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  • 7/28/2019 Ger 12041


    Edi tor ia l

    Population ageing and the implications for oral health in


    A myriad of oral health challenges presentlyconfront the elderly population in Africa. Reports

    from the continent have found oral health

    impairment and poor oral hygiene to be more

    common in older adults and that many elderly

    people perceive oral health to be less important

    when compared with their general physical

    health14. In fact, the attention given to the oral

    health needs of the older people has been grossly

    inadequate, especially considering the changing

    demographic profile on this continent, with its

    enormous welfare and cost implications. The

    elderly population in Africa, like elsewhere, con-stitutes a substantial proportion of the general

    population, and it is increasing very rapidly.

    More than one-tenth (11.9%) of the African

    population are older than 60 years and this will

    continue to escalate with the increasing life

    expectancy in Africa from the current 50 years or

    so to about 65 years by 20505. Only about one-

    fifth (20.6%) of the earths 810 million persons

    aged 60 years or over are from developed regions6,

    and about one-tenth (10.6%) of these (i.e. about

    215 million) live in Africa. Moreover, whilst age-

    ing populations are expanding rapidly every-

    where, they seem to be expanding even morerapidly in less-developed regions6. For example,

    between 2012 and 2050, current estimates suggest

    that this age-group will increase by about 260%

    in East, Middle, Northern and Western Africa,

    and about 150% in Southern Africa. Unfortu-

    nately, most African governments have been pre-

    occupied with other concerns and have not given

    their ageing populations the serious consider-

    ations they deserve; nor are they adequately pre-

    pared to meet the emerging challenges. There are,

    for example, very few preventive oral healthcare

    programmes for elders compared with other age-groups on the continent.

    When compared to previous generations, older

    Africans today are better educated, more aware of

    health needs, more hopeful of retaining their

    natural teeth and seek care that includes where

    possible sophisticated restorative procedures, aes-

    thetic dentistry and implants7. However, whilst

    most countries in North America, Europe and

    Asia provide social supports for their elderly

    populations, there are few statutory social insur-

    ance and retirement programmes in Africa. Social

    insurance programs in most African countries donot have universal coverage, and they are often

    available only to government employees who

    constitute a very small proportion of the popula-

    tion and very few elderly persons draw pensions

    from government. Indeed, most people have to

    keep working to pay for the ever-rising cost of

    food, housing, transportation and healthcare. Pay-

    ment for dental services is still based on fee-for-

    service in most African countries and where

    health insurance exists, it usually does not cover

    most oral health-related services.

    The family which has traditionally been themajor source of support for most elderly Africans

    is going through a very rapid transformation, and

    its ability to support elderly members is fast

    diminishing. The African extended family system

    with its statutory role of caregiving to elderly

    members is now substantially altered and weak-

    ened by social change, driven by migration,

    urbanisation and industrialisation. The African

    family is no longer in a position to fulfil the eco-

    nomic, cultural, and social functions for which it

    was previously renowned. There is also reluctance

    to use residential nursing homes because of a

    widespread belief that residents lose their respectand self-esteem. Strategically planned governmen-

    tal, societal and professional efforts are therefore

    needed to complement family caregiving.

    Feminization of the aged, when combined with

    a poorer social and economic status for women,

    has been identified as a major issue in African

    geriatrics8. This may present a challenging trend

    in planning oral health-services for older people.

    Health insurance programmes, for example, may

    have to be gender sensitive by taking into consid-

    eration the special needs of elderly women.

    HIV/AIDS poses a very major challenge to mostAfrican societies, and the oral manifestations of

    this infection offer dental personnel an important

    role in its prevention and management. Of the

    estimated 33.3 million adults with HIV/AIDS at

    the end of 2009, an estimated 22.5 million

    (67.6%) were in sub-Saharan Africa9. However,

    most of the attention to HIV/AIDS on the conti-

    nent has focused on youth, commercial sex work-

    ers and pregnant women, although there have

    been recent attempts to extend our attention to

    include elderly population8.

    2013 The Gerodontology Society and John Wiley & Sons A/S, Gerodontology 2013; 30: 12 1

  • 7/28/2019 Ger 12041


    Most societies see the loss of teeth or edentu-

    lousness as a veritable sign of ageing, akin to grey

    hair. Hence, the African aphorism only those that

    are not old enough to lose their teeth need to

    cover their gapped teeth. A report from Nigeria

    noted poor oral hygiene amongst elderly people

    and a preference generally for traditional oralcleansing methods1, although there is little infor-

    mation about the effectiveness of these methods.

    In Africa, a greater percentage of the popula-

    tions reside in rural communities, whereas den-

    tists and dental facilities are concentrated in

    urban settings10. This is due to resource con-

    straints on the part of governments and also to

    the greater financial and professionally rewards

    for private dental practice in urban locations. Pov-

    erty amongst elders complicates their access to

    care even further and especially in rural areas.

    The imbalance and maldistribution may be ame-liorated by integrating oral healthcare into the

    Primary Health Care services which currently

    constitute the anchor and basis for the national

    health policies of most African countries11.

    The current situation of neglect for the aged por-

    tends grave danger for the continent. There is an

    urgent need to introduce focused policies that will

    strengthen both the formal and informal welfare sys-

    tems and improve oral health access. The oral health

    needs of elders should be a shared responsibility

    between the governments, not-for-profit non-gov-

    ernmental organizations and the business communi-

    ties as partners. Such arrangements should alsoinclude persons who may be chronologically young

    but biologically old because they are medically com-

    promised or developmentally disabled7. It is unfortu-

    nate that no reliable data currently exist for the

    population of this latter group on the continent.

    Geriatrics is not yet a major component of the

    curriculum of dental schools in Africa. It has been

    reported that, even in the advanced countries of

    Europe and North America, there are significant

    perceived barriers to teaching geriatric dentistry

    and that these have remained the same in the last

    three decades7

    . One major obstacle is the paucityof trained faculty to teach the discipline. African

    dental schools must rise up to this challenge and

    join the global initiative aimed at improving

    research, teaching and services in gerodontology.

    Eyitope O. Ogunbodede1,2

    1Department of Oral Health Policy and Epidemiology, Harvard

    School of Dental Medicine, Boston, MA, 02115, USA2Department of Preventive and Community Dentistry,Faculty of

    Dentistry, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria

    References1. Fajemilehin BR, Ogunbodede EO. Oral health

    behaviour among the elderly in Osun state, Nigeria.

    J Soc Sci 2002; 6: 15.

    2. Ojofeitimi EO, Adedigba MA, Ogunbodede EO,

    Fajemilehin BR, Adegbehingbe BO. Oral health

    and the elderly in Nigeria: a case for oral health pro-

    motion. Gerodontology 2007; 24: 231234.

    3. Owotade FJ, Ogunbodede EO, Lawal AA. Oral

    diseases in the elderly, a study in Ile-Ife, Nigeria. J

    Soc Sci 2005; 7: 200205.

    4. Kiyak HA. Oral health promotion and psychologi-

    cal well-being among older people. In: Schou L ed.

    Oral Health Promotion in Old Age. Edinburgh, UK:The Scottish Health Education Group, 1987: 3344.

    5. United Nations. World population to 2300 New

    York: United Nations Department of Economic and

    Social Affairs/Population Division, 2004: 193194.

    6. United Nations. Population ageing and develop-

    ment 2012. Population Division, Department of Eco-

    nomic and Social Affairs United Nations, New York,

    NY 10017, USA.

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    8. Darkwa OK, Mazibuko FNM. Population aging

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    9. UNAIDS. UNAIDS report on the global AIDS epi-

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    10. Thorpe S. Oral health issues in the African region:

    current situation and future perspectives. J Dent

    Educ 2006; 70: 815.

    11. WHO. Implementation of the regional oral health

    strategy: update and way forward. Report of the

    Regional Director. WHO Regional Committee for

    Africa. Fifty-eighth session Yaounde, Republic ofCameroon, 1-5 September 2008. Provisional Agenda

    item 7.7. AFR/RC58/9. 24 June 2008. 6 pp.

    2013 The Gerodontology Society and John Wiley & Sons A/S, Gerodontology 2013; 30: 12

    2 E. O. Ogunbodede