gis open source software (oss) for development of pacific island nations edwin liava’a

GIS Open Source Software (OSS) for development of Pacific Island Nations Edwin Liava’a

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Page 1: GIS Open Source Software (OSS) for development of Pacific Island Nations Edwin Liava’a

GIS Open Source Software (OSS) for development of

Pacific Island Nations

Edwin Liava’a

Page 2: GIS Open Source Software (OSS) for development of Pacific Island Nations Edwin Liava’a

PI Attribute

• What is the best attribute of a Pacific Islander?


Page 3: GIS Open Source Software (OSS) for development of Pacific Island Nations Edwin Liava’a


• The Open Source Geospatial Foundation

• OSGeo was created to support the collaborative development of open source geospatial software, and promote its widespread use

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Page 5: GIS Open Source Software (OSS) for development of Pacific Island Nations Edwin Liava’a

Page 6: GIS Open Source Software (OSS) for development of Pacific Island Nations Edwin Liava’a

Abstract• An OSS Success Story: the case of GIS&RS from the

South Pacific region

• Abstract: The use of Open Source Software for Geographic Information Systems and Remote Sensing (GIS&RS) in the Pacific regions is an important case study in the benefits of OSS for developing countries. The success of OSS for GIS&RS can be related to the many unique challenges and conditions that the Pacific offers. This presentation looks at these challenges and conditions using the analytical framework that Schwelk and English (2012) have used to analyse other cases in OSGeo. A history of GIS&RS is provided along with the characteristics of the community that has developed GIS&RS

• Open Geo. use to addresses this question by looking at GIS&RS in the Pacific begins the process by documenting its history..

– William Tibben

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• Navigation

• Mapping

• Knowledge Transfer

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• “Open source GIS software makes a major public goods contribution by giving average people, especially those in developing countries, access to free GIS software.” OSGeo Case Study: An example of the evolving OSS Ecosystem.

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SOPAC• The GIS/RS Special Interest Group of the

Pacific Islands Chapter of Internet Society GIS/RS SIG has been instrumental in the promotion of Open Source spearheaded by the Pacific Applied and Geoscience Commission (SOPAC) by making source code available to its Stakeholders starting with the GIS for Utilities Project in 1997.

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• Process and deliver timely GIS outputs, free of dependence on external vendors or licensing constraints.

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• Incorporating FOSS in a number of GIS courses, and students are experiencing desktop GIS with a range of FOSS and commercial software.

• “FOSS GIS applications have seen important developments in the last few years. These have been particularly significant in the areas of desktop GIS for general mapping, and in the usability of desktop mapping applications by non-IT specialists. This has increased the opportunities for projects and organisations with limited budgets to develop desktop mapping capacity,” Conway Pene

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• Cost Benefit Analysis

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TANGIBLE BENEFITS WORKSHEET Economic Feasibility Analysis

Year 1 through 5A. Cost Reduction or avoidance 4,500.00$

B. Error reduction 2,500.00$ Year 0 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 TOTALS

C. Increased f lexibility 7,500.00$ Net Economic benefit -$ 50,000$ 50,000$ 50,000$ 50,000$ 50,000$

D. Increased speed of activity 10,500.00$ Discount rate (12%) 1.0000 0.9050 0.8190 0.7412 0.6707 0.6070 ##

E. Improvement in management PV of Benefits -$ 45,249$ 40,949$ 37,058$ 33,537$ 30,350$

planning or control 25,000.00$

F. Other____________________ NPV of all benefits -$ 45,249$ 86,198$ 123,256$ 156,793$ 187,143$ 187,143$

TOTAL tangible benefits 50,000.00$ One-time costs (112,650.00)$

ONE-TIME COSTS WORKSHEET Recurring Costs -$ (125,760.00)$ (125,760.00)$ (125,760.00)$ (125,760.00)$ (125,760.00)$

Year 0 Discount rate (12%) 1.0000 0.9050 0.8190 0.7412 0.6707 0.6070 ##

A. Development costs 16,648.00$ PV of Recurring Costs -$ (113,810)$ (102,995)$ (93,209)$ (84,352)$ (76,336)$

B. New Hardw are 49,610.00$

C. New (purchased) Softw are NPV of all Costs (112,650)$ (226,460)$ (329,455)$ (422,664)$ (507,016)$ (583,352)$ (583,352)$

1. Packaged application 11,200.00$ 112650 226459.9548 329455.3889 422663.9266 507015.5445 583351.8502

2. Other: "Accommodation, Meals & Airfares 8,380.00$

D. User training 10,000.00$ Overall NPV (396,209)$

E. Site Preparation 7,480.00$

F. Other: "contingency" 9,332.00$

TOTAL One time-cost 112,650.00$ Overall ROI - (Overall NPV / NPV of all COSTS) (0.68)


Year 1 through 5 Yearly NPV Cash Flow (112,650)$ (68,561)$ (62,046)$ (56,150)$ (50,815)$ (45,986)$

A. Application softw are maintenance 100,000.00$ Ov erall NPV Cash Flow (112,650)$ (181,211)$ (243,257)$ (299,408)$ (350,223)$ (396,209)$

B. Incremental data storage required: 20MB X $50.00 1,000.00$

C. Incremental communications (lines, messages, etc) 4,800.00$ Project break-ev en occurs betw een y ears 2 and 3

D. New softw are leases or upgrades 1,000.00$ Use first y ear of positiv e cashflow to calculate break-ev en fraction - ((15303 - 9139)/15303) =

E. Supplies 9,360.00$

F. Other - Transport 9,600.00$ NB: All dollar v alues hav e been rounded of to the nearest dollar Yearly Cashflow s are calculated by substracting both the one-time cost and

TOTAL recurring costs 125,760.00$ the present values of the recurring costs from the present value of the yearly benefits.

The overall NPV of the cash f low ref lects the total cash f low s for all preceding years.

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Break-Even Analysis









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All Benefits

All Costs

Proprietary Software

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Break-Even Analysis







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GIS OSS Software

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• Means – Sharing