gijoe organization doc rev6b sample chapters

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  • 8/7/2019 GIJOE Organization Doc Rev6b Sample Chapters





    The Global Intervention Joint Operations Executive (GIJOE) is a joint service agency of the United States Department of Defense taskedwith peace enforcement in conflicts where the National Command Authority (NCA) has determined the existence of a breach to the peacethat threatens the vital national security or humanitarian interests of the United States and its allies. Effective peace enforcement inpolitically sensitive and hostile settings requires an adaptive rapid response combined arms force, highly-trained and skilled in the use of awide range of coercive military measures to help bring about conditions conducive to the establishment of a functional and stableframework for peace and security. GIJOE is that rapid response combined arms force.

    1-1. Mission.

    a. GIJOE's mission is to plan and conduct small-scale conventional military operations and limited special operations insupport of peace enforcement objectives. The agency may conduct these tasks as part of a larger unilateral or multilateralmilitary peace enforcement contingent or it may perform these activities independently as a self-contained and self-sufficient rapid response combined arms force. GIJOE actively fights belligerent parties in order to bring about a cessationin hostilities that will allow for the political resolution of a conflict.

    b. Conventional military activities conducted by GIJOE include the use of ground, air, and maritime combat patrols tophysically separate combatants to help create or reinstate a ceasefire and to delay, disrupt, capture, or destroy belligerentforces or supplies en route to battle areas. Military force may also be used to effect the rescue and evacuation of victims ofhostilities, provide security for humanitarian relief organization (HRO) personnel, and create safe havens for civilians

    affected by conflict.c. GIJOE conducts special operations in situations where more conventional military measures are untenable or impractical.

    These consist primarily of short duration special light infantry strikes and raids to seize, destroy, or capture designatedtargets in order to reduce belligerent parties' ability to wage hostilities. GIJOE also has the ability to execute precisionstrikes against combatant facilities and installations by employing terminal guidance techniques for precision-guidedmunitions launched from organic and external aircraft and indirect fire assets. The agency is also authorized to use lethalforce against unlawful combatants to preclude or preempt belligerent and terrorist activities in extremis.

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    1-2. Fundamentals of GIJOE operations.

    a. Versatility

    GIJOE maintains competence across a wide range of functions and skills. Emphasis is placed on

    imaginative and innovative training and planning and the use of multiple methods of insertion, attack, andextraction.

    b. Initiative

    GIJOE exhibits a willingness to take reasonable risks and strives to control events rather than allowing theoperational environment and the belligerent parties to dictate them. Planning and execution of operationsanticipates belligerent actions and takes these into account to fully disrupt attempts to continue hostilities.

    c. Agility

    GIJOE personnel have the necessary skills, training, and situational awareness that enables them to take

    advantage of opportunities that present themselves in the field. GIJOE is able to react decisively tochanges and maintain its initiative, even in situations not anticipated during the planning phase.

    d. Depth

    While primarily a combat maneuver unit, GIJOE also uses a wide array of organic informational andmaneuver support resources to influence the operating environment and conditions to be resolved.Planners use a multi-pronged but nonetheless focused approach to creating solutions to peaceenforcement problems.

    e. Synchronization

    GIJOE relies on detailed and precise coordination and speedy execution of its activities to exploit

    belligerents' weaknesses and mitigate their strengths.

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    1-3. Capabilities and Limitations.

    a. GIJOE is capable of the following:

    (1) Deploying quickly to conduct operations on all types of terrain and in all kinds of weather; infiltrating

    and exfiltrating an area of operations by land, sea, or air using organic wheeled vehicles, smallwatercraft, and tactical airlift and assault aircraft.

    (2) Conducting ground, air, and maritime combat patrols to physically separate combatants to helpcreate or reinstate a ceasefire and to delay, disrupt, capture, or destroy belligerent forces orsupplies en route to battle areas.

    (3) Conducting operations to rescue and evacuate of victims of hostilities, provide security forhumanitarian relief organization (HRO) personnel, and create safe havens for civilians endangeredby conflict.

    (4) Conducting direct action operations such as short duration special light infantry strikes and raids

    which employ specialized military capabilities to seize, destroy, or capture designated targets inorder to reduce belligerent parties' military capabilities in situations where more conventionalmeasures are untenable.

    (5) Executing precision strikes against combatant facilities by employing terminal guidance techniquesfor precision-guided munitions launched from organic or external aircraft and indirect fire assets.

    (6) Using lethal force against unlawful combatants to preclude or preempt belligerent and terroristactivities in extremis.

    (7) Performing tailored intelligence and counterintelligence activities in support of peace enforcementgoals, to include surveillance and reconnaissance of assigned targets and named areas of interest.

    (8) Performing tailored maneuver support activities in support of peace enforcement objectives, toinclude law enforcement, CBRN decontamination, and mobility support operations such as obstaclebreaching, engineer reconnaissance, explosive ordnance clearance, and IEDD operations.

    (9) Conducting casualty evacuation.

    (10) Operating for up to one week without resupply, and for longer periods when provided withaccompanying or airdropped supplies.

    (11) Providing liaison, communication, and coordination personnel and equipment to integrate thedeployed GIJOE elements into the logistical, intelligence, and operational system of the supported

    peace enforcement contingent commander.

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    b. GIJOE has the following limitations:

    (1) Limited offensive ground warfare capability against armored units in open terrain.

    (2) Limited organic tactical airlift aircraft and assault helicopter assets.

    (3) Limited capability to conduct airstrikes against ground and naval targets using organic multirole

    fighter aircraft.(4) Limited capability to set up and operate drop zones, pickup zones, and landing sites for airborne

    operations, air assault operations, air resupply operations, or other air operations.

    (5) Limited organic air defense weapons.

    (6) Limited organic indirect fire support.

    (7) Limited capability to perform maritime security operations using organic watercraft and divingequipment.

    (8) Limited casualty treatment capability.

    (9) Limited sustained combat capability due to the logistical restrictions of organic sustainment assets.

    (10) Lengthy training periods are necessary in order to replace operatives lost in combat with similarly-qualified personnel.

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    1-4. Employment Considerations.

    a. Peace enforcement cannot solve the underlying causes of conflict in most cases. GIJOE may be effective in forcing aceasefire upon belligerents but it cannot, in and of itself, create the conditions for lasting peace and security. Resolution ofthe underlying causes of a conflict requires political, humanitarian, and peacekeeping capabilities beyond the scope ofGIJOE's peace enforcement mandate.

    b. GIJOE peace enforcement operations are likely to disregard state sovereignty, particularly if the mission takes place inhostile territory controlled by a belligerent party opposed to the cessation of hostilities. For this reason, GIJOE is normallydeployed pursuant to international authorization except in cases where rapidly evolving threats to vital national security orhumanitarian interests necessitate a rapid and decisive unilateral peace enforcement response.

    c. Unlike other conventional or special military operations, GIJOE operations are more constrained by political factorsdesigned to bring warring belligerent parties to the negotiating table.

    d. GIJOE is not suited for transition to a peacekeeping force because it loses its neutrality status once it engages belligerents

    in combat and likely will never be considered neutral again by the warring belligerent parties involved in a conflict.Additionally, conventional peacekeeping forceswho lack the material means and psychological preparation to engagebelligerents in escalating combatand dedicated special operations unitswho are more accustomed to operating with amuch more aggressive posture ill-suited for the peace operations milieushould not be used as a substitute for GIJOE insituations wherein the NCA has determined a need for the deployment of a special operations-capable peace enforcementforce.

    e. GIJOE may be deployed to engage in combined training exercises with allies or to participate in military activities onlytangentially related to the task of peace enforcement in support of vital US interests.

    f. GIJOE is habitually reinforced by combat support and combat service support personnel from the New York Division ofMilitary and Naval Affairs (in charge of the New York Army and Air National Guard) when at its home station in FortWadsworth.

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    The GIJOE Functional Specialty System

    GIJOE uses a unique job classification system called the GIJOE Functional Specialty System (GFSS). The GFSS is designed to facilitatejoint operational personnel management and ensures that only the best qualified personnel, regardless of branch of service affiliation, areselected for GIJOE positions. It accomplishes this by grouping functionally related military occupational specialties, career fields, ratings,areas of concentration, and Department of Defense civil service occupational specialties under a unified occupational specialty, called aGIJOE Functional Specialty (GFS). Entry requirements for a particular GFS are designed to maximize the size of the possible pool ofentrants while still restricting entry to only the most qualified personnel.

    GFSs are grouped into nine career fields divided across three pay tiers. The nine career fields are Administrative Affairs, IntelligenceSupport, Operations and Plans, Logistics and Supply Management, Joint Tactical Maneuvers, Communications-Electronics, ManeuverSupport, Support Aviation, and Medical Services. The three pay tiers are Manager, Advisor, and Technician. The Manager tier coversspecialties requiring a field-relevant bachelor's degree, and assignments in this tier are reserved for personnel in the military pay-grades of

    O-2 to O-7 and entrants rated for Excepted Service pay scale grades GG-9 to GG-15 and the Senior Executive Scale. The Advisor tiercovers managerial-level positions that do not necessarily require a bachelor's degree. Advisor assignments do require a documented levelof expertise in the career field achieved through a significant accumulation of relevant work experience (at least ten years for most Advisorpositions) and technical schooling. Advisor tier assignments are reserved for military personnel in the pay-grades of W-2 to W-5 and civilservice personnel rated for Excepted Service pay scale grades GG-9 to GG-12. The Technician tier, like the Advisor tier, comprisesspecialties that do not necessarily require a bachelor's degree. Technician specialties require a documented level of proficiency in therelevant career field as demonstrated by relevant work experience (at least four years for entry-level Technician positions) and technicalschooling. Technician assignments are reserved for enlisted military personnel in the pay-grades of E-4 to E-9 and civil service personnelrated for Excepted Service pay scale grades GG-4 to GG-8.

    Competition for GFS-coded positions is highly competitive, and successful candidates generally possess qualifications that far exceed the

    minimum requirements dictated by their target specialty and tier.

    Military applicants who qualify for a GFS-coded position in GIJOE incur a three-year obligatory term of service with the agency.Applications for an extension of the term of service should be submitted to the Executive Administration Program Manager no later than 30weeks prior to the term's expiration. Many of these GFS-coded positions in GIJOE are also jointly classified as excepted civil servicepositions and are thus open to open to qualified civilian personnel. Civilian GIJOE agents consist of federal civil service employees whohave been approved for a requested interagency transfer to GIJOE as well as qualified applicants hired from the private sector. As with theagents of other Excepted Service agencies such as the CIA, FBI, and the DIA, civil service GIJOE agents have fewer appeal rights in theevent of scheduling conflicts, disciplinary actions, or job termination compared to positions in the Competitive Service due to the need tomaintain operational flexibility, efficiency, and high disciplinary standards in support of the GIJOE mission.

    A selected applicant is accorded probationary GIJOE agent status upon acceptance into the organization and is entered into furtherspecialty-specific qualification training once he or she has cleared any pending administrative requirements and has relocated to the Fort

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    Wadsworth area. The duration of the specialty training pipeline varies from specialty to specialty, with the briefest being the four-weekGIJOE Administrative Affairs Technician Qualification Course and the longest being the GIJOE Paracommando Officer training pipeline,which consists of the 26-week long GIJOE Paracommando Qualification Course and an additional 18 days of instruction in joint specialoperations and insurgency warfare topics at the Joint Special Operations University at Fort Bragg. Most specialty qualification training isconducted at the GIJOE Professional Instruction and Training (PIT) Center co-located with the agency's headquarters in Fort Wadsworth,although many training pipelines also require students to receive additional training in other locations. Once fully qualified in a primaryspecialty, the new GIJOE agent begins his or her initial 36 month tour within the organization.

    An agent may also be assigned a Secondary GIJOE Functional Specialty in the event that he or she meets the requirements for anotherGFS, although the agent is not entered into the training pipeline for this secondary specialty and can exercise the duties andresponsibilities of this specialty only with the authorization of a senior Administrative Affairs or Operations manager and only under thesupervision of an agent who has completed the training pipeline for that particular GFS. Available resources and schedule allowing, anagent can enter the training pipeline for his or her Secondary GFS after 24 months in their Primary GFS, provided he or she commits to aterm of service extension of at least 24 months. Depending on organizational staffing needs, an agent who has completed the trainingpipeline for two or more GFSs can request a temporary or permanent change in Primary and Secondary GFS assignments. CertainPrimary GFS assignments require scheduled refresher, maintenance, and skills upgrade training to maintain assignment eligibility.

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    2-1. GIJOE Functional Specialty Code.

    The GIJOE Functional Specialty Code (GFSC) is an alphanumeric code used to identify positions within the agency. The codeconsists of four characters: the first character is a number that identifies the career field a position is affiliated with, the next twocharacters are a unique two-digit code for the specialty within that field, and the fourth character is a letter that identifies the pay tierof the position and whether the position is open to military, civil service, or both military and civil service entrants.

    Career Field Numerical Identifiers

    1: Administrative Affairs

    2: Intelligence

    3: Operations and Plans

    4: Logistics and Supply Management

    5: Joint Tactical Maneuvers

    6: Communications-Electronics

    7: Maneuver Support 8: Support Aviation

    9: Medical Services

    Field Specialty Two-Digit Numerical Identifiers

    Unique for each specialty within a particular career field

    Alphabetical Pay Tier and Service Identifiers

    A: Position in the Manager pay tier, open to both military personnel and civil service employees.

    B: Position in the Manager pay tier, restricted to military personnel.

    C: Position in the Manager pay tier, restricted to civil service employees.

    D: Position in the Advisor pay tier, open to both military personnel and civil service employees.

    E: Position in the Advisor pay tier, restricted to military personnel.

    F: Position in the Advisor pay tier, restricted to civil service employees.

    G: Position in the Technician pay tier, open to both military personnel and civil service employees.

    H: Position in the Technician pay tier, restricted to military personnel.

    I: Position in the Technician pay tier, restricted to civil service employees.

    For example, in the GFSC 103A, the career field is 1 (Administrative Affairs), the field specialty is 03 (Financial ManagementOfficer), and the pay tier and service identifier is A (Manager pay tier, open to military personnel and civil service employees).

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    2-2. Manager Tier GIJOE Functional Specialties.

    a. Administrative Affairs Field

    (1) Administrative Affairs Officer

    GFSC: 101A

    Duties Description:

    Plans, coordinates, and executes administrative activities of internal staff sections and external agencies at the staff level.

    Supervises the execution of agency administrative policies.

    Establishes and maintains reports control and forms management programs.

    Minimum Entry Requirements:

    A bachelor's degree, preferably in business administration, human resource management, operations management, organizationalstudies, public administration, or a related field.

    Must be eligible for Top Secret/Sensitive Compartmented Information security clearance.

    Civilian applicant must have at least five years of managerial experience at the DoD Defense Human Resource Activity or theManpower and Reserve Affairs offices of the Departments of the Army, Air Force, and the Navy.

    Open to armed forces officers in the pay-grade of O-3 or higher who have the following service-specific specialty or billetqualifications:

    US Army: Currently or previously qualified as an Administrative System Management Officer or Personnel SystemsManagement Officer.

    USAF: Currently or previously qualified as a Manpower Officer.

    USCG: Currently or previously qualified as a Human Resources Management Officer.

    USMC: Currently or previously qualified as an Adjutant.

    USN: Must have previously served in a Human Resource Management Officer or Administrative Officer billet.

    Applicant for the position of Executive Administration Program Manager must possess an MBA degree from an AACSB accreditedinstitution or an MPA degree from a NASPAA accredited institution.

    Training Pipeline Information (select components may be waived if applicant's qualifications meet or exceed GFS requirements):

    GIJOE Administrative Affairs Manager Qualification Course (six weeks at the GIJOE PIT Center, Fort Wadsworth, New York)

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    (2) Financial Management Officer

    GFSC: 103A

    Duties Description:

    Manages and coordinates GIJOE finance and accounting functions.

    Serves as the advisor to the Office of the Executive Director on all financial matters and provides it with adequate information formanagement, status of funds, and budget purposes.

    Establishes, controls, and audits all finance and accounting systems.

    Minimum Entry Requirements:

    A bachelor's degree in accounting, business administration, economics, finance, or a related field.

    Must be eligible for Top Secret/Sensitive Compartmented Information security clearance.

    Civilian applicant must have at least five years of account management experience at a public, private, or government financialmanagement or accounting firm.

    Open to armed forces officers in the pay-grade of O-3 or higher who have the following service-specific specialty or billetqualifications:

    US Army: Currently or previously qualified as a Finance Officer.

    USAF: Currently or previously qualified as a Financial Management Officer.

    USCG: Currently or previously qualified as a Finance Officer.

    USMC: Currently or previously qualified as a Financial Management Officer.

    USN: Must have previously served in an Accounting Officer, Budget Officer, Comptroller, or Internal Review Officer billet.

    Applicant for the the position of Executive Financial Manager or Internal Auditor must be a Certified Public Accountant with New

    York state licensure or license eligibility. Applicant for the position of Executive Administration Program Manager must possess an MBA degree from an AACSB accredited

    institution or an MPA degree from a NASPAA accredited institution.

    Training Pipeline Information (select components may be waived if applicant's qualifications meet or exceed GFS requirements):

    GIJOE Administrative Affairs Manager Qualification Course (six weeks at the GIJOE PIT Center, Fort Wadsworth, New York)

    Counter Threat Finance Educational Seminar (five days at JSOU, MacDill Air Force Base, Florida)

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    (3) Legal Officer

    GFSC: 105A

    Duties Description:

    Manages and provides legal services to preserve GIJOE prerogatives.

    Prepares and provides legal opinions and decisions necessary in support of GIJOE activities and operations.

    Renders legal advice to the Office of the Executive Director on all phases of GIJOE operations, including international law,operations law, procurement, claims, environmental law, military and civilian personnel issues, patents, litigation, military affairs,legal assistance and preventive law, taxes, and allied legal matters.

    Minimum Entry Requirements:

    Must possess a juris doctor degree from an ABA accredited law school and be a member in good standing of a federal bar or of thehighest court of a state or the District of Columbia.

    Must be eligible for Top Secret/Sensitive Compartmented Information security clearance.

    Armed forces applicant must be in the O-3 pay-grade or higher and be qualified as a Judge Advocate with the JAG Corps of the US

    Army, USAF, or USN (includes the JAG Division of the USMC) or the USCG's Office of the JAG.

    Civilian applicant must demonstrate expert knowledge of current military legal issues and the Uniform Code of Military Justice.Prior service experience in the armed forces is recommended but not required.

    Applicant for the position of Executive Administration Program Manager must possess an MBA degree from an AACSB accreditedinstitution or an MPA degree from a NASPAA accredited institution.

    Training Pipeline Information (select components may be waived if applicant's qualifications meet or exceed GFS requirements):

    GIJOE Administrative Affairs Manager Qualification Course (six weeks at the GIJOE PIT Center, Fort Wadsworth, New York)

    NATO Operational Law Course (one week at the NATO School, Oberammergau, Germany)

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    (4) Public Affairs Officer

    GFSC: 107A

    Duties Description:

    Advises the Office of the Executive Director on all public affairs matters such as public information, media relations, and communityrelations.

    Develops, coordinates, and supervises public affairs activities within the agency.

    Minimum Entry Requirements:

    A bachelor's degree, preferably in business administration, journalism, public administration, or a related field.

    Must be eligible for Top Secret/Sensitive Compartmented Information security clearance.

    Civilian applicant must have at least 5 years of experience working in a public affairs supervisory capacity for the DoD or one of itssubordinate organizations. Applicants with experience from other federal agencies or from the private sector will be considered on acase-by-case basis.

    Armed forces applicant must be in the O-3 pay-grade or higher and have at least 3 years of experience in a public affairs billet.

    Must be a graduate of the DINFOS Public Affairs Qualification Course.

    Applicant for the position of Executive Administration Program Manager must possess an MBA degree from an AACSB accreditedinstitution or an MPA degree from a NASPAA accredited institution.

    Training Pipeline Information (select components may be waived if applicant's qualifications meet or exceed GFS requirements):

    GIJOE Administrative Affairs Manager Qualification Course (six weeks at the GIJOE PIT Center, Fort Wadsworth, New York)

    Joint Intermediate Public Affairs Course (four weeks at DINFOS, Fort George G. Meade, Maryland)

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    (5) Language Officer

    GFSC: 209A

    Duties Description:

    Performs, coordinates, and oversees translation, interpretation, and foreign language-related administrative and support activitiesin support of operations in one of GIJOE's twelve designated areas of operational specialization.

    Performs quality-control checks on the work of subordinate interpreters/translators.

    Minimum Entry Requirements:

    A bachelor's degree, preferably in business administration, foreign language studies, linguistics, or public administration.

    Must be eligible for Top Secret/Sensitive Compartmented Information security clearance.

    Armed forces applicant must be in the O-2 pay-grade or higher.

    Must have at least five years of professional language teaching (at the post-secondary level) or technical translation/interpretationexperience.

    Must have native or bilingual proficiency (ILR Level 5) in at least one of the target languages spoken in GIJOE's twelve designatedareas of operational specialization:

    The Americas


    Greenlandic (Kalaallisut)


    SpanishCentral and Eastern Europe (excluding Russiaand the Russian Federation)








    UkrainianPeople's Republic of China



    Min Dong (Fuzhou )

    Min Nan (Hokkien)

    Tibetan (Central/Standard) Uyghur

    Wu (Taihu)

    Central Asia (excluding Tibet and Xinjiang )



    Mongolian (Khalkha)

    Persian (Tajiki)


    UzbekEast Asia (excluding the People's Republic ofChina)





    Min Nan (Hokkien)North Africa and Western Asia


    Berber (Shilha)




    Persian (Dari) Turkish

    Russia and Russian federal subjects

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    Yue (Cantonese)South Asia




    Kannada Kashmiri





    Persian (Farsi)




    UrduSub-Saharan Africa


    Akan (Twi/Fante)










    Swahili Yoruba








    Southeast Asia and Oceania Burmese/Myanmar







    Min Nan (Hokkien)




    Tok Pisin

    VietnameseSouthern Europe






    TurkishWestern Europe/Northern Europe


    French German


    Applicant for the position of Executive Administration Program Manager must possess an MBA degree from an AACSB accreditedinstitution or an MPA degree from a NASPAA accredited institution.

    Training Pipeline Information (select components may be waived if applicant's qualifications meet or exceed GFS requirements):

    GIJOE Administrative Affairs Manager Qualification Course (six weeks at the GIJOE PIT Center, Fort Wadsworth, New York)

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    b. Intelligence Support Field

    (1) Intelligence Officer

    GFSC: 201A

    Duties Description:

    Directs and supervises the collection, analysis, production, and dissemination of all-source intelligence and counterintelligence.

    Performs multidisciplinary collection management and coordination of surveillance activities, and advises on the use andemployment of intelligence resources to assess belligerent situations, capabilities, vulnerabilities, and weather and terrain.

    Minimum Entry Requirements:

    A bachelor's degree, preferably in the social or natural sciences or in engineering.

    Must be eligible for Top Secret/Sensitive Compartmented Information security clearance.

    Civilian applicant must have at least five years of experience as a Collection Management Officer, Intelligence Collection Analyst, orIntelligence Officer with the CIA or DIA. Applicants with equivalent experience in other Intelligence Community agencies will beconsidered on a case-by-case basis.

    Open to armed forces officers in the pay-grade of O-3 or higher who have the following service-specific specialty or billetqualifications:

    US Army: Currently or previously qualified as an All-Source Intelligence Officer.

    USAF: Currently or previously qualified as an Intelligence Officer.

    USCG: Currently or previously qualified as an Intelligence Officer.

    USMC: Currently or previously qualified as a MAGTF Intelligence Officer.

    USN: Must have previously served in an Intelligence Support Officer or Operational Intelligence Officer billet.

    Civilian applicant for the the position of Executive Intelligence Program Manager must have at least ten years of experience as aCollection Management Officer, Intelligence Collection Analyst, or Intelligence Officer with the CIA or DIA. Applicants withequivalent experience in other Intelligence Community agencies will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

    Armed forces applicant for the position of Executive Intelligence Program Manager must be in the pay-grade of O-4 or higher.

    Training Pipeline Information (select components may be waived if applicant's qualifications meet or exceed GFS requirements):

    GIJOE Intelligence Manager Qualification Course (ten weeks at the GIJOE PIT Center, Fort Wadsworth, New York)

    NATO Collection Coordination and Intelligence Requirements Management Course (one week at the NATO School,Oberammergau, Germany)

    For Executive Intelligence Program Manager applicants:

    NATO Peace Support Operations Course (one week at the NATO School, Oberammergau, Germany)

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    (2) Counterintelligence/HUMINT Officer

    GFSC: 203A

    Duties Description:

    Manages, directs, and participates in counterintelligence investigations and HUMINT collection activities targeting individuals,groups, and incidents to detect and neutralize espionage, subversion, sabotage, treason, sedition, and terrorism directed against

    the GIJOE operations and personnel.

    Performs and supervises strategic debriefing, interrogation, and document exploitation activities.

    Minimum Entry Requirements:

    Civilian applicant must have at least five years of experience as a CIA Collection Management Officer or DIA Intelligence Officer.Applicants with equivalent experience in other Intelligence Community agencies will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

    Must be eligible for Top Secret/Sensitive Compartmented Information security clearance.

    Open to armed forces officers in the pay-grade of O-3 or higher who have the following service-specific specialty or billetqualifications:

    US Army: Currently or previously qualified as a Counterintelligence Officer or HUMINT Officer.

    USAF: Currently or previously qualified as an Special Investigations Officer.

    USCG: Currently or previously qualified as an Intelligence Officer (must have Field Intelligence Support Team experience).

    USMC: Currently or previously qualified as a Counterintelligence/HUMINT Officer.

    USN: Must have previously served in an Intelligence Investigations Officer or Intelligence Support Officer billet.

    Civilian applicant for the the position of Executive Intelligence Program Manager must have at least ten years of experience as aCollection Management Officer, Intelligence Collection Analyst, or Intelligence Officer with the CIA or DIA. Applicants withequivalent experience in other Intelligence Community agencies will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

    Armed forces applicant for the position of Executive Intelligence Program Manager must be in the pay-grade of O-4 or higher.

    Training Pipeline Information (select components may be waived if applicant's qualifications meet or exceed GFS requirements):

    GIJOE Intelligence Manager Qualification Course (ten weeks at the GIJOE PIT Center, Fort Wadsworth, New York)

    NATO Collection Coordination and Intelligence Requirements Management Course (one week at the NATO School,Oberammergau, Germany)

    For Executive Intelligence Program Manager applicants:

    NATO Peace Support Operations Course (one week at the NATO School, Oberammergau, Germany)

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    c. Operations Field

    (1) Operations and Plans Officer

    GFSC: 301B

    Duties Description:

    Plans, coordinates, and evaluates the outcome of GIJOE operations.

    Responsible for developing and executing GIJOE training programs.

    Establishes and monitors policy and standards for agency readiness.

    Determines the structure, composition, position, and equipment requirements of GIJOE units.

    Minimum Entry Requirements:

    A bachelor's degree, preferably in the social, natural, or management sciences; or in engineering.

    Must be eligible for Top Secret/Sensitive Compartmented Information security clearance.

    Open to officers in the pay-grade of O-3 or higher who have the following service-specific specialty or billet qualifications:

    US Army: Currently or previously qualified as a Cavalry Officer, Civil Affairs Officer, Foreign Area Officer, Infantry Officer, MilitaryPolice Officer, PSYOPS Officer, or Special Forces Officer.

    USAF: Currently or previously qualified as a Control and Recovery Officer, Foreign Area Officer, International Politico-MilitaryAffairs Officer, or Security Forces Officer.

    USCG: Currently or previously qualified as a Command and Staff Officer, Defense Operations/Readiness Officer, InternationalAffairs Officer, Maritime Law Enforcement-PWCS Operations Officer, or Planning Officer.

    USMC: Currently or previously qualified as a Civil Affairs Officer, Force Deployment and Execution Officer, Foreign Area Officer,Infantry Officer, Light Armored Reconnaissance Officer, MAGTF Planner, PSYOPS Officer, or Regional Affairs Officer.

    USN: Must have previously served in a Civil Affairs Officer, Coastal/Harbor Defense Officer, Force Protection Officer (Ashore),International Affairs Officer, Law Enforcement and Security Officer (Shore Activity), PSYOPS Officer, SEAL Officer, SpecialWarfare Team CO, or Special Warfare Team XO billet.

    Applicant for the Regional Affairs Officer position must display extensive knowledge of the military forces, culture, history,economics, politics, and geography of one of GIJOE's twelve designated operational regions of specialization. The applicant mustalso possess, at minimum, limited working proficiency (ILR Level 2) in a major non-English language spoken in the region:

    The Americas


    Greenlandic (Kalaallisut)


    SpanishCentral and Eastern Europe (excluding Russiaand the Russian Federation)

    Central Asia (excluding Tibet and Xinjiang )



    Mongolian (Khalkha)

    Persian (Tajiki)



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    Romanian/Moldovan Ukrainian

    People's Republic of China



    Min Dong (Fuzhou )

    Min Nan (Hokkien)

    Tibetan (Central/Standard)


    Wu (Taihu)


    Yue (Cantonese)South Asia










    Persian (Farsi)

    Sindhi Tamil


    UrduSub-Saharan Africa


    Akan (Twi/Fante)







    East Asia (excluding the People's Republic ofChina)





    Min Nan (Hokkien)North Africa and Western Asia


    Berber (Shilha)




    Persian (Dari)

    TurkishRussia and Russian federal subjects



    Kabardian Ossetian


    TatarSoutheast Asia and Oceania







    Mandarin Min Nan (Hokkien)




    Tok Pisin

    VietnameseSouthern Europe




    Portuguese Spanish

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    TurkishWestern Europe/Northern Europe





    Applicant for the Executive Operations Officer position must be in the pay-grade of O-4 or higher and be a graduate of the US ArmyCommand and General Staff School, the College of Naval Command and Staff, Air Command and Staff College, or the MarineCorps University Command and Staff College.

    Training Pipeline Information (select components may be waived if applicant's qualifications meet or exceed GFS requirements):

    GIJOE Operations and Plans Manager Qualification Course (16 weeks at the GIJOE PIT Center, Fort Wadsworth, New York)

    Joint Special Operations Planning Course (3 weeks at JSOU, MacDill Air Force Base, Florida)

    For Executive Operations Officer applicants:

    NATO Peace Support Operations Course (one week at the NATO School, Oberammergau, Germany)

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    (2) Fire Support Officer

    GFSC: 303B

    Duties Description:

    Plans, coordinates, and executes fires to support GIJOE maneuvers.

    Advises the Office of the Executive Director and the Operations Section on fire support matters. Oversees training of the GIJOE Joint Firepower Control Team.

    Minimum Entry Requirements:

    A bachelor's degree, preferably in the natural sciences or in engineering.

    Must be eligible for Top Secret/Sensitive Compartmented Information security clearance.

    Open to USN and USMC officers in the pay-grade of O-3 or higher who have the following service-specific specialty or billetqualifications:

    USMC: Currently or previously qualified as a Field Artillery Officer or Infantry Officer (with experience leading a mortar unit).

    USN: Must have previously served in a Naval Gunfire Liaison Officer billet.

    Must be a graduate of the Joint Fires Observer Course.

    Training Pipeline Information (select components may be waived if applicant's qualifications meet or exceed GFS requirements):

    GIJOE Operations and Plans Manager Qualification Course (16 weeks at the GIJOE PIT Center, Fort Wadsworth, New York)

    JTAC Primer Basic Call for Fire Course (Self-paced Marine Corps Distance Learning Network online class)

    JTAC Primer Advanced Call for Fire Course (Self-paced Marine Corps Distance Learning Network online class)

    Fire Support Coordinator Course (2 weeks at EWTGLANT, NAB Little Creek, Virginia)

    NATO Conventional Targeting Course (one week at the NATO School, Oberammergau, Germany)

    NATO Conventional Weaponeering and Collateral Damage Estimation Course (one week at the NATO School, Oberammergau,Germany)

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    (3) PSYOPS Officer

    GFSC: 305B

    Duties Description:

    Advises GIJOE staff and personnel on the use, planning, conduct and evaluation of planned propaganda operations to conveyselected information and indicators to belligerent parties to influence their emotions, motives, objective reasoning, and ultimately

    mitigate their ability to conduct hostilities.

    Minimum Entry Requirements:

    A bachelor's degree, preferably in the social or natural sciences or in engineering.

    Must be eligible for Top Secret/Sensitive Compartmented Information security clearance.

    Open to military personnel in the pay-grade of O-4 or higher.

    Must be a graduate of the US Army PSYOP Officer Qualification Course or the NATO Operations Planners (PSYOP) Course andhave at least 8 months of experience in a PSYOPS, Military Deception, or Information Operations billet.

    Must display working knowledge of the culture, history, sociology, economics, politics, and geography of one of GIJOE's twelve

    designated operational regions of specialization. The applicant must also possess, at minimum, limited working proficiency (ILRLevel 2) in a target language spoken in one of the following region:

    The Americas


    Greenlandic (Kalaallisut)


    SpanishCentral and Eastern Europe (excluding Russiaand the Russian Federation)



    Czech/Slovak Georgian




    UkrainianPeople's Republic of China



    Min Dong (Fuzhou )

    Min Nan (Hokkien)

    Tibetan (Central/Standard)


    Central Asia (excluding Tibet and Xinjiang )



    Mongolian (Khalkha)

    Persian (Tajiki)


    UzbekEast Asia (excluding the People's Republic ofChina)

    Hakka Japanese



    Min Nan (Hokkien)North Africa and Western Asia


    Berber (Shilha)




    Persian (Dari)


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    Wu (Taihu)


    Yue (Cantonese)South Asia



    Hindi Kannada






    Persian (Farsi)





    Sub-Saharan Africa


    Akan (Twi/Fante)









    Somali Swahili



    Russia and Russian federal subjects






    TatarSoutheast Asia and Oceania








    Min Nan (Hokkien)




    Tok Pisin

    VietnameseSouthern Europe






    TurkishWestern Europe/Northern Europe

    Danish French



    Training Pipeline Information (select components may be waived if applicant's qualifications meet or exceed GFS requirements):

    GIJOE Operations and Plans Manager Qualification Course (16 weeks at the GIJOE PIT Center, Fort Wadsworth, New York)

    NATO Peace Support Operations Course (one week at the NATO School, Oberammergau, Germany)

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    (4) Social Scientist

    GFSC: 307C

    Duties Description:

    Conducts operationally relevant socio-cultural research and analysis to support the planning and evaluation of GIJOE operations inspecific geographic areas.

    Develops and maintains a socio-cultural knowledge base in order to enable operational decision- making and enhance operationaleffectiveness.

    Minimum Entry Requirements:

    An advanced post-graduate degree (MA, MSc, or PhD) in cultural anthropology, international relations, human behavioral ecology,peace and conflict studies, human geography, or a similar field of study.

    Must be eligible for Top Secret/Sensitive Compartmented Information security clearance.

    Must display extensive knowledge of the culture, history, sociology, economics, politics, and geography of one of GIJOE's twelvedesignated operational regions of specialization. The applicant must also possess, at minimum, professional working proficiency (ILRLevel 3) in a target language spoken in the assigned region:

    The Americas


    Greenlandic (Kalaallisut)


    SpanishCentral and Eastern Europe (excluding Russiaand the Russian Federation)




    Georgian Hungarian



    UkrainianPeople's Republic of China



    Min Dong (Fuzhou )

    Min Nan (Hokkien)

    Tibetan (Central/Standard)


    Wu (Taihu)


    Central Asia (excluding Tibet and Xinjiang )



    Mongolian (Khalkha)

    Persian (Tajiki)


    UzbekEast Asia (excluding the People's Republic ofChina)


    Japanese Korean


    Min Nan (Hokkien)North Africa and Western Asia


    Berber (Shilha)




    Persian (Dari)


    Russia and Russian federal subjects Chechen

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    Yue (Cantonese)South Asia










    Persian (Farsi)




    UrduSub-Saharan Africa


    Akan (Twi/Fante) Amharic










    Yoruba Zulu





    TatarSoutheast Asia and Oceania








    Min Nan (Hokkien)




    Tok Pisin

    VietnameseSouthern Europe






    TurkishWestern Europe/Northern Europe



    German Italian

    Training Pipeline Information (select components may be waived if applicant's qualifications meet or exceed GFS requirements):

    GIJOE Embedded Academic Qualification Course (eight weeks at the GIJOE PIT Center, Fort Wadsworth, New York)

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    (5) Behavioral Scientist

    GFSC: 309C

    Duties Description:

    Uses extensive knowledge of the behavioral sciences to analyze and forecast the actions of targeted groups and individuals insupport of agency plans and operations.

    Develops and maintains a behavioral assessment knowledge base in order to enable operational decision- making and enhanceoperational effectiveness.

    Minimum Entry Requirements:

    An advanced post-graduate degree (MA, MSc, or PhD) in social psychology, forensic psychology, criminology, or a related field.

    Must be eligible for Top Secret/Sensitive Compartmented Information security clearance.

    Must demonstrate a strong background in applied behavioral science research, research methodology, and statistics (univariateand multivariate).

    Foreign language proficiency and analyst or consultant experience with an intelligence, law enforcement, or military organization

    are highly recommended but not required.

    Training Pipeline Information (select components may be waived if applicant's qualifications meet or exceed GFS requirements):

    GIJOE Embedded Academic Qualification Course (eight weeks at the GIJOE PIT Center, Fort Wadsworth, New York)

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    (4) Logistics and Supply Management Career Field

    (a) Logistics and Mobility Officer

    GFSC: 401B

    Duties Description:

    Plans, coordinates, and controls the movement of GIJOE personnel, personal property, and freight worldwide by military orcommercial transport.

    Ensures that all logistics and mobility assets and services are economically feasible and judiciously employed.

    Advises the Office of the Executive Director regarding transportation and logistics functions.

    Minimum Entry Requirements:

    A bachelor's degree, preferably in the management sciences or in engineering.

    Must be eligible for Top Secret/Sensitive Compartmented Information security clearance.

    Open to armed forces officers in the pay-grade of O-3 or higher who have the following service-specific specialty or billet

    qualifications: US Army: Currently or previously qualified as a Traffic Management Officer.

    USAF: Currently or previously qualified as a Logistics Readiness Officer.

    USCG: Currently or previously qualified as a Logistics Officer.

    USMC: Currently or previously qualified as a Traffic Management Officer.

    USN: Must have previously served in a Cargo Handling Officer or Transportation Director billet.

    Must demonstrate extensive knowledge of multi-modal transportation management, federal and international regulations andcustoms laws pertaining to the movement of matriel and personnel by commercial or military means.

    Applicant for the position of Expeditionary Support Element Director or Executive Logistics Officer must be in the O-4 pay-grade orhigher.

    Training Pipeline Information (select components may be waived if applicant's qualifications meet or exceed GFS requirements):

    GIJOE Logistics and Supply Manager Qualification Course (eight weeks at the GIJOE PIT Center, Fort Wadsworth, New York)

    For Expeditionary Support Element Director and Executive Logistics Officer applicants:

    NATO Logistics Course (one week at the NATO School, Oberammergau, Germany)

    Expeditionary Logistics Course (one week at the NATO School, Oberammergau, Germany)

    Peace Support Operations Course (one week at the NATO School, Oberammergau, Germany)

    Movement and Logistics Operational Planning Course (two weeks at the NATO School, Oberammergau, Germany)

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    (b) Supply Management Officer

    GFSC: 403B

    Duties Description:

    Directs, plans and implements the multifunctional areas of matriel management and their integration into the overall GIJOElogistics program.

    Supervises units engaged in the production, acquisition, receipt, storage and preservation, issue, and distribution of equipment,repair parts, subsistence, and general supplies.

    Advises the Office of the Executive Director regarding supply and services support and other sustainment and maintenancefunctions.

    Minimum Entry Requirements:

    A bachelor's degree, preferably in the management sciences or in engineering.

    Must be eligible for Top Secret/Sensitive Compartmented Information security clearance.

    Open to armed forces officers in the pay-grade of O-3 or higher who have the following service-specific specialty or billet


    US Army: Currently or previously qualified as a Quartermaster or Supply and Matriel Management Officer.

    USAF: Currently or previously qualified as a Logistics Readiness Officer.

    USCG: Currently or previously qualified as a Logistics Officer or Resource Management Officer.

    USMC: Currently or previously qualified as a Ground Supply Officer.

    USN: Must have previously served in a General Supply Officer or Supply Logistics Officer billet.

    Applicant for the position of Expeditionary Support Element Director must be in the O-4 pay-grade or higher.

    Training Pipeline Information (select components may be waived if applicant's qualifications meet or exceed GFS requirements): GIJOE Logistics and Supply Manager Qualification Course (eight weeks at the GIJOE PIT Center, Fort Wadsworth, New York)

    For Expeditionary Support Element Director applicants:

    NATO Logistics Course (one week at the NATO School, Oberammergau, Germany)

    Expeditionary Logistics Course (one week at the NATO School, Oberammergau, Germany)

    Peace Support Operations Course (one week at the NATO School, Oberammergau, Germany)

    Movement and Logistics Operational Planning Course (two weeks at the NATO School, Oberammergau, Germany)