global projects newsletter winter 2010

Q1 2010 WINTER YOUNG WOMEN ASPIRE HIGHER IN LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT ............... 1 GPH3 JOIN WITH MI- CHELLE OBAMA TO GET OUR YOUTH MOVING TO- WARDS FITNESS ............. 2 WRITE THE VISION AND MAKE IT PLAINHELPING YOUNG WOMEN SEE THEIR FUTURE ....................... 3 Global projects MAKING A WORLD OF DIFFERENCE Global Projects serves as Corporate Sponsors for Young Girls Conference in Southfield, Michigan LEADING as We Learn For the past seven years Global Projects has part- nered with others as corporate sponsors for the Young Girls conference held annually during spring break. Given the economic status of our country and the eco- nomic status of many churches, as well as non -profits, many families just could not afford to sacrifice for their daugh- ters to attend the Young Girls Leadership Confer- ence. So more girls were in need of assistance this year. Thanks to the gen- erous support of spon- sors and family mem- bers, our young leaders were able to attend the conference. Young people are leading daily in their families, schools, church youth groups, communities, and wherever they gather. More than ever they need to learn skills that will help them be effective Leaders. GPH3 Founder preparing materials Attendees ASPIRE Higher with Leadership Tool Attendees gain Personal Success with I.M.A.G.E. Tiana Jewell, Conference Director working with Mother Dickinson Youth from Phoenix Learning Ctr. in Cinn., Ohio arrive at Conference

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GPH3 founder Sabrina Black shares a highlights from the first quarter: The young girls conference. Woman's Life chapter 826 were sponsors for the AIDS Awareness materials, Michelle Obama, "Let's Move" program addressing fellowship, fitness and fun. Breaking New helping young women make history and tell the story, leading as we learn, Personal Success with IMAGE and Aspire HIGHER leadership tools were shared with attendees


Page 1: Global Projects Newsletter Winter 2010

Q1 2010 WINTER


DEVELOPMENT ...............1



WARDS FITNESS .............2



Global Projects serves as Corporate Sponsors for Young Girls Conference in Southfield, Michigan

LEADING as We Learn

For the past seven years Global Projects has part-nered with others as corporate sponsors for the Young Girls conference held annually during spring break. Given the economic status of our country and the eco-

nomic status of many churches, as well as non-profits, many families just could not afford to

sacrifice for their daugh-ters to attend the Young Girls Leadership Confer-ence. So more girls were in need of assistance this year. Thanks to the gen-erous support of spon-sors and family mem-bers, our young leaders

were able to attend the conference. Young people are leading daily in their families, schools, church youth groups, communities, and wherever they gather. More than ever they need to learn skills that will help them

be effective Leaders.

GPH3 Founder preparing materials Attendees ASPIRE Higher with Leadership Tool Attendees gain Personal Success with I.M.A.G.E.

Tiana Jewell, Conference Director working with Mother Dickinson

Youth from Phoenix Learning Ctr. in Cinn., Ohio arrive at Conference

Page 2: Global Projects Newsletter Winter 2010

Women’s Life-826 AIDS AWARENESS

Pamela Hudson prepares presentation board on HIV AIDS with literature from local agencies.

Charlene Green (President, Detroit Chap-ter of Woman’s Life) is very concerned about the health of our youth. She is an advocate for awareness, education, and prevention. Mother of a teenage daughter she is helping girls learn about abstinence and get the facts on AIDS. Here is what she knows—33.2 million people now live with HIV or AIDS; In 2007 approximately 2.5 million people were infected with HIV; 5700 people die from AIDS every day; One child dies every minute; Every fifteen seconds, another person age 15-24 be-comes infected with HIV/AIDS;15 million children around the world have been or-phaned by AIDS, losing one or both par-

ents to the disease. The Detroit Chapter provided scholarships for girls to attend this years conference and be exposed to valuable life saving HIV-AIDS information. More than any other racial group in the United States, Blacks account for more new AIDS cases, HIV infections, people estimated to be living with HIV disease, and HIV related deaths. Even though Blacks make up 13% of the US popula-tion, we account for about half (49%) of the people who get HIV and AIDS. Blacks don't live as long as people of other races and ethnic groups with AIDS, due to a multiple level of barriers (i.e. poverty, stigma, health care, etc.).

Executive Director

Pamela J. Hudson

Detroit, MI

[email protected]


Dr. Sabrina D. Black

Detroit, MI

[email protected]



Rev. Theresa Dear

Bartlett, IL

[email protected]


Karolyn Hart

Windsor, ON

[email protected]


Mother Adell Dickinson

Detroit, MI

[email protected]

Charmane Coleman

Pastor Emem Esenam

Vanessa Farris

Sherolyn Miree


Get Actively Involved Give to the Vision

Go on a Trip

Global Projects is pleased to join with our First Lady, Michelle Obama on her health and wellness initiative, “Let’s Move.” We at GPH3 agree that this needs to be a long-term commitment to our children's health. In the words of Michelle, "It will take a concerted effort among all of us -- the whole nation -- to create health-ier communities for our children. We must take on this challenge." The number of overweight children ages 6 to 19 has tripled since 1970 (2007 NE Journal of Med). "About one-third of our children are overweight or obese. None of us want that for our country," she said. "It's time to get moving." During a Nightline interview, Obama concluded her statements quoting President Roosevelt. "We cannot always build the future for our youth, but we can build our youth for the future." Health and Fitness is a key component of our 7 Point Curriculum at GPH3 for “Girls with Great Potential.”


Page 3: Global Projects Newsletter Winter 2010

Pamela Hudson prepares presentation board on HIV AIDS with literature from local agencies.

THE VISION—See it, Write it, Live it. The Young Girl’s Conference was held on March 26—27th, 2010 and was a massive success. Forty-five girls attended the conference where they participated in a number of activities that included fun experiences like swimming, and workshops that taught them important life skills. Thirteen of the girls were from the Phoenix Learning Center and travelled from Cincin-nati, Ohio with school Superintendent, Dr. Glenda D. Brown. Workshop leaders included were: Missionary Carolyn John-

son, who examined the traits found in young women of char-acter during her presentation on “A Vision of Excellent Lead-ership.” Minister Ruby Martin, with a lesson on the “Vision Board” helped the girls to see the many possibilities in their futures. Sister Ella Green presented on “Writing the Vision and Making it Plain.” Her session included instruction in ex-pository writing, power tips and a five point outline of the writing process from concept to publishing.

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? We were born to make mani-fest the glory of God that is within us. And as we let our own light shine, we un-consciously give other people permission to do the same.” Marianne Williamson

Pictures top left, Minister Ruby Martin, with a “Vision Board.” The girls are solidifying their thoughts with pictures and giving them structure, as they put their visions on paper. Over 150 magazines were donated by Abundant Life Counseling Center in Southfield (ie., Suc-cess, Fortune, Black Enterprise, Inc., Precious Times, In Style, World, Self, Ebony, Forbes, Life, Essence, O, National Geographic, and more) The Girls, shared their vision boards with us, and were given feed-back, encouragement, and ideas for critical thinking from the instructors and their peers. Picture bottom right corner, the coach Missionary Pamela Hudson was at work admonish-ing the girls to think about their future and the future of our world.

Girls were given an opportunity to practice “Reporting the Vision.” as the day concluded

with Missionary Pam Hudson and Dr. Sabrina D. Black giving instruction and coaching the

girls in living and walking with their vision for themselves and the world. The Young Girl’s

conference would not have been possible without the prayers and support of many includ-

ing the NPC, Mother Adell B. Dickinson, President, Sister Teanna Jewell, Conference Di-

rector, parents, teachers, attendees and the corporate sponsorship of Global Projects.

Page 4: Global Projects Newsletter Winter 2010

BREAKING NEWS!!! – GPH3 Global Projects makes news on all levels and encourages attendees at the Young Women’s conference to share breaking news. READ what’s happening in the headlines for GPH3 followed by news from the conference weekend. Interna-tional – Global Projects provides CARE in HAITI. National – GPH3 Leaders are VIP with Desmond Tutu at Nova University. State – Global Projects Searching for Community Leaders to serve on Board of Directors. Local – GPH3 Corporate Sponsors at Leading as We Learn Youth Conference in Southfield. School – GPH3 lead-ers leading the way for youth to Aspire Higher. BREAKING NEWS!!! - YGC Cincinnati girls joined with the Young Women’s Conference in Detroit for the year 2010.

The conference was a great learning experi-

ence. Missionary Carolyn was talking to us, asking us ques-tions like, ―Do you carry yourself with excellence? The way you carry yourself, is it in a an ex-cellent spirit?‖ I definitely en-joyed this conference. Hope-fully there are more to come. Peace and love, G’Asia Sun, Cincinnati, Ohio *Being a leader, *Making good choices. *Carrying yourself with perspec-tive, that’s me, Jazlyn Mason, and this is what I learned: we are black, strong, and brave. Who are we? Young Women’s Conference members. Jazlyn Mason, Ohio. This weekend I made the news for two reasons: first— I connected with many new people; secondly— I had lots of fun with the girls that I met. I thought they were going to have bad attitudes but they didn’t. They were cool. Charna’ jewell Ulitey, Detroit, MI. The state news in the Embassy

Suites this weekend was this Leadership Conference. There were girls from Cincinnati and Detroit that were brought to-gether this Friday (for fun). Alto-gether there were about 40-45 girls at the hotel. The next day, on Saturday, there were work-shops in which the girls all fi-nally met each other. I had an enjoyable time and made new friends. Nyiaghra Hines, Cin-cinnati, Ohio. ―Phoenix girl comes to Michigan‖ I came to Southfield, Michigan for a Young Women’s Conference, but I didn’t know that I would learn so much about myself. I learned so much about leader-ship, and working together. You never know what’s going to happen in Cincinnati. Nitara Smith, Cincinnati, Ohio A beautiful young lady by the name of Shanae’ learned about what things are very valuable and about putting God first in every situation. Shanae’ Jor-dan, Detroit, MI Local News.



Missionary Carolyn Johnson and

Mother Adell B. Dickinson

Mother founded the young girls conference to fill the needs of to-day's young women. Thanks to our instruc-tors, our big sisters and our cooperate sponsors those needs are being met.


Join the GPH3 team for local and global missions. We serve minister-ing to men, women, teens and chil-dren. This create your own missions outreach is great for first timers or seasoned volunteers to utilize your ministry gifts, talents and abilities. There is an abundance of work that needs to be done and whatever you can do to make a difference will be a blessing.


Global Projects

17136 Wildermere

Detroit MI 48221


[email protected]

SISTERS SERVING SISTERS Dr. Glenda Brown and her sister Ella Green both educators connect at the young women’s confer-

ence in Detroit. These sisters believe in giving back

to the community and the younger generation. They shared their skills and their passion for education, excellence in Leadership, character and citizenship.

Young Women Make History

“Leading While We Learn”


Attendees Tell

the Story