getting started with ext js 4

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  • Getting Started with Ext JS 4 1

    Getting Started

    with Ext JS 4 By Mohib Mansuri

    [email protected]

  • Getting Started with Ext JS 4 2

    Getting started with Ext JS

    The first thing we need to download the framework from the official

    website of sencha.


    There are two types of licenses

    o The commercial license that you need to purchase if you are

    setting up to develop a closed source project, usually used for

    corporations, banks, or enterprises

    o The other available license is the GPLv3 for open source


    We can also use the available Content Delivery Network (CDN) so

    we don't need to store the library in our own computer or server:

    The CSS file:



    The JavaScript file:


  • Getting Started with Ext JS 4 3

    Ext JS layers

    Ext JS is divided in three layers

    Ext JS 4

    Ext Core

    Ext Foundation

    In the Ext Foundation layer the Ext object is created, useful utilities and

    the class system that permits us to extend classes, override methods and

    properties, add mixins and configurations to classes, and more.

    The Ext Core layer includes the classes that control the Document Object

    Model (DOM), set and firing events, support for Ajax requests, and classes

    to search the DOM using CSS selectors.

    The Ext JS 4 layer includes all the components, widgets, and many more


  • Getting Started with Ext JS 4 4

    Web Browsers

    Ext JS 4 supports all major web browsers, from IE 6 to the latest version

    of Google Chrome. Throughout development, however, we proposed

    below browser

    Google Chrome 10+

    Apple Safari 5+

    Mozilla Firefox 4+ with the Firebug Web Development Plugin

    Web Server

    Local web server is not a requirement to use Ext JS 4, it is well suggested

    that you develop with one, since XHR over local file:// protocol has cross

    origin control on most browsers. If you don't already have a local web

    server it is recommended that you download and install Apache HTTP


    Recommended server

    o Apache on Windows

    o Apache on Linux

    o Mac OS X comes with a build in apache installation

  • Getting Started with Ext JS 4 5

    Ext JS 4 SDK

    Your web root directory may vary depending on your operating system, but

    if you are using Apache it is usually located at:

    Windows - "C:\Program Files\Apache Software


    Linux - "/var/www/"

    Mac OS X - "/Library/WebServer/Documents/"

    Once you have completed installing Apache navigate to

    http://localhost/extjs/index.html in your browser. If an Ext JS 4 welcome

    page appears, you are all set.

  • Getting Started with Ext JS 4 6

    Application Structure

    The following is the suggested directory structure for an Ext JS application:

    appname is a directory that includes all your application's source files

    app includes all your classes, the naming style of which should follow the

    convention listed in the Class System guide

    extjs includes the Ext JS 4 SDK files

    resources includes additional CSS and image files which are responsible

    for the look and feel of the application, as well as other static resources

    (XML, JSON, etc.)

    index.html is the entry-point HTML document

    app.js includes your application's logic

    - appname - app - namespace - Class1.js - Class2.js - ... - extjs - resources - css - images - ... - app.js - index.html

  • Getting Started with Ext JS 4 7

    HTML document - index.html

    Ext JS application is contain in a single HTML document - index.html.

    Open index.html and insert the following html code:

    Hello Ext

    extjs/resources/css/ext-all.css includes all styling information needed

    for the whole framework

    extjs/ext-debug.js includes a minimal set of Ext JS 4 Core library classes

    app.js will includes your application code

    JS File - app.js Ext.application({ name: 'HelloExt', launch: function() { Ext.create('Ext.container.Viewport', { layout: 'fit', items: [ { title: 'Hello Ext', html : 'Hello! Welcome to Ext JS.' } ] }); } });

  • Getting Started with Ext JS 4 8

    Sencha Cmd

    Sencha Cmd is a cross-platform command line tool that offers many

    automated tasks around the full life-cycle of your applications from

    producing a new project to deploying an application to production.

    Sencha Cmd offers a group of powerful features that work together and in

    union with the Sencha Ext JS and Sencha Touch frameworks.

    Sencha Cmd Capabilities

    Code Generation Tools

    JS Compiler

    Web Server


    Management System

    Build Scripts

    Tuning Tools

    Workspace Management

    Image Capture

    Flexible Configuration System


    Third-party Software

    Code Generation Hooks

  • Getting Started with Ext JS 4 9

    Sencha Cmd - System Setup

    Download and install

    Java Run-time Environment or JRE



    Sencha Cmd


    Ext JS SDK


    Ruby 1.9.3


  • Getting Started with Ext JS 4 10

    Generate Project Structure

    Create sample Sencha ExtJs project structure with following command.

    sencha -sdk /path/to/SDK generate app extjsExample


  • Getting Started with Ext JS 4 11

    Create Sample Controller

    Go to project path and create sample controller through Sencha Cmd.

    sencha generate controller Main

    With above command, it should create controller with name Main

    Ext.define('extjsExample.controller.Main', {

    extend: ''


    Create Sample Model

    Create Model using following command

    sencha generate model Server name:string

    With above command, it will create model with name Server and with field

    name and type as string

    Ext.define('extjsExample.model.Server', {

    extend: '',

    fields: [

    { name: 'name', type: 'string' }



  • Getting Started with Ext JS 4 12

    Create Sample View

    Create sample view using following command

    sencha generate view Registration

    Above command will create a sample view with name specified.

    Ext.define("extjsExample.view.MyCmdView", {

    extend: 'Ext.Component',

    html: 'Hello, World!!'


    Packaging Application

    Packaging reduces the loading time of your application. This steps to

    package your app using Sencha Cmd.

    Go to your project folder and execute the following command.

    sencha app build production

  • Getting Started with Ext JS 4 13

    Sencha Architect

    The Sencha Architect desktop application is a tool that will help you

    design and develop an application faster than coding it by hand

    Drag-and-Drop the components into a canvas and then add the


    We can get a free trial (30days) from the official website of Sencha,

    we can also buy the license

    Download Sencha Architect


  • Getting Started with Ext JS 4 14

    Graphical Picture of Sencha Architect

    Tool Box

    The Application Toolbar

    Canvas Configuration

    Project Inspector Help

  • Getting Started with Ext JS 4 15

    Tool Box

    The Toolbox contains all the components of either Sencha Touch or Ext

    JS. Filters, categories, and search make locating the right component


    The Application Toolbar

    The Application Toolbar offers shortcuts to the most used features.


    Architects Canvas is where you can construct your applications UI

    visually. Drag a few components from the toolbox and configure them the

    way you like.


    The Component Configuration is where you can fine tune your application

    to the last detail. Contextual help means everything is explained.

    Project Inspector

    Architects Project Inspector allows you to see the structure of your

    application and work on it fast and exactly.


    Architect appears with our online docs built right in, so they are always up-

    to-date. Got a question? Add your comment right in the docs.