goal: january preview of praxis iii entry year teachers will understand the process and procedures...

GOAL: JANUARY PREVIEW OF PRAXIS III Entry Year Teachers will understand the process and procedures for the PRAXIS III Assessment. Entry Year Teachers will set goals using the Domain Sheets in the back of your Handout. Mentors will know how to implement the full observation using the PRAXIS III Assessment forms and format.

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Entry Year Teachers will understand the process and procedures for the PRAXIS III Assessment.

Entry Year Teachers will set goals using the Domain Sheets in the back of your Handout.

Mentors will know how to implement the full observation using the PRAXIS III Assessment forms and format.

A Common Senses Approach A Common Senses Approach to A Teaching Licenseto A Teaching License

by Wannetta Hartman ©2004by Wannetta Hartman ©2004

[email protected][email protected]

Entry Year Evaluation NotesEntry Year Evaluation Notes


Table of ContentsIntroduction to booklet i

The Assessor is Coming! 3

Domain A-Planning (A1-A5 description) 4

Little Snapshots to Crate the Big Picture 5

The Pre-observation Interview (Domain A activity) 6

•Samples of class profile, instructional profile,

pre-observation interview

Using your Common Senses as Evidence… 8

Fitting it together…What do I do? 9

Entry Year Teacher Sample Lesson (Domain Band C) 10

Activity for Domain B and C 11

Scripting form for Domains B and C 12

Domain B…Environment..FREBES 13

Domain C…What should EYE C? 14

The C Domain/ Teaching for Leaning Sounds Like… 15

Where Does the Evidence Fit? 16

Post-Observation Interview…Reflection/Efficacy 17

Post-Observation Domain D.. Supporting Cast 18


The Assessor is ComingProcess and Procedures

• Receive packets from region coordinator

– Name, address, import. Info

• Call E Y T to set up observation– Date, time, place

– Ask to share dates and times with principal and mentor

– Complete form to send to E Y T

– Remind to have physical evidence for D3,4

– Notify coordinator by email

• Send information to E Y T

• Arrive at school 20-30 min. early – Checks in at the office

– Review Class Profile (CP) and Instructional Profile(IP)

• Pre-Observation Interview (45 min)

• Observation (45 minutes)– Domain B and C scripting

– What do I see, What do I hear?

• Post-observation Interview– 45 min. Domain D-Reflection

• Complete Observation confirmation

– Have E Y T sign form

• Leaves without comment– “Thank you for your time”

– Does not take physical evidence, does take CP and IP.

• Receive packet from coordinator– Name, address about assessor

• Receives call from assessor– Set up date, time, place

– Best class, best time, best location

• Share information with principal and mentor

• Begin preparing lesson– Set date of practice observation

with mentor(required) and E Y T program coordinator (optional)

• Place CP/IP in office for assessor night before or day of assessment

• Practice, PRAXIS, Practice

• Do not read from notes/ Interview

• Teach planned lesson – Pay attention to what say and do

• For Post-observation interview, have someone cover your class or select a full planning period

• Reflect on lesson (D 1-4)– Remember at least 2 students and

2 new things to try for them

– Who are resources?

– Who do I collaborate with? (colleagues) specific examples

– How can parents help me?How do I communicate with parents?) specific examples

– Show physical evidence for D3 and D4

• Sign Observation Confirmation

Assessor Entry Year Teacher

Step 1:Step 1:

Class ProfileClass Profile

Instructional ProfileInstructional Profile

Pre-Observation InterviewPre-Observation Interview

(45 Minutes)(45 Minutes)


A1: Becoming familiar with relevant aspects of students’ background knowledge and experiences

A2: Articulating clear learning goals for the lesson that are appropriate to the students

A3: Demonstrating an understanding of the connections between the content that was learned previously, the current content, and the content that remains to be learned in the future.

A4: Creating or selecting teaching methods, learning activities and instructional materials or other resources that are appropriate to the students and that re aligned with the goals of the lesson

A5: Creating or selecting evaluation strategies that are appropriate for the students and that are aligned with the goals of the lesson

Domain A- PlanningDomain A- Planning

Evidenced found in:

Class Profile/ Instructional ProfileClass Profile/ Instructional Profile

Also expanded upon in:

Pre-observation InterviewPre-observation Interview


Domain A- Little SnapshotsDomain A- Little Snapshots

To Create The Big PictureTo Create The Big Picture

A-1 Know Your Students’ Background A-1 Know Your Students’ Background Knowledge and ExperiencesKnowledge and Experiences

Class ProfileClass Profile contains this information.

Pre-Observation InterviewPre-Observation Interview

Explains WhyWhy it is important to know about your students’ backgrounds.

A 2-5 The Lesson PlanA 2-5 The Lesson Plan

Instructional Profile Instructional Profile lays out the plan for the lesson.

Pre-Observation InterviewPre-Observation Interview

Explains WhyWhy you chose these goals; methods, activities, materials; How it relates to the subject as a whole and why you chose

this form of assessment.


Class Profile Preview:Class Profile Preview:

Complete Class Profile Questions 1-13.(skip 14 for now)

Which question was the hardest to answer? Easiest?

Look at sample Class Profile. Discuss interesting information that might strike you if you were assessing this person.

How useful is the information in #11, 12, 13??

Why would I need to know this as an assessor? Why would I want a seating chart or a sketch of the room?

Getting Ready for the Pre-observation InterviewGetting Ready for the Pre-observation Interview

Reference: Orientation Book (scoring rubric for Domain A)Reference: Orientation Book (scoring rubric for Domain A)

Instructional Profile Preview: aka…Lesson PlansInstructional Profile Preview: aka…Lesson Plans

Look over the questions for the instructional profile.

Note Note that most of the questions begin with what and how. The instructional profile is another name for the lesson plans that you use to share with your administrators. It includes plans for setting goals, presenting the material, connecting it to other lessons and evaluating the results to see that the students learned what you were teaching.

Read through the example of the instructional plan for the class. With your mentor, discuss the responses that were given. What would you score this person on A2-5 (before the pre-observation interview?) (Look at page 4 to see the criteria descriptions.)

Pre-observation interview form. Pre-observation interview form. Look at the sample of the pre-observation interview form. Underline or highlight the question word that appears in each of the questions.(i.e. Who, what, where, when, why and how)Which word appears most often?

What do you think is the purpose of the pre-observation interview?

Read through the examples of the responses by the teacher. How did she do? How do you know? (Scoring rubrics for A domain are located in orientation guide pages 15,17,19,21,23.)

Step 2:Step 2:


(45 Minutes)(45 Minutes)


What is to B is What I C….What is to B is What I C….

Using Your Common Senses as Using Your Common Senses as Evidence in the B and C DomainsEvidence in the B and C Domains


What do I hearhear?

What do I seesee?

Entry Year Teacher:Entry Year Teacher:

What do I saysay?

What do I dodo?


Domain BDomain B

Domain CDomain C

B-1 Fairness

B 2- RapportB 3- Expectations

B 4- Behavior

B5- Environment/Safe

C1-Articulate goals

C2- Comprehension

C3- Extend thinking


C5- Use tim

e wisely

Fitting it all together…What do I do?Fitting it all together…What do I do?

B DomainB Domain


C DomainC Domain

Teaching for LearningTeaching for Learning

Entry Year Teacher:Entry Year Teacher: What do I say? What do I do?

Example Lesson

Teacher greets students at the door.

“Good morning, Joey. How was that soccer game, Saturday?”

“Today we are going to learn about the water cycle.”

The goal is written on the board and on an overhead.

“The prompt is written on the board as usual. I have a chart that has been up for a week and you can write down what you learned from the video that I showed yesterday. You may also look at the terrarium in the window to help refresh your memories “

“When you finish what you know and remember, please write why you think the water cycle is important to you.” Teacher instructed students to write why they think the water cycle is important.“When you finish, we will share what we wrote .Everyone must have something written. Are there any questions? You may begin to write and continue for at least 5 minutes.” Teacher instructed students to write for 5 minutes. She asked if there were any questions about the assignment.

“I’ll walk around to answer any question, after I take attendance.” Teacher walked around the room after she took the attendance. Students wrote while teacher took attendance.

“Johnny, put a marble in the jar on my desk. Everyone is on task and writing.” Johnny put marble in the jar because everyone was on task and writing.

Teacher walks over to Marsha and quietly says, “Would you like to come up front where you can see better?” Teacher moved Marsha to front of room so she could see better.

Teacher walks to table 1,” Good job. Thank you Erin for beginning right away”. To table 2. “Your table is doing a great job.” Teacher continues to walk to each table and provide feedback.

Teacher sets timer. Timer goes off. Students lay down pencils and look at teacher. “I will pull a name from my card pile. That person will read from his/her paper.” Teacher pulls Mark’s name from the cards with students names on them. Mark reads.At the end of the class period the teacher had students tell what they learned.

“Today you will continue to work in cooperative groups on your water cycle projects. You know your roles in your groups. Are there any questions before we begin?”

Students begin working in groups of 4 on projects. 4 students are at the computers looking up information on the internet. 2 tables are looking at books and discussing information. One group has poster board and markers and are taking turns drawing the water cycle stages.Teacher walks around room stopping at each table to give suggestions and feedback and to answer questions.

20 minutes later.: “Now Class, lets regroup and share what we learned today.”



Activity for Domain B and C:Activity for Domain B and C:

(Using page 7: Example Lesson)(Using page 7: Example Lesson)

The Assessor: “What do I hear? What do I see?”

Group 1:Group 1: On your scripting form (page 12), write evidence for each criteria for what you hear the teacher saying.

Group 2:Group 2: On your scripting form(page 12), write evidence for each criteria for what you see the teacher do.

Points of discussion:

• Did you have evidence for each criteria?

• Can some evidence be used in more than one place?

• How did you decide where to put the evidence?

• Can you think of your classroom/classes and use any of these teaching strategies for your lessons?

• How successful would you be if you did?


Scripting Form for Domains B and C Scripting Form for Domains B and C

B-1 Fairness:

B-2 Rapport

B-3 Expectations

B-4 Behavior

B-5 Physical Environment

C-1 Goals/Procedures

C-2 Content Comprehensible

C-3 Extended thinking

C-4 Monitoring, feedback, adjustments

C-5 Instructional Time (pacing)



Domain B Consists of Domain B Consists of FREBESFREBES

Success at no cost! If its to B... Success at no cost! If its to B...

Let it B Free!!!Let it B Free!!!B1. Fairness: Have a method of treating students fairly. You must demonstrate this. Calling on boys and girls equally shows equity in your classroom. Tell them you are doing it!! Teach them to be fair. Be consistent in treatment of students. Use phrases like “take turns, share, be fair. Evidence: Popsicle sticks, cards with names for each class, boys then girls choose who will go next, routine in place for this.

B2. Rapport: Two important things to remember: Smile and make eye contact. Exchange stories to get to know your students. Listen to their stories as they enter. (Do Not ignore your students when they enter…Best chance to show me and them that you really care about who they are as well as what they know.)

B3. Expectations: Cheer your students on! Don’t make the lesson too easy or boring so that they will succeed. They want challenges. Make it challenging. Tell them you know they can do it! Then don’t give up and move on when they try or don’t try. Wait for them. Give them proper wait time.

B4. Behavior: Rules are posted.Procedures are in place. Charts are on the wall. Incentives are obvious. Discipline is understood and followed through consistency for both punishment and rewards. Remember Smile and look them in the eyes. Evidence reads: No behavior problems exist.

B-5. Environment/ Safe and conducive to learning: Students’ work posted that relates to lesson. Examples of lesson and concepts displayed or out for all to see. No barriers for handicapped students. No cords or dangers for students. Students with glasses sit close to board. Visuals to help with lesson. Uses space to enhance lesson.


The C Domain/ Teaching for LearningThe C Domain/ Teaching for Learning

What should E Y E see?

C1. Articulate the Goals.C1. Articulate the Goals. Show and say the goals not the instructions…(That’s C2.) What do you want them to learn? Could have an overhead with goals and read it to them from the board as well. Saying it=articulation. Must say it.Only one way to get the evidence. Better if explicit as opposed to implicit.

C2. Comprehension:C2. Comprehension: How do you get students to understand what you are teaching? Make sure you include at least two learning styles when you present the lesson or instructions. (visual, concrete examples, verbal, kinesthetic, interactive (social), inquiry, etc.)

•Make sure instructions are clear, break them down, write them down, give students copies of handouts

•Make sure students are not visibly confused. Assessors write what they see.

C3. Extend the LessonC3. Extend the Lesson: Include one or two of these higher order thinking experiences. Ask Why, How do you know or What if... during discussion. Have students compare/contrast ideas. Have students determine cause and effect within the lesson.

C-4 Monitor/Feedback:C-4 Monitor/Feedback: Go out into the room to make sure they understand. Close proximity deters unacceptable behavior as well. Give students feedback on how they are doing. If they don’t understand concepts or instructions… don’t wait until tomorrow to correct the problem. The assessor won’t be back and the time for adjustment will have passed for the students to learn the concept or instructions. Use “teachable moments” when they occur, (assessor or no assessor.) You can explain the change during your post-observation interview. That’s what good teachers do!

C-5-Use Instructional time wisely:C-5-Use Instructional time wisely: Make sure you have a good beginning (whole class instruction;short time), middle (small group, individual practice... working together or independently on the concept) and end (come back as whole group) “Tell me what you learned.” This conclusion can be oral or in writing. Pacing and dealing with non-instructional activities and interruptions effectively is evident.


The C Domain/ Teaching for LearningThe C Domain/ Teaching for LearningSounds Like...Sounds Like...

C1-C1- “Today we will…”

C2- C2- “This is how and what we will do…”

C3C3- “Think outside the box..”

“What if..How do you know?




C4- C4- “Show me that you understand/listened/

Stayed on task/ Way to go!”

C5- C5- “We used our time wisely. You have

done it all!”


_____ “Today we are going to explore the idea of gravity.”

_____ “What if those were a different material? What would happen then?”

_____ “Carlos, come up front so you can see better.”

_____ “Great job, tell me more.”

_____ I think it was a great lesson.

_____ “Bobby, you need to place your name on the board. The next time it will be a check mark.”

_____The teacher was smart to choose Brandy.

_____ “How is your little brother feeling today, Maria?”

_____ “Did you win your game, yesterday Felix?”

_____ “I want to choose a girl this time. I chose a boy last.”

_____ “Why do you think that?”

_____ “The person who is the paper passer will come to my desk for the handouts and place one on each table.”

_____ “I have an idea, let’s try that experiment right now. Put away your text books and get out your calculators.”

_____ “How does that compare to yesterday’s total?”

_____ “Lets all come back together and talk about what we learned today.”

Where Does the Evidence Fit?Where Does the Evidence Fit?(Use pages 10, 14, 15,16, )(Use pages 10, 14, 15,16, )

Step 3:Step 3:

Post-Observation Interview Post-Observation Interview (45 Minutes)(45 Minutes)


Domain DDomain D


Post-Observation InterviewPost-Observation Interview

D-1 Reflection: Teacher:D-1 Reflection: Teacher:

1.Did students learn goals? Make sure to address all goals listed on the instructional profile

2.Were the Methods, Activities an Material effective? How do you know?

3.What would do differently? Be specific. Why?

What would do the same? Use specific examples. Why?

4.What will you do for your next lesson?

D-2 Efficacy: StudentsD-2 Efficacy: Students

5. Choose students Doing Well. How did student do? Why? What will do for him/her in future?

6. Choose students Having problems. How did student do? Why? What will do for him/her in future?


Domain DDomain D

Supporting CastSupporting Cast

Post-Observation InterviewPost-Observation Interview

D-3 Collaboration with ColleaguesD-3 Collaboration with Colleagues

8. Give specific example of when sought advise

• for skills

• meet particular student’s needs


What advice?

Show or explain evidence. (*1 piece of physical evidence.)

9. Coordinate learning Activities

Why? How? (Give specific example. How planned? How structured?

D-4 Communication with Parent/GuardianD-4 Communication with Parent/Guardian

10. Forms of communication (support with evidence -*2 pieces of physical evidence)

When was it necessary- Describe situation or when you would communicate about specific students

**Evidence does not leave the room.

**Please pass in the sample pre-observation, instructional profile and class profile and post-observation..