gfk1303c - cimplicity hmi recipes operation manual

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Cimplicity recipes operation


  • GE Fanuc Automation



    RecipesRecipes Operation Manual

    GFK-1303C November 1998

  • GFL-002

    Warning notices are used in this publication to emphasize that hazardous voltages, currents, temperatures, or otherconditions that could cause personal injury exist in the equipment or may be associated with its use.In situations where inattention could cause either personal injury or damage to equipment, a Warning notice is used.

    Caution notices are used where equipment might be damaged if care is not taken.

    NoteNotes merely call attention to information that is especially significant to understanding and operating the equipment.

    This document is based on information available at the time of publication. While efforts have been made to be accurate,the information contained herein does not purport to cover all details or variations in hardware or software, nor to providefor every possible contingency in connection with installation, operation, or maintenance. Features may be describedherein which are not present in all hardware and software systems. GE Fanuc Automation assumes no obligation ofnotice to holders of this document with respect to changes subsequently made.

    GE Fanuc Automation makes no representation of warranty, expressed, implied, or statutory with respect to, and assumesno responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, sufficiency, or usefulness of the information contained herein. Nowarranties of merchantability or fitness for purpose shall apply.

    CIMPLICITY is a registered trademark of GE Fanuc Automation North America, Inc.Windows NT and Windows 95 are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation

    This manual was produced using Doc-To-Help, by WexTech Systems, Inc.

    Copyright 1996-1997 GE Fanuc Automation North America, Inc.All rights reserved

  • GFK-1303 iii


    Contents of this ManualChapter 1. Introduction: Gives a brief description of the Recipes option.

    Chapter 2. Recipe Concepts: Discusses the Recipe components.

    Chapter 3. The Recipes Interface: Describes the features of the Recipes userinterface.

    Chapter 4. Using the Recipes Interface: Shows you how to use the Recipes userinterface to manage Parameters, Recipes, and Maps.

    Chapter 5. Using the Run-Time Recipe Control: Describes how to create aRecipe object for CimView screens.Chapter 6. Event Editor Extensions for Recipes: Shows you how to create anAutomatic Action to upload or download a Recipe.

    Chapter 7. Basic Control Engine Extensions for Recipes: Describes the BasicControl Engine language extensions that support Recipes.

    Appendix A. CSV File Format: Documents the format used for Import/Export.CSV files.

    Appendix B. Operations Quick Reference: Lists the menus, mouse operations, andkeypad operations available in Recipes.

    Related PublicationsFor more information, refer to these publications:

    CIMPLICITY HMI for Windows NT and Windows 95 User Manual (GFK-1180)CIMPLICITY HMI for Windows NT and Windows 95 Basic Control EngineLanguage Reference Manual (GFK-1283)CIMPLICITY HMI for Windows NT and Windows 95 Basic Control EngineProgram Editor Operation Manual (GFK-1305)CIMPLICITY HMI for Windows NT and Windows 95 Event Editor OperationManual (GFK-1282)

  • iv CIMPLICITY HMI Recipes GFK-1303

    We Welcome Your Comments and SuggestionsAt GE Fanuc Automation, we strive to produce quality technical documentation.After you have used this manual, please take a few moments to complete and returnthe Readers Comment Card located on the next page.

  • GFK-1303 v

    ContentsIntroduction 1-1

    CIMPLICITY HMI Functionality .......................................................................................... 1-1About CIMPLICITY Recipes ................................................................................................ 1-1

    Recipes Configuration Interface............................................................................... 1-2Recipe Objects in CimView..................................................................................... 1-2Basic Control Engine Interface for Recipes ............................................................. 1-2

    Recipe Concepts 2-1About Recipes ........................................................................................................................ 2-1Recipe Components................................................................................................................ 2-1Understanding Recipes........................................................................................................... 2-2

    Example ................................................................................................................... 2-2

    The Recipes Interface 3-1Getting Started ....................................................................................................................... 3-1The Recipes Configuration Window...................................................................................... 3-1

    Tree Icons ................................................................................................................ 3-2Recipe Configuration Menus.................................................................................................. 3-3Using the Recipes Popup Menus............................................................................................ 3-8

    Tree Popup Menus ................................................................................................... 3-8Grid Popup Menus ................................................................................................. 3-12

    Recipe Configuration Toolbar.............................................................................................. 3-14Recipe Configuration Shortcut Keys .................................................................................... 3-15Mouse Operations in the Tree .............................................................................................. 3-16Mouse Operations in the Grid .............................................................................................. 3-16Keyboard Operations in the Grid ......................................................................................... 3-17

    Using The Recipes Interface 4-1Working With Recipe Groups................................................................................................ 4-1

    Opening A Recipe Group......................................................................................... 4-1Defining Group Properties ....................................................................................... 4-2Naming A Group...................................................................................................... 4-2

    Working With Recipe Parameters .......................................................................................... 4-3Adding Parameters................................................................................................... 4-3About Parameter Attributes...................................................................................... 4-4Moving Parameters in the Grid ................................................................................ 4-6Removing Parameters from the Grid........................................................................ 4-6

    Working With Recipes ........................................................................................................... 4-7Creating a Recipe..................................................................................................... 4-7Renaming a Recipe .................................................................................................. 4-7Copying a Recipe..................................................................................................... 4-7Deleting a Recipe..................................................................................................... 4-8

  • vi CIMPLICITY HMI Recipes GFK-1303

    Defining Recipe Properties ...................................................................................... 4-8Displaying the Contents of Recipes ......................................................................... 4-9Recipe Parameter Values ....................................................................................... 4-10Defining Recipe Cell Properties............................................................................. 4-11About Recipe Subfolders ....................................................................................... 4-12

    Working With Maps............................................................................................................. 4-14Creating a Map....................................................................................................... 4-14Renaming a Map .................................................................................................... 4-14Copying a Map....................................................................................................... 4-14Deleting a Map....................................................................................................... 4-15Defining Map Properties ........................................................................................ 4-15Displaying the Contents of Maps ........................................................................... 4-16Map Parameter Values ........................................................................................... 4-17About Map Subfolders ........................................................................................... 4-17

    Downloading a Recipe ......................................................................................................... 4-19General Download Parameters............................................................................... 4-20Modifying Recipe Parameters at Download........................................................... 4-21

    Uploading a Recipe .............................................................................................................. 4-22Archiving A Recipe Group................................................................................................... 4-23Exporting A Recipe Group................................................................................................... 4-23Importing A Recipe Group................................................................................................... 4-24Validating Recipe Group Columns....................................................................................... 4-25

    Validating Parameters ............................................................................................ 4-26Validating Recipes ................................................................................................. 4-27Validating Maps..................................................................................................... 4-27

    Comparing Recipes .............................................................................................................. 4-28Creating an Automatic Action .............................................................................................. 4-30

    Using the Run-Time Recipe Control 5-1Creating a Recipe Control ...................................................................................................... 5-1Configuring Recipe Control Properties .................................................................................. 5-2

    General..................................................................................................................... 5-3Batch ID................................................................................................................... 5-4

    Event Editor Extensions For Recipes 6-1Creating A Recipe Action....................................................................................................... 6-1

    Basic Control Engine Extensions for Recipes 7-1RCPDownload (statement) ..................................................................................................... 7-1RCPUpload (statement).......................................................................................................... 7-2RCPGroupExport (statement) ................................................................................................ 7-2RCPGroupImport (statement)................................................................................................. 7-3

    Appendix A - CSV File Format A-1CSV File Format for Import/Export ...................................................................................... A-1

    Sample CSV File..................................................................................................... A-2

  • GFK-1303 Contents vii

    Appendix B - Operations Quick Reference B-1Recipe Configuration Menus..................................................................................................B-1Recipes Popup Menus ............................................................................................................B-3Recipe Configuration Toolbar................................................................................................B-5Mouse Operations ..................................................................................................................B-6Keyboard Operations .............................................................................................................B-7

    Index i

  • GFK-1303 1-1


    CIMPLICITY HMI FunctionalityCIMPLICITY HMI softwares Base System functionality - Point Management,Alarm Management, Data Logging facilities, plus a full-functioned User Interface -lets CIMPLICITY HMI software users collect data for reporting and visualize datavia lists, graphic status displays, and alarms. Standard data communications abilitymakes CIMPLICITY HMI software a tool that can provide services such as thefollowing:

    Downtime reporting

    Production reporting

    Records of production counts at work stations

    Graphic monitoring of automatic data point values

    Fault reporting via direct point values and alarms

    CIMPLICITY HMI softwares flexible system architecture and modular designallows for easy add-on functionality.

    The Recipes product option is fully integrated with CIMPLICITY HMI softwaresBase System functionality, enhancing its already powerful monitoring capability in afull range of computer integrated manufacturing environments.

    About CIMPLICITY RecipesCIMPLICITY Recipes lets you create and manage device independent Recipe datafor your production processes. With CIMPLICITY Recipes you store yourconfiguration in Recipe Groups. Within a Group, you specify Recipe parametersonce, then enter parameter values for each Recipe and CIMPLICITY HMI devicePoint IDs for each Map. You no longer need to maintain separate Recipes for thevarious pieces of production equipment in your factory.

    Parameters, Recipes and Maps are displayed side-by side in a spreadsheet format.This simple and intuitive configuration process can save you hours of setup and on-going maintenance of your Recipes.

  • 1-2 CIMPLICITY HMI Recipes GFK-1303

    Recipes Configuration InterfaceCIMPLICITY Recipes has an easy to use configuration interface rich with thefollowing features. Using the Recipes Configuration interface, you can:

    Create and manage Recipe Parameters, Recipes, and Maps side-by-sidein a spreadsheet format.

    Import and export Recipe Groups from/to CSV format files.

    Archive Recipe Groups.

    Automatically reconcile Recipe Groups to accommodate changes in theGroups structure and layout.

    Compare Recipes.

    Manually Upload Recipes.

    Manually review/modify parameters and Download Recipes.

    Create Recipe Parameter Files, which supply the information requiredto automatically Upload and Download Recipes.

    Recipe Objects in CimViewRecipe objects can also be embedded in CimView screens (using OCX Controls).These objects let a run-time user:

    Manually Upload Recipes.

    Manually review/modify parameters then Download Recipes.

    Basic Control Engine Interface for RecipesRecipes provides a Scripting interface (using extensions to the Basic Control Engine)that lets you do the following:

    Automatically Upload and Download Recipes based on system events,such as point changes from a shop floor device.

    Import and export Recipe Groups from/to CSV format files.

  • GFK-1303 2-1

    Recipe Concepts

    About RecipesCIMPLICITY Recipes is a powerful, yet easy to use option module which lets youcreate and manage Recipe data for your production processes. It has been designedwith the flexibility required to fulfill both batch and discrete part processingrequirements.

    This flexibility gives you the ability to choose which Recipe to download to whichequipment, and provides you with the power you need to manage and control yourproduction processes.

    Recipe ComponentsThe Recipes option consists of four main components:

    Recipe Groups




    A Recipe Group is a container for all Recipes and Maps sharing a common structure.This structure is basically a list of ingredients and process variables, referred to asParameters, required to manufacture a batch of product.

    Each Parameter in the Recipe Group has attributes that you can use to identify, setlimits for, and set default values for the Parameter.

    The Group is responsible for maintaining the structural integrity of its Recipes andMaps. If Parameters are added, removed, or rearranged in the Group, all Recipes andMaps will automatically be reconciled to reflect these changes. Recipe Groups arestored in files with an extension of .RGP.A Recipe is a list of Map-independent values needed to manufacture a specific batchof product. Each Recipe Group may contain one or many Recipes. When Point IDsare specified in a Recipe, the value of the point at the time the Recipe is downloadedwill be sent to the Map. During download, the Parameter values in the Recipe arewritten to the CIMPLICITY HMI points defined in the download Map.

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    A Map is a list of CIMPLICITY HMI Point IDs to which Recipe Parameter valuesare written to (on Download) or read from (on Upload). These points may representnon-contiguous device addresses, and can span several devices. Each Recipe Groupmay contain one or many Maps.

    Recipe data can be uploaded and downloaded, both manually and as the result ofsystem events.

    Understanding RecipesThe best way to understand the power of CIMPLICITY Recipes is through a simpleexample of how Recipe configurations are maintained. Conceptually, a RecipeGroup is like a spreadsheet. The layout of a Recipe Group contains information suchas the Parameters, which define the components used to produce the product.

    The Parameters would be the first column of the spreadsheet. Other columns in thespreadsheet would contain the Maps and Recipes.

    ExampleMoms Bakery is using CIMPLICITY Recipes to bake three types of bread; white,raisin, and rye. Because these breads have similar ingredients and processes, they arestored in one Recipe Group called Bread. Moms Bakery also has two productionlines available for baking bread: New Line and Old Line.

    The Recipe Group looks like this:


    Parameters list the ingredients used to make bread, along with processparameters such as temperature, mix time, and baking time.

    Recipes list the amounts of each ingredient, temperature, mix time, andbaking time for each type of bread.

  • GFK-1303 Recipe Concepts 2-3

    Maps specify the points where the Recipe values are to be downloaded.Maps do not have to have contiguous points, and can span severaldevices.

    At runtime, the head baker can Download a Recipe by specifying the Recipe Group,Recipe, and Map. For example, the head baker can select the Recipe for Rye breadthen choose to make it on the Old or New Production Line. Downloads can also bedone on a CimView screen with the click of the mouse.

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    The Recipes Interface

    Getting StartedTo start the Recipes option, double-click the Recipes icon in your projectsConfiguration cabinet.

    If the CIMPLICITY HMI project is not currently running, you will be given theopportunity to start it before the initial Recipes Configuration window opens.

    The Recipes Configuration WindowWhen the system is ready, the Recipes Configuration window opens on your terminalscreen.

    The configuration window is divided into two panes. The left pane is referred to asthe Tree and the right pane is referred to as the Grid. The panes are separated by avertical splitter bar that can be used to resize the two display areas.

    The Tree contains a high-level summary of the contents of the Group. It lists thetypes of Attributes that may be associated with a Parameter, as well as all Recipesand Maps the Group contains.

    The Grid is used to display detailed information about the Groups components. It isalso where you define Parameters, Recipes, and Maps.

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    By default, new Groups are tagged as Untitled until a unique identifier is assignedwhen the Group is saved.

    Tree IconsThe Recipe tree consists of four main branches: Recipe Group, Parameter Attributes,Recipes, and Maps. In addition, you can create SubFolders under the Recipes andMaps. Each branch in the tree is represented by a folder icon. This icon has twostates:

    The branch is not currently selected.The branch is currently selected and items in the branch are displayed.

    The components in the Recipe tree are the individual Parameter Attributes, Recipes,and Maps. The icon for a component has three states:

    The item has not yet been loaded into memory.The item is loaded in memory.The item is displayed in the Grid.

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    Recipe Configuration MenusYou can use the following menu options on the menu bar to create and maintain thestructure of a Recipe Group.

    The File MenuWhen you select the File menu, the following drop-down list displays:

    The File menu functions are:New Creates a new Group, Recipe, or Map, based on which type of

    component is selected in the Tree.Open Opens an existing Group.Save Saves the selected Group, Attribute, Recipe, Map, or Folder.Save As Saves the entire Group with a new name.Save All Saves the entire Group.Archive Converts the Group to a read-only Archive.Export Exports the Group to a CSV file.Import Imports a new Group.Recent Files Displays the most recently open files and lets you select them

    directly.Exit Exits the current application.

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    The Edit MenuWhen you select the Edit menu, the following drop-down list displays:

    The Edit menu functions are:Cut Cuts the current Grid cell contents to the clipboard.Copy Copies the current Grid cell contents to the clipboard.Paste Inserts the contents of the clipboard into the current Grid cell.Delete Deletes the current selection in the Tree or Grid.Properties Displays the Property Sheet for the selected component in the Tree

    or Grid.

    The View MenuWhen you select the View menu, the following drop-down list displays:

    The View menu functions are:Toolbar Shows/hides the display of the Toolbar.Status Bar Shows/hides the display of the Status bar.Split Sizes the Tree and Grid window panes.

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    The Tools MenuWhen you select the Tools menu, the following drop-down list displays:

    The Tools menu functions are:Upload Initiates an Upload of the selected Recipe or Map.Download Initiates a Download of the selected Recipe or Map.Create Auto Action Creates a Recipe Parameter File, which supplies the

    information required to automatically Upload orDownload a Recipe.

    Validate Validates the selected column(s) in the Grid.Compare Compares the selected Recipe to other Recipe(s). Only

    applies to Recipes.Dynamic Config Enables/disables Dynamic Configuration updates.New Point Creates a new point.Point Browse Browses for points.

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    The Tree MenuItems on the Tree menu are only enabled when focus is in the Tree. When you selectthe Tree menu, the following drop-down list displays:

    The Tree menu functions are:Expand One Level Opens the current folder.Expand One Branch Opens the current folder and its subfolders.Expand All Opens all folders and subfolders in the

    Tree.Collapse Branch Closes the current folder.Indicate Expandable Branches Shows/hides buttons for expanding Tree

    branches.View Displays the selected Tree component in the

    Grid.View All Displays all components from the selected

    Tree branch in the Grid.Copy Copies the selected Recipe or Map.Create Subfolder Creates a Recipe or Map subfolder.

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    The Grid MenuItems on the Grid menu are only enabled when focus is in the Grid. When you selectthe Grid menu, the following drop-down list displays:

    The Grid menu functions are:Select Column Selects the current column.Select Row Selects the current row.Freeze Selection Freezes the selected column(s) or row(s)

    (disables scrolling of the selection).Unfreeze Rows Unfreezes the frozen rows.Unfreeze Columns Unfreezes the frozen columns.Hide Column Removes the current column.Hide All Columns Removes all columns.Hide All Attribute Columns Removes all Attribute columns.Hide All Recipe Columns Removes all Recipe columns.Hide All Map Columns Removes all Map columns.Insert Parameters Inserts parameter(s) into the Group

    (adds rows to the Grid).Delete Parameters Deletes parameter(s) from the Group

    (removes rows from the Grid).

    The Help MenuWhen you select the Help menu, the following drop-down list displays:

    The Help menu function is:About RecipeConfig Displays the current version number for Recipes.

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    Using the Recipes Popup MenusYou can access several popup menus in the Tree and Grid areas of the RecipesConfiguration window. The menu that is displayed depends on where your mousepointer is when you click the right mouse button.

    Tree Popup MenusYou can display the following popup menus in the Tree:

    Group Folder

    Parameter Attributes Folder

    Parameter Attribute

    Recipe Folder


    Map Folder


    Group Folder Popup MenuTo display the Group Folder popup menu:

    1. Move the mouse pointer to the top-level Group Folder in the tree.

    2. Click the right mouse button.

    The following menu displays:

    The menu functions for this menu are:

    New Creates a new Group.

    Open Opens an existing Group.Save Saves the Group.Save As Saves the Group with a new name.Archive Converts the Group to a read-only Archive.Export Exports the Group to a CSV file.Import Imports a new Group.Properties Displays the Property Sheet for the Group.

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    Parameter Attributes Folder Popup MenuTo display the Parameter Attributes Folder popup menu:

    1. Move the mouse pointer to the Parameter Attributes Folder in the tree.

    2. Click the right mouse button.

    The following menu displays:

    The menu functions for this menu are:

    View All Displays all Parameter Attributes in the Grid.Save Saves all Parameter Attributes.

    Parameter Attribute Popup MenuTo display the Parameter Attribute popup menu:

    1. Move the mouse pointer to a Parameter Attribute in the ParameterAttributes Folder.

    2. Click the right mouse button.

    The following menu displays:

    The menu functions for this menu are:

    View Displays the selected Parameter Attribute in the Grid.Save Saves the selected Parameter Attribute.

    Recipe Folder Popup MenuTo display the Recipe Folder popup menu:

    1. Move the mouse cursor to a Recipe Folder in the tree.

    2. Click the right mouse button.

    The following menu displays:

    The menu functions for this menu are:

    New > SubFolder Creates a subfolder within the selected Recipe folder.New > Recipe Creates a new Recipe in the selected folder.Delete Deletes the selected Recipe folder. This can only be

    done if the folder is empty.

    View All Displays all the Recipes within the selected folder inthe Grid.

  • 3-10 CIMPLICITY HMI Recipes GFK-1303

    Recipe Popup MenuTo display the Recipe popup menu:

    1. Move the mouse pointer to a Recipe in the tree.2. Click the right mouse button.

    The following menu displays:

    The menu functions for this menu are:

    New Creates a new Recipe.

    Copy Copies the selected Recipe.Delete Deletes the selected Recipe.

    Save Saves the selected Recipe.View Displays the selected Recipe in the Grid.Compare Compares the selected Recipe to other Recipe(s).Upload Initiates an Upload of the selected Recipe.Download Initiates a Download of the selected Recipe.Create Auto Action Creates a Recipe Parameter File, which supplies the

    information required to automatically Upload orDownload a Recipe.

    Properties Displays the Property Sheet for the selected Recipe.

    Map Folder Popup MenuTo display the Map Folder popup menu:

    1. Move the mouse pointer to a Map folder in the tree.2. Click the right mouse button.

    The following menu displays:

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    The menu functions for this menu are:

    New > SubFolder Creates a subfolder within the selected Map folder.New > Map Creates a new Map in the selected folder.Delete Deletes the selected Map folder. This can only be

    done if the folder is empty.

    View All Displays all Maps within the selected folder in theGrid.

    Map Popup MenuTo display the Map popup menu:

    1. Move the mouse pointer to a Map in the tree.

    2. Click the right mouse button.

    The following menu displays:

    The menu functions for this menu are:

    New Creates a new Map.

    Copy Copies the selected Map.Delete Deletes the selected Map.

    Save Saves the selected Map.View Displays the selected Map in the Grid.Upload Initiates an Upload of the selected Map.Download Initiates a Download of the selected Map.Create Auto Action Creates a Recipe Parameter File, which supplies the

    information required to automatically Upload orDownload a Recipe.

    Properties Displays the Property Sheet for the selected Map.

  • 3-12 CIMPLICITY HMI Recipes GFK-1303

    Grid Popup MenusYou can display the following popup menus in the Grid:

    First or Frozen Column Header Attribute, Recipe, or Map Column Header First or Frozen Column Cell Attribute, Recipe, or Map Cell

    First or Frozen Column Header Popup MenuTo display the First Column Header popup menu:

    1. Move the mouse pointer to the header portion of the first numberedcolumn in the grid.

    2. Click the right mouse button.

    To display the Frozen Column Header popup menu:1. Move the mouse pointer to the header portion of any frozen column in

    the grid.2. Click the right mouse button.

    The following menu displays:

    The menu functions for this menu are:

    Hide All Columns Removes all columns from the Grid.Hide All Attribute Columns Removes all Attribute columns from the Grid.Hide All Recipe Columns Removes all Recipe columns from the Grid.Hide All Map Columns Removes all Map columns from the Grid.

    Attribute, Recipe or Map Column Header Popup MenuTo display an Attribute, Recipe, or Map Column Header popup menu:

    1. Move the mouse pointer to an Attribute, Recipe, or Map columnheader.

    2. Click the right mouse button.

    The following menu displays:

    The menu functions for this menu are:

    Select Column Selects the current column.Hide Column Removes the current column from the Grid.Properties Displays the Property Sheet for the selected Recipe or Map

    (does not apply to Attributes).

  • GFK-1303 The Recipes Interface 3-13

    First or Frozen Column Cell Popup MenuTo display the First or Frozen Column Cell popup menu:

    1. Move the mouse pointer to any cell in the first column of the grid, or toany cell of a frozen column.

    2. Click the right mouse button.

    The following menu displays:

    The menu functions for this menu are:

    Select Row Selects the current row.Insert Parameters Inserts new Parameter(s) before the current cell.Delete Parameters Deletes the selected Parameter row(s).

    Attribute, Recipe or Map Cell Popup MenuTo display the Attribute, Recipe, or Map Cell popup menu:

    1. Move the mouse pointer to an Attribute, Recipe, or Map cell in the grid.

    2. Click the right mouse button.

    The following menu displays:

    The menu functions for this menu are:

    Cut Cuts the current Grid cell contents to the clipboard.Copy Copies the current Grid cell contents to the clipboard.Paste Inserts the contents of the clipboard into the current Grid cell.

    Point Browse Browses for points.This function is only enabled for Recipe or Map columns, aswell as for the Default Source Point Attribute column.The browsed selection is displayed in the current Grid cell.

    For a Recipe cell, the cell type is automatically changed toCIMPLICITY Point.

    Properties Displays the Properties of the selected Recipe cell. Thisfunction is only enabled for Recipe columns.

  • 3-14 CIMPLICITY HMI Recipes GFK-1303

    Recipe Configuration ToolbarThe Tools toolbar is available for use in the Recipes Configuration interface. Youcan use the View Toolbar menu item to toggle the display of this toolbar. You canfix the toolbar in the Recipes Configuration window, or display it in a separatewindow at your discretion.

    The buttons on the Tools toolbar are:

    New Creates a new Group, Recipe, or Map, based on whichtype of component is selected in the Tree.

    Open Opens an existing Group.

    Save Saves the selected Group, Attribute, Recipe, Map, orFolder.

    Cut Cuts the current Grid cell contents to the clipboard.

    Copy Copies the current Grid cell contents to the clipboard.

    Paste Inserts the contents of the clipboard into the current Gridcell.

    Delete Deletes the current selection in the Tree or Grid.

    About Displays program information, version number andcopyright.

    Browse Browses for points.

    New Point Creates a new point.

    Dynamic Enables/disables Dynamic Configuration updates.

    Download Initiates a Download of the selected Recipe or Map.

    Upload Initiates an Upload of the selected Recipe or Map.

    Import Imports a new Group.

    Export Exports the Group to a CSV file.

    Archive Converts the Group to a read-only Archive.

    Validate Validates the selected column(s) in the Grid.

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    Recipe Configuration Shortcut KeysThe following are the more commonly used keystrokes that are available for your usein the Recipes Configuration interface:

    Alt+Enter Displays the Property Sheet for the selected component in the Tree orGrid.

    Ctrl+* Expands all branches in the Tree.Ctrl+A Converts the Group to a read-only archive.Ctrl+C Copies the current Grid cell contents to the clipboard.Ctrl+D Initiates a Download of the selected Recipe or Map.Ctrl+E Exports the Group to a CSV file.Ctrl+I Imports a new Group.Ctrl+L Validates the selected column(s) in the Grid.Ctrl+N Creates a new Group, Recipe, or Map, based on which type of

    component is selected in the Tree.

    Ctrl+O Opens an existing Group.Ctrl+S Saves the selected Group, Attribute, Recipe, Map, or Folder.Ctrl+U Initiates an Upload of the selected Recipe or Map.Ctrl+V Inserts the contents of the clipboard into the current Grid cell.Ctrl+X Cuts the current Grid cell contents to the clipboard.Delete In the Tree, deletes the current component.

    In the Grid, clears the current cell contents.

    You can also use the following keypad keystrokes in the Recipes Configurationinterface:

    + Opens the current folder in the Tree.

    * Opens the current folder and its subfolders.

    - Collapses the selected branch in the Tree.

  • 3-16 CIMPLICITY HMI Recipes GFK-1303

    Mouse Operations in the TreeWhile the cursor is in the Tree, you can use the mouse to perform the followingactions:

    Action OperationSelect item Left click.Edit item text Left click, left click.View item * Left double click.Display popup menu Right click.Download Left click on a Recipe, then drag and drop the Recipe

    onto a Map.Upload Left click on a Map, then drag and drop the Map onto a

    Recipe.Move Recipe into folder Left click on a Recipe, then drag and drop the Recipe

    onto a Recipe folder.Copy Recipe into folder Left click on a Recipe, hold down the Ctrl key, then

    drag and drop the Recipe onto a Recipe folder.Move Map into folder Left click on a Map, then drag and drop the Map onto a

    Map folder.Copy Map into folder Left click on a Map, hold down the Ctrl key, then drag

    and drop the Map onto a Map folder.

    * if item is already in Grid, nothing happens

    Mouse Operations in the GridWhile the cursor is in the Grid, you can use the mouse to perform the followingactions:

    Action OperationDisplay popup menu Right click on column header or cell.Select entire column Left click on the header of an unfrozen column.Select two or more columnsout of sequence

    Hold down the Ctrl key, then left click on anunfrozen column header.

    Select two or more columnsin sequence

    Hold down the Shift key, then left click on anunfrozen column header.

    Select entire row Left click on any cell in a frozen column.Select two or more rowsout of sequence

    Hold dow the Ctrl key, then left click on any cell ina frozen column.

    Select two or more rowsin sequence

    Hold down the Shift key, then left click on any cellin a frozen column.

    Open the cell for editing Left click or double-click any cell in an unfrozencolumn.

    Move the selected column inthe grid

    Left click on an unfrozen column header, drag leftor right then drop.

    Move the selected row inthe grid

    Left click on a row, drag up or down, then drop.

  • GFK-1303 The Recipes Interface 3-17

    Keyboard Operations in the GridWhile the cursor is in the Grid, you can use the following keystrokes to perform thefollowing actions:

    Action OperationMove in the respective direction. Left, Right, Up, Down arrowsEdit current cell. If the cell contains data already,the cursor is positioned at the end of the cell.


    Move cursor between the Tree and the Grid. F6Move cursor to the end of the current row. EndMove cursor to the last cell in the last row of theGrid.


    Move cursor to the beginning of the current row. HomeMove cursor to the first cell in the first row of theGrid.


    Page up. Page UpPage down. Page DownMove cursor down one cell. EnterAbort current edit and replace with original text. EscMove cursor between the Tree and the Grid. Tab

  • GFK-1303 4-1

    Using The Recipes Interface

    Working With Recipe GroupsA Recipe Group consists of Parameters, Recipes and Maps. You may define one ormore Recipe Groups, depending on your application. Each Recipe Group that youcreate and save is stored in a file with an .RGP extension.

    Opening A Recipe GroupYou can use the File menu or toolbar buttons to open a new or existing Group.

    Opening An Existing GroupTo open an existing Group:

    1. Select the Group folder in the Tree.2. From the File menu, select Open, or click the Open toolbar button.

    The Open dialog is displayed. Browse for the Recipe Group (.RGP) file you want todisplay. When you find it in the File Name list, select the file and select OK. TheOpen dialog closes and the Recipe Group you selected is displayed in the Tree.

    Opening A New GroupTo open a new Group:

    1. Select the Group folder in the Tree.2. From the File menu, select New, or click the New toolbar button.

    A new, untitled Recipe Group is displayed in the Tree.

  • 4-2 CIMPLICITY HMI Recipes GFK-1303

    Defining Group PropertiesIn addition to containing Parameters, Recipes, and Maps, a Group has Properties. Toview the Properties of the Group, select the top-level Group folder in the Tree, andthen do one of the following:

    From the Edit menu, select Properties. Press Alt+Enter. Click the right mouse button and select Properties from the popup


    The Recipe Group Data dialog is displayed.

    The name of the Group is displayed in the Group Name field. You may enter thefollowing optional properties for the Group:

    Description Description of the Group.Group Point Name of a CIMPLICITY Point ID to write the Group

    Name to when a Recipe is Downloaded or Uploaded.

    The Point ID may be unqualified or fully qualified.

    The Point ID must be a Text point of sufficient lengthto hold the group name.

    After you are done, select OK to close the dialog and save any changes you made, orselect Cancel to close the dialog without saving any changes.

    Naming A GroupThe file type for a RecipeGroup is .RGP

    You name a Group when you save it. The file name you enter for the Groupbecomes the Groups name.

  • GFK-1303 Using The Recipes Interface 4-3

    Working With Recipe ParametersA Recipe Group may have one or more Parameters associated with it. TheParameters define the components used to produce a product.

    Each Parameter that you define for the Group has seven attributes. You can use theseattributes to define the data type for the Parameter, further describe the Parameter, setlimits for the Parameter in Recipes, and define default values for Recipes.

    Any time you add, delete or rearrange Parameters in the group, all Recipes and Mapswill automatically be reconciled to reflect your changes.

    Adding ParametersYou can add up to 250Parameters each time you usethe Insert Parametersfunction.

    When you create a new Group, it has, by default, one Parameter. Use the InsertParameters function to add Parameters to the Group. The new Parameters will beinserted in front of the currently selected Parameter row.

    To insert new Parameters in the Group:

    1. Select a cell of the Parameter row where you want to insert Parameters.2. From the Grid menu, select Insert Parameters....


    1. Select the numbered cell in the Parameter row in the Grid where youwant to insert the Parameters.

    2. Click the right mouse button.3. Select Insert Parameters... from the popup menu.

    The Insert Parameters dialog is displayed.

    You may insert up to 250 Parameters in one request.

    Enter the number of Parameters you want to insert, and select OKThe Parameters you requested will be inserted in front of the selected row. Inaddition, the new Parameter rows will automatically be inserted in all existingRecipes and Maps.

    About Parameter AttributesEach Parameter in the Recipe Group has the following attributes:

  • 4-4 CIMPLICITY HMI Recipes GFK-1303

    ID Identifier for the Parameter. This attribute is optional.

    Data Type Data Type of the Parameter. This attribute is required.When a Recipe is downloaded, the Data Type of aParameter must match the Data Type of the point in theMap to which the Recipe parameter is beingdownloaded.The default data type is Text. You may choose one ofthe following types:


    Units Engineering units that this Parameters value refers to.This attribute is optional.

    Low Limit Low limit for the Parameter. This attribute is optional.High Limit High limit for the Parameter. This attribute is optional.Default Value Default value for the Parameter. This attribute is


    Once you specify a default value, new Recipes willautomatically use this value as a starting point. If youchange the default value, existing Recipes are notupdated with the new default value.

    Default Source Point Default source point for the Parameter. This attribute isoptional.

    Once you specify a default source point, new Recipeswill automatically use this value as a starting point. Ifyou change the default source point, existing Recipesare not updated with the new default value.

    If both the Default Value and Default SourcePoint are specified for a Parameter, the DefaultSource Point takes precedence when you create anew Recipe.

    When you open a Group, no Parameter Attributes are initially displayed in the Grid.You can choose to display or hide Parameter Attributes in the Grid in anycombination you want.

  • GFK-1303 Using The Recipes Interface 4-5

    Displaying Selected Parameter Attributes in the GridTo display a Parameter Attribute in the Grid:

    1. Select the Parameter Attribute in the Tree.2. Do one of the following:

    From the Tree menu, select View. Double-click the Parameter Attribute in the Tree. Click the right mouse button and select View from the popup


    The Parameter Attributes are displayed in the Grid in the order you select them.Note that the icon in the Tree changes from to for each Parameter Attributethat you select.

    Displaying All Parameter Attributes in the GridTo display all Parameter Attributes in the Grid:

    1. Select the Parameter Attributes folder.2. Do one of the following:

    From the Tree menu, select View All. Click the right mouse button and select View All from the popup


    Note that the icon in the Tree changes from to for all Parameter Attributes.

    Removing Selected Parameter Attributes from the GridTo remove a Parameter Attribute from the Grid:

    1. Select the Parameter Attribute column in the Grid.2. Do one of the following:

    From the Grid menu, select Hide Column. Click the right mouse button and select Hide Column from the

    popup menu.

    Note that the icon in the Tree changes from to for each Parameter Attributethat you select.

    Removing All Parameter Attributes from the GridTo remove all Parameter Attributes from the Grid, do one of the following:

    Select a Parameter Attribute cell in the Grid, then from the Grid menu,select Hide All Attribute Columns.

    Move the mouse pointer to the blank header cell for the parameternumber column, then click the right mouse button and select Hide AllAttribute Columns from the popup menu.

    Note that the icon in the Tree changes from to for all Parameter Attributes.

  • 4-6 CIMPLICITY HMI Recipes GFK-1303

    Moving Parameters in the GridIf you need to move a Parameter to another location:

    1. Select the numbered cell for the row in the Grid that you want to move.

    2. Hold down the left mouse button and drag the row to its new location.

    3. Release the left mouse button

    Removing Parameters from the GridTo remove one or more Parameters from the Grid:

    1. Select the rows you want to remove.

    2. Do one of the following

    Click the right mouse button and select Delete Parameters fromthe popup menu.

    From the Grid menu, select Delete Parameters.3. Confirm your selection.

    The Parameters you selected will be deleted from the Grid. The rows are alsoautomatically deleted from any Recipes and Maps that currently exist in the RecipeGroup.

  • GFK-1303 Using The Recipes Interface 4-7

    Working With RecipesA Recipe specifies the amount (value) of each Parameter that will be used tomanufacture a specific batch of product. All the Recipes for a Recipe Group arefound in the Recipes folder.

    You can create subfolders in the Recipes folder to further classify your Recipes.There is no restriction on the number of levels of subfolders you can create. You cancreate a Recipe in the Recipes folder or in any Recipes subfolder.

    Initially, the Recipes folder contains no Recipes or Recipe subfolders.

    Creating a RecipeTo create a Recipe, select the Recipes folder or any Recipe subfolder, or select anyRecipe in the folder where you want to place the new Recipe, then do one of thefollowing:

    From the File menu, select New. Select the New toolbar button. Press Ctrl+N. If you selected the Recipes folder or a Recipe subfolder, click the right

    mouse button and select New->Recipe from the popup menu. If you selected a Recipe, click the right mouse button and select New

    from the popup menu.

    The new Recipe is added to the end of the Recipe list in the current folder and isgiven the default name New Recipe. It contains one cell for each parameter youhave defined for the Group. If you defined any Default Values or Default SourcePoints for the Group, they are automatically transferred to the newly-created Recipe.Also, the Recipe name is automatically open for editing so that you can immediatelyrename it.

    Renaming a RecipeThe name must be uniqueacross the entire Group.

    To change the name of a Recipe:

    1. Select the Recipe name in the Tree.2. Click on the name to open it for editing.3. Enter the new Recipe name.

    Copying a RecipeYou can copy a Recipe to the Recipes folder or to any Recipe subfolder you havecreated.

    To copy a Recipe:

    1. Select the Recipe you want to copy.2. Hold down the Ctrl key.3. Hold down the left mouse button and drag the Recipe to the Recipes

    folder or to another Recipe subfolder.4. Release the left mouse button.

    The Tree is redisplayed with the copied Recipe in its new location. The default nameof a copied Recipe is Copy of , where is the name of the source

  • 4-8 CIMPLICITY HMI Recipes GFK-1303

    Recipe. The Recipe name is automatically open for editing so that you canimmediately rename it.

    Deleting a RecipeTo delete a Recipe, select the Recipe name in the Tree, then do one of the following:

    From the Edit menu, select Delete. Press the Delete key.

    Select the Delete toolbar button.

    Click the right mouse button and select Delete from the popup menu.

    Defining Recipe PropertiesEach Recipe in a Group has properties. To view the properties of a Recipe, select theRecipe in the Tree, and then do one of the following:

    From the Edit menu, select Properties. Press Alt+Enter

    Click the right mouse button and select Properties from the popupmenu.

    The Recipe Data dialog is displayed.

    The following information is displayed in read-only fields:

    Recipe Name The name of the Recipe.Create Time The date and time the Recipe was initially created.Last Modified The date and time the Recipe was last modified.

  • GFK-1303 Using The Recipes Interface 4-9

    You may enter optional information in any of the following fields:Version Enter the version of the Recipe.

    Product Code Enter the product code associated with the Recipe.Author Enter the author of the Recipe.

    Recipe Point Enter the name of a CIMPLICITY Point ID to write the RecipeName to when the Recipe is Downloaded or Uploaded.The Point ID may be unqualified or fully qualified.The Point ID must be a Text point of sufficient length to holdthe Recipe name.

    Batch Point Enter the name of a CIMPLICITY Point ID to write the user-defined Batch ID to when the Recipe is Downloaded.The Point ID may be unqualified or fully qualified.The Point ID must be a Text point of sufficient length to holdthe Batch ID.

    Comments Enter any comments about the Recipe in this field.

    Displaying the Contents of RecipesYou can display the contents of a single Recipe, all Recipes, or all Recipes in asubfolder.

    Note that the icon in the Tree changes from or to for Recipes that you aredisplaying in the Grid.

    Display a Single RecipeTo display the contents of a Recipe in the Grid, do one of the following:

    Double-click the Recipe in the Tree. Select the Recipe in the Tree, then from the Tree menu, select View. Move the mouse pointer to the Recipe in the Tree, click the right mouse

    button, then select View from the popup menu.

    Display all RecipesTo display the contents of all Recipes in the Grid, do one of the following:

    Select the Recipes folder in the Tree, then from the Tree menu, selectView All.

    Move the mouse pointer to the Recipes folder in the Tree, click theright mouse button, then select View All from the popup menu.

    All Recipes in the Recipes folder and all subfolders will be displayed in the Grid.To display the contents of all Recipes in a Recipe subfolder, do one of the following:

    Select the Recipe subfolder in the Tree, then from the Tree menu,select View All.

    Move the mouse pointer to the Recipe subfolder in the tree, click theright mouse button, then select View All from the popup menu.

    All Recipes in the subfolder and any subfolders it contains will be displayed in theGrid.

  • 4-10 CIMPLICITY HMI Recipes GFK-1303

    Recipe Parameter ValuesWhen you create a Recipe, the initial value for each of the Recipe Parameters iscreated in this order:

    1. If a Default Source Point is defined for the Parameter, it is copied to theRecipe, and CIMPLICITY Point is set in the cell properties.

    2. Otherwise, if a Default Value is defined for the Parameter, it is copiedto the Recipe, and Value is set in the cell properties.

    3. Otherwise, the value in the Recipe is left blank, and Value is set in thecell properties.

    You can let the initial Recipe values stand, or you can modify them.

    Modifying Recipe Parameter ValuesTo modify the value of a Recipe Parameter:

    1. Display the Recipe in the Grid.

    2. In the Recipe, select the Parameter value you want to modify.

    3. Change the value for the Parameter.

    You may enter a value or CIMPLCITY Point ID in a Recipe Parameter. If you wantto enter a Point ID, you may enter it directly, or browse for it. The Point ID may beunqualified or fully qualified. If you use the Browser to enter a Point ID, the cellproperties will automatically be set to CIMPLICITY Point.After you modify the Recipe Parameter, you should display the Recipe CellProperties dialog and make sure that the cells properties are set correctly.

  • GFK-1303 Using The Recipes Interface 4-11

    Defining Recipe Cell PropertiesEach Parameter or cell in a Recipe has properties. To display the property dialog fora cell:

    1. Select the cell in the Recipe.

    2. Do one of the following:

    Click the right mouse button, and select Properties from thepopup menu.

    From the Edit menu, select Properties. Press Alt+Enter.

    The Recipe Cell Properties dialog is displayed.

    Use the Value can be modified before Download check box to control whetheror not the value in the Recipe cell can be modified during Download. If you do notwant users to modify the value at Download, clear the check box. If you do wantusers to be able to modify the value, enable the check box.

    Use the Value and CIMPLICITY Point radio buttons to specify whether thecontents of the cell are a value or a CIMPLICITY point.

    If you specify Value, the value in the cell is downloaded to thecorresponding Map point.

    If you specify CIMPLICITY Point, the contents of the CIMPLICITYPoint ID are downloaded to the corresponding Map point.

    When you create the Recipe, the defaults for a cell are:

    Value can be modified before Download is enabled.

    If a Default Source Point is defined in the Parameter Attributes, theCIMPLICITY Point radio button is set.

    If no Default Source Point is defined in the Parameter Attributes, theValue radio button is set.

  • 4-12 CIMPLICITY HMI Recipes GFK-1303

    About Recipe SubfoldersCIMPLICITY Recipes architecture lets you define subfolders in the Recipes folderor in existing subfolders. This feature gives you the ability to group Recipes. Youcan:

    Create Recipe subfolders. Rename Recipe subfolders. Move Recipes between Recipe subfolders. Delete Recipe subfolders.

    Creating a Recipe SubfolderTo create a Recipe subfolder:

    1. Select the Recipes folder or subfolder where you want to put the newsubfolder.

    2. Do one of the following:

    From the Tree menu, select Create SubFolder. Click the right mouse button and select New->SubFolder from

    the popup menu.

    The new Recipe subfolder is created in the current folder. It is positioned aftercurrently existing subfolders and in front of any Recipes in the folder. When youcreate a Recipe subfolder, it is given the default name New Folder, and you areautomatically given the opportunity to change the subfolder name.

    Renaming A Recipe SubfolderTo change the name of a Recipe subfolder:

    1. Select the Recipe subfolder name in the Tree.

    2. Click on the name to open it for editing.

    The name must be uniqueacross the entire Group.

    3. Enter the new subfolder name.

    Moving a Recipe Between SubfoldersYou can move a Recipe between the Recipes folder and any Recipe subfolders youhave created.

    To move a Recipe:

    1. Select the Recipe.

    2. Hold down the left mouse button and drag the Recipe to the Recipesfolder or to another Recipe subfolder.

    3. Release the left mouse button.

    The Tree is redisplayed with the Recipe in its new location.

  • GFK-1303 Using The Recipes Interface 4-13

    Deleting a Recipe SubfolderTo delete a Recipe subfolder:

    1. Make sure the subfolder is empty.

    2. Select the subfolder you want to delete.

    3. Do one of the following:

    From the Edit menu, select Delete. Select the Delete toolbar button.

    Click the right mouse button and select Delete from the popupmenu.

    Press the Delete key.

  • 4-14 CIMPLICITY HMI Recipes GFK-1303

    Working With MapsA Map is a list of CIMPLICITY Point IDs to which Recipe parameter values will bewritten during a Download request, or from which Recipe parameter values will beread during an Upload request. Map points may represent non-contiguous deviceaddresses, and can span several devices.

    You can create subfolders in the Maps folder to further classify your Maps. There isno restriction on the number of levels of subfolders you can create. You can create aMap in the Maps folder or in any Map subfolder.

    Initially, the Maps folder contains no Maps or Map subfolders.

    Creating a MapTo create a Map, select the Maps folder or any Map subfolder, or select any Map inthe folder where you want to place the new Map, then do one of the following:

    From the File menu, select New. Select the New toolbar button. Press Ctrl+N. If you selected the Maps folder or any Map subfolder, click the right

    mouse button and select New->Map from the popup menu. If you selected a Map, click the right mouse button and select New

    from the popup menu.

    The new Map is added to the end of the Map list in the current folder with the defaultname New Map. It contains one cell for each parameter you have defined for theGroup. Also, the Map name is automatically open for editing so that you canimmediately rename it.

    Renaming a MapThe name must be uniqueacross the entire Group

    To change the name of a Map:

    1. Select the Map name in the Tree.

    2. Click on the name to open it for editing.

    3. Enter the new Map name.

    Copying a MapYou can copy a Map to the Maps folder or to any Map subfolder you have created.

    To copy a Map:

    1. Select the Map you want to copy.2. Hold down the Ctrl key.3. Hold down the left mouse button and drag the Map to the Maps folder

    or to another Map subfolder.4. Release the left mouse button.

    The Tree is redisplayed with the copied Map in its new location. The default nameof a copied Map is Copy of , where is the name of the sourceMap. The Map name is automatically open for editing so that you can immediatelyrename it.

  • GFK-1303 Using The Recipes Interface 4-15

    Deleting a MapTo delete a Map, select the Map name in the Tree, then do one of the following:

    From the Edit menu, select Delete. Press the Delete key.

    Select the Delete toolbar button.

    Click the right mouse button and select Delete from the popup menu.

    Defining Map PropertiesEach Map in a Group has properties. To view the properties of a Map, select theMap in the Tree, and then do one of the following:

    From the Edit menu, select Properties. Press Alt+Enter.

    Click the right mouse button and select Properties from the popupmenu.

    The Map Data dialog is displayed.

    The following information is displayed in read-only fields:

    Map Name The name of the Map.You may enter optional information in any of the following fields:

    Description Enter a description of the Map.Map Point Enter the name of a CIMPLICITY Point ID to write the Map

    Name to when a Recipe is Downloaded or Uploaded.

    The Point ID may be unqualified or fully qualified.

    The Point ID must be a Text point of sufficient length to holdthe Map Name.

  • 4-16 CIMPLICITY HMI Recipes GFK-1303

    Status Point Enter the name of a CIMPLICITY Point ID to write statusinformation to as a Recipe is Downloaded or Uploaded.

    If you use an Analog or Float type point, anumeric percentage (0-100%) will be written tothe point as the Recipe is Downloaded orUploaded. This point can then be used to animatean object on a CimView screen.

    If you use a Text type point, a status message willbe written to the point. Be sure to use aTEXT_80 type point so that the status messagecan be displayed in full.

    The Point ID may be unqualified or fully qualified.

    Displaying the Contents of MapsYou can display the contents of a single Map, all Maps, or all Maps in a subfolder.

    Note that the icon in the Tree changes from or to for Maps that you aredisplaying in the Grid.

    Display a Single MapTo display the contents of a Map in the Grid, do one of the following:

    Double-click the Map in the Tree.

    Select the Map in the Tree, then from the Tree menu, select View.

    Move the mouse pointer to the Map in the Tree, click the right mousebutton, then select View from the popup menu.

    Display all MapsTo display the contents of all Maps in the Grid, do one of the following:

    Select the Maps folder in the Tree, then from the Tree menu, selectView All.

    Move the mouse pointer to the Maps folder in the tree, click the rightmouse button, then select View All from the popup menu.

    All Maps in the Maps folder and all Map subfolders will be displayed in the Grid.

    To display the contents of all Maps in a Map subfolder, do one of the following:

    Select the Map subfolder in the Tree, then from the Tree menu, selectView All.

    Move the mouse pointer to the Map subfolder in the tree, click the rightmouse button, then select View All from the popup menu.

    All Maps in the subfolder and any subfolders it contains will be displayed in theGrid.

  • GFK-1303 Using The Recipes Interface 4-17

    Map Parameter ValuesMap parameter values are device points where CIMPLICITY software can Downloador Upload Recipe parameters. You can enter Point IDs manually or use the PointBrowser to select them. Point IDs may be unqualified or fully qualified.

    The device points you define for the Map do not need to be contiguous or on thesame device. However, the more non-contiguous points you have in the Map, themore time will be needed to perform Uploads and Downloads.

    For best performance on Uploads or Downloads, use contiguous array points in aMap. For example, consider the following Maps:

    MAP1 MAP2PT[0] PT[0]PT[1] PT[1]PT[2] PT[2]PT[3] NPT[0]PT[4] NPT[1]PT[5] NPT[2]PT[6] NPT[3]PT[7] PT[3]PT[8] PT[4]

    When MAP1 is used for a Download or Upload, a single write/read request is issued.

    When MAP2 is used for a Download or Upload, three write/read requests are issued.

    Modifying Map Parameter ValuesTo modify the value of a Map Parameter:

    1. Display the Map in the Grid.

    2. In the Map, select the Parameter value you want to modify.

    3. Change the CIMPLICITY Point ID for the Parameter. You may enterthe new Point ID manually, or use the Point Browser to select a PointID. The Point ID may be unqualified or fully qualified.

    About Map SubfoldersThe CIMPLICITY Recipes architecture lets you define subfolders in the Maps folderor in existing subfolders. This feature gives you the ability to group Maps. You can:

    Create Map subfolders.

    Rename Map subfolders

    Move Maps between Map subfolders.

    Delete Map subfolders.

  • 4-18 CIMPLICITY HMI Recipes GFK-1303

    Creating a Map SubfolderTo create a Map subfolder:

    1. Select the Maps folder or subfolder where you want to put the newsubfolder.

    2. Do one of the following:

    From the Tree menu, select Create SubFolder. Click the right mouse button and select New->SubFolder from

    the popup menu.

    The new Map subfolder is created in the current folder. It is positioned aftercurrently existing subfolders and in front of any Maps in the folder. When you createa Map subfolder, it is given the default name New Folder, and you areautomatically given the opportunity to change the subfolder name.

    Renaming A Map SubfolderTo change the name of a Map subfolder:

    1. Select the Map subfolder name in the Tree.

    2. Click on the name to open it for editing.

    The name must be uniqueacross the entire Group.

    3. Enter the new subfolder name.

    Moving a Map Between SubfoldersYou can move a Map between the Maps folder and any Map subfolders you havecreated.

    To move a Map:

    1. Select the Map.

    2. Hold down the left mouse button and drag the Map to the Maps folderor to another Map subfolder.

    3. Release the left mouse button.

    The Tree is redisplayed with the Map in its new location.

    Deleting a Map SubfolderTo delete a Map subfolder:

    1. Make sure the subfolder is empty.

    2. Select the subfolder you want to delete.

    3. Do one of the following:

    From the Edit menu, select Delete.

    Select the Delete toolbar button.

    Click the right mouse button and select Delete from the popupmenu.

    Press the Delete key.

  • GFK-1303 Using The Recipes Interface 4-19

    Downloading a RecipeTo initiate a Recipe Download, select the Recipe in the Tree, then do one of thefollowing:

    From the Tools menu, select Download.... Press Ctrl+D. Select the Download toolbar button. Click the right mouse button and select Download... from the popup


    Drag and drop the Recipe onto the Map you want to use for theDownload.

    The Download a Recipe dialog is displayed.

    Use the General page to enter information about the Download.

    If you want to modify any Recipe parameters before downloading them, use theModify Parameters page.When you are ready to start the Download, select OK.If you want to cancel the Download, select Cancel.

  • 4-20 CIMPLICITY HMI Recipes GFK-1303

    General Download ParametersOn the General page, enter the following information in the input fields:Recipe The Recipe you selected (or the first Recipe in the list)

    is displayed in this field.You can use the drop-down list button to the right ofthe field to display the current list of Recipes andselect another Recipe to Download.

    Map The Map you selected (or the first Map in the List) isdisplayed in this field.You can use the drop-down list button to the right ofthe field to display the current list of Maps and selectanother Map for the Download.

    Batch ID Enter an optional Batch Identifier for the product to bemanufactured.When the Download is executed, this text will beplaced in the Batch Point defined for the Recipe.

    Batch ID Source Point Enter an optional CIMPLICITY Point ID.When the Download is executed, the text contained inthis Point ID will be placed in the Batch Point definedfor the Recipe.The Point ID may be unqualified or fully qualified.The Point ID must be a Text point of sufficient lengthto hold the Batch ID.


    Download will only accept one source of information for the Batch Point. If youspecify data in one field, the other will be automatically disabled.

  • GFK-1303 Using The Recipes Interface 4-21

    Modifying Recipe Parameters at DownloadUse the Modify Parameters page to display and modify Recipe parameters beforedownloading them.

    You can modify any parameters prior to Download that have their Value can bemodified before Download check box set.To modify a parameter:

    1. Double-click the parameter in the Recipe list. The Modify RecipeValue dialog box opens.

    2. Enter a new value in the Recipe Value field.3. If the new value is a CIMPLICITY Point ID, set the CIMPLICITY

    Point check box.4. Select OK.

    The modified parameter is displayed in the Recipe list. When you select OK in theDownload a Recipe dialog box, the values in the Recipe list are downloaded.

  • 4-22 CIMPLICITY HMI Recipes GFK-1303

    Uploading a RecipeTo initiate a Recipe Upload, select the Recipe or Map in the Tree, then do one of thefollowing:

    From the Tools menu, select Upload.... Press Ctrl+U. Select the Upload toolbar button. Move the mouse pointer over the Recipe in the Tree, then click the right

    mouse button and select Upload... from the popup menu. Drag and drop the Map on the Recipe you want to use for the Upload.

    The Upload a Recipe dialog is displayed.

    Enter the following information in the input fields:

    Recipe The Recipe you selected is displayed in this field.You can use the drop-down list button to the right ofthe field to display the current list of Recipes andselect another Recipe to Upload.

    Map The Map you selected is displayed in this field. Youcan use the drop-down list button to the right of thefield to display the current list of Maps and select aMap for the Upload.

    Upload To The Recipe you selected initially is displayed in thisfield. You can choose to upload the Map values tothis Recipe, or you can enter the name of anotherRecipe to upload to.

    To start the Upload, select OK.To cancel the Upload request, select Cancel.

  • GFK-1303 Using The Recipes Interface 4-23

    Archiving A Recipe GroupTo archive a Recipe Group:

    1. Select the Group folder in the Tree.

    2. Do one of the following:

    From the File menu, select Archive.

    Select the Archive button on the toolbar.

    Press Ctrl+A. Click the right mouse button, and select Archive from the popup


    The file type for an archivedRecipe Group is .RAR

    3. In the Save As dialog, enter a file name (the default name is the Groupname) and select a directory for the archive file.

    4. Select OK to archive the file, or Cancel to cancel the Archive request.5. If there are differences between the displayed Recipe Group and the

    saved Recipe Group, you will be asked if you want to save the Groupbefore archiving it.

    Exporting A Recipe GroupTo export a Recipe Group:

    1. Select the Group folder in the Tree

    2. Do one of the following:

    From the File menu, select Export. Select the Export button on the toolbar. Press Ctrl+E. Click the right mouse button, and select Export from the popup


    The file type for an exportedRecipe Group is .CSV

    3. In the Save As dialog, enter a file name and select a directory for theexport file.

    4. Select OK to export the Recipe Group, or Cancel to cancel the Exportrequest.

    You can use Notepad or Microsoft Excel to display and make changes in the .CSVfile.

  • 4-24 CIMPLICITY HMI Recipes GFK-1303

    Importing A Recipe GroupYou can import files that use the Recipe Group .CSV format.

    To import a Recipe Group:

    1. Open a new Recipe Group.

    2. Do one of the following:

    From the File menu, select Import. Select the Import button on the toolbar. Press Ctrl+I. Click the right mouse button, and select Import from the popup


    3. In the Open dialog box, select the file you want to import.

    4. Select OK to import the file, or Cancel to cancel the import request.

  • GFK-1303 Using The Recipes Interface 4-25

    Validating Recipe Group ColumnsYou can use this feature to validate the following information in your Recipe Group:




    The type of validation done, and the messages displayed, depends on the type ofcolumn you are validating.


    To validate Default Source Points, Recipe Points, or Maps, yourCIMPLICITY project must be running.

    To validate a column in your Recipe Group:

    1. Display the column in the Grid.

    2. Select the column.

    3. Do one of the following:

    From the Tools menu, select Validate. Select the Validate button on the toolbar. Press Ctrl+L

    When the Validation procedure finds a problem, it displays a dialog with detailedinformation about the location and type of problem. For example:

    The information is also recorded in the projects Status Log.You can select one of the following actions in the dialog:

    Select Yes to continue validation and display warnings and errors.

    Select No to continue validation without displaying messages.Messages will still be logged to the projects Status Log.

    Select Cancel to cancel the validation procedure.

  • 4-26 CIMPLICITY HMI Recipes GFK-1303

    Validating ParametersThe following validations are performed in Parameter columns:

    High/Low Limits

    Default Value

    Default Source Point

    High/Low LimitsThe following validations are performed for the High Limit and Low Limit columns:

    If the cell is blank, no validation is performed.

    If the cell is not blank, the Data Type of the row must be numeric.

    When validating the Low Limit column, each Low Limit must be lessthan its corresponding High Limit.

    When validating the High Limit column, each High Limit must begreater than its corresponding Low Limit.

    Default ValueThe following validations are performed for the Default Value column:

    Cell can only be blank if a Default Source Point is filled in for the row.

    If the Data Type for the row is numeric, the cell can contain only anumeric value.

    If the Data Type for the row is digital, the cell can contain only 0 or 1.

    If the Data Type for the row is text, the cell can contain anything.

    If the Data Type for the row is numeric, and Default High/Low limitsare defined, the Default Value is verified to be within those limits.

    Default Source PointThe following validations are performed for the Default Source Point column:

    If the cell is blank, no validation is performed.

    The Point Type for the Default Source Point must match the Data Typeof the row.

    If the Default Source Point is an array element, it must be within thearray bounds.

    The point must be Enabled.

  • GFK-1303 Using The Recipes Interface 4-27

    Validating RecipesThe following validations are performed in Recipe columns:

    Blank cells are not allowed.

    If a cell is a CIMPLICITY Point:

    The type of the point must match the Data Type for the row.

    If the point is an array element, it must be within the array bounds.

    If the cell is a value:

    The value in the cell must match the Data Type of the row.

    The value should be within the configured High Limit and LowLimit for the row.

    Validating MapsThe following validations are performed in Map columns:

    The type of the point must match the Data Type for the row.

    If the point is an array element, it must be within the array bounds.

    The point must have Read/Write access.

    The point must be Enabled.

  • 4-28 CIMPLICITY HMI Recipes GFK-1303

    Comparing RecipesTo compare Recipes:

    1. Select a Recipe.

    2. Do one of the following:

    From the Tools menu, select Compare. Click the right mouse button and select Compare from the Recipe

    popup menu.

    3. In the Recipe Compare Select dialog, you will see a list of all Recipesin the Group. You may select one or more of these Recipes to use forcomparison.

    4. Select OK to continue or Cancel to cancel your request.5. You will be given the option of clearing the current Grid contents prior

    to loading the compare results. The following message is displayed:

    Do you wish to clear the Grid prior to displaying Recipecomparisons?

    6. Select OK to clear the Grid first, or Cancel to load the compare resultsinto the current Grid state.

    The selected Recipes will be displayed in side-by-side columns. If differences arefound, they will be highlighted in bold.

  • GFK-1303 Using The Recipes Interface 4-29

    For example, when comparing the Recipes for White and Raisin bread, the compareresults look like this:

  • 4-30 CIMPLICITY HMI Recipes GFK-1303

    Creating an Automatic ActionFor Recipes, Automatic Actions are Downloads and Uploads that are doneautomatically through the Event Manager. Once you configure an Automatic Action,you can use the Event Editor to create Events that will cause the Action to beexecuted.

    To create an Automatic Action, do one of the following:

    From the Tools menu, select Create Auto Action.... Select a Recipe or Map in the Grid, click the right mouse button, then

    select Create Auto Action from the popup menu.The Create Auto Action Parameter File dialog is displayed.

    You can create Download and Upload automatic actions.

    Enter information in the following fields:

    Recipe Enter the name of the Recipe to be Downloaded orUploaded.

    Map Enter the name of the Map to be used for theDownload or Upload.

    Batch ID Enter an optional Batch Identifier for the product to bemanufactured. When the Download is executed, thistext will be placed in the Batch Point defined for theRecipe.

    If you select Upload, this field changes to UploadTo, and the Batch ID Source Point field isdisabled.

  • GFK-1303 Using The Recipes Interface 4-31

    Specify the name of the Recipe you wish to Upload toin the Upload To field. You can either specify a newRecipe (which will be created in the Recipe Group), oran existing Recipe (which will be overwritten in theRecipe Group).

    Batch ID Source Point Enter an optional CIMPLICITY Point ID. When aDownload is executed, the text contained in this PointID will be placed in the Batch Point defined for theRecipe.

    The Point ID may be unqualified or fully qualified.

    The Point ID must be a Text point of sufficient lengthto hold the Batch ID.

    Action Select one action to be performed:

    Select Download to perform aDownload action.

    Select Upload to perform an Uploadaction

    Select OK to create the action, or select Cancel to exit the dialog without creatingthe action.

    The file type for an automaticaction file is .RPF.

    When you select OK, the Save As dialog is displayed. Select the file name anddirectory where you want to save the file and select OK. The action is now availableto the Event Editor.

  • GFK-1303 5-1

    Using the Run-Time RecipeControl

    Creating a Recipe ControlIn CimEdit, you can configure an OCX control for the CIMPLICITY Recipes optionthat will let you Upload and Download Recipes.

    To create a Recipe control:

    1. From the Tools menu, select OLE Object, or click the OLE button onthe CimEdit Tools toolbar.

    2. Move the cursor to the location on the CimEdit screen where you wantto place the object.

    3. Click the left mouse button to fix the object. The Insert Object dialogis displayed.

    4. Click Create New.5. Select CIMPLICITY Recipe Control from the Object Type list.6. Click OK.

    A new Recipes control object will be placed in your CimEdit screen. The objectlooks like this:

    Once the Recipes object is in the CimEdit screen, you may do any of the following: Resize the control or move it using the borders.

    Double-click on the control to display the CIMPLICITY RecipesControl Properties dialog and configure the control.

  • 5-2 CIMPLICITY HMI Recipes GFK-1303

    Configuring Recipe Control PropertiesAfter you create a Recipe control on your CimEdit screen, you can display andchange its properties.

    To access the Recipe control properties, you can do one of the following:

    Double-click the Recipe control.

    Select the Recipe control, then from the Edit menu selectCIMPLICITY Recipe Control Object. This will show a cascadingmenu. Select Properties from the cascading menu.

    The information about a Recipe includes:

    General Defines the general properties for the Recipe control.Batch ID Defines the Batch Identifier for the Recipe control.

    If you do any of the following, you will display the Object Properties dialog for theobject in CimEdit:

    From the Edit menu, select Properties. Click the Properties button on the Format toolbar. Hold down the right mouse button and select Properties from the

    drop-down menu.

  • GFK-1303 Using the Run-Time Recipe Control 5-3

    GeneralThe General properties define the fundamental characteristics of the Recipe control.

    You can define the following properties for your Recipe control:

    TextEnter the text you want to appear on the button.

    GroupEnter the name of the Recipe Group in this field. You can click the Popup Menubutton to the right of the input field to search for and select a Group.

    RecipeEnter the Recipe name in this field. You can click the drop-down list button to theright of the field to display the list of Recipes in the Group.

    MapEnter the Map name in this field. You can click the drop-down list button to the rightof the field to display the list of Maps in the Group.

    ActionSelect one of the following actions for the control:

    Download/Modify Select this action if you want a user to be able to modifyRecipe parameters, and then Download the modifiedRecipe.

    Download Select this action if you want a user to Download a Recipewithout modifying it.

    Upload to New Select this action if you want a user to Upload a Recipeand save the values in a new Recipe.

    Upload/Save Select this action if you want a user to Upload a Recipeand overwrite its existing values with the new ones.

  • 5-4 CIMPLICITY HMI Recipes GFK-1303

    Batch IDThe Batch ID properties define the Batch Identifier for Downloads.

    When you create a Recipe, you can define a Batch Point. Recipes will place a BatchID in the Batch Point when the Recipe is Downloaded.

    You can do one of the following in this dialog:

    Enter the Batch Identifier for this recipe in the Batch ID field. Whenthe Recipe is Downloaded, this text is written to the Batch Point.

    Enter a Point ID in the Batch ID Source Point field. When theRecipe is Downloaded, the contents of this Point ID are written to theBatch Point. The Point ID may be unqualified or fully qualified, and itmust be a Text point.

    You can use the Browser and Popup menu buttons to the right of the inputfield to browse for an existing Point ID or create a new one.


    Download will only accept one source of information for the Batch Point. If youspecify data in one field, the other will automatically be disabled.

  • GFK-1303 6-1

    Event Editor Extensions ForRecipes

    Creating A Recipe ActionTo create a Recipe Upload or Download action in the Event Editor:

    1. From the View menu, select By Action.2. Click the mouse once in the Action window.

    3. Do one of the following to create a new Action:

    From the File menu, select New Action.

    Select the New button on the toolbar.

    Press Ctrl+N. The New Action dialog will be displayed.

    4. Enter the name of the new action in the Action ID field and select OK. The New Action properties dialog is displayed.

    5. Select Recipe Upload/Download from the list of actions in theAction Type field.

  • 6-2 CIMPLICITY HMI Recipes GFK-1303

    6. Select an Automatic Action file that you created in Recipes in the

    Parameter File field. You can click the Browser button - - to theright of the input field to browse for an Automatic Action file, or you

    can click the Pop-up Menu button - - to open a RecipeConfiguration window and create a new Automatic Action file or tobrowse for an existing Automatic Action file.

    7. Select OK to create the action.Once you have created a Download or Upload Recipe Action, you can associate anEvent with it. When the Event occurs, the Action will automatically be executed.

    For more information on how to use the Event Manager, see the CIMPLICITY HMIfor Windows NT and Windows 95 Event Editor Operation Manual (GFK-1282).

  • GFK-1303 7-1

    Basic Control Engine Extensionsfor Recipes

    RCPDownload (statement)Syntax RCPDownload filename$[,[recipename$][,[mapname$][,

    [pointorval$][,ispoint]]]]Description Downloads the specified Recipe from the specified Recipe Group

    using the specified Map.

    Comments The RCPDownload function takes the following parameters:Parameter Descriptionfilename$ Required string containing the name of the Recipe

    Group file where the Recipe is located. TheRecipe Group file must exist

    recipename$ Optional string containing the name of the Recipeto be Downloaded.

    mapname$ Optional string containing the name of the Map tobe used when Downloading the Recipe.

    pointorval$ Optional string containing the Batch Point or BatchID to be used when Downloading the Recipe.

    ispoint Optional integer, set to 1 if pointorval$ is a BatchPoint.

    Example RCPDownload "D:\Bread.rgp", "White","Line1", "Batch of White Bread", 0

  • 7-2 CIMPLICITY HMI Recipes GFK-1303

    RCPUpload (statement)Syntax RCPUpload filename$[,[recipename$][,[mapname$]

    [,newname$]]]Description Uploads the specified Recipe to the specified Recipe Group using

    the specified Map.

    Comments The RCPUpload function takes the following parameters:Parameter Descriptionfilename$ Required string containing the name of the Recipe

    Group file where the Recipe is located. TheRecipe Group file must exist.

    recipename$ Optional string containing the name of the Recipeto be Uploaded.

    mapname$ Optional string containing the name of the Map tobe used when Uploading the Recipe.

    newname$ Optional string containing the name of the Recipeto be uploaded. You may use a new or existingRecipe name.

    Example RCPUpload "D:\Bread.rgp", "White", "Line1","NewWhite"

    RCPGroupExport (statement)Syntax RCPGroupExport groupname$[, filename$]Description Exports the specified Recipe Group to a CSV file.Comments The RCPGroupExport function takes the following parameters:

    Parameter Descriptiongroupname$ Required string containing the name of the Recipe

    Group file. The Recipe Group file must exist.

    filename$ Optional string containing the name of the CSVfile.

    Example RCPGroupExport "D:\Bread.rgp"

  • GFK-1303 Basic Control Engine Extensions for Recipes 7-3

    RCPGroupImport (statement)Syntax RCPGroupImport groupname$[, filename$]Description Imports the specified Recipe Group from a CSV file.Comments The RCPGroupImport function takes the following parameters:

    Parameter Descriptiongroupname$ Required string containing the name of the Recipe

    Group file.

    filename$ Optional string containing the name of the CSVfile.

    Example RCPGroupExport "D:\Bread.rgp", "Bread2.csv"

  • GFK-1303 -1

    Appendix - CSV File Format

    CSV File Format for Import/ExportThe data included in the CSV file for Recipes is divided into four areas:

    1. Group information

    2. Recipes information

    3. Maps information

    4. Parameters information

    Each area consists of one line that lists the fields included in the area, followed by asmany lines needed to contain the data for the area.

    For Group information, the first line consists of the text:Group Name, Description, GroupPoint

    and the second