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Give Us This Day®Canticle of Zechariah (Benedictus) Luke 1:68-79

Blessed be the Lord, the God of Israel;he has come to his people and set them free.

He has raised up for us a mighty savior,born of the house of his servant David.

Through his holy prophets he promised of old that he would save us from our enemies, from the hands of all who hate us.

He promised to show mercy to our fathersand to remember his holy covenant.

This was the oath he swore to our father Abraham:to set us free from the hands of our enemies,free to worship him without fear,holy and righteous in his sight all the days of our life.

You, my child, shall be called the prophet of the Most High;for you will go before the Lord to prepare his way,to give his people knowledge of salvationby the forgiveness of their sins.

In the tender compassion of our Godthe dawn from on high shall break upon us,to shine on those who dwell in darkness and the shadow of death,and to guide our feet into the way of peace.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit,as it was in the beginning, is now, and will be for ever. Amen.

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Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 G

✛ St. Drithelm Mark Strobel

2 G

✛ Bd. Margaret of Louvain

Amy Kuebelbeck

3 W

St. Gregory the Great

✛ Card. Henri de Lubac Sr. Verna Holyhead

4 G

✛ Bd. Catherine of Racconigi

Deacon Greg Kandra

5 G

✛ Bd. Jean-Joseph Lataste

Kathy McGovern

6 Twenty-Third Week in Ordinary Time


St. Bede the Venerable

7 G

✛ St. Kassiani Edith Stein

8 W

Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary

✛ Bd. Louisa of Savoy Fr. Eric Hollas

9 W

St. Peter Claver

✛ St. Peter Claver St. Leo the Great

10 G

✛ St. Pulcheria Hosffman Ospino

11 G

✛ St. Kieran of Clonmacnoise

St. Francis de Sales

12 G

[Most Holy Name of Mary]

✛ Sadhu Sundar Singh Sr. Kathleen Hughes

Within the Word: “Be Opened!”Kimberly Hope Belcher

13 Twenty-Fourth Week in Ordinary Time


Sr. Jeremy Hall

14 R

Exaltation of the Holy Cross

✛ Ven. Marie-Therese de Lamourous

St. Basil the Great

15 W

Our Lady of Sorrows

✛ Dante Alighieri Carolyn Woo

16 R

Sts. Cornelius and Cyprian

✛ St. Edith of Wilton Fr. Paul Philibert

17 G

[St. Robert Bellarmine]

✛ Adrienne von Speyr Sr. Barbara Reid

18 G

✛ Dag Hammarskjöld Sr. Colleen Gibson

19 G

[St. Januarius]

✛ St. Emily de Rodat David Farina

TurnbloomWithin the Word: First TimothyFr. Thomas Stegman

20 Twenty-Fifth Week in Ordinary Time


Kathleen Norris

21 R

St. Matthew

✛ Sr. Mercy Hirschboeck Chiara Lubich

22 G

✛ St. Maurice and Companions

Fr. Jerome Kodell

23 W

St. Pius of Pietrelcina

✛ Bd. Emily Tavernier Renée LaReau

24 G

✛ Raoul Wallenberg Fr. Don Talafous

25 G

✛ St. Therese Couderc Richard Reece

26 G

[Sts. Cosmas and Damian]

✛ Blessed Paul VI Mary Stommes

Within the Word: Ezra: Return and Renewal Mahri Leonard-Fleckman

27 Twenty-Sixth Week in Ordinary Time


Bp. Robert Morneau

28 G

[St. Wenceslaus; St. Lawrence Ruiz and Companions]

✛ St. Eustochium Daniella


29 W

Sts. Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael

✛ Sts. Michael, Gabriel, Raphael

Jessica Powers

30 W

St. Jerome

✛ St. Jerome Nancy Dallavalle

Within the Word: Psalm 137, Complete and Unabridged Harry Nasuti

September 2015

Key✛ Blessed Among Us by Robert Ellsberg Reflection / Within the Word Author[ ] Optional MemorialVestment colors:G Green R Red W White

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Editorial Advisors James Martin, SJ ◆ Irene Nowell, OSB Bishop Robert F. Morneau ◆ Timothy Radcliffe, OP Kathleen Norris ◆ Ronald Rolheiser, OMI

Peter Dwyer, PublisherMary Stommes, Editor

Catherine Donovan, Associate PublisherÆlred Senna, OSB, Associate Editor

Robert Ellsberg, “Blessed Among Us” AuthorIrene Nowell, OSB, Scripture Editor, Morning and Evening

Susan Barber, OSB, Intercessions

www.giveusthisday.orgCustomer Service: 888-259-8470, [email protected]

Give Us This Day, Liturgical PressPO Box 7500, Collegeville, MN 56321-7500

© 2015 by the Order of Saint Benedict, Collegeville, Minnesota.Printed in the United States of America.

Give Us This Day® (ISSN 2159-2136, print; 2166-0654, large print; 2159-2128, online) is published monthly by Liturgical Press, an apostolate of Saint John’s Abbey, 2950 Saint John’s Road, Collegeville, Minnesota. Rev. John Klassen, OSB, Abbot. For complete publication information see page 350.

Published with the approval of the Committee on Divine Worship, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.

CONTENTS September 2015 ◆ Volume 5, Issue 9

In the Wilds of a Household Melissa Musick Nussbaum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5Teach Us to Pray: Faith Sharing Fr. James Martin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7Prayer Before Study Michelle Francl-Donnay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8Prayers and Blessings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10Prayer at Night . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14Daily Prayer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16Order of Mass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 308Liturgy of the Word (with Holy Communion) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 337Hymns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 340Guide to Lectio Divina . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 346

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Window at Guardian Angel Cathedral, Las Vegas, Nevada.

Sunday, September 27

MorningO Lord, open my lips.And my mouth will proclaim your praise.

(opt. hymn, pp. 340–45)Psalm 100Cry out with joy to the Lord, all the earth.Serve the Lord with gladness.Come before him, singing for joy.

Know that he, the Lord, is God.He made us; we belong to him.We are his people, the sheep of his flock.

Enter his gates with thanksgivingand his courts with songs of praise.Give thanks to him, and bless his name.

Indeed, how good is the Lord,eternal his merciful love.He is faithful from age to age.

Glory to the Father . . .

Scripture Isaiah 61:1-3a

The spirit of the Lord God is upon me, / because the Lord has anointed me; / He has sent me to bring good

news to the afflicted, / to bind up the brokenhearted, / To proclaim liberty to the captives, / release to the prisoners, / To announce a year of favor from the Lord / and a day of vindication by our God; / To comfort all who mourn; / to

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Sunday 271270 September 27

place on those who mourn in Zion / a diadem instead of ashes, / To give them oil of gladness instead of mourning, / a glorious mantle instead of a faint spirit.

Read, Ponder, Pray on a word or phrase from today’s Scriptures (Lectio Divina, p. 346)

AntiphonIf only all the people of the Lord were prophets! If only the Lord would bestow his spirit on them all!

Canticle of Zechariah (inside front cover)

IntercessionsGod, we rejoice that we are your children. We depend on you, and we pray: r. Father, hear your people pray.

Give your Church courage to listen to and respond to the needs of families. r.

Protect children from harm, and lead them to know your unconditional love. r.

Strengthen the faith of candidates for baptism and confirmation, their sponsors and catechists. r.

Our Father . . .

May God grant us the blessings of family, friendship, and companionship in the Lord, now and always. Amen.

MassTwenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Entrance Antiphon Daniel 3:31, 29, 30, 43, 42All that you have done to us, O Lord, / you have done with true judgment, / for we have sinned against you / and not obeyed your commandments. / But give glory to your name / and deal with us according to the bounty of your mercy.

Gloria (p. 310)

CollectO God, who manifest your almighty powerabove all by pardoning and showing mercy,bestow, we pray, your grace abundantly upon usand make those hastening to attain your promisesheirs to the treasures of heaven.Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,one God, for ever and ever.

A reading from the Book of Numbers 11:25-29

Are you jealous for my sake? Would that all the people of the Lord were prophets!

The Lord came down in the cloud and spoke to Moses. Taking some of the spirit that was on Moses, the Lord

bestowed it on the seventy elders; and as the spirit came to rest on them, they prophesied.

Now two men, one named Eldad and the other Medad, were not in the gathering but had been left in the camp. They too had been on the list, but had not gone out to the tent; yet the spirit came to rest on them also, and they

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Sunday 273272 September 27

prophesied in the camp. So, when a young man quickly told Moses, “Eldad and Medad are prophesying in the camp,” Joshua, son of Nun, who from his youth had been Moses’ aide, said, “Moses, my lord, stop them.” But Moses answered him, “Are you jealous for my sake? Would that all the people of the Lord were prophets! Would that the Lord might bestow his spirit on them all!”The word of the Lord.

Responsorial Psalm 19:8, 10, 12-13, 14

r. (9a) The precepts of the Lord give joy to the heart.

The law of the Lord is perfect,refreshing the soul;

the decree of the Lord is trustworthy,giving wisdom to the simple. r.

The fear of the Lord is pure,enduring forever;

the ordinances of the Lord are true,all of them just. r.

Though your servant is careful of them,very diligent in keeping them,

yet who can detect failings?Cleanse me from my unknown faults! r.

From wanton sin especially, restrain your servant;let it not rule over me.

Then shall I be blameless and innocentof serious sin. r.

A reading from the Letter of Saint James 5:1-6

Your wealth has rotted away.

Come now, you rich, weep and wail over your impending miseries. Your wealth has rotted away, your clothes

have become moth-eaten, your gold and silver have cor-roded, and that corrosion will be a testimony against you; it will devour your flesh like a fire. You have stored up trea-sure for the last days. Behold, the wages you withheld from the workers who harvested your fields are crying aloud; and the cries of the harvesters have reached the ears of the Lord of hosts. You have lived on earth in luxury and pleasure; you have fattened your hearts for the day of slaughter. You have condemned; you have murdered the righteous one; he offers you no resistance.The word of the Lord.

Gospel Acclamation Cf. John 17:17b, 17aYour word, O Lord, is truth;consecrate us in the truth.

A reading from the holy Gospel according to Mark 9:38-43, 45, 47-48

Whoever is not against us is for us. If your hand causes you to sin, cut it off.

At that time, John said to Jesus, “Teacher, we saw some- one driving out demons in your name, and we tried

to prevent him because he does not follow us.” Jesus replied, “Do not prevent him. There is no one who performs a mighty deed in my name who can at the same time speak ill of me. For whoever is not against us is for us. Anyone who gives you a cup of water to drink because you belong to Christ, amen, I say to you, will surely not lose his reward.

“Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him if a great millstone were put around his neck and he were thrown into the sea. If your hand causes you to sin, cut it off. It is better for you to enter into life maimed than with two hands to go into Gehenna, into the unquenchable fire. And if your foot

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Sunday 275274 September 27

causes you to sin, cut it off. It is better for you to enter into life crippled than with two feet to be thrown into Gehenna. And if your eye causes you to sin, pluck it out. Better for you to enter into the kingdom of God with one eye than with two eyes to be thrown into Gehenna, where ‘their worm does not die, and the fire is not quenched.’ ”The Gospel of the Lord.

Creed (p. 311)

Prayer over the OfferingsGrant us, O merciful God,that this our offering may find acceptance with youand that through it the wellspring of all blessingmay be laid open before us.Through Christ our Lord.

Communion Antiphon Cf. Psalm 119 (118):49-50Remember your word to your servant, O Lord, / by which you have given me hope. / This is my comfort when I am brought low.

Or: 1 John 3:16By this we came to know the love of God: / that Christ laid down his life for us; / so we ought to lay down our lives for one another.

Prayer after CommunionMay this heavenly mystery, O Lord,restore us in mind and body,that we may be coheirs in glory with Christ,to whose suffering we are unitedwhenever we proclaim his Death.Who lives and reigns for ever and ever.

ReflectionFully Alive in Love

The World Meeting of Families in Philadelphia draws to a close today. The theme for the gathering is ever a beginning—“Love is Our Mission: The Family Fully Alive.” We are all deeply aware of the critical role of the family in our society and the world. We are deeply aware of the many challenges and blessings of family life.

Jesus’ mission was one of love. He came to make manifest the Father’s love and mercy. He has passed his mission on to us both as individuals and as a family of faith. It is when we are truly loving that we are fully alive; it is when we are truly concerned about others that the glory of God is made manifest.

Another word for love is for, as in, “This is my body and blood given for you.” By contrast, love is thwarted when we are against one another, when the Spirit of the Lord does not govern our vision and our actions.

St. Therese of Lisieux came from a loving family, and she knew the meaning of life. To paraphrase her, our mission is to love, to be loved, to make Love loved. This is the Spirit that fell upon Eldad and Medad; this was the Spirit that Jesus shared in his teaching, preaching, and healing ministry.

God does have a plan for us (Jeremiah 29:11), and that plan is that we experience God’s love and then share it with others. Herein is the source of being fully alive; herein is where we see the glory of God.

Bishop Robert F. Morneau

Robert F. Morneau is pastor of Resurrection Parish in Green Bay, Wisconsin, and auxiliary bishop emeritus of the Diocese of Green Bay.

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Sunday 277276 September 27

EveningGod, come to my assistance.Lord, make haste to help me.

(opt. hymn, pp. 340–45)Psalm 118:1-4, 10-14Give praise to the Lord, for he is good;his mercy endures forever.

Let the house of Israel say,“His mercy endures forever.”Let the house of Aaron say,“His mercy endures forever.”Let those who fear the Lord say,“His mercy endures forever.”

The nations all encircled me;in the name of the Lord I cut them off.They encircled me all around;in the name of the Lord I cut them off.

They encircled me about like bees;they blazed like a fire among thorns.In the name of the Lord I cut them off.

I was thrust down, thrust down and falling,but the Lord was my helper.The Lord is my strength and my song;he was my savior.

Glory to the Father . . .

Scripture Romans 14:7-13

None of us lives for oneself, and no one dies for oneself. For if we live, we live for the Lord, and if we die, we die

for the Lord; so then, whether we live or die, we are the Lord’s. For this is why Christ died and came to life, that he might be

Lord of both the dead and the living. Why then do you judge your brother? Or you, why do you look down on your brother? For we shall all stand before the judgment seat of God; for it is written: / “As I live, says the Lord, every knee shall bend before me, / and every tongue shall give praise to God.” / So [then] each of us shall give an account of himself [to God].

Then let us no longer judge one another, but rather re-solve never to put a stumbling block or hindrance in the way of a brother.

Read, Ponder, Pray on a word or phrase from today’s Scriptures (Lectio Divina, p. 346)

AntiphonDo not judge another; we shall all stand before the judgment seat of God.

Canticle of Mary (inside back cover)

IntercessionsChrist Jesus, where two or more are gathered in your name, you are present. Be with us as we pray: r. Let us be brothers and sisters in you, O Lord.Further constructive dialogue among women and men in your Church. r.Show your Church how to reach out to single parents, divorced couples, families of the imprisoned, and families of second marriages. r.Inspire coaches, athletes, and sport spectators to enjoy your gifts with a spirit of good zeal. r.

Our Father . . .

May the love of God, the peace of Christ, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit remain with us, now and always. Amen.

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279September 27–30Twenty-Sixth Week in Ordinary Time

Within the WordPsalm 137, Complete and Unabridged

What can we do with Psalm 137, a text perhaps best known for the lines that the Lectionary always omits: “Remember, Lord, against Edom that day at Jerusalem. They said: ‘Level it, level it down to its foundations!’ Desolate Daughter Baby-lon, you shall be destroyed, blessed the one who pays you back what you have done us! Blessed the one who seizes your children and smashes them against the rock.” Many tradi-tional interpreters (including St. Jerome, on whose feast Psalm 137 is read this year) have taken a “spiritual” approach to these lines, seeing, for example, the difficult final verse as an admonition to dash one’s evil thoughts against “the rock” of Christ (cf. 1 Cor 10:4). There is, however, also much to be gained by wrestling with this psalm’s literal sense.

The psalm’s opening lines give voice to some of ancient Israel’s most painful memories. The speakers look back on Babylon’s destruction of Jerusalem and their exile in the land of their oppressors. Their trauma is not just social and po-litical. It is also, even more seriously, theological. Their cap-tors mockingly ask them to perform “songs of Zion,” songs (such as Psalms 46 and 48) that celebrate God’s presence in Jerusalem. Given God’s promises of protection, Jerusalem’s destruction seems to call into question either God’s power or God’s commitment to Israel. No wonder the speakers find it difficult to sing the Lord’s song in this foreign land.

Still, that is precisely what they do, by defiantly remember-ing Jerusalem in all of their tears and anguish. Though not explicitly addressed to God, the memories of verses 1-4

resemble the complaints of such communal laments as Psalms 74 and 79 in the way they bring Israel’s suffering to God’s attention. In verses 5-6, one of the speakers vows always to remember Jerusalem, pledging the loss of hand and tongue upon failure to do so. Even if it only exists as a memory, Jerusalem will remain the psalmist’s greatest joy.

It is, however, not enough that the psalmist remembers Jerusalem. The psalm’s concluding verses insist that God too must remember Jerusalem—and act to repay its humiliation by the Babylonians and their Edomite allies. This is more than simply a desire for revenge. What is really at stake is whether God’s justice will prevail in a world where the powerful can oppress the weak with impunity. Babylon rep-resents just such a world, and its demise is both promised elsewhere (cf. Isa 13, 47; Jer 50–51; Rev 17–18) and starkly described here in terms of the destruction of a younger gen-eration that might otherwise extend the time of its rule.

These verses constitute a radical act of trust that God will not let Jerusalem’s enemies have the last word. In their insis-tence on this, those who experienced destruction and exile were able to bring their deepest feelings of hurt and anger where they belong, into the very heart of their relationship with God. Those suffering injustice since that time have often used this psalm in a similar way.

What can those who are not currently in such a position do with Psalm 137? Pray it, perhaps even pray all of it, if we dare. But only if we are willing to open ourselves to the pain of those who have longed for Jerusalem in the midst of Babylon. And always knowing that while God will surely remember those who suffer in this world, we often risk being found among those whom this psalm condemns for failing to do the same.

—Harry NasutiHarry P. Nasuti is professor of theology at Fordham University, Bronx, New York.

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280 Monday 281

Monday, September 28

MorningO Lord, open my lips.And my mouth will proclaim your praise.

(opt. hymn, pp. 340–45)Psalm 120To the Lord in the hour of my distressI call—and he answers me.“O Lord, save my soul from lying lips,from the tongue of the deceitful.”

What should he give you, what repay you,O deceitful tongue?The warrior’s arrows sharpened,with red-hot coals from the broom tree!

Alas, that I live in Meshech,dwell among the tents of Kedar!I have had enough of dwellingwith those who hate peace.I am for peace, but when I speak,they are for war.

Glory to the Father . . .

Scripture Isaiah 66:10-13

Rejoice with Jerusalem and be glad because of her, / all you who love her; / Rejoice with her in her joy, / all you

who mourn over her— / So that you may nurse and be satis-fied / from her consoling breast; / That you may drink with

delight / at her abundant breasts! / For thus says the Lord: / I will spread prosperity over her like a river, / like an over-flowing torrent, / the wealth of nations. / You shall nurse, carried in her arms, / cradled upon her knees; / As a mother comforts her child, / so I will comfort you; / in Jerusalem you shall find your comfort.

Read, Ponder, Pray on a word or phrase from today’s Scriptures (Lectio Divina, p. 346)

AntiphonI will be your God and you shall be my people.

Canticle of Zechariah (inside front cover)

IntercessionsGod, you made us, and we belong to you. Secure in your love we pray: r. Gracious God of Justice, hear our prayer.

Bring peace to Jerusalem and to all cities at war. r.

Hear the groaning of prisoners, and bring comfort to their families. r.

Lead our nation to respect life at all stages and to uphold laws that protect the natural end of life. r.

Our Father . . .

May the God of hope fill us with all peace and joy in believing, so that we may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

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282 September 28 Monday 283

Blessed Among UsSt. EustochiumVirgin (ca. 367–ca. 419)

Eustochium was the third of four daughters of St. Paula, a Roman matron who experienced a deep conversion after the death of her husband. Joining a community with St. Marcella and other widowed Christian women, Paula devoted herself to prayer and the works of mercy. Eustochium was the only one of Paula’s daughters to join her in this new life, and she soon took a vow of perpetual virginity.

Their lives took a new direction under the influence of St. Jerome, a learned scholar, who became a chaplain to the com-munity. Jerome’s detractors spread scurrilous rumors about his devotion to these women, prompting his departure for the Holy Land. Paula and Eustochium followed. Establishing a community in Bethlehem, mother and daughter learned Greek and Hebrew to assist Jerome in his ambitious transla-tion of the Scriptures into Latin.

Paula’s death in 404 left her disconsolate daughter like “a baby weaned from her nurse.” Paula had wished to be so poor as not to leave a penny, and Jerome notes approvingly that she far exceeded this aim, leaving her daughter with a moun-tain of unpaid bills. Nevertheless, Eustochium assumed re-sponsibility for her mother’s community, and with help from the bishop of Jerusalem, she was able to put her affairs in order by the time of her own death in 419. She was buried beside her mother in the cave of the Nativity.

“Set before your eyes the blessed Virgin Mary, whose purity was such that she earned the reward of being the mother of the Lord.”

—St. Jerome’s counsel to St. Eustochium

MassMonday of the Twenty-Sixth Week in Ordinary Time

[St. Wenceslaus; St. Lawrence Ruiz and Companions, opt. memorials]

Entrance Antiphon Daniel 3:31, 29, 30, 43, 42All that you have done to us, O Lord, / you have done with true judgment, / for we have sinned against you / and not obeyed your commandments. / But give glory to your name / and deal with us according to the bounty of your mercy.

CollectO God, who manifest your almighty powerabove all by pardoning and showing mercy,bestow, we pray, your grace abundantly upon usand make those hastening to attain your promisesheirs to the treasures of heaven.Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,one God, for ever and ever.

A reading from the Book of the Prophet Zechariah 8:1-8

I will rescue my people from the land of the rising sun, and from the land of the setting sun.

This word of the Lord of hosts came: / Thus says the Lord of hosts: / I am intensely jealous for Zion, /

stirred to jealous wrath for her. / Thus says the Lord: / I will return to Zion, / and I will dwell within Jerusalem; / Jeru-salem shall be called the faithful city, / and the mountain of the Lord of hosts, / the holy mountain.

Thus says the Lord of hosts: Old men and old women, each with staff in hand because of old age, shall again sit in the streets of Jerusalem. The city shall be filled with boys and girls playing in its streets. Thus says the Lord of hosts:

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284 September 28 Monday 285

Even if this should seem impossible in the eyes of the rem-nant of this people, shall it in those days be impossible in my eyes also, says the Lord of hosts? Thus says the Lord of hosts: Lo, I will rescue my people from the land of the rising sun, and from the land of the setting sun. I will bring them back to dwell within Jerusalem. They shall be my people, and I will be their God, with faithfulness and justice.The word of the Lord.

Responsorial Psalm 102:16-18, 19-21, 29 and 22-23

r. (17) The Lord will build up Zion again, and appear in all his glory.

The nations shall revere your name, O Lord,and all the kings of the earth your glory,

When the Lord has rebuilt Zionand appeared in his glory;

When he has regarded the prayer of the destitute,and not despised their prayer. r.

Let this be written for the generation to come,and let his future creatures praise the Lord:

“The Lord looked down from his holy height,from heaven he beheld the earth,

To hear the groaning of the prisoners,to release those doomed to die.” r.

The children of your servants shall abide,and their posterity shall continue in your presence.

That the name of the Lord may be declared in Zion;and his praise, in Jerusalem,

When the peoples gather together,and the kingdoms, to serve the Lord. r.

Gospel Acclamation Mark 10:45The Son of Man came to serveand to give his life as a ransom for many.

A reading from the holy Gospel according to Luke 9:46-50

The one who is least among all of you is the one who is the greatest.

An argument arose among the disciples about which of them was the greatest. Jesus realized the intention of

their hearts and took a child and placed it by his side and said to them, “Whoever receives this child in my name re-ceives me, and whoever receives me receives the one who sent me. For the one who is least among all of you is the one who is the greatest.”

Then John said in reply, “Master, we saw someone casting out demons in your name and we tried to prevent him because he does not follow in our company.” Jesus said to him, “Do not prevent him, for whoever is not against you is for you.”The Gospel of the Lord.

Prayer over the OfferingsGrant us, O merciful God,that this our offering may find acceptance with youand that through it the wellspring of all blessingmay be laid open before us.Through Christ our Lord.

Communion Antiphon Cf. Psalm 119 (118):49-50Remember your word to your servant, O Lord, / by which you have given me hope. / This is my comfort when I am brought low.

Or: 1 John 3:16By this we came to know the love of God: / that Christ laid down his life for us; / so we ought to lay down our lives for one another.

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286 September 28 Monday 287

Prayer after CommunionMay this heavenly mystery, O Lord,restore us in mind and body,that we may be coheirs in glory with Christ,to whose suffering we are unitedwhenever we proclaim his Death.Who lives and reigns for ever and ever.

ReflectionThe Greatest

My parish offers children’s Liturgy of the Word on Sundays, and one of my favorite moments of worship is watching kids skip, scramble, and scurry forward to the front where they are gathered, blessed, and led out to encounter the Word. I love that in this moment kids bring themselves fully to their sacred spot before the altar. They are who they are, whether shy or rambunctious, sleepy or excited, goofy or obedient—a real human bunch, gathered before God.

Today’s Gospel invites us to gather with the disciples around Jesus and learn from the example of the child. Like the dis-ciples, we too find ourselves in the trap of self-importance and self-promotion, whether in our work, in our relationships, or even the way we live out our faith. Focused on ourselves, we are missing the point as we argue about who is greatest.

Can the child really teach us something here? Parents and teachers know that children themselves compete to stand out, to get attention, and to get ahead of siblings and class-mates. It seems that children and the self-promoting disciples actually have something in common. The difference is the gripping self-awareness that adulthood brings, which can

lead us to worry about, control, and manipulate how we come across to others.

Teaching us freedom, Jesus points us all to the child. I see them in the messy and glorious bunch gathered before the altar at the 9:30 liturgy. Unaware they are sign and symbol, these kids teach profoundly about discipleship—about bring-ing ourselves to God exactly as we are, about gathering as a community before the Lord, about walking together on God’s path and caring for one another on the way. I delight in spot-ting siblings who are dutifully holding hands, the older lead-ing the younger. Witnessing their honest example and recognizing their simple lesson—it’s the greatest.

Daniella Zsupan-Jerome

Daniella Zsupan-Jerome, PhD, is assistant professor of Liturgy, Catechesis, and Evangelization at the Institute for Ministry at Loyola University New Orleans.

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288 September 28 Monday 289

EveningGod, come to my assistance.Lord, make haste to help me.

(opt. hymn, pp. 340–45)Psalm 119:73-80It was your hands that made me and shaped me;grant me insight to learn your commands.Those who revere you see me and rejoice,for I trust in your word.

O Lord, I know that your decrees are right;though I am humbled, you are just.Let your merciful love console meby your promise to your servant.

Show me compassion, that I may live,for your law is my delight.Let the arrogant be shamed who deflect me with lies;as for me, I will ponder your precepts.

Let those who fear you turn to me,that they may know your decrees.Let my heart be blameless in your statutes,that I may not be put to shame.

Glory to the Father . . .

Scripture James 3:13-18

Who among you is wise and understanding? Let him show his works by a good life in the humility that

comes from wisdom. But if you have bitter jealousy and selfish ambition in your hearts, do not boast and be false to the truth. Wisdom of this kind does not come down from

above but is earthly, unspiritual, demonic. For where jeal-ousy and selfish ambition exist, there is disorder and every foul practice. But the wisdom from above is first of all pure, then peaceable, gentle, compliant, full of mercy and good fruits, without inconstancy or insincerity. And the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace for those who cultivate peace.

Read, Ponder, Pray on a word or phrase from today’s Scriptures (Lectio Divina, p. 346)

AntiphonThe one who is least among you is the greatest.

Canticle of Mary (inside back cover)

IntercessionsGod of the covenant, you are faithful. With trust and hope we pray: r. God, in your wisdom, hear us.

Show us how we may help the destitute, refugees, and those who are fleeing war-torn lands. r.

Stop terrorism, and bring nations together to reverence your name. r.

Rescue those who dwell in darkness and in the shadow of death. r.

Our Father . . .

May God grant us the grace to accept what we cannot change, the courage to change what we can, and the wisdom to know the difference. Amen.

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290 Tuesday 291

Tuesday, September 29

MorningO Lord, open my lips.And my mouth will proclaim your praise.

(opt. hymn, pp. 340–45)Psalm 138:1-3, 6-8I thank you, Lord, with all my heart;you have heard the words of my mouth.In the presence of the angels I praise you.I bow down toward your holy temple.

I give thanks to your namefor your merciful love and your faithfulness.You have exalted your name over all.On the day I called, you answered me;you increased the strength of my soul.

The Lord is high, yet he looks on the lowly,and the haughty he knows from afar.You give me life though I walk amid affliction;you stretch out your hand against the anger of my foes.

With your right hand you save me;the Lord will accomplish this for me.O Lord, your merciful love is eternal;discard not the work of your hands.

Glory to the Father . . .

Scripture Tobit 12:11-12, 14-15

I shall now tell you the whole truth and conceal nothing at all from you. I have already said to you, ‘A king’s secret

should be kept secret, but one must declare the works of

God with due honor.’ Now when you, Tobit, and Sarah prayed, it was I who presented the record of your prayer before the Glory of the Lord; and likewise whenever you used to bury the dead. I was sent to put you to the test. At the same time, however, God sent me to heal you and your daughter-in-law Sarah. I am Raphael, one of the seven an-gels who stand and serve before the Glory of the Lord.”

Read, Ponder, Pray on a word or phrase from today’s Scriptures (Lectio Divina, p. 346)

AntiphonIn the company of the angels I will sing psalms to you, my God.

Canticle of Zechariah (inside front cover)

IntercessionsIn the company of the angels, we sing your praise, O God, and we pray: r. Holy God, come to our aid.

Stay near the brokenhearted, and heal those who suffer relationship wounds. r.

Defend and strengthen those who are undergoing great trials. r.

Thwart the plots of terrorists and all who seek destruction. r.

Our Father . . .

May God bless us with courage, wisdom, and strength under the watchful care of the angels. Amen.

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292 September 29 Tuesday 293

Blessed Among UsSaints Michael, Gabriel, RaphaelArchangels

Of the many angels—messengers of God—who appear throughout the Scriptures, only three are named. These arch-angels, so-called because they deliver messages of supreme importance, are celebrated today. Unlike human saints, the very existence of these incorporeal beings is a matter of faith. And yet their deeds are assigned a special place in the history of salvation.

Michael, a warrior, appears in the Book of Revelation, where he leads the armies of God in battle against the forces of evil. The angel Gabriel appears to Zechariah to prophesy the birth of his son John the Baptist, and later he is “sent from God to a city of Galilee named Nazareth, to a virgin betrothed to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David; and the virgin’s name was Mary.” His greeting to Mary resonates to this day: “Hail, O favored one, the Lord is with you.” The angel Raphael appears in the Book of Tobit, where he serves as a guide to the young Tobias.

We may not aspire to emulate these holy beings in the same way we do other saints. But we may invoke their aid and invite their assistance in resisting evil, in bearing witness to the good news, in navigating our way through the chal-lenges that beset us, and in finding our way to those we are intended to meet.

“For with God nothing shall be impossible.”—St. Gabriel (Luke 1:37)

MassSaints Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael, Feast

Entrance Antiphon Cf. Psalm 103 (102):20Bless the Lord, all you his angels, mighty in power, / fulfilling his word, and heeding his voice.

Gloria (p. 310)

CollectO God, who dispose in marvelous orderministries both angelic and human,graciously grantthat our life on earth may be defendedby those who watch over usas they minister perpetually to you in heaven.Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,one God, for ever and ever.

A reading from the Book of the Prophet Daniel 7:9-10, 13-14 (alt. Rev 12:7-12ab)

Thousands upon thousands were ministering to him.

As I watched: / Thrones were set up / and the Ancient One took his throne. / His clothing was bright as snow,

/ and the hair on his head as white as wool; / His throne was flames of fire, / with wheels of burning fire. / A surging stream of fire / flowed out from where he sat; / Thousands upon thousands were ministering to him, / and myriads upon myriads attended him.

The court was convened, and the books were opened. As the visions during the night continued, I saw / One like a son of man coming, / on the clouds of heaven; / When he

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reached the Ancient One / and was presented before him, / He received dominion, glory, and kingship; / nations and peoples of every language serve him. / His dominion is an everlasting dominion / that shall not be taken away, / his kingship shall not be destroyed.The word of the Lord.

Responsorial Psalm 138:1-2ab, 2cde-3, 4-5

r. (1) In the sight of the angels I will sing your praises, Lord.

I will give thanks to you, O Lord, with all my heart,for you have heard the words of my mouth;in the presence of the angels I will sing your praise;

I will worship at your holy templeand give thanks to your name. r.

Because of your kindness and your truth;for you have made great above all thingsyour name and your promise.

When I called, you answered me;you built up strength within me. r.

All the kings of the earth shall give thanks to you, O Lord,

when they hear the words of your mouth;And they shall sing of the ways of the Lord:

“Great is the glory of the Lord.” r.

Gospel Acclamation Psalm 103:21Bless the Lord, all you angels,you ministers, who do his will.

A reading from the holy Gospel according to John 1:47-51

You will see the sky opened and the angels of God ascending and descending on the Son of Man.

Jesus saw Nathanael coming toward him and said of him, “Here is a true child of Israel. There is no duplicity

in him.” Nathanael said to him, “How do you know me?” Jesus answered and said to him, “Before Philip called you, I saw you under the fig tree.” Nathanael answered him, “Rabbi, you are the Son of God; you are the King of Israel.” Jesus answered and said to him, “Do you believe because I told you that I saw you under the fig tree? You will see greater things than this.” And he said to him, “Amen, amen, I say to you, you will see heaven opened and the angels of God ascending and descending on the Son of Man.”The Gospel of the Lord.

Prayer over the OfferingsWe offer you a sacrifice of praise, O Lord,humbly entreating,that, as these gifts are borne by the ministry of Angelsinto the presence of your majesty,so you may receive them favorablyand make them profitable for our salvation.Through Christ our Lord.

Communion Antiphon Psalm 138 (137):1I will thank you, Lord, with all my heart; / in the presence of the Angels I will praise you.

Prayer after CommunionHaving been nourished with heavenly Bread,we beseech you humbly, O Lord,that, drawing from it new strength,under the faithful protection of your Angels,

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we may advance boldly along the way of salvation.Through Christ our Lord.

ReflectionLike the Bright Seraphim

Like your bright brothers seraphim who veil their faces with their wings, you hide your face, and yet I know that when the pinions stir and blow you peer at God and me and things.

I love those glances of your soul, so shyly sent. I stand aside and watch, with deeper pleasurings, the hidden face behind the wings, a Sanctus waiting to be cried.

Ah, guard this native secrecy! Know, child: those angels chief in grace who stir when Splendor breathes His Name and wake and slumber in His flame alone use wings to hide their face.

Jessica Powers, The Selected Poetry of Jessica Powers

Jessica Powers (Sister Miriam of the Holy Spirit, 1905–1988) was a Discalced Carmelite nun and member of the Carmel of the Mother of God, Pewaukee, Wisconsin.

EveningGod, come to my assistance.Lord, make haste to help me.

(opt. hymn, pp. 340–45)Psalm 103:1-5, 20-22Bless the Lord, O my soul,and all within me, his holy name.Bless the Lord, O my soul,and never forget all his benefits.

It is the Lord who forgives all your sins,who heals every one of your ills,who redeems your life from the grave,who crowns you with mercy and compassion,who fills your life with good things,renewing your youth like an eagle’s.

Bless the Lord, all you his angels,mighty in power, fulfilling his word,who heed the voice of his word.

Bless the Lord, all his hosts,his servants, who do his will.Bless the Lord, all his works,in every place where he rules.Bless the Lord, O my soul!

Glory to the Father . . .

Scripture Revelation 8:1-4

When he broke open the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven for about half an hour. And I saw that the

seven angels who stood before God were given seven trumpets.

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298 September 29

Another angel came and stood at the altar, holding a gold censer. He was given a great quantity of incense to offer, along with the prayers of all the holy ones, on the gold altar that was before the throne. The smoke of the incense along with the prayers of the holy ones went up before God from the hand of the angel.

Read, Ponder, Pray on a word or phrase from today’s Scriptures (Lectio Divina, p. 346)

AntiphonLet us praise the Lord, whom the angels acclaim.

Canticle of Mary (inside back cover)

IntercessionsO God, you give us ministering spirits to aid us in our earthly pilgrimage. We pray: r. God, send us your holy angels to help us.

Protect your Church from every evil. r.

Animate your Church to reflect and proclaim the love of Christ in every land. r.

Comfort the dying, and give peace to the fearful. r.

Our Father . . .

May God bless us and guard us in peace. Amen.

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The Order of Mass 309


The Order of Mass❙❚ In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the

Holy Spirit.❙❚ Amen.

GreetingThe grace of our Lord Jesus Christ,and the love of God,and the communion of the Holy Spiritbe with you all.And with your spirit.

Grace to you and peace from God our Fatherand the Lord Jesus Christ.And with your spirit.

The Lord be with you.And with your spirit.

Penitential ActBrethren (brothers and sisters), let us acknowledge our sins,and so prepare ourselves to celebrate the sacred mysteries.

(Pause)I confess to almighty Godand to you, my brothers and sisters,that I have greatly sinned,in my thoughts and in my words,in what I have done and in what I have failed to do,

And, striking their breast, they say:

through my fault, through my fault,through my most grievous fault;

Then they continue:

therefore I ask blessed Mary ever-Virgin,all the Angels and Saints,and you, my brothers and sisters,to pray for me to the Lord our God.Have mercy on us, O Lord.For we have sinned against you.Show us, O Lord, your mercy.And grant us your salvation.

These or other invocations may be used.

You were sent to heal the contrite of heart:Lord, have mercy. Or: Kyrie, eleison.Lord, have mercy. Or: Kyrie, eleison.You came to call sinners:Christ, have mercy. Or: Christe, eleison.Christ, have mercy. Or: Christe, eleison.You are seated at the right hand of the Father to intercede for us:Lord, have mercy. Or: Kyrie, eleison.Lord, have mercy. Or: Kyrie, eleison.

❙❚ May almighty God have mercy on us, forgive us our sins, and bring us to everlasting life.

❙❚ Amen.

KyrieThe Kyrie, eleison (Lord, have mercy) invocations follow, unless they have just occurred in a formula of the Penitential Act.❙❚ Lord, have mercy. ❙❚ Kyrie, eleison.❙❚ Lord, have mercy. ❙❚ Kyrie, eleison.

❙❚ Christ, have mercy. ❙❚ Christe, eleison.❙❚ Christ, have mercy. ❙❚ Christe, eleison.

❙❚ Lord, have mercy. ❙❚ Kyrie, eleison.❙❚ Lord, have mercy. ❙❚ Kyrie, eleison.







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310 The Order of Mass The Order of Mass 311

GloriaGlory to God in the highest,and on earth peace to people of good will.

We praise you,we bless you,we adore you,we glorify you,we give you thanks for your great glory,Lord God, heavenly King,O God, almighty Father.

Lord Jesus Christ, Only Begotten Son,Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father,you take away the sins of the world,

have mercy on us;you take away the sins of the world,

receive our prayer;you are seated at the right hand of the Father,

have mercy on us.For you alone are the Holy One,you alone are the Lord,you alone are the Most High,Jesus Christ,with the Holy Spirit,in the glory of God the Father.Amen.

Collect (Opening Prayer)

Liturgy of the WordFirst Reading

Responsorial Psalm

Second Reading

Gospel Acclamation

GospelCleanse my heart and my lips, almighty God,that I may worthily proclaim your holy Gospel.❙❚ The Lord be with you.❙❚ And with your spirit.

❙❚ A reading from the holy Gospel according to N.❙❚ Glory to you, O Lord.

At the end:❙❚ The Gospel of the Lord.❙❚ Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.

Through the words of the Gospelmay our sins be wiped away.


Profession of Faith[The Apostles’ Creed can be found on p. 338]

Nicene CreedI believe in one God,the Father almighty,maker of heaven and earth,of all things visible and invisible.I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ,the Only Begotten Son of God,born of the Father before all ages.God from God, Light from Light,true God from true God,begotten, not made, consubstantial with the Father;through him all things were made.For us men and for our salvationhe came down from heaven,

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312 The Order of Mass The Order of Mass 313

At the words that follow, up to and including and became man, all bow.

and by the Holy Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin Mary,and became man.For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate,he suffered death and was buried,and rose again on the third dayin accordance with the Scriptures.He ascended into heavenand is seated at the right hand of the Father.He will come again in gloryto judge the living and the deadand his kingdom will have no end.I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life,who proceeds from the Father and the Son,who with the Father and the Son is adored and glorified,who has spoken through the prophets.I believe in one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church.I confess one Baptism for the forgiveness of sinsand I look forward to the resurrection of the deadand the life of the world to come. Amen.

Prayer of the Faithful (Bidding Prayers)

Liturgy of the EucharistPresentation and Preparation of the GiftsBlessed are you, Lord God of all creation,for through your goodness we have receivedthe bread we offer you:fruit of the earth and work of human hands,it will become for us the bread of life.Blessed be God for ever.

By the mystery of this water and winemay we come to share in the divinity of Christwho humbled himself to share in our humanity.Blessed are you, Lord God of all creation,for through your goodness we have receivedthe wine we offer you:fruit of the vine and work of human hands,it will become our spiritual drink.Blessed be God for ever.

With humble spirit and contrite heartmay we be accepted by you, O Lord,and may our sacrifice in your sight this daybe pleasing to you, Lord God.Wash me, O Lord, from my iniquityand cleanse me from my sin.Invitation to PrayerPray, brethren (brothers and sisters),that my sacrifice and yoursmay be acceptable to God,the almighty Father.May the Lord accept the sacrifice at your handsfor the praise and glory of his name,for our goodand the good of all his holy Church.

Prayer over the OfferingsEucharistic Prayer❙❚ The Lord be with you. ❙❚ And with your spirit.❙❚ Lift up your hearts. ❙❚ We lift them up to the Lord.❙❚ Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.❙❚ It is right and just.

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Celebration of the Liturgy of the Word[With Holy Communion]

Introductory RitesIntroductionDeacon or lay leader:We gather here to celebrate the Lord’s Day.Sunday has been called the Lord’s Day because

it was on this daythat Jesus conquered sin and death and rose to new life.Unfortunately, we are not able to celebrate the Mass todaybecause we do not have a priest.Let us be united in the spirit of Christ with

the Church around the worldand celebrate our redemption in Christ’s suffering,

death, and resurrection.Sign of the CrossDeacon or lay leader:❙❚ In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the

Holy Spirit.❙❚ Amen.GreetingDeacon or lay leader:❙❚ Grace and peace to you from God our Father and from

the Lord Jesus Christ. Blessed be God for ever.❙❚ Blessed be God for ever.Collect

Liturgy of the WordFirst ReadingResponsorial PsalmSecond ReadingGospel AcclamationGospelHomily or Reflection on the Readings

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338 Celebration of the Liturgy of the Word Celebration of the Liturgy of the Word 339

Period of SilenceProfession of Faith[The Nicene Creed can be found on p. 311]

Apostles’ CreedI believe in God,the Father almighty,Creator of heaven and earth,and in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord. At the words that follow, up to and including the Virgin Mary,

all bow.

who was conceived by the Holy Spirit,born of the Virgin Mary,suffered under Pontius Pilate,was crucified, died and was buried;he descended into hell;on the third day he rose again from the dead;he ascended into heaven,and is seated at the right hand of God the Father almighty;from there he will come to judge the living and the dead.

I believe in the Holy Spirit,the holy catholic Church,the communion of saints,the forgiveness of sins,the resurrection of the body,and life everlasting. Amen.

Prayer of the Faithful

Communion RiteLord’s PrayerDeacon or lay leader:The Father provides us with food for eternal life.At the Savior’s commandand formed by divine teaching,we dare to say:

Our Father, who art in heaven,hallowed be thy name;thy kingdom come,thy will be doneon earth as it is in heaven.Give us this day our daily bread,and forgive us our trespasses,as we forgive those who trespass against us;and lead us not into temptation,but deliver us from evil.Amen.Invitation to CommunionDeacon or lay leader:Behold the Lamb of God,behold him who takes away the sins of the world.Blessed are those called to the supper of the Lamb.Lord, I am not worthythat you should enter under my roof,but only say the wordand my soul shall be healed.CommunionAct of Thanksgiving

Concluding RiteInvitation to Pray for Vocations to the PriesthoodDeacon or lay leader:Mindful of our Lord’s word, “Ask the Master of the harvest to send out laborers for the harvest,” let us pray for an increase of vocations to the priesthood. May our prayer hasten the day when we will be able to take part in the celebration of the Holy Eucharist every Sunday.BlessingSign of Peace

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340 Hymns Hymns 341

Now That the Daylight Fills the Skyam

Familiar Tune: On Jordan’s Bank

Awake, Be Lifted Up, O Heartam

Lord, We Sing the Glorious TriumphHoly Cross

Familiar Tune: Come, Thou Long Expected Jesus

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342 Hymns Hymns 343

The Lord Is My True Shepherdam/pm

Familiar Tune: O Lord, I Am Not Worthy

Lord God of Morning and of Nightam/pm

Familiar Tune: O Radiant Light, O Sun Divine

We Praise You, O Godpm

Familiar Tune: We Gather Together

1. We praise you, O God, our Redeemer, Creator, in grateful devotion our tribute we bring. We lay it before you, we kneel and adore you, we bless your holy name, glad praises we sing.

2. We worship you, God of all ages, we bless you; through life’s storm and tempest our guide you have been. When perils o’ertake us, you will not forsake us, O help us, gracious Lord, life’s battles to win.

3. With voices united our praises we offer, and gladly our songs of true worship we raise. Our sins now confessing, we pray for your blessing; to you, our great Redeemer, for ever be praise!

Text: Julia Cady Cory, 1882–1963, alt.

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Guide to Lectio DivinaChoose a word or phrase of the Scriptures you wish to pray. It makes no difference which text is chosen, as long as you have no set goal of “covering” a certain amount of text. The amount of text covered is in God’s hands, not yours.

Read. Turn to the text and read it slowly, gently. Savor each portion of the reading, constantly listening for the “still, small voice” of a word or phrase that somehow says, “I am for you today.” Do not expect lightning or ecstasies. In lectio divina, God is teaching us to listen, to seek him in silence. God does not reach out and grab us but gently invites us ever more deeply into his presence.

Ponder. Take the word or phrase into yourself. Memorize it and slowly repeat it to yourself, allowing it to interact with your inner world of concerns, memories, and ideas. Do not be afraid of distractions. Memories or thoughts are simply parts of yourself that, when they rise up during lectio divina, are asking to be given to God along with the rest of your inner self. Allow this inner pondering, this rumination, to invite you into dialogue with God.

Pray. Whether you use words, ideas, or images—or all three—is not important. Interact with God as you would with one who you know loves and accepts you. Give to God what you have discovered during your experience of meditation. Give to God what you have found within your heart.

It is not necessary to assess the quality of your lectio divina, as if you were “performing” or seeking some goal. Lectio divina has no goal other than that of being in the presence of God by praying the Scriptures.

—Fr. Luke Dysinger

Luke Dysinger, OSB, is a Benedictine monk of Saint Andrew’s Abbey, Valyermo, California.

Canticle of Mary (Magnificat) Luke 1:46-55

My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord,my spirit rejoices in God my Savior

for he has looked with favor on his lowly servant.

From this day all generations will call me blessed:the Almighty has done great things for me,and holy is his Name.

He has mercy on those who fear himin every generation.

He has shown the strength of his arm,he has scattered the proud in their conceit.

He has cast down the mighty from their thrones,and has lifted up the lowly.

He has filled the hungry with good things,and the rich he has sent away empty.

He has come to the help of his servant Israelfor he has remembered his promise of mercy,the promise he made to our fathers,to Abraham and his children for ever.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit,as it was in the beginning, is now, and will be for ever. Amen.

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