gmr - denmark red vs. green 5k - important client admin information

 When corresponding with, it is best to utilize the [email protected] email address. Our organization has staff members in (3) states and (3) time zones. By utilizing the service email, it enhances our ability to respond to your requests, promptly and efficiently. The secure LIVE link for your event website is listed here:  We have also attached a file of the GMR “Click Here to Register” logo for your event website. o Share your registration link on your event website, blog, via email, Facebook, Twitter, Digg, LinkedIn, Stumble Upon, Reddit, Blogger, Tumblr, Delicious and other social networks.  4/27/12  Denmark Red vs. Green 5K Walk/Run Saturday, June 2, 2012 in Denmark, IA SAVE - IMPORTANT EVENT INFORMATION - SAVE Login Information: Administration of Online Registration Database: Username: kbobb Password: rvg5k Hi Kjrsten, Below and to the right, we have listed several items of importance, related to your Online Event Form with Additional “How To” information is listed on the following pages.  Please save this information and consult when necessary. Continued on page 2 Data Entry for Mail-In Applications: Username: kbobb Password: rvg5k Contact [email protected] [ X ] Login Credentials Tested [ X ] Login Credentials Tested Your Secure LIVE Event Link: Correspondence with GMR: Payables Address - On File: Denmark 5K Denmark Church P.O. Box 230 Denmark, Iowa 52624 

Upload: jhoenig

Post on 05-Apr-2018




0 download


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When corresponding with, it is best to utilize [email protected] email address.

Our organization has staff members in (3) states and (3) time zones.

By utilizing the service email, it enhances our ability to respond to your requests, promptly and efficiently.

The secure LIVE link for your event website is listed here: 

We have also attached a file of the GMR “Click Here to Register” 

logo for your event website.

o  Share your registration link on your event website, blog, via email,Facebook, Twitter, Digg, LinkedIn, Stumble Upon, Reddit, Blogger,Tumblr, Delicious and other social networks.   4/27/12

Denmark Red vs. Green 5K Walk/RunSaturday, June 2, 2012 in Denmark, IA

S A V E - I M P O R T A N T E V E N T I N F O R M A T I O N - S A V E

Login Information:

Administration of OnlineRegistration Database: 

Username: kbobbPassword: rvg5k

Hi Kjrsten,

Below and to the right, we have listed several items of importance,related to your Online Event Form with

Additional “How To” information is listed on the following pages. 

Please save this information and consult when necessary.

Continued on page 2 

Data Entry forMail-In Applications: 

Username: kbobbPassword: rvg5k

[email protected] 

[ X ] Login Credentials Tested 

[ X ] Login Credentials Tested 

Your Secure LIVE Event Link: 

Correspondence with GMR: 

Payables Address - On File: 

Denmark 5KDenmark ChurchP.O. Box 230Denmark, Iowa 52624 

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GMR Admin Client File 4/27/12 


Administration of Online

Registration DatabaseOnce logged in through the Admin Login Page, you will havethe ability to:

1. Edit and update your online form.

2. Download your online registrant information.

3. Search and edit participants’ information.

4. View your payment schedule with

5. Email your entire event database or by category.

Updates can be made by following the instructions below:Login to your Admin section.By clicking on the “(edit)” link, to the right of your event title,you have the ability to make the following changesand updates:

o  All information within the Text/Detail Blocks 

(bold heading and subsequent supporting text)

o  Registration categories: name, date and time of category

o  Fee date ranges: starting and ending dates of fees(a GMR associate will need to change an amount) 

o  Location of your event

o o o 

Download your event database by following the instructions below:

Login to your Admin section.Under Tools, click on the link called “download”. 

There are checkboxes on the far left side. The checked or un-checked statuswill determine what displays on your downloaded spreadsheet.After you have made your selections, place a check in the very last/bottombox. This will save your settings for future downloads.

Client Admin Login Page

Select (edit) To Make ChangesOr Updates To Your Event Form

Select Your Download Options

1. Edit Your Online Form:

2. Download Your Event Database – 24/7 Real-time Access:



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GMR Admin Client File 4/27/12 

Many times, your registrants will ask that you change/update their personalinformation, which they originally entered during the registration process.

Requests may include changes for: t-shirt size,age, email address, phone, team name, home address, etc.

Updates can be made by following the instructions below:

Login to your Admin section.Under Tools, click on the link called “search and edit”. Enter the participants first or last name and hit the search button.Once you see the person’s name, click on the small, pencil icon. Once you have updated the applicable field(s), click on the*update participant* button at the bottom of the page.This action will save the change(s) and update your databaseaccordingly.

You can view your event payment schedule and information by followingthe instructions below:

Login to your Admin section.Under Tools, click on the link called “payment”. Your current payment information will be listed for reference.

Please read the following standard information below:

1. Checks are sent on the 5th

business day of each month.

2. Payments sent on the 5th business day are for registrationsthrough the previous month.

3. For open registration forms with less than $300 in accrued funds,payment will wait until the next check run.

4. Once a registration form closes, final payment with all accrued fundswill be sent in the next payment batch.

5. To change your payment destination, please [email protected] 

You can email your event database by following the instructions below:Login to your Admin section.Under Tools, click on the link called “email”. Select the check boxes to customize your database information.Enter your name, email address and subject line, pertaining to theemail you’ll be sending. Select send.

4. View Payment Schedule with

3. Search and Edit Participant Information:

Search And Edit ParticipantRegistration Information

View Your Current Event

Payment Information

Email Your Event Database

5. Email Your Event Database:


search and edit


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GMR Admin Client File 4/27/12 


Data Entry for

Mail-In ApplicationsOnce logged in through the Data Entry Login Panel, you will havethe ability to:

1. Enter mail-in event applications/registrations andpayments manually for participants

(NOTE: This is NOT in your event Admin Section.)

Applications can be entered by following the instructions below:

Login to Your Account on the home page with the Username and Passwordprovided on page 1 of this document.

You will see one or more options under “Your Data Entry Events” -select the applicable event.

Once you select your event, hit the “Click here to Register” button.

Proceed by entering the applicable data in the personalinformation fields.

You have the option of processing a non-credit card, or credit cardtransaction.

There is no charge from GetMeRegistered for non-credit cardentries. For credit card entries, standard processing fees will besubtracted from the amount paid to your event

Data Entry Login Panel (upper left) 

Easily Enter Mail-in Applications

And Process Payments

5. Email Your Event Database:

Login Panel

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GMR Admin Client File 4/27/12 

The GMR Client Service

Team Is Ready To Assist.For the following updates/modifications, you’ll need to [email protected] and have a client service teammember help you:

Changing the event title

Changing the pay to address (where we send your funds) 

Changing the amount of an entry fee (updating the dollar amount) 

Adding/changing a question

Adding/changing a choice/answer (of a question) 

Adding/changing merchandise

Adding a discount or comp code

Setting a participant cap/limit on a category (or the total event) 

Post Your EventResults for FREE!Set up a FREE Contributor Account at and

your athletes/participants will thank you.

Searchable, scrollable results – viewed with ease. is considered the Gold Standardfor results posting, with over 27 million page views inthe last year. 

For assistance with please [email protected] and a client service team memberwill respond to your email.

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 GMR Admin Client File 4/27/12

Best regards,

The GMR Team client service department: [email protected] web: 

A Better Way To Register