getas f- j · the daily logbook of...

t Ac THE PENSACOLA JOURNAL FRIDAY MORNING OCTOBER 15 1809 10 A r The Pensacola Journal DAILY WEEKLY SUNDAY PUBLISHED EVERY MORNING EX CEPT MONDAY BY THEJOURNALCOM- PANt t L MAYES Pres md Gen Mgr MEMBER THE ASSOCIATED PRESS I SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Year 5 00 One Month 45 Six Months 2 50 One Week 10 Three Months 1 25 Weekly year 1 04 Offices Journal Building Corner De Lung and Intendencla Entered as secondclass matter ntthe postoffice at Pensacola Florida under Act ot Congress March 3 1379 Phones Editorial Rooms 38 Business Office 1300 FOREIGN ADVERTISING Robert MacQuoId Special Representative OfficesNew York 404 Tribune Build- ing Chicago B F Henrlquez Manager 1548 Marquetto Building FRIDAY OCTOBER 15 1909 ° A Scientists View of j The PearyCook Case From the first The Journal has held that it Is only reasonable to believe that both Cook and Peary reached- the pole Of course the former will go down In history as the discoverer for ha reached his goal a year ahead- of the latter but Peary Is entitled to honor for his pluck and persistency- and final attainment of the object for which he has striven for years We are happy to be confirmed In our estimate of the case by so high- an authority as the eminent astrono ¬ mer Professor Samuel Phelps Leland who says In the October number of The Florida Review- At length after the struggle of almost a century and a half and the expenditure of vast fortunes and the e many lives the north pole of the earth has been reached Prac ¬ tically the results of the discovery are valueless A paragraph or two must be added to our geographies- and a stroke or two more must be made with the stylus of the map- maker The measureless ice fields have been explored a little further than bfore That is all Two rival explorers are seeking to establish priority in reaching the pole No doubt can reasonably exist + that both men have been there and that Dr Cook and Commander Peary are entitled to equal praise Any controversy about their respective claims is childish The question Is often asked Low can the exact point where the lines of latitude meet be determined Is it difficult By no means An astrono- mer ¬ with proper knowledge of mathe ¬ matics and with a sextant and a mercurial horizon with which to se ¬ cure a level would find little difficulty in doing it The observations to be exact must be based upon the appal ent eleation of the sun above the lion on plane To secure this the ob- server ¬ would be obliged to remain there 24 hours or more If the sun did not give him aid the direction of the Polar Star would guide him closely to the pole With the wellknown variations of that star taken into account the star should- be in the zenith directly above the observer This could be easily de ¬ termined- The daily logbook of the explorer would be conclusive evidence to a scientific man that the author had reached the point claimed Could not this logbook be fabricated Not easily To do that would require a thorough knowledge of astronomy And a fabricated logbook would be so free from errors as to excite sus ¬ picion The real logbook recording actual daily observations made fre ¬ quently under unfavorable conditions- and faulty but corrected by the next days or the next weeks observations raaffo under better conditions Is very satisfying and could hardly be manu ¬ factured so as to deceive a scientific- man A skilled physician can easily detect a simulated spasm Professor Lelands paper is brief but presents the whole matter In a nutshell And it is a pity that Peary through his high handed insulting behavior toward Cook has alienated from him many who would otherwise have accorded him his full measure- of admiration but who now are prejudiced against him and moved by- a spirit of vindictiveness- Cook on the contrary has acted the gentleman throughout His calm assurance speaks volumes in his fa ¬ vor as well as does his refusal to enter into a wordy controversy al ¬ though egged on by a quasi scientific body the Peary Arctic Club He knows just what Professor Phelps has de- clared ¬ that tho distinguished body of scientists in Denmark who will scrutinize his calculations and report will ferret out and expose any attempt- at fraud just as easily as the skilled physician would detect a simulated spasm BOOST BOOM BUILI > THATS AL- LIs This Another 1 I Victim of Pessimism- It is with joy we note that The Lakeland News favors a state board- of trade It is with grief that we contemplate the apparent hopeless- ness ¬ of Editor Hetherington with re- gard to its organization and success ¬ ful operation From a recent edi ¬ tion of the paper we clipped the fol ¬ lowing- We do not wish to be put down as opposing a state board of tradefar from it Such a body properly or ¬ ganized and vigorously conducted could be of vast benefit to the state Intlie great work of development that the next decade will witness We merely pointed out that efforts along this line heretofore have not accom pllihed < any brilliant success Per ¬ 7 haps such lessons may be drawn from previous failures as will insure better luck next time It is a facta la mentable deplorable fact but a fact neverthelessthat if one desires to find a real goodanddead organization- for exhibition or ornamental purposes- he has only to Journey to the nearest town of from one to ten thousand population and inquire for the board- of trade And the same conditions probably will produce like results with respect to a statewide organiza- tion If this condition exists as The News declares and we believe it speaks with reasonit only empha ¬ sizes what we have maintained the daily and weekly press the most powerful vitalizer in the state should stir up these business centers with a hot rod and drive away the apathy which destroys their usefulness And- so far as a state board of trade Is concerned this same press so many members of which have expressed themselves as favorable to such an organization should keep the matter eternally before the people should point out Its necessity as a factor in the states development should mold public opinion In this direction until success shall have crowned the effort The Journal Is glad to feel that pessimism has no part in its makeup- and throws no wet blanket to chill and smother its endeavor It cannot understand how the blight can have entered the sanctums of any of the bold progressive men who edit the newspapers of Florida Never say die should be our motto brethren- It is one which when adhered to in tho past has turned many a defeat Into a victory and may still be relied upon to overcome every obstacle- even one so ponderous and inert as the commercial bodies of Florida ac ¬ cording to The Lakeland News The reentrance into Florida jour- nalism ¬ of the veteran editor John C Trice whose health has happily been restored will be gladly welcomed by the press and people of the state Mr Trice announces that October 21st he will commence at Tallahassee the publication of his new paper Flor ¬ ida and The Journal for one wishes him ample success and prosperity ALL AROUND- CHOCTAWHATCHEE tl Soeclal to the Journal Camp Walton Oct 13llr Sellars of Camp Walton has sold his grocery store and residence to Mr Spivey- the new owner to take possession- by November Mr Sellars will go in ¬ to the turpentine business- Dr C L Ford has gone to his old home New York city on a visit to his brother Franklin Ford manager ol the News office- J N Lee of Fulton Kansas who has spent three winters in Santa Ro ¬ sa packed up all his possessions last May and left for Kansas Me for the West dont know as Ill come back But he had the grain of sand in his shoes and of course must return A letter from him says Am down with the grippethese cold Kansas winds Will leave for Florida by No- vember ¬ 20th at the latest Tuesday Miss Sara and Miss Mary Elce John Elce of Prospect Heights Judge Ewing and family of Millville and Mrs A A Soule ot Dreamland picnicked with Miss Peterson at Sun- ny Bank Allie fliers of Pensacola has been fishing In these waters for three weeks and has had some fine large fish When cut for frying they look like steak rather than fish Miss Sara Elce has been confined tQ her bed for several days but is up at present writing and able to receive visitors Mrs Jerauld of Evoluta filled a large order of Aquatic plant for the Standard Naturalists Co of Irons Island last week She sent specimens of Florida water plants to the firm and has filled two large orders since The last one was exceptionally fine The ferns and swamp plants the crlnums and the orantium golden club the martiana with its dainty blue flowers the arrow heads with their large spikes of yellow centered blossoms all mirrored in the water the banks covered with moss vines and cress sheltered by the overhanging trees the hush of nature all about no one need not go far from home to see the beauties and the peacefulness of this part of Florida and the swamps and woods are filled with the choicest ot floral treasures- Mr Boucher of Pensacola is spend ¬ ing his vacation among the bayous- He is boarding at Mrs Irwins Arrangements are being made for building of a wharf for the landing- of supplies for the still owned by Mr Spivey the wharf to be built near the head of FiveMile bayou it being cheaper to land supplies tnere and take them by water to the still instead- of overland as they have been doing Houses are to be built for the labor ¬ ers and a commissary for supplies Mr Spivey has male arrangements- with Judge Ewing who owns the land sJU ROSINTON > Special to Tae Journal Rosinton Ala Oct HThere will be singing at the home of Mr and Mrs M C Cooper Sunday Aden Cooper went to Pensacola to- day ¬ on business Mrs Jane Cooper is quite ill at this writing Mrs S E Cooper and little grand ¬ daughter Minnie Lee Conway are visiting In Pensacola this week the guests of Mr and Mrs Theodor Halm Brit Tomling of Perdido preached- here last Sunday Miss Agnes Cooper visited Loxley Monday Rome Conway made a business trip to Loxley Monday- Jim Barginaor of Greenville Ala is visiting relatives here s r SURELY MAKES DYSPEPSIA GO HEARTBURN INDIGESTION GAS AND ALL STOMACH MISERY RE ¬ LIEVED IN FIVE MINUTES WITH- A LITTLE DIAPEPSIN Nothing will remain undigested or sour on your stomach if you will take- a little Diapepsin occasionally This powerful digestive and antacid though- as harmless and pleasant as candy will digest and prepare for assimila- tion ¬ into the blood all the food you can eat- Eat what your stomach craves without the slightest fear of Indiges- tion ¬ or that you will be bothered with sour risings Belching Gas on Stomach Heartburn Headaches from stomach Nausea Bad Breath Water Brash or a feeling like you had swal- lowed ¬ a lump of lead or other dis ¬ agreeable miseries Should you be suffering now from any stomach dis ¬ order you can get relief within five minutes- If you will get from your phar ¬ macist a 50cent case of Papes Diapepsin you could always go to the table with a hearty appetite and your meals would taste good because you would know there would be no Indigestion or Sleepless nights or Headache or Stomach misery all the next day and besides you would not need laxatives or liver pills to keep your stomach and bowels clean and fresh Papes Diapepsin can be obtained from your druggist and contains more than sufficient to thoroughly cure the worst case of Indigestion or Dyspep- sia ¬ There is nothing better for Gas on the Stomach or sour odors from the stomach or to cure a Stomach Headache- You couldnt keep handier or more useful article in the house sss PRESBYTERIANS BITTER IN DENUNCIATION OF EACH OTHER- By Associates Press Chattanooga Tenn Oct 14Disc- iples ¬ of Judas Iscariot who have been scheming and wailing for twenty years for an opportunity to filch this valuable property from the Cumberland church for the benefit of the old piratical northern Presby ¬ terian church This is the characterization of the management of the Presbyterian- church V S A by the Cumberland Presbyterian Publishing House at Nashville in a statement issued today before the synod of Tennessee of the Cumberland Presbyterian church in session here The report declares the revenues- of a church of Jesus Christ have been wasted or confiscated and that the Union Saints show they are S35 53179 worse off now than before they stole the whole publishing plant for the benefit of the old piratical North- ern ¬ Presbyterian church Other characterizations of the Pres- byterian ¬ church U S A are a car- cass ¬ of a church with the serpents of unionism in its bosom The gen ¬ eral assembly of the betrayal Pro ¬ fessional job hunter and ecclesiasti- cal ¬ politician Dead beats and para ¬ sites Grafters etc Mr Baskette representing the publishing house was loudly cheered when he concluded ALABAMA GOOD ROADS MEN CALLED TO MEET- By Associated Press Birmingham Ala Oct HJohn Craft of Mobile president of the Alabama Good Roads Association called the annual convention here this morning with a strong attend ¬ ance Members of boards of reve ¬ nues and county commissioners from many counties throughout the state are present United States Senators Johnston and Bankhead and a ma- jority ¬ of the Alabama congressmen- are present also- MISSIONS ARE DISCUSSED Pittsburg Oct HThe work and accomplishments of the Christian Missionary Society held the attention today of the delegates and visitors participating In the centennial and the convention of the Disciples of Christ MORE CHARGES MADE AGAINST- DR FRED COOK Continued from First Page and described thereon as the east ¬ ern cliffs of Mount McKinley are not such cliffs but are a part of the east- ern slope of the eighth peak of the peaks above mentioned and drawn by me in my diary attached hereto The drawing shown opposite page 204 of Dr Cooks book above men ¬ tioned is entirely false as we never built a snow house on the trip although the diary as dictated by the doctor says so nor did we shake hands or have any other similar cere The Best Food for Workers The best food for those who work with hand or brain is never high priced The best example of this Is found In Quaker Oats It stands at the top among foods that supply nourishment- and vigor without taxing the diges ¬ tion and yet it Is the least expensive- food one can eat This great food value and low cost make it an ideal food for families who want to get the greatest good from what they eat Laborers factory or farm hands fed plentifully on Quaker Oats will work better and with less fatigue than If fed on almost any other kind of food All of these facts were proved and very interesting information about human foods were gathered by Pro ¬ fessor Fisher of Yale University in 1908 Youll find Quaker Oats In reg ¬ ular size packages and hermetically- sealed tins the latter Is best for hot climates 2i monies as stated in the diary The drawing opposite page 209 of the doctors book is also false We never climbed anything half as steep- as those shown and we never estab ¬ lished any camp nor slept as there shown Wo slept every night upon comparatively level spots The photograph opposite page 226 in the doctors book entitled in the silent glory and snowy wonder of the upper world 15400 feet was taken two or three hours before the taking- of my picture with the flag and was taken in an amphitheatre about one mile northwesterly of the point where- I was so photographed COOKS PHOTOGRAPHER SAYS THE STATEMENTS ARE TRUE Seattle Wahn Oct 14 Walter P Miller of this city photographer of Dr Cooks Mt McKinley expedition- has made an affidavit corroborating- that of Barrill in every detail When shown Banills story today he said that it was correct Miller says he has photographs and maps that fully confirm the statement of Barrill The affidavits of Barrill Miller and others were sworn to In the office of James M Ashton an attorney of Ta coma who was retained by certain interests in New York said to be the Peary Arctic Club to investigate the alleged ascent of the great Alaskan peak by Dr Cook COOK SAYS HE CAN EASILY PROVE STATEMENTS Philadelphia Oct 14Dr Cook was asked for a reply to the Barrill aff- idavit ¬ but said he would not discuss- it until Barrill comes East He said it was by an oversight that Barrlll was not paid In full for his services- of the Mount McKinley climb but he does not think that oversight would make Barrill vindictive Cook said he could easily prove he had been to the summit ot Mount McKinley RECORDS DEPOSITED ON TOP OF THE MOUNT SAYS COOK Atlantic City N J Oct 14 Re- ferring ¬ to the Barrill affidavit Dr Cook said Until I know of the conditions under which the affidavit was made I will make no specific reply My ac ¬ count of the trip was published For the present it is the bald statement of one man against another- If an expedition of experienced- men will follow my route and go to the top of Mount McKinley they will find there the records I deposited- Cook said lie expected soon to com ¬ municate with BarriH when the whole matter will be explained on Him First Day y Grays work the very first day at Hannah Bros Drug Store shows that the Quaker remedies are soon going- to be found in every home In ¬ cola As early as 9 oclock yesterday people began calling on him and for the remainder of the day he was kept busy answering the questions regard ¬ ing the remedies he is introducing- here It Is most gratifying to me said Gray to receive such prompt re- sponses ¬ to my earnest requests from Pensacola people to try the Quaker Herb Remedies I am certain now that within a few days reports will pouring in from many or those who have used the remedies which will startle the commuiiity I know the action of Quaker Herb Ex ¬ tract and Oil of Balm on the system- I know from years of experience that these remedies actually benefit where all others have failed I know that there is no better surer or safer remedy in the world for sufferers or catarrh rheumatism constipation kidney liver or blood trou ¬ bles than the Quaker Herb Extract and for these reasons I also now that- it is a question of only a few days when people will be glad to proclaim publicly remarkable received after the use of Quaker Herb Extra and Oil of Balm My most particular desire is that all sufferers call on me at Hannah Bros Drug Store 17 South 35- 3The has actually been changed and cultivated by Uneeda Biscuit 1 Taste t No longer are people sat 1 isfied with crackers taken from the grocers box or of the barrel moisture exposed handling to dust They have learned that the N a t Ion only crackers that are crisp tender always fresh and really good are those pro ¬ tected by a moistureproof package These are the kind they getas if just from the oven when they ask f- orUneeda 1 Biscuit > 7 NATIONAL c BISCUIT 5 F COMPANY 7- J r ELECTRICAL WAVES STOP MANY CLOCKS A number of clocks regulated from Washington by the Western Union Telegraph Company in the city sud ¬ denly stopped at 846 oclock last night The city electrician being called on to regulate the big clock at the police station found the time- piece heavily charged Just what in ¬ terfered with the service was not ex- plained ¬ but it was thought electrical waves in the air caused the troub THE VERY FIRST DAY Grays Work Creates Enthusiasm Many People Call the Very Pensa commence stomach benefits Palafox street and obtain at least a bottle of Quaker Herb Extract I sim- ply ¬ request people to try tne femedy- for a short time and watch for re- sults ¬ There is no cause for hesita- tion because I offer the remedy on the guarantee that unless it benefits the price of same will be refunded I I will be at Hannah Bros Drug Store every day from 9 a m to 5 po m Mr Philip Loos traveling repre- sentative ¬ of the Indiana Drug Goods Co of Indianapolis called and shook hands with Gray In the course of his conversation he acknowledged that for many years he suffered with a se- vere ¬ case of catarrh of the head He could feel the mucus drop from nis head Into his throat and every day especially In the morning he would spit out chunks of phlegm He also had a constant roaring buzzln sound in his ears After using only three bottles of Quaker Herb Extract and two bottles of Oil of Balm all ot his troubles left him Wherever travels now he does not fail to tell people of his remakable cure of ca ¬ tarrh by the Quaker Herb Remedies Gray will furnish a bottle of Quaker free to any one having a tapeworm to prove the power of Quaker Can and see the display of worms in the win ¬ dowCall on Gray today It costs nothing- to talk with him He proves what he says TOMORROW we start the second of our weekly 3day sales The first one was an unqualified- success like all our sales A realization of the fact that our sales are just as advertised no doubt ac ¬ counts for the people flocking to each and everyone of them We advertise what- we sell and we sell what we advertise Watch for our ad tomorrow Come and save money BRAWNERRIERA CO Corner Palafox and Romana o t Just in The very latest i osSSioe- Ies 5 It- roo < 4 vpfYoiTwill like the still shbrfei 4ffccf s 7 new and the rich tQncsbJ the leather The perfect taste each Red T Cross style and the extremely short ance they give your foot mated tEenf strikingly attractive t Come in and get style and comforter get both You may select any style you wish and wear it in perfect comfort Tanned by the special Red Cross process the Red Cross Shoe bends with your foot It is this that makes it so easy to walk in Our customers always say The Red Cross Hoyr I wish I had Tanning Prod j this shoe be The otilatry tola ti for i tensed I put + sdo aK4 flib- sse5 Ce in and let us I y fitfi t 47 i eethlt TISf fit you IIY lIttIr76J rear Oxfords 350 and 4 er Arsw tad 1ffJ 1at fe a0 l High Shoes 4 and 5 + m t t f ff fres- ati lot Loosrasz Tdyaffiaas- tuet I i e- uw 9 4 = t It bends with your foot Boston Shoe Store 117 South fafafox Street Go Right Ahead Young Mana- nd get married to that girlthe best one in all this wide wide world Dont let the matter of home furnishings worry you a little bitremember ou- rBuy h Now Pay Later PlanD- rop around and talk to us about the matter and let us explain how easy and perfectly satisfactory It Is DO IT NOW iSBillSf Q t MARSTON QUINA 103110 S Palafox St Phone 149 Pensacola t I TO THE FARMERSUn- til further notice our gin will start up every Thursday We added a firxiclas grist mill to our plant and with gin and grist millc- harge of an experienced man we guarantee entire satisfaction We buy cotton cotton seed and corn JOS McVOY COG- mntonmtnt Fla General Merchandise Cotton Fertilise rs all kinds of farm supplies ii It

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Page 1: getas f- j · The daily logbook of the explorer would be conclusive evidence to a scientific man that the author had


The Pensacola JournalDAILY WEEKLY SUNDAY



L MAYES Pres md Gen Mgr


SUBSCRIPTION RATESOne Year 5 00 One Month 45Six Months 2 50 One Week 10Three Months 1 25 Weekly year 1 04

Offices Journal Building Corner DeLung and Intendencla

Entered as secondclass matter ntthepostoffice at Pensacola Florida under Actot Congress March 3 1379

Phones Editorial Rooms 38 BusinessOffice 1300

FOREIGN ADVERTISINGRobert MacQuoId Special Representative

OfficesNew York 404 Tribune Build-ing Chicago B F Henrlquez Manager1548 Marquetto Building



A Scientists View of jThe PearyCook Case

From the first The Journal has heldthat it Is only reasonable to believethat both Cook and Peary reached-the pole Of course the former willgo down In history as the discovererfor ha reached his goal a year ahead-of the latter but Peary Is entitled tohonor for his pluck and persistency-and final attainment of the object forwhich he has striven for years

We are happy to be confirmed Inour estimate of the case by so high-an authority as the eminent astrono ¬

mer Professor Samuel Phelps Lelandwho says In the October number ofThe Florida Review-

At length after the struggle ofalmost a century and a half and theexpenditure of vast fortunes and the

e many lives the north poleof the earth has been reached Prac¬

tically the results of the discoveryare valueless A paragraph or twomust be added to our geographies-and a stroke or two more must bemade with the stylus of the map-maker The measureless ice fieldshave been explored a little furtherthan bfore That is all

Two rival explorers are seeking toestablish priority in reaching thepole No doubt can reasonably exist

+ that both men have been there andthat Dr Cook and Commander Pearyare entitled to equal praise Anycontroversy about their respectiveclaims is childish

The question Is often asked Lowcan the exact point where the linesof latitude meet be determined Is itdifficult By no means An astrono-mer


with proper knowledge of mathe ¬

matics and with a sextant and amercurial horizon with which to se ¬

cure a level would find little difficultyin doing it The observations to beexact must be based upon the appalent eleation of the sun above thelion on plane To secure this the ob-


would be obliged to remainthere 24 hours or more

If the sun did not give him aid thedirection of the Polar Star wouldguide him closely to the pole Withthe wellknown variations of that startaken into account the star should-be in the zenith directly above theobserver This could be easily de ¬

termined-The daily logbook of the explorer

would be conclusive evidence to ascientific man that the author hadreached the point claimed Could notthis logbook be fabricated Noteasily To do that would require athorough knowledge of astronomyAnd a fabricated logbook would beso free from errors as to excite sus¬

picion The real logbook recordingactual daily observations made fre¬

quently under unfavorable conditions-and faulty but corrected by the nextdays or the next weeks observationsraaffo under better conditions Is verysatisfying and could hardly be manu¬

factured so as to deceive a scientific-man A skilled physician can easilydetect a simulated spasm

Professor Lelands paper is briefbut presents the whole matter In anutshell And it is a pity that Pearythrough his high handed insultingbehavior toward Cook has alienatedfrom him many who would otherwisehave accorded him his full measure-of admiration but who now areprejudiced against him and moved by-

a spirit of vindictiveness-Cook on the contrary has acted

the gentleman throughout His calmassurance speaks volumes in his fa ¬

vor as well as does his refusal toenter into a wordy controversy al¬

though egged on by a quasi scientificbody the Peary Arctic Club He knowsjust what Professor Phelps has de-


that tho distinguished body ofscientists in Denmark who willscrutinize his calculations and reportwill ferret out and expose any attempt-at fraud just as easily as the skilledphysician would detect a simulatedspasm


LIs This Another 1I

Victim of Pessimism-It is with joy we note that The

Lakeland News favors a state board-of trade It is with grief that wecontemplate the apparent hopeless-ness


of Editor Hetherington with re-gard to its organization and success ¬

ful operation From a recent edi ¬

tion of the paper we clipped the fol ¬

lowing-We do not wish to be put down as

opposing a state board of tradefarfrom it Such a body properly or¬

ganized and vigorously conductedcould be of vast benefit to the stateIntlie great work of development thatthe next decade will witness Wemerely pointed out that efforts alongthis line heretofore have not accompllihed < any brilliant success Per¬


haps such lessons may be drawn fromprevious failures as will insure betterluck next time It is a facta lamentable deplorable fact but a factneverthelessthat if one desires tofind a real goodanddead organization-for exhibition or ornamental purposes-he has only to Journey to the nearesttown of from one to ten thousandpopulation and inquire for the board-of trade And the same conditionsprobably will produce like resultswith respect to a statewide organiza-tion

If this condition exists as TheNews declares and we believe itspeaks with reasonit only empha¬

sizes what we have maintained thedaily and weekly press the mostpowerful vitalizer in the state shouldstir up these business centers with ahot rod and drive away the apathywhich destroys their usefulness And-

so far as a state board of trade Isconcerned this same press so manymembers of which have expressedthemselves as favorable to such anorganization should keep the mattereternally before the people shouldpoint out Its necessity as a factor inthe states development should moldpublic opinion In this direction untilsuccess shall have crowned theeffort

The Journal Is glad to feel thatpessimism has no part in its makeup-and throws no wet blanket to chilland smother its endeavor It cannotunderstand how the blight can haveentered the sanctums of any of thebold progressive men who edit thenewspapers of Florida Never saydie should be our motto brethren-

It is one which when adhered to intho past has turned many a defeatInto a victory and may still be reliedupon to overcome every obstacle-even one so ponderous and inert asthe commercial bodies of Florida ac¬

cording to The Lakeland News

The reentrance into Florida jour-


of the veteran editor John CTrice whose health has happily beenrestored will be gladly welcomed bythe press and people of the stateMr Trice announces that October 21sthe will commence at Tallahassee thepublication of his new paper Flor ¬

ida and The Journal for one wisheshim ample success and prosperity


Soeclal to the JournalCamp Walton Oct 13llr Sellars

of Camp Walton has sold his grocerystore and residence to Mr Spivey-

the new owner to take possession-by November Mr Sellars will go in ¬

to the turpentine business-Dr C L Ford has gone to his old

home New York city on a visit to hisbrother Franklin Ford manager olthe News office-

J N Lee of Fulton Kansas whohas spent three winters in Santa Ro ¬

sa packed up all his possessions lastMay and left for Kansas Me for theWest dont know as Ill come backBut he had the grain of sand in hisshoes and of course must return Aletter from him says Am downwith the grippethese cold Kansaswinds Will leave for Florida by No-


20th at the latestTuesday Miss Sara and Miss Mary

Elce John Elce of Prospect HeightsJudge Ewing and family of Millvilleand Mrs A A Soule ot Dreamlandpicnicked with Miss Peterson at Sun-ny Bank

Allie fliers of Pensacola has beenfishing In these waters for threeweeks and has had some fine largefish When cut for frying they looklike steak rather than fish

Miss Sara Elce has been confinedtQ her bed for several days but is up

at present writing and able to receivevisitors

Mrs Jerauld of Evoluta filled alarge order of Aquatic plant for theStandard Naturalists Co of IronsIsland last week She sent specimensof Florida water plants to the firm andhas filled two large orders since Thelast one was exceptionally fine Theferns and swamp plants the crlnumsand the orantium golden club themartiana with its dainty blue flowersthe arrow heads with their largespikes of yellow centered blossomsall mirrored in the water the bankscovered with moss vines and cresssheltered by the overhanging treesthe hush of nature all about no oneneed not go far from home to see thebeauties and the peacefulness of thispart of Florida and the swamps andwoods are filled with the choicestot floral treasures-

Mr Boucher of Pensacola is spend ¬

ing his vacation among the bayous-He is boarding at Mrs Irwins

Arrangements are being made forbuilding of a wharf for the landing-of supplies for the still owned by MrSpivey the wharf to be built near thehead of FiveMile bayou it beingcheaper to land supplies tnere andtake them by water to the still instead-of overland as they have been doingHouses are to be built for the labor ¬

ers and a commissary for suppliesMr Spivey has male arrangements-with Judge Ewing who owns theland


Special to Tae JournalRosinton Ala Oct HThere will

be singing at the home of Mr andMrs M C Cooper Sunday

Aden Cooper went to Pensacola to-


on businessMrs Jane Cooper is quite ill at this

writingMrs S E Cooper and little grand ¬

daughter Minnie Lee Conway arevisiting In Pensacola this week theguests of Mr and Mrs TheodorHalm

Brit Tomling of Perdido preached-here last Sunday

Miss Agnes Cooper visited LoxleyMonday

Rome Conway made a business tripto Loxley Monday-

Jim Barginaor of Greenville Alais visiting relatives here








Nothing will remain undigested orsour on your stomach if you will take-a little Diapepsin occasionally Thispowerful digestive and antacid though-as harmless and pleasant as candywill digest and prepare for assimila-tion


into the blood all the food youcan eat-

Eat what your stomach craveswithout the slightest fear of Indiges-tion


or that you will be botheredwith sour risings Belching Gas onStomach Heartburn Headaches fromstomach Nausea Bad Breath WaterBrash or a feeling like you had swal-lowed


a lump of lead or other dis¬

agreeable miseries Should you besuffering now from any stomach dis ¬

order you can get relief within fiveminutes-

If you will get from your phar¬

macist a 50cent case of PapesDiapepsin you could always go to thetable with a hearty appetite andyour meals would taste good becauseyou would know there would be noIndigestion or Sleepless nights orHeadache or Stomach misery all thenext day and besides you would notneed laxatives or liver pills to keepyour stomach and bowels clean andfresh

Papes Diapepsin can be obtainedfrom your druggist and contains morethan sufficient to thoroughly cure theworst case of Indigestion or Dyspep-sia


There is nothing better for Gason the Stomach or sour odors fromthe stomach or to cure a StomachHeadache-

You couldnt keep handier or moreuseful article in the house sss


By Associates PressChattanooga Tenn Oct 14Disc-


of Judas Iscariot who havebeen scheming and wailing fortwenty years for an opportunity tofilch this valuable property from theCumberland church for the benefit ofthe old piratical northern Presby ¬

terian churchThis is the characterization of the

management of the Presbyterian-church V S A by the CumberlandPresbyterian Publishing House atNashville in a statement issued todaybefore the synod of Tennessee of theCumberland Presbyterian church insession here

The report declares the revenues-of a church of Jesus Christ have beenwasted or confiscated and that theUnion Saints show they are S3553179 worse off now than before theystole the whole publishing plant forthe benefit of the old piratical North-ern


Presbyterian churchOther characterizations of the Pres-


church U S A are a car-cass


of a church with the serpents ofunionism in its bosom The gen¬

eral assembly of the betrayal Pro ¬

fessional job hunter and ecclesiasti-cal


politician Dead beats and para¬

sites Grafters etcMr Baskette representing the

publishing house was loudly cheeredwhen he concluded


By Associated PressBirmingham Ala Oct HJohn

Craft of Mobile president of theAlabama Good Roads Associationcalled the annual convention herethis morning with a strong attend¬

ance Members of boards of reve ¬

nues and county commissioners frommany counties throughout the stateare present United States SenatorsJohnston and Bankhead and a ma-jority


of the Alabama congressmen-are present also-

MISSIONS ARE DISCUSSEDPittsburg Oct HThe work and

accomplishments of the ChristianMissionary Society held the attentiontoday of the delegates and visitorsparticipating In the centennial andthe convention of the Disciples ofChrist


DR FRED COOKContinued from First Page

and described thereon as the east¬

ern cliffs of Mount McKinley are notsuch cliffs but are a part of the east-ern slope of the eighth peak of thepeaks above mentioned and drawn byme in my diary attached hereto

The drawing shown opposite page204 of Dr Cooks book above men ¬

tioned is entirely false as we neverbuilt a snow house on the tripalthough the diary as dictated by thedoctor says so nor did we shakehands or have any other similar cere

The Best Food for Workers

The best food for those who workwith hand or brain is never highpriced

The best example of this Is found InQuaker Oats It stands at the topamong foods that supply nourishment-and vigor without taxing the diges ¬

tion and yet it Is the least expensive-food one can eat

This great food value and low costmake it an ideal food for families whowant to get the greatest good fromwhat they eat

Laborers factory or farm hands fedplentifully on Quaker Oats will workbetter and with less fatigue than Iffed on almost any other kind of foodAll of these facts were proved andvery interesting information abouthuman foods were gathered by Pro ¬

fessor Fisher of Yale University in1908 Youll find Quaker Oats In reg ¬

ular size packages and hermetically-sealed tins the latter Is best for hotclimates 2i

monies as stated in the diaryThe drawing opposite page 209 of

the doctors book is also false Wenever climbed anything half as steep-as those shown and we never estab ¬

lished any camp nor slept as thereshown Wo slept every night uponcomparatively level spots

The photograph opposite page 226in the doctors book entitled in thesilent glory and snowy wonder of theupper world 15400 feet was takentwo or three hours before the taking-of my picture with the flag and wastaken in an amphitheatre about onemile northwesterly of the point where-I was so photographed


Seattle Wahn Oct 14 Walter PMiller of this city photographer ofDr Cooks Mt McKinley expedition-has made an affidavit corroborating-that of Barrill in every detail Whenshown Banills story today he saidthat it was correct Miller says hehas photographs and maps that fullyconfirm the statement of Barrill

The affidavits of Barrill Miller andothers were sworn to In the office ofJames M Ashton an attorney of Tacoma who was retained by certaininterests in New York said to be thePeary Arctic Club to investigate thealleged ascent of the great Alaskanpeak by Dr Cook


Philadelphia Oct 14Dr Cook wasasked for a reply to the Barrill aff-idavit


but said he would not discuss-it until Barrill comes East He saidit was by an oversight that Barrlllwas not paid In full for his services-of the Mount McKinley climb but hedoes not think that oversight wouldmake Barrill vindictive Cook saidhe could easily prove he had been tothe summit ot Mount McKinley


Atlantic City N J Oct 14 Re-ferring


to the Barrill affidavit DrCook said

Until I know of the conditionsunder which the affidavit was made Iwill make no specific reply My ac ¬

count of the trip was published Forthe present it is the bald statement ofone man against another-

If an expedition of experienced-men will follow my route and go tothe top of Mount McKinley they willfind there the records I deposited-

Cook said lie expected soon to com ¬

municate with BarriH when thewhole matter will be explained

on Him First Day yGrays work the very first day at

Hannah Bros Drug Store shows thatthe Quaker remedies are soon going-to be found in every home In ¬

cola As early as 9 oclock yesterdaypeople began calling on him and forthe remainder of the day he was keptbusy answering the questions regard ¬

ing the remedies he is introducing-here

It Is most gratifying to me saidGray to receive such prompt re-sponses


to my earnest requests fromPensacola people to try the QuakerHerb Remedies I am certain nowthat within a few days reports will

pouring in from many orthose who have used the remedieswhich will startle the commuiiity I

know the action of Quaker Herb Ex¬

tract and Oil of Balm on the system-I know from years of experience thatthese remedies actually benefit whereall others have failed I know thatthere is no better surer or saferremedy in the world for sufferers orcatarrh rheumatism constipationkidney liver or blood trou ¬

bles than the Quaker Herb Extractand for these reasons I also now that-it is a question of only a few dayswhen people will be glad to proclaimpublicly remarkable receivedafter the use of Quaker Herb Extraand Oil of Balm My most particulardesire is that all sufferers call on meat Hannah Bros Drug Store 17 South


3Thehas actually been changedand cultivated by UneedaBiscuit 1


No longer are people sat 1

isfied with crackers takenfrom the grocers box or

of the barrelmoisture


to dust

They have learned that theNatIon only crackers that are crisptender always fresh andreally good are those pro¬

tected by a moistureproofpackage These are the kindthey getas if just from theoven when they ask f-


Biscuit > 7NATIONAL c






A number of clocks regulated fromWashington by the Western UnionTelegraph Company in the city sud ¬

denly stopped at 846 oclock lastnight The city electrician beingcalled on to regulate the big clock atthe police station found the time-piece heavily charged Just what in¬

terfered with the service was not ex-plained


but it was thought electricalwaves in the air caused the troub


Grays Work Creates EnthusiasmMany People Call the Very





Palafox street and obtain at least abottle of Quaker Herb Extract I sim-ply


request people to try tne femedy-for a short time and watch for re-


There is no cause for hesita-tion because I offer the remedy onthe guarantee that unless it benefitsthe price of same will be refunded I

Iwill be at Hannah Bros Drug Storeevery day from 9 a m to 5 po m

Mr Philip Loos traveling repre-sentative


of the Indiana Drug GoodsCo of Indianapolis called and shookhands with Gray In the course of hisconversation he acknowledged thatfor many years he suffered with a se-


case of catarrh of the head Hecould feel the mucus drop from nishead Into his throat and every dayespecially In the morning he wouldspit out chunks of phlegm He alsohad a constant roaring buzzlnsound in his ears After using onlythree bottles of Quaker Herb Extractand two bottles of Oil of Balm all othis troubles left him Wherevertravels now he does not fail to tellpeople of his remakable cure of ca¬

tarrh by the Quaker Herb RemediesGray will furnish a bottle of Quakerfree to any one having a tapeworm toprove the power of Quaker Can andsee the display of worms in the win ¬

dowCall on Gray today It costs nothing-to talk with him He proves whathe says

TOMORROWwe start the second of our weekly 3daysales The first one was an unqualified-success like all our sales

A realization of the fact that oursales are just as advertised no doubt ac¬

counts for the people flocking to each andeveryone of them We advertise what-we sell and we sell what we advertise

Watch for our ad tomorrow Comeand save money

BRAWNERRIERA COCorner Palafox and Romana



Just inThe very latest

i osSSioe-

Ies 5It-

roo< 4

vpfYoiTwill like the still shbrfei 4ffccf s7 new and the rich tQncsbJ the

leather The perfect taste each Red T

Cross style and the extremely shortance they give your foot mated tEenfstrikingly attractive t

Come in and get style and comforterget both

You may select any style you wish andwear it in perfect comfort Tanned bythe special Red Cross process the RedCross Shoe bends with your foot It isthis that makes it soeasy to walk in Ourcustomers always say The Red CrossHoyr I wish I had Tanning Prodjthis shoe be The otilatry tola tifori tensed I put

+ sdo aK4 flib-sse5Ce in and let us I y fitfit 47 ieethlt TISffit you IIY lIttIr76J rear

Oxfords 350 and 4 er Arswtad 1ffJ

1at fea0l

High Shoes 4 and 5 + m

t t fff fres-ati lot

Loosrasz Tdyaffiaas-



e-uw 94 = t

It bends with your foot

Boston Shoe Store117 South fafafox Street

Go Right Ahead Young Mana-

nd get married to that girlthe best one in all this wide wideworld Dont let the matter of home furnishings worry you a littlebitremember ou-


Now Pay Later PlanD-

rop around and talk to us about the matter and let us explainhow easy and perfectly satisfactory It Is

DO IT NOW iSBillSf Q t

MARSTON QUINA103110 S Palafox St Phone 149 Pensacola


I TO THE FARMERSUn-til further notice our gin will start up every Thursday We

added a firxiclas grist mill to our plant and with gin and grist millc-harge of an experienced man we guarantee entire satisfaction We buycotton cotton seed and corn

JOS McVOY COG-mntonmtnt Fla

General Merchandise Cotton Fertilise rs all kinds of farm supplies

ii It