go deep - the gospel vulgar2

 May 2, 2009 vul #@!$%& the gospel ´expleti vfilth f larn f larn filth  SEVEN WORDS YOU CANT  SAY ON TV bleep

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May 2, 2009





filth f larn f larn filth




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g p


May 2, 2009

Language in Concept(f or matur e audiences only)

Judgment in Concept

The History Vulgar 

The Bible Vulgar 

The Gospel Vulgar 

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May 2, 2009

Language in Concept

Judgment in Concept

The History Vulgar 

The Bible Vulgar The Gospel Vulgar 

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May 2, 2009

What is a ³letter ́?

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May 2, 2009

 A ³letter ́ is a symbol(compr ised of  both audible and

visible cues)

that r epr esents 

something else that has meaning tous.Visual Audible

 A The sound

H The sound

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May 2, 2009

Put your hand

on your upper throat andsay the f ollowing letter pair s






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May 2, 2009

The Toyota Motor Company was named after the f ounder, Kiichiro Toyoda. Management held a

competition to design a new logo (what¶s alogo«?!), and through that process decided in1937 to change the company name to Toyota f or a few r easons, including that the ³t´, as a

³voiceless consonant´ had a clear er sound thanthe mor e ³muddy, murky´ sound of  the ³voicedconsonant µd¶´.

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May 2, 2009

a B

³symbol r epr esents 

something else´This r epr esents that.

The meaning is in that, not this.

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a BX

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May 2, 2009

We arrange letter s to f orm words.

We arrange words to f orm sentences.

We arrange sentences to f orm paragraphs,

ar ticles, paper s, sermons, books, scr ipts,

pr escr iptions, event tickets, speeding tickets,

r eceipts, r epor t cards, contracts, pink slips«

 All arrangements of  symbols r epr esenting ideas.

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May 2, 2009

Symbol Meaning




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May 2, 2009

Symbol Meaning

excr ement








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May 2, 2009

Symbol Meaning

make love

sexual intercour se


r elations

hit it


(³f u«´)

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May 2, 2009

I¶m feeling under the weather .

I¶m sick as a dog.

I feel like #%@$.

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May 2, 2009

Bahamian fellows at school

would say "mother f r eeze"... 

Does the symbol change the meaning?

The words (a, symbols) ar e on the outside,

the intent (B, meaning) is on the inside.

Isn¶t it what¶s on the inside that counts?

How have we become so focused, obsessed,

distracted by what¶s on the outside?

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May 2, 2009

Language in Concept

Judgment in Concept

The History Vulgar 

The Bible Vulgar The Gospel Vulgar 

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May 2, 2009

Deuteronomy 14:21

 ±other s can eat unclean

 ±you can¶t, because you ar e my people

2 Samuel 6 ±Philistines touch up the ark

 ±Uzzah touches the ark and is killed

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May 2, 2009

Matthew 5:27-28, "Ye have heard that it was saidby them of old time, Thou shalt not commit 

adultery: But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath 

committed adultery with her alr eady in his hear t."

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Matthew 5:27-28, "Ye have heard that it was saidby them of old time, Thou shalt not commit adultery (a, perceivable outward symbol): But I

say unto you, That whosoever looketh on awoman to lust (b, internal intention, meaning)

after her hath committed adultery with her alr eady

in his hear t."

The intention is not hidden f rom God, no matter 

what the symbol. J udgment sits on the meaning .

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May 2, 2009

Matthew 23:27-28, "Woe unto you, scr ibes and

Phar isees, hypocr ites! f or ye ar e like unto whited

sepulchr es, which indeed appear beautif uloutward, but ar e within f ull of dead men's bones,

and of all uncleanness. Even so ye also

outwardly appear r ighteous unto men, but withinye ar e f ull of  hypocr isy and iniquity."

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May 2, 2009

Consider calling someone a name. I call him an idiot, you call

him an ass. Am I better than you? Ar e you mor e of a sinner 

than I am? 

What differ ence does it make what either of us call him (the outside) if  both of us ar e intent (on the inside) on hur ting his 

feelings? Man looks on the outward appearance, God looks 

at the hear t. The hear t of  the matter is, language is less 

impor tant than the intent. I'm suggesting that banging your shin in the middle of  the night and saying "@#$%&" out tothe darkness is less sinf ul than telling someone "you'r e so

stupid" with harmf ul intent.

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May 2, 2009

Language in Concept

Judgment in Concept

The History Vulgar 

The Bible Vulgar The Gospel Vulgar 

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May 2, 2009

Language in Concept

Judgment in Concept

The History Vulgar 

The Bible Vulgar The Gospel Vulgar 

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May 2, 2009

Language in Concept

Judgment in Concept

The History Vulgar 

The Bible Vulgar The Gospel Vulgar 


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May 2, 2009

-theology of "condescension" to the most "common", Jesus 

was born in a manger (not in a palace), gr ew up in Nazar eth,

spoke Aramaic (not Gr eek, not Roman, not Hebr ew, not 

 Arabic)...³ate with sinner s", "didn't wash hands r ight", "r idingon a donkey"...par t of why he was not accepted by the 

r ighteous pious leader s of  the synagogue, he was too

common, too vulgar .

-The incarnation of God in the per son of Jesus, f or the pur pose of  executing this par t of  the plan of  salvation, the 

gospel, is embodied in the concept of condescension, the

expression of the vulgar  ± this is the ³good news´!


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Luke 5:27-33, "And after these things he went f or th, and saw a publican, named Levi, sitting at the r eceipt of custom: and he said unto him,

Follow me. And he left all, rose up, and f ollowedhim. And Levi made him a gr eat feast in his ownhouse: and ther e was a gr eat company of  publicans and of other s that sat down with them. 

But their scr ibes and Phar isees murmur edagainst his disciples, saying, Why do ye eat anddr ink with publicans and sinner s? And Jesus answer ing said unto them, They that ar e whole need not a physician; but they that ar e sick. Icame not to call the righteous but sinners to