georgia cattleman february 2014

official magazine of the georgia cattlemen’s association • february 2014 GeorGia Cattleman Value of Performance-Tested Bulls, p. 43 • Calf Scours, p. 62 • GCA Convention News, p. 74 The Hybrid Advantage, p. 36

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Page 1: Georgia Cattleman February 2014

o f f i c i a l m a g a z i n e o f t h e g e o r g i a c at t l e m e n ’ s a s s o c i at i o n • f e b r u a ry 2 0 1 4

GeorGia Cattleman

Value of Performance-Tested Bulls, p. 43 • Calf Scours, p. 62 • GCA Convention News, p. 74

The HybridAdvantage, p. 36

Page 2: Georgia Cattleman February 2014
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4 February 2014 • G E O R G I A C AT T L E M A N



ContentsContentsVolume 42 / number 2 / february 2014

GEORGIA CATTLEMAN (USPS 974-320, ISSN 0744-4451) is published monthly by the Georgia Cattlemen’s Association, 100 Cattlemen’s Drive,P.O. Box 27990, Macon, Georgia 31221. Subscription rate of $45.00 per year. Periodical Postage Paid at Macon, GA, and additional mailing offices.POSTMASTER — Send address changes to GEORGIA CATTLEMAN, 100 Cattlemen’s Drive, P.O. Box 27990, Macon, Georgia 31221. For advertisinginformation, contact Georgia Cattlemen’s Association, P.O. Box 27990, Macon, GA 31221. Phone: 478-474-6560.

GEORGIA CATTLEMEN’SASSOCIATION100 Cattlemen’s Drive / P.O. Box 27990

Macon, GA 31221

Phone: 478-474-6560 / Fax: 478-474-5732

[email protected] /

GCA & GEORGIA BEEF BOARD STAFFExecutive Vice President:

Josh White, [email protected]

Director of Operations:

Michele Creamer, [email protected]

Director of Communications & Youth Activities:

Bailey K. Toates, [email protected]

GBB Director of Industry Information & Public

Relations: Suzanne Black, [email protected]

Membership and Facilities Coordinator:

Sherri Morrow, [email protected]

GBB Program and Compliance Coordinator:

Tricia Combes, [email protected]

Director of Association Services:

Will Bentley, [email protected]

MAGAZINE STAFFEditor: Josh White, [email protected]

Industry editorial: Bailey K. Toates,

[email protected] or [email protected]

Advertising: Bailey K. Toates, [email protected]

Graphic artist: Bailey K. Toates, [email protected]

Billing: Michele Creamer, [email protected]

Circulation: Sherri Morrow, [email protected]


The cover of the February 2014 issue ofGeorgia Cattleman features a Lim-Flex bullon test at Tifton Bull Test Center.

The Georgia Cattleman magazine and theGeorgia Cattlemen’s Association reserve theexclusive right to accept or reject advertisingor editorial material submitted for publication.The editorial content contained in thismagazine does not necessarily represent theviews of the Georgia Cattleman magazine orthe Georgia Cattlemen’s Association.




The mission of the

Georgia Cattlemen’s

Association is to unite

cattle producers to

advance the economic, political and

social interests of Georgia’s cattle


Member Since 2000


Association reports6 GCA President’s Report by David Gazda

9 GCA Executive Vice President’s Report by Josh White

10 GCA Leadership

21 Georgia CattleWomen’s Report by Nanette Bryan

78 Georgia Junior Cattlemen’s Report by Merritt Daniels

Industry news2 Top 10 Reasons to Vote “YES” to Fund Georgia ACC

7 The IRS and Business Plans by John Alan Cohan

8 Your Beef Buck$ at Work

13 Meet Chuck Joiner, Past President

14 2014 Brings Permanent Flexibility to School Lunches

15 Legislative Watch

23 Presenting Young Cattlemen’s Council

27 Spring Communications Intern Joins GCA

36 The Hybrid Advantage

43 The Value of Performance-Tested Bulls

74 GCA Convention & Trade Show Schedule & Registration

76 GCA Convention Junior Contests and Events

Reader services12 New Members

16 In My Opinion by Gary Hill

17 GCA Facebook Photo Contest Winner

18 Good Moos!

19 Chapter Connections

20 Georgia Beef Bites by Suzanne Black

22 Industry Obituaries

28 Shocking Collars by Baxter Black

28 Associate Members

66 Local Market Reports

68 Classified Ads

69 Beef Management Calendar for the Month of February

71 Calendar of Events

79 Goin’ Showin’

80 Advertising Index

Expert advice62 Calf Scours by Lee Jones





Limousin breedfeatured this monthFEATURE BEGINS ON P. 36

Page 7: Georgia Cattleman February 2014
Page 8: Georgia Cattleman February 2014

a S S o C i a t i o n r e P o r t S • P r e S i D e n t ’ S r e P o r t

2014 has started off strong as pro-ducers are realizing record prices forfeeder and fed cattle throughout thecountry. According to market ana-lysts, this price trend will continue asincreased heifer retention has beenseen in most areas of the country thathave received adequate moisture. Thishas allowed for the slow rebuildingprocess to begin for some producerswhile herd expansion opportunitiesexist for others. The resulting shortageof feeders coupled with cheaper cornprices has created an excellent oppor-tunity for profitability in the cattleindustry, especially the cow-calf sector.

The current market situationmight best be described as the “perfectstorm” for the cow-calf producer. As acow-calf producer, have you posi-tioned your program to capitalize oncurrent market conditions and become(more) profitable in 2014? More specif-ically, are you utilizing all resourcesavailable as cattlemen here in the stateto assist you in making those decisionswhere the outcome may ultimatelydetermine the success or profitabilityof your program?

The University of Georgia Collegeof Agriculture and EnvironmentalSciences (CAES), not unlike many ofthe land grant institutions throughoutthe country, has and will most likelycontinue to experience budget cuts andserious financial restraints. Despitethese financial hardships, the universi-ty’s animal and dairy science depart-ment, along with extension personnel,continues to persevere and serve as aninvaluable asset and resource to live-stock producers and farmers through-out our state. Animal scientists andextension beef specialists in Athens,Calhoun and Tifton serve as instruc-tors, conduct research, and are respon-sible for directing such programs as theTifton and Calhoun Performance BullTest Stations and HERD programs,Georgia Beef Challenge, the state BQAand Master Cattlemen program.

I would be remiss if I did not rec-ognize at this time GCA’s affiliationwith the above programs and theworking relationship that has evolvedover the years with the University ofGeorgia. In addition, CAES boastsother extension specialists who are rec-ognized as some of the country’s lead-ing experts in the areas of livestockproduction, economics and marketing,forage production and management,and vet medicine and herd health pro-grams. These specialists are responsiblefor – and contribute regularly to – sucheducational programs as the UGAGrazing School, Beef CattleManagement Workshops and South-east Cattle Advisor website, and pro-vide timely educational articles forGeorgia Cattleman each month.Additionally, the aforementioned spe-cialists provide continual training andeducational opportunities to Extensionagents that serve producers primarilyon the county level. As cattlemen, Iwould encourage you to call uponthese extension specialists and agentsand become the beneficiaries of theirknowledge and expertise in multipleareas of beef cattle production in theSoutheast. For further informationregarding extension specialists, agents,programs and events, refer to theCAES website at

In the future, the newly organizedGeorgia Young Cattlemen’s Councilwill offer educational programs rele-vant to the industry, in addition toleadership training opportunities and

other activities. The Georgia YoungFarmers Association is another organi-zation that provides educational experi-ences primarily through organizedclassroom instruction. As a pastpresenter and participant, I can say thatthis organization’s commitment to pro-viding beneficial, adult educationalopportunities is to be commended.Other resources in the state include theGeorgia Department of Agriculture,our livestock markets and other exist-ing cooperative marketing associations,your local veterinarian, and state andnational breed association representa-tives. In addition to each of thesegroups, there are knowledgeable indi-viduals representing animal health, feedand mineral, equipment and AI organi-zations all within the state of Georgia.Finally, your GCA magazine continuesto provide informative articles andresources that are both timely and rele-vant to beef cattle production and mar-keting in our state.

There has never been a more excit-ing time or a greater opportunity forprofit than what exists in the beef cat-tle industry today. As cattlemen, it isour responsibility to produce ahumanely-raised, safe, nutritious andaffordable product that satisfies theconsumer every time. You have theresources. You have the market. In2014, you have no excuse. I look for-ward to visiting with you at the con-vention in April at Perry and remem-ber to vote “Yes” on the ACC for Beefreferendum!

GCA President dAVid GAZdA And FAMiLY

6 February 2014 • G E O R G I A C AT T L E M A N


Page 9: Georgia Cattleman February 2014

G E O R G I A C AT T L E M A N • February 2014 7

The IRS and Business Plans by John Alan Cohan, Attorney at Law •

In recent years the IRS has ruled awritten business plan is important evi-dence to prove that you are operating in abusinesslike manner. The Tax Court hassaid that in hobby loss cases you shouldhave “some type of plan” for the venture.This applies whether you are involved inlivestock ranching, other farming activi-ties and other areas traditionally underIRS scrutiny.

The IRS takes the view that a writtenbusiness plan demonstrates your busi-nesslike concern for the success of theventure. One of the most importantthings that distinguishes a business from ahobby is the existence of a written busi-ness plan.

There are numerous resources toassist you in drawing up a business plan.It is advisable to have a business plandrafted by a professional, and the cost willvary with the complexity.

Keep in mind that a business plan isone of the best ways to show your trueintentions. The IRS Audit TechniqueGuide asks revenue agents to ask for abusiness plan in livestock audits. Inaudits, most individuals are caught offguard when asked whether they have abusiness plan. Some will say that theiractivity is very basic, that they knowwhat they are doing, and that they don’t“need” a business plan.

The business plan is a guide for car-rying forward your idea into a successfulbusiness operation. A business plan setsforth the overall market that you are tar-geting, and how your product or servicescompare with those of others.

The language of a business plan isusually simple and nontechnical. Formany individuals, writing the plan is easybecause of their experience in the field.

The main focus of a business planconcerns your marketing strategy andfinancial projections. You should stateyour strategy, and explain why this activ-ity can be profitable. You should alsodescribe your competition and how youwill be able to compete.

In financial projections you want toshow how much money you will spendto get the business going, what equip-ment, inventory and materials you willneed to obtain, and when you expect tomake a profit. There should be an indica-tion as to your reasonable estimate of rev-enue. Your financial projections of profitshould be reasonable, not exaggerated.

Preferably, your financial projectionsshould cover a three- to five-year period.Some people hire an accountant to help

prepare the projections, as this can fur-ther bolster the businesslike nature of thedocument, although you will still need tospend time developing the figures.

Most people project operating lossesfor the startup phase of the activity,which can be from three to seven years orlonger, depending on the particular activ-ity.

Prepare your business plan now;don’t wait to get audited. The IRS wantsto see business records that are main-tained in the ordinary course of youractivity, not those that you might pre-

pare once you have been notified of anaudit.

If you are audited and you don’t havean existing business plan you should stillprepare one, and admit that you have pre-pared it in connection with your audit.You can explain that the plan has alwaysbeen in your head, and you thought itwould be best at this time to put it inwriting.

[Cohan is a lawyer who has served thefarming, ranching and horse industries sincel98l. You may call him at (3l0) 278-0203 or emailhim at [email protected].]

i n D U S t r Y n e W S


Page 10: Georgia Cattleman February 2014


GCA was well represented at the 2014Wild Hog Supper, a traditional pre-General Assembly gathering held inAtlanta. Legislative committee chairman,

Chris Taylor, feels it's important to makesure that legislators know cattlemen are

paying attention to what they are doing."This is our way to let our Representativesand Senators know, before they even cast thefirst vote of the session, that what they dohas an impact on us in rural Georgia."

8 February 2014 • G E O R G I A C AT T L E M A N

WiLL BentLeY,new GCA director of association services, has

hit the ground running meeting members and visiting sale

barns. Bentley, right, discussed cattle industry issues with

Seminole Stockyard principles Bryant Garland and Edwina

Skipper during early January in Donalsonville.

GeorGiA BeeF BoArd And GCA were proud to support, promote andparticipate in the recent Low Stess Cattle Handling Seminar sponsoredjointly by the Southwest Georgia Feeder Calf Marketing Association andthe national Beef Quality Assurance program funded by your beef check-off. Renowned animal handling expert Curt Pate traveled east to demon-strate cattle handling techniques on foot and on horseback. Ernie Ford,shown introducing Pate (inset), was instrumental in organizing the eventwhich was held in Bainbridge, GA.

Page 11: Georgia Cattleman February 2014

a S S o C i a t i o n r e P o r t S

I had read the magazine for years, first my grandfa-ther and dad’s copies, then finally a copy with my nameon the label. It wasn’t that I didn't know what GCA did –I just hadn’t spent a lot of time thinking about what wentinto making the association work day to day. The realiza-tion gave me a certain amount of pride. The feeling wasonly strengthened when I was welcomed by the BeefBreeds Council members, including council chair ChuckSword who did a great job of running a no-frills meetingand getting the job done for Georgia cattle producers.

I had a similar feeling many years later when I came tothe realization that I should apply to be GCA executivevice president. I had known the position was vacant for atleast a month and the thought hadn’t crossed my mind.Then one day I was bush-hogging a field and it was likesomeone whispered the idea that I should consider apply-ing. The thought of serving an industry I was deeply pas-sionate about as a full-time vocation had simply neveroccurred to me. I called Carroll T. Cannon who was along-time friend, someone I greatly respected, and toldhim I was considering applying. “That just might work,”he said.

More recently I’ve had the same feeling as we haveworked through the process of establishing the GCAYoung Cattlemen’s Council. As president Gazda said inhis column a few months back, when you finish a meetingof this group you know that our future is in good hands.Not only that, you can just feel the buzz of energy that iscreated from new ideas and the zeal with which they areshared. This group is poised to do great things for our asso-ciation and the industry.

I could go on and on about the “feeling” that has beengenerated by some of the near magical moments that haveoccurred when a volunteer leader suggests somethinginspired as we gather around a board room table, or morecommonly today – the conference call line.

But it’s more than just a feeling. The current team ofGCA staff and volunteer leaders are wholly committed toimproving GCA, increasing the value of membership andexecuting our mission better than ever. Our goal eachday, whether we are “feeling it” or not, is to unite cattle-men and advance GCA and the cattle industry to be posi-tioned for profit and growth. The best way to achieve this

goal is by you communicating to us, as staff and volunteerleaders, what you need as a cattleman. How can we addmore value to your GCA membership? What resources doyou need to make your farm more profitable? What speak-ers or topics can we bring to the next Convention orSummer Conference that will compel you to attend? Wemust have your input if we are to continually improve ourassociation. You are a vital part of the success of GCAtoday and you are even more important to the success ofGCA in the future.

The 2014 General Assembly has been gaveled into ses-sion and GCA staff and volunteer leaders have alreadyspent many hours working on issues and projects that wehope will benefit our industry. One of our key prioritiesis the subject of Dr. Gary Hill’s “In My Opinion” piece onpage 16 of this issue. I encourage you to read the columnand act as Dr. Hill suggests by supporting both the ACCfor Beef Referendum and funding for the beef cattleresearch position at UGA Tifton. Note that due to legalrequirements for holding a public hearing, the ACC forBeef ballots will most likely not be going out to votersuntil March.

A second priority that we have been working towardis the expansion of the liability reduction act that protectsHorse and Llama owners and event hosts (code section4–12), to include all livestock. This will be a positive devel-opment for junior livestock programs, for the cattle indus-try and for all livestock owners in the state. While theprocess has begun, this effort may take more than one leg-islative session to accomplish. I want to thank GeorgiaFarm Bureau legislative staff and Georgia Agri-BusinessCouncil for their continued partnership and supportunder the gold dome.

If you are interested in getting a “feeling” for theimpact that you as a GCA member can have, I would urgeyou to plan to attend the annual legislative steak biscuitbreakfast, tentatively set for 7 - 9 a.m. on Feb. 26 in Room216 of the Capitol. This is our signature event of the leg-islative session each year. The first words out of yourRepresentative or Senator’s mouth as they enter the roomare almost always, “Is anyone from my District here?”Help us to be able to say “Yes” this year!

More Than a Feeling

Executive Vice President’s Report

pJosh White

I can remember the first time I visited the Georgia Cattlemen's Headquarters in Maconjust like it was yesterday. It was a sunny May morning with dew glistening on the grasswhen I arrived at a meeting of the Georgia Beef Breeds council. I hadn't thought muchabout what to expect when I showed up for the meeting of the council. As I walked up tothe front door I suddenly realized that the folks at this place were here solely to work forGeorgia’s cattle industry.

G E O R G I A C AT T L E M A N • February 2014 9


[Josh White is GCA and Georgia Beef Board Executive Vice President.]

Page 12: Georgia Cattleman February 2014


Kristy Arnold, Screven, 912-294-3485

[email protected]

Lee Brown, Colbert, 706-207-7048

[email protected]

Carroll T. Cannon, TyTy, 229-776-4383

[email protected]

Brent Galloway, Monticello, 678-410-6070

[email protected]

Kyle Gillooly, Wadley, 478-494-9593

[email protected]

Jan Scott, Hazlehurst, 912-309-2349

[email protected]


Region 1: James Burton, 423-838-0941

[email protected]

Region 2: Eddie Bradley, 706-994-2079

[email protected]

Region 3: Ron Ward, 706-213-9175

[email protected]

Region 4: Bill Cline, 770-251-3518

[email protected]

Region 5: Charles Woodward, 678-725-2292

[email protected]

Region 6: Tammy Cheely, 706-465-2136

[email protected]

Region 7: Steve Lennon, 706-577-1400

[email protected]

Region 8: Rodney Hilley, 770-567-3909

[email protected]

Region 9: Mike Burke, 706-551-3025

[email protected]

Region 10: Scotty Lovett, 229-938-2187

[email protected]

Region 11: Derek Williams, 229-315-0986

[email protected]

Region 12: Ray Hicks, 912-682-8670

[email protected]

Region 13: John Moseley, Jr., 229-308-6355

[email protected]

Region 14: Kurt Childers, 229-775-2287

[email protected]

Region 15: Alvin Walker, 912-282-1717

[email protected]

GCA Immediate past president: Chuck Joiner, 770-832-7299

[email protected]

425 Gray Road, Carrollton, GA 30116

NCBA Directors:Randy Fordham, Danielsville, 706-207-1301

[email protected]

Steve Blackburn, Waynesboro, 214-912-1993

[email protected]

Foundation Chairman:Bill Hopkins, Thomson, 706-564-2961

[email protected]

CattleWomen’s president:Nanette Bryan, Summerville, 706-397-8219

[email protected]

GCA pAST pRESIDENTS1961-1963 Ben T. Smith, Atlanta1963-1966 Henry Green, Sr., St. Simons1966-1968 Dr. Jack Tuttle, Barnesville1968-1970 J.W. Trunnell, Cochran1970-1971 K.J. Hodges, Blakely1971-1972 Edward B. Pope, Washington1972-1974 George Berner, Warm Springs1974-1976 Dr. O.E. Sell, Milner1976-1978 Joe Gayle, Perry1978-1980 Sam Hay, Covington1980-1981 Lee Campbell, Carrollton1981-1982 Charles Baker, Calhoun1982-1983 Webb Bullard, Camilla1983-1984 Bobby Rowan, Enigma1984-1985 Harvey Lemmon, Woodbury1985-1986 Don Griffith, Buchanan1986-1987 Gene Chambers, Douglas1987-1988 Mike Peed, Forsyth1988-1989 Sam Payne, Calhoun1989-1990 Bobby Miller, Lula1990-1991 Newt Muse, Carrollton1991-1992 Howard T. Jones, Foley, AL1992-1993 Mark Armentrout, Roswell1993-1994 Ralph Bridges, Lexington1994-1995 Lane Holton, Camilla1995-1996 Jim Goodman, Temple1996-1997 Dr. Frank Thomas, Alamo1997-1998 Joe Duckworth, Milledgeville1998-1999 Betts Berry, Chickamauga1999-2000 Curly Cook, Crawford2000-2001 Chuck Sword, Williamson2001-2002 Robert Fountain, Jr., Adrian2002-2003 Louie Perry, Moultrie2003-2004 Tim Dean, Lafayette2004-2005 John Callaway, Hogansville2005-2006 Bill Hopkins, Thomson2006-2007 Dr. Jim Strickland, Glennville2007-2008 Evans Hooks, Swainsboro2008-2009 Mike McCravy, Bowdon2009-2010 Bill Nutt, Cedartown2010-2011 Bill Bryan, Summerville2011-2012 Steve Blackburn, Waynesboro2012-2013 Chuck Joiner, Carrollton


65 Corey DriveDanielsville, GA 30633706-207-1301

MELVIN pORTERPresident-Elect

168 Hardman Rd.,Jefferson, GA 30549706-654-8283


172 Hidden Lakes DriveGray, GA 31032478-986-6893

JOSH WHITEExecutive V.P.

100 Cattlemen’s Drive /P.O. Box 27990Macon, GA 31221478-474-6560


Email: [email protected]

Email: [email protected]

Email: [email protected]

Your GCA leadershipteam is here to serve you.Contact us with your ideasabout our association or tovisit about the cattle industry.


1985 Morton RoadAthens, GA 30605706-227-9098

Email: [email protected]

Email: [email protected]

GGeeoorrggiiaa CCaatt tt lleemmeenn’’ss AAssssoocciiaatt iioonn

10 February 2014 • G E O R G I A C AT T L E M A N

Page 13: Georgia Cattleman February 2014

ABAC ................Aaron Weaver / 386-527-9232

Amicalola............George Lyons / 706-265-3328

Appalachian..........Phillip Jones / 770-894-2479

Baldwin-Jones-Putnam ...................David Lowe


Banks ...............Thomas Dalton / 706-677-3008

Barrow.............Mike Pentecost / 770-868-6046

Ben Hill-Irwin......Ronny Branch / 229-457-0407

Berrien .....................................................Vacant

Blue Ridge Mountain .............Laurie McClearen


Brooks..................Kurt Childers / 229-561-3466

Burke ........................Milo Hege / 706-554-4933

Carroll .......................Tony Cole / 770-596-6596

Clarke-Oconee ........Walter Lee / 706-769-4231

Colquitt .............Rocky Herndon / 229-782-5660

Cook.......................Sean Resta / 229-896-8285

Coweta ..................Robert Allen / 678-923-6159

Crawford Area .......Doug Bailey / 478-361-3024

Decatur .................Stuart Griffin / 229-246-0951

Elbert ........................Ron Ward / 706-213-9175

Floyd...................Wesley Manis / 706-346-0874

Franklin .............Daryl Freeman / 706-491-3354

Grady ...................Caylor Ouzts / 229-377-7561

Greene Area .............John Dyar / 706-453-7586

Hall ................Steve Brinson Jr. / 770-869-1377

Haralson ..................Joe Griffith / 770-301-9113

Harris................Sandy Reames / 706-628-4956

Hart ........................Jason Fain / 706-436-9299

Heard...................Keith Jenkins / 770-854-5933

Heartland ..............Tony Rogers / 478-934-2430

Henry ....................Howie Doerr / 404-502-6287

Houston...............Wayne Talton / 478-987-0358

Jackson....................Cole Elrod / 678-410-1312

Jefferson ...Donavan Holdeman / 706-833-2962

Johnson Area ..........Will Tanner / 478-278-1922

Laurens ...............Brad Childers / 478-376-4670

Lincoln ......................Billy Moss / 706-654-6071

Little River ........Marvin Norman / 706-595-4291

Lowndes ...........Andrew Conley / 706-781-8656

Lumpkin ..........Anthony Grindle / 706-300-6605

Macon....................Ron Conner / 478-847-5944

Madison .................Trey McCay / 706-255-8422

Meriwether......Harvey Lemmon / 706-977-9222

Mid-Georgia.......Danny Bentley / 706-647-7089

Miller...................Trent Clenney / 229-758-2844

Mitchell ............J. Dean Daniels / 229-336-5271

Morgan ..............Michael Ivy, Jr. / 706-202-5046

Murray ................Chris Franklin / 706-263-2008

North Georgia ........Wesley Hall / 770-888-7249

Northeast Georgia ........................David Barnes


Northwest Georgia ........................Don Douglas 706-259-3723

Ocmulgee ..............Jim Cannon / 229-467-2042

Ogeechee .......Romaine Cartee / 912-531-0580

Oglethorpe .......Andrew Gaines / 706-202-5742

Pachitla ................Scotty Lovett / 229-938-2187

Peach ....................Willis Brown / 478-956-2798

Piedmont..............Glenn Hayes / 404-272-7298

Piney Woods .........Steve Smith / 912-278-1460

Polk ....................Jason Bentley / 770-855-0082

Pulaski ...................Terry Moore / 478-952-0685

Red Carpet ........Doug Bramlett / 770-547-9851

Satilla ...............Alvin Walker Jr. / 912-449-5352

Seminole..............Bruce Barber / 229-524-8633

South Georgia .....Lavawn Luke / 912-345-2102

Southeast Georgia ......................Charles Harris


Stephens ...............Mark Smith / 706-779-7362

Tattnall ................Newley Halter / 912-690-0789

Taylor .................Wayne Wilson / 706-656-6351

Thomas.......Charles R. Conklin / 229-228-6548

Three Rivers .....Derek Williams / 229-315-0986

Tift .......................Buck Aultman / 229-382-3202

Tri-County..............Alan Sowar / 770-668-4226

Tri-State ...................Gary Autry / 423-902-5925

Troup ..................Tom Mahaffey / 770-329-7197

Turner ..................Randy Hardy / 229-567-9255

University of Georgia .....................Jenna Lacey


Walton.............Sammy Maddox / 770-267-8724

Washington.......Bobby Brantley / 478-240-0453

Wayne ................Randy Franks / 912-294-6802

Webster .................Andy Payne / 229-828-2140

Wilkes..................Shane Moore / 706-678-5705

Worth.................Donald Gilman / 229-776-3779

G E O R G I A C AT T L E M A N • February 2014 11

GGeeoorrggiiaa CCaatt tt lleemmeenn’’ss AAssssoocciiaatt iioonn LLooccaall pprreessiiddeennttss


Complete and mail this form to:

Georgia Cattlemen’s Association100 Cattlemen’s Drive

P.O. Box 27990Macon, GA 31221

478-474-6560 • Fax 478-474-5732Email: [email protected]

q New Member q Renewal

Name ____________________________________________


City ______________________________________________

State____________ Zip______________________________

Phone ____________________________________________

E-mail ____________________________________________

GCA Chapter_______________________________________

Sponsored by ______________________________________

Birthday (juniors only) _______________________________

GCA Dues, 1 year ______________________________$ 50

GJCA Dues, 1 year______________________________$ 15

GCWA Dues, 1 year_____________________________$ 15

Additional Local Dues, 1 year _____________________$___

TOTAL PAYMENT        $___

Thank you ... for your membership!Membership dues entitle you to receive a one-year subscription to the Georgia Cattleman magazine.Payment of GCA membership dues is tax-deductible for most members as an ordinary businessexpense. Complying with tax laws, GCA estimates 5% of the dues payment is not deductible as abusiness expense because of direct lobbying activities. Also, charitable contributions to GCA are not tax-deductible for federal income tax purposes.


Page 14: Georgia Cattleman February 2014

12 February 2014 • G E O R G I A C AT T L E M A N

Akins Feed & Seed- Gregg Ivey Barnesville Gerald Andrews, Sandersville Luke T Andrews, Barnesville Stephen C Andrews Barnesville Charles D Batten SandersvilleCharles T Brannen, Sr. Statesboro Savannah Brannen Sylvania Mal Bray Wrightsville Matt Chambers Homer Dixie Hay Farm-

Brandon & Josh Simpson Dixie Brent Dubois DanvilleJonathan Earwood RockmartElrod Garden Center- Sam Elrod DallasJeff Everett Doerun Colt Hart Royston Mike Hill Ellijay Montana Jones Lafayette Thomas Lovett Tennille Andy Manders Jefferson Oliver J Martin Toccoa Gregory J Mincey MD Southern Pines, N.C.Brandon Morris AragonChris R Newman Canton Coleman E Nickell Covington

Gregg Pilkinton Pelham Scott Price Wrightsville Rebecca B Reese Thomson George Saunders Doerun Danny Sides Cedartown Daniel M Smith Buchanan Nathan Sorrells Dawsonville Scott Sorrells Dawsonville Stephens Co. Young Farmers-

Farish Mulkey, Jr. Toccoa Chad Strickland Coolidge Sunbelt Builders, Inc. Covington Glynn Tawzer Commerce Clinton T Hardie Ivey Andrew L Thompson, III Atlanta Jim Walters Griffin Mark Watkins Dearing Ryan Westbrook Harrison White Gates Farm- Linda Willis Cochran Lawrence Willis Norman Park Robert Wunderle Adairsville Self Young TennilleYoungblood Farm-

David Youngblood Sparta

You have joined anamazing family!

Page 15: Georgia Cattleman February 2014

m e e t Y o U r G C a l e a D e r S H i P

Share what it means tobe a past president and executivecommittee member, and some ofthe responsibilities youundertake.

ansWer: If I had a bucketlist, serving as president of GCAwould have been right there atthe top. Now as past president Ican reflect back and see some ofthe positive things thathappened during my tenure aswell as some of the negativethings. On the positive sidereaching 5,000 members isdefinitely one of the positives, aswell as securing funding for beefspecialist, diagnostic lab andoffice and culinary centerupgrades. As one of themembers of the executivecommittee we are charged withthe direction of GCA and I cantruthfully say that everymember has that passion for ourindustry. It has been truly anhonor to be associated withthese guys and GCA staff.

Describe yourbackground and involvement inthe beef cattle industry.

ansWer: My background inthe beef cattle industry goes backto growing up on a diversifiedfarm in southeast Alabama wherewe always had cattle. My fatherwas a member of the HoustonCounty Cattlemen’s Associationand when I moved to CarrollCounty in 1982 I soon boughtsome cattle of my own andbecame a member of our localcattlemen’s chapter. I have servedtwo terms as president of ourchapter and currently finishing 32years as Young Farmer teacher inCarroll County.

In your opinion, whatis the most pertinent issueGeorgia’s beef industry is facingtoday?

ansWer: In my opinion, themost pertinent issue facingGeorgia’s beef industry is lack of

interest by cattle producers. At atime of high prices, low numbersand public perception of ourproduct it is unacceptable for acattle producer to not beinvolved with an organizationthat daily promotes what theyare producing.

What improvements orchanges would you like to seeevolve over the next year withinGCA?

ansWer: Membership,Membership, Membership. Ifevery person involved in cattleproduction in Georgia would getinvolved with their local chapterthis would be the bestimprovement we could make. GC

G E O R G I A C AT T L E M A N • February 2014 13



Meet ChuckJoiner

Past PresidentCarroll County

Region 4FAst FACts

• Chuck, and his wife, Kaye, have two children,two grandsons, one dog and one cat.

• Grandsons Rick, 15, and Jack, 11, are JuniorGeorgia Cattlemen’s Association membersand are involved in FFA and 4-H livestockprogram.

• Favorite beef dinner is Ribeye, baked potato,salad, yeast rolls and Kaye’s pound cake.



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n C B a n e W S a n D U P D a t e S

Reforms to the National School LunchProgram and the National School BreakfastProgram have been a topic of interest to NCBA’smembership for the better part of three years. OnJan. 13, 2011, the USDA’s Food and NutritionService issued a proposed rule to revise the meal patternsand nutrition requirements for the lunch and breakfast pro-grams and align them with the 2005 Dietary Guidelines forAmericans. On April 13, 2011, NCBA submitted commentson the proposed rule emphasizing the importance of leanbeef in the diets of school-aged children and outlined con-cerns with the Agency’s proposal.

Just months after implementation of the proposed rule,USDA issued a guidance to school food authorities to allowflexibility in the meat/meat alternates and grain maximumsfor the 2012-13 school year by removing the maximum quan-tity requirement. The caps contributed to significant chal-lenges for schools that provided meals to students of multipleage groups, as requirements varied by age. As a result, manypopular food items such as sandwiches, hamburgers and pastawere limited or taken off of the menu. By removing the max-imum quantity requirements, USDA gave schools the flexi-bility to offer a greater variety of food choices while stilladhering to the calorie maximums.

At last year’s Cattle Industry Convention, RegisteredDietitian and Nutrition for the Future President DayleHayes joined cattlemen and women to discuss USDA’s newguidelines, the implications, and how as an industry, wecould work together to incorporate beef into school meals.The Beef Checkoff took action developing new recipes, taste-

tested and approved by children, which were full ofnutrient-rich beef and met the requirements of thenew guidelines.

NCBA has been diligently working with mem-bers of Congress to raise awareness with the intro-

duction of legislation and has supported congression-al efforts to encourage Agriculture Undersecretary for Food,Nutrition and Consumer Services Kevin Concannon tomake the flexibility permanent. On Feb. 25, 2013, the serviceextended the flexibility for the following school year, statingthey received significant feedback from schools requesting anextension and long-term clarification.

Last week, Concannon stated that USDA made a prom-ise to school nutrition professionals and is following throughby making the flexibility permanent. A victory to not onlythe school nutrition experts, but the students that were lefthungry as well.

USDA received over 133,000 comments both for andagainst their proposed guidelines. For public policy, it is crit-ical for those on the ground to be engaged alongside thenational groups. This is great example of all stakeholdersweighing in with USDA and USDA listening to schools andstudents to better meet their needs.

This announcement is an important but small piece to abigger nutritional policy puzzle. Looking ahead, next weekwill bring the first public meeting for the 2015 dietary guide-lines. NCBA and our members have been engaged and willcontinue to be involved throughout the next year of meetingsand discussions held by USDA and the Department of Healthand Human Services as they evaluate the guidelines.

14 February 2014 • G E O R G I A C AT T L E M A N


January is set to be a very busy month for the U.S.Senate and the House of Representatives. In the first weekback from Christmas break both houses are already dis-cussing potential votes on the Farm Bill, an omnibusspending bill, and a tax extenders package. While there isgrowing support for each of these measures, there is oneother piece of legislation that has strong bi-partisan and bi-cameral support that has a good chance of being approvedbefore Ground Hog’s Day—Trade Promotion Authority(TPA). Also known as “fast-track”, TPA creates an expe-dited process for Congress to consider trade agreements.TPA gives the President the authority to negotiate tradeagreements that reduce tariff and non-tariff barriers withother countries while giving Congress the final say overthe trade agreements. TPA is called “fast-track” because itrequires Congress to consider trade agreement legislationwithin mandatory deadlines, with limited debate and with-out amendment.

TPA was last authorized in 2002 and expired in 2007.The recently-enacted trade agreements with Korea,Colombia and Panama were all negotiated under TPAwhich allowed for faster-than-usual passage of each agree-ment. Without TPA, each of the agreements could have

been held up by numerous amendments that may havefundamentally changed the terms of the agreement or pro-cedural delays that would have stalled final considerationby Congress. Instead, the Administration worked withCongress to address major concerns before finalizing termsof the agreement. As a result, each of the free trade agree-ments passed with bipartisan support and have opened upmarkets for many U.S. exports.

Fortunately, most of the Republicans and Democratsin both houses support TPA. But why is TPA necessaryand why is this an urgent matter for Congress?Congressman Dave Camp (R-Mich.), Chairman of theHouse Committee on Ways & Means has stated that thecompletion of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) andother trade agreements rests on the passage of TPA. Howcan other countries work with our negotiators in goodfaith to hammer out an agreement that could be twistedand torn apart by parochial political interests back home?That is certainly a fate that the beef industry does not wantto suffer. NCBA policy fully supports the renewal ofTrade Promotion Authority, and we stand by ChairmanCamp, Senator Max Baucus (D-Mont.) and all Members ofCongress who support TPA.

The Case for Trade Promotion Authority


2014 Brings Permanent Flexibility to School Meals

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n C B a n e W S a n D U P D a t e S

G E O R G I A C AT T L E M A N • February 2014 15

High-quality protein, like lean beef, is especiallyimportant for children because it supports the growth,repair and maintenance of all body tissues, makes redblood cells and boosts the immune system. Many

research studies show a direct linkbetween nutrient intake and academicperformance. Zinc, iron and other nutri-ents are critical for brain developmentand function. In addition, sufficient pro-tein is essential for children to performtheir best both physically and mentally.These benefits provide excellent reasonsschools across the nation can feel goodabout serving beef in school meals.

Back in 2012, the USDA updated its meal patternsand nutrition standards for the National School Lunchand National School Breakfast Programs to align withthe Dietary Guidelines for Americans and expert recom-mendations from the Institute of Medicine. Though thestandards for the National School Lunch and Breakfastprogram are supposed to be updated consistently withthe Dietary Guidelines in order to reflect the latest nutri-tion education and science, these changes were the first inmore than 15 years. The National Cattlemen’s BeefAssociation, along with many other organizations,including the non-Checkoff/policy side of NCBA, sub-mitted comments on the guidelines as far back as April2011 in order to ensure that beef continued to be a partof the school lunch program.

A temporary modification to those standards wasissued shortly after the implementation of the new rulethat allowed schools the flexibility to serve larger por-tions of lean meat and whole grains in meals. Last week,USDA made the temporary rule final when they perma-nently removed the weekly maximums for grains andmeat/meat alternates. The decision provides much need-ed stability for long-term meal planning, a promise theagency made to school nutrition professionals, accordingto USDA Undersecretary for Food, Nutrition andConsumer Services Kevin Concannon.

Schools can feel good about continuing to includehigh-quality protein, like beef, on the menu to help chil-dren get the essential nutrients they need for optimalhealth while still meeting the requirements for healthyschool meal patterns. Schools are encouraged to buildhealthy menus that incorporate lean nutrient-rich pro-tein, like beef, along with more fruits and vegetables andwhole grains to help kids meet Dietary Guidelines andMyPlate recommendations.

Let’s face it: eating healthfully is tough to do.According to the annual International Food InformationCouncil Foundation Food & Healthy Survey, more thanhalf of Americans (52 percent) say that filing their annu-al income taxes is easier than knowing what to eat (andwhat to not eat) for optimal health.

As a result of changes to USDA’s National SchoolLunch Guidelines, the Beef Checkoff developed a seriesof ground beef recipes and a beef nutrition content toenable cafeterias across the country to serve entrees thatfeature nutrient-rich lean beef and meet the requirementsfor whole grains, vegetables, fruits and dairy. Each recipewas tested by school-age children, and included cost-effective ingredients that are easy to source for mostschools.

The Beef Checkoff is continuously working to makesure that beef stays a central part of the healthy mealsoffered at school and is working with school foodserviceoperators to better understand the challenges they maybe facing. We encourage parents to talk with their chil-dren about what they’re eating at school and even accom-pany them to school on a regular basis if possible (notjust one day — the standards are meant to reflect a weekof meals) to see what kids are eating, and whether theyare eating food that’s on their plate.

By working together to bring these types of practicalsolutions to the table — such as hosting school meal tastetests for kids, incorporating foods they love, like leanbeef, into menus or having conversations with our kidsabout the foods they’re eating and helping them under-stand the importance of choosing nutrient-rich foods—we can truly make a positive difference in the future ofour childrens’ health. GC

Beef: It’s What’s for LunchBy Shelley Johnson, Associate Director, Food & Nutrition Outreach, National Cattlemen's Beef Association

legislative Watch s. 258 and h.r. 657— grazing improvement actTo amend the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976 to improvethe management of grazing leases and permits, and for other purposes.NCBA urges a yes vote on S. 258 and H.R. 657. Key Sponsors: Sen. John Barrasso (R-Wyo.), Rep. Raúl Labrador (R-Idaho)

h.r. 1462 — renewable fuel standard reform actAmends the Clean Air Act to revise the renewable fuel program. NCBA urgesa yes vote on H.R. 1462. Key Sponsor: Rep. Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.)

s. 1343 — farmer identity Protection actProtects the personal information of livestock producers from being distrib-uted to third parties. NCBA urges a yes vote on S. 1343. Key Sponsors: Sens. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) and Joe Donnelly (D-Ind.)

s. 1630 and h.r. 3189 — Water rights Protection actProvides a means to combat the recent directive that allows the UnitedStates Forest Service (USFS) to seize private water rights without just com-pensation. NCBA urges a yes vote on S. 1630 and H.R. 3189. Key Sponsors: Sen. John Barrasso (R-Wyo.), Rep. Scott Tipton (R-Colo.).

h.r. 311 — farmers undertake environmental land stewardship(fuels) actDirects EPA to change the Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure(SPCC) rule to consider a producer's risk when it comes to maintaining cost-ly oil storage facilities. The bill would allow EPA to create practical exemp-tions for small farmers and ranchers. NCBA urges a yes vote on H.R. 311.Key Sponsor: Rep. Rick Crawford (R-Ark.)


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16 February 2014 • G E O R G I A C AT T L E M A N

You, the individual cattleman andGCA member, have two uniqueopportunities in 2014 to support

your industry and ultimately affect theoutcome of important programsdesigned to assist the industry, now andin the future. Hopefully, you have sub-mitted documentation allowing you toreceive a ballot to vote in the upcomingreferendum determining if there will bea Georgia AgriculturalCommodity Commission forBeef. This important programwill allow additional check-offdollars to be collected whichwill stay in Georgia, support-ing research, education andextension programs dedicatedto improvement of beef pro-duction in the state. The sec-ond opportunity for cattlemeninvolves vocally supportingthe funding of a beef cattleresearch and extension facultyposition in the animal anddairy science department,Tifton campus. This positionis supported as a priority bythe University of Georgia College ofAgriculture and EnvironmentalSciences, the Georgia Cattlemen’sAssociation, Georgia Milk Producersand other groups. Individual membersand local chapter presidents should con-tact their Georgia representatives andstate senators, enlisting their support forthis vital beef cattle position. Individualmember input is very important; histor-ically, most of the credit for getting theTifton Bull Test Facility funding wasattributed to efforts of one small beefproducer.

In the era of erratic economic con-ditions experienced since 2008, fundingfor higher education has suffered, andthat is strikingly true for agriculturalextension and research programs. In the1980s and 1990s, extension programsand staffs were well funded. Early in2002, state funding began to shrink, fol-lowed by devastating budgetary climatesin 2007 to present. Extension staff andcounty agents were cut by using earlyretirements, and the staff and facultywho resigned were not replaced.Funding for research was drastically cut.

Currently the animal and dairy sciencedepartment must generate the opera-tional dollars it spends to conductresearch and maintain herds. This fund-ing comes through animal sales, milksales and grants from industry and othersources. This brief picture is presentedto emphasize the need for passage of thereferendum to initiate an additional$1.00 beef check-off through a new

Georgia Agricultural CommodityCommission for Beef. This locally con-trolled commission will set the guide-lines for submission of grant proposalsfor research projects important to pro-ducers in Georgia, funded by the check-off dollars. It will also allow partial fund-ing for beef extension and educationalprograms along with beef promotion.Additional funding is vital to beefresearch efforts because fewer opportu-nities for production-oriented local proj-ects exist, since many companies havemerged, and longer term research isrequired for many outside and govern-ment research programs. Your addition-al check-off dollars will stay in Georgia,and they can help fund timely researchprojects for immediate application.

Often taken for granted are the for-ages that cattle in Georgia and othersouthern states consume, legumesgrazed, nutritional quality and digestibil-ity of hays and co-product feeds, anddevelopment of cow supplemental feed-ing programs. Do your cows grazeCoastal, Tifton 44 or Tifton 85bermudagrass pastures? Do they con-

sume hays harvested from these grasses?Who conducted the research leading tothe development, release and manage-ment of these bermudagrasses, Tifton 9bahiagrass, Tifleaf 3 pearl millet andnumerous other forages? How muchcottonseed should be fed to maintainyour cows? Can dried distillers grains,soyhulls and corn gluten feed be effec-tively used to background cattle on

silage or small grain diets?What is the effective cow-calfstocking rate and expectedrate of calf gain for beef calvesgrazing Tifton 85 pastures?These, and many other ques-tions, have been effectivelyanswered by the UGA animaland dairy science beef cattleresearch faculty at Tifton cam-pus, in cooperation withUSDA research geneticistsand University of Georgiacrop and soil scientists. Theprevious two faculty membersholding this position pub-lished more than 125 refereedjournal articles and more than

500 additional papers and reports, estab-lishing state, regional, national and inter-national reputations for UGA animaland dairy sciences as a leader in highquality beef and forage research. Thebeef cattle research position has beenvacant for five years, and the position isnow supported, as indicated, for poten-tial funding by the Georgia legislature inthe 2014 session. This research positionis vital to continued innovation forGeorgia cattle producers. You can helpassure that this position is funded bycontacting your legislative representa-tive and senator and emphasize theimportance of this position.

Now you can help promote beefproduction in Georgia – vote for the ini-tiation of the new beef check-offthrough a Georgia CommodityCommission for Beef. You can also helpsecure the future of beef researchthrough the CAES and GCA initiativesfor legislative funding of the facultyposition in the animal and dairy sciencedepartment, Tifton campus, by contact-ing your legislators in Atlanta.


@in My Opinion

Georgia Cattlemen Have Two Golden Opportunitiesin 2014 to Lead Future Beef Production by Gary Hill

CoW-CALF ProduCtion continues as the No. 1 beef enterprisein Georgia. You can help continue this trend.


Page 19: Georgia Cattleman February 2014

G E O R G I A C AT T L E M A N • February 2014 17

Congratulations to Brandon Cannon

for submitting the winning entry in

GCA’s February photo contest.

Check out our Facebook page for the

March photo of the month contest!


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18 February 2014 • G E O R G I A C AT T L E M A N

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20 February 2014 • G E O R G I A C AT T L E M A N

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GEORGIA CATTLEWOMEN’S[email protected]


President: Nanette Bryan2830 E Armuchee RoadSummerville, GA 30747706-397-8219

President-Elect: Carolyn Gazda1985 Morton RoadAthens, GA 30605706-227-9098

Vice-President: Cynthia Douglas5500 Barnesville HighwayThe Rock, GA 30285706-647-9414

Secretary: Carla PayneP.O. Box 246Calhoun, GA 30703770-480-7004

Treasurer: Sara Akins 1177 S. Coffee Rd.Nashville, GA 31639229-686-2771

Past President: Brenda Brookshire6179 State Hwy 60Suches, GA 30572706-747-3693

Parlimentarian: Peggy Bledsoe

AMERICAN NATIONAL CATTLEWOMENPO Box 3881, Centennial, CO 80112303-694-0313, fax: 303-694-2390

CattleWomen’s Report

Gearing Up for busy Year

Please make plans toattend the 53rd AnnualConvention, Beef Expo andTrade Show in Perry. Thisyear Temple Grandin willbe the guest speaker for theconvention. She is anAmerican doctor of animalscience and professor atColorado State University,best-selling author, autisticactivist and consultant tothe livestock industry on animalbehavior. Check out her website

We hope to see you at the con-vention April 2-5 in Perry, Ga. Weare looking forward to some greatworkshops, great food, a few doorprizes and some great fellowship. Ifyou have attended before make plansto come and bring a friend. If youhave not been before then come onand still bring a friend. We wouldlove to have you.

The Beef Ambassadorcompetition will also beheld on Saturday, April 5,during convention. SaraAkins is the new chairmanand she is getting ready fora great competition thisyear. If you are interestedin competing as a junioror senior, contact Sara [email protected] deadline is March 1.

Visit our hospitality booth andmake a donation to cattle drive forhunger. The money we raise goes to acharitable organization to purchasebeef. Speaking of which if you knowof an organization that would like toreceive funding, for the purchase ofbeef, have them contact the GeorgiaCattlemen’s office for an applicationto be considered. We will also be tak-ing donations for our quilt we will begiving away. The money we raise forthis goes into our Jason Chapmansummer intern fund to help pay foran intern to work in the GCA office.

If you would like to become a partof the Georgia CattleWomen or holdan office please contact me and let meknow. We are always looking for helpfrom everyone to tell our Beef Story.

I would like to take a moment tosay thank you for all the calls, hugs,flowers, cards and kind words afterthe loss of my mother. You willnever know how much it was appre-ciated. She was a very special lady andI miss her every day.

Thanks again and may God Blessyou and your farm.

Be our friend on Facebook

a S S o C i a t i o n r e P o r t S

ingreDients1 (15 oz.) ctn. Ricottacheese 1 egg, lightly beaten 2 ½ c. mozzarellacheese, shredded 1 (26 oz.) jar spaghettisauce½ c. grated parmesancheese 1 lb. Ground beefbrowned and drained¼ c. fresh chopped parsley (optional) 1 c. water12 lasagna noodles, uncooked

instructions1. Preheat oven to 350°. 2. Mix ricotta cheese, 1 ¼ cup mozzarella

cheese, ¼ cup Parmesan cheese andparsley with egg until blended. Set aside.

3. Pour spaghetti sauce, ground beef andwater into a large bowl and mix well.

4. Place 1 cup of meat sauce mixture in bot-tom of a 13 X 9 baking dish. Layer 3 noo-dles on top of sauce. Add 1 cup of meatsauce mixture on top of noodles. Add ⅓of cheese mixture.

5. Repeat from start 3 more times. Sprinkleremaining 1 ¼ cup mozzarella cheese and¼ cup Parmesan cheese on top layer.

6. Cover tightly with greased foil. Bake for 45minutes. Remove foil and let brown forabout 15 minutes more.

7. Let stand 15 minutes before serving.

recipe by linda crumley, JKcf farmbarrow county cattleWomen President

georgia cattleWomen President

Simple Homemade Lasagna

By Nanette Bryan, president

nAnette BrYAn


Happy New Year to all of you! Well, 2013 is gone and 2014 is here. I am very excited to

move forward into a new year and I hope you are also. So what is around the corner for cattlewomen?

CAttLeWoMen oF ALL AGes attended last year’s

GCWA meeting and dessert social, including

American National CattleWomen President

Barbara Jackson. The meeting was a success with

great door prizes given out. Plenty of activities are

planned for this year. Temple Grandin will be the

guest speaker.

G E O R G I A C AT T L E M A N • February 2014 21

Page 24: Georgia Cattleman February 2014

Charter Member of GCA Among Cattle Industry LossesDr. Jack G. Tuttle

Dr. Jack G. Tuttle, of Barnesville passed away Wednesday,Jan. 8, 2014 at Heritage Inn. He was born Aug. 6, 1924 inTifton Ga., son of the late Katie and Gilbert H. Tuttle. In addi-tion to his parents he was predeceased by his wife of 52 years,Betty Ann Sappington Tuttle in 1999, a sister, Sara FrancesUpchurch, and a brother, Billy Glenn Tuttle.

Dr. Tuttle entered the University of Georgia in 1942 tostudy veterinary medicine, but joined the Navy after his fresh-man year. He reentered the University of Georgia the day afterreturning home from the Navy. Receiving a doctorate in 1950,he was a member of the first class to graduate from the Schoolof Veterinary Medicine at the University of Georgia.

Dr. Tuttle moved to Barnesville in 1950 and opened hisveterinary clinic that served the community until 1997 whenhe retired due to health reasons. During that time Dr. Tuttlewas active in the local community. He was one of the foundersof Lamar State Bank, now United Bank, and he served as itschairman from 1974 to 1990. Dr. Jack, as he was affectionatelyknown, was a charter member of the Georgia Cattlemen'sAssociation and the Mid-Georgia Cattlemen's Association andserved as president of both organizations. Additionally he wasinducted into the Hall of Fame for both organizations. Heserved for 27 years as a Soil and Water Conservation DistrictSupervisor, and in 1995 was selected as the Georgia Associationof Conservation District Supervisors' Man of the Year. Dr.Jack was the 1989 Lamar County Citizen of the Year, and hewas a member of the First United Methodist Church ofBarnesville.

Mildred Lindsey BrantleyMrs. Mildred Lindsey Brantley, age 89, of Griffin Avenue,

Thomaston, died Sunday evening, Jan. 12, 2014, in RiversideHealth and Rehabilitation Center. Mrs. Brantley was born inLancaster, S.C., to the late William and Mary Lindsey.

She was a registered nurse and was employed as OperatingRoom Supervisor at Upson Regional Medical Center until herretirement in 1983. Mrs. Brantley was a member of the FirstBaptist Church and the Builders Sunday School Class. She alsovolunteered for the Upson Regional Medical Center Auxiliary.

Zachary Daniel CowartZachary Daniel Cowart, 23, of Douglasville, Ga. passed

away Thursday, Jan. 9, 2014 in Athens, Ga. Zachary was bornDec. 21, 1990. Zachary was a 2009 honor graduate fromAlexander High School and received his Bachelor of ScienceDegree in Animal Science from the University of Georgia inMay 2013. Zachary was a first year student at the University ofGeorgia College of Veterinary Medicine. He received manyaccolades while at UGA including the Blue Key HonorSociety, Agriculture Honor Society and Alpha Gamma RhoFraternity.

His many activities include helping his Dad on manyhome improvement construction projects, working at theUGA Dairy Farm in Athens, River Raft guide at the OcoeeRiver, hunting, fishing and traveling with family.

Most importantly, Zachary put his trust in Jesus Christ.Zachary was a member of Central Baptist Church ofDouglasville and attended Athens Church in Athens.

22 February 2014 • G E O R G I A C AT T L E M A N

i n D U S t r Y o B i t U a r i e S


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26 February 2014 • G E O R G I A C AT T L E M A N


SHORTHORNSRegistered Shorthorn & Commercial Cattle

Charles and Vickie Osborn

2700 Greensboro Hwy.Watkinsville, GA 30677

706-769-4336 • 706-540-5992 cell





Apalachee BeefmastersOur Foundation: The Six EssentialsOur Future: Quality & Carcass Composition

Keith W. and susan W. Prasse, dVM889 Austin Reynolds Road Bethlehem, GA 30620

706-248-1431 (cell) 770-867-2665 (home)www.apalacheebeefmasters.comHerd Consultant: Bruce Robbins 210-861-5136

Built on Six Essentials:

Disposition, Fertility, Weight,Conformation, Milk Production

& Hardiness

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3C BEEFMASTERS385 Stokes Store Road, Forsyth, Georgia 31029

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(478) 994-5389 (478) 994-0730

turner PoLLed BeeFMAstersBLACK polled bulls available at all times

706-278-7814Vernon & Carolyn Turner

5147 Mark Brown Rd NE

Dalton, Georgia 30721

Georgia Chianina


P.O. Box 330Stephens, GA 30667

Roddy Sturdivant Rob Postinmobile phone: (770) 372-0400 home: (706) 759-2220office phone: (770) 921-3207 barn: (706) 759-2209

Chiangus & Chiford Cattle

Wayne & Jill Miller, Owners

email: [email protected]

P.O. Box 68 • Talmo, GA 30575

Phone: (706) 693-4133 or FAX: (706) 693-4359 SpONSOR






HADDEN FARMSRoute 1 • Gibson, GA • 30810

Larry & Holly Hadden

800-348-2584 • 706-831-1679

Breeders of Purebred Cattle Since 1952

Georgia Gelbvieh Breeders





Page 29: Georgia Cattleman February 2014

G E O R G I A C AT T L E M A N • February 2014 27

Directions: I-75 To Exit 41, Easy Calving, Smooth PolledRight Onto Roundtree Br. Rd., Charolais With An Emphasis4 Mi. To Farm Sign On Right On Milking Ability

lITTlE RIVER CHAROlAISMarshall & Mary Beth Bennett Buck & Jean BennettP.O. Box 406 1175 EM Rogers RoadAdel, Georgia 31620 Adel, Georgia 31620Phone: (M) 229-300-3164 Phone: 229-549-8654

(O) 229-896-4517

Georgia-Florida Charolais associationFor information on the Georgia-Florida Charolais Association,

contact Scott Tipton, President, 1001 Preacher Campbell Road, Clarkesville, GA 30523

706-200-6655 • [email protected]

Polled Charolais Cattleperformance Testing for over 35 years

Ted A. Collins693 Old 179 South

Whigham, GA 39897

Oak Hill Farm

Home of Bennett Charolais

Wayne & Lois Bennett

Barn: 770-893-3446

Home: 770-893-2674

Cell: 770-826-9551

1779 Holcomb Road

Dawsonville, GA 30534

[email protected]

www.oakhillfarmga.comCattle for Sale Private Treaty

Collins & SonHerd Certified& Accredited


2509 Old Perry RoadMarshallville, Georgia 31057

478-396-5832 • [email protected]





Mountain View Charolais

Scott Tipton

1001 Preacher Campbell Rd.

Clarkesville GA 30523

Phone: (706) 754-8462

Cell: (706) 200-6655





Kelsie R. Bickett comesto us from Chickamauga,Ga. She grew up on a 160-acre Gelbvieh cattle farm,TJB Gelbvieh, and fullservice bovine embryotransfer service, BickettGenetics with parents, Dr.Todd and Alisa, and sister,Katelyn. Bickett attendedGordon Lee High School,where she was active inmultiple school clubs, andshe was a member of thesoftball, basketball andtrack teams.

Following graduation,Bickett attended theUniversity of Georgia,where she is currently inher second year majoring inagricultural communica-tion and minoring in ani-mal science.

“The field of agricultureis an area I am passionateabout,” Bickett says. “Dueto its daily demand world-wide, and I want to bridge

the gap between agricultureand the consumer.”

Her future career inter-ests are advertising, market-ing and public relations.

Along with academics,she is a Georgia 4-H live-stock student worker withUGA’s office of extension,and she was selected as theAlltech Student Ambassa-dor across Georgia’s cam-pus. In her spare time,Kelsie thoroughly enjoysany athletic activity, shop-ping and spending time withboth family and friends.

CommunicationsIntern Joins GCATeam for Spring



Page 30: Georgia Cattleman February 2014

AgGeorgia Farm Credit

AgSouth Farm Credit

Alltech, Inc.,Thomasville

Athens Seed Co.,Watkinsville

Southwest Georgia Farm Credit

FPL Food, ShapiroPacking Company

Fuller Supply Company



Pennington Seeds

Purina Mills

Southern States

Tenderloin Members ($600+)

Yancey Bros.Company


Georgia Cattlemen’s Association100 Cattlemen’s Drive / P.O. Box 27990 / Macon, GA 31221

(478) 474-6560 • Fax (478) 474-5732 • Email: [email protected]

q New Member q Renewal

Business Name ________________________________________

Contact _____________________________________________

Address ______________________________________________

City ___________ State___ Zip___________________________

Phone _______________________________________________

FAX _________________________________________________

E-mail _______________________________________________

Chapter ______________________________________________

Sponsored by _________________________________________


q Tenderloin Member $600 or more

q T-Bone Member $300 - $599

q Rib-Eye Member $150 - $299

q Sirloin Member$ 75 - $149

Contribution Amount_

Thank you ... for your membership!Membership dues entitle you to receive a one-year subscription to the Georgia Cattleman magazine.Payment of GCA membership dues is tax-deductible for most GCA members as an ordinary businessexpense. Complying with tax laws, GCA estimates 5% of the dues payment is not tax-deductible as a busi-ness expense because of direct lobbying activities. Also, charitable contributions to GCA are not tax-deductible for federal income tax purposes.


A steady growth in population con-tinues worldwide. As we grow, urbandevelopment paves and permanentlychanges the ecosystem. Cities and towns,large and small, annex their surroundingnatural woodlands, plains, farms andranches. It results in city limits that extendmiles from the edge of town and a begin-ning of the assessment imposing real estatehousing development taxes and laws onrural inhabitants.

It happened to Mick. He had a 90-acrefenced pasture with a good well and easyaccess. A subdivision was progressingacross the road. One afternoon he loadedhis two cowdogs in the pickup to gather abunch of his cows into the trap. Uponarrival he crossed the cattle guard and sentthe dogs out to gather the cows.

The dogs’ collars bore shock devicesto receive Mick’s signals. He was concen-trating on his dogs when a pickup with acamper banged over the cattle guardbehind him. Mick looked back to see thetown animal control officer.

“Whattya need?” asked Mick.“Sir,” the officer said, “you are allow-

ing your dogs to run loose. It is against thetown leash law that prohibits canines torun unrestricted within the city limits.You, sir, are in violation.”

Mick explained to the officer thesewere working dogs, that they bring thecows into the trap and are under his con-trol at all times. They argued but the offi-cer wrote him a citation anyway.

Mick refused to pay the fine and wasrequired to appear in court the nextMonday. He pleaded innocent. The judgeasked Mick how could he communicatewith dogs a hundred yards away? Withwhistles? Semaphore flags? A bugle?

“No,” said Mick. “These dogs are verysmart and I’ve taught them the MorseCode.”

“Can you show us how it works?”asked the judge.

“Certainly,” said Mick. He handedboth the judge and the animal control offi-cer a shock collar.

“It is very sensitive,” said Mick. “Butif you hold it… sure, on your neck is fine,I’ll demonstrate. This means turn left: ‘dotdash dot dot dot dot dot dash dot dash’.Before the judge had reached the first dotdot, he had fallen off the back of thebench, crash-landed his office chair, andwas covered in robe. To Mick’s credit, thejudge had fallen to the left.

Each month, the GCA Associate Members section recognizes GCA’s

allied-industry and business members. To become an associate member,

complete the form below or call 478-474-6560. GCA members are

encouraged to use the services of these industry-supporting professionals.


28 February 2014 • G E O R G I A C AT T L E M A N

shocking Collars

Baxter Black is a cowboy poet and author. Visit his site at

Page 31: Georgia Cattleman February 2014

Sirloin Members ($75-$149)AgGeorgia Farm Credit, DublinAgGeorgia Farm Credit, PerryAgGeorgia Farm Credit, RoystonAkins Feed & Seed, BarnesvilleArnall Grocery Company, NewnanAthens Stockyard, Athens, TNBaggett Farms, MontroseBaker Cattle Service, QuitmanBank of Camilla, CamillaBank of Dudley, DublinBanks County Farm Bureau, HomerBartow County Farm Bureau, CartersvilleBBWH Insurors, StatesboroBekaert Corp., DouglasBig Indian Feed Tack, LLC, Fort ValleyBishop’s Country Store, FitzgeraldBlack’s Seed Store, DublinBraswell Cattle Company, AthensBubba Chicks, HamiltonBubba’s Tire, DublinBull Hill Ranch, Gray Court, SCBurke Truck and Tractor, WaynesboroC & H Hardware & Outdoors, RobertaCapital City Bank, DublinCarroll County Livestock, CarrolltonCarroll E.M.C., CarrolltonCat Creek Cattle Co., ValdostaChapman Fence Company, JeffersonChattooga Farm Bureau, SummervilleChristian, Kelly, Thigpen & Co. LLC,

DublinCitizens Bank, DublinClarke County Farm Bureau, Athens Colony Bank-Fitzgerald, FitzgeraldColony Bank Wilcox, RochelleCommunity Bank & Trust, ClarkesvilleCommunity Bank of Dublin, DublinCountry Pride Market, LLC, MilanC R Benson Farm LLC, Dry BranchDanny E. Davis State Farm, DublinDosters Farm Supply, RochelleDublin Eye Associates, DublinDublin Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation

Assoc., DublinEastonollee Livestock Market, EastonolleeEdward Jones, CarrolltonElbert County Farm Bureau, ElbertonFamily Focus, DublinFarm and Garden Inc., Cornelia

Farmers State Bank, DublinFirst State Bank of Randolph Co., CuthbertFlint EMC,, DahlonegaForsyth County Farm Bureau, CummingFort Creek Farm, SpartaGreene County Extension Office, GreensboroGreg’s Meat Processing, ComerGriffins Warehouse, McRaeHabersham Co. Farm Bureau, ClarkesvilleHabersham EMC, ClarkesvilleHaralson County Farm Bureau, BuchananHarris County Farm Bureau, HamiltonHart Co. Farm Bureau, HartwellHartford Livestock Insurance, WatkinsvilleHelena Chemical-Wrightsville, WrightsvilleHenry County Farm Bureau, McDonoughHolly Hill Farm, RobertaDavid Hilliard, CPA, McRaeHolland Fertilizer Company, CedartownIvey’s Outdoor and Farm, AlbanyJ&B Tractor Company, WaynesboroJames Short Tractors & Equipment of Alto, AltoJames Short Tractors & Equipment, Inc.,

CarnesvilleKnoxville Store, KnoxvilleLand South Group, Lakeland, FLLaurens County Farm Bureau, DublinLBL Farms, ChesterLumber City Meat Company, Lumber CityMacon Co. Veterinary Hospital, MontezumaMadison County Chamber of Commerce,

DanielsvilleMadison County Farm Bureau, DanielsvilleMedical Park Pharmacy, DublinMeriwether County Farm Bureau,GreenvilleMontrose Auction, Inc., MontroseMorris Bank, DublinNortheast Georgia Livestock, AthensOconee County Farm Bureau,

WatkinsvilleOconee State Bank, WatkinsvilleOconee Well Driller, WatkinsvilleOrr Insurance, DublinOsceola Cotton Co., LLC, OcillaOwens Farm Supply, ToccoaPalmetto Creek Farm, HamiltonPaulding County Farm Bureau, DallasPickens County Farm Bureau, JasperPiggly Wiggly, McRae

P H White Company, Dyersburg, TNPublic Service Communications Inc.,

ReynoldsRalph Jackson, P.C., DublinR. C. Tire, DublinReedy Creek Farms, MetterRhinehart Equipment Company, RomeRoberta Drugs, RobertaRoberta Piggly Wiggly, RobertaRollin-S-Trailers, MartinR.W. Griffin Feed, DouglasR.W. Griffin Industries, NashvilleSecurity State Bank, McRaeSheppard Farms, DanvilleSmith Agricultural Insurance Services,

LLC, FitzgeraldSmith’s Pharmacy, McRaeSouthern Bank & Trust, ClarkesvilleSouthern States, CarrolltonSouthern States, WoodstockSumner & Avery, LLC., DublinSunSouth, CarrolltonSwainsboro Stockyard, SwainsboroThe Four County Bank, AllentownThompson Appraisals, SopertonTroup County Farm Bureau, LaGrangeTurner’s Wings, ReynoldsTwin Lakes Farm, HullUnion County Farm Bureau, BlairsvilleUnited Bank, BarnesvilleUnited Community Bank, BlairsvilleUnited Community Bank, ClevelandUnited Community Bank, CorneliaUpson County Farm Bureau, ThomastonViridiun LLC, CummingWalker County Farm Bureau, LafayetteWallace Farm & Pet Supply,

Bowdon JunctionWards Service Center, Inc., DexterWarnock & Mackey LLC, DublinWatson’s Towing, DublinWayne Chandler Plumbing & Well, DanielsvilleWhite County Farmers Exchange,

ClevelandWhitfield County Farm Bureau, DaltonWilcox Co. Farm Bureau, RochelleWilkes County Stockyard, Wash.Woodmen of the World, DublinY-Tex Corporation, St. Augustine, FL

T-Bone Members ($300-$599)

Atlantic & Southern Equipment, LLC, Tifton

Franklin County Livestock, Carnesville

Georgia DevelopmentAuthority, Monroe

Georgia Metals Inc., DanielsvilleManor Cattle Company, ManorStephens County Farm Bureau, Eastanollee

Ribeye Members ($150-$299)Aden’s Minit Market, DouglasAmicalola EMC, JasperC & B Processing, MilledgevilleCabinet Depot Inc., KnoxvilleCarden and Associates,

Winter Haven, FLFarmers Seed Co., Inc., DoerunFirst Madison Bank & Trust,

DanielsvilleFlint River Mills, BainbridgeFranklin County Farm Bureau,


Gerald A. Bowie, Auctioneer, West Point

Jackson EMC, GainesvilleJackson EMC, HullLumber City Supplements,

Lumber CityMid State Meat, LLC,

SandersvilleMoseley Cattle Auction LLC,

BlakelyNationwide Insurance, WinstonParks Livestock Fencing & Barns,


Pasture Management Systems, Mount Pleasant, NC

Peoples Community National Bank, Bremen

Ridley Block Operations,Montgomery, ALSunbelt Ag. Expo, MoultrieUnited Community Bank, CarrolltonWaters Agricultural Labs, Inc.,

CamillaZeeland Farm Services Inc., DeSoto

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G E O R G I A C AT T L E M A N • February 2014 31

miKe croWDer733 Shoal Creek RoadGriffin, GA 30223Ph: 770-227-6801 • Cell: 770-605-9376

Will GodownsCattle Manager

Phone: 770-624-4223

Established 1963

angus •

DANFOWIN FarmBalanced Performance


Edwin FosheeP.O. Box 331Barnesville, GA 30204(770) 358-2062


8881 Hwy. 109 WestMolena, Georgia 30258

770-567-3909Email: [email protected]

John & Marcia Callaway2280 Coweta-Heard RoadHogansville, GA 30230

Home: 770-583-5688John’s Cell: 770-355-2165

Marcia’s Cell: 770-355-2166

Kurt Childers11337 Moultrie Hwy.Barney, GA 31625

229/561-3466 (mobile)229/775-2287 (home)[email protected]


Moultrie, GA 31776229-891-8629


Rodney Hilley Family

Georgia Simmental-Simbrah BreedersGeorgia siMMentAL siMBrAH Association

Billy Moss, secretary/treasurer Phone 706-654-6071

[email protected]  

Junior Advisordonna Priest

Phone [email protected]





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34 February 2014 • G E O R G I A C AT T L E M A N

purebred & FullbloodLimousin Club Calves


ROUTE 6 • MOULTRIE, GEORGIA 31768(229) 324-2245 324-2433 324-2796


(706) 742-2369931 Hargrove Lake RoadColbert, Georgia 30628

Nila Corrine Thiel Paul Thiel, HerdsmanOwner Steven Thiel, Herdsman

“Leaner cattle for today’s beef industry”


Josh & Erin White167 White DriveStockbridge, GA 30281(770) 474-4151

Using today’s top AIsires to produce

quality Red & BlackPolled Bulls & Heifers

Visitors always welcome!

Big D Farms, Inc.Limousin Cattle

Chemilizer MedicatorsDonnie Davis

971 Hwy 221 NE

Winder, GA 30680

Home 770-867-4781

Cell 770-868-6668


using all top AI siresLarry and Joyce Howard

1350 Old Chattanooga Valley Rd.Flintstone, GA 30725

706-931-2940 • cell 423-596-3819

Sayer & Sons

Farm“Your trusted source of quality Limousin for over 30 years”

Jimmie Sayer

12800 Bowens Mill Rd., Ambrose, GA 31512

912-359-3229 • cell 912-592-1904

Dexter and Nicholas Edwards209 Willard Edwards Road • Beulaville, North Carolina 28518

910/298-3013 • Fax: 910/298-6155 • Nicholas, mobile 910/290-1424email: [email protected] • Nicholas, email: [email protected]

CMC LimousinPowerful Limousin & Lim-Flex Bulls/Heifers for Sale

Jerry Bradley, manager678-201-2287

John Spivey, ownerMcDonough, Georgia

L & L Limousin FarmLarry & Linda Walker

Registered Limousin Cattle

266 Silver Dollar Road

Barnesville GA 30204


GeorGia liMoUSin aSSoCiation

Check us out on Facebook

for cattle for sale, news,calendar of events and more

PresiDent: skyler Davis971 Hwy. 211 N.E. Winder, GA 30680

[email protected]

Vice PresiDent: Keith Wyatt176 Shirley Road

Ranger, GA 30734678-575-9154

[email protected]/treas.: lillian youngblood

330 Youngblood RoadAshburn, GA 31714

229-567-4044229-567-1584 (cell)

Keith and Dixie Wyatt176 Shirley Road S.E., Ranger GA 30734


Wyatt limousin









State Show Premiums for February 2014• Grand Champion Limousin Heifer

$500 Savings Bond

• Reserve Champion Limousin Heifer

$250 Savings Bond

• Each Limousin Heifer Exhibited

$50 Cash

• Grand Champion Limousin Steer

$500 Savings Bond

• Reserve Champion Limousin Steer

$250 Savings Bond

• Each Limousin Steer Exhibitor

$50 Cash

If the Grand Champion heifer and steer is bred by a member of theGeorgia Limousin Association, an additional $250 savings bond will be

awarded to the exhibitor. Georgia Junior Limousin exhibitors and GeorgiaLimousin Association members are required to have 2014 annual dues paid

by January 1, 2014 for Junior exhibitors to be eligible for the premiumsoffered. Contact Lillian Youngblood for additional information.

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40 February 2014 • G E O R G I A C AT T L E M A N

UGA Animal &Dairy ScienceThe Rhodes Center

University of Georgia425 River Road

Athens, GA 30602

ronnie silcoX706-542-9102

Beef Unit Coordinator (Athens)

miKe mathis706-614-2864, 706-485-6015Senior Farm Manager (Athens)

Karl halbig229-445-0424

Beef Unit Manager (CPES Alapaha)

Lunch at 11 a.m.

Sale Site Phone:706-613-0971

Learn more about the

sale offering at


PO BOX 500TY TY, GA 31795-0500

229/776-4383 • CELL 229/881-0721Email: [email protected]


come seeus at booth

#175 atncba.

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42 February 2014 • G E O R G I A C AT T L E M A N

Cattle Enterprises1230 Reeves Rd., Midville, Ga. 30441-9998

Tommy Mead(706) 554-6107 • Fax: (706) 544-0662

301 Dennis Station Rd., SWEatonton, Georgia 31024

(706) 484-1799cell phone: 706-473-1374

thiS ad CoUld Be YoUrS!

CALL RAY HICKS912-865-5593

WhaleY Polled hereFordSA Program to Watch

A Name to RememberOwners: Truman and Starr Whaley

2634 River Bend RoadDalton, GA 30720

Res. (706) 277-3240; Office (706) 277-3993“Home of Great Victors”


1095 Charles Smith Rd.Wadley, GA 30477

CSR Polled HerefordFarm

Steve RobertsRt. 1, Box 4260

Alapaha, Ga. 31622Phone: 229-532-7963

Herd Certified and Accredited.

Whitey & Candler HuntP.O. Box 488, 255 W. Jefferson St.

Madison, GA 30650706/342-0264 (off.) 706/342-2767 (home)

PlantationSam and Pat Zemurray477 Honey Ridge Road

Guyton, GA 31312-9661Office: 912/772-3118 Night: 912/234-7430

Charles Smith - (478) 494-7567Kyle Gillooly - (478) 494-9593

leonard PolledhereFordSSherman LeonardP.O. Box 280 706/695-8351 dayChatsworth, GA 30705 706/695-2008 night

private treaty cattle for sale at all times.

Herd Certified & Accredited

DOUBlE FARMBBRegistered Polled Herefords

Bobby Brantley H: 478-552-93281750 Wommack-Brantley Road Tennille, Georgia 31089

Cows & Bulls

For Sale at

Private Treaty

1651 Deep South Farm Rd.Blairsville, GA 30512

line breeding neil trask Plato Dominos for over 45 years. thick muscled. grass Performers.

complete Program. full records.

Phone and fax: [email protected]


660 Seaburn Vickery Road, Statesboro, GA 30461 • 912-865-5593

[email protected]

C: 478-553-8598

Quality Polled HerefordsAt Affordable Prices

525 District line roadamericus, ga 31709

(229) 924-0091

cell (229) 337-0038 or (229) 886-7465





Pat Neligan437 Milledgeville Road,

Eatonton, GA 31024706-485-8373

Bob Neligan485 Milledgeville Road, Eatonton, GA 31024706-485-9577 • 706-318-0068 cell

Hereford -

The MaternalBreed

Since 1960

Johnson Polled HerefordsRegistered Polled Herefords

Thomas R. Johnson, Owner


Home of “The Ugly Bull”PO Box 254 • Watkinsville GA 30677

Hunter Grayson (706) 206-1824

1968 Burton’s Ferry Hwy.Sylvania, GA 30467


912-690-0214 cell

Greenview Farms, Inc. Winton C. & Emily C. Harris & Family

Jonny and Teri Harris

(921) 586-6585

Cell (912) 294-2470

Performance & Quality from Grazing Since 1942

Square & Round:

Bermuda Grass Hay,

and Quality Polled

Hereford & Braford Cattle

“Breeding Hereford cattle since 1959”

• l in e 1 ca t t l e f or s a l e •

7731 Bastonville Road Warrenton, Georgia 30828

Home: 706-465-2421 • Cell: 706-339-4607

1359 County Line Road, Cumming, Georgia 30040770-886-6849 / Cell: 404-376-6414

Email: [email protected] •

Performing on

our forage.

Georgia Hereford AssociationB






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y R



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54 February 2014 • G E O R G I A C AT T L E M A N

Windell & Lawanda Gillis (478) 374-48682891 Hawkinsville Hwy. Eastman, GA 31023

Cell 478-231-8236

• Accredited• Certified

• No Creep• Est. 1979


AHIR HerdEstablished 1982

Source of Great Females

6585 Jett Rd., Dawsonville, GA 30534


See our menu for success

Jay Tinter, owner Billy Kidd, Manager404-316-4969 Terrell Higgins, [email protected]

Clint, Kim, Will & Samuel SmithP.O. Box 820

Wadley, GA 30477(478) 252-0292

Clint’s Cell: (706) 551-2878

Smitty, SuzAnne, Tatum &Beau Brinson Lamb

(229) 386-0491Smitty’s Cell:

(229) 392-1409

Mature Cow Herd Dispersal, May 5, 2012

Custom Built Since 1982Home of Hillside Juniatti ND 598 (Third Generation Pathfinder® Cow)

Hillside Georgina ND 6475 (Second Generation Pathfinder® Cow)

Hillside Dividend 47 (Second Generation Pathfinder® Cow)

For more information on GAA activities, contact:Christy Page

2681 Gum Springs Church Rd.Jefferson, GA 30549

[email protected] •

Dues - $50 per year

For more information on GJAA activities, contact:

Chris and Julie Throne, [email protected]

Doug and Tammy Williams, Advisors [email protected]

Jr. Dues - $10 per year

Turnpike Creek FarmsReg. Blk. Angus & Blk. Simmental

Certified & Accredited Herd #152

David T. 

Williams & Sons

1555 Workmore-Milan Rd.

Milan, GA 31060

David (229) 362-4716

Doug (229) 860-0320

Derek (229) 315-0986






2509 Old Perry RoadMarshallville, Georgia 31057

478-396-5832 • [email protected]


Specializes in raising bulls on forage.

Marion Barnett, Jr. 1685 Lexington RoadWashington, GA 30673

Cell: 706-202-8435Wilkes Barnett cell:


Purebred Angus CattleHarvey LemmonWoodbury, GA

[email protected]





HigHway 341 SoutH

CHiCkamauga, ga 30707

Larry & Virginia rigSby


pHone: 423.595.0539 • emaiL: [email protected]

1095 Charles Smith Rd.Wadley, GA 30477

www.smithangusfarm.comCharles E. Smith

(478) 494-7567Kyle Gillooly

(478) 494-9593

Good Luck

Junior LivestockExhibitors during

the GeorgiaNational

Junior LivestockShow

M a r k Yo u rC a l e n d a r

Georgia Beef Expo

Southeast Angus Sale

Friday, April 4, 2014

Georgia National


Perry, GA*Seeking nominations for Angus consignments.

Contact the GAA for more information.





Page 57: Georgia Cattleman February 2014

G E O R G I A C AT T L E M A N • February 2014 55

Cloud Brothers Angus


Clark and Wally

155 Stover Drive • Canton, GA 30115

Herd Certified & Accredited AHIR

770/479-5947 (Wally)


Idone Angus FarmDot Idone

469 Pioneer Road

Macon, GA 31217


www.idoneangus.comHerd Certified & AccreditedAHIR

1651 Deep South Farm Rd.Blairsville, GA 30512

line breeding with graham angus genetics.

following graham’s Program begun over 45 years ago.

best of stock. complete records.

Phone and fax706-745-5714


Cattle that Work

154 McKaig Loop • Rising Fawn, GA 30738

[email protected]

Ted Dyer(423) 605-1034

Jeremy Dyer(423) 605-2431

WaSdin anGUS ranCh485 Davis Rd. Norman Park, GA 31771

Owner: Ed & Dot Wasdin

Ranch: 229-769-3964 Cell: 229-873-1230

“Where Quality & CustomersCome First in Cattle & Hay”

Georgia Angus Breeders

Owners: 229 Cook RoadArnold & Susan Brown Griffin, Ga. 30224

(770) 228-5914

Registered Angus

Mickey & Patricia PoeOWNERS


Jason JohnsMANAGER


C.L. & Joyce Cook1185 highway 11 southsocial circle, ga 30025

(770) 787-1644C.L.’s Cell (678) 910-4891

Clay Bussell, manager, 478-357-6113

The CABE FamilyCarnesville, GA 30521706-384-7119 home706-988-0018 [email protected]

Davis FarmsThe Bart Davis Family

Bart: 229-881-2110

Trey: 229-881-3510 (Primary Contact)

7861 Thigpen Trail • Doerun, GA 31744






Andy Page: 770-307-7511 Phil Page: 770-616-6232Winder, GA 30680

Jeff [email protected]

1851 Syrup Mill CrossingGreensboro GA 30642

Phone 404-421-0686

2020 Mt. Moriah • Dallas, GA

All Natural Beef

Breeding good mama cows...


at atime

Tim & Tandy West • 256-927-2025/678-986-2510846 County Road 26, Centre, Al 35960

Harris Livestock, LLcterry Harris

[email protected]

1689 Watkins RoadBoston, GA 31626

David horton912-663-8085

[email protected]

farm Address

722 herndon rd

Midville, Ga 30441

15271 County Rd. 49 • P.O. Box 1260 •Vernon, AL 35592


Black Angus & Sim-Angus

Bull Sale

3rd Saturday in November

Female Sale

1st Saturday in May


Page 58: Georgia Cattleman February 2014

56 February 2014 • G E O R G I A C AT T L E M A N

Third Annual

Upstate South Carolina Replacement Female Sale

Saturday, March 8, 2014 • 12:30 pm • Upstate Livestock Exchange, Williamston, SC

View Pictures

Darren Carter, Sale Manager/[email protected] • 864-980-5695

Carter Auction Co., 1410 Carter Rd., Ninety Six, SC 29666

David T. Williams & Sons - 1555 Workmore Milan Rd - Milan,Ga 31060For more information & a Catalog call Derek Williams ( 229-315-0986 ) or Doug Williams (229-860-0320) email [email protected]

Certified & Accredited herd established in 1980.Visitors & Jr Livestock teams are always welcome. Friend us on Facebook!

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Bulls for sale out of proven sires and our superior donors

O C C Juneau 807J S A V Final Answer 0035

O C C Missing Link 830M Black Grove Time 519

DH D Traveler 6807 Emulation N Bar 5522

15 to 24 month old bulls for sale private treaty

These Bulls will: Sire Low Birth Weight Calves

Add Depth and Extra Muscle

Produce Efficient Replacements

Lower Input Costs & Increase Profits

Be Fertility Tested, Volume Discounts Available

Buy Proven Low Input Genetic Bulls

Not high maintenance bulls that melt when turned out

Walter D. Shealy20977 US Hwy 76

Newberry, SC 29108Dixon Shealy (803) 629-1174

Fax (803) 276-2358Email: [email protected]

At Black Grove, we breed and raise them the way we like to buy them.

calving ease, heavily muscled, easy fleshing,

low input, Docile, longevity,Pasture hard & ready

Celebrating 50 Years ofBreeding Registered Angus

Satisfaction guaranteed!

60 February 2014 • G E O R G I A C AT T L E M A N

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Page 64: Georgia Cattleman February 2014

The bugs that often are associated with calf scoursinclude viruses, bacteria and protozoa parasites. The virus-es include corona virus and rotavirus as well as bovine viraldiarrhea virus (BVD); the bacteria most commonly foundin calves with scours is E. Coli but rarely Salmonella can befound especially in dairy calves bought for beef; and some-times protozoa like Cryptosporidium and coccidia will alsocause scours in calves three weeks and older. The chartshows when the different pathogens affect calves. E colimost commonly affects young calves while Rota/coronatypically affects calves after two weeks of age. However,calves can also develop scours from extremely rich feed ormilk as well as dramatic changes to their diet. Often thesecases are short-lived and a healthy calf is back to normalquickly but in some cases if it occurs at the same time as asevere change in weather it can cause calves to get sick.

Most veterinarians believe calf scours is more of amanagement issue than an actual pathogen issue. Healthycalves born in a well-managed environment rarely getscours. Like other calfhood diseases scours often developsin calves with suppressed immunity, exposed to increaselevels of pathogens (bugs that cause disease) and poor envi-ronmental conditions. Many times calves from heifers aremore likely to get scours. This may be due to the lower

quality colostrum produced by the heifer or from calvingdifficulty. Calves born after a difficult birth often do notnurse as quickly as they should after birth. Colostrum isimportant because it is thecalf’s first immunity andcalves that do not nurse with-in the first six to eight hoursafter birth have lower immu-nity than those that get upand nurse quickly. Calvesborn to thin cows are alsomore likely to get scoursprobably due to the lowerquality colostrum producedby thin cows. These calves areoften born with less body fat,too, which makes them more susceptible to chill thancalves born to cows in good body condition. It is a goodpractice to calve heifers earlier and separate from the cowherd. This improves the health of their calves in two ways:it reduces exposure to scours causing bugs in the cowherdand helps provide close supervision to help with calving.

Environmental stress and contamination also con-tributes to the incidence of calf scours. Environmentalstress reduces the calf’s ability to fight off infections. Beingborn in a contaminated environment increases the amountof virus and bacteria the calves have to fight and increasesthe likelihood the bugs will win. Many farmers have fewproblems the first few weeks of calving but start seeinglater born calves develop scours. This is because the earli-er born calves did not encounter the same level ofpathogens from the environment but they also reproducedmore pathogens and contaminated the environment forlater born calves. One strategy to improve calf health is tomove dry cows onto fresh calving pasture.

When deciding how to treat calves with scours wehave to consider: consistency of the scours, attitude and

Calf scours or diarrhea in beef herds is a very common and often preventable problem. It isreally a syndrome because it has many contributing factors though most farmers think that themain cause is a virus or bacteria. After dystocia or calving difficulty, it is the most common causeof calf death loss during the first 30 days after birth. Calves that experience scours often weigh lessat weaning than those that don’t and calves that have had scours are more likely to get sick fromother diseases like pneumonia than calves that never had scours. Scours is a significant economicloss to the cattle industry due to the cost of treatment of sick calves, reduced production of calvesthat recover and the death loss associated with the disease.

62 February 2014 • G E O R G I A C AT T L E M A N

Most veterinariansbelieve calf scours ismore of a manage-ment issue than an

actual pathogen issue.Healthy calves bornin a well-managedenvironment rarely

get scours.


by Lee Jones, MS, DVM

the degree of eyeball recession into the orbit

provides an indicator of severity of dehydration.

Page 65: Georgia Cattleman February 2014

G E O R G I A C AT T L E M A N • February 2014 63

appetite of the calf, hydration andbody temperature. If the calf is onlyslightly loose and still nursing finethen closely watching them forchanges is best. If the calf has severesquirts, is slightly depressed (laysaround and droopy ears) then heprobably needs fluids. Calves will rap-idly lose body fluids due to scours andbecome dehydrated. This requiresrapid fluid replacement therapy.Owners can check the hydration sta-tus by pinching the skin or looking atthe eye socket. If the calf’s eyes areslightly recessed he is dehydrated.Calves with severe scours requiretreatment or they will often die.Calves actually die from the dehydra-tion caused by the loss of fluids fromthe diarrhea which results in a condi-tion called hypovolemic shock.Calves can also go into a comabecause the dehydration and reducedfeed intake increases their blood acidlevel– this is called metabolic acidosis.Calves that experience acidosis usual-ly have a severely depressed attitudeand are not interested in sucking ordrinking from a bottle. These calvesrequire intravenous fluid therapy andbuffer to correct the blood pH. I haveIV’ed many calves in the past and it isamazing how quickly many of thesecalves bounce back following propertreatment. I have had more successwith IV fluids than antibiotics.Antibiotics do not work very well incalves that are dehydrated becausethere blood flow is compromised.

We sometimes think bugs anddrugs when it comes to scours.However, that is a less effectiveapproach than controlling the calvingarea and making sure all cows calve ingood body condition. Some scouringcalves, though, may need antibioticsbut in my experience most willimprove without. Calves with a fever(greater than 104F) probably will ben-efit from antibiotics. The quinoloneclass of antibiotics is not approved totreat scours and FDA strictly pro-hibits the use of these drugs for anyother disease other than respiratorydisease due to the concern that use forGI disease might contribute to antibi-otic resistance in bacteria that infecthumans. Fortunately, there are othervery effective, less expensive choices.

Contact your veterinarian for recom-mendations on using antibiotics.

It is a lot easier and less expensiveto feed cows than treat calves. Closesupervision and timely calving assis-tance and calving area maintenancewill get the calves off to a good startand minimize money and effort treat-ing calves. Scours vaccines can be usedin the cow herd to help protect calves.

Vaccinating the cows helps build pro-tective antibodies that are passed onto the calf through the colostrum.Calves that get the enhancedcolostrum are more protected whenthey are exposed to the pathogens.Protecting the calves and reducingexposure are the most effective way toprevent scours.


Scours: 1) Loose but somewhat formed (mild)2) Watery (severe)

Demeanor: 1) Bright, alert and responsive with good suckle2) Depressed, lethargic or slow, and weak suckle3) Down with weak or won’t suckle4) Down and can’t suckle

Appetite: 1) Strong, aggressive2) Weak or may not finish feeding3) Won’t or disinterested (both feedings)4) Can’t

Hydration: 1) Skin tint returns in less than 2 sec, eye normal (mild)

2) Skin tint lasts <4 sec; eye recessed 2-4mm(moderate)

3) Skin tint lasts >4 sec; eye recessed >4mm(severe)

Body temp: less than 102°F (no antibiotics)>102.5°F (infection probable requires antibiotics)

Treatment depends on cumulative score (total numbers fromeach category)

A. Score 4-6:If calf will nurse, feed oral electrolytes (2 quarts) twice per dayat least 2 hr after feeding milk. Electrolytes should not be givenwith milk or within 2 hr of feeding milk because it can interferewith milk digestion. If calf will drink milk but not electrolytes, calfshould be tubed with 2qt electrolytes (2x per day). If calf willnot nurse but is otherwise alert and the abdomen is not dis-tended, tube-feed milk and electrolytes (but not at the sametime) at appropriate intervals as described above.

B. Score 7 or higher: Calves with severe dehydration require IV fluids, dextroseand buffers to correct acidosis.


Page 66: Georgia Cattleman February 2014

64 February 2014 • G E O R G I A C AT T L E M A N

Registered Red AngusSince 1965

ANGEL FARMS2445 Gadsden Road S.W.Cave Spring, GA 30124

R.L. (Bob) Angel • (706) 777-3968

Jim & Alvina Meeks, owners Raymond Prescott, mgr.

803 Phillips Road 1986 Trinity Church Rd.

Greer, SC 29650 Gray Court, SC 29645

(864) 682-3900 (864) 682-2828

[email protected]


Mike and Debbie Smith2699 West Grantville Rd.

Newnan, Ga. 30263OFFICE 770-253-7099

FAX 770-253-1468

JanBil FarmsRed Angus & Red Simmental

Red Coat 099TSSemen Available

Janet & Bill Nutt 1418 Sixth Street Road,Cedartown, GA 30125

770-748-6424 • [email protected]





McLean Red AngusJim and Alynda McLean206 Morningside Drive

Alma, GA 31510(912) 632-7985, (770) 595-3542

[email protected] Red Angus since 1970

Georgia Red Angus Breeders


Page 67: Georgia Cattleman February 2014

G E O R G I A C AT T L E M A N • February 2014 65


Sponsored by Saluda County Cattlemen’s Association

Saturday - Feb. 22, 2014 - 12:30 p.m. Saluda Livestock Market - Saluda, SC

Lunch provided by Saluda 4-H

For Information Contact:

Saluda County Cattlemen’s Association

Travis Mitchell, Area Livestock and Forages Agent

201 East Church Street, Saluda, SC 29138-1403

(864) 445-8117, extension 113 (office) • (803) 609-2828 (cell)

(864) 445-8119 (fax) • email: [email protected]


Consigned by 12 leading beef cattle farms:

henry & Wayne black

black crest farm

clinton & Vanoy clark

cecil eaddy

Don & marty havird

terry Kirkland & ryan mayo

Woody Padget

riley farms

bruce rushton

Virgil Wall

yon family farms

Joe & Kay yonce

200 Open and Bred Heifers Sellingè Sired by Angus, Simmental, SimAngus,

Gelbvieh, Balancer & Polled Hereford bulls

è Performance Tested

è Offering both open heifers and fall calvingbred heifers

è Calfhood vaccinated and on excellent herdhealth program

è All heifers are BVD-PI tested

è Sold in uniform groups of 2 to 5 head

è Officially screened and sorted by ClemsonUniversity Extension ServiceRepresentatives


Georgia Santa Gertrudis

3175 Bridgeshaw DriveCumming, GA 30040Phone: 678.852.7301

Email: [email protected]

adaMS ranChRegistered Red Brahman Cattle

Quality, gentle bulls andheifers for sale. Also haveSimmental and Simbrah.

3837 Stateline Road Cliff AdamsBowdon, Georgia 30108 770-258-2069


Po boX 703 • san antonio, fl [email protected]

(407) 908-9866

(352) 585-1732





Senepol CattleHeat tolerant • Red & Black • Easy Calving

Milk • Great Crosses • Good Udders • GentleDisease Resistance • Polled • No Brahman

George Fiveash 229-563-5380 — South GABobby Griffin 478-230-0422 — Middle GARoy Lee Strickland 770-459-5997 — North GA

come see our senePol!

�� ��

Georgia SenepolBreeders

Page 68: Georgia Cattleman February 2014

66 February 2014 • G E O R G I A C AT T L E M A N


Local sale reportscommercial sale rePorts

moseley cattle auctionJanuary 7th, 2014

Lot 1: 665 lb. heifers avg $156.90Lot 2: 710 lb. heifers avg $153.83Lot 3: 740 lb. heifers avg $151.00Lot 4: 765 lb. heifers avg $147.00Lot 5: 820 lb. steers avg. $158.20Lot 6: 815 lb. steers avg. $158.10Lot 7: 835 lb. steers avg. $155.00

January 14th, 2014Lot 1: 675 lb. steers avg. $165.10Lot 2: 725 lb. steers avg. $160.40Lot 3: 785 lb. steers avg. $162.60Lot 4: 690 lb. steers avg. $159.00Lot 5: 665 lb. heifers avg. $151.00Lot 6: 600 lb. heifers avg. $159.80Lot 7: 650 lb. steers avg. $170.00Lot 8: 690 lb. steers avg. $167.30Lot 9: 700 lb. steers avg. $167.50Lot 10: 660 lb. heifers avg. $157.50

Lot 11: 710 lb. heifers avg. $153.75Lot 12: 760 lb. steers avg. $163.10Lot 13: 665 lb. steers avg. $115.90Lot 14: 725 lb. heifers avg. $152.75Lot 15: 750 lb. heifers avg. $152.40Lot 16: 635 lb. steers avg. $165.30

southeast livestock exchangeJanuary 7th, 2014

Lot 1: 685 lb. steers avg. $168.00Lot 2: 740 lb. steers avg. $159.00

r e a D e r S e r V i C e S

Page 69: Georgia Cattleman February 2014

G E O R G I A C AT T L E M A N • February 2014 67

Lot 3: 670 lb. heifers avg $155.00Lot 4: 750 lb. steers avg $162.25Lot 5: 710 lb. heifers avg $155.25Lot 6: 720 lb. heifers avg $156.90Lot 7: 725 lb. heifers avg $154.00Lot 8: 775 lb. steers avg $159.75Lot 9: 840 lb. steers avg $158.70Lot 10: 840 lb. steers avg $158.00Lot 11: 850 lb. steers avg $158.00Lot 12: 875 lb. steers avg $157.50Lot 13: 750 lb. heifers avg $153.50

southern excellence bullDevelopment sale 2013

Sim Angus Bulls 37 Lots avg. $3,881.00PB Sim Bulls 25 Lots avg. $3,288.00 62 Lots of Bulls avg. $3,642.0036 Female Lots avg. $1,500.00High-Selling Lots $8,000.00– Sim Angus Bull, RLWF PREMIUMPLUS FOCUS, by GW PREMIUM BEEF

southeast angus classic bull saleJanuary 11, 2014

Angus Bulls 69 lots avg. $3,215.00Total Sales $221,850.00High Selling LotsLot 23 AAF Mustang 337 $5,250.00

Lot 11 B A R CC7 218 $5,000.00Lot 27 AAF Incentive 334 $5,000.00

bricton farms bull saleJanuary 4th, 2014

74 total registered bulls avg. $3,148.00 Total sales $233,000.00High Selling LotsLot 1 Bricton Prophet 2722 $6,200.00Lot 2 Bricton Censensus 2708 $6,000.00Lot 45 Bricton Consensus 2503 $5,800.00Lot 30 Bricton Complete 2153 $5,000.00

genetic excellence angus bull saleJanuary 4th, 2014

90 total registered bulls avg. $3,276.00Total Sales $294,850.00High Selling LotsLot 12 JBS 587 Thunder 245 $9,200.00Lot 28 KNB Thunder 215 of 522 $5,500.00Lot 56 Thornbirds HooverDam 2611


Lot 7 DrD Dam Quake 706 $5,000.00Lot 30 KNB/JBS Bandwagon217of945


the cattleman's Kindblackwater cattle company

november 9th, 20131 Semen Package (100 Straws)

avg. $15,000.0015 Donor Quality Females

avg. $13,800.0079 Spring Yearling Bulls

avg. $ 6,994.00113 Fall Yearling Bulls avg. $ 5,719.00208 Total Lots avg. $ 6,831.00Total sales $1,420,750.00High Selling LotsHigh Selling Bull:

BWCC Cruise 889Z28 $65,000.00High Selling Female:

BWCC Ms Nuff Said 10X $29,000.00

r e a D e r S e r V i C e S

THE BEEF CHECKOFFTHE BEEF CHECKOFFIt’s the law - no one is exempt!

DID YOU KNOW?• Every time you sell a bovine animal, regardless of age, sex, breed,

purpose or number, a dollar-per-head is due.

• The dollar is to be collected by the buyer from the seller, although

both parties are responsible.

• The checkoff is designed so that everyone pays their fair share.

HOW ARE CHECKOFF DOLLARS BEING USED?• Beef and veal television, radio and print advertising.

• Food safety, health and nutritional research.

• Product technology and development.

• Educating consumers and children about beef’s role in a healthy diet.

• Refuting issues that could negatively impact the industry.

WHO pAYS?• When cattle are sold, the buyer of the cattle must withhold $1 per head

from the seller’s purchase price. Failure to do so is a violation of the

law and may be subject to a $5,500 penalty.

HOW DO YOU pAY?• Complete a remittance form and send it with your

check to the Georgia Beef Board, PO Box 116797,

Atlanta, GA 30368-6797. For more forms, call the

Georgia Beef Board at 877-444-BEEF.

Beef Promotion & Research Program

Private Treaty Sales

Checkoff Investment Form




City, State, Zip:

Seller’s signature:

Total # Sold: X $1 per head = $

Dale of Sale:

State of Origin:



City, State, Zip:

Buyer’s Signature:

Person remitting assessment:

attention ProdUCerS: Follow these quick steps online to get current data right now from the

Livestock Market News Service: go to /8 clicK “Local Market Reports” under the Resources Pages tab.

8 clicK “Georgia,” then 8 clicK on your Auction Market of choice.

Page 70: Georgia Cattleman February 2014

68 February 2014 • G E O R G I A C AT T L E M A N

MiKe JoneS


19120 GA Hwy 219West Point, GA 31833

Ph. [email protected]

SoutheasternSemen Services, Inc.

• Semen Collection • Semen Storage

• Semen Shipping • Semen Sales

• Storage Tanks • Custom BreedingScott Randell

16878 45th Rd. • Wellborn, Fl 32094

386-963-5916 • Email [email protected]

Conveniently Located For Accessibility To All Southern States

Randy Daniel348 Daniel RoadColbert, GA 30628706/788-2533

daniel livestockService

Distributors for:Pearson ChutesRiverode Galvanized Equip.Paul ScalesStoll TrailersBarrett Trailers


CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTSfor more information or to advertise, call 478-474-6560

Embryo Transfer Ultrasounding for Early PregnancySynchronization & Breeding ProgramsFetal Sexing

Jim [email protected]

Perry Smith540-815-7847

[email protected]

Fertility testing BullsA-I training

Carroll t. CannonAuctioneerP.O. Box 500

Ty Ty, GA 31795-0500229/776-4383

Cell: 229/[email protected]

HIGHVIEW FARMSbreeding cattle since 1973 • Williamson, ga

Hereford, Angus and Baldies

For Sale Private TreatyCall Harold Leo Corley at

770-567-3942 or 678-333-3509

r e a D e r S e r V i C e S

Hoof Trimming • Photography • Sale Consulting • Clipping • Livestock Hauling • UltrasoundBill & Stephanie Martin & Family / PO Box 683, Jefferson GA 30549 / 706-367-8349 • 706-654-8883


CLEMENTS’ LIVESTOCK SERVICES, INC.Embryo Transfer (In house or on farm)

Mobile labFetal Sexing

(Via Ultrasound)19 years experience

Pregnancy Detection(Via Ultrasound)

(200,000+ Head Checked)

Greg Clements1800 Hog Mountain Rd.Statham, Ga. 30666

Office: 770-725-0348Cell: 706-202-7208

Home: 770-725-2611


Visit GCA at



TRIPlE E POUlTRyEstablished 1976

Delivered In Bulk 25 Ton Loads.243 TAlKING ROCK DR. N

BOB EDWARDS JASPER, GA 30143(706) 692-5149 CEll: (404) 408-3709

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Please contact me for additional information on these upcoming sales:

• Wilkes county front Pasture sale

• yon family farms spring bull sale

• upstate south carolina replacement female sale


Sale Manager1410 Carter Rd.

Ninety Six, SC29666

(864) 980-5695

[email protected]






barry c. robinson, general barn manager

MOBILE: 256-453-6123 • OFFICE: 706-647-6895 or 770-834-6608

2626 Yatesville Hwy., Thomaston, GA 30286EMAIL: [email protected]

When you use these advertisers’services or buy their products,

tell them you saw their ad in theGeorgia Cattleman!



BARRY C. ROBINSONGeneral Barn Manager

MOBILE: 256-453-6123

OFFICE: 770-834-6608

FAX: 770-834-5595


PO BOX 279


This space could be advertising

your product or service.

Call Bailey for advertising rates

and details.


Page 71: Georgia Cattleman February 2014

G E O R G I A C AT T L E M A N • February 2014 69

GENERAL8Pull soil samples on Bermuda

and bahia pastures and hay fieldsto plan spring fertilization andliming.

8Check with your county agentabout pasture weed control. Thisis the best time to spray for muskthistle control.

8Check mineral feeders and con-tinue to feed high magnesiummineral supplement to cows onwinter grazing or tall fescue.

8Fertilize tall fescue pasture andover-seeded grazing. Apply 60pounds N per acre in addition tosoil test recommendations.

8Do not graze winter annuals

closer than 4 inches. Overgrazingcan reduce total winterproduction.

SPRING CALVINGJanuary, February, March

8Check cows frequently duringcalving season.

8Tag calves at birth. Recordbirth dates, tag numbers andcow ID.

8Castrate, dehorn and implantcalves at birth.

8Make sure bulls are in goodcondition for breeding heifersnext month. Trim feet ,conduct breeding soundnessexams and provide additionalfeed if needed.

8A cow’s nutrient needs increaseby at least 50 percent after calv-ing. If possible, separate drycows, first calf heifers and cow-calf pairs to feed moreefficiently.

FALL CALVINGOctober, November, December8Vaccinate calves more than

three months old withclostridial vaccines (black-leg).Check with your localveterinarian about otherproblems in your area.

8Castrate and dehorn any calvesmissed at birth.

8Implant calves. Steers that wereimplanted at birth can be re-implanted. (Synovex-C andRalgro are approved for use inreplacement heifers. Follow labelinstructions.)

8Check on the condition of bullsduring breeding season. Provide

supplemental feed asneeded. 8Remove bullsfrom heifers after a45 to 60 daybreeding season.

Editor’s Note:This calendar con-tains a monthly list-ing of the commonmanagement prac-tices needed forcommercial beef

herd production in Georgia. Somepractices are recommended at acertain time of the year and othersare recommended when calves area certain age or at a certain point intheir reproductive cycle.

Each monthly list is divided intothree sections: general, spring calv-ing and fall calving. Managementpractices in the general categoryare seasonal and apply to most cat-tle producers in Georgia. Thespring calving list is based on Jan.10 - March 31 calving dates, andthe fall calving list is based on Oct.1 - Dec. 20 calving dates. Thesedates are not necessarily the bestdates for all producers but werechosen because they are reason-ably close to what many producersuse. Establish calving dates basedon your feed resources and avail-ability of labor. A cow’s energy andprotein requirements increasegreatly at calving and remain highthrough the breeding season. It isbest to plan breeding season forthe time of year when forage quali-ty is at its best. With good wintergrazing, fall calving is a goodoption. If cows are wintered on hay,spring pasture offers the best feedfor breeding season and springcalving is a better choice. If yourcalving season is different, adjustmanagement practices accordingly.

Revised by Ronnie Silcox andLawton Stewart, Extension AnimalScientists. Original manuscript byRonnie Silcox and Mark McCann,Extension Animal Scientists.

Office (229) 776-7588Fax (229)

361 Doerun RoadDoerun, GA [email protected]


r e a D e r S e r V i C e S

beef Management Calendar for the Month of february

Joey Roberts:

706-318-88483000 Deep Creek Rd.,

Bowman, GA 30624

[email protected]


eXPerienceD farm manager for leading edgeseed stock and commercial cattle/feeding operation.Full benefits including 4 bedroom, 3 bath house, paidholidays, vacation and health insurance package.Candidate must be computer capable and able to dophysical work. Must have seed stock (preferablyAngus) and feed yard background. Minimum 10years experience. Email resume to [email protected]. See website for full job description.

Page 72: Georgia Cattleman February 2014

TEL-O SALE 2014 CALENDAR • Tuesdays at 10 A.M.

P.O. BOX 908Canton, NC 28716

Phone: 828-646-0270Fax: [email protected]

SerViCeS oFFered:




oWners/oPeratorsJohn Queen480 Queen cove roadWaynesville, nc 28785828-421-3446

evans hooks79 highway 57 eastswainsboro, ga 30401770-316-9611

february 4march 4

(includes Mountain Cattle Alliance)

april 1may 6June 3

July 8 (includes the Southeast Georgia

Cattle Marketing Association)

august 5 (includes Mountain Cattle Alliance

and Southeast Georgia CattleMarketing Association)

september 2 (includes Mountain Cattle Alliance)

october 7november 4December 2

Mark these dates!

Frank Malcolm, CLU & Lin Malcolm

[email protected]


leGaCY PlanninG& inVeStMent SolUtionS



Wnc regional livestock center474 stock Drive

canton, nc 28716828-646-3700

Weekly sales each Monday at 12 p.m. Cattle received Sundays 1-7 p.m. and Mondays beginning at 7 a.m.


the secret ingredient to these kabobs is


70 February 2014 • G E O R G I A C AT T L E M A N

Page 73: Georgia Cattleman February 2014

r e a D e r S e r V i C e S


February 7, 2014Wilkes County Front Pasture Herd

Replacement SaleWashington, Ga.


February 8, 2014Tokeena Angus Bull & Female Sale

Seneca, S.C.864-972-3192

Black Crest Cow Herd Reduction & Bull Sale

Sumter, S.C.517-546-6374

February 12, 2014Northeast Georgia Beef Cattle

Short Course, UGALivestock Instructional Arena, Athens, Ga.

706-542-6627[See advertisement, 40]

February 13, 2014UGA 22nd Annual Focus on EPDs

Bull SaleAthens, Ga.

706-542-9102[See advertisement, 40]

February 15, 2014Yon Family Farms Performance Tested

Angus and SimAngus Bull SaleRidge Spring, S.C.

803-685-5048 [See advertisement, 57]

**New Sale Date**Turnpike Creek Farms Bull and Female

SaleMilan, Ga.

229-315-0986[See advertisement, 56]

February 21, 2014Beef Maker Bull and Female Sale

Debter Hereford Farm Sale Facility, Horton,Ala.


Februrary 22, 201422nd Annual Replacement Heifer Sale

Saluda, S.C.803-609-2828

[See advertisement, 65]

Pigeon Mountain SimmentalsRome, Ga.

770-547-1433[See advertisement, 32]

Spitzer Ranch Professional Cattlemen’sBrangus Bull & Commercial “Brangus Gold”

Female SaleFair Play, S.C.

864-972-9140 or

March 4, 2014Tifton Beef Cattle Short Course

Irwinville, Ga.912-386-3214 or 229-386-3683

[See advertisement, 45]

March 5, 2014Tifton Performance Tested Bull Sale

Irwinville, Ga.912-386-3214 or 229-386-3683

[See advertisement, 44]

March 7 - 8, 2014Beef Industry Scholarship Challenge

Tifton, Ga. • 478-474-6560

March 8, 2014Upstate Sale

Wiliamston, S.C.864-980-5695

[See advertisement, 56]

Milam & Massey Bull & Female Production Sale

Olmstead, Ky.270-847-0634

[See advertisement, 38]

7th Annual Spring Production SaleSarratt FarmsGaffney, S.C.864-580-9005

March 15, 2014Quail Creek Brangus

Cullman, Ala.336-745-5252

[See advertisement, 73]

March 24, 2014MM Cattle Co. Online Angus Heifer Sale

Bowdon, Ga.770-328-2047

March 29, 2014Partners In Progress XXVI

CES Polled Herefords / Predestined CattleCo. / Smith Angus

Wadley, Ga.478-252-5622

[See advertisement, Back Cover]

The 7th Annual Southern Tradition SaleCSR Farms, Alapaha, Ga.

SERAA’s 22nd Annual Grasstime AuctionCullman, Ala.641-919-1077

April 2 - 5, 2014GCA’s 53rd Annual Convention

Beef Expo & Trade ShowPerry, Ga.

478-474-6560[See advertisement, 74 - 76]

April 3, 20146th Annual Georgia Beef Expo

Cattle Tele-AuctionPerry, Ga.


April 4, 201416th Annual Georgia Expo Commercial

Heifer SalePerry, Ga.


Southeast Angus SalePerry, Ga.


April 5, 2014Club Calf Sale

Perry, Ga.912-690-1727

Hereford SalePerry, Ga.


April 12, 2014Southeast All Black Classic Sale

Greenwood, Fla.706-773-3612

April 18, 2014Friendship Farms Sale

Midville, Ga. • 912-663-8085

April 19, 2014Bricton Farm Female Sale

Social Circle, Ga.770-787-1644

April 22, 2014Georgia Heifer Evaluation and

Reproductive Development (HERD) SaleIrwinville, Ga.

678-234-3547 or 229-386-3683

April 22 - 26, 2014GCA’s Spring Tour

Nebraska & Kansas & Missouri478-474-6560

[See advertisement, 17]

April 26, 2014Bridges Angus Farm

Passion for Progress SaleLexington, Ga.706-340-1421

Ridgefield FarmCalhoun, Ga.828-837-6324

May 27, 2014Calhoun Beef Cattle Reproductive

Management WorkshopCalhoun, Ga.

706-542-1852 or 706-624-1398

May 28, 2014Georgia Heifer Evaluation and

Reproductive Development (HERD) SaleCalhoun, Ga.

706-542-1852 or 706-624-1398

July 24- 26, 20144th Annual GCA Summer Conference

Unicoi State Park, Helen, Ga.478-474-6560

G E O R G I A C AT T L E M A N • February 2014 71

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David and Susan Vaughan

Chris Heptinstall, General Mgr.706-337-2295 Office

205-363-0919 [email protected]

PO Box 185Fairmount, GA 30139

For the best in


Mike Coggins • Lake Park, GA 31636

229/559-7972 Office • 229/559-6097 Fax

229/232-3096 Cell • Email: [email protected]

Ranch located just off I-75, on the Georgia-Florida line.


G e o r g i a B r a n g u s B r e e d e r s






e u

s a



Char-No FarmRegistered Brangus and Ultrablacks

Black Simmental /

Angus Composites

C.E. (CHUCK) & NORMA SWORD545 Scott RoadWilliamson, GA 30292(770) 227-9241• 770-468-3486 (cell) • [email protected]

HollonvilleHighway 36212 Miles West

of Griffin Vince Roberts, Farm Manager - 678-378-4697 cellScott Barkley, Herdsman - 678-378-0598 cell





72 February 2014 • G E O R G I A C AT T L E M A N

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P.O. Box 27990Macon, GA 31210


GJCA MISSION STATEMENT: The mission ofthe Georgia Junior Cattlemen's Associationis to prepare the members of the juniorassociation for membership and leadershipin the Georgia Cattlemen's Association, andto offer educational opportunities to pre-pare them to become industry leaders.


ChairwomanMerritt Daniels

[email protected]

Convention/Summer ConferenceCoordinator

Jordan [email protected]

Field Day CoordinatorHope Edwards

[email protected]

Chapter RelationsMadison Baugh

[email protected]

Chapter RelationsGreyson Fernandez

[email protected]

Chapter RelationsMacy Seagraves

[email protected]

Youth Activities AdvisorBailey K. Toates478-297-2042

[email protected]

By Merritt Daniels




According to our calendar, theshortest month of the year, February,is best recognized as the “The Monthof Love.” So as we consider Paul’s per-ception of this, I find it appropriate toreflect upon our association and thebeef industry.

The Georgia Cattlemen’sAssociation has been in operation forover 50 years. It has been a vital assetto the agricultural community, as wellas a voice for the cattlemen across thestate of Georgia. Many cattlemen, ofboth large and small herds, rely onGCA’s influence, knowledge andinvolvement at the state and nationallevels of government to protect theirbetter interest. It is GCA’s faithful-ness to these cattlemen that allows meto believe this organization will con-tinue to thrive.

Not only do I have faith in theGeorgia Cattlemen’s Association’scapability to support and defend thebeef industry, I also have tremendousfaith in the product itself – faith thatbeef will continue to be a healthy,nutritional option forprotein in American’sdaily diet. Because ofthis, I will undoubt-edly continue withhigh expectations andgreat confidence infarmers and their abilityto produce and raise finecattle for the purpose of“healthy eating.”

Many people rely on GCAto share newly found knowledgeof both the industry and changesin government regulations. Ihave much hope that GeorgiaCattlemen’s Association will contin-

ue to grow, expand and meet theneeds of its members.

Additionally, I strongly expectGeorgia Junior Cattlemen’sAssociation will continue to expandand improve as well. Since the devel-opment of GJCA in January 2002, theassociation is currently 500 membersstrong and growing. This leads me tobelieve that these young people show-ing Georgia-grown cattle will contin-ue to bring pride to our industryalong with contribution to the better-ment of the showmen. This hope thatI so strongly hold for GCA andGJCA can only help the state ofGeorgia shine brighter!

There is no denying that if onewere to simply ask a cattleman abouthis career choice, he would respondwith a sense of pride and love for hiswork. The same can be said regardinga showman’s affection toward his orher project, and often, a bond that isestablished between the two.Generally, success in the ring followsthe foundation of trust built through

this bond. The loveis difficult for anon-showmanto understand,yet it cannot bedenied. It is one

of the manyaspects that make

this extracurricularactivity so special! So,

BEEF is not only “loved”by its producers but by its

consumers as well. Nothing sayslove like a juicy hamburger or a rib

eye steak. So, this February, remem-ber to “Beef my Valentine.”

Junior cattlemen’s report

“bEEf” My Valentine

a S S o C i a t i o n r e P o r t S


As Paul once wrote in 1 Corinthians 13, “Love ispatient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it isnot proud… And now these three remain: faith, hope, andlove. But the greatest of these is love.”

78 February 2014 • G E O R G I A C AT T L E M A N

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Agrilabs ...................................................... IFC American Angus Assocation

816-383-5100 ........................................53,59 Bankers South

855-898-2265 ............................................77 Beef Checkoff

478-474-1815 ..............................................67 Big D Limousin

770-867-4781 ..............................................35 Black Grove

803-629-1174 ..............................................60 Boatright Simmental

478-455-2144 ............................................52 B-Right Angus Farm

912-288-7990 ..............................................53 Carroll County Livestock Sales Barn, Inc.

770-838-1457 ..............................................68 Carroll T. Cannon, Auctioneer

229-776-4383 ............................................68 CattleMax/Cattlesoft

800-641-2343 ............................................72 CES Herefords

478-474-6560 ............................................BC Circle R Cattle Company

423-595-0539 ............................................46 Clement's Livestock Service

770-725-0348 ............................................68 CMC 678-201-2287 ......................................39 Collins & Son 229-762-4259 ....................51 Crystalyx 800-727-2502 ............................72 Danfowin Farm 770-358-1454 ..................50 Daniel Livestock Service

706-788-2533 ..............................................68 Darren Carter, Auctioneer

864-980-5695 ............................................68 DowAgroScience ..........................................3 Eblen Electronics

910-298-3012 ..............................................69 Elrod and Tolbert

706-338-8733 ............................................IBC Farm Credit Associations of Georgia

800-868-6404 ............................................30 Farmers Livestock Market, LLC

706-647-6895 ............................................68 Flint River Mills

800-841-8502 ............................................64 Furst-McNess ..............................................40 GCA Convention 478-474-6560 ..............74 GCA's Tour the Heartland

478-474-6560 ..............................................17

Plan ahead to advertise in these special issues!Magazine and online advertising is available.

Call 478-474-6560. next Month: HereFord & CLuB CALF

FeAtures / GCA ConVention & eXPo

r e a D e r S e r V i C e S

Milam & Massey 270-847-0634 ..............................................38

No Bull 800-858-5974..................................25 Norbrook ..........................................................7 Northeast Georgia Beef Cattle

Short Course ..............................................40 Pasture Management

800-230-0024 ............................................27 Pigeon Mountain Simmentals

770-547-1433 ..............................................32 Powder Creek Simmental

678-372-9111 ..............................................50 Predestined Cattle Company

478-494-9593 ............................................BC Quail Creek Brangus

205-594-5307 ............................................73 R&A Angus Farm 336-212-4287 ............52 Reproductive Management Services

229-881-9711 ..............................................68 Ritchie Industries ......................................33 Rockin' R Trailers

800-241-8794 ............................................69 Saluda County Replacement Heifer Sale

864-445-8117 ............................................65 Sarratt Farms 864-580-9005 ....................58 Sayer & Sons 912-592-1904 ......................46 Smith Angus Farm 478-494-7567 ..........BC Southeast Agnet Radio 478-718-0081 ....70 Southeast Livestock Exchange 828-646-0270 ................................................70 Southeastern Semen Services, Inc.

386-963-5916 ..............................................68 Southern States 888-221-8987 ..................31 Stonegate Farm 706-318-0068 ..................45 Tarter Farm and Ranch ..............................5 The Bull Whisperer 478-397-7201 ..........68 Tifton Gain Evaluation Test Sale

229-386-3683 ............................................44 Triple E Poultry 706-692-5149 ................68 Tyson Steel 229-776-7588 ..........................69 UGA Cooperative Extension

Short Course ..............................................45 UGA's Focus on EPDs Bull Sale

229-776-4383 ............................................40 Upstate South Carolina Replacement

Female Sale 864-980-5695 ....................56 Vermeer ........................................................26 Verner Farms 706-342-5667 ....................52 Yancey Brothers 770-941-2300 ................68 Yon Family Farm 803-685-5048 ..............57

For the General Classified Ad section see pages 68 and 69

Genex Cooperative Inc 706-318-8844 ..............................................68

Georgia Angus Association ................54,55 Georgia Beefmaster Breeders ..................26 Georgia Brahman Breeders ......................65 Georgia Brangus Breeders ........................72 Georgia Chianina Breeder ........................26 Georgia Gelbvieh Breeder ........................26 Georgia Hereford Breeders

912-865-5593 ............................................42 Georgia Limousin Association

770-307-7036 ..............................................41 Georgia Limousin Breeders ......................34 Georgia Polled Shorthorn Breeders ......26 Georgia Red Angus Breeders

770-748-6424 ............................................64 Georgia Santa Gertrudis Breeders ........65 Georgia Senepol Breeders ........................65 Georgia Simmental Simbrah Association

706-654-6071 ..............................................31 Georgia-Florida Charolais

Association ................................................27 Gillis Angus Farm

478-231-8236 ..............................................49 GJCA Convention Activities

478-474-6560 ............................................76 GrassWorks Manufacturing

888-809-4737 ............................................25 Gretsch Brother Angus

706-340-0945 ............................................53 Highview Farms 770-567-3942 ................68 Hill Angus Farm 229-848-3695 ..............49 HME Herefords 706-714-9012 ..................48 Howard Limousin 706-931-2940 ............33 James W. Fordham 478-308-4550 ..........51 Jarrell Angus 770-468-4812 ......................47 Krone 901-842-8011 ....................................22 Laura's Lean Beef 334-701-9114 ................68 Lemmon Cattle Enterprises

706-977-9222 ............................................47 Malcolm Financial Group

800-884-4820 ............................................70 Martin's Cattle Services

706-367-8349 ............................................68 Mayo Cattle Co. 229-310-6661 ................50 Meldon Farm 706-654-8283 ....................47 Merck ............................................................61 Merial ......................................................24,25 Mike Jones, Auctioneer


80 February 2014 • G E O R G I A C AT T L E M A N

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