general partnerships in cyprus

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General Partnerships in Cyprus


Page 2: General Partnerships in Cyprus


What is a General Partnership in Cyprus?

• A general partnership in Cyprus is a type of legal entity in which the investors – who have the quality of partners, not shareholders, conduct a company together, having unlimited liability for the debts incurred by the company.

• This means that the partners will become liable for the company’s debts with their personal assets.

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What is a General Partnerin Cyprus?

• A general partner in Cyprus refers to the person who owns the business and who has unlimited liability.

• A general partner can act on the behalf of the company without receiving the approval of other partners.

• A general partnership can be incorporated by signing a partnership agreement, in which the rights and obligations of all the partners are stated.

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The Partnership Law in Cyprus >>

• Partnerships in Cyprus are regulated by the Partnership Law. 

• The Partnership Law is part of the Cypriot Civil Law and it distinguishes two types of partnerships:

the general partnership the limited partnership.

• The Partnership Law recognizes the legal relation between the founders of the partnership, but does not recognize the partnership as a separate legal entity.

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>> The Partnership Law in Cyprus

• The activities carried out under a partnership in Cyprus are distinguished from the activities carried out by companies registered under the Cypriot Commercial Law.

• Cypriot general partnerships may be set up if the following three conditions are met: it must carry out a business; it must have at least two partners; it must have the purpose of obtaining

a profit.

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Legal Aspects for a Partnership in Cyprus

• Partnerships registered as Cypriot limited liability companies under the Commercial Law are not considered general partnerships.

• General partnerships may have a maximum of 20 members.

• If they carry out banking activities, general partnerships can have maximum 10 partners.

• Our team of lawyers in Cyprus can offer more details on this matter.

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Register a General Partnership in Cyprus

• In order to register a general partnership, a written statement signed by all the founding members must be submitted with the Cypriot Companies Registrar.

• When registering a general partnership, it is important to know that the partners will be jointly and separately liable for the debts incurred by the respective business.

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Registration Statement for a Partnership in Cyprus >>

• When opening a company as a general partnership, the partners will have to provide the following information:

the partnership’s name;

the nature of the business activities;

the place where the business will take place;

details about the partners such as names, nationality, residency and business occupation.

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>> Registration Statement for a Partnership in Cyprus

• The document should also contain the following information:

the date of commencing the business activities;

the contribution of each partner;

the authorized representatives of the general partnership.

• Our team of attorneys in Cyprus can offer legal assistance.

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Consultancy Services in Cyprus

• Investors can receive legal assistance from our law firm in Cyprus for other related corporate aspects.

• Our lawyers can help foreign investors to reserve a company name, as well as for various aspects related to the legal system applicable in Cyprus.

• Do not hesitate to contact our law firm in Cyprus for any legal issue you may deal with.

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• For more information please contact us at:

(+44)203-287 0408 (for international clients)

[email protected] 11