general background intervention and solutions: 4 case ... · pdf fileintervention and...

Structure of presentation Development agenda General background Problems Intervention and solutions: 4 case studies Odi Moretele: Landfill sites (waste dumps) Durban Metro Waste Durban Metro Sanitation education Ungwavuma: Education programme Lessons learned Conclusion

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Example pageStructure of presentation

Development agenda

General background


Intervention and solutions: 4 case studies

Odi Moretele: Landfill sites (waste dumps)

Durban Metro Waste

Durban Metro Sanitation education

Ungwavuma: Education programme

Lessons learned



Impumelelo awards

Impumelelo identification of projects that work towards these effects

Reduce poverty in South Africa

Best practices that improve the lives of poor

This presentation looks at 5 selected award projects in the Waste and Sanitation Sector

Participation by ordinary citizens, in decisions that impact on their everyday life is at the core of democracySouth Africa’s transformation has brought with it a flurry of legislation aimed to facilitate this participation The objective is to deepen democracy & to improve the living standards of the poor.

The methodology at a glanceThe problem at a glance

• An estimated 15% of clinics & 12% of schools also lack sanitation

Facts Two

•18 million South Africans households lack adequate sanitation facilities•76% of these people are in rural areas • the majority use the bucket, traditionallyunimproved pit toilets or the veld

Facts One

Many factors have contributed to these appalling statistics, primarily a lack of institutional arrangementsresulting from South Africa’s divided political past, scarcity of water and geographical mismatch of demand & supply for water

The methodology at a glanceThe problem at a glance continued …...

• 1.5 million cases reported ofdihorrea in cases of children underthe age of 5 years of age

Facts FourFacts Three

The most defining element of poverty is health: resulting in diahorrea, scabies, gastro-interitis etc

4 case studies offer practical solutions

Legislative framework

White Paper on Basic Household Sanitation, 2001

•Sanitation improvement must be demand responsive and supported by intensive Health & Hygiene Programme

•Community participation

•Health for all, rather than All for some

•Focus to date is on water bourne sewage and sanitation and not landfill and solid waste

What can we learn from others?

1. Odi Moretelelandfill project

4 case studies

5. Ingwavuma education


3. Durban education


4. Durban solid waste project

Odi Moretele

Transformation: waste dump to organised site


Poor condition of waste dumps: local government and housing in Mbatho took iniative to upgrade landfill sites in a creative way that was people responsive - driven by one individual

Transformation: waste dump to organised site

Income generating recycling activitiesNotions of ownership and responsible citizenshipOrganisation capabilities of committees strengthenedLearnt experience of co-ordination between NGO’s (Sisters of Mercy, Muslim Foundation, Sisters of Charity, Private operators and community structures

Poor condition of waste dumps: local government and housing in Mbatho took iniative - driven by one individual in local government

Transformation: human value

Jobless scavengers to workers who are salvagers and have a place in society

Environmental transformation ……...

Health hazard, dirt dump into organised site

Environmental transformation continued

Health hazard, dirt dump into recreational safe place

In summary


• local government


• private operators

• community structures

• community

Health & hygiene improved

Cost effective waste volume reduction

Durban solid waste

Problem ……..

•Municipal boundaries include areas where there are sub standard services

•Budgets have not been increased

•Problem is how to provide services of the same standard to 180 000 more households

Local government restructuring

Vast areas which were dirty and which had history of services from province which were minimum standards

Operationalise new workload ……...

23 contractors service 180 000 households

Umlazi, Lamontville, Chesterville, Cato Crest, New Dunbar, Inanda, Ntuzuma, Welbedacht and Kwa Mashu

Cleaning in township areas is co-operative relationship between Durban Solid Waste, Keep Durban Beautiful, Mtshali Sipamla Association and Munitech Joint Venture (engineers), Contractors and Waste Management Task Groups

Job creation and poverty alleviation

Income generating: 800 jobs createdEmerging contractors have pty/ltd or cc business entitiesHouses cleaned at R14 per household

We don’t want to stay emerging forever

Durban sanitation education programme

Problem ……..

•Poor hygiene

•High costs of maintenance due to blockages

•High costs due to vandalism

•No buy-in from communities

•Health and hygiene hazards

No awareness or education

Residents unaware of their role in management of sanitation

Education programme ……..

Interactive - schools and health clinics

Mosveld sanitation and health programme

Sanitation and educator programme

Mosveld responds to inadequate health services in area

5 hospitals in area (each with between 8 - 10 clinics)

Hygiene problems, diarrhoea, cholera and gastro problems

Linked to sanitation - not washing hands, not using toilets

Sanitation and educator programme for students

Sanitation programme Water a real problem: dig water from mud in the ground ….also people selling water

Collaboration between NGO, community & hospital staff

1000 toilets have been built in dwellings

30 learners per pit

Provision of pit latrines at the schools

Clinics upgrade and identification of community needs: count/census

Struggle as funds reduced: most schools don’t have toilet facilities or water

Educator programme

Main objective: to educate students and to keep them in the area

2 open days a year at the hospital for schools (teachers and schools inspectors) and community

Educate teachers and learners to take Higher Grade subjects

Educate about aspects of medical service

4 students taken per year

The students sign a contract and give back in time their years of bursary

School & community involvement Learners need exposure to hospital at early age

Amakosi is involved. He gets R1 from each householdPrivate sector: companies approached (audit important)Medical Association for Black South Africans (MEBSA) involved -mentorship with students

Collaboration between NGO (Amref), community (Nkosi, sanitaiton committee), hospital staff, schools

Mosveld initiator and supports other hospitals but Bethseda now stands on own feet

Requires co-operative relationship with Department of Education

Open day starts with Std 8: expose learners at an earlier age

Students find it difficult:coming from a rural area into university in a city environment: political pressures, recreational and so forth

Understaffing at clinics: nurses going overseas - provide incentives for staff

Huge area and staff limited Must be people you can rely on. Think of a man looking for a wife or a wife taking a husband.

136 community health officers in the three districts) who teach hygiene and health

Teach to be self sufficient as there is not capacity to be taken care of by others

No jobs: gardens important form of nutrition

Also adequate mother/child care

Nutrition, hygiene, immunisation

General problems

• Unemployed always remain unemployed and unemployable: mostly were employed or some history of employment: are they first in the line?

• More communication and interaction with the community: story of dead animals, of trashing pavement etc

• Lack of support of the community for the project


Three themes that emerge from these case studies

1) Co-operative relationships between local authorities and communities

2) Private/public partnerships

3) Sustainability: problems and solutions

Beware of ……...

• Community structures: counsellors, council structures but dangers here too:

– patron/client relationships– family/friends– marginlisation of disabled– experience of jobs for youth but

preferred age 25 - 40

– Sustainability: building in long term rather than short term contracts

– Sanitation committee in Ingwavuba disbanded: threat to tribal authorities

– Contractors task team committee disbanded: threat to councillors

– Choice of business models: Pty versus cc. The Pty obtains better credit. Co-operative: works if real co-operative but not an employer as is sometimes the case

Selection criteria

With high unemployment and competition for scarce job, selection criteria is important

How to get around jealousies: egtask teams that are respected might be threat to councillors or tribal authorities: be aware of these

The methodology at a glanceLessons learnt

Lesson four

Co-operation between departments & spheres of government

(eg Department of Education and Health in case of Mosveld)

Co-operation between NGO’s, private sector and community structures key to success

With community structures, have intermediary between councillors and community: eg sanitation task team

Ensure that job creation projects are not

hijacked by politics

Lesson five Lesson six

Extend workers role tobecome educators

Sustainability depends on building human skills and strengthening social networks

Lessons learnt continued

Lesson one

Co-operative relationships between community structures and local authorities as well as community.

Special attention to tribal authorities, councillors: political authority

Role of the state: UIF, workers compensation, protective clothing

Lesson two Lesson three

Training in all aspects to build on interactive teaching techniques, theatre, humourSelf reliance to empowerEducators to hand over and teach community how to become educators

PROJECT GORGONZOLAProject GorgonzolaUmuntu ngumuntu ngabantu ………..People through other people ……..

Questions & answers