global commodity exchange (gcx )fancy colour diamond info

Since record keeping began in the 1970s, colored diamonds have appreciated at about 10 to 15 percent per year. ÒYellow diamonds have doubled in value every seven years,Ó he says. ÒReds, blues and greens have seen the greatest appreciation, having quadrupled within the last decade.Ó Colored Diamonds: An InsiderÕs Guide 06/11/11 ÒChinese demand has helped more than double the prices of rare diamonds over the past 5 years, according to an industry group, as Chinese investors look for places to park their growing wealth.Ó Hot Rocks: China Revs Diamond Market 02/20/12 ÒChinese and Indian appetite for diamonds will fuel demand growth of more than 6 percent a year over the next decade and almost double the size of the market, far outpacing supply increases limited by a lack of new mines,Ó Bain & Company said in a report. Diamond Demand To Outpace Supply Growth To 2020 12/06/11 ÒIt has been the same forever,Ó [Graff] says. ÒWhether it was royal families in different parts of the world, or today, when people worry that their dollars are worth nothing, they want assets that will increase in value - silent assets that you can put in your pocket because tomorrow, anything can go wrong.Ó The King of Really Big Diamonds Heads to China 06/18/11 ÒDiamond prices are poised to rise for the next four years, outpacing gold, as increased spending on luxury goods in China, India and the Middle East outpaces supplies of the precious stone.Ó analysts said. Diamonds to Outpace Gold on Asia Spending 12/26/11 ÒAccording to the Gemological Institute of America, demand for colored diamonds has been unprecedented. Even if you can afford a Pink diamond you may have to wait. Even the Argyle Mine which provides 95% of these colored diamonds doesnÕt have many of them.Ó Toys of the Super Rich 01/27/04 ÒInvestment diamonds are set to outperform the market once again in 2011, rising 20 percent since the beginning of the year.Ó Diamonds Outperform in 2011 12/20/11 ÒThe polished diamond demand in the country is set to double by 2020 from the current $1.3 billion to $3 billion. Diamonds are also becoming a commodity for investment because there is no risk of price volatility as compared to gold.Ó Diamonds Now a Cut Above Gold 03/11/12 Yellow, pink and blue diamonds are catching the eye of investors around the world. ÒThis is associated with the fact that currency is losing its value, government bonds are at risk, and nations are losing wealth.Ó ÒColoured diamonds are piquing investorsÕ interest because they are more difÞcult to Þnd in nature that white diamonds.Ó Coloured Diamonds Becoming InvestorÕs Best Friend 03/10/12 GCX Global Commodity Exchange Tel: 0207 458 4137

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GCX Fancy Diamonds Articles.


Page 1: Global Commodity Exchange (GCX )Fancy Colour Diamond Info

Since record keeping began in the 1970s, colored diamonds have appreciated at about 10 to 15 percent per year. ÒYellow diamonds have doubled in value every seven years,Ó he says. ÒReds, blues and greens have seen the

greatest appreciation, having quadrupled within the last decade.Ó

Colored Diamonds: An InsiderÕs Guide 06/11/11

ÒChinese demand has helped more than double the prices of rare diamonds over the past 5 years, according to an industry group, as Chinese investors look for places to park their growing wealth.Ó

Hot Rocks: China Revs Diamond Market 02/20/12

ÒChinese and Indian appetite for diamonds will fuel demand growth of more than 6 percent a year over the

next decade and almost double the size of the market, far outpacing supply increases limited by a lack of new mines,Ó Bain & Company said in a report.Diamond Demand To Outpace Supply Growth To 2020 12/06/11

ÒIt has been the same forever,Ó [Graff] says. ÒWhether it was royal families in different parts of the world, or today, whenpeople worry that their dollars are worth nothing, they want assets that will increase in value - silent assets that you can put in your pocket because tomorrow, anything can go wrong.ÓThe King of Really Big Diamonds Heads to China 06/18/11

ÒDiamond prices are poised to rise for the next four years, outpacing gold, as increased spending on luxury goods in China, India and the Middle East outpaces supplies of the precious stone.Ó analysts said.Diamonds to Outpace Gold on Asia Spending 12/26/11

ÒAccording to the Gemological Institute of America, demand for colored diamonds has been unprecedented. Even if you can afford a Pink diamond you may have to wait. Even the Argyle Mine which provides 95% of these colored diamonds doesnÕt have many of them.ÓToys of the Super Rich 01/27/04

ÒInvestment diamonds are set to outperform the market once again in 2011, rising 20 percent since the beginning of the year.ÓDiamonds Outperform in 2011 12/20/11

ÒThe polished diamond demand in the country is set to doubleby 2020 from the current $1.3 billion to $3 billion. Diamonds are also becoming a commodity for investment because there is no risk of price volatility as compared to gold.Ó Diamonds Now a Cut Above Gold 03/11/12

Yellow, pink and blue diamonds are catching the eye of investors around the world. ÒThis is associated with the fact that currency is losing its value, government bonds are at risk, and nations are losing wealth.Ó ÒColoured diamonds are piquing investorsÕ interestbecause they are more difÞcult to Þnd in nature that white diamonds.ÓColoured Diamonds Becoming InvestorÕs Best Friend 03/10/12

GCXGlobal Commodity Exchange

Tel: 0207 458 4137

Page 2: Global Commodity Exchange (GCX )Fancy Colour Diamond Info

S ot heby ’s O c t . 2011 Hong Kong auc t ion re ce ive d a re cord pr ice for a 6 .01-carat fanc y v iv id b lue

d i a m o n d , b e a t i n g J o s e p h L au’s b lue purchas e d jus t

1 7 m o n t h s e a r l i e r , w h i c h s o l d t o a n

unname d buyer for $10 .1 mi l l ion , or $1 .68 mi l l ion p er carat .

T h e h i s t o r i c , 3 5 . 5 6 - c a r a t b l u e

d i a m o n d d i s a p p e a r e d f r o m

t h e p u b l i c e y e f o r n e a r l y 5 0 y e a r s u nt i l i t

r e s u r f a c e d i n 2 0 0 8 a t C h r i s t i e ’ s a u c t i o n . J e w e l e r L au r e n c e G r a f f , w h o p u r c h a s e d i t , s e t a w o r l d r e c o r d p r i c e a t t h e t i m e f o r a n y j e w e l e v e r au c t i o n e d , o f $ 2 4 . 3 m i l l i o n .

A 24.78-carat fancy intense pink diamond sold at Sotheby’s Nov. 16 2010 auction of jewels in Geneva. Not seen on the open market for 60 years, it was estimated to sell for between 27 million Sw i s s f r a n c s a n d 3 8 m i l l i o n f r a n c s . I t fetched 45.4 million francs, more than any jewel ever auctioned, with the winning big coming from jeweler Laurence Graff.

The fancy intense pink color led this 14.23-carat d i a m o n d t o f e t c h $ 2 3 . 1 million at Christie’s Hong Kong in Nov. 2010, the highest price for any jewel sold at auction in Asia. So far only 18 pink diamonds bigger than 10 carats have ever gone on the block in 244 years of auction history.

A 7 .03-carat fanc y v iv id b lue d iamond r ing s o ld f rom S ot heby ’s in May 2009 , jus t 8 mont hs af ter L ehman Brot hers f i l e d t he l arges t b an k r uptc y in Amer ican h is tor y, to Jos eph L au for an e ye-p opping $9 ,448 ,754 , s e t t ing t he wor ld re cord for t he h ig hest pr ice e ver p aid for a b lue d iamond at t he t ime.

The top lot of C hr is t i e’s 2011 Ne w York s a le , a 32 .77-carat fanc y v iv id ye l low d iamond, s o ld for $6 ,578 ,500 to a buyer w ho re queste d anonymity. e golden yellow hue of this large pear-shaped stone is so intense and so deep that the Gemological Institute of America (GIA) ranks it amongst the rarest of gemstones in its class.

At $ 2 . 1 m i l l i o n p e r c a r a t , t h e 5 c a r a t f a n c y v i v i d p i n k d i a m o n d s e t a n e w au c t i o n r e c o r d f o r t h e h i g h e s t p e r c a r a t p r i c e e v e r p a i d f o r a ny d i a m o n d w h e n i t s o l d a t C h r i s t i e”s Ho n g Ko n g i n D e c . 2 0 0 9 f o r $ 1 0 . 8 m i l l i o n .

A r a r e 1 1 0 . 3 0 - c a r a t y e l l o w d i a m o n d k n o w n a s t h e S u n - D r o p h a s s o l d a t au c t i o n i n G e n e v a i n No v. 2 0 1 1 f o r j u s t o v e r $ 1 2 . 3 m i l l i o n . S o t h e b y ’s au c t i o n e e r D av i d B e n n e t t s a i d t h e s u m - p a i d b y a n a n o ny m o u s t e l e p h o n e b i d d e r - s e t a w o r l d r e c o r d f o r a y e l l o w d i a m o n d .

GCXGlobal Commodity Exchange

Page 3: Global Commodity Exchange (GCX )Fancy Colour Diamond Info


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