goldilocks and the three bears....

Goldilocks and the three bears. Documents Goldilocks and the three bears Objectifs CE1 : comprendre l’histoire Lexique : a forest, a house,a girl, a bear, father, mother, baby, big, small, medium, bed, chair, bowl Culture: savoir ce qu’est le porridge, connaître une comptine traditionnelle Documents CE1 :page titre, « big or small », « family bear », « pease porrige », masques pour pratiquer le vocabulaire Objectifs CE2: comprendre l’histoire Lexique CE1 plus : to taste, to cry, to shout, to say, to whisper, to cook, to sleep Emploi de my, emploi du gérondif (‘s de possession) Famille : mother, father, sister, brother, grandfather, grandmother Documents CE2: « family bear » pour titre et écrire (father bear, mother bear baby bear),poème image, possession ,family bingo. Documents du maître: fichiers sons MP3 et wav, fichiers images couleur, fichier jeu des 7 familles, fichiers comptine et poème écrits

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Post on 06-Apr-2018




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Goldilocks and the three bears.


Goldilocks and the three bears

Objectifs CE1 : comprendre l’histoire

Lexique : a forest, a house,a girl, a bear, father, mother, baby, big, small,

medium, bed, chair, bowl

Culture: savoir ce qu’est le porridge, connaître une comptine traditionnelle

Documents CE1 : page titre, « big or small », « family bear », « pease porrige », masques pour

pratiquer le vocabulaire

Objectifs CE2: comprendre l’histoire

Lexique CE1 plus : to taste, to cry, to shout, to say, to whisper, to cook, to


Emploi de my, emploi du gérondif (‘s de possession)

Famille : mother, father, sister, brother, grandfather, grandmother

Documents CE2: « family bear » pour titre et écrire (father bear, mother bear baby bear),poème

image, possession ,family bingo.

Documents du maître: fichiers sons MP3 et wav, fichiers images couleur, fichier jeu des 7

familles, fichiers comptine et poème écrits

Goldilocks and the three bears. In a large wood, there is a lovely house. Do you know whose house is it? It is The Three bears’ house! There is Father Bear: he is very big, with a big voice. There is Mother Bear, she is middle sized, with a medium voice. And there is Baby Bear; he is very small, with a small voice, just a baby you know. Every morning Mother Bear cooks breakfast. She makes the porridge. Baby bear plays on the ground, near his mother and his father. Today, the porridge is too hot; the Three Bears decides to go for a walk in the wood. But there is a little girl in the wood too. Her name is Goldilocks because of her curly blond hair. She discovers the Three Bears’ house. - “Oh what a lovely house!” She looks through the window. Then she opens the door and goes in. - “What a lovely kitchen!! Oh, the lovely chairs: a big one, a medium one and a small tiny one!!” But as she is hungry she sees three bowls on the table. She tastes father Bear big bowl: it’s too hot! She tastes Mother Bear’s bowl: it’s too cold! She tastes baby Bear’s bowl: it’s just right!!And she eats it! She eats all the porridge. Now she is a little tired, and wants to sit. She tastes Father Bear big chair: it’s too high! She tastes Mother Bear’s medium sized chair: it’s too low She tastes baby Bear’s little chair: it’s just right!! But, she is too heavy, the little chair breaks…and Goldilocks falls down. As she wants to sleep, she sees the stairs and the bedroom upstairs. there are three lovely beds. She tastes the beds. First, she lies on the big bed: but it’s too hard. She lies on the middle sized bed: but it’s too soft. And she lies on the little one: it is just right and she is soon asleep. But away there in the wood, the three bears are hungry now and decide to go home. As soon as they get in they know someone has been here.

P 1

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- “Who has been eating MY porridge?” says Father Bear with his very big voice. - “Who has been eating MY porridge?” says Mother Bear with her medium voice. - “Someone has been eating MY porridge! And look! MY bowl is empty!?” cries Baby Bear in his tiny little voice. Then they look around the room. - “Who has been sitting in MY chair?” says Father Bear with his very big voice. - “Who has been sitting in MY chair?” says Mother Bear with her medium voice. - “Someone has been sitting in MY chair, and, look, it is broken! “cries Baby Bear in his tiny little voice. They look around again, but they can’t see anyone in the kitchen. So they climb up the stairs, carefully, silently, but they can’t see anyone. - “Who has been lying in MY bed?” says Father Bear with his very big voice. - “Who has been lying in MY bed?” says father Bear with her medium voice. - “Someone has been lying in my bed, and look! Here she is still! And she has got MY teddy, too,” screams Baby Bear with his furious little voice. And Goldilocks wakes up. She sits up in bed, and she sees the Three Bears around the bed, looking at her. She is so surprised, or scared? That she jumps out of the bed drops the teddy runs down the stairs, out of the door, and away into the wood. Baby Bear picks up his teddy, and they run after her. But Goldilocks can run really fast, and they can’t catch her .The Three Bears are sure to live as happily as before, ever after.

P 11

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Goldilocks and the 3 bears

The Family Bear…..



Medium sized

Objectif : connaître les mots big, small,(medium sized)

Images séquentielles pour identifier les personnages, remettre l’histoire dans l’ordre ou légender.

When Goldilocks Went to the House of the Bears

When Goldilocks went to the house of the bears

Oh, what did her blue eyes see?

A bowl that was big

And a bowl that was medium, And a bowl that was small.

And that was all, And she counted them-

One, two, three.

When Goldilocks went to the house of the bears Oh, what did her blue eyes see?

A chair that was big

and a chair that was medium, And a chair that was small.

And that was all,

And she counted them- One, two, three.

When Goldilocks went to the house of the bears Oh, what did her blue eyes see?

A bed that was big,

And a bed that was medium, And a bed that was small.

And that was all, And she counted them-

One, two, three.

When Goldilocks went to the house of the bears Oh, what did her blue eyes see?

A bear that was big, And a bear that was medium,

And a bear that was small. And that was all,

And they growled at her - ROAR! ROAR! ROAR!

When Goldilocks…..




Objectifs :mémoriser les mots : house, chair, bed, eye, see,big, medium, small Être capable de dire un poème en anglais avec l’aide du maître.










What’s the porridge ???

Le porridge est un plat très ancien. Autrefois, cette bouillie de farine ou de flocons d’avoine était le plat quotidien des populations rurales. La viande était rare à cette époque et seules la noblesse et la grande bourgeoisie argentée des villes en voyaient régulièrement sur leur table. On peut préparer son porridge avec du lait ou de la crème et le sucrer légèrement, selon le goût de chacun. Chaud accompagné de fruits frais, il permet de varier le menu du petit déjeuner, pour changer du muesli ou des sempiternelles tartines…

Ingrédients pour 1 personne

300 ml d’eau légèrement salée, 50 g de farine ou de farine (ou flocons) d’avoine, du sucre, du lait ou de la crème fraîche (selon ses goûts)

Faites chauffer l’eau jusqu’à ce qu’elle frémisse. Verser la farine (ou les flocons) en pluie sans cesser de remuer. Laissez frémir 5 minutes, le temps que la farine absorbe une partie du liquide. Goûtez et servez dans des coupes individuelles. Servez le porridge avec de la crème, du sucre ou des fruits frais.

Objectif : connaître les mots : family, a father, a mother, a brother, a sister, a grandmother, a grandfather










