general medical conditions

General Medical Conditions

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Post on 23-Feb-2016




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General Medical Conditions. Heart. Circulates oxygenated blood throughout the body to the working tissues. Lungs. Transports oxygen from the atmosphere into the bloodstream, and releases carbon dioxide from the bloodstream into the atmosphere. Kidneys. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


General Medical Conditions

General Medical Conditions

HeartCirculates oxygenated blood throughout the body to the working tissues

LungsTransports oxygen from the atmosphere into the bloodstream, and releases carbon dioxide from the bloodstream into the atmosphere

KidneysFilters metabolic waste, ions, or drugs from blood and expels them from the body through urination

Ureters and Urinary BladderStores urine

LiverPerforms digestive and excretory functions, absorbs and stores excessive glucose, processes nutrients, detoxifies harmful chemicals, secretes bile (neutralizes and dilutes stomach acid and digests fats in the small intestine)

GallbladderStorage for bile secreted from the liver and secretes bile into the small intestine

Gallstone: caused by cholesterol, blocks the release of bile

PancreasSecretes pancreatic juice which is critical for the digestion of fats, carbs, and proteins. It also produces insulin and glucagon which are hormones that control the amount of glucose and amino acids in the blood

StomachStores and mixes food that has been ingested

Small Intestine20 ft in lengthMost of the digestion and absorption of food occurs here

Large Intestine6.5 ft longChyme (ingested food mixed with stomach secretions) is converted into feces through the absorption of water, secretion of mucus, and activity of microorganisms

SpleenServes as a reservoir of red blood cells, regulates the number of RBC in circulation, destroys ineffective RBC, produces antibodies for immunological function, produces lymphocytes

Male Reproductive Organs

Female Reproductive Organs

Gen Med ConditionsPneumothoraxPleural cavity becomes filled with air that has entered through an opening in the chest causing the lung to collapseHemothoraxPresence of blood within the pleural cavity resulting from tearing or puncturing of the lung or pleural tissue

Gen Med ConditionsKidney Stones (Calculus)Composed of crytalline mineral salts (calcium, phosphate, uric acid) that form in the urinary tractArise when the kidney is supersaturated with salt

Gen Med ConditionsUrinary Tract InfectionsUsually caused by staphylococcus bacteria or chlamydia

Gen Med ConditionsFood Poisoning (Gastroenteritis)Results from infectious organisms (bacteria of the salmonella group, certain staphylococci, streptococci, or dysentary bacilli) that enter the body via food or drinkStaph infections usually reside in 3-6 hoursSalmonella infections reside in 24-48+ hours

Gen Med ConditionsSpermatic Cord TorsionTesticles revolving around the scrotum after a direct blow or coughing/vomiting

Gen Med ConditionsRhinovirus (Common Cold)Transmitted by droplets expelled by a person via sneezing, coughing, speaking or touching a contaminated object and rubbing your eyesMost last 5-10 days

Gen Med ConditionsInfectious MononucleosisCaused by the Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) which is a member of the herpes groupRaises the risk of splenic ruptureTransmitted through saliva (The Kissing Disease)

Gen Med ConditionsRubella (German Measles)Viral DiseaseUsually occurs during childhoodSx: Temperature elevation, sore throat, drowsiness, swollen lymph glands and red spots on the palateRash begins on face and forehead and spread to the trunk and the extremities

Gen Med ConditionsRubeola (Measles)Often occurs in childhoodCauses sneezing, nasal congestion, coughing malaise, photophobia, spots in the mouth, conjunctivitis, fever

Gen Med ConditionsMumps (Parotitis)Viral diseaseInflammation of the parotid and other salivary glandsCauses malaise, chills, fever, headache, painful swallowing, jaw pain

Gen Med ConditionsVaricella (Chicken Pox)More likely to occur in childrenUsually contagious for 11 daysSx: Slight fever and eruption of a rash

Gen Med ConditionsAsthmaCan be caused by a viral respiratory tract infection, emotional stress, changes in humidity, exercise, noxious odor, or specific allergensSpasm of the bronchial smooth muscles, edema, and inflammation of the mucous membrane

Gen Med ConditionsCystic FibrosisGenetic disorder that can manifest as a type of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, pancreatic deficiency, urogenital dysfunction, and increased electrolytes in sweatMaximum life expectancy is 30 yearsSx: bronchitis, pneumonia, respiratory failure, gallbladder disease, pancreatitis diabetes, and nutritional deficiencies

Gen Med ConditionsDuchenne Muscular DystrophyHereditary disease where there is degeneration of skeletal muscleOnset is usually between 2-10 years oldSx: frequent falls, scoliosis, postural abnormalities. Usually affects the hips, then the legs, and finally the abdomen and spinal musculatureDeath usually occurs before age 20

Gen Med ConditionsMeningitisInflammation of the meninges that surround the spinal cord and brain caused by infectionBacteria may enter the CNS through the nose or throat following infections of the ear, nose, and respiratory tractCauses swelling of the brain, enlargement of the ventricles, hemorrhage of the brain stem, high fever, stiff neck, intense headaches, sensitivity to light and sound, and progresses to vomiting, convulsions, and coma

Gen Med ConditionsMultiple SclerosisAutoimmune inflammatory disease of the CNS that causes deterioration and permanent damage to the myelin sheath that surrounds a nerve cell axonUsually affects people 20-40 y.o.Exact cause is uncertainNo cure

Gen Med ConditionsIron Deficiency AnemiaRBCs are too small, hemoglobin is decreased, and ferritin concentration is lowSx: Decline in performance, burning thighs, nausea, ice cravings

Gen Med ConditionsSickle Cell AnemiaMostly found in African Americans, Native Americans, and Mediterranean populationsIf both parents have it, the child will have itIf 1 parent has it, the child will not have itRed cells are sickle/crescent shaped and have less potential for transporting oxygenCan cause clogging of blood vesselsSx: fever, fatigue, pallor, muscle weakness, pain in limbs and abdomen

Gen Med ConditionsHemophiliaDeficiency of any clotting factors in the bloodNo cure

Gen Med ConditionsDiabetes MellitusComplete or partial decrease in the secretion of insulin by the pancreasSx: Frequent urination, constant thirst, weight loss, constant hunger, fatigue, weakness, itchy dry sky, blurred visionType 1 Insulin DependentType 2 Non-Insulin DependentAssociated with obesity

Gen Med ConditionsCancerCondition where cellular behavior becomes abnormalCauses: viruses, UV radiation, chemicals (tobacco), alcohol, many more

Gen Med ConditionsChlamydia TrachomatisMost common STI in the USMales: inflammation, purulent discharge, painful urination, traces of blood in urineFemales: Most are asymptomatic but may experience vaginal discharge, painful urination, pelvic pain, and pain/inflammation in other sites

Gen Med ConditionsGenital HerpesCauses itching, soreness, women may be asymptomatic in the vagina and cervixNo cureGen Med ConditionsCondyloma Acuminata (Venereal Warts)Produces nodules that have cauliflower-like lesions or can be singularGen Med ConditionsGonorrheaInfects the urethra, cervix, and rectumSx: Tingling sensation in the urethra, greenish-yellow discharge of pus, painful urination60% of women are asymptomaticUntreated gonorrhea usually causes sterility or arthritisGen Med ConditionsFemale Athlete TriadDisordered eatingAmenorrheaOsteoporosis

Skin Conditions

Skin ConditionsHyperkeratosisCallusesEpidermal skin layer increases in thickness with constant friction and pressure

Skin ConditionsBlistersShearing forces produce a raised area containing a collection of fluid below or within the epidermis

Skin ConditionsIngrown toenailsNail grows laterally into the nail fold and enters the skinCut nails straight across

Skin ConditionsAbrasionWhen the skin is scraped against a rough surface

Skin ConditionsPuncturesDirect penetration by a pointed objectImmediate referral to physicianLacerationsWhen a sharp or pointed object tears the tissues, giving the wound a jagged edge

Skin ConditionsIncisionsSmooth cutAvulsionsSkin is torn from bodyBruiseEcchymosisDisruption of superficial blood vessels

Skin ConditionsImpetigo ContagiosaBacterial infectionMild itching, soreness, eruption of small vesicles and/or postules that rupture to form honey-colored crusts

Skin ConditionsFurunculosis (Boils)Bacterial InfectionInfection of the hair folliclePustule becomes enlarged, reddened, and hardMost will erupt on their own, releasing pusDo not squeeze!

Skin ConditionsAcne VulgarisInflammatory disease involving hair follicle and sebaceous glandsWhiteheads, blackheads, papules, pustules, cystsNot a result of dirty skinMay be caused by sex hormones

Skin ConditionsTetanus Infection (Lock Jaw)Infection of the CNS caused by the tetanus bacillusSx: jaw and neck muscle stiffnessCan be fatal

Skin ConditionsTinea (Ringworm)FungusTinea Capitus (Scalp)Tinea Corporis (Body)Tinea Unguium (Nail)Tinea Cruris (Groin)Tinea Pedis (Athletes Foot)

Skin ConditionsHerpes SimplexViral DiseaseHighly contagiousUsually transmitted through a skin lesion or mucous membraneBreakouts may be contributed to sunlight, emotional distress, illness, fatigue, infection

Skin ConditionsWartsEnters through lesions that have been exposed to contaminated floors, clothing, fields or other wartsVerruca Plana: Flat WartVerracu Plantaris: Plantar WartCondyloma Acuminatum: Vinereal Wart

Skin ConditionsPsoriasisCondition that causes itchingCause unknown, but there is a genetic factorOutbreak may be caused by infection, smoking, drugs, climate, hormonal factors

Skin ConditionsScabiesCaused by the mite Sarcoptes ScabieiExtreme night-time itchingThe mite burrows a tunnel into the skin to deposit its eggs

Skin ConditionsLice (Pediculosis)Head louse, Crab louse, Body louseCauses itching

Skin ConditionsFleasSmall, wingless insects that suck bloodCertain species transmit bubonic plague and endemic tryphus

Skin ConditionsTicksCan cause Rocky Mountain Spotty Fever (RMSF) or Lyme DiseaseSx: headache, fever, malaise, myalgia (muscle pain), rashTo remove ticks, mineral oil or fingernail polish is applied to its body and pull the tick off by its head once it pulls its head out of the skin

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