general presentation of ipast ssqfit, cast, cwt technologies

Image Penetration And Stimulation Technology (IPAST) & Solar Sonic Quantum Frequency Infusion Technology (SSQFIT) A Paradigm Changing Technology

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General Presentation of IPAST SSQFIT, CAST, CWT Technologies


Page 1: General Presentation of IPAST SSQFIT, CAST, CWT Technologies

Image Penetration And Stimulation Technology (IPAST) & Solar Sonic Quantum Frequency Infusion Technology (SSQFIT)

A Paradigm Changing Technology

Page 2: General Presentation of IPAST SSQFIT, CAST, CWT Technologies

Image Penetration And Stimulation Technology (IPAST) & Solar Sonic Quantum Frequency Infusion Technology (SSQFIT)

The Matrix Effect technology is based on a comprehensive series of frequency arrays that manipulate energy and matter through quantum physics.

By employing these frequency patterns, we have witnessed scientific anomalies that blatantly challenge existing thermodynamic laws.

Page 3: General Presentation of IPAST SSQFIT, CAST, CWT Technologies

Image Penetration And Stimulation Technology (IPAST) & Solar Sonic Quantum Frequency Infusion Technology (SSQFIT)

The Matrix Effect technology has emerged from several scientific disciplines to include:

•Cymatics •Bioenergetics


•Solar Physics

•String Theory

•The following ten pages will show a very brief history of some of the scientific disciplines that the Matrix Effect has emerged from.

Page 4: General Presentation of IPAST SSQFIT, CAST, CWT Technologies

Image Penetration And Stimulation Technology (IPAST) & Solar Sonic Quantum Frequency Infusion Technology (SSQFIT)

•Cymatics is the study of wave phenomena. It is typically associated with the physical patterns produced through the interaction of sound waves in a medium.



Page 5: General Presentation of IPAST SSQFIT, CAST, CWT Technologies

Image Penetration And Stimulation Technology (IPAST) & Solar Sonic Quantum Frequency Infusion Technology (SSQFIT)

•The term Cymatics was coined by the Swiss scientist Hans Jenny (1904 - 1972), it is derived from the Greek "kyma" meaning "wave", and "ta kymatica" meaning "matters pertaining to waves".

Page 6: General Presentation of IPAST SSQFIT, CAST, CWT Technologies

Image Penetration And Stimulation Technology (IPAST) & Solar Sonic Quantum Frequency Infusion Technology (SSQFIT)

•One of Jenny's early experiments included a circular vibrating plate of water containing fine particles. These particles then formed into 3-dimensional patterns as the result of the audible frequencies applied.

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Image Penetration And Stimulation Technology (IPAST) & Solar Sonic Quantum Frequency Infusion Technology (SSQFIT)

Jenny's more complex experiments include using fine particles and projected light to create geometric patterns depending on the frequencies he chose.

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Image Penetration And Stimulation Technology (IPAST) & Solar Sonic Quantum Frequency Infusion Technology (SSQFIT)

Royal Raymond Rife was a brilliant scientist who was born in 1888 and died in 1971. After studying at Johns Hopkins, Rife developed technology which is still commonly used today in the fields of optics, electronics, radiochemistry, biochemistry, ballistics, and aviation.


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Image Penetration And Stimulation Technology (IPAST) & Solar Sonic Quantum Frequency Infusion Technology (SSQFIT)

Rife identified the individual spectroscopic (frequency) signature of thousands of microbes, using a slit spectroscope. Then, he rotated block quartz prisms to focus light of a single wavelength upon the microorganism he was examining.

This wavelength was selected because it resonated with the spectroscopic signature frequency of the microbe based on the fact that every molecule oscillates at its own unique frequency.

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Image Penetration And Stimulation Technology (IPAST) & Solar Sonic Quantum Frequency Infusion Technology (SSQFIT)

•In 1934, the University of Southern California appointed a Special Medical Research Committee to bring terminal cancer patients from Pasadena County Hospital to Rife's San Diego Laboratory and clinic for treatment. The team included dozens of doctors and pathologists assigned to examine the patients - if still alive - in 90 days.

After the 90 days of treatment, the Committee concluded that 86.5% of the patients had been completely cured using Rife’s frequency technology.

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Image Penetration And Stimulation Technology (IPAST) & Solar Sonic Quantum Frequency Infusion Technology (SSQFIT)

In a 1905 white paper Albert Einstein proposed that energy and mass (matter) are interchangeable; they are different forms of the same thing. Under the right conditions, energy can become mass, and vice versa.

•Quantum Physics and String Theory


Page 12: General Presentation of IPAST SSQFIT, CAST, CWT Technologies

Image Penetration And Stimulation Technology (IPAST) & Solar Sonic Quantum Frequency Infusion Technology (SSQFIT)

According to string theory, absolutely everything in the universe—all of the particles that make up matter and forces—is comprised of tiny vibrating fundamental strings. The only difference between one string and another is its resonant pattern, or how it vibrates.

Page 13: General Presentation of IPAST SSQFIT, CAST, CWT Technologies

Image Penetration And Stimulation Technology (IPAST) & Solar Sonic Quantum Frequency Infusion Technology (SSQFIT)

All particles and waves have resonant patterns associated with them. Pluck the string of a violin and you hear mainly one tone. This is the string's fundamental resonant pattern, or frequency. There's frequency resonance in objects that aren't musical, too. Your desk has resonant frequencies, and so does a flag pole, and so does the Earth.

Page 14: General Presentation of IPAST SSQFIT, CAST, CWT Technologies

Image Penetration And Stimulation Technology (IPAST) & Solar Sonic Quantum Frequency Infusion Technology (SSQFIT)

IPAST & SSQFIT Scientists have spent the last thirty years identifying the frequency patterns of nature. We currently have thousands of master frequency patterns that can be transposed to any frequency range from infrasonic to gamma. These frequency patterns, and the thousands of permutations available to us, allow us to match the quantum coherence, which is virtually all matter and what is beyond.

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Image Penetration And Stimulation Technology (IPAST) & Solar Sonic Quantum Frequency Infusion Technology (SSQFIT)

We have discovered that we can use these frequencies to dramatically alter existing technologies as well as create new ones.

•Our special frequency patterns allow us to:

•View pathogens and microbes in our microscopy equipment with incredible detail and actually watch them enlarge and disappear depending on the frequencies we apply.

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Image Penetration And Stimulation Technology (IPAST) & Solar Sonic Quantum Frequency Infusion Technology (SSQFIT)

•Provide our bodies with energetic environments that compliment beneficial cellular growth or;

•Reverse inappropriate cellular growth such as parasites, viruses and tumors.

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Image Penetration And Stimulation Technology (IPAST) & Solar Sonic Quantum Frequency Infusion Technology (SSQFIT)

•Unlock and decode conventional digital, satellite and diagnostic imagery to reveal previously unavailable information.

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Image Penetration And Stimulation Technology (IPAST) & Solar Sonic Quantum Frequency Infusion Technology (SSQFIT)

•Utilize our unique and powerful frequency imaging methodologies to pinpoint natural resources under the surface of the earth.

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Image Penetration And Stimulation Technology (IPAST) & Solar Sonic Quantum Frequency Infusion Technology (SSQFIT)

•Utilize our frequency imaging methodologies to locate and manipulate electromagnetic fields, ion and photon clouds and eventually control our climate.

Page 20: General Presentation of IPAST SSQFIT, CAST, CWT Technologies

Image Penetration And Stimulation Technology (IPAST) & Solar Sonic Quantum Frequency Infusion Technology (SSQFIT)

•As we have presented so far, the Matrix Effect has a variety of applications. Each application requires specific methodologies that are proprietary in nature but we can provide some simple scenarios for the purpose of understanding.

•Once the appropriate frequencies are determined for a particular application, we have developed methods to infuse, or combine them with bio-samples, our bodies, satellite imagery, and various laboratory equipment.

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Image Penetration And Stimulation Technology (IPAST) & Solar Sonic Quantum Frequency Infusion Technology (SSQFIT)

• Think of it as a satellite signal being used as a carrier wave for our own use. For natural resources exploration we have developed methods of infusing infrasonic frequencies that allow much further penetration into the earth’s surface.

•When these are combined with higher Matrix Effect frequencies they provide our monitors with imagery that is far more detailed than conventional satellite imagery.

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Image Penetration And Stimulation Technology (IPAST) & Solar Sonic Quantum Frequency Infusion Technology (SSQFIT)


Page 23: General Presentation of IPAST SSQFIT, CAST, CWT Technologies

Image Penetration And Stimulation Technology (IPAST) & Solar Sonic Quantum Frequency Infusion Technology (SSQFIT)

The Matrix Effect is not a widget that can be put into a box. This technology consists of the following:

•Hundreds of patterned frequency files ready for transposition to lower and higher ranges.

•A multitude of methods and techniques to combine and infuse frequencies into our bodies, products, the atmosphere and diagnostic equipment.

•Specific algorithms that have been developed for each specific application.

•Proprietary techniques to utilize our patterned frequency arrays for the collection, energetic filtering, and compression of solar particles.

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Image Penetration And Stimulation Technology (IPAST) & Solar Sonic Quantum Frequency Infusion Technology (SSQFIT)

•Many of you will remember how the “Cold Fusion” fiasco in 1989 that shook the world. The worldwide reaction to the possibilities of Cold Fusion—a possibility that was decades away from any useable form, were astounding at the time. While the idea of cold fusion was aggressively debunked prior to any logical evaluation, it still represented a paradigm shift in science.


•In comparison, what IPAST International has now in the Matrix Effect poses far greater implications for the world. The technology that we have in hand will permeate and affect every industry and every economy in the world. Our technology affects all matter by affecting the energetic environment that creates it. We propose that you keep in mind a much broader question than “what can The Matrix Effect do.“ Instead we propose the following question: “How will lives change?”

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Image Penetration And Stimulation Technology (IPAST) & Solar Sonic Quantum Frequency Infusion Technology (SSQFIT)

•Summary: The Matrix Effect is not a technology that will garner a small percentage of an industry or market. It is difficult to compare the economic potential of The Matrix Effect with conventional business models. It is realistic and conceivable that this technology will completely alter every industry where it is employed. For example, we know that our DNA Imaging and Imprinting Technology alone will completely revolutionize modern medicine—a trillion dollar industry. Within a few short years, doctors, clinics and hospitals alike will want our DNA Imaging Technology to help them better analyze, diagnose and treat every disease and condition known to man.

•We believe that a new worldview is developing, one that places more focus on the human spirit, the power of thought and the convergence of physics and consciousness. It is our fervent hope and prayer that those who share the urgent desire to develop and provide the many benefits of this technology to the world, will position themselves to collaborate with IPAST to create a win-win-win situation. The world is waiting for us.