gold certificate

Awarded To Wayne Spencer, Chairperson, South Bay Workforce Investment Board Date Jan Vogel, Executive Director, South Bay Workforce Investment Board Date Work Readiness Certification As Authorized By The South Bay Association of Chambers of Commerce This award certifies completion of Blueprint for Workplace Success, a comprehensive 30-hour professional development training program designed to teach the workplace skills and professionalism necessary for employment, job retention, and career advancement. This Certification confirms the recipient’s readiness for workplace success. S O U T H B A Y

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Post on 19-Jan-2017




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Page 1: Gold Certificate

Awarded To

Wayne Spencer, Chairperson, South Bay Workforce Investment Board Date

Jan Vogel, Executive Director, South Bay Workforce Investment Board Date

Work Readiness Certification

As Authorized By The South Bay Association of Chambers of CommerceThis award certifies completion of Blueprint for Workplace Success,

a comprehensive 30-hour professional development training program designed to teach the workplace skills and professionalism

necessary for employment, job retention, and career advancement. This Certification confirms the recipient’s readiness for

workplace success.