going green is a popular term used to describe the process of changing one's lifestyle for the...


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Post on 02-Jan-2016




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Going green is a popular term used to describe the process of changing one's lifestyle for the safety and benefit of the environment. People who "go green" make decisions about their daily lives while considering what impact the outcome of those decisions may have on global warming, pollution, loss of animal habitats, and other environmental concerns.

1. Use Washable Plates and utensils.

2. Use Cloth

3. Use natural gas-powered grills.

4. Rely on natural light.

5. Avoid theming a party.

6. Send out electronic invitations.

1. Changing your Consumption Habits. (Choose Vegetarian or vegan meals, Recycle and reuse more, use refills, buy minimally packaged goods, Reduce use of paper products, Buy locally made and locally grown products).

2. Reducing your Energy use. (Use compact fluorescent or LED Bulbs, Support producers of renewable energy, Replace old appliances and reduce reliance on them, Unplug unused electronics )

1. Determine what crops you can raise in your location.

2. Understand how a growing season plays out.

3. Select the crops and varieties that are suitable to your growing region.

4. Plan on your storage method.

5. Determine the benefits of this activity compared to the cost.

1. Fill up smart

2. Don’t make special trips just to gas up.

3. Avoid Idling.

4. Drive like European’s do - Europeans use 40% less fuel per mile than North American's do. IT's not that they are smarter than us, but they drive smarter and are less wasteful!

5. Drive Less!!

Look for ways to Save Water around the house, and encourage others to do the same.

You can also save water outside the house with a sleeping lawn.

In addition to using less water, take steps towards keeping the water we already have nice and clean. If there are any leaks in the faucet, fix them immediately.

1. Reduce the amount of waste you use! Bring your own shopping bag, use a reusable water bottle, and invest in a good mechanical pencil!

2. Reuse waste! Could that can make a good pencil holder? Or maybe that bag could be used for Bowser's "presents"?

3. Recycle! If you are fortunate enough to have a recycling program in your area, recycle! It will get used again!

"We never know the worth of water till the well is dry." -Thomas Fuller"One touch of nature makes the whole world kin.“ -Shakespeare"If there is magic on this planet, it is contained in water.“ -Loren Eiseley"The earth we abuse and the living things we kill will, in the end, take their revenge; for in exploiting their presence we are diminishing our future." -Marya Mannes"When we heal the earth, we heal ourselves." - David Orr