glyn school newsletter

Newsletter Glyn School, The Kingsway, Ewell, Surrey, KT17 1NB T: 020 8716 4949 F: 020 8716 4999 E: [email protected] W: Learn Achieve Enjoy Succeed This Week in Pictures… County Cross Country finals at Priory Park, Reigate. Captured by Mr Gale.

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Glyn School, The Kingsway, Ewell, Surrey, KT17 1NB T: 020 8716 4949 F: 020 8716 4999 E: [email protected] W:

Learn • Achieve • Enjoy • Succeed

This Week in Pictures… County Cross Country finals at Priory Park, Reigate. Captured by Mr Gale.

Dates for

Your Diary

Week commencing Monday 8 February - Head Boy and Head Girl Applications Monday 8 February - Enrichment Lecture - 3.30pm to 4.30pm (details to follow) Tuesday 9, Wednesday 10 and Thursday 11 February - School Production of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Friday 12 February - Year 7 MFL Spelling Bee in The Proctor Hall Friday 12 February - School closes at 3.10pm for half term holiday Monday 22 February - School begins at 8.40am for all students

It’s the Final Countdown… A huge number of students are now in the final rehearsals for the Drama production of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Students have been very dedicated, working until 6.00pm every evening this week to get the show together. This year, the whole school production will be bigger than ever. Planning started last May when Mrs Wernick started frantically reading plays that would bring out the best in the students. Once the play script was chosen, Mrs Wernick, Miss Hardy and Mrs Turnbull began making prop lists in earnest and set diagrams drawn up by the DT and Art Departments. In July, a huge number of students helped to build the set during Enrichment Week. Staff have been hugely dedicated this year again; a large team of staff have been painting the set on Friday evenings, whilst some members of the Art, DT and Drama Department have been so dedicated that they even came into school last Saturday to paint the set. There have been many challenges along the way; for example, the wonderful DT Department came up with innovative ideas to build the Great Glass Elevator Rubbish Chute, whilst the Drama Department and Faculty Support Assistants collaborated to create the Chocolate River. The Drama Department, Art Department and DT Department have had a vision of a neon circus, which is in the final throws of being realised. The lighting was installed on Wednesday, the stage was being built on Thursday, and it is likely that painting and rehearsals will continue until the very last minute! Students and staff alike are battling with the Technical Rehearsal and the final Dress Rehearsal. On Tuesday morning we will be welcoming pupils from Wallace Fields Junior and Cuddington Croft primary schools to watch the final Dress Rehearsal. We are grateful to those schools for giving us the opportunity to perform in front of an audience, prior to the opening performance on Tuesday evening. With such fantastic dedication from the whole community, staff and students alike, the whole school production of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is awaited with much anticipation. Tickets, Refreshments, Door Opening Times and Curtain Up Tickets for the last night of the show sold out almost immediately, but there are still some tickets available for the Tuesday and Wednesday evenings...if you are quick! Tickets can only be purchased in advance. We regret that it will not be possible to buy tickets on the night. For those people who have paid for seats via ParentPay, there will be a list of names at the door on each evening, so you will not have a printed ticket. Doors open at 6.45pm and curtain up is at 7.00pm. The Glyn PSA will be selling refreshments during the evenings. The Drama Department

Glyn in the News!

We were delighted to see that the red carpet event, a collaboration between BBC School Report students and the whole school production of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, made news in the Epsom Guardian newspaper this week (on page 4). Congratulations to everyone who was involved in the sparkling event last Thursday. We look forward to the production of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory next week and to the BBC School Report News Day on 10 March.

Marion Meadows, Publicity Officer

Needed! Donations for our partner school in Ghana Our partner school, Philip Qua Que School in Ghana, is in desperate need of books, pens, pencils, rubbers, maths sets, colouring pencils, note pads or other types of stationery. You will see from these photographs (which were taken by Ms Butler during her visit to the school last year) that the boys’ school is in desperate need of equipment. There are plans to build a new library on the school site in Ghana and any resources we can add to this new facility will be much appreciated. Please bring any suitable items to the Heads of House office by Friday 26 February. We will then arrange for the items to be taken out to Philip Qua Que School. Many thanks in advance for your generosity and support. Heads of House Team

Student Leadership Awards - Glyn Students Take the Lead Our students have continued to deliver a variety of activities for our local primary schools as part of their Student Leadership Awards. Feedback from Cuddington Croft, Danetree and Stamford Green primary schools continues to be very positive and all students involved have enjoyed the experience. There are a number of events taking place over the next few months which involve our students taking a leading role in organising and delivering these events for our local community:

Officiating at the County Badminton Finals - Thursday 11 February

Sports Leaders UK - Level 1 Qualification Day for Year 7 and 8 Sports Captains - Thursday 25 February

World Book Day - Literacy Leaders- Thursday 3 March

GLF Primary Sports Series Basketball - Friday 4 March

KS2 TAG Rugby Festival - Thursday 25 March

GLF Primary Sports Series - Multi Skills Competition - Wednesday 13 April Mr S Taylor, PE, ALP, Leadership Coordinator, Assistant Head of Merton House

Talented and Gifted in Maths - Years 7 and 8 The Talented and Gifted Maths activity for students in Years 7 and 8 was held on Wednesday 27

January and was a combined competition with the best mathematicians in

both year groups. Groups consisted of two students from each year group and each team had half of their group split into two different classrooms. The competition consisted of a relay where one half of the team worked on a question, before running to the other half of their team with their answer, before collecting the next question; much like a relay race! Competition was high, however the winning group were a whole question ahead of the team in second place. Congratulations to the winning team: Patrick Humphris and Oscar Williams in 8 Abbey, combined with Michael O’Neill and Charlie Prime in 7 Derby. UKMT Intermediate Maths Challenge - Years 9 and 10 On Thursday 4 February, the best mathematicians in Years 9 and 10 took part in the UKMT Intermediate Maths Challenge, which is a national competition where students answer intriguing maths and logic questions. We will find out how they did in a few weeks’ time! Mr Roberts and Miss Stokes, Maths

Forthcoming Enrichment Lecture Monday 8 February - 3.20pm to 4.20pm in E6 ‘Why is feminism a dirty word?’ Presented by Miss Keoshgerian We live in a world where sexual inequality still exists in varying forms, yet many women are rejecting the label ‘feminist’. This lecture will consider the definition and interpretation of feminism; chart its history; reflect on how it has become a dirty word and explore the

implications of its acquisition of ‘negative baggage’ - both for our society today and for the future. This lecture will be very valuable for all Year 13 English, Sociology and EPQ students looking as sexism and gender equality. All students and their families are welcome to join us. Mr Bell, Head of English

Examinations Notices Resit Deadline The deadline for Sixth Form students to submit their resit requests for Summer 2016 examinations has now passed. Any students who have not yet submitted a request to resit an examination, but who still wish to do so, should come to the Examinations Office as a matter of urgency. Thank you. Examination Timetables Students will receive their individual examination timetables for Summer 2016 examinations during the week commencing 8 February. Thank you. Examinations Office Tel: 020 8716 4971

Arriving at School on Time We appreciate your continued support of Glyn School and I would like to address certain attendance issues that have recently come to our attention. Whilst we recognise that the vast majority of our students are conscientious in their timekeeping and arrive at school punctually each day, it has been recorded that there are a number of students who are consistently arriving late. Please be advised that the school day and lessons start at 8.40am prompt. We would therefore appreciate your support in ensuring that your son or daughter aims to arrive at school by 8.30am to avoid disruption to lessons. This additional time is particularly important given the size of the site and the potential need for them to make their way to classrooms some distance beyond the school gates. Students should be fully prepared for their day’s lessons, with the correct equipment and Games or PE kit if required. Arriving at school on time allows students to experience positive interactions with others and participate more fully in learning activities. Any student arriving late to school in the morning and without good reason will be required to attend a 20 minutes detention at lunchtime on the same day. If a student fails to attend his or her late detention and has not notified his or her Head of House or Head of Year as to the reason why, a further one hour detention will be issued. Detentions will also be issued to students arriving at school after 9.10am and without good reason or for three or more late arrivals in a week. For Sixth Form students a one hour detention will be issued if he or she arrives late to school on three or more occasions in a week and without good reason. It is worth noting the cumulative impact of persistent lateness, which can be significant: 5 minutes late each day = over 3 days lost each year 10 minutes late each day = 6.5 days lost each year 15 minutes late each day = 10 days lost each year Thank you for your assistance. Mr Duffield, Deputy Headteacher

The LRC Book of the Week - Golden Goal by Dan Freedman Jamie Johnson is being talked about as one of the country’s most talented young players. The press and fans are following his every move and he can’t believe how much his life has changed. However, the biggest challenge of his career is just around the corner. “This is a good story and an inspiring book. It is a great read for football fans.” Sarosh Anees 9 Carew

Available to borrow now from the LRC!

Year 7 Science Students Study Specialised Cells Mrs Pearson’s Year 7 Science class has been looking at specialised cells as part of their Biology topic. The students completed their 3D cells as part of their ILT. Callum Watson annotated his skin cell with all the organelles up to A Level standard! Aiden Saunt and Dominico Shifano also made reticulocytes, which are immature red blood cells, to add to the plethora of red blood cells. Max Finegold made his leaf palisade cell out of Lego, which was very innovative. One of the hardest cells to complete in 3D was the nerve cell, and Fionn Griffin, Ollie Ellis and Dylan Carr-Roberts created some superb examples. Zak Waters designed a sperm cell, but also annotated each part again to a much higher standard than needed at Key Stage 3. Congratulations to all the students who produced exemplary work. Their 3D cells are being displayed in S11. Mrs Pearson, Science, EVC, Extra Curricular Manager, UCAS

Notices from the Glyn PSA Secondhand Uniform, Books and Revision Guides We would like to thank everyone who has made donations of second hand uniform and GCSE A/AS Level revision books to the PSA. Our stock of secondhand blazers and PE kits is running low. If you

would like to donate any items of uniform that your son or daughter no longer requires the PSA at Glyn School would be very grateful to receive them. Please hand your donations into Student Reception. If you are thinking of donating a number of items we will even collect, if that makes things easier for you. Any donated items will be made available for other families to buy and could make a real difference to parents and carers. All monies raised through the sale of secondhand uniform will be used to provide funding for extra resources at Glyn School. Your support of the PSA is very much appreciated. If you require any secondhand uniform or have donations to be collected, please either email us at [email protected]

or message/post on our Facebook page, which also lists the current stock of secondhand uniform: Small Electrical Donations - Mobile Phones and Video Games Thank you for your donations so far this year; we have had laptops and DVD players donated. If you have unwanted jewellery, scrap gold or gadgets such as mobiles, cameras, video games, games

consoles, laptops, DVDs or MP3 players lying around the house, we would love to have them. If you would like to donate any items to the PSA at Glyn School, please hand your donations into Student Reception. We are also happy to collect any large items. All monies raised through the sale of these donations will be used to provide funding for extra resources at Glyn School. Your support of the PSA is very much appreciated. [email protected] Glyn PSA [email protected]

100 Days -100 Revision Ideas! - Year 11 English Revision

In order to ‘celebrate’ 100 days until the first GCSE examination, the English department has devised 100 short (10-20

minute) revision activities to help students develop their English skills. These are all focused on improving exam

technique, developing key skills and revising core texts in preparation for the exams in the summer. All of these

activities can be easily completed at home and we are actively encouraging parents and carers to assist students in

their revision (no prior knowledge is required!). It would be great if you could have a look at the list below and get

involved by working through some of the activities with your son at home. In addition to this, a range of revision

resources can be found on the Glyn Learning Portal by clicking on the English page and perusing the Year 11 folder. This week’s revision activities:

Complete one question from the Language paper (Qs 1, 2 or 3 only; give yourself 5 minutes reading and 12

minutes writing)

PEEL/D paragraph on a key quote from ‘An Inspector Calls’ OR ‘Lord of the Flies’: what was the writer’s purpose?

Create 3 flashcards (revision cards): key writing devices, definition and two examples (by a published writer and


PEEL/D paragraph on a poem from the anthology: what was the writer’s purpose?

A second PEEL/D paragraph on a poem from the anthology, linked to the last: how does a different poet treat a

similar idea/theme?

Use a thesaurus: find 5 new words for ‘nice’ (or a simple word of your choice- good, bad, fun, boring, etc.).

PEEL/D paragraph on a key quote ‘Of Mice & Men’: what was the writer’s purpose?

The support provided at home is an invaluable part of ensuring that students achieve their best and, as always, we are

extremely grateful for your involvement. If you have any further questions regarding ways to support your son’s

revision, please do not hesitate to contact either myself ([email protected]) or Miss Woolgar

([email protected])

Mr Bell, Head of English

Oliver Russell 9 Merton - British Judo Squad Oliver has recently been entered into the British Schools’ Judo competition which will be taking place in April this year. He will be representing Glyn School for the third time, having won a silver medal when he was in Year 7. We wish Oliver success for his upcoming competition! Mrs Strachan, Head of Merton House

Waterpolo Despite a very diminished team, Glyn played in the National Plate semi-finals in London last week. The first game against Eton, who we had beaten on the previous two occasions, saw us losing by one goal, with two goals being scored by Ashley Castle. The game against City of London Boys’ School was hard fought and resulted in a draw, with some fantastic goal keeping from Ross James, supported by Seb Du Plessis. We played Harrow and won 5-2, with some excellent goal scoring by Ashley, Toby Payne and Matt Helps, ably supported by Rob Hegarty and Luke Laidlaw, but not quite enough goals for to get us to the finals, although we are first reserve. Not bad for a school with no pool! Many thanks, as ever, to the parents and carers who support the waterpolo. We wish Ashley and Matt good luck as they prepare for their English Schools’ representation. Swimming On Saturday 12 March the swimming team will have their first outing of the year at the Surrey Schools’ Swimming Individual event. Swimmers should check their school emails for more details. Thank you. Mrs Pearson, Science, EVC, Extra Curricular Manager, UCAS

Sportsman of the Week – Ryan Ching 7 Abbey Ryan has made a fantastic impression at Games lessons since the start of the academic year. So far, he has been the stand-out performer for both football and rugby. Given that Ryan has not played rugby before starting at Glyn, his progress has been fantastic. He is now used for demonstrations and his contributions are always of the highest standard. Not only are his performances during Games lessons brilliant, but his attitude to helping others to improve is exemplary; no request is too much. I will be expecting Ryan to have an integral part in the Year 7 Abbey House rugby team and, in the future, to join the school rugby team. Well done Ryan. Keep up the effort. Mr Martin, Head of Carew House and PE Teacher

Sports News

County Cross Country Finals On Saturday 23 March a contingent of the hardier Glyn students descended on a misty Reigate Priory Park to toe the line for the County Cross Country Finals. The murky conditions added to the atmosphere as the competitors faded into the mist to tackle the excellent course which challenged the runners with mud, hills and tricky, turning paths. The students who competed on the morning gave impressive performances: Kian Kane, Tommy Barrell, Daniel Roffey, Matt Cobbett and Jack Benton. As we go to press we are still awaiting their final positions, but suffice to say that just completing the course was a credit to them. The day culminated in the highly competitive Senior event with our Deputy Head Boy, Ben Standage, and Callum Rolfe in 13D giving it their all in a spectacular race, finishing in 14th and 18th places, respectively. Ben commented on the race, “Some would shy away from the challenge of being in the presence of quality opposition from across the County and taking on a steep and saturated course. Glyn's athletes certainly did not! They competed to the very best of their ability from start to finish, buoyed by Mr Gale's enthusiastic support. Everyone involved can be proud of their efforts by representing Glyn at County level in this competition.” Mr Gale, Head of Sixth Form

Rugby News - and plenty of it! Dear All, Unfortunately the opposition pulled out of our block fixture against them last weekend which saw the boys with a free Saturday. This weekend, however, Glyn plays host to local rivals City of London Freemen’s School in an eagerly anticipated full block. Despite the lack of rugby over the weekend, Glyn did have the pleasure of being invited to Twickenham last Friday to watch the England team train in their preparations for the RBS 2016 Six Nations. Harry Scarlett – U15A’s Number 8 reports: “Last week, on Friday 29 January, 48 students - 12 from each of Years 7,8,9 and 10 - and four members of staff left school on an exciting trip to Twickenham, the home of English rugby. We started out the day at the top of The Kingsway where we set off on the hour long coach journey to the incredible stadium. When we arrived, we all collected our tickets from the front gate and then moved down to the Lion Gate with the stunning statues of past players in classic rugby poses and the incredible golden lion statue in the centre of it all.

When we proceeded into the stadium grounds some of the students got a photo with the famous Ruckley, the British bulldog, Twickenham stadium’s own mascot! The boys even got a brief glimpse on the big screen, thanks to the event’s cameraman, before he got whisked away to get a good shot of the players getting out of the coach to go and get ready for their training session. All of the boys and teachers then proceeded to do the same and we all got a good look at who we would see training later on. This was followed by the cameraman panning over the crowd and capturing some of the boys cheering and waving to both the players and camera.

After we regrouped, we went to get our seats in the stands so that we could get a good view of the training. Luckily, the other injured player from Year 9 turned up just in time to see the players come out of the tunnel and get ready.

During the training we saw lots of different styles of play and all of the England Six Nations players, which includes the likes of Danny Care, Chris Robshaw, Chris Ashton, Owen Farrell, Jamie George, Dylan Hartley and many more! One of the many styles of play was one that the Year 10 Rugby team use called England Pattern; this is where we use all of the space passing the ball or running hard one way and, once there is no more space, we go the other way and use up all of that space.

After the training had finished we left the stands to go to the stadium shop where the boys bought all sorts of things: body warmers, playing shirts, thermal tops and, the main purchase, mini rugby balls! (One of which I bought too, they are very fun to play with). After we all finished purchasing our souvenirs we had time to play with our mini rugby balls, buy stadium food and chat about the upcoming Six Nations, which was what the team was training for that day. When we were all ready we went back to the coach and set off on the second one hour trip of the day, dropping off some of the Year 9 students at Priest Hill where they joined in the second half of their Games lesson and then we returned to school to round off the day with our Period 5 lesson.”

U14 Rugby - County Cup Journey On the subject of rugby successes, our U14s go storming on in their County Cup journey through their quarter final success on Wednesday, 31-21 against Gordon’s School. Louey Hurley – 9A and U14 Captain Reports: “In our Surrey Cup quarter final game against Gordon’s School we were forced to fight back from a 14-0 deficit in the first 10 minutes! Some poor tackling up front and weak line speed meant that we let the opposition come at us far too easily from the word go. Some calming words of encouragement were given to us under the posts by Mr Scorgie after the second try and emphasis was to be put on retaining the ball and using the pace we had out wide. True to Glyn form, we fought long and hard until the half time break and managed to cross the opposition’s line on three occasions, thanks to some strong breaks and finishing from Piers Harte-Jones, Rory Eddison, Spencer Gall and Louey Hurley. Half time approached and we were 15-12 up. Some excellent performances from full back Spencer Gall, Dan Jones and Toby Evans as well as some great rucking from the forwards meant that we were able to gain good territory from which to launch our backs play. Overall, I am really pleased with the team and their efforts and cannot wait to take on our opponents in the semi-final, whomever they may be. Good luck to all and also get well soon to our teammate, Herbie.” Many thanks, as always, to all involved in the delivery of rugby to the students at Glyn. Good luck to the boys tomorrow, Saturday, and I hope you all enjoy the first round of what is shaping up to be a wide open Six Nations! Mr Scorgie, Master in Charge of Rugby

U13 Basketball - Howard of Effingham vs Glyn On Friday 22 January, Glyn’s U13 basketball team had a match against Howard of Effingham. The Glyn team consisted of: Cameron Patrick 8B, David Kelly 8B, Ben Glasspool 8SB, Ryan Purvis 8SB, Max Tyree-Munne 8B, Will Crozier 8B, Charlie Parsons 8T, Kyle Codner 8T, Ed Murrey 8A, Lucksman Neranjakumar 8C and Jack Howes 8M. In the first quarter Glyn pressed hard and defended well, but couldn’t put away their chances. However, Howard of Effingham attacked strongly with the first quarter ending 6-4 to the visitors. The second quarter brought the best out of Glyn with exquisite defending and two baskets scored by Charlie and David. Whilst Howard of Effingham tried with all their efforts to get a basket, the second quarter finished 8-6. The third quarter exploded with baskets, with each team putting everything they had into their shots. The high performance of defending in Glyn was no match for the expert shots of Howard of Effingham. However, Glyn still scored and kept up their enormous work rate, with the third quarter ending 14-14. The final quarter was bound to bring enjoyable and outstanding basketball. It did just that. Both teams put all they had into this quarter, with each team wanting it more and more. Unfortunately Glyn soon tired and Howard of Effingham won the match 20-16. Well done to all the boys and thank you to Mr Scorgie for organising the match.

David Kelly 8B

Sixth Form Netball Glyn travelled to Royal Albert and Alexander School on Wednesday 3 February to play a league match. Glyn’s attack started off weak, despite our determination to win, scoring very few goals in the first two quarters. However, our defence was consistent which was reflected by Josie Adcock (GK) winning Player of the Match, as voted by RAA! In the third quarter Glyn really stepped up their work rate and were rewarded by a succession of goals. Regardless of the rain starting to get heavier, we continued to dominate the game. In the final quarter we kept up a fast pace, demonstrating brilliant team work, and giving Glyn a well-deserved win of 16-13.

A special thank you to a former Glyn student, Gemma Webb, for umpiring, new Glyn staff member Mrs K Smith for driving the minibus and of course to Mrs Mabbott for coaching and organising the games. Team: Lauren Waller (GS) Sophie Jones (GA) Alice Moody/Olivia Keen (WA) Caitlin Penn/Ciara Purvis (C) Charlotte Hope/Georgina Wenk (WD) Sophie Yeates (GD) Josie Adcock (GK) Charlotte Hope, 12 Merton

Sixth Form Social Football - Glyn v Royal Alexandra and Albert Glyn's Sixth Form Social Football Team travelled to Royal Alexandra and Albert School on the 3 February for another tough league match. Glyn started the game brightly - central midfielders, Harvey Mockler, Josh Slatter and Jon Jelley, made good use of the ball and displayed some deft touches, all working hard to try to turn Glyn's resolute defending into positive forward play. Conor Reid was the outstanding player of the half, making some wonderful saves to spur on the back line in front of him. Unfortunately, lax marking at a corner allowed Glyn's opponents to pilfer a goal near the end of the half.

With the second half came new energy in the form of Reid (now striker) and Ben Spicer, causing havoc with the RAAS back line. Additionally, the enthusiastic support of Glyn's netball team from the sidelines was helping to turn the tide in the game. This led to a 10 minute period of very high tempo play, with Morgan Yard and Callum Rolfe making superb runs from their full back positions to support their teammates. Ultimately, this was to no avail, with frustration creeping in and unfamiliarity with the Astroturf pitch bringing about mistakes which led to Glyn's downfall. After some disheartening goals conceded from long range, the game ended 5-0 to RAAS after a poor finish to the second half, which meant we could not advance from our respectable 4th position in the league this week. Men of the Match, as chosen by Mrs Mabbott, were Lukas Sim and Ben Standage for refusing to give in and continued positivity throughout the game. Many thanks to Mrs Mabbott for organising, driving, and managing the team! Team: Conor Reid, Morgan Yard, Lukas Sim, Ben Standage, Callum Rolfe, Harvey Mockler, Jon Jelley, Ben Spicer, Josh Slatter, Ben Clarke, Alex Martin, Ross Cooke, Aaron Boxall. Ben Standish 13 Carew

Wishing you a restful weekend.