genesis 17:1-4 when abram was 99 years old, the lord appeared to him. abram would be the father of...

Genesis 17:1-4 When Abram was 99 years old, the Lord appeared to him. Abram would be the father of many nations. 99 Years Old Click for next slide

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Page 1: Genesis 17:1-4 When Abram was 99 years old, the Lord appeared to him. Abram would be the father of many nations. 99 Years Old Click for next slide

Genesis 17:1-4

When Abram was 99 years old, the Lord appeared to him.

Abram would be the father of many nations.

99 Years Old

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Page 2: Genesis 17:1-4 When Abram was 99 years old, the Lord appeared to him. Abram would be the father of many nations. 99 Years Old Click for next slide

Genesis 17:5-7

Abram’s name would be changed to Abraham.

God would establish his covenant with Abraham and his seed.

99 Years Old

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Page 3: Genesis 17:1-4 When Abram was 99 years old, the Lord appeared to him. Abram would be the father of many nations. 99 Years Old Click for next slide

Genesis 17:9-14

Circumcision would be the sign of the covenant.

Every male child that is to be in the covenant is to be circumcised at the age of eight days. 99 Years Old

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Page 4: Genesis 17:1-4 When Abram was 99 years old, the Lord appeared to him. Abram would be the father of many nations. 99 Years Old Click for next slide

Genesis 17:9-14

Circumcision would be the sign of the covenant.

Every male (servant, slave, or stranger) that is to be in the covenant is to be circumcised. 99 Years Old

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Page 5: Genesis 17:1-4 When Abram was 99 years old, the Lord appeared to him. Abram would be the father of many nations. 99 Years Old Click for next slide

Genesis 17:9-14

Circumcision would be the sign of the covenant.

Any male that is not circumcised will be cut off from his people and will not be part of the covenant. 99 Years Old

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Page 6: Genesis 17:1-4 When Abram was 99 years old, the Lord appeared to him. Abram would be the father of many nations. 99 Years Old Click for next slide

Genesis 17:15-17

Sarah 89 Abraham 99

Sarai’s name would be changed to Sarah.

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Page 7: Genesis 17:1-4 When Abram was 99 years old, the Lord appeared to him. Abram would be the father of many nations. 99 Years Old Click for next slide

Genesis 17:15-17

Sarah 89 Abraham 99

Sarah would have a son of the covenant.

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Page 8: Genesis 17:1-4 When Abram was 99 years old, the Lord appeared to him. Abram would be the father of many nations. 99 Years Old Click for next slide

Genesis 17:15-17

Sarah 89 Abraham 99

Sarah would be the mother of nations.

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Page 9: Genesis 17:1-4 When Abram was 99 years old, the Lord appeared to him. Abram would be the father of many nations. 99 Years Old Click for next slide

Genesis 17:15-17

Sarah 89 Abraham 99

Sarah would be the mother of kings.

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Page 10: Genesis 17:1-4 When Abram was 99 years old, the Lord appeared to him. Abram would be the father of many nations. 99 Years Old Click for next slide

Genesis 17:15-17

Sarah 89 Abraham 99

Could he have a child when he is 100 years old and Sarah is 90 years old?

Abraham laughed.

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Page 11: Genesis 17:1-4 When Abram was 99 years old, the Lord appeared to him. Abram would be the father of many nations. 99 Years Old Click for next slide

Genesis 17:18-19

Abraham 99

Abraham wanted Ishmael to be the child of the covenant.

Sarah 89

God said no.Click for next slide

Page 12: Genesis 17:1-4 When Abram was 99 years old, the Lord appeared to him. Abram would be the father of many nations. 99 Years Old Click for next slide

Genesis 17:18-19

Abraham 99“And God said, Sarah thy wife shall bear thee a son indeed; and thou shalt call his name Isaac: and I will establish my covenant with him for an everlasting covenant, and with his seed after him.”

Sarah 89

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Page 13: Genesis 17:1-4 When Abram was 99 years old, the Lord appeared to him. Abram would be the father of many nations. 99 Years Old Click for next slide

Genesis 17:20

Abraham 99God’s blessing on Ishmael.Sarah 89

Ishmael will be fruitful.

God will multiply Ishmael exceedingly.

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Page 14: Genesis 17:1-4 When Abram was 99 years old, the Lord appeared to him. Abram would be the father of many nations. 99 Years Old Click for next slide

Genesis 17:20

Abraham 99God’s blessing on Ishmael.Sarah 89

Ishmael will have 12 princes.

Ishmael will be a great nation.

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Page 15: Genesis 17:1-4 When Abram was 99 years old, the Lord appeared to him. Abram would be the father of many nations. 99 Years Old Click for next slide

Genesis 17:21

Abraham 99The covenant will be with Isaac. Sarah 89

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Page 16: Genesis 17:1-4 When Abram was 99 years old, the Lord appeared to him. Abram would be the father of many nations. 99 Years Old Click for next slide

Genesis 17:23-27

Abraham 99Abraham and all that are with him are circumcised.

Abraham was 99 when he was circumcised.

Ishmael was 13 when he was circumcised.

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Circumcision would be the sign of the covenant.

Page 17: Genesis 17:1-4 When Abram was 99 years old, the Lord appeared to him. Abram would be the father of many nations. 99 Years Old Click for next slide

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