glacier: physics prospects with a 100 kton liquid argon detector

GLACIER: Physics Prospects With A 100 kton Liquid Argon Detector Antonio Bueno UNIVERSIDAD DE GRANADA

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GLACIER: Physics Prospects With A 100 kton Liquid Argon Detector. Antonio Bueno UNIVERSIDAD DE GRANADA. Institutions. ETHZ (CH) A. Badertscher, L. Knecht, M. Laffranchi, A. Meregaglia, M. Messina, P. Otiougova, A. Rubbia, J. Ulbricht - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: GLACIER: Physics Prospects With A 100 kton Liquid Argon Detector

GLACIER: Physics Prospects With A 100

kton Liquid Argon Detector

GLACIER: Physics Prospects With A 100

kton Liquid Argon Detector



Page 2: GLACIER: Physics Prospects With A 100 kton Liquid Argon Detector

A. Bueno U. de Granada


Relevant references

ETHZ (CH) A. Badertscher, L. Knecht, M. Laffranchi, A. Meregaglia, M. Messina, P. Otiougova, A. Rubbia, J. Ulbricht

Granada University (Spain) A. Bueno, J. Lozano, S. Navas INP Krakow (Poland) A. Zalewska INR Moscow (Russia) S. Gninenko IPN Lyon (France) D. Autiero, Y. Déclais, J. Marteau Sheffield University (UK) N. Spooner Southampton University (UK) C. Beduz, Y. Yang University of Bern (CH) A. Ereditato US Katowice (Poland) J. Kisiel UPS Warszawa (Poland) E. Rondio UW Warszawa (Poland) D. Kielczewska UW Wroclaw (Poland) J. Sobczyk

Page 3: GLACIER: Physics Prospects With A 100 kton Liquid Argon Detector

A. Bueno U. de Granada


Perlite insulation

≈ 70 m

h =20 m

Electronic crates

Single 100 kton “boiling” cryogenic tanker with Argon refrigeration

Page 4: GLACIER: Physics Prospects With A 100 kton Liquid Argon Detector

A. Bueno U. de Granada

Detector Layout (Bi-phase operation)



Charge readout plane


UV & visible light readout + race track

E≈ 1 kV/cm

E ≈ 3 kV/cm

Electronic racks

Cathode (–2MV)

Extraction grid

1. Charge imaging + scintillation + Cerenkov light readout

2. Charge amplification to allow for extremely long drifts

Page 5: GLACIER: Physics Prospects With A 100 kton Liquid Argon Detector

A. Bueno U. de Granada

Argon production and fillingLiquid Argon 1st filling time 2 years (assumed)

Liquid Argon 1st filling rate 1,2 liters/second or 150 tons/day

Argon gas equivalent 85000 m3/day

Air volume equivalent (Ar 1%)

8’500’000 m3/day ≈ (205 m)3 /day

Ideal power of separation of Argon mixture

600kW (assuming for Argon 354 kJ/kg)

Assumed efficiency 5%

Estimated power for Argon separation

12 MW

Ideal Argon liquefaction power

817kW (assuming for Argon 478 kJ/kg)

Assumed efficiency 5%

Estimated Argon Liquefaction power

16 MW

Estimated total plant power ≈30 MW

Page 6: GLACIER: Physics Prospects With A 100 kton Liquid Argon Detector

A. Bueno U. de Granada

GLACIER Physics Potential

Non-accelerator Physics

Neutrino Physics at accelerators

Supernova neutrinos

Solar neutrinos

Nucleon stability



neutrinos Dark Matter

Reactor Neutrinos

Beta Beams


Super Beams

Page 7: GLACIER: Physics Prospects With A 100 kton Liquid Argon Detector

A. Bueno U. de Granada

Neutrinos from SupernovaeEight solar mass equivalent

Supernova at 10 Kpc

380 e CC from neutronization burst

Diffuse (Relic) Supernova Neutrinos

Signal Bckgnd

JCAP 0408:001, 2004

JCAP 0310:009, 2003


JCAP 0412:002, 2004

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A. Bueno U. de Granada

Solar Neutrinoshep-ex/0103008

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A. Bueno U. de Granada

Stability of Ordinary Matterhep-ex/0103008

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A. Bueno U. de Granada

Expected backgrounds for proton decay


p e+0

p K+

Page 11: GLACIER: Physics Prospects With A 100 kton Liquid Argon Detector

A. Bueno U. de Granada

Indirect Dark Matter Detection WIMPs accumulate in

the center of the Sun They annihilate

producing among others very energetic e

Excellent capability to detect high energy e pointing to the Sun

JCAP 0501:001, 2005

Page 12: GLACIER: Physics Prospects With A 100 kton Liquid Argon Detector

A. Bueno U. de Granada

Non-accelerator Physics


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A. Bueno U. de Granada


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A. Bueno U. de Granada

Sensitivity on 13Nucl. Phys. B589 (2000) 577

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A. Bueno U. de Granada

Sensitivity on CP violation in the leptonic sector

Nucl. Phys. B631 (2002) 239

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A. Bueno U. de Granada


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A. Bueno U. de Granada

Parameters for a tentative layout

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A. Bueno U. de Granada

Cost Estimate

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A. Bueno U. de Granada

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A. Bueno U. de Granada