gofalu am gleifion dros gymru 01a - welsh... · 2013/2014 credentials document cymdeithas gofal...

High quality patient care Working in collaboration Investment in local economy Gofalu am Gleifion dros Gymru 2013/2014 CREDENTIALS DOCUMENT Cymdeithas Gofal Iechyd Annibynnol Cymru Finance Committee Consideration of powers: Public Services Ombudsman for Wales PSOW 01a - Welsh Independent Healthcare Association Credentials 2013-2014

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Page 1: Gofalu am Gleifion dros Gymru 01a - Welsh... · 2013/2014 CREDENTIALS DOCUMENT Cymdeithas Gofal Iechyd Annibynnol Cymru Finance Committee Consideration of powers: Public Services

High quality patient careWorking in collaboration

Investment in local economy

Gofalu am Gleifion dros Gymru


Cymdeithas Gofal Iechyd Annibynnol Cymru

Finance Committee Consideration of powers: Public Services Ombudsman for Wales PSOW 01a - Welsh Independent Healthcare Association Credentials 2013-2014

Page 2: Gofalu am Gleifion dros Gymru 01a - Welsh... · 2013/2014 CREDENTIALS DOCUMENT Cymdeithas Gofal Iechyd Annibynnol Cymru Finance Committee Consideration of powers: Public Services

Investment in the latest equipment is essential for the care of our patients



The MentalHealth sector


patient bed daysin 2013-2014

The acutesector provided over

16,500in-patient/day case

episodes in 2013-2014

The LearningDisability Services

provided over21,700bed days

in 2013-2014

Finance Committee Consideration of powers: Public Services Ombudsman for Wales PSOW 01a - Welsh Independent Healthcare Association Credentials 2013-2014

Page 3: Gofalu am Gleifion dros Gymru 01a - Welsh... · 2013/2014 CREDENTIALS DOCUMENT Cymdeithas Gofal Iechyd Annibynnol Cymru Finance Committee Consideration of powers: Public Services

We employ almost 2,000 people and treat tensof thousands of patients every year, either asinpatients or on an outpatient basis, and acrossa range of general health services butincreasingly in particular areas of more specialistcare and treatment.

We are working more and more closely in anadvisory and collaborative way with both theWelsh Government and Health Boards toimprove alignment with our common objectivesof the highest standards of patient safety andquality. We believe there is more scope todevelop shared learning and ideas in healthcareinnovation and improvement by working in amore collaborative manner.

As local employers often in areas with higherthan average levels of unemployment, we alsoprovide opportunities for employment across arange of disciplines and areas. We seek topromote good practice in our employmentpractices and by doing so to demonstrate ourcommitment to Corporate Social Responsibility.

The Welsh Independent Healthcare Association(WIHA) was formed several years ago and aimsto provide a single co-ordinated voice tofacilitate consultation and share practice acrossthe sector, helping to streamlinecommunication and avoid repetition andengagement with a multiplicity of individualorganisations.

We have compiled this booklet to providesome key facts and figures about theindependent healthcare sector in Wales. Adetailed summary is available of the result ofthe audit.

I hope you find this booklet helpful and pleasedo contact me if you would like moreinformation about the WIHA, its members, orthe work of the independent health sector inWales.

Thank you.

Simon Rogers,Chairman WIHA

Telephone: 01443 449292

Email: [email protected]


WIHA members ensure their staff receive highquality training and development to ensure

continuing high levels of care

IntroductionThe past year has seen a number of changes inthe independent sector, both in terms of acuteprovision and mental health regulation.Nevertheless, and despite the challengingeconomic climate, many thousands of patientshave used the services and treatments providedby independent hospitals in Wales.

Finance Committee Consideration of powers: Public Services Ombudsman for Wales PSOW 01a - Welsh Independent Healthcare Association Credentials 2013-2014

Page 4: Gofalu am Gleifion dros Gymru 01a - Welsh... · 2013/2014 CREDENTIALS DOCUMENT Cymdeithas Gofal Iechyd Annibynnol Cymru Finance Committee Consideration of powers: Public Services

About the IndependentHealth Sector

The WIHA is made up of:

• 6 acute hospital organisations

• 6 mental health organisations(comprising 23 units)

• 2 organisations providing learningdisability services

All of these hospitals collaborate with a wide range of stakeholders, includingpatients, consultants and their professionalassociations, regulatory bodies,intermediaries, Local Health Boards, GPs and community health services.

The six acute independent hospitalorganisations which took part in this audit:

• Treated more than 16,500 inpatient/day cases in the period 2013-14.

• Managed more than 23,000 bed days in the same period.

The six mental health organisations:

• Managed more than 85,000 bed days, again in the same period

• All of the NHS funded bed days.

The learning disability units:

• Managed over 21,700 bed days, in the same period

• All of them NHS funded beds.

All WIHA members have a commitment toquality assurance as a key part of the deliveryof safe and effective services to patients, andthey have systems in place to identify thecentral cause of any issues raised which helpto ensure that problems do not recur.

In addition, the sector makes a sizeablecontribution to both Welsh employment andthe Welsh economy by providingemployment for a large number of people,while the vast majority of the goods andservices are bought locally.

These include areas such as foodstuffs,supplies, engineering support, groundsmaintenance, building and construction.


Our patients rate the level of care they receive extremely highly


Finance Committee Consideration of powers: Public Services Ombudsman for Wales PSOW 01a - Welsh Independent Healthcare Association Credentials 2013-2014

Page 5: Gofalu am Gleifion dros Gymru 01a - Welsh... · 2013/2014 CREDENTIALS DOCUMENT Cymdeithas Gofal Iechyd Annibynnol Cymru Finance Committee Consideration of powers: Public Services


Total staff in sector

1,928Acute inpatients discharges

16,901Acute outpatient attendance


Finance Committee Consideration of powers: Public Services Ombudsman for Wales PSOW 01a - Welsh Independent Healthcare Association Credentials 2013-2014

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99%of patients

would recommend our hospitals

to others

Ensuring the Quality ofClinical Care Patients in the independent sector receivehigh standards of clinical care, and aretreated in high-quality facilities by leadingconsultants using some of the latesttechnology.

WIHA members have stringent measures inplace to combat Methicillin ResistantStaphylococcus Aureas (MRSA) and otherhospital acquired infections.

As a result, no incidences of hospitalacquired MRSA Bacteraemia and only 1case of Clostridium Difficile were recordedin the WIHA acute hospitals completingthe questionnaire in 2013/2014, and theymanaged a total of 23,134 bed days.

Finance Committee Consideration of powers: Public Services Ombudsman for Wales PSOW 01a - Welsh Independent Healthcare Association Credentials 2013-2014

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Summary of results of the audit

Quality assuranceThe independent health sectorreceives very few complaints.

• In the mental health hospitals complaints represented just0.04 per cent of patient days.

• The number of complaints made in the acute hospitals represented lessthan 0.1 per cent of all attendances.

number of patients treated


number of beds



acute mental health

levels of patient satisfactionand complaints

All the independent sector organisations in the audit have high rates of patientsatisfaction. The average results in 2013/14 for the WIHA group were:

• 99% of patients surveyed would recommend our hospitals to others

• 99% of patients rated the service as either excellent, very good, or good.

• 99% of patients rated the cleanliness of the facility as excellent, very goodor good.

99 99 99

recommend service cleanliness

acute in/day patients16,901

acute out-patients


across the sector

represented less that

0.1% of all

patient activity

99%rated the cleanliness

of our hospitals as

excellent, very good

or good

in-patient/day case


85,109 mental health beddays

21,772 learning disability bed days73learning


Finance Committee Consideration of powers: Public Services Ombudsman for Wales PSOW 01a - Welsh Independent Healthcare Association Credentials 2013-2014

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Organisations who are members of WIHA and supplied data forthis document:

Acute Surgical:

• BMI Werndale Hospital, Carmarthen

• Nuffield Health Cardiff & Vale Hospitals, Cardiff and Vale of Glamorgan

• Sancta Maria Hospital, Swansea

• Spire Cardiff Hospital, Cardiff

• Spire Yale Hospital, Wrexham

• St Josephs Hospital, Newport

Mental Health:

• The Cambian Group

• Lighthouse Healthcare, Phoenix House

• Ludlow Street Healthcare

• Partnership in Care, Llanarth Court Hospital, Raglan

• Priory Group

• Rushcliffe Independent Hospital

Learning Disabilities:

• Ludlow Street Healthcare

• Priory Group

Gofalu am Gleifion dros GymruCaring for patients across Wales

Produced by Welsh Independent Healthcare Association with grateful thanks to Lene Gurney,

Association of Independent Healthcare Organisations (AIHO)

Independent Healthcare Advisory Services (IHAS) Division ([email protected]).

Further information about the WIHA can be found at


Organisations not participating are Mental Health UK and Pastoral Healthcare

Finance Committee Consideration of powers: Public Services Ombudsman for Wales PSOW 01a - Welsh Independent Healthcare Association Credentials 2013-2014