god uses nations to accomplish his purpose in history. daniel 4:17

God uses nations to accomplish His purpose in history. Daniel 4:17 Near Eastern Empires

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The Assyrian Empire (2000 - 605 BC) The Assyrians preserved many contributions of the earlier civilizations and spread these accomplishments throughout the ancient world by their military conquests.


Page 1: God uses nations to accomplish His purpose in history. Daniel 4:17

God uses nations to accomplish His purpose in history.

Daniel 4:17

Near Eastern Empires

Page 2: God uses nations to accomplish His purpose in history. Daniel 4:17

The Assyrian Empire (2000 - 605 BC)

The Assyrians preserved many contributions of the earlier civilizations and spread these accomplishments throughout the ancient world by their military conquests.

Page 3: God uses nations to accomplish His purpose in history. Daniel 4:17

The Assyrian Army is equipped with iron weapons, siege towers, battering rams, and war chariots.

This army of well-trained foot soldiers, spearmen, archers, and cavalry wreaked havoc on the people of the Near East.

They earned a reputation for fierceness and cruelty.

The Assyrian Empire (2000-605 BC)

Page 4: God uses nations to accomplish His purpose in history. Daniel 4:17

The Assyrian Empire (2000-605 BC)

Page 5: God uses nations to accomplish His purpose in history. Daniel 4:17

God used this ungodly, war loving people as his instrument for venting His wrath against sinful nations and for punishing His own disobedient people.

The Assyrian Empire (2000-605 BC)

Page 6: God uses nations to accomplish His purpose in history. Daniel 4:17

Sargon II -In 722 BC, He

destroyed Samaria and took captive the ten northern tribes of Israel (2 Kings 17).

The Assyrian Empire (2000-605 BC)

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The Assyrians did not acknowledge God and were not aware of His workings. They became arrogant because of their conquests.

Although Assyrians were among the most ruthless people in the ancient world, God showed mercy upon them:

- “Arise, go to Ninevah, that great city, and cry against it; for their wickedness is come before me.” (Jonah 1:2)

In 612 BC, Chaldean and Median armies completely destroyed Ninevah, bringing the empire to an end.

The Assyrian Empire (2000-605 BC)

Page 8: God uses nations to accomplish His purpose in history. Daniel 4:17

Quick ReviewHow did the Assyrians spread their

contributions? How did God use the Assyrians? What emperor took captive the ten

northern tribes of Israel in 722 BC?What happened to the Assyrians in

612 BC?

The Assyrian Empire (2000-605 BC)

Page 9: God uses nations to accomplish His purpose in history. Daniel 4:17
Page 10: God uses nations to accomplish His purpose in history. Daniel 4:17

Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon - Babylon was one of the oldest & grandest of all the cities of the ancient world. - It been the capital of previous civilizations, but it wasn’t until the 16th century it reached the height of its glory. - During the reign of Nebuchadnezzar, the “New Babylonian” Empire reached its height.

The Chaldean Empire (625-539 BC)

Page 11: God uses nations to accomplish His purpose in history. Daniel 4:17

Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon In 605 B.C., Egypt was trying to inherit what remained of the Assyrian empire, resulting in the battle of Carchemish. Carchemish was Egypt’s last attempt for control of Middle East, Babylon defeated Egypt and Judah became a vassal of Babylon. In 605 B.C. Nabopolassar also died, and his son Nebuchadnezzar commander of the Babylonian forces returned to Babylon. On his return to Babylon, Nebuchadnezzar besieged Jerusalem took hostages and looted treasures from the Temple. Hostages secured Jerusalem’s surrender, among them were included Daniel, Shadrach, Mishach and Abednego descendants of the Royal family.

The Chaldean Empire (625-539 BC)

Page 12: God uses nations to accomplish His purpose in history. Daniel 4:17

Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon - God used Nebuchadnezzar, whom He called His “servant,” to punish other nations for their disobedience to Him. ex: In 605 BC, Nebuchadnezzar defeated the Egyptian armies under Pharaoh Necho, who tried to conquer Syria and Palestine. - DIASPORA - Remembered not only for his military accomplishments, but also for building up Babylon as “the glory of kingdoms, the beauty of Chaldees’ excellency “ (Isaiah 3:19)

The Chaldean Empire (625-539 BC)

Page 13: God uses nations to accomplish His purpose in history. Daniel 4:17

The Chaldean Empire (625-539 BC)

Astronomy - The Chaldeans continued the interest in astronomy that had been popular during the civilization and made further contributions to the field. - From the book of Daniel, we learn that the “wise men” –astrologers, magicians, and sorcerers – had an important place in the Chaldean society. - They were often called upon to advise the King.

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God’s Wrath - Belshazzar

The Chaldean Empire (625-539 BC)

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Page 16: God uses nations to accomplish His purpose in history. Daniel 4:17

The Persian king Cyrus was one of the greatest conquerors who ever lived.

As he extended his conquests into Asia Minor, he came into contact with the Lydians.

The greatest contribution made by the Lydians to the ancient world was the use of coinage as an international medium of exchange.(Prior to this time, the barter system was used.)Barter – the exchange of one commodity for

anotherThe Persians, Greeks, and Romans later adopted


The Persian Empire

Page 17: God uses nations to accomplish His purpose in history. Daniel 4:17

Cyrus the Great (reign: 559-530 BC)

Page 18: God uses nations to accomplish His purpose in history. Daniel 4:17

Cyrus was a wise and merciful conqueror. He allowed his defeated enemies some measure of self-rule, tolerated their religious beliefs, and restored captive peoples to their homeland.

Cyrus directed the Jews to return to their homeland and rebuild the Temple.

Through the Persians, God protected and provided for His chosen people.

Cyrus the Great

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The Persians developed an effective organization to rule the vast territories they had conquered.Divided into satrapiesSatrap = governor

An excellent network of roads facilitated trade and travel throughout the empire.THE ROYAL ROAD – primary road of the empire

Persian Government

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Religion of ancient Persia: ZoroastrianismZoroaster rejected polytheism

One god: Ahura MazdaSacred writings: the AvestaGood and evil are two opposing forces; if good

works outweighed evil one would be assured of eternal happiness

Persian CultureCivilization ContributionLydia CoinageSumer CuneiformPhoenicia/Greece NavyEgypt Calendar

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At one time Darius was a general in the army under Cyrus’s sons. According to Darius, just before he and the king left on an Egyptian campaign, the king killed his brother in order to prevent his seizing the throne while they were away. While they were gone, however, a man by the name of Gaumata usurped the throne. Upon returning from Egypt, the king died. Darius, believing it was his duty to save Persia from the usurper, had Gaumata killed and made himself king in his place. Darius had the story of his rise to power carved on a stone cliff in three languages. Today this work is called the Behistun Inscription.

Darius the Great

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After this story was carved in 521 BC, the cliffs below the reliefs were smoothed so that no one could climb up and deface the inscription. In the 19th century, a young British army officer, Henry Rawlinson, was able to copy and translate the inscription. His translation has enabled scholars to translate the many cuneiform tablets that have been unearthed.

Darius the Great

The Persian Empire reached its height under Darius the Great.