god bless your retirement! kris hock and vera...

VOLUME 14, ISSUE 5 MAY 2018 Kris Hock Page 2 Vera Feistel Page 3 Staff Anniversaries Page 3 Compassion Sun. Page 4 Joseph Auditions Page 4 Summer Groups Page 5 Colfax Marathon Page 5 LCEF Page 6 Organist Page 6 LifeLight Page 7 Mary Martha Page 8 Love On Seniors Page 8 LWML Page 9 Primetimers Page 9 Scholarships Page 10 May Calendar Page 11 Youth Plant Sale Page 12 God Bless Your Retirement! Kris Hock and Vera Feistel Kris Hock39 years at Bethlehem 4th Grade Teacher Vera Feistel21 years at Bethlehem School Secretary

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Kris Hock Page 2

Vera Feistel Page 3

Staff Anniversaries Page 3

Compassion Sun. Page 4

Joseph Auditions Page 4

Summer Groups Page 5

Colfax Marathon Page 5

LCEF Page 6

Organist Page 6

LifeLight Page 7

Mary Martha Page 8

Love On Seniors Page 8

LWML Page 9

Primetimers Page 9

Scholarships Page 10

May Calendar Page 11

Youth Plant Sale Page 12

God Bless Your Retirement! Kris Hock and Vera Feistel

Kris Hock—39 years at Bethlehem

4th Grade Teacher

Vera Feistel—21 years at Bethlehem

School Secretary


Congratulations Kris Hock! by Audrey Todd

“One looks back with appreciation to the brilliant teachers, but with gratitude to those who touched our human feelings. The curriculum is so much necessary raw material, but warmth is the vital element for the growing plant and for the soul of

the child.” Carl Jung

Bethlehem has been blessed with one of the best over the past 39 years. Kris Hock has felt privileged to have spent her entire teaching career at Bethlehem Lutheran School and has enjoyed her time with “an awesome God-fearing staff”. Over her career here, she has taught sixth, fifth, third, and fourth grades and has enjoyed the unique characteristics of each age group. She earned her Bachelor of Science Degree from Concordia in Seward, Nebraska, and her Master’s Degree from Colorado Christian University. Being a master teacher, Kris has shown her expertise in developing curriculum, teaching respect and responsibility, modeling Christian love and behavior, and even cutting a rug during the Pioneer Day square dancing class! Her love of teaching science has inspired many a young mind, and her hope is that one of those young scientists will someday give the name “Hokium” to an element on the periodic table, a newly discovered planet, or a brand new plant or animal species, etc.

Kris has been blessed with a wonderful family. She and husband, Cory, have been married for 39 years. Their daughter, Jessie and her husband, Lance, have given them the blessing of two “great” grandsons, Judah and Eli. The Hocks also have a son, Jared. Both Jessie and Jared attended Bethlehem and Lutheran High.

Kris is thankful to be able to participate in many outdoor activities including running 5K’s (never the same one twice, except for the Bobcat Boogie, of course), fishing, and camping. She enjoys keeping busy with wonderful Bible study and Book Club friends, exercising outside, and participating in just about anything that involves being with her family. With a recent purchase of a new camper, she and Cory plan to travel during retirement, especially to Kansas to spend time with the grandkids and to Omaha to spend time with her dad. And, don’t be surprised if you still see her in the halls at Bethlehem subbing from time to time.

Kris’s favorite Bible verse is Jeremiah 29:11 – “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

Throughout her career, she continually encouraged her students to be the best they could be and to pray about what God’s plan would hold for each of their lives.

Kris, your smile and obvious love for our Lord and the education of His children have given many students the desire to learn and grow in His name. Thank you for your many years of service. May your new beginning be filled with happy memories of the years you spent contributing to the success of the students of Bethlehem Lutheran School. May God continue to bless each step of your journey forward. For He knows the plans He has for you, and they are still many and great! We love you, Kris!



Staff Landmark Anniversaries in 2018 On May 20 we will celebrate five staff landmark anniversaries at Bethlehem this year, in addition to the two retirements. Please join us after each service in the Commons for a cake reception in their honor.

A special reception for Vera will be held 9-10am in the Commons, and Kris Hock’s retirement reception will begin at 11:30am, followed by the annual Arts in the Afternoon. Both ladies will be available in the Commons throughout the morning.

Linda Roybal

20 years

Jr. High Teacher

Annette Gallmeyer

15 years

School Secretary

Marlene Hilbrecht

10 years

ELC Teacher

Robbin Skraznas

10 years

3rd Grade Teacher

Tim Wendelin

5 years


Congratulations Vera Feistel! After twenty-one years of service in the school office, Vera Feistel is retiring at the end of the 2017-2018 school year. Vera was confirmed and graduated from BLS in 1966. She and her husband Les (deceased) were the first official couple married in the then new (current) sanctuary in December of 1970 by Pastor Zehnder. She started volunteering at BLS when her son Lester started Kindergarten in 1983. She graded papers, helped in her children’s classrooms, created bulletin boards, made scenery, costumes and helped with whatever was needed. In 1997, Vera was hired by then Principal Pete Woodward to work in the school office. Since then, Vera has worn many “hats” at Bethlehem! She is always willing to help students, faculty and staff in a variety of ways. Besides creating beautiful display cases and bulletin boards, supporting fundraiser needs, sending office correspondence, organizing class enrollment, schedules and lists, maintaining requirements for the USDA lunch program and

audits, updating/coordinating TeacherEase and serves in many other ways as well. Anyone who needed anything could always go to and count on Vera. Vera has seven children and they all graduated from Bethlehem. She has six grandchildren. Vera looks forward to traveling, working on her home and enjoying time with family.

Thank you for your listening ear, positive support, faithfulness, dedication and the love you showed to everyone. You will be missed! “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him so that you may overflow with the hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” Romans 15:13


Auditions for Joseph by Pastor David Langewisch

Bethlehem is continuing its tradition of fun, energetic musicals as we bring “Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat” to the stage in November of 2018.

Auditions are open to anyone ages 12 & up and will be held Sunday, May 20 from 1:00 – 3:30 pm and Sunday, May 27 from 1:00 – 3:30 pm. There will be an initial rehearsal Sunday, June 10 to assemble the cast and distribute music and learning CDs. The cast will break for the summer as it spends time learning the 120 pages of music.

Regular Sunday rehearsals will start August 26 (except for Labor Day) from 12:30 – 3:30 pm. A preview performance will be Wednesday, November 7 with regular shows opening Friday, November 9 at 7:30 pm and continuing Saturday, November 10, at 3:00 pm and 7:30 pm, and closing Sunday, November 11 at 3 pm. Contact Pastor David Langewisch for more details.

Bethlehem is once again participating in Compassion Sunday on May 6 in the Commons. This is a national event that helps us grow in our understanding of God’s very special love for the poor. It’s also an opportunity for each of us to intervene in the life of at least one child in poverty.

Sponsoring a child through Compassion Int’l provides educational, social and health benefits through a local church in the community where the child lives. Your sponsored child will also learn the love of Jesus.

You have the power to change the story for a child living in poverty and help a child feel loved, valued and cared for. Help break the cycle of poverty and give a

child hope for a future. It can begin with you.

Visit Bob & Barb Jones at the Compassion Table in the Commons on Sunday, May 6, to learn how you can make a difference.

Compassion Sunday — May 6, 2018



Summer LifeGroups

New Discovery Groups are coming soon! Registration for groups that meet on Sunday or during the week will be open on May 1 at the Communication Station on Sundays and on the website. New groups will start in late May or early June.

Come and receive encouragement and study for Moms of kids of all ages. Monday evenings at 6:30pm, meets two times a month.

Are you dealing with depression, anger, co-dependency, fear of rejection or abandon-ment, perfectionism, the need to control, broken relationships, abuse, or addiction or dependency on alcohol, drugs, gambling or pornography? Come and experience God’s healing power in our lives. Sundays at 10:30am.

If you are experiencing the challenges and pain of separation or divorce, join with others to explore help and healing during this difficult time. Mondays at 6:30pm in the Conference Room.

A summer study of this book of good news that is often misunderstood.. Sundays at 10:30am.

Jobs for Life prepares individuals for meaningful work. Starts May 20 and meets on Sundays for 17 weeks from 10:30-1:30pm. Lunch included.


Colfax and Wadsworth will be closed on Sunday, May 20 from 6am-10am for the Colfax Marathon. Wadsworth will also close southbound at 26th Avenue unless you have a pink permit to access the church (which you can pick up beginning May 13). Please plan accordingly to attend church that morning.


Your LCEF Investments are Helping Bethlehem by Dale Wagner

Through LCEF’s Shared Blessings Rebate Program, Bethlehem has received a significant rebate on its loan. These funds were given to Bethlehem because of our members who are LCEF investors. Thank you!

Members of all ages are able to become LCEF investors and help grow the rebate. For children, LCEF offers the Young Investors (Y.I.) Club. Y.I. Club members earn 3.5% (April 2018) on their StewardAccount. School-aged children can have extra credit up to $25 per year added for good grades and up to $25 added for mission projects or community service.

For more information about the Y.I. Club and any other LCEF investments, including current favorable interest rates, please contact Kim Musselman or Dale Wagner, or visit lcef.org.


A Home-Grown Organist by Pastor David Langewisch

Less than a year ago Bethlehem was looking for an organist after the retirement of our faithful and long-tenured organist, DeLoy Goeglein. Little did we know the search would lead us to a gifted musician within the ranks of our own congregation.

Peter Lorenzen has been a part of our faith community for his entire life. His interest in music came early in life and gradually his gifts were used in our ministry; from accompanying our adult choir, to directing the handbell choir, to playing in two of our contemporary worship teams, to now serving as the Worship Arts Assistant, directing Gloria Deo and All God’s Ringers, and surprise - sitting at the organ bench every Sunday.

Previously, Peter had only had a year of organ instruction. You would never know from hearing him play. His gifted-ness and musical skills saturate our Sunday morning worship. We are blessed by this “home-grown” organist.


Fully Alive

Bethlehem Lutheran Church & School

2100 N. Wadsworth Blvd. Lakewood, CO 80214

Church office: 303-238-7676 School office: 303-233-0401

Visit us online at

www.bethlehemdenver.com E-mail Bethlehem@

BethlehemDenver.com KLTT 670 Radio Broadcast

11:00 AM Sundays

David J. Langewisch, Pastor

Drew Ross, Pastor

Tim Wendelin, Pastor

Nicholas Gonzalez, Vicar (Student Pastor)

Nathan Richter , Principal

Sandy Wendelin, Director of Discipleship

Scott Bubke, Director of Operat ions

Doug Butte, IT Director

Becky Chaplin, Director, Ministry to Chi ldren

Tony Creeden, Marketing/Communications

Lauren Dowds, ELC Director

Dave King, Director, Worship Arts

Fully Alive is published monthly for the members and friends of Bethlehem Lutheran. It focuses on news within the congregation and activities in the church each month. Articles may be submitted to the church office by the 15th of each month for the next month’s issue.

e-mail to: [email protected]


A Faith Like Job`s by Sherri Wells

In Lifelight we have been studying the book of Job. The Bible tells us that Job was a faithful servant of God, a rich and happy man. At one time, God allows Satan to test Job to see if he will remain faithful despite misfortune. Job loses his possessions and his children; and then, Satan attacks his body by covering it from head to toe with severe sores. As you can imagine, Job became very depressed and he cursed the day he was born. But throughout his torment, he never lost his faith in God. Job didn’t understand why all of this was happening to him, but knowing that all he had was a gift from God, he believed God had a right to take it all away.

Job had three pious “friends” who told him that he must have done something to deserve what he was getting! Ouch, some friends! They spoke highly about God to Job and how Job should turn to Him and repent. I find it interesting that Job’s friends never once offered to pray with him. However, throughout the book of Job, he himself spoke to God fifty-eight times! His loyalty to God remained unshaken despite his grievous trials. Yes, he cried out to God and questioned Him, because he didn’t understand, but he never sinned by blaming God for his misfortune, he continued to praise Him. Oh, to have a faith like Job’s!!!

Psalm 23:4 says “I will fear no evil, for thou art with me.” Job surely believed that with his whole being. Always, no matter what our circumstances are, we have the assurance of “Immanuel”, which means “God with us.” Job never thought his story would be told, but it was. God worked through Job to change us. Like Job, we cry out to God to do something for us, but God prefers to work within and alongside us.

One of my devotional books suggests that when we are going through trials, we pray to God using adjectives to praise Him from A to Z. For example: “You are the Almighty God”; you are a Benevolent God; you are a Caring God; and so on. By the time you have found 26 adjectives to describe God, your fears will vanish and your focus will be changed.

Job only had the knowledge of a promised Messiah. We have proof that God fulfilled His promise in His Son, Jesus. Job inspires me to remain faithful, no matter what. In the end, God blesses Job once again. I am confident that God will bless me too, and every day I pray for a faith like Job’s!


Mary Martha Bake Sale on May 6 by Diana Crisler

Pastor Ross opened our April meeting with a devotion on 1 Corinthians 10. We discussed stories of Jesus, false teachers and sharing the gospel within our circle of influence.

Our bake sale this Spring is on May 6th and the

monies collected will purchase items needed in the vicarage. Please come and support our mission.

Our members put together and donated items for Operation Shoebox which are sent to service men and women on duty in the Middle East. We filled approximately 40 boxes and Cheryl Baumgartner sent them off.

At our May meeting we will install our new officers for the 2018-2019 year. The President is Marva Tonniges; 1

st Vice President is Sharon

Venn; 2nd

Vice President is Margaret Wahl; Secretary is Lynne Robbins and Treasurer is Sandi Storm. We invite all ladies to come to this brunch and installation of officers at 9am in the Commons.


Bethlehem Loves On Our Seniors by Pastor David Langewisch

While there has been a lot of talk about the 4/14 window and our need to reach out to children between these ages, Bethlehem has also invested in an important group of people at the other end of the spectrum – our seniors.

Based on the ministry plan the Voters approved in February, Pastor Tim Wendelin has been able to increase his hours significantly in serving our senior population. Pastor Wendelin can often be seen on Thursdays, working on behalf of our seniors at his work station. Other times he is out making visits to those in the hospital or shut in. He is directly responsible for our older adult ministry, including PrimeTimers.

He also gives leadership and support to our Stephen Ministry, an important care ministry for

those of all ages. Bethlehem believes our older members are an invaluable asset to our ministry, and giving focused pastoral care to this segment of our population is our way of LOVING ON our senior saints.


LWML Busy in April by Jean Waltman

LWML met on April 14th. Pastor Langewisch led

us in a thought-provoking Bible study he wrote entitled “Digging Out From Discouragement.” Cases of discouragement were cited from the Bi-ble, with examples from Exodus 6: the Israelite slaves in Egypt; 1 Kings: Elijah and Psalm 73—Asaph. Bible verses were all cited to lead us from discouragement to healing.

On April 27 Bethlehem hosted the North Central Zone prayer service and servant event. The prayer service was led by Pastor Tim Lindeman, the pastoral counselor for the Zone. The servant event project was to assemble baby layette kits to take to the District convention in Boulder this June. Over 60 layette kits were assembled. Thanks again to all for

your donations!

On April 28 we joined the students at the Lutheran chapel on the CU Boulder campus for worship. We provided them with a meal, serving them a walking taco dinner. Vicar Gonzalez joined us on this campus ministry outing.

Members donated over $100 to purchase items for the “shoe box project” which the Mary Martha Society put together for the military service men and women.

Some of the mission projects adopted for the year included $250 to Compassion International to purchase a goat for a family and a “Mind, Body & Soul” bundle which will provide a water filter, food, school supplies and Bibles to a family in need.

We donated $500 to support the Jamaican mission team and youth from Bethlehem for their mission trip this summer.

Thanks to all who purchased items from our craft fair last fall as the money raised from it will benefit

these and other mission projects!

Remember to continue to collect your “mites” (monies) and deposit them in the big mite box which is at the Communication

Station in the Commons every Sunday. These mites go to support mission grants in the Rocky Mountain District as well as national and international mission grants. The Table, here at Bethlehem, is one of these grant


The next meeting will be held Saturday, May 12th

at 10am in the Commons. Pastor Tim Wendelin will lead us in Bible study, followed by installation of the new LWML officers. We will conclude with a salad brunch. All women of Bethlehem are invited to attend!


Primetimers May Schedule by Ralph/Georgia Phillips

Tuesday, May 1 — Bible study at 10am in the Chapel.

Tuesday, May 15 — Bible study at 10am in the Chapel.

Tuesday, May 15 — Out-to-lunch bunch heads to Thai Green in the Applewood Shopping Cen-ter after Bible study.

Monday, May 21 — Bunco at 1pm in the Com-mons. Bring a snack to share.

No barbecue this June.

Bunco dates for the summer at 1pm in the Commons:

Monday, June 25

Monday, July 23

Monday, August 27

Blessings on your summer!


Ryan Brady Lana McClanahan

Rowynn Laipply

Grace Wahlers

Sam Landgraf Cassie Miller

Scholarship Grant Recipients for Christian School Attendees by Dale Wagner

Bethlehem Lutheran School (“BLS”) and Faith Christian Academy High School have been blessed with an anonymous Bethlehem member donation of $4,000 to be awarded on the basis of individual student’s academic achievement. What a blessing!

Congratulations to recipients Ryan Brady, Lana McClanahan, Rowynn Laipply, Grace Wahlers, Cassie

Miller and Sam Landgraf.

One $500 tuition grant was awarded to Ryan Brady, son of Carrie and Joe Brady, and one $500 grant was awarded to Lana McClanahan, daughter of Shannon McClanahan, both of whom are Bethlehem members, are currently 6


graders at BLS, are enrolled for the 7th grade at BLS, and

who had the highest GPA for their 6th grade year.

One $500 tuition grant was awarded to Rowynn Laipply, daughter of Courtney Beorn and Josh Laipply, and one $500 grant was awarded to Grace Wahlers, daughter of Beth and Pete Wahlers, both of whom are Bethlehem members, are currently 7

th graders at BLS, are enrolled for

the 8th grade at BLS, and who had the highest GPA for

their 6th and 7

th grade years.

One $1,000 tuition grant was awarded to Cassie Miller, daughter of Pam and Troy Miller, a Bethlehem member, who is a current 8

th grader at BLS, is enrolled for the 9


grade at Faith Christian Academy High School, and who had the highest GPA for her 6

th, 7

th and 8

th grade years.

One $1,000 tuition grant was awarded to Sam Landgraf, son of Amy and Dan Landgraf, a Bethlehem member, who is a current 10

th grader at Faith Christian Academy High

School, is enrolled for 11th grade at Faith Christian

Academy High School, and who had the highest GPA for his high school years.

Bethlehem Lutheran Church and School has been providing scholarships for over 30 years to members wishing to obtain a Christian education by attending BLS, Lutheran High School-Parker, Faith Christian Academy High School or a Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod (LCMS) college or seminary. Questions? Call Terry/Karen Donze at 303.420.7868; Walter/Karen Eggers at 303.431.4490; Dale/Marty Wagner at 303.972.9431; or Sandy Wendelin at 303.238.7676.


Non-Profit Org.