

directed the Klwsalaa to the differsat Seats sad ¦ round the aosap tochow then what the laoaM war* 40.

. lac nt hew tiray 4tjk...

—Xn*s. ther mo roots 01the trass tW stick shore tho g*oaa«hare lesraod to sot set of tho warof his hHt hare Mot sino# betas haoeb-

-1 MP several Unsra Is the Uet tow

weak*. -jV

Clarence Pesoock «sya that tho“Tljwe Maskauers" will ha wftb VS

W-I -f fmi -ri *-il

Net after deducting f«pcn«at, u e*

Umated at gT i it.Wt.fW Wit year agate* gS>-

•MUM «te preceding year. a dsdaaaa «fsbaut SO par seat, taaama «f eradnstkm drereasad oaiy 'C psr eant white tN grasp inetaaa

dacreasad about 5 psr cent.Hagnsti is IN haxeau from IMS Own

ownma reporting te their own farms also showa NoneeNd avemige income ter IN, campaiwd

wMi IMS According to tN laperta from these

fanna, which are somewhat above tN average of

tN United States in Sim and invastaisßt, «ve>

raps Neemes decreased in all geographic dtvisiapt-ai IN country excepting tN South Cantsal Divkhte ,*•. ,^")

Cash liwwm ffbm antes hd year asad fpr tN country aa • whole techabi M.764,

Mftdte for dairy and poultry produces against!MM,OeO;OM tN preceding year ; Mjea.OOQ.OOO

for meat animals against 12,848,000.000;OM.MQ tor tediu and vegetables against $1,686,

OMiMO; M.MMOOJOQ ter grains against fl,

694,000,000 and tlJ»1 JOOJOO ter cotton and cotton aaad against |1, 740,000,000.

Out of tN year's Income tanners paid $6.

071,000,000, white indited 01J88.000.060 forwages to hired labor; 02,987,606.0*0 operating«»te; tanas on in-vestment; $1,042,000,90 rent an property rentedfrom nan-operator*. «u*d 1760,000,000 interest on

Jteta to non operators... f' ' ¦>»

FARMING MUST MB IKPUSTMAI JCTDThomas D. Campbell, of Hardin, Montana, tear

ast grain produasr in the world, says: o

It is moraotedent each year that fanning

must be industrialised. Costs an Ning reduc-

ed steadily and is only a question of time uteflfarming costs wiH N reduced sis has been dime

in other industries. We do not need new laws or

appropriations of large suma to solve tN agrteul'

tusai problems. Seventy-five per cent of tNfarm problems sen N solved wtth our prevent


You can't qspeet ngpte N a land where peo-ple think cooking tN pmftter veeation o# thosewho can’t make a living any other way.

(The Pathfinder)A county board of *dttcm|fa|i to North Oarr,

Um binds its touchers by eontguct not to tail i»tows, not to danoo, dress immedently nor tocourage the least familiarity on the part of boypupHs. There mm also a few more restrictions. IlOm fhadlnr mast sleep at least eight hours ev-ery night, never go to “cheap vaudeville shows”nor to moving pictures and mast spend most ofher spare time & church or Saaday school work.

Some bodsds of education ream to think theirfunction is to educate teacher while the teacheredeoates the children. And their brat principleof education is discipline. Pech»p*» that la aboutall they know. They proceed to watch the teachera as a hawk might watch chickens wiot with afriendly eye but With a hope tt hatch them.

This sort of thing is sutttfying. deepwljf,for teachers and teaching profaasion. This *pfitof conftdezce. this excess of auspicion sad the

humlikrte the tender, decrease her self-respect,encourage hypocrisy and tend to undermine chur-acter, which it ammchej'a greuimt ueei pfllespionage, distrust and tyranny on the past of theschool board will tend directly and continuouslyto make had teachers of good ones snd it will**

,b. Cl-,watched and moat criticised of all people. Theteacher is, perhaps, more suspected end mere mal-treated than the and hie wife.

Teach«rn like people in other orofeauionsshould stood or faflby their efficiency and con-duct. If.they doaot miscurt up to the requiredstandard let them he dimmed at the end of theterm. If theyjuri bad dismiss them. By makinggood to both wwf«tid bahastor they pot as-sure themselves df a position but of advancement

tSMrfc ss At**sris‘ftwndtbflv PWi 98i4 iml4kiß

-« . e I- .k . . • .

{ «]4 ¦'¦¦T*I*' 1*' """ 1,1



fHickory Daily Record) —r -•

! According to George Rose Itoor supeHuitendent of tbs State Prison, the raoet familiarhype of prisoner he has is the young white un-mesrieri man sent up for larceny. Ttort to an ar-resting revelation. What the easily vielntsd H

Saw ITZZZZthat generally mean prison terms if violated, itis puzzling to reason out why the majority of theprisons** are young unmarried men who havebeen convicted of steaUng.

And the fad that the typical pmaower is *

white youth rathe** than a negro youth is anothercondition that might well cause some reflection.

’•gate fa • tew saw, Tfcw m» too ,pnfai Mth fat hu tn facMt^tela faf ••• «• royo—lhl. far A|•ffat dooi oftaa »Mfa «**»• W«|*«« gfao thtoOO • fc*Utf WllMfal

leky Bad Cratoo), Son Henderaoa. ead

.rntmuutmTS J* 1Kfteu ybbixrand

fCoctlaued fro* Fu« OM)* pM rfail b*M4r the faor lodeynip wp *fa *epectel tun >r«l t reinta loan «Mo aftraaooa ead bring fa*Mr to tatofaaoaa polpw Bacbaiwat.B itt Mo fa afade tomorrow «o M (•

pamlt the potato to w loot tributeto too ant wtotet at iNPn !»•

4|ta*day MBTOtos to troto will banetoo late fa teo wtotow tot coffato<• Arg*o wffaf* to wtt) fa tatd w rowfa too royal- MnaofaaM.

—— i ¦ ... .

BASEBALL, I*’-m. Lotto f-I. Washington 44,

tad iuto oaited Rli daottotaa.DotVoU 7. faMw «. iOfarototod *, FMfadalphto «.

Chicago 1. Now York 4.1 RitTlOIAl

Brooklyn 1. Ctoofanoti S-U faofata• Boohoo f-l. PttUbtolg H.

rblledelpbl. t, ra> if»|<> t.Now Yota *, Ml. Loath T-4t Into-


,mo MY

DtofaMh I. Batolgh kHick Potot L Baltobnry I.Wlag(M'tafatoi «. fata Mount H

rwrUtootofa to wifaJ? jf. <•ALLY

teHapfalll 2. Sport burg 1Aeheelito A Ktooxvilla I.AHWU !• MflU i.tafaatofa A Charlkaa 4.

£***indw oo*.* I COL OHS if l

1 TMI PteiNTS. W,

IfapliiMta Dtotata ¦ m—p

4 -J . . -'


__ .m l>J^uJ*Tx

Bci——* Ifmm i

; V' ¦: 1,r „ ;t. ¦ • * ’ * * Jfj ,J . v * •,

r; ¦ - s 9- /’*

*• fstel or mi fa pafai jteUi too Pita!, Bn4~

«f Tta ofa» fa fate* hswCfchtwo ootofa wfll taftwoo too ipou.

MM fa ypr hHM Ml wtat po

MMhNi irtß fHittf;

Vo too loafor • ptate.

r-totote fafapfaNto ttete sw«r fa-’

L- 1 !L b•' p 4

# '"tmmiLj


«MkJfOBFOLE - iOUimniT

iOw BTfein iimft*, aafi teterwaAtete

infomadfaia tototata.Sfaptr* Naw lam to Nor

Vfntllo OfwßtHi. Nor»

. a:.

T3mo DEATHiimsSrßMr

Soveath SU»o

Atlantic city, fair n-opy -

Whether Mtog LUUm Jhogor, tagph-tor o( too late wealth pinto aitsofac-ia ror of Now York Cttr fail owMOto-Ullr ooooa atorte* to her death todayor ooamuteod oolcMo toad aat faoailpuplaiil alfSough teacounty phyocliaa W*a coartaco It wag,•at aoeMotot.

> Tka girl, who waa a krogMot rlo|ioral the hotel-'had arHrod oa Jaly toWp*a the woaaaioa oao of kor rtoltg,it w«a loaned tkat too had boostraatod far a aUggr alfawat. Therewaa nothing la her poaieoafato fa•todlaal* oatoMe. police raid. ? thoropgk faroattgatloa !3p1040d aa earl*lor aaoortfato of too police that aka¦tar have keen poakod to her death

Utowns in PresenceWife uid Children

BUfaUNo-now. y.ty n-WFV-Md.•or Patfato. to of Alaaiaaao ooaatr,today toad white fa awfauafag with affaafa arataj toaar kart. R waa hat

WANT AD&? w 1

Alto HAM AM AH MW H MV AM OB M <XMiMUAattoar Type (Itoa tofaMtea tar Ward

l*rpTff% 00m tbia) 8c P«r Word

yjßgftsys arargaat• 180 WAIT iIUICB nmute AMMMttfllHi


| «a«la. awe yaar oM. aatohara to aafaaI as Blag, aaafa of mm te»

A. Car Itoa aa aotfar. leader hrfag

|| u> New. office at tofaa top! «Ngoad yaward.

MB BALB MnnUl''StSmSBZS* *"**mmo,

ic«. •;

mb nn-iMxt,m*b« ¦«M« »2»*Steam heat fa taafalMirijtotot IMfa

W • BOfatotoM

I ttt Btat Ato atotokPin JI inn tB 8 wwI fiafettog fair at MACH

eau e .peelaily, hrfag toe faally.I bnaU I aLhtuu «ad fltolai. tan

1 rotoaaadhla rpfaa. B. ; ppM

wt"te'dtadm~iagifa* • tafary whato yoa aaa atotaMato Moro haadttag aar prodaouWa waat a ¦aaihai' «K good fated-mm.' Dtste lladfatol Coapasy, 14V. Chareh .treat. Chartotto M- 0.


MNKMirXI WITH CBlTintßfggtta todtatototaat certificate daairoa to locate la doldfaoro. op*a for

ItoM.Pht. aagaftafatot Addram,T. k B. P. 0. Aa*lll or Ptetoa•ifate.Nkfd

mb BWTf-I vtwm bni mm411 Jf. Vtrgtela atraot. fa te parweek. Apply DotheM Baeteap MUteT te tepd

>oi fAito- nui o*wkVEaay. Make Qae dairy atoto. tarload faot arrttad fMM Toaaooofa.See L. B. Horrtag. tafa dte-W.'Ooldokf. N. 0.. Boot# I.

g| t If tirha pd

ofart AJ|l*« 1*» Apf# naMlag

Broa:. Plkarllte. H. C. te».

!• fa Hjmbiu'ij.i.j.!.'itapM \m... !"*****’

-CAPITAL BAISBB TBBOTTRI TITB•ate of CararttUi. Aa efalta iatea

w»*h wide spread dlt-inlwtita lo totow open, tor eeourtly

HHidlte of Merit. Hast katagaato fa aiH»fi.ite#l

BMNiaA, *. Y.f 1» «t to *

MB AAL«—COW PBAA, BAJAkaaaa. Volrat bee.., eorm. core

awal. chickea*. egg*, etc, wheleaateand retell write of phone fer prioaaOnratteto AM Q» * Ufa., U»

»*mmiimn- - HHUmfltllT Bfilli.Wtoirinp ¦* ¦»M.VA“I»n* ivAii*

art. Wa aat a -tail# wham yah amgot a good adaara fatal. Klee ai»yrooM. fa a Quiet locatfou Oarage.

Apply Mra. Colo. 14i B. Pfao AtPhoiw 14QS-J.? 14 tofd

Nmnmid-- . ¦ y- >/.l ' j


fat patatetafato. I5 4|r

* v- ,*T. ...

.. .»5... ,» AL Bi2tr 1ta* I

BkhM* ’MBLb—'HLYtaP Irmj• ® ¦

k tii -I "*!T"l1"

fa SPZT*JST***?k

blodci of (

faD fa Eaoy hunmipt s•**"gjyjjt •!„„jjjym\y pteo. Sgnß jC

JMMf Dl f|A 11(1.». vfNi 7*lWfcmTKOLT—BILK » TBV MAI As

Ufa tad whm Ik la paw y*aa aag



110 S Carotlaa St. ojaatfa OateaAfaßoa. OoMahata* C O. fhavw.-

poB Uirr-d BABX HMpi ¦Oak Mmlan* aatnjlteatatail 445-W ¦ ' a'ifftiN*

"‘‘ASSTI" Apply ted W. Aak ottata•r pkoao UM, C. O. Oran.A 11 ts to

tefifkaA far rota. poaAorooto fapirtmnnl. VfMMMNHC" YCccMMML'' Cdg

¦ «4wbtMl' r •


~MB'IXtoJK Tiitirilrmm¦too Tjj* g.MM

VM ¦MHBR/krußTKKirr n

¦otk 0. hoytolL AAA or H. _


v .« » ?eP .

dotemfaod whether ho oncoudtod to

hdart tronkfa or dtawrood,

tea la farrlrod by hte widow fa 4afao chi,An*, aonral of whoaa wan

YuiwiffiNii tnm— _

ifTB um «t MRlUOMMONte foir

Alaoppfatad with a roaattatalte m.

WtilteM Pfackaagr Ofatp. U of Bai•fah. n. 6., mm tamg oaaaht hy pa-Iteo hato today at too roftont of-hfa ldfajr ** m **.*"*]

VtotafaiJUuMMdACSSHMI" ¦ ¦ '¦ ¦

ATI* A. Ot O^PValVw



M Ra -

Op|i 2Sle 1Vyaa »to4OiQfafa AHdi

Ate Vtear Whyaa tetok Mg. j '
