global attractiveness of asians wanting to go to germany


Post on 19-Oct-2014




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The Global Attractiveness of Germany. The number 1 automotive employer in the world Asia offers a major export market for Germany, 6 Percent is exported to China alone. Furthermore, Germany is ranked 6th as destination country for the global Asian workforce. Career Distinctive for Asians that want to work in Germany and for a German firm, is that they are more career driven and looking for a better standard of living. Germany offers these opportunities. Culture For the global Asian workforce, ‘softer’ drivers such as exploring different cultures and learning a new language are reasons to work and live abroad. The Western culture appeals to them.


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Geographic perspective of Germany

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Global ranking Germany

To measure the global attractiveness of Germany, we asked potentials which countries they would like to work in abroad.

Great potentialFrom the global mobile workforce, more than 678 million people are willing to work in Germany when going abroad.

Very popularGermany is ranked 5th as destination country. It is Europe’s 2nd most popular country to work in.

Source: Global Talent Mobility Survey 2011

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Continental ranking GermanyBecause Germany is a highly preferred destination for the global labor force, the popularity per continent is analyzed.

EuropeGermany is most popular in Europe, being the number 1 destination for:• Austria• Belarus• Bosnia• Croatia• Czech republic• Latvia• Luxemburg• Netherlands• Portugal• Romania

The central position of Germany and its stable economy make it an attractive destination.

Source: Global Talent Mobility Survey 2011

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Ranking German cities

In addition to preferred countries, respondents indicated cities they would consider when working abroad. 4 German cities are present in the top-50, ranked by the global workforce. The capital of Germany is very popular with its 8th position.

Source: Global Talent Mobility Survey 2011

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Global ranking German companies

German employer brandsWe asked potentials which employers they prefer when working abroad. Globally, 17 German companies are present in the top-100 employers. This makes German brands the 2nd most popular employers globally. Only the USA has more brands (35!) in the top-100.

SiemensMost preferred German employer for the global workforce is Siemens, ranked 7th.

AutomotiveGermany houses some of world’s strongest car manufacturers. 6 major automotive companies are present in the top-50 most popular employers: BMW, Volkswagen, Mercedes, Audi, Porsche, and Daimler.

Source: Global Talent Mobility Survey 2011

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Asian ranking German companies

Asia offers a major export market for Germany, 6 Percent is exported to China alone. Furthermore, Germany is ranked 6th as destination country for the global Asian workforce.

Source: Global Talent Mobility Survey 2011

German companies were ranked by Asian talent to specify their attractiveness as foreign employers.

The map shows the number 1 employer brand for Asian countries.

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Asian ranking German companies

Based on rankings of most preferred employers, the number 1 German companies in Asia become visible.

• Audi is most preferred in China• Siemens is most preferred in India, Indonesia, Israel,

Jordan, Lebanon, and Malaysia• DHL is most preferred in Kuwait• Adidas is most preferred in Oman and Saudi Arabia• Mercedes is most preferred in the Philippines• Volkswagen is most preferred in Qatar• BMW is most preferred in Singapore• SAP in most preferred in the United Arab Emirates

Most attractive is Siemens, being the first choice in 6 countries. Furthermore, results show that the automotive sector is very popular among the global Asian labor force.

Source: Global Talent Mobility Survey 2011

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Business perspective of Germany

• World’s fifth largest economy based on gross domestic product• Europe’s largest economy• Leading exporter of machinery, vehicles, chemicals, and household products• Among the largest and most technologically advanced producers of iron, steel, chemicals, electronics, and food in the world• Number 3 exporter in the world ($ 1.547 trillion, 2011)• Highly skilled labor force• Ranked 14th when looking at the volume of labor force (43.67 million, 2011)• For the coming years, demographic challenges are expected to affect long-term growth

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• Global online research• Partner: The Network• 2011, 3th version• Research already conducted in 2006 –

2009, parts comparable• Global labor mobility• In 66 countries• With data on more than 100 cities• With data on more than 125 companies• With 162.495 interviewees• In 26 languages• Clients: Philips, Logica, ADP, Alexander Mann,

Tom Tom, Maersk, Friesland Campina, ASML, USG, Manpower and more

The Global Talent Barometer

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Characteristics global Asian workforce to Germany

Source: Global Talent Mobility Survey 2011

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Mobility drivers Asians to GermanyCountry Value Drivers (CVD)In order to see what reasons determine the decision to look for a job abroad, the Asian global workforce that prefers Germany and German employers is compared with the global Asian workforce that is willing to work abroad.

Source: Global Talent Mobility Survey 2011

Opportunity to broaden experienceBetter career opportunities

To have a better standard of living

Challenging oneself

Starting an international career

Acquiring work experience

Get to know different cultures

Meet new people/build a new networkStart up a new life

Making change in the world

Already have family abroad

Learn a new language

Bad economic situation in own country

Partner already works abroad (relationship)

Better climate




Asian workforce Asians preferring Germany & German firms

CareerDistinctive for Asians that want to work in Germany and for a German firm, is that they are more career driven and looking for a better standard of living. Germany offers these opportunities.

CultureFor the global Asian workforce, ‘softer’ drivers such as exploring different cultures and learning a new language are reasons to work and live abroad. The Western culture appeals to them.

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Quality of lifeThe most important relocation information for both groups is accommodation and standard of living. Germany is known for a high quality of life due to the spacious and green countryside. Because of this, Asians want to have access to information about the environment.

Asian potentials with a preference for Germany and German companies were asked what relocation information they want from a foreign employer. Compared to the global Asian workforce, they want 20% more information.

Source: Global Talent Mobility Survey 2011

CommuteAsians that want to work in Germany and prefer German employers, are more interested to commute from the countryside compared to the global Asian labor force. It appears that they want to work in, but live outside the city.

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SummaryThe global workforce and Germany

• Germany is a key player in the global labor market. It is ranked 5 th as destination country, is the 2nd most popular European country, and 4 cities are present in the top-50 of preferred cities. To illustrate, more than 678 million people want to work and live in Germany.

• After America, Germany has the most brands in the top-100 favorite employers. These 17 brands include 6 car manufacturers, which makes Germany the most prefered automotive employer in the world.

• The Asian labor force that wants to work in Germany is relatively young, career driven and seeks a better standard of living abroad. In line with this, they expect a foreign employer to provide sufficient information about the accommodation and ability to commute. When targeting Asian talent that prefers Germany and German employer brands, both the career opportunities as the high quality of life should be emphasized.

• The Production industry is very common among the global Asian workforce and fits the majority of German companies: machinery, electronics, and vehicles. Within

this industry, most Asian talent has an Engineering function.

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Wanting to know more about Global Talent Barometer and Global Recruitment Intelligence, please connect/contact with Geert-Jan Waasdorp, Intelligence Group


Geert-Jan WaasdorpGlobal Recruitment Intelligence ConsultantFounder of Intelligence Group

[email protected]


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Countries we know all about:

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Companies we know all about:

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