genius hour wava style -...

Genius Hour WAVA Style What is Genius Hour? When to implement? How to implement? Genius hour is a movement that allows students to explore their own passions and encourages creativity in the classroom. It provides students a choice in what they learn during a set period of time during Genius Hours is based off of Google’s 20% time. Employees are given 20% of their work time to work on their passion projects. With that said, genius hour is an enrichment tool. It can be flexible to what works bestwith your student’s needs and schedule! Core Curriculum does take priority. See the next page ! Project ExamplesPep talk from kid president 5 th grade project ideas Caine’s arcade What is genus hour? Genius hour in 2 nd grade

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Genius Hour WAVA Style What is Genius Hour?

When to implement?

How to implement?

Genius hour is a movement that allows students to explore their own passionsand encourages creativity in the classroom. It provides students a choice in whatthey learn during a set period of time during

Genius Hours is based off of Google’s 20% time. Employees are given 20% of their work timeto work on their passion projects. With that said, genius hour is an enrichment tool. Itcan be flexible to what works best with your student’s needs and schedule! Core Curriculumdoes take priority.

See the next page!

Project Examples…Pep talk from kid president

5th grade project ideas Caine’s arcade

What is genus hour? Genius hour in 2nd grade

Students brainstorm their passions and ask a THICK question. Ideas

for getting started found here.

Students conference with their LC and teacher to determine if the question is a good candidate for Genius Hour. Question form that we will complete together

is found here.

Students make a plan for their project. Be ready to answer

the what, the why, the how of your project., and who will your audience will be. Form for your conference can be found here.

Students piresent their plan to their LC, and


During Genius Hour students will research

using variety of sources! Internet,

library, interviews, ect.

Work on your project and prepare for your

presentation. Ideas for presentation platforms

found here.

Check in weekly with your teacher by

emailing them the form found here.

Present your project to your audience and submit your reflection form to your teacher.

How to implement genius hour

Genius Hour Brainstorm!

What do I wonder about?

What are my passions?

What is a problem I would like to solve or make better?

My genius hour question is….


Are you stuck?• Use the Thick or Thin Question Document• Ask your LC for input• Ask your teacher for input

Thin Questions vs. Thick Questions

The title of your passion project is going to be in question form. Make sure it is a thick question!

Thin Questions*Can be answered very easily.*Usually can be answered with one word.*There is not much discussion needed to answera thin question.*The answer can be easily found. (It is“Googleable”)*Answers are on the surface.

Examples of Thin QuestionsEx. Who is the main character?

Ex. Where does the setting take place?

Thin Questions start with:


Thick Questions*Harder to answer.*Needs evidence to help answer the question.*There might be many answers.*Answers have depth.*Need background knowledge to help answer thequestion.*Answers might be open-ended (“Non-Googleable”)

Question Starters for THICK Questions

What is the impact…What is the influence…

What is the relationship…What if…

What would happen…What could happen…What is the result…How can you use…What is the cause…What is the effect…

How can you change or modify…What could be done to improve…

Why… How…

Rough Idea of Your Thick Question

Adapted from:

Genius Hour Topic

Am I deeply curious about this topic? Do I

wonder about it often?

Is it a thick question?

Is it specific enough that it has a focus, but not so specific that there isn’t

enough info to research?

Can I imagine myself spending weeks

researching it and still be interested?

No to any


Yes to all


This could be the one!

Try a different idea.

Adapted from:

Genius Hour Question Form

My Genius Hour question: *This is the only part you need to fill out

before our conference. Have some ideas ready for the other


Does it need any tweaking?

What will be your first steps?

How will you research your project (internet, library, ext.)?

Be thinking of these things as you make your plan…

What type of project are you planning to present for your

Genius Hour?

Why did you choose this question/project?

Who is your audience?

How will you share it?

What materials will you need?

My Genius Hour Project Plan

What is my Question/project?

Why did I choose it?

How will I accomplish it?

Who is my target audience?

How will I share it?

This plan is flexible! Not static! You can change and

adjust as you do your


Weekly Genius Hour Check-In

Summarize your progress so far. Be sure to include new things

learned, questions about your project, and your next steps for

the following week. (email this to your teacher)

Name: Project/Question:

Genius Hour Final ReflectionSummarize your project. Think about what was challenging, new things learned, and any surprises while you researched. What would you do

differently or the same if you did it again? Did it inspire you to start another Genius project? If so, be sure to share about that too! (You will email or file

share this with your teacher when your project is complete.)

Name: Project/Question: