geology and geophysicist

1 Abşeron yarımadası Absheron Peninsula 2 açıq boşluqluq open interstice 3 ağırlaşdırılmış boru drill collar 4 ağırlaşdırılmış gilli məhlul heavy mud 5 ağırlaşdırılmış qazıma borusu drill collar 6 Ağırlıq weight 7 axar qumlar running sand 8 axıma görə tədqiqat flow test 9 axımın profile profile of inflow 10 Axın stream 11 axın meydanı current profile 12 axına müqavimət resistance of flow 13 axının çağırılması influx stimulation 14 axının istiqaməti direсtion of flow 15 axma həddi limit of fluidity 16 axmaz sahə well pattern dead area 17 axmaz zona stagnated zone 18 axtarış qazıması wild-cat drilling 19 axtarış quyusu prospecting well, wild cat 20 axtarış məsafəsi interval of search 21 axtarış sistemi retrieval system 22 aktiv məsaməlik active porosity 23 akustik karotaj acoustic logging, sound logging 24 Aqreqat aggregate, assembly 25 aqressiv lay suyu aggressive brine water 26 alçaq keçiricilikli bölmə low permeability division 27 alçaq keçiricilikli sahə low permeability district 28 alçaq keçiricilikli suxur low permeability rock 29 alçaq temperaturlu ayırma low temperature se-paration 30 Alevrit aleurite 31 alevrit qumdaşı aleurite sandstone 32 Alevrolit aleurolite 33 alət device, tool 34 alət təsərrüfatı tool facilities 35 alətə təzyiq pressure on the tool 36 alətin dəyişdirilməsi change of tool 37 alətin endirilməsi running tool 38 alətin enməsi-qalx- ması round trip 39 alətin ilişməsi tight pull 40 alətin qaldırılması pulling, hoisting 41 alətin tuşlanması bearing of tool 42 almaz baltabaşı diamond head 43 almaz burovu diamond drill 44 almazla qazıma diamond drilling 45 alt lay low bed

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Geology and Geophysicist



1Aberon yarmadasAbsheron Peninsula

2aq boluqluqopen interstice

3arladrlm borudrill collar

4arladrlm gilli mhlulheavy mud

5arladrlm qazma borusudrill collar


7axar qumlarrunning sand

8axma gr tdqiqatflow test

9axmn profileprofile of inflow


11axn meydancurrent profile

12axna mqavimtresistance of flow

13axnn arlmasinflux stimulation

14axnn istiqamti

15axma hddilimit of fluidity

16axmaz sahwell pattern dead area

17axmaz zonastagnated zone

18axtar qazmaswild-cat drilling

19axtar quyusuprospecting well, wild cat

20axtar msafsiinterval of search

21axtar sistemiretrieval system

22aktiv msamlikactive porosity

23akustik karotajacoustic logging, sound logging

24Aqreqataggregate, assembly

25aqressiv lay suyuaggressive brine water

26alaq keiricilikli blmlow permeability division

27alaq keiricilikli sahlow permeability district

28alaq keiricilikli suxurlow permeability rock

29alaq temperaturlu ayrmalow temperature se-paration


31alevrit qumdaaleurite sandstone


33altdevice, tool

34alt tsrrfattool facilities

35alt tzyiqpressure on the tool

36altin dyidirilmsichange of tool

37altin endirilmsirunning tool

38altin enmsi-qalx- masround trip

39altin ilimsitight pull

40altin qaldrlmaspulling, hoisting

41altin tulanmasbearing of tool

42almaz baltabadiamond head

43almaz burovudiamond drill

44almazla qazmadiamond drilling

45alt laylow bed

46altdaki layunderlying bed

47altprli baltasix-blade bit



50Ana suxurmaternal rock

51anomal yksk lay tzyiqianomalous high re- servoir pressure



54antiklinal qrqanticlinal fold

55Ara laycqintercalation


57aralq kmrintermediate casing

58aralq suyuintermediate water

59ardcl birlmtandem

60ardcl yaxnlamasuccessive approxi- mation

61ardcl yaxnlama sulumethod of successive approach



64asl dyindependent variable

65asl yataqhanging deposit


67Asimmetrik qrqasymmetric fold


69asimptotik dayanqlqasimptotic stability

70azimut bucaazimuth angle

71Azqalnlql laylow-thickness bed

72azmeyilli layflat dipping bed

73Bak mrtbsiBaku stage

74Balaxana dstsiBalakhana series

75balans dyribalance cost

76balans ehtiyatbalance reserve

77balans hesabatbalance sheet

78Balansdanknar ehti- yatoutbalance reserve

79balta aznn dzl- dilmsibit dressing

80balta bazasbit storehouse

81balta gvdsiframe of bit

82balta verii tnzim- isibit fead regulator

83balta vurmasgouging

84balta ykweight on the bit

85baltaba hlqsiblank-casing bit

86baltann azblade of bit

87baltann dyidiril- msibit change

88baltann qazma gediiheadway per drill bit

89baltann primln- msibit stall

90baltann priblade of bit

91baltann reysitrip of bit

92baltavurmann qazma gediiheadway per gouging

93balanc dyroriginal cost

94balanc ehtiyatinitial reserve

95balanc qiymtinitial value

96balanc lay tzyiqiinitial field pressure

97balanc mhsuldar- lqinitial capacity

98balanc mlumatinitial information

99balanc neftlilik konturuinitial oil-bearing contour

100balanc su konturuoriginal water line

101balanc rtinitial condition

102balanc tzyiqinitial pressure

103bamaq borusushoe

104bamaq hlqsibottom ring

105bamaqdan xoutlet from shoe

106batrlan qazma qurususubmersible drilling rig

107bentonit gilibentonitic clay

108brkidilmmi quyu dibinin partladlmasopen-hole shooting

109brkim mddtihardening time


111brpa mddtirestoration time

112bir metr (fut) qaz- mann dyricost per meter (foot)

113bircins kollektorhomogeneous reser- voir

114birinci quyupioneer well

115bitumlu gilbituminous clay

116bitumlu qumdabituminous sandstone

117bloklar sistemisystem of blocks

118blok-sxemblock diagram

119borutubing, pipe

120boru kmristring, pipe line

121boru kmri nqli- yyatpipe-line transportation

122boru kmrinin he- sablanmaspipe-line calculation

123boru yiviform of tubing

124boruarxas qazannular space gas

125borularn xarlmasrecovery of tubing (pipe)

126borularn yilmsicrook of tubing

127borularn qaldrl- maspulling of pipe

128borularn qrlb umaspipe fall

129boluq fzasnn strukturustructure of voids


131braxiantiklinal qrqbrachyanticline fold


133brekiya zonasbrecciated zone

134nql doldurmasgravel packing

135nqll szgcgravel filter

136ox drin qazmasuperdeep drilling

137ox drin quyusuperdeep well

138oxlayl tamamlamamultiple completion

139oxlayl yatan i- lnilmsimultibedded field development

140oxlayl yataqmultibedded field


142km suxursedimentary rock

143knt suxurlarn sementicement of stratified rocks

144knt ylmasnn dvriliyisedimentation cyclic recurrence


146kntlr toplanma- snda fasilinterruption in se- dimentations

147kntlr ylma- snn ardcllsedimentation sequ- ence

148kntlrin ml glmsisedimentation

149kntlrin toplan- masnn tarixidepositional history

150kntnn dmsisediment screening

151daban suyubottom water

152daxili qaz-neft tmasinside gas-oil contact

153daxili qaz-su tmasinside gas-water contact

154daxili su-neft tmasinside oil-water contact

155Darsi qanunuDarcy law

156davaml suxurformation stand up

157dayanan quyuwell off

158dayandrlm quyushut-in well


160Devon dvrDevonian period

161dnlrin lsgrain size

162dnlrin ylmasgrain packing

163dnvr suxurquick ground

164dniz mdnlrinin istismarsea field exploitation


166drin yerln hori- zontdeep lying horizon

167drin yerln yataqdeep lying deposit, deep lying field

168drinliklndepth gauge

169drinliyin llmsidepth surveying


171diffuziya msaldiffusion coefficient

172dik yatml laydip seam of high

173dinamik quyudibi tzyiqdynamic bottom hole pressure

174dinamik zllkdynamic viscosity

175dolma msalcoefficient of admission

176Drdnc dvrQuarternery period

177dvrann pozulmasdisturbance of cir- culation

178dvri suvurmacyclical injection

179dvri tsiretmcyclical stimulation

180duzkmdeposition salt



183dzldici baltadress bit,opening bit

184effektiv qalnlqeffective height

185effektiv msamlikeffective porosity

186effektivlik gstricisiefficiency figure

187effektivliyin qiymt-lndirilmsiefficiency evaluation

188ehtimal paylanmas- nn dispersiyasdispersion of probability distribute

189ehtimalln paylan- masnn sxldensity of probability distribution

190ehtiyatlarn hesab- dan silinmsireserves writing off

191ehtiyatlarn qiymt- lndirilmsiestimation of reserves

192ehtiyatlarn mnim- snilm tempirate mastering of reserves

193ehtiyatlarn mnim- snilmsimastering of reserves

194ehtiyatlarn statistik hesablama sulustatistical method of reserves estimation

195ehtiyatlarn struk- turu

196ehtiyatlarn yenidn hesablanmasrecalculation of reserves


198ekranladran pozul- mashielding disturbance

199ekranlam yataqscreened pool

200elastik dalalarelastic waves

201elastik deformasiyaelastic deformation

202elastik genilnm msalelastic expansion coefficient

203elastik subasq rejimielastic water drive

204elektrik karotajelectrical logging

205Endirm-qaldrma mliyyatlartrip operations

206enin ksilicross section

207enin qrlmacross fracturing

208enin pozulmatransverse disturbance

209enin profillateral section


211ks axnback-flow

212ks etm msalreflection factor

213ks olunmu dalaback wave

214ks olunmu dalalar sulureflection method

215laqsiz layisolated bed

216traf suyuedge water

217traf suyun daxil olmasencroachment of edge water

218traf suyun yarb kemsiedge water inrush

219vvlcdn qiymt- lndirilmi ehtiyatpreliminarily valued reserve


221yri keiricicrooked sub

222yrilik bucacrookedness angle

223yriliyin llmsidirectional surveying


225faydal i msalefficiency, coefficient of performance

226faza keiriciliyipermeability tu phase

227fal lay rejimiactive reservoir drive

228fiziki modelldirmphysical modelling

229florit turusuhydrofluoric acid


231fontan armaturuchristmas tree

232fontan hasilatfountain producing

233fontan istismar dvrflow production period

234fontan quyularnn tdqiqatflowing wells test

235fontan quyusugusher well

236fontan liftiflow lift

237fontan siyirtmsicapper, flow gate

238fontan tuseriflow bean

239fontan txacflow plug

240fontan vuran quyuflowing well

241fontann sndrlm- siextinguishing of blowout

242fontanvurmablowing, flow

243fontanvurma dvrflow production period

244fontanvurma tzyiqiflowing pressure


246Furye evirmsiFourier transformation

247geofiziki kfiyyatn seysmik suluseismic method of geophysical exploration

248geofiziki tdqiqatlargeophysical researches

249geoloji ksiligeological section

250geoloji kfiyyat gmisigeological exploration vessel

251geoloji qurulugeological feature

252geoloji-mdn analizigeology-field analysis

253geoloji-mdn nza- rtigeology-field control

254geoloji-mdn td- qiqatlargeology-field rese- arches

255geoloji-mdn thliligeology-field analysis

256geoloji mlumatgeological information

257geoloji modelgeological model

258geoloji nzartgeological control

259geoloji planalmageological survey

260geoloji profilgeological profile

261geoloji sbblr gr lv olunmu quyuwell liquidated by geological reasons

262geologi sndlrgeological documen- tation

263geoloji-texniki tap- rqgeotechnical program

264geoloji yageological age

265geoloji yan tyinidetermination of age



268geotermik qradiyentgeothermic gradient

269geotermik pillgeothermic depth


271gil qabmud cake

272gil qabnn qalnlcake thickness

273gillrin imsiclay swelling

274gilli keirmyn layclay impermeable bed

275gilli qumdaclay sandstone

276gilli layclay bed

277gilli mhlulmud

278gilli mhlul anbarslush pit

279gilli suxurclay rock

280gilli tbqcikclay intercalation

281grnn xsusi mqa- vimtseeming resistivity

282gll atan perforatorbullet perforator

283gll perforasiyasbullet perforating


285hasilat qrafikiproduction schedule

286hasilat planproduction program

287hasilatn dyim msalcoefficient of change recovery

288hasilatn dmsiproduction decline

289hasilatn ehtiyatlarla tminirecovery providing with reserves

290hasilatn enm yrisidecline curve of production

291hasilatn illik dmsiyearly output decline

292hesabi neftvermrated oil recovery

293hesablama planestimated plan

294hesablama sulucalculation method

295hcm msalvolume ratio

296hcm parametrlricapacitance parameters

297hrktli tmasmovable contact

298hrktlilik msalmobility ratio

299hyacanlanma zonaszone of disturbance


301xam kondensatcrude condensate

302xarici qaz-neft tmasexternal gas-oil contact

303xarici qaz-su tmasexternal gas-water contact

304xarici neftlilik konturuexternal oil-bearing contour

305xarici su-neft tmasexternal oil-water contact

306xtti asllqlinear dependence

307xsusi kispecific gravity

308Iki lay istismar edn quyudual pumping well

309ikiprli baltatwo-blade bit

310ikiarokal baltatwo-roller bit

311induksiya karotajinduction logging

312injeksiya quyusuinjection well


314iridnli qumdagritstone

315islanma qabiliyytiwettability

316istilik balansbalance of heat

317istinad quyusukey hole, stratigraphic well

318istismar raitinin dyimsichange of exploitation conditions

319istismar suluproducing method

320i mddtiduration of work

321ii mayeoperating fluid

322ii tzyiqoperating pressure

323ilmyn quyuinactive well

324ilnilm tcrbsipractice of development

325ilnm layihsiproject of development

326ilnm layihsinin tdbiqiproject of development application

327ilnm mrhllridevelopment stages

328ilnm prosesidevelopment process

329ilnmnin ilk dvrearly development

330ilnmy mllif nzartiauthors supervision for development

331ilnmi qazlarexhaust gases

332ilnmi gilli mhlulwaste mud

333ilri aparmaq n reqlamentrequlations of ope- rations performed

334ilyn quyuworking well

335ilnmnin ilk dvrearly development

336ilnmy mllif nzartiauthors supervision for development

337ilnmi qazlarexhaust gases

338ilnmi gilli mhlulwaste mud

339ilri aparmaq n reqlamentrequlations of ope- rations performed

340ilyn quyuworking well


342kapilyar hopmacapillary imbibition

343kapilyar islanmacapillary wetting

344karbohidrogenlrin qaynama temperaturuhydrocarbons buble point

345karbohidrogenlrl islanmahydrocarbons wetta- bility

346karbonat kollektorucarbonate reservoir


348karotaj diaqramlog

349karotaj diaqramlar- nn interpretasiyasinterpretation of logs

350karotaj kabelilogging cable

351karotaj stansiyaslogging station

352karotaj tdqiqatlogging test

353kavernal suxurcavernous rock

354kavernoqramcaliper log

355Kaynozoy erasKainozoik era

356keid quyusutransitory well

357keid prosesitransient process

358keid rejimitransient behavior

359keid vziyytitransient state

360keirn laypermeable bed

361keirn pozulmaconducting disturbance

362keiricisub, adapter


364keiricilik msalfactor of permeability

365keiriciliyin tyinipermeability test

366keirmyn ara laycqimpermeable interca- lation

367keirmyn araksmimpermeable baffle

368keirmyn ekranscreen impermeable

369keirmyn konturimpermeable contour

370keirmyn mhtviimpermeable inclusion

371keirmyn tbqimpermeable bed

372kerncore, sample

373kern xarmacoring

374kmrin titryiivibration of string

375ksiliin parcalan- drlmasdismemberment of section

376ksilmsizlik tnliyicontinuity equation

377kskin dm (enm)sharp decrease

378ksm bucacutting angle

379kf edilmi ehtiyatexplored reserve

380kf etmdiscovery


382kfiyyat briqadasprospecting party

383kfiyyat qazmasexploratory drilling

384kfiyyat quyusuprospecting hole

385kfiyyat layihsiproject of survey

386kfiyyat bksiexploratory pattern

387kiik diametrli quyuslim hole

388kiik keiriciliklow permeability

389kiik mhsuldarlqlow output,poor efficiency

390kiik ll perfo- ratorsmall gabarit perforator

391kiik parametr sulusmall parameter method

392kiik tzyiqli qazlow-pressure gas

393kimyvi ilnmi gilli mhlulchemically processed mud


395kollektorreservoir, collector

396kollektor xasslrireservoir characte- ristics

397kollektor-suxurcontainen rock

398kollektorun gilliliyiclayiness of reservoir

399kollektorun keiri- ciliyireservoir permeability

400kompressor quyular- nn tdqiqicompressor wells test

401kompressor quyusucompressor well

402kompressor lifticompressor lift

403kondensasiya bala- nan tzyiqinitial condensation pressure

404kondensasiya suyuwaste water

405kondensasiya trapsteam trap


407kondensat tutumucontain of condensate

408kondensat-qaz amilicondensate-gas factor

409kondensatn xarl- masrecovery of condensate

410kondensatn xyield of condensate

411kondensatn ehtiyatcondensate reserve

412kondensatn hasilatcondensate production

413kondensatla doymacondensate saturation

414kondensatlln tdqiqatcondensate content testing

415kontur suyuedge water

416kontur tzyiqiboundary pressure

417konturarxas quyuperimeter well

418konturarxas suvurmaperimeter flooding

419konturarxas vurmainjection into an aquifier

420korrelyasiya xttiline of correlation


422korroziyadan mhafi- zrust preventing

423kumulyativ paylanma yrisicumulative curve of distribution

424kumulyativ perfora- siyajet perforating

425kumulyativ perfora- torjet perforator


427kvars qumuquartzy sand

428qabaqlayan istismaroutstrip exploitation

429qabaqlayan istismar quyusuoutstrip producing well

430Qala dstsiKala suite

431qaldrclift, hoist

432qaldrc altpulling tool

433qaldrc barabanbull wheel

434qaldrc kranderrick crane

435qaldrc qarmaq

436qaldrc tanqpulling rod

437qaldrc valhoisting shaft

438qalxan axnn srtiannular velocity

439qalq deformasiyaresidual deformation

440qalq doymaresidual saturation

441qalq ehtiyatresidual reserve

442qalq qazresidual gas

443qalq neftresidual oil

444qalq suirreducible water


446qalnlq zr hat etmvertical conformance

447qalnlq zr hat olunma msalvertical conformance factor

448qalnlq zr qeyri- bircinslilikheterogeneity in thickness

449qamma-karotajgamma-ray logging

450qamma-qamma karotajgamma-gamma-ray logging

451qanad yataside deposit

452qapal kollektorclosed reservoir

453qapal konturclosed contour

454qapal sistemclosed loop system

455qarlql tsirinterference


457qat-qat qurulustratified structure

458qat-qat laystratified bed

459qat-qat modelfoliated model

460qat-qat olmainterbedding, stratifi-cation

461qat-qat killi qeyri-bircinsliliknon uniformity stratified

462qaz amiligas factor

463qaz ehtiyatgas reserve

464qaz fazasgas phase

465qaz fontangasser

466qaz karotajmud logging

467qaz-neft tmasgas-oil contact

468qaz vurulmasgas injection

469qaz yatagas deposit, gas field

470qaz yatann iln- msidevelopment of gas field

471qazma mhluludrilling fluid, mud


473qza raitiemergency situation

474qzal quyuemergency hole


476qrlb-atlm laybroken bed

477qrlb-dmbreak, fault

478qrlb-dmnin am- plitudufault amplitude

479qrlb-qalxmareverse fault, overfault

480qrlma xttifracturing line

481qrlmaya qar mh- kmliktensile strength

482qrn qanadfold limb, flank

483qrn oxufold axis

484qrn yhrisaddle of fold


486qrma baltabashot bit

487Qrmaku dstsiKirmaku suite

488Qrmakualt dstSubkirmaku suite

489Qrmakust gilli dstSuperkirmaku argil- laceous suite

490Qrmakust qumlu dstSuperkirmaku sandy suite

491qiymtlndirici quyuappraisal well



494qoruyucu borucasing

495qoruyucu hlqguard collar

496qoruyucu kmrli quyucased hole

497qoruyucu kmrsiz quyuopen hole


499qradiyent sulugradient method

500qravimetrik planalmagravimetric survey


502qum laysand bed

503qum txacsand pluq


505qumlu dstsandy member

506qumlu quyusand well

507qumluluun tsiriinfluence of arenosity


509qumluluq msalsandity factor

510qum-rnaq perfora- siyassand jet perforating

511qumun quyuya xmassloughing of sand

512quru qazdry gas

513quru qazn laya qay- tarlmasrecycling

514quru quyudry hole

515quyuwell, hole

516quyu aznn kipl- dirilmsiwell head sealing

517quyu aznn tchizatwell head connection

518quyu avadanlwell equipment

519quyu debitinin l- lmsiwell gauging

520quyu debitinin tyinirating of well

521quyu dibinin balan- masbottom hole coverage

522quyu dibinin tmiz- lnmsiclean out

523quyu dibinin yana kilmsideviation of bottom hole

524quyu dibinin yuyulmasbottom hole flushing

525quyu divarlarnn uulmascaving

526quyu llsinin yil- msideviation of hole

527quyu termometriwell termometer

528quyu zondulogging tool

529quyuaz avadanlqwell head equipment

530quyuaz dinamik tzyiqdynamic well head pressure

531quyuaz parametrlrwell head parameters

532quyuaz statik tz- yiqstatic well head pressure

533quyuaz temperaturcasing head tempera- ture

534quyuaz tzyiqwell head pressure

535quyuaz tzyiqin aa dmsiwell head pressure decrease

536quyuda basq il dvran yaratmawell forcing

537quyuda mayenin d- yidirilmsichange of liquid in hole

538quyuda neftin svi- yysioil level

539quyudaxili avadanlqintrawell equipment

540quyudaxili qazliftintrawell gas-lift

541quyudibi mhrrikdownhole motor

542quyudibi pakker

543quyudibi sememtlmbottom hole cementing

544quyudibi suxurxa- ranbottom hole sample taker

545quyudibi tuserbottom hole blow bean

546quyudibi temperaturbottom hole tempe- rature

547quyudibi tzyiqbottom hole pressure

548quyudibitraf zona- sna tsiretmbottom-hole zone treatment

549quyudibitraf zona- snn emalbottom-hole treatment

550quyular fondunun strukturustructure of wells fund

551quyular bksiwell pattern

552quyular bksinin sxlpattern arrangement

553quyulara xidmtservicing of wells

554quyulararas msafspacing of wells,spacing interval

555quyular qazlm yataqdeveloped field

556quyularn brabr yerldirilmsiuniform spacing of wells

557quyularn oxcrgli yerldirilmsimultirow spacing of wells

558quyularn ehtiyat fonduspare wells fund

559quyularn sas fonduprincipal wells fund

560quyularn fonduwells fund

561quyularn interfe- rensiyasinterference of wells

562quyularn istismar fonduproducing wells fund

563quyularn i salnma dinamikasbring in wells dinamics

564quyularn i salnma tempiwells introduction rate

565quyularn i saln- masnn ardcllbring in wells successive

566quyularn kaverno- metriyascaliper logging of wells

567quyularn ksililri-nin korrelyasiyascorrelation of section wells

568quyularn koordinat- larwells coordinates

569quyularn qarlql tsiriwells interference

570quyularn qeyri-b- rabr yerldirilmsiirregular spacing of wells

571quyularn optimal sayoptimum quantity of wells

572quyularn struktur zrind yerlmsiwell pattern at structure

573quyularn sulama pro-sesinin hesablanmasidrowning process calculation

574quyularn sulamasdrowning

575quyularn v laylarn tdqiqatwells and reservoirs analysis

576quyularn yerldi- rilmsispacing of wells

577quyularn yerldir- m sistemispacing pattern

578quyularn yerldir- m sxemiwells spacing scheme

579quyularn yerlmsilocation of wells

580quyu-lay sistemiwell-bed system

581quyunu bomaqkilling well, kill well

582quyunu drinldir- mkdeepen well

583quyunu sxmaqclamping of well

584quyunu tamamlamaq texnologiyascompletion technology

585quyunun azwell head, top of well

586quyunun balanc mhsuldarlinitial rating of well

587quyunun buraxlmasstarting of well

588quyunun x xttiflow line, delivery line

589quyunun debitiwell output

590quyunun drinldi- rilmsiwell deeping

591quyunun drinliyiwell depth

592quyunun diametrisize of hole

593quyunun dibibottom hole

594quyunun drenaj sah- siproration unit

595quyunun yilm azi- mutuhole deviation azimuth

596quyunun yilmsideviation of hole

597quyunun yriliyicrookedness of hole

598quyunun genilndi- rilmsireaming of hole

599quyunun hyacanlan- drlmaswell stimulation

600quyunun inasconstruction of well

601quyunun istismardan xmasleave well of exploitation

602quyunun i rejiminin tnzimlnmsiwell operating con- ditions control

603quyunun i salnma- sstarting of well

604quyunun qaytarlmasreturn

605quyunun qazlmaswell boring, hole boring

606quyunun qbul etm qabiliyytiinjection capacity,injectivity

607quyunun quruluucasing program

608quyunun lviliquidation of well

609quyunun mhsuldarl- well productivity, capacity of well, well production

610quyunun mnimsnil- msiwell mastering

611quyunun mhkmlndi- rilmsireinforcement of well

612quyunun optimal de- bitioptimum output of well

613quyunun pasportuwell passport

614quyunun potensial debitiopen flow potential

615quyunun profilicourse of hole, profile of well

616quyunun sementlnm- sicementing hole

617quyunun sradan x- maswell leave ranks

618quyunun szgciwell strainer

619quyunun irlnmsimudding off

620quyunun tamamlanmaswell completion

621quyunun texnoloji rejimitechnological behavior of well

622quyunun tdqiqatwell survey

623quyunun tkrar ta- mamlanmasrecomplete a well

624quyunun tmlini qoymaqwell sinking, sink a well

625quyunun tmiriwell repair

626quyunun tmizlnmsicleanout of well

627quyunun tsiretm radiusureach of well

628quyunun torpedlnm- sishooting of well

629quyunun turu il ilnmsiacidization of well

630quyunun yerldiyi yerwell site

631quyunun yuyulmasflushing

632quyuya axninflow, well stream

633quyuya axn dsturuformula of well stream

634layreservoir, bed

635lay enerjisireservoir energy

636lay enerjisinin t- knmsidepletion of reservoir energy

637lay flyuidlrireservoir fluids

638lay istiqamti zr dyiknliklateral variation

639lay qazformation gas

640lay qaznn xasslriformation gas pro- perties

641lay mayelrinin fiziki xasslriphysical properties reservoir fluids

642lay mayelrinin xas- slrinin thlilireservoir fluids properties analysis

643lay neftireservoir oil

644lay neftinin xasslriformation oil properties

645lay neftinin zllyviscosity of oil in place

646lay parametrlrinin qiymtlndirilmsiformation evaluation

647lay prosesireservoir process

648lay prosesinin mo- delldirilmsisimulation of reservoir process

649lay rejimireservoir drive

650lay snaycsformation tester

651lay subasq sistemibrine water head system

652lay sularnn mine- rallamasbrine water salinity

653lay suyubrine water

654lay suyunun xasslriformation water pro- perties

655lay raitiformation conditions

656lay temperaturureservoir temperature

657lay tzyiqireservoir pressure

658lay tzyiqinin brpasrepressuring

659lay tzyiqinin dmsi sulureservoir pressure drop method

660lay tzyiqinin sax- lanmasrepressuring

661lay yatablanket deposit

662lay yoxlaycsformation tester, tester

663laya kstzyiqback pressure

664laya qazn vurulmasgas repressuring

665laya olan depressiyadifferential pressure

666laya suvurma prosesiflood performance

667laya tsiretmstimulation

668laya tsiretm sulustimulation method

669laya vibrasiya il tsirvibrating stimulation

670laya vurulan qazrecirculated gas

671laya vurulan suinjected water

672layda axnflow in bed

673laydaxili yanmaintrareservoir com- bustion

674laydan qumun glmsiformation entry

675lay ksn sradividing row

676layn almasdrilling in

677layn dabanbottom of formation

678layn deformasiyasstrain of bed

679layn drenajdrainage of bed

680layn elastik qvvlrielastic powers of bed

681layn elementielement of bed

682layn yimibend of stratum

683layn xarakteristikasformation characte- ristics

684layn ilk neftl doyma hcmioriginal oil bearing reservoir

685layn ilnmsidevelopment of re- servoir

686layn keirm qabi- liyytibed conductivity

687layn ksikliyifragmentariness bed

688layn ksilmsidividing of pool

689layn konturureservoir boundary

690layn qalxmupslope

691layn qalnlthickness of bed

692layn qbul etm qa- biliyytiinjectivity of bed

693layn quruluustructure of reservoir

694layn quyudibitraf zonasbottom-hole zone of bed

695layn laboratoriya modelilaboratory model of bed

696layn maillik bucadip

697layn meyl bucaangle of bed

698layn meyliinclination

699layn modelimodel of reservoir

700layn pazlamasbed pinching out

701layn suladrlmasflooding

702layn sulamaswater flood of bed

703layn szlm xasssifiltration characteristics of reservoir

704layn tavantop of bed

705layn uzunluubed spreadility

706layn verimiproducing capacity

707layn yatm istiqa- mtidirection of strata

708layn yerlm d- rinliyinin tsiriinfluence of depth occurrence of bed

709layn yoxlanmasformation test

710layihproject, layout

711layih tkilatproject organization


713layihlndirmnin avtomatladrlmasprojection automation

714layihlndirmnin mrhlliyistage of projection

715layihnin hyata ke- irilmsiproject realization

716layihnin kapital tutumunun hesablan-project capital capacity calculation


718laylararas axninterreservoir current

719laylarn birg almasjoint opening of beds

720laylarn birg i- lnilmsijoint development of reservoirs

721laylarn laqsizliyibeds disunitization

722laylarn meyl buca- nn tsiriinfluence at beds angle

723laylarn yatmreservoirs bedding


725Litoloji dyiknliklithological chan- geability

726Litoloji mhdudlam yataqlithological limited deposit

727Litoloji pncrlithological window

728Litoloji tllithological trap

729Litoloji yataqlithologic pool

730mail quyustand hole

731mail mstviinclined plane

732mail tmastilted fluid contact

733mayenin xarlmaswithdrawal of fluid

734mayenin hrkt tn- liyifluid flow equation

735Maykop dstsiMaikop suite

736Mazutfuel oil, black oil

737mexaniki karotajmechanical logging

738metodik sulmethodical way

739Mezozoy erasMesozoic era


741mdn geofizikasfield geophysics

742mdn geologiyasfield geology

743mdn obyektlrinin iqlandrlmaslighting of field objects

744mhdud yataqfinite deposit

745mhlulmud, solution

746mhlulun vurulmasmud injection


748mhsuldar horizontproductive horizon

749mhsuldar intervalproducing interval

750Mhsuldar qatProductive unit

751Mhsuldar qatn alt bsilower division of the Productive unit

752Mhsuldar qatin orta bsimiddle division of the Productive unit

753Mhsuldar qatn yu- xar bsiupper division of the Productive unit

754mhsuldar quyuproducing well

755mhsuldar layproducing reservoir

756mhsuldar laycqproducing intercalation

757mhsuldar layn qeyri-bircinsliliyinon-uniformity of productive bed

758mhsuldar layn yat- ma drinliyiproducing depth

759mhsuldar sahproductive area

760mhsuldarln art- rlmasrise of productivity

761mhsuldarln aa dmsicapacity decrease

762mhsuldarln d- msicapacity loss

763mhsuldarlqoutput, capacity,productivity

764mhsuldarlq msalproductivity factor

765mhsulun istehsalproduce

766mhsulun nql edil- msiproduction delivery

767mhsulun sulamaswater encroachment of production

768mhsulun susuzlad- rlmasproduction dehydrating


770mlumatn balanc hcmiearly volume of information

771mlumatn trlm- siinformation trans- mission


773mnb-mnsb sulusources-tanks method


775msam boluupore space

776msam tzyiqipore pressure

777msamli mhitporous medium


779msamlik msalfactor of porosity

780msamliyin hcmipore volume

781mslnin hllisolution of problem


783mikrobioloji tsir- etmmicrobiological sti- mulation


785mineraloji trkibmineralogical compo- sition


787monoklinal qrqmonoclinal fold

788monoklinal yataqmonoclinal deposit

789monoklinal yatmmonoclinal bedding

790masir kntlrrecent deposits

791mrkkb geoloji qu- rulucomplicated geological structure

792mrkkblmlr zo- nastroublesome zone

793mstvi radial axnplane-radial flow

794mahid quyusuobservation well

795nazik laythin bed

796neft-mdn avadan- loil field equipment

797neft-mdn geologi- yasoil-field geology

798neft veriminin art- rlmas sullarnn layihlndirilmsiincrease oil recovery methods projection

799neft veriminin he- sablanmasoil recovery calculation

800neft v qaz yataqla- rnn axtarsearch for oil and gas deposit

801neft yataoil deposit, oil pool, oil field

802neftin hasilatoil production

803neftin znginldiril-mi qaz il sxdrl-mascondensing gas drive

804neftl xarlan qazassociated gas

805neftl xarlan suassociated water

806neftl doymaoil saturation

807neftl doyma msalcoefficient of oil saturation

808neftl doymu kol- lektoroil saturated reservoir

809neftl doymu qaln- liqoil saturation thickness

810neftl suyun zllk-lrinin frqlnmsinin tsiriinfluence difference of viscosity oil and water

811neftl yuyulmaoil flushing

812neftli horizontoil-bearing horizon

813neftli horizontun tavantop of oil horizon

814neftli hvzoil-bearing basin

815neftli qumoil sand

816neftli layoil-bearing bed

817neftli rayonoil-bearing district

818neftli regionoil-bearing region

819neftlilikoil-bearing capacity

820neftlilik konturuoil-bearing contour

821neftlilik konturunun yerdyimsioil-bearing contour transfer

822neftlilik mrtbsioil column

823neftlilik sahsioil-bearing area

824nefttoplama mntq- sioil gathering point

825neftvermoil recovery

826neftverm msaloil recovery factor

827neftvermd udugain in oil recovery

828neftvermnin art- rlmasoil recovery rise

829neftvermnin artrl-masnn termik suluthermal recovery method

830neytron karotajneutron logging

831neytron qamma-karo- tajneutron gamma-ray logging

832neytron-neytron ka- rotajneutron-neutron logging

833nfs qapapressure went valve


835nmliyin miqdarmoisture content

836normal geoloji ksilinormal geological section

837nqtvi mnbpoint source

838nqtvi mnsbpoint drain

839nmun gtrmsampling

840nmun gtrcssampler

841oxarlq rticondition of similarity

842oxarlq v llk nzriyysitheory of similar and measurements



845orta kvadratik meylstandard deviation

846orta lay tzyiqimean reservoir pres- sure

847orta riyazi kmiyytmathematical mean

848orta tzyiqmean pressure

849ortakili msamlikweighted average po- rosity

850ortakili tzyiqweighted average pressure

851ortaladrma sulumean value method


853pakkerldirmputting of packer

854Paleozoy erasPaleozoic era


856parametrin orta qiy- mtimean value of para- meter


858perforasiya deiyiperforating orifice

859perforasiya edilmi kmrperforated casing

860perforasiya intervalinterval of perforation

861perforasiya olunmu intervalperforated interval

862perforasiyann sxlshot density


864periferik quruperipheral device

865periferik zonaperipheral zone


867periodik funksiyaperiodic function

868Perm dvrPermian period

869perspektiv planla- drmaforward planning


871piknometrdensity bottle

872pillli qazszlamadifferential degassing

873plastik deformasiyaplastic deformation

874plastik suxurplastic rock


876pozulmann yerisite of disturbance

877proqnoz ehtiyatforecasting reserve


879proqnozladrmann ekspres sullarexpress-methods of prognostication

880proqramn drstl- dirilmsiprogram testing

881prosessorprocessor, database machine

882pskrlm suxureruptive rock


884pyezokeirm msalpiesoconductivity factor

885radial szlmradial flow

886real qiymtlndirmreal appraisement

887real raitreal condition

888rezervuar parktank farm


890riyazi modelmathematical model

891riyazi statistikamathematical statistics

892sabit tzyiqlr frqiconstant draw-down

893sah zr hat etm msalareal conformance factor

894selektiv tsiretmselective stimulation

895sement bazascement base

896sement hlqsicement ring

897sement mhlulucement solution

898sement nmunsicement sample

899sement stunucement column

900sementin brkimsihardening of cement

901sementlnmmi qumunconsolidated sand

902sementlnmi qumconsolidated sand

903sementlnmi quyucemented well

904seysmik dalalarseismic waves

905seysmik karotajsound logging

906seysmik tdqiqatseismic investigation

907seysmik zondladrmadip shooting


909smrli ilnm sistemidevelopment rational system

910snaye hmiyytli ehtiyatrecoverable reserve

911srhd qiymtiboundary value

912srhd rtiboundary condition

913srt subasq rejimirigid water drive

914srt suxurstrong ground, hard rock, hard formation

915sthi-aktiv maddsurfactant

916stratiqrafik mrtbstratigraphical stage

917stratiqrafik stuncolumnar section

918stratiqrafik tlstratigraphic trap

919stratiqrafik yataqstratigraphic pool



922struktur xritsistructural map

923struktur qazmascore drilling

924struktur qeyri- uyunluustructural unconformity

925struktur quyusucore hole

926struktur mrtbstructural stage

927struktur zllkplastic viscosity

928struktur tlstructural trap

929struktur yataqstructural pool

930strukturlarn qar- lql yerlmsistructures mutual disposition

931strukturun enibreadth of structure

932suxurrock, ground

933suxurqaldrccore lifter

934suxurqaldrc burovcore drill

935suxurlarn fiziki xasslriphysical properties of rock

936suxurlarn gilliliyinin tsiriinfluence of clayiness rock

937suxurlarn karbonat- lrock carbonate content

938suxurlarn yaage of rock

939suxursaxlayancore shell

940suxurtutancore catcher

941suxurun dadlmasdestruction of rock

942suxurun xrdalanmascrushing of rock

943suxurun keiriciliyirock permeability

944suxurun qopardlmasrock chipping

945suxurun quyu dibin- dn xarlmasremoval of cuttings

946suxurun sxlma qa- biliyyticompressibility of rock

947suxurun skeleti (gvdsi)matrix solid material

948sukeiricilikwater permeability

949suladrlm hcmflooding volume

950suladrma hesabna dn hasilatwater flood recovery

951suladrma suluflooding method

952suladrmann effek- tivliyiefficiency of flooding

953sulam quyudrowned well

954sulu dvrd neftver- moil recovery in aqueous period

955sulu horizontwater-bearing horizon

956sulu laywater-bearing bed

957suyun vurulmaswater injection

958sbut olunmu ehti- yatestimated reserve

959aquli qazmavertical drilling

960aquli quyustraight hole

961arokacone, cutter

962aroka balcutter head

963arokann diicutter tooth

964tam doymam neftundersaturated oil

965tam kf edilmmi yataqunexplorated field

966terrigen kntlrterrigene deposits

967terrigen kollektorlarterrigene reservoirs

968Tbair dvrCretaceous period

969tbqstratum, intercalation

970tdqiq suluinvestigation method

971tdqiqatresearch, investigation, test

972tdqiqat diapazonudiapason of research

973tdqiqat laboratori- yasresearch laboratory

974tdqiqat obyektiinvestigation object

975tdqiqatn mddtiduration of research

976trs mtnasiblikinverse ratio

977trs yuyulmarevers circulation

978tsadfi kmiyytaccidental value

979tz quyunew well


981tzyiq altnda se- mentlmcementing under pressure

982tzyiq funksiyasfunction of pressure

983tzyiq qradiyentipressure gradient

984tzyiq meydanpressure profile

985tzyiq vericisipressure unit

986tzyiqin artmasrise of pressure

987tzyiqin brpas y- risibuild-up curve

988tzyiqin brpas y- rilrinin formasbuild-up curves form, indicator curve form

989tzyiqin brpas sulurepressuring method

990tzyiqin dyimsichange of pressure

991tzyiqin dmsipressure drop

992tzyiqin llmsipressure survey

993tzyiqin yenidn paylanmasre-distribution of pressure

994tzyiqlr frqidepression,differential pressure

995toplanm hasilataccumulative recovery

996torpedastring, shot

997torpedli perforasiyatorpedo perforating

998torpedli perforatortorpedo perforator

999trm boluqluqinduced interstice

1000trm qaz papasecondary gas cap

1001trm msamlikinduced porosity

1002Trias dvrTriassic period



1005uducu intervalabsorption interval

1006uducu layabsorption reservoir


1008uzaqlama bucaangle of inclination

1009uzanm antiklinalelongated anticline

1010uzununa istiqamtlongitudinal direction

1011uzununa qrlmalongitudinal fracturing

1012uzununa pozulmalongitudinal disturbance

1013uzununa profillongitudinal section

1014bucaqlar sulutriangles method

1015damarl kabelthree-wire cable

1016diskli baltathree-disk bit

1017komponentli sistemthree-component system

1018arokal baltathree-roller bit

1019nc dvrTertiary period

1020nc istismar sullartertiary exploitation methods

1021udulmann qarsn almaqabsorption prevention

1022universal hlluniversal solution

1023universal yanamauniversal approach

1024uyun laylanmaregular bedding

1025uyun yatmconformability

1026uyunladrc mo- delldirmadaptable simulating

1027fqi yerdyimshear

1028mumi xarmacumulative withdrawal

1029mumi dyroverall costs

1030mumi geoloji ksi- ligeological column

1031mumi glirgross income

1032mumi hasilatcumulative production

1033mumi istifad n verilnlr bazasgeneralized database

1034mumi msamliktotal porosity

1035mumi neftvermcumulative oil recovery

1036mumildirilmi funksiyageneralized function

1037mumildirilmi hllgeneralized solution



1040stl funksiyaexponential function

1041stnlk tkil edn amilparamount factor


1043sulun tdbiqi hddilimitations of method

1044verilnlr bazasdatabase

1045verilnlr massividata array

1046verilmi rtpredeterminated condition


1048vint kib-birldi- ricisiscrew coupling

1049vulkan brekiyasbreccia volcanic

1050vulkanik suxurvolcanic rock


1052vurma qazmaspercussion drilling

1053vurma tzyiqiinjection pressure

1054vurucu quyuinjection well

1055vurucu quyularn fonduinjection wells fund

1056vurucu quyularn yerldirilmsispacing of injection wells

1057yan karotajlaterlog, side-wall logging

1058yan karotaj zondla- maslaterlog sounding

1059yan mikrokarotajmicrolaterlog

1060yan suxurxaranside-wall sample taker

1061yan zondlamasside-wall sounding

1062yata aan quyudiscovery well

1063yatan almasdiscovery field

1064yatan bir ne firmalar trfindn birg ildilmsiunit operation of field

1065yatan enibreadth of deposit

1066yatan gnbzicrest

1067yatan hdudlanmas (konturlanmas)contouring of deposit

1068yatan hndrlyclosure of deposit

1069yatan istismardeposit recovery, field exploitation

1070yatan i rejimioperating conditions of pool

1071yatan ildilmsi hququgrant

1072yatan ilnm sis- temideposit development system, field development system

1073yatan ilnmsidevelopment of deposit, development of field

1074yatan ilnmsinin layihlndirilmsidevelopment of field projection

1075yatan ilnmsinin tarixiperformance history of deposit

1076yatan ilnmsinin texnologiyasreservoir engineering

1077yatan ilnmsinin tnzimlnmsifield development control

1078yatan konturucontour of deposit

1079yatan qazlmas tempirate drilling of deposit

1080yatan quruluustructure of deposit

1081yatan mrkzindn ucqarna doru iln-msicrestal development

1082yatan lsextension of deposit

1083yatan sahsideposit area

1084yatan srhdipool boundary

1085yatan sulamaswater flood of deposit

1086yatan tmiz qaz hisssipurely gas area of reservoir

1087yatan tmiz neft hisssipurely oil area of reservoir

1088yatan tipireservoir type

1089yatan tknmsidepletion of deposit

1090yatan ucqarndan mrkzin doru iln-msimarginal development

1091yatan uzunluudeposit spreadility

1092yatan mumi sahsicommon area of deposit

1093yatan vziyyticondition of deposit

1094yataqdeposit, pool, field

1095yataqlarn formasna gr sxemldirilmsischematic description of reservoirs in shape

1096yataqlarn konserva- siyasconservation of fields

1097yataqlarn qarlql tsirideposit interference

1098yataqlarn tsnifatclassification of deposits

1099yatm raitimode of occurence

1100yatm raitinin mxtlifliyimode of occurence variety

1101yuxarda yerln horizontoverlying horizon

1102yuxarda yerln layoverlying reservoir

1103yuxarda yerln obyektoverlying object

1104yuxardaki horizonta qaytarlmarecompletion

1105yuxardan aaya ilnm sistemidevelopment system from top downward

1106Yura dvrYurassic period

1107yuyucu balqcirculating head

1108yuyucu mhlulflushing solution

1109yuyulmu zonaflushed zone

1110yuyulub dadlm tawashed crest

1111yksk debitli quyularge producer

1112yksk lay tzyiqli yataqhigh pressure deposit

1113yksk mhsuldarlqhigh capacity

1114yksk tzyiqli qazhigh pressure gas

1115yksk tzyiqli qazla sxdrmahigh pressure gas drive

1116yksk tzyiqli nasoshigh pressure pump



1119zolaqvari laystriplike stratum

1120zolaqvari yataqstriplike deposit

aadan yuxarya ilnm sistemi development system from bottom upwar