gnt meet_2003

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  • 7/29/2019 GNT Meet_2003


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  • 7/29/2019 GNT Meet_2003


    Dear Rail Engineers!

    Let us put a few questions and answer ourselves sincerely. No hypocrisy.

    1. What made all of us to gather here on this auspicious day?

    2. What harm is done to Rail Engineers economically and socially?

    3. What is the solution to get rid of this suppression?

    4. Is it required to form an Engineers Association at this juncture and at

    our South Central Railway Level?

    5. How SCREA can resolve issues to be dealt at Rly.Bd & Rly.Ministry?

    6. Hitherto organizations such as DEAR, EAIR, TEAR etc., were formed

    but could not help much to Rail Engineers and what happened to those


    7. What are SCREAs structure and its activities?

  • 7/29/2019 GNT Meet_2003


    Need of this Gathering:

    To have a glance on the journey in our profession as a

    Rail Engineer and to confer the difficulties that we are

    facing socially, financially, physically and

    psychologically. After this small meeting, we would like

    to enlighten the feelings of all Engineers of South

    Central Railway to the Railway Board and Ministry of

    Railways through our Heads of Departments for

    justified treatment of the cadre.

  • 7/29/2019 GNT Meet_2003


    II. What harm is done to Rail Engineers Economically and


    a. From day-1 of entering into Railway service, most of us

    have forgotten our family relations and became

    enemies to our own uncles, aunties, cousins etc., by not

    attending even to a very important function in our

    family. This is the very first slice of detachment of oursocial life.

    b. As we tied our knot to Railway service and dedicating our

    entire energies to our mother organization, we areunable to spare even few hours to our spouse and kids

    and thus failing as a good life partner or a good parent.

    This is the second slice of detachment to our family life.

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    What harm is done to Rail Engineers Economically and Socially (contd..)

    c. How many of us could able to avail all the Ten days casual

    leave per year, all the 03 sets of passes and 04 sets of PTOsgiven by the administration? To my knowledge, 95% of

    Engineers are unable to utilize their Casual leaves. Set aside

    the LAP. Question does not arise. Not able to cross the

    boundaries of our jurisdiction though we are entitled forpasses valid over Indian Railways. This is the third slice of

    detachment to the Global life.

    d. Forfeiting all these, we are sincerely working with the hopethat, though I am suffering, at least my family should be

    happy and comfortable socially and economically. But, what

    is reality? Our hopes and desires are thumped into mud

    and administration made us a laughing stock of the Railways.

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    What harm is done to Rail Engineers Economically and Socially (contd..)

    e. In fact, no railway engineer is less than any business manager

    with an MBA. Every railway engineer is undertaking several

    managerial tasks in his daily duties. He is a material manager,manpower manager, and an interface manager apart from

    good event planner and executor for safe running of trains. In

    other professions, employee will undertake one job at a time.

    But, a Rail Engineer will handle multidisciplinary tasks at a

    time under intense stress and successfully completes the

    mission without any anticipation.

    f. No Rail engineer is envious of any other cadre of theRailways. We welcome the growth of our brothers and sisters

    of organization. Meanwhile our only plea is let Rail Engineers

    cadre also be elevated along with other cadres and give

    proper justification for the work squeezed from our sweat and


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    What harm is done to Rail Engineers Economically and Socially (contd..)

    g. All of us are aware what the stature and respect our cadre of

    engineers are having prior to IV, V and VI pay commissions

    compared to other non-technical and non-safety relatedcadres who are working under comfortable and tension free

    conditions with limited & fixed working hours. During each

    Pay commission the cadre was downtrodden step by step and

    drilled the engineers to core. As per the Hours of Employment

    Regulations, for all cadres of Railways, periodical work study

    shall be done and as per the Work study, a roster to be made

    and duty hours to be fixed. But, all Rail Engineers are

    classified as ExcludedCategory and there is no work study,

    no roster, no duty hours and no rest hours. With this also, allRail Engineers are shouldering the responsibility with utmost

    dedication. Ill fate is, this term Excluded is being applied

    every where including Pay revision, Cadre elevation etc.

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  • 7/29/2019 GNT Meet_2003


    What harm is done to Rail Engineers Economically and Socially (contd..)

    h. Similarly, in other Central Government Organizations and

    PSUs, the cadre of engineers is given time bound

    promotions and from a certain point, is treated as Gazettedcadre. The equivalent cadre of Rail Engineers is not being

    treated on par with the other engineers of CPWD or BSNL etc.

    For name sake, Indian Railway organization is a para-military

    organization. In fact, every Rail Engineer is working with

    military discipline, round the clock through out the year in his

    entire service without any notice and appraise and even

    loosing petty pleasures.

    These are only a few general points from an eagles

    eye, apart from the huge humiliation Rail Engineers are facingat every point. Most of the times, Rail Engineers are

    becoming the outlets to discharge the frustration of higher ups

    and source for whims and fancies of the superior cadres.

    Can I now say, injustice is being done to our cadre of Rail Engineers?

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    III. Then, What is the solution?

    Here all of us should remember the story of a Lion and four

    bulls. If all the four bulls are united, even a lion cannot touch

    them. Once parted, it is very easy to become once feast.

    Unfortunately, till now, the four bulls of Indian Railways are

    staying apart. Here, it is not the single lion but several lions

    in the form of Rail Ministry, Pay Commissions, Railwayadministration etc., are trying to take hold of the opportunity.

    Unless all the bulls comes close, we can not face these

    lions.In future, Rail Engineers ll be treated as Technical


    Solution what we found is, formation of an association that

    brings all Rail Engineers on one platform to fight for a

    genuine cause.

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    IV. How Association helps and Why at SOUTH CENTRAL RAILWAY

    ZONE Level?

    Some of engineers are having bitter experience of

    rejection of our pleas by Pay Commissions. Our Senior Engineersfrom various divisions and Zones have sent several e-mails to pay

    commissioners duly explaining the conditions of working of Rail

    Engineers, constraints facing in working, justification for

    improvement of pay element, identical status and promotion

    bridge vis--vis other central govt., organizations etc. But, theywere kept deaf ear with the only reason that the representation

    shall be through an association but not through individuals.

    We cannot blame any one for this lapse, but our own

    selves. The existing trade unions are having membership from allthe cadres of Railway and hence their priorities are deferent.

    When they submit demand for elevation of 10 cadres even 2 to 3

    are accepted by the committees, they compromise and boast that

    success. Though cadre of Rail Engineers is formally represented,

    when ignored by Pay commissions, they could not pressurize.

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    Some of us may aware of the recommendations by Justice

    Khanna Committee. Wherein it is recommended that the

    Supervisors shall be barred from joining existing trade unions. Like

    other issues, administration kept a blind eye over thoserecommendations. When it wants to further weaken the cadre or

    Rail Engineers, it may comfortably implement Khanna committee

    recommendations and even trade union leaders may also accept

    because of meager number of Rail Engineers or Supervisors in

    trade unions. That day, the cadre of Rail engineers will be the worst


    You are all aware that other categories of Railway are already

    having their cadre organizations such as All India Station MastersAssociation, All India Guards Council, All India Loco Running Staff

    Association, All India Ministerial Staff Association etc. Even if the

    supervisors are dropped from the existing trade unions, these

    Associations will fight for their cadre. Unfortunately, the only cadre

    in Indian Railways un-amalgamated is Rail Engineers

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    Hence, it is essentially required to form an association to unite

    all Rail Engineers to fight for our own betterment and uplift.

    For better interaction with the cadre to root level and to

    negotiate categorical grievances of divisions/zone, it is essential

    to have an Association at Zonal Level having its representation from

    all fronts of Rail Engineers. At the same time, to represent cadre at

    Railway Board and Railway Ministry a mechanism should be

    available at National Level.

    Already Engineers Associations were formed by all other

    Zonal Railways and Production Units at respective Zones and allthese associations are brought under the umbrella of All India

    Railway Engineers Federation at Nation level. This is the cause of

    birth to South Central Railway Engineers Association.

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    V. Why organizations like DEAR, TEAR, EAIR etc., failed?

    (views are purely to my personal analysis)

    Yes. Hitherto organizations were formed to unite cadre of Rail

    Engineers and fought for the betterment of cadre. But

    unfortunately they could not succeed to the full extent. Let meanalyze to my knowledge, why these organizations could not

    succeed. But, they did their best in elevating cadre.

    The basic cause for failure of these organizations is, failure of

    communication. These organizations were established with their

    headquarters at remote place (at least to other zones).

    Representatives were not easily approachable and activities were

    centralized. The communication between Central Body and

    Zone/Division bodies were not correlated and individual Zonerepresentations and priorities were not taken into cognizance.

    Further to this, the associations failed to communicate the

    fund raising and utilization details to their members that raised

    suspicion among the members.

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    VI. Structure and activities of SCREA:

    i) SCREA will be having different Committees comprising of Rail

    Engineers from all branches at Zonal and Division levels tomonitor the activities of SCREA. Any policy decisions shall be

    taken with the approval of these committees and Office bearers

    are answerable to these committees.

    (a) Committees at Zonal Level:

    General Body

    General CouncilZonal Advisory Committee

    Zonal Executive Committee

    Zonal Working Committee

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    (b) Committees at Division Level:

    DivisionalGeneral Body

    Divisional General Council

    Division Advisory Committee (General)Division Advisory Committee (Technical)

    Division Executive Committee

    Division Working Committee

    (c) Branch Level:

    Branch Working Committee will be functioning under the guide

    lines from ZEC through DWC.

    All these committees will function under the guidance of All India

    Railway Engineers Federation on Policy issues to be taken at

    Railway Board and Rail Ministry levels and on Zone/Division issues

    as per decisions of Zonal Advisory Committee.

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    President 01

    Working President 01

    Sr.Vice President 01

    Vice President 08(01 post each for Divisional president by default, One post for

    Construction organization & One post shall be nominated as per

    discretion of Zonal President)

    General Secretary 01

    Joint General Secretary 01

    Organizing Secretary 01

    Additional Organizing Secretary 08

    (01 post each for Divisional Secretary by default, one post for

    Construction organization & One post shall be nominated as perdiscretion of General Secretary)

    Finance Secretary 01

    Additional Finance Secretary 01

    Zonal Working committee Members 15

    Auditor 01

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    Divisional President 01.

    Divisional Working President 01.

    Divisional Vice President (one for each dept.) 05.

    Divisional Secretary 01.

    Divisional Joint General Secretary 01.

    Divisional Organisation Secretary 01.

    Divisional Finance Secretary 01.

    Divisional Auditor 01.Divisional Advisor 01.

    Addl Divisional Finance Secretary 01

    Executive Members 08.

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    1. Appraise about the injustice done to the cadre of rail

    Engineers during various pay commissions in pay fixation aswell in proper recognition vis--vis engineers of other central

    government and PSUs through AIREF before Railway Board

    and Railway Ministry.

    2. Promoting technology transfer among Rail Engineers

    in various departments of SCR duly utilizing the fast growing


    3. Represent difficulties faced by Rail Engineers inexecution of duties and grievances of Rail Engineers before

    competent authority and get it redressed in a harmonious way

    at Division and Zone levels and to represent through AIREF at

    Nation level.

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    4. Deriving innovative practices with optimum utilization

    of available resources and to keep SCR as best Railway

    among the Indian Railways.

    5. Inculcation of brotherhood among all Rail Engineers so

    that the cadre stands united and strong.

    6. Taking up social responsibilities as humans during

    distress occasions.

    7. Making administration to organize periodical

    development training programs for Rail Engineers to up gradetheir technical skills and knowledge with progressing

    technology by innovative methods.

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    Let us see few Anomalies during 6th CPC to Rail Engineers:

    Grade of XEN on time bound Scheme:

    Up gradation of non-technical cadres above JEs:

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  • 7/29/2019 GNT Meet_2003


    We can view updates of the activities being under taken by

    SCREA and AIREF at

    AIREFs website:

    SCREAs Blog:

    you can post your suggestions and comments to

    [email protected]

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